Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1931, p. 5

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a- E~~ WHITBY GAZETTE &i CHRONICLE, THURsDAY, APRI4 16, 1931 PG sud when about leTeflteen yeara fNTCIIT ------------------------.-. lEVI tg a e t Canada, scuring OCET CBDOR work lith the Tweedlo brôthersICJIiI'1'l 1tsecia fWIUnlace 31%th farm. now kov as *Twin- Ielsn C o c rbo~aaj~ .c itllât I tre= lIra." - ]Hrs ha workied Ail pagi fl n moetowlla [1 1 1 1 for twaty-4ve s'ocra, ntoving ta hi r C o cer AflVIL'TI 04G Tuker agaîi iteTOaDO A N8j55 Whitby about twenty rears ago. Whit' laVfIjjJ ukr te ot o e O nario. GurIte No. 1 and Dr oyNUi adSa M5e was employed for a nsaber ùtdvead who, died on oe about Whithy et tthe Countyy of theiI Guarnîee Noe Iitgit dad Doy Body dBir iab Macifatnr Company. in re- ~' " - recru at tino factory cfNITEDthoRCHatFh Sale «nd ro Real h îxoni dyc IanrA SOft Woond Stabat cao a limted quintity Geoeril M li.s*ecs' R .Curh h TO LT-Seven roome hiane, ail Sentd u ta tise underailed SoIol- AaUA mcmi Wall ld on Batuîday Friday, Apd24th a8 . convOfllgncoesle houe n litrae tor for1 the jgennir no o c-Al u tveJnt I MO t te, l at red, Byo Si. Suh osseiond tore the. second day of May. 1981, eorolng fot St. lienredenco yr. Ct Auspice ofthCoiAP ' c 0 A OhrI' Iier masP.R . .. fim .iOl N. Hill, Ringr St.Poo foul particlco'.t of thlir cil IOi. 5 Fo lpa b nd by Roe. Father W. J. Hygin. The REN-Ofue rolm, aIî day orgy, 1981, the "seOts orifoCaal lse, Pcaots omt Fo lp r suervice ws attended by a large JEAN CDONALD, Entartainur, Toronto. unvnecc aae, a.ratm.11p~te eeiW bot diaittriuei ofbe ofri frens luemei LMOTOR WAaltRE'T, csaer Buin M eary &bf whlch ti u enlo.4 SlCler i~!£4 oiae andOR casai QUARTETTE itee, ooeoeoea R Phone Your Order O'onratrr Sulicva erde Streets. govei n 9D gardon toeo for the, Executur @hallhnUU Moiflîlîn. soi~~~~an garage. $26 a luonth, payable hae oîi S Y *fO E < 0 1 15cselt @arvait by blIs wl. DR. S JEYMOTOEY aîoeWhtyfApi,12.itb dow, thre. daughters. Mne B.TGMEY Biens.s &hty BARRISb, ~0fArl.10 .Stea sh.ip Luke Mrs. May Bragg, 0l h MRS. E. KCERNEY, Solo Pins OSLrà $ CRENT-rylFVE ijartioes da&C.e, oo 3 Wi Linei * li t y our Sons, John J., wIls thse The C under direction of Anthlur Lp'nde wiI aldn unestmu hnsnenes CbAr rodone7o boug n Byrnoere Oshawa, O1ntll r o. - . Clnark Aroi MIs e ines utmetr fort thwa utr. Espion d Mamo. loa;nd William, James asd tinree prepared slto.WSture oi, Byreonct. Northo. o orteExctr Am"Done ici Aret . Moie, W. SiRgo ÏT ynehus and N th. o _______________ ~,For Dennîs aIl 0f Whltby3. Children, 25e prmap adudfur;i-lc OdSALVATIONJIT TO SPEARI liq , 35e tE-O00 huua md tiel TOW< 01'WEI! bath; ait conveniences; reanonabie -Notice et SOWglitibft B .I4w Thealul Ciy ana trne fY nt rent.uwit iay yuu l se lBas- Notice in hereby given trala et fo oms~~raa Youn g afn man aett befure rentîng. Phone 260.-44 Biy-law va pssaet by thse Coozitil AeEe tonk c e Èon-toh-si'ya Ol TO itT-ROOM ot the ToWfl 0f Whltby Ontl tl wept lotoaevertex ut gin uni utriped ue. Striped regimnotal col- brick cottage uon bigbvay. i th1 day ut Api, 1931, litavlding for C... et Agent abhtte, hefore the uoenpeetteen mp. ors y an hpaes dcomutîin for miles. eAppl Jr Eht. $10 pcar 5th isuf dboutre teth Ch. P . YRL :tlons Prisenteilby cityire. ae ,a Thea l Naews os ant becus triaare dcoratie nd ontile eAail ai, . $10oon aor i CIiu $25:00 feontr teDr hWy Teel h aeMrai GI.OSI W-quiet Phon 105 r i13. pose ur paylsg for extensIons and ag ndWHAdrdhebl apr A WIDOWI DilATES iysternNRia TURR sAobODS tii Watth tbeocîîytaisoat gir. Ayoung gi recenly throngh LYNDE-At Lot 6, Con. il, lteach insuRadWtutOs- Syeie fi the sno ByOffice vould have heen, If she had nul scboul, narried elr.guardian, a mari Tonship, on Tuesay, Apnhl 14, Apl belonnu Oalt fotre elteei Ritise D11eg.ty -offthe ade friende wtth monte young peu. inany years ke sninloy who in alh- 1931, Chares Alfred Lyade, be-. Apt uCnn & Anola, Baria8- for the of Ontrio Dvon f the da pie vho, tade tîyhe iaat, ware Doi ma~ic, dyspepl i irritable. lve son ut Mr. ani Mie. WalI- tae ,aaOlro oCd f sitnlonth 1da goni. Evil practices are infections: Hem marrie f turne ut ub leleydae 2yae tr e h sae Aymti n 1 e081.orme MirY seen found hersîl in trounhie .Cta c urs au IF; menth auni 7 isys Tise fun-PSUEF O T-An seice tsine s an tIlset it5 and sadideniy loin bier job. Pleasares arc eoed bier Narrow oral viii tuke place train th PASTnR pAs RM f Rm 0aresT ast der mustee Maneo rt thre W hiâshe fait the diagrace ur ber mis- aidt nlw spmtrle o anîlly reeiience an Thu dis ad te 28 inin 31 e, aw t-hot mnt hi ie wthnts step, and iser apirit vatt oearly tut. AprIl leth, 1931. Service et ost Lot 20, Cunean oai, andl O atiti n tie fndcamt pu9le made FljjLes. One dap liaever, ber In a few yea aie fioda herscif a the home ait 2.80 p.m. Inter- 0erflig tPen Afp tehae Ld oh@ft8irous nifs ead WHITDY HIG'n$ SCIdOOL PlIlght vas imcrovered, ici ehe via ividon-with i mil loa dollarsancd mont lu tionerîl Cencîery. nyrtliturai pl uL hrcir REPO T tuen o a uivîlan Amy ama 1uaqeahb euuyaot .- F. Rica dnr, Whltby, Ont, Dateti tlsa Stn daY of Ap ril, The raiuiîs of examnations heud She remabosid far several man ' h anie ing _id dance; DRYDEN-At Wisithy, Apnil lith, FOR SALE-OIIEENHOUSE. 1031R. PRBT sn the achol necestly arc ai lui- uni vas ccred toc la body coul crave., gyal0 d excicteont, smnart 1931, a orge William Dryoden, rluiing one andl une Quarter acrs ONR RBH UIyuh onvie aplit. cloihes anti j teIs, cosîiy mai00,, dearîy beeeoed hiashind of Bals- ut laid, modlera brick dvelling Cek ono hty orSmddWo Fom V--Fncnch Autorm--M. Mt- Mary. etîli sntier Army auper- romance anti a 0010r .aie J. Snowden, tbis qits ygar. hugce. Sylenditi eppomtuslty for CirTv fWhtsyu h dd ho Arihnu 93, IL, Odînno 93, K. Lomax vIion. vent to a job. S5e Sas iearn- Anti so abe i for Paris aboaci florfît. Sal clovn payonent. bal- 87, H. Levîtie 92, J.,'arker 80, J. ci hr leceon and taila le aîîîicg a awanky liar, oninglea with Sapie- CONNOR--lo Wiiby, on Wednes' ce easy torme. Apply R. D. TOWN 0or WIMMY "lIl hav'e it wlth hot snilk, HacConneit 79, K. Tionpoin 78, B. aioug :plen1dlilly.u tîcauos aI tino continents, icase a day, April IlS, 1981, Jobs Cou- Rnudr borrlater. My d.a. iés~a bit cbilly out Chapoman Il. C. Webster 75, S. Lame- The Poiecst vorbera or the prteetioui i toui an Paris anti aoc. bsloved huebuni cf Lydia '_______________Notice ot Reglatifl or cf lilav oars, ccd 1 wsnt gomcthing ler 65, J, etc 6Z, 14, Osborne ai, orgai atint devote their tlme ta leains aboat leu lotm a clever Wiiitter ge ailat6 years. Notice la hoeby given tiat a 1. Brawle5, . White 47, C, Wac. Iotervievlog Itime au asi aopposa yoaog attomry ànigbc club acco, Wanted Or-liv vie pume 1ev tise Coun- !0 wUTIi me lp. t cmtiols ;oIt Be~ ~1>3 betame tise honch coi uleai foc c Ruggii min tioît antia Spaeuh TORDIFF-At Breailin, as Wc4l- lATe~mînn aniecvI l tteTooo iî ntei r.et th. way yoO can Faon IV-L.atin Autbars-R. Bird thos for viion theY coneidor leni sn ing toucherFÃŽ1)111,oe- a needay, April 151h, 1981 VI- 'g ok0f aIg dod AIl vmIs Inn le leo.f debenî19n, rsil terv Shedbehets 90,F. oigtan 7, t. Lvu tic eoY, ani cire te lie mare bene- n asa clier affate ai the l1, Tardi itb day .i Apiti 1981, Av]în seveSredd hsîa Gc 7,V.HaI 1,3 cCinok 6,tcllthan apisoan tem The hecurt do aul oc aiun suaccesiuion, but Mar ,7t M ~aate.ilyFoaAh Street, satuent et $7,500 for the parliosvl W. Gordon 64, W. Iikr6ýl iilaeul,,ihtersatbt year. P'arifo te lfmliy ot pasylng for extensions uni la- usiul.cii>cte >' i- Weianoy 64 D. Pringiloi, K. jack-' whlh ti activlty la carrîi on, nOie filds hers4$î osiangled in ntce resiiesme os Friay, Apil 17gb. CUSTOI HATCHINO - One hion- provemente to thml Bewerage idesrnc'fo sn5,P rics 56, M. ýlerrianâ 54, Spa005btbYo heefcie-rdcl cuntlicain (lit abc Service at the basse ut 2.80 p. tirai 5c, 5010 44co, 1,000 4c. Wieeon, .yala uni luit engin By-Iav visco hiAdblmrte H. Stian 52. 0). Deviasi 50, P. Lt'JYetuti nerwit'so Wa i 0l5 tht ti.voi tter ire por )pom o 0 9 lb i vie38, D. Stainton 34, .9 Mantel *JYeietivtsleiteaeof Sach are htogaioî aiWa Iueuei aOeeîd e. the nmotice). Phn fo1r (u thgsemi ie Reg Dvstion Of tfic havrelmin Seed ti Whio 3 2 , C . e a fi e d 3 0 L . C r n 2 2 h d e l i n q a e n t s . t a T h e A r a y f r o n a W i d o w l " 4 u i a S w n o ' e U -0 S1 c t o r c h e rs a ir a ) .- p a - e t ! C t o h O n l ta r i ' Do in f t ay n e t f e a u e l i s w m ta FomGVadVEg onoi h ors United Sîsîrsqonaiyloffecn o USWNR-IIpybgetCui fOtnoo the 8h day o edtikptrn AAdjutuat May Bridas, vhs la the sbÏiga oa brc ow W.purn lion-E. Bird 79, W. Boer 7, L . nai~ ml oaTeteo ahpiefrra us rt ro ,18.ad hcalthy in tbis kn l oi ra rersnai cie Tom- M osay Tur 1yci Vena phone for qautîllona. Stein, Winit- Any motion to quaah or se; Help Canaden rse iyb Latine 77, F. Rosalanl 75 S. Lawior no Wnmeaa CeuntW,,I viii ha ofe yi~ sud_________________________ edd 73, D. Pringle 72, Z. Gac ýi, W. Gor- lut Whithy os Wedneay avariasg Atpr 2, 2uaro M~i aduln ua muea byhn .aiet blsie oade prth tieme- ectseigTOSh accib5T don, 6, M. Masli 61, ' Hall 60, Avil 22, ni iii icver a mnails t aenau et Mis Seanon a n loba dns, o nIlemd îhntio ici dyyen W.Manng5R 14.8,K Iteetigpuliseeue n oic a light coînedy oic for the fret time g, lanTtDGirng atch aute lb.d Ils aduetto a jachuon 58, C. Webdm O. Dam ortvm, l l eon stoe, sievterî byeAI n Wlau faWtod bulbes for saie by Noramin Carnr, thereafiar. peand l asn fngL Ic 59, R . 1hie 5, .ct Incteig pu l, etronk soî, etf acedm S og , ia n itiset. ufnOaioi a this otice sda nof b. l monded M. Morris,,, 55 o 5, J. Mc- o Ocioci. lihersinging f thre mew sC onge by . ' 'I I ' Cfintack 54, C. meot H. Stein She basiles husireda of case@ Vincenut Yuni S, a otettable faîfubon EaU SPIAYING-Have your archard JOHN1 unFROT lta :1, D. Stamnson goX.tr 50. yaruy ln bar cSuh. uni Iha as bov oD nE Ibict ouotn îcol a-astcfaomle ONR -O lot 8, . Ghis 67 S tauu vii e ul 0faanc itrel -i show ofn Ma crocie Lang asîpouui by poec marsknd e l E. hobotae- ______ Forti i-Terni Staoiing4-B. Cas- dents @lSe vîfi relate on Weinaaicy c, luratet h Owen Moore, Levi w anhetl. houses anti bai-ns puintati Clark, Tovn et WisithY. >,I4; E. Harris 01.7; Ni. Smith 77.u; Indicative uft1he valse et sunh non "h 116 Diviio n St., Oshawa. Tefaphuna e.~01 K. Yccobosky 75.5; Wu. Richardsoo Baang.t tise unfortunate. COLMAN RE EAS 11 R No. 109-J-tf. EXECIJTOR'S SIEo 73.6; T. Bassoett 72; W. Bontd, 7:EF IM WTDýÀÈR05 _R Ã" Oit E. Anderson 70.3; E. Halii6 7; N Thse B*« Wcy SELYT IL ILM. or TE) oi ROtR 10AL VALCABL ISA.R. H.TeFdrindbsPaeleT kil topylgis 10c0 oretme eaIlg 10011 ohich cîa.iy Hy Tatts asarylne bat ne 1 84 .oho Larmne 67.7; 1%. M- Soeie vooa eeem otalt Colm 'a atteen Personat. B C. H. TUÇir1, OPT. Da. WîiMrii.Wib.nstr«oeI,Uç thaAe fBltorli Piky62.7; A .lOw n be.neyasu ln t7'o tu caa s.il.,.avon tieix, îuo --- '0 Ecuti 9 V.,., î* N. Wilkoa im.bPîyà 50k. tmct rte file. N"ec milo iat ~sl~ i Eelate, ofh leuts e su b.~Strgea 5.2 Jy Nittiet wo7 ylo lles e, But rog eî foran foasO l intbi hîgheît prires l oir talMrîn etna.t te eî lHAL TIEB N 61w,.ýtugs 59.2 J, HuNiiosr 58.4; tibeipsi er Butis nthon e. frendu hsîav bilatu, lne quit, rtil a. THE EYES INu MODERNu LIFE ktntu. Specatl prire far fat hine.s. by publie ani-ilua ct tbe prem Iseo TH WOE H W.i Eneryy se.6 ofle Hulleo 58.4; hav th in tr mneroc anpimariîy coscemn- Pa-n "Ill" Stein, Wkitby, Phase 81. n Satuîdîy Ille Second diy of EWOEWETM Lavtffery 557. ,ein 51i1. yo tensewudhv d wiub bis home anti n oin close Yet olctt vie couuîider hon o ,pleo May. 1981, at the iioule Of Three Mianna 52.4; M. Mîler 52.2; W Omno- coud tiii vîti, ber tumiiy by Long icotns ou tapou ldo ,cam on iile o lnl n'm the b aliamnoon tha toi- I DDifLSTOM'sYT o ntore 49.8; Mi. Stewnart 48.8, R.. Dru Distance. Il revîved lier Stsp - Tetttuliiaiottccr -9i sieple isa bacau, t bc ccly s AtdsfrM oigvlal rpry TEE HA OR .L lad 48.7; V. Vascelcy 4Ï mes@])y. Tdiion hias cain l the Ryal of ltrti exc r.s ias if pct rltI y Peehies 46.1, S. Ccrfaw 45.8; P Tba- ______________ ce toteRylaaiemrtri 5 Rec ofKNNY' CUICUR THR- FRTY AladSnuirt chot 4.1;A. ruean 3e;R. I)ete Whtbv onTburîdcy, Fr1. Ihoie riassedi ai maenir lla. atlas Bahb cblcks, caetera lîtîtbng bîg certain pacel or tront of land Clahe432; . ufnt 42; Bll WORLD'S W.CT.U. tlaya toi Scîsrtay, April 16, l7at' ysct ni edcei îsu praoction Leghorns anti Rocks ua v and promitsesotuate, Iylttg anti 3M1; A. Stein 36.6; J. Hactio 31 - CONVENTION 10 as iet motîît anti ronîccot, anti tention in their eumiy stages, tir otci- varlety intehiet ta order. . beiflg ils the Township of Easît 4; M. Crawforth 29.7; C. AI ttîaR Thto Worîtii Wuienas Christiant boteO, tcu bas us lieda a intiel spoai tt citrrecion. M. Kenny, Whitby. WSithy la the Connty of lOtaio. 26.2. Fmpomaioce Union wiI haitiilus -T ot actlonl ( titaa gai-b of Non ars ant lirritabilîsy ae an baoiSing camutosat nf th lletaoll -vnauon un Torosn an jnne ofthiis itOOtilt PitOtres has heos sport or re d uîiioote to oye, to, FOR SAtaR-Geiding, 1u yeane of veet quarter of loi numbr Il; le Thus ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý.cI tis 3ol' yccees r tteitleînî,iocniinbco ly riisg 2 yesnus. Slpnu. Tovnsips of Wltby, ureultO The Brochyille Recorder na meN'tcri araiaans t branchen Pt) tO lie ailut c i the tuiliers moare aggracatot anti iscmeaisoo- mei vcSpruyer, 1605 glos by aIneoanement, tifty aoce. lie Tis of Bîtorcy lilial, balie ho a1 ionntmas. Distiuguiaboti goî te 31- 1 tll quttti fu tappaing. thor ihau tiiieu cuusing lis- tinks. Abosut 80 has !pituismnacaoIa;AUt- foiloving of locsl Intemeat: tif vacîi-wito repsauion wiii autent i x 0tl trdu, ncîiaiiy barmingbone, comfutic au weIl ce inipuired vi t,, fond table stock. Iladloli. Bue, OI4DLT Ail and Singulse t toit "Biaeivilie ctîsens regret 4ue fronu ail the fira continents anti mou arrei lu 't-it - t iOet mcc in ant i tpairat vision ln Borne ofl tu ise, ciesa asok. In rsixture, certin parciel ut tract of unndatud depaitsne toiuy ot Mrs. Hetîy Ml. of thecoaecîe piotoot. Whiter .Ot sibt w1t a cases is a moTtasse mailter. i-ange of colami, my saelein, 30 piamisea attriste, Iyfng anti Otoitta 1 EXTRA 1 WITH EACH POUND 0F BURNS' E. B. Levis and daughter, Mina Mari. cy The Presieont, Anna Adams Cor- Plait' blatO tec at the unaaaryinR Oetly a Ifittie tbosgit viiior !id bulbe for $1.00 nepait. Liet of 80 uanpcaed SPEfA tEA ATil S9c ND 4 W -.Linsq 1à Beecher stîcet, wo odon nf Erastun, fl., U.S.A., wbose Hopnîîttt haoa ol. y tal u uo tOie aivanlages thai are varietia andi pce npiatin aries! ltte otl algbty Tt *r i ica.ve by netor le taire sp reI' distnueihet preteceasora moue, Latd wtdt îîaîo lin kv biaii beet in thi-cigîî boîtervion Genria A. A. on uppliculien, n ch ot af ftuiheTAR OURGA N SUE RE OT dence in Witby. Mfrs. Levis lite Henry Samerset cnd Pranoce platitiktîoiih0,nmtmlcln mrvtail soik soits Il FORle Roightme Aahbn, Ont.ve lis.e -AaOUi Hai ufA L c. tvth R IIGACPADSUE REWRr. SAEABUnd OSA Vilarala Concession of the imaît T,îtatt Deon un estimable meillent 't Wiiart. miii preaite ovr îhiî inter- uttiateti, mviae te Manutel. hout four. lei uaste oftciao asti enteirv ai' a FOsSLEiip ot Ruat WSltiiy In the i.tt 20 lu 25 CENTS EACH. Brockille for ao years. colmait oatiounal gatheming. Out ,it ft- tcyx, bic, To go vvii feelinmotf oninyment in vomis or '.sPruce lies, 4 ft. high, auo viel- rOtroaoe boere ut ao eariy aga fron WbIcla Ail the melieA ilb il nii hognr ,slceiacratott, usnteotwe bro n e fltdul sudi taklg a position us teae' the Rayai York otol. milite ailtîc. bau, elthc a stH vwhite are beînc titagget dlowi, frayer 'trace. Appiy Mrs. W J.nîsrtl, tleo ot lfhay Bino u o. o .Gl ei h inâ oky amn lu thse Collegicte Instituts, vbitu fa astersais tise maid-vide con. eol or tmire freutlyOti a soit one. rayer anti nei-veo. Bmsokio. ngt.nhwyaotilf- abus voisinait!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~e'We liei fbir etrig 1)vninlsagetevo o aaaHretebaktcs%,swyIiaiolecotne)btel h at of 8 .i imAl lins...2 for Ille Large..is .39c ber mectaneil hubad tiorg 'r. annduod aFra eniiyfrteOR SALE- -RED CLOOlIR SE ËD-. the Tovn of Wblcby LewIS ise vh as a purnor ut A. bl ( anadias W. C. f. U., wboueuacting APYWn odn eehn hr aago i Irlo , -'e al YUtegnieatce ml ot Patterson ln thins ofuno Levis t Presîtent ls Mrs. Louise C lc.Kin- Whftby a8 n 15. premises. AIo îtn 11,0 nni anebote Patteesen, inygoode mercaînti. fi nov, of Alberta. She milas the firsî »Ili ta hae th, tîtllîitig tîttoLoa.. . . . . . . . .ou S Miny Ieane. Mie Murjorbe i novas bo ait in a Lagisiatlna Hall lu 0~] I FOR BALE--WOMEN'og BLACK buildings: A utiî bct' a h ose "'le 4. V Ito 1b ti. .. .4 hvWIs va Aie c teacee la lth the British Emupire. She is abiy sup- giiu abardine clath starlng _t n nd oioe-hait atorloný higi '26 n 40 ...ston......e.9 Colleglt.e ostiîste noere fui se,' patet hy bier ecccllent axocutîve. On as new. site 44 Appl utll Gaztt test ufic ain tansr o0ne Ifor lntDthSts....2lâýfr2co la o oral Yer* andi onneî sncîî i; thesa vemesn, ast Os evrry maîhoer c(w Fo SpEB l fics Inulisfred s îsvs te tr b ory W.C.T.U. in Cancda, rems OJ BALE- lavn alsc rttidno'h i lis foi a couple of Feins agio. itlas ples the reiponsibiîity of caatmibtiuin- I o r ,lwn u iIiri ,re..-p 4 11tunt htMnLavis' netait] 10,000 lova-de the expenoos nI the Bons Dry Hadwod BICYCLE adB ytie.Ecngad pAN Tisre ar Not nî 124 0 fi tun ftt. 7.JcoseBtePurtcceCrkrî..p.24 te Dryovng aauu condsio Bcdb woc, Iei.-ag s ear i-e uaN.siîo t anN. 7 Mapte Loaf Farina...........p...Ii 23c h anvcicniinvii eonoasi sn-nos a large auna wbes l OdrNwPop eiey Mater friands hope vîît centinue comparei wi tise cuit of titc matou- 9oth Oshawa. the Piomp end'vi> 8. Lue. Reg. 25, pk0 'placon ...... 2o fort 39o ttt-ote Both Mne. Lewia and Mise i.emî. il7 of Convntios. sonr a largo sura tTh ouhObs ieest o, Lux. Ro oot ,kf "teaa ire duecrvedly pepular ioaa vidt te a gmeat counltry hlts Canada. Ta F *os Mi Fmd lctin. prore i a petiti o- ta s ta. . . . . . . . ................. paok Se t5c ccdautncs Founds Fa.ton La . iîo .0.tymi. 9.Crotfnx nt ot. . .ec etellc 6.1 anmanuca o ee cr01si obligatson, lie Usin han 1d Un8.id aI 1 I 1,0ON~. SATIItRDAY NIUHTr and laortlaooi lui i î ho - Id Ing ciarrîing uni gtaciaus iaposf isaurd Bonds go lie value ag $i10,0tWa a 'esu la a y la or riaar for building tO 1. Libby'@ Pork and Boa munîm suce. ._.3 for 29e tions, hoth bave made Mn a i lu ont e tnissios of ose dollar Phone 12 aWhdy ie vcilyoAmcrnetse EROi i tO'4 tIPoîBaFse........3 L. sund glacere ftnds vin regret earb. Tic osiy dividende vil bheb Wh t te. Fnder plais -a-r-tog reu o fThEri OP-tt,, t Opg.si.e t i e i r d e P r î r e . I n ea a e n g B r c k r e i z a t i u s o f t hl e e v e o p a e s e t f ~ S t r e F fi eo o e a e s B a i l jn t a l oe a ntii P o n a-a F l - ~ a ker , C o r n a . . . . ... . . .. 3 p lla s . o r 3 6 c ville for Wiiitby itra. Lavis saul Christian Taîpernco Womk. Tlnee ts etreet asti racaf e revint thirit' dam@ e 12't., oo .. ................1i.tn 3 b er dau e h ter vîli lie ucco apa ulati bond & r ai Sie purch asi.J b.0 any oO nee p o r' i l o sa i n t e i e t s- ocS o n r t e , A l e a o 1 o s o a n , as l a u u b l h b u c a eIt g YO e t E. Levie, vho vuli Se absent train honoar ni Canaduea mime for boa. al aVNT l FORte ST\H i II i\MI lova oven lise week-end. tialitv. Oprsîyfrceon laN Wiilcby. FORl la O vcli E Wucloet , I V Vomit', ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r lue a us o syTm _______________ s 0 Why ly Ianawtî aHA DO . Aller isavtog been is tallîna T lacs a beatat opotrt nifor he ton uW ELCMs -in'm .-t. 1"~ ---ewen L. 5 In Seit tn eenl onhu ise à ta onnt il. ci-- abt hi c Wul e oini ia l.. -iD~ TO tON*t'0'lt loatt bI 'A FO M uesgVa 2 îmogSea Tb

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