Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1931, p. 3

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TEE bod ndui a ton £WH-ITBY GAZETIE e CHRONIC LE, THURS51YAy, APRIE 16, 1931«PG HE sesbrohsrood an Oay a tong Thse Dr a1 B0n represented franchises il Whltby BowltBliviIle, athe weakest 1mb itu the chaIn, another 0 rliinli1Y fur brother- and other Places on the làkS shore. 11ev Mr. Lindsay declared. The bond. AI 911hIl brodigai anda £ID aw came, wIt the tirt qu6stion innsr, hi ler forgavehlet aa y> thegospel wth tire second. i eeart T0017 ma adesie~ 'YI Theroule00 dee90inA U liiht B _ - 1 RA'L ieres Christ drew d lng oIl natiga$lalhAV LIL;IIY~ fUL inoitcy Of Duc brothera o in isres.bepfha iuil afogclng spirit D ASNI Tif El 1'IAR li .The tiret was Lazarus, the eXenllled iroher tao t 11 hI. ?J.ojIr# Ib*I T Outcaît at the rich mantsmgale..1W0 arter TH wlsb tisaI the vos-id mitelgtai ~ail and it .,..Y. 1,he pallier asn mJI5 (Contin d from page 1) Bee ils brothers In dîsîresslai0rt chat seek s" thce flnster ecm ,nrtu I4morecand,.estiOn were usaed ail tl, bip thera, soferingf r bobohra e htc h ed m 1 1up w ih t tnis t Maubib centuryCane iedor fths 1es ade t hezed. lsh t Of the IodIiÇ11> - SAith lae a dd kawPhyslIcao d l O"' ."-," orlSamarilan, le heipell th-mi' un l e i ate andge M. ihe sae deciored, adding It cobhed an eft bel0sleby l <otad fro ae Iýeel so Wo necessll or50ray mae. r. wOo 011 i e- manIs, Tate and Co., cotian1ngle c's e p n l ie t r lb el 0 o l . W e O f t h e se o d a y i f t h e w o r ld v d s p o n s i i l t y e s P a r t t b e lp t h e b u s n s s f o r sa in e e a s t i il h e~I f E U ~tda or se lu nrellsbut racagoîe true Prîicîlesm'n who h aillen ameng thlevces Irecoeved the appointmient 1051 5i- wear a lnkdtaotdflaethoîecothDa e t en tury. Roc. hi. er 0f Deede for Ontario Mqlmt]O, E .M_________________________________Lndsay sta .atU lhl eep-w lchpsion h rtIl en1l i ______________________________________________ e a roecal service Po-deaib. Oiialsd r tmveecntwýece For many ysacs deceasps! 'W5S ail gond, Et as tbcy wUeo the an active worker ln tise WlIitby b q a mprta L tt 9for usOto do woo Mthadint Tabernacle, 15W, thse it pîf and belp 0cr bru- United Chorch, and Bsrffldase diss ther Ilui Ju s o wn way Our leader and superintendent aItlhe brother asethe halons cf cnt- Sosday Scisoot. Sace Vbnrch oeldl e al ertlold U ihe vas a membat' at the t ndemn clthlng food, -ho Cnited Churcis Session. * aelm s Bits sYupatsy ole humait boaran ThlosM.Dye s mn I.~~~~S ~ha toucisa enkind tbicid helaecrriymneasa a fromn a ru ara. or00 f rong Christian chaectr 5ud NI t ~ co ni~kindy sit Me made iv$re. vrS know Mc. Drydes, wass la glOW a warm and true friend. Rel~fmle g~eo b tra au. OWC1 h&,Lhe wesî taand rrfrom rsmI, -h Z .o d sb.fletire a n d fo r a il ho a d a s m ille £a n d iliusIi'ns blndly grsetlng. LisOs s l. o ~ U III1ILjjj OrvliIng are tise aged wlidow, -d jtesU~1 focueriy Bessie J. LAudn e o 111 11 i:IA -[D ct: one son, On U J l I f I I L I I t e ; a n d w e d a u g h t e r s , A d il a & b d. ~ * - , deat of enather son, Mfars14, Fonially ti OVer Plant about aa lb. agis, narked 1the Siret luOh -eeks the Ctîzens ln ail walka oetIII t- ~~~Phiî Franchise 1tendeS ta ferI wlo Ait Frachie ob place on Saturds>s afîdeSeatl. MARATHION "BLUJE" 18 an entirely Thse serviceettehug azt lTe shage s plntasd i- oceS bc new and better anti-k nock gasoline ii hang eand a rs the Oshawa, assistaed by 11ev. 'A. Il. selling at the regl a gaÏ priée. (It's pcapery0, i aa pocatcd hy Sanderona, Whitby, snd 11er. !Ur. th.Ontàl ors Gas Company MainTotoanIdfid the only Canidien made gas of its Limltsd,a a o iary 0 or heCtli-of the farnuly. lies Power a 1 Light Corporation Tributs was paid by ]moi,, W kind, in fact.) MARATHION 6'1BLUE"P of Chicago. 'a Prolo d ae Irwin lis the Seceased, csfeenlce Machs, Aide,-,n L ,i e' ican engmde lis hia lnSly Christinmen m r and Cty Cie Macs, repoeenioag charc er and bis ser-vice Itmleofrles ony the ciiy, and e.E aeProst- rharh anS coemounlty. dentOf tre Oitar( Cand it preserves your engine's etfi- eral courts]î tb. CtIIIties Power 1lesg W. B. . Sinclair, KO., M.P.P., cecylngr and Lisht C ocation, mct and 1lOshawa; Frank L. Mason, Dicbawn, 197M M aterlnhuai borP oas -y icen., mailg t0e trosn- A.Dryden, Brioblin; W. J. Cotrell, e, ce, and oO0ptOs bOsi 0 Icnc.-.t . .(cera, bas .Just fil your tank with MAR.ATHON 0 TV the COU aunluise la 'salopcars., theu.a fer, f tise pc ècy, acoe81ned, Wtby, B U, ody h nsaty u a -ea always w rdaof parose for elanghain,.Iiek. eealed anilIvesred. Col. J. F. The an florai nferinge B UE oda.Thnsarrou a Image ae la weu carfid thnght i givente, clerseis, ci Oliclr w ho bas a1 entr s-butssta tise asteeausclrae -ad y u'l f h es Ilh- en CBoOres-timeon ug enta 's feea in charg of the 1l.eguil and of w'chthtisedeoeamsd vas 11.14 b> sc dItqnu.ea.c..,îi er'4rce n the n egotatii sfacrItue clIp, was ail classsof lisecomminn>. e s c a t I . s g a u s . B i f o f e r , e c f r e u f o l s y n b l u t a b e p r s e n t 1 T h e l a r g e a t t e n d a n c s at I t h ed r i v i n g d i f f e r e n c e ! illi JeaitrSo ion 'uferthefos-mtcansfcc of the l'u se and gravealds services vas Motica M-eLa h+ln.uik là siaaîag mel. t e ystcm on or lit ef the deaih of aise a tributs lis ene saw as W cim*...icth 4other makears harkig tlite enlenso 4bellng aiuraled by lIt ceathaulSouths Ontario. ' luainer- n a e. te ne com y, andthe dora- àt :1 pn »haeagou fSai ansy neslsabîn '61echange ln eau- Floral trîbstes vere sent tatohae__ au ap ore a fncy threasgh sonne une peint et hp bave éifral e a ie bchcor ss e Xa lueme b>' the Regisîr>' Office Mate uzarivaned vo e. ',,rilial ~~~~transi . Jus Ontario Shore o teCast>ofaOntario Law A"ocl icL-FO TN C I O PN IIf ;se Company Limuleutli as coins Ollon; OffIcIal or fteUle a-ppied y Mleillt Dà.md. :Mo eingChurccb the T, Eaton Cis lle blgasn Onaro cospoca- depas-luest;M.JS.Lno,,T aisetoçrcmam#0 liait, an o a s-e ri-oouîl grantas rento'Jdead lr At Noat C pmet deo..a- a,,'- .. a cf c ornie Partynbavtigsud r5.F. WraidM-,luî an h 'OiOir evls a>' c eel ssoedcd a edyand let. 'M-s. iD < as«f s>$4~qjij ie/~'/,~e serat ne ticelu h Mr-. Taie bisaI Whituy; Ms-. a.uncentJ. Mo ni re Sneta sis eue ced ceady tu)upersle the cas Zavîtz, Torons., A EDUî31îîI amccs'-test lay nov endier I oa-csbfe a , I& uiPBeteville by boat, tise 1 utiityan telais via th Or- anStrutfa.mmîyc.,Ci.,Tero'hnloe*n m bos-swee E Jne A GeULIRI 0F Faimerty aq bhri arrId outinLerrynNEDont uftela Pswer' bptise polie ndng wts h ;a i aacoetebyltntht 4GeeV-4PIR R N s-ef . .....im " dea n cTse. trulirofectise con Ia us broihece asce ascoasen Delly 18 corsi 1h01 Itcon hbexepand- pln 1927 ho' watt 1 Iflly ntrPI-1e c a e H as g s-e,ëdpset îluo sluabisaboat vesea Wisss tnn o ar cr f h SMNte uoyns colothese t ra ts ie mssa r,1a atae ura iebyT b IflJJIJI lI snransîg isCoîilOI- ts-sMenthe' t01prisonnet so udated wittb vaer. aoon ulttrite eveopient ofthegagNEWfiAtes-AW la o ves- Asuuuciation cf mbIts Police Magltrate McCaugbsîorin ,-',Yeroacd tisipl Soultes-, oetitis anl lit d .9oclomce 0ftiscoer WUg 9E lienw rn FAIhomea nd Oooe luce remailedOite H A T C H M O T O R S A L E S e1a e» .m 5 Ob c s- o i eé 'liaJ. j'lY , c c cl eu on le b y ln a fi ais Duidas Street East Phone 299 Wlitby, ont. the Lake Onlaco eluore. Bsn. E. H iii anUAiorat ar iterpaiig heegle.ANVv Tale u,, ltc Preeldont of lise Co M-tise iegotiatltîncsud instelise- FISHERMENg EPLS oýIf d Oîîu blowlog wihmd h flIes paoý.It tlie cilter' ufftersehave ICantInued iriapage 1) pa-alien cfrte ocîuemsîfsor tetueBleil.Satngotfi fi9Psto., lisout pewer. FItOIý!ýND O ýRD-_vr 'lo.Y ENINC 'Tise t tîOturIylm la okîCCo cOq elling Sa s a Saibes- of lise otSboas-S01fand Gag isibucton oScuteMo (Continuai frein page 1) SIes comiasionere ,wbicis bas froam the Ps-vic ed tse H E P. HLLS bc a5ts parts ln tise play, ns great lae île lngebea rePiaced by tisaPub- C., as momber of te rdl couacvi ors bad ban>'si tise prasent a ý,lie Utillitee Comissiaon :adha In 1928 and aosaafmmber ef tise or a ea ffaee tortunsess-ved Part et tisatUliseas chair- 0Comnfritise of oflelal, and elslssoo uevth Itle village and go nsua efthliseboard. unla 928sho s-ta wviicitise matler waaa efecced -- holseotage anS sîs-aso but bild,' Insnedla tise oit>' cauncîl as as un 1929. 'siced, pacîîcsîarîy lise man e ldermuan. bu el re-e4 i isa luIntisa elecîton inleor1929, 10 laed playssltisa pas-t et Chriet et agate afles- ans ysac's service, taise tisevote of tChuaiosa dc- lutl>'yesrs.and lise eigmtaeir- a terbntsetulapublie ulles isas tas-s sa tise bho Iaa foc thepur- - tut ~~~~~~~~~~fgirl wvoisinlerprsied. tise ru alasbeen tisebeseaiM-csaeolse001uîi 0tcdste o O asytie ishe- f hrst T Caan'.public servie. la 1927. tribaitianeemYste I otutl pttu clas-r es- t01 o ni>' ean-iseS 5t1 h u iss ba Cents-ai Ontaio a Pse nen t pas-t on lise piar titt, s t C,-,- e lg i i g s e v e a l o f t i s a c o t r g : c l s i - t l e p - s l i n n p a i g i s " " ' ' _ _ ' aolsg sene islis pI>' ut eb Aa etietaîon vi torsehanv.p-U n odaIysi at ,[ t ir homes, vises-e heaonS bis, a 0il Ic iîcs ha atiti bolie In Cisainier ai 5 elsameror ipllalitp talise gracions and, û cc h n th sa a Pb1laI h anagnt raiz h 1 2 . T ish e oa n is a p a y e d t s ~ . . , sntiselits h a a ' h i O n l s c m o e n l it g î e, T e 1Chr atfî i.s s ni nyy as- tIltlî;s Com mission s 8 creeled s a: Çh ecr u lu t OC15 i'4 hlo. ire, andSadtise lectures-a,, idstirges Syslems, Mc. Cenanî vas 19289,"h">"' a s "s cîy al to lisfac releced ilR aait .On~etfth isail-t feurcommssion- past 'sud -SOC eahrialf îho nepi gce lected, bis ter engfrtva SpaIalSot o nCuîîto M ofer for quick cleasing the following 9ood uaed Cars. They are afl in fisst. ha lepay.,jCbonises-ce. Mr. Conant bas been s in Mas-ch.« ie was e ici cý a Pllml11111nt figure' On itulinceplîonodîceclor «aod l4t uIt Oloiset cia,,. echanical ftIfdiof, wel tired, s nd sunninff Wel . coline i and &et Rer. Mr. Hunier described la IBIS, ha vae elected first vice- ondes- Ms-r. 1W VMi Iauîgîiîît i. the. hep t dmiauge tissats-s visra tise play' Ps-4sISueand iaI5listat office forWha iecame t, ident hee %Ir th ha ooe tageS, accommodatîng ise CWi ylra, O n 193,0, lhe sas eisc- iicLughli cc Mrtt1930 andpeoaple, anS tiss-onav @ a se s dpsean~sd serveS a Y r 1.- in M-.Cant oi,.lonautîCO tIellO t lerai sereen vieva or lise buillSiu' t t 0PAcity'ietore selring tram ea.desîmnîtite,,îcljlýd seaisea verai af the ailos-a a~ i thchais-. 1.Is le@11 a memiies- aiposition so. eeil, 1931, h'On scenea lai tisavillage.Psanalit thboard-ofaitlectss-s. lunlise -as- ho relIs-eSaFi f s1 uau, sut ce î e 1927 Bidck Coach al iedsr e lis te vasi-b 10 8-199 Mrc~,apei rY .i5.b uS- Cbisclte laost fo i a uba fs-osetlise startiseen one Chamber of ,t in01cr,' itn,0 i1929 Plymouth Coach cdeys, culgtise Last Suprr ate ot active niabe.And.wfar.etorC, ',ifgýrt8r ' he 192E Pontiac Coach naî b

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