Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1931, p. 8

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i , p ~énl c~i5 p ,- cf*ri~il T1-4E WH ITBY GAZETTE & CH-RONIC LE, TI-URSDAY. APRIL 16, 1931 Selection of Cash Crops Big Problem_7ihis Season Viltiiot a donbt the btggeat problemn factng the average former bhis onnoon ea that of ratoing inoagl quicis cash ta mont fixed thargen, tBach an mortgage pop- nents, taxes, notes and other dis- .srbing Items, not te Mention losooehold bis.e whtch munt ho paid. rien tf other thtngs can lie Oiiîaad te tide until times lm- prove. The nid standtîys, wheoi tnd potatots, have not bienu nuffi- tient ln recent years te the lootd the tort and somethtug additIonat sa needed. 0f course ta certain limited oresn quelh npecinltlta, i sugor heets, tohacco. tariy venset- Chien, bone, eaostng trope and ethers have heen depended iupon. but tinte are 0f uitile henelit to tise genersi fermer, rpcrute g in the average district c- --."n whnre they ean he produini, ce- torna have net heen ait chiat was desirtd ln taito yearn. Onty the tooihardy wnuid sttempt the rote et prophet tu a definite way. Joot 00W wben manrkets are sa unror- tais and ln tarm oerattons par- ttcuimriy, whern soit. climate asti markiets cary aimssot with eery aitle, the job 0f pcedicting whai wti hapisen six moniien or a year bencq woulie be azardous tn te tie best ot tis. But a generai sommary of cash eropo cast be ai- tmpttd and keeptut ln mind te- cal conditions, lit migit he wnrth whiie for the Individual to look In- t tome of tbso. In meent yearns, ont et tht boni taaytng gesorti crnyn han ben buckwbtat. lu a goed season,.,5 busbeis par acre ta quitte cemmon return ef $1t.00 per acre. Thio ot course, ls nt t geti mine, but iTown ofl 1,,.Whitby f ANNUALý CLEAN-UP Take notice thnt CLEAN UP DAYS For 1930 wsiI cocnoence ~Tue8sday April 28 to piste a' wan subsnantia)liag,.boxes or Iiaclicthe eretlitne.I WM. DAVIDSON, t Csaicinan ai Streeta. WANTED Canadian and Amser- icati Postage Stampa prior to 1900. psetrably on oigtnaa ta. celopes. staasp cotietians bouffit torcfoasi. Write patteuaas.of chat pan have ta t. M. CHANDLER, 61 it ghland Ave., Tor-onto 5 s fuar Join Pifu " Mdaiu or Suillen. as there la lîttie lahar lnvaivtd, It c. decldip ybotter tta lotis of 'tiser tbage. Wlti thîs grain, at îith bariey, there la a splendid ep- c crtunitp te cinan ssp tht laud and if tht market le off tht staff mabes g ond fead, Tht laist observation clmo holdn gond for poe. Thougi ecit verp prafitablt as a cash pro)- position recently, tus crnp maheis a opienditifond. If ont hoist îigbt type et tand. Wattrisshe narbnt and Btolt attht rghlat it icitoies oie wmmii ioklng 1ito iiicb iiililptuteturnîpBahve roucnd o ready market at cery fuir ,icicciand lccohably mlght bn more iii.-iy crinnRare It lasMsot Im- pcrtant te bait tht rlcbt îority, ,ciiobir soli and te put an tht Cccet ln tbe beat condition. Wbieh chies net oieoa that a big field tur- cclp la wistlin Wanted. Turntpt lite buchwhtat, heti nf mhlch are ecion folrly lace are Bttndid thlugs tir clennn up tht land. In South western Ontarto, tht produc- tion ot mort caca for Bond purposes nieuli ha worth conaidtrlng. Gond quality cas biegMoWn there and ln the eoriy varletîns porticutariy Ibere le no rean Wby tht total Cenodian dnmand coufid net be tii- ni irom the odeotte oupsply. rîîîiug Itto tht blenlals. that ei ccepnsomn tit yeor for moxt- icaso production lb 1932, theru In a titoni eltorclieoand grasses. Cicanfilda aoi higi quality. ,iot eted b mont esenttel h are ai the linger a tbing uiayo don cbn freaini la tht Ions Whtrn them are iveedi. 0OnlY Once lu stenrol ceors ba ibere anytblng like enoogi roi claver aeei producen i) isu country ta ment the domestit de- maod ond evenlunasnusbn etmo coasogo whentht trop mat large there la ne dlfficuity lu diepotong et ILe At four or lIre bu,3esper Ocre ibis Is vnry profitable thongi ci course ouci, Ypltin. mblitpos- aible, ara not aimmyn the taon. Fveo With a obaieper aire, tmw- kVo nd ai arop ef bey. rmd clovnr oa wîrtb loohtog loto. Aisihe grec- tut bas beau bord bit bY the raies nte nUnited Statas tarlit ani tht ieetrietien et tht Europeaa mor- tnt swling tanewc totr!vn atait- tuf loto production attire tht war, but mhnrn It dont meli. and tbe trop lacelamai l UsutllYyseya tal iveil. lîbe nment tiover, u ctifci w bore the arport mortînt la alLo ery llini dsani prodîsi ieu rosi c-e overdone hoegb for this cliver ticere na a nîodly cco'oing dnmosîd and chule pricen ore cccv oui the oteld la mach biggnr thon wib nuit ithece. Aifaifae. paria c-ri nise argeiy tolluai te tht Uilted Sttates marbet and there la a stiff tariff ta ovoreomo. bu ei rslotly opoabîng, raturai chat croco tir senti were Mtost satltftcttry fost year. mnd Ct moieraîn priensa t miii aimaysolha ln demand. Timothy lo ctrtalniy worth csnoldnrtng thougi in tht pant much et tht Cantadien groWu Bond bas net bisn 1 nu enoueh ta bt Ottinfattory andthe Prîces hae beau w. Hoscevar. 5April showers eve-ry. day here" ihis nmodern iaundry data nt depend on nature tor Boitce amer. Science is soientl tic puobirem. and cvry7drap ut mat.er uned an ptnr tanoiiy cash in raiisofit. tead iaioog a triai wasi and mc as-ii guor- asten a ma iltlii off pleas- oct wten ysar bandit la ee- tnrsed oad ye set thse re- tuits, The wthite goods sa-e patIllInirly nti.cnabie in thetresnosry-whteoeols-aid Cire lnan arum.0f frs-o-nb ces hat atsY cuti bouse- 'tie tuiiy apiiela4e4 and 'iztita ln. For >Jourcou. cccsmes'haveemisi if. il(tklind ofgtmiipwamb cisc. Phone hasts7 ast 'r about oui 5-nesonable pr-teen--ate ttcopa"y ose uf ur o ent-ees irsve-sales. For mwlfft am-e ttie ata t e Joos-ESt. Jat ois i io-~a-.. Ph-nse8tut %lUithp pouah anday;esoemfcrtin bcb-175esu ode. 6Ave. _JointEau 7 itipsAr 1 r If s fied Inoit aetu bgod uic.'" tht. seaoon, It i ght lic cci business to sain il for'ueed. ichI ail these ton, nue basthatisic cc tiet and with mauy. tht addcccccui adatagaetfa boy crtp which a usually be exchongnd forc ici mucis desirni maiy cash, lice ici'( oficl lbwat nmphbized ccic;11 Opaning poregrapb. Ont word of coution tande cc through. With eîerythir e c la Olways o properelime te ',vilc'c ln thetlest oamed croita ccc ty, this la e uoly W 00011c . dUCen the flt. ivien c i, active. Trot we hier of teticcc, ici hnid tieir saladtoveceunîi c- anud mode more money buct cc- dic onet heaofethIe niber bacc c c- I more nomeroon, nebaq le cii ccc nta tBeantithe tuieSprodccccci c fait, o yeor ace, ted in snortc bock la 1929 and 19128. Thic'. cc wirth moee thon bot ba hip- Precating leer etoe. ,Fcccci-dcaýlý oui ni Ilve, ln the seetd b icucii- a( anp rate, the ccep soise ccc ccc adeentoce le tbe tati. IIENERAL MIUNORS DEALERS ARE NOW SELLINU YIJE ICARS Encouraging Statement in Addrest by Mr. R. S. McLaughlin Geierc ot îcor S leIeiro cc ii ci1 aneazocerave ecid1 cocêeycc" - c aotomoilses luises tg e i c' dc moeths (if ahcs ceircitn Il,,c d dseing ahe cccrrecciondiao , c"c i j tant yeiacd et t i' ensace tu..c, a reducîrdtlies'esied cr i,,d'%'c13 peretel.itlaa 3 ecaiidbv Vi>"NIic Lauglitin inccadeicii'le îcc otiicic ors ofCanadta, Lsessid in cc 'iccc tathe bor cerhan 25013 ic,ai ccîcîîicl led ie the G.MC. auditci ccccciciMar% Street, Oshawa, Frliay afteic o The meetin opened wib a luch-c con, afier ohici adiresoec, ccc ccc' c hy varis e cntiventoff Ile,l cc ccciiy intiadseg W. C. Herriig, icnricci salecamanacco J. CRos, 'c "Tf acte aed b usneos soanageliriccic MAI agee c C. E bleTavisi, venii pirtc and service nmanacer; 14. hi c ci aicertiiing manager; ceci 'N iicecy. sales ipromoionaa e i hise r c oici eci'. ic -'f ait]nialici oflGeurrai M-,s ci fu i al]cris ofl lie Oic.,'z ilci .icci'ic Hele eri i i i. ' i'i the -is' î bc' Fiserviiuc "., an ,n thia i'ese rccihi;ici!i andccAmuciticeiecloralic 'cci,, virsntie f the tiecci- "'"ici lie vainienbaiks; andithe in co iepieetaies of teeîiiFc Ri Bicchard, cane manage. crscdeci. 3id remarbed liaI thilt nai ic, i r, tome tbaO tbe dealers oni oleîhbd aii bren oreer in onemeticcc.e vîias meetings haeing hee c-ncen- licosof ahe dealers in oneic ciriici 'leofar a RSt . Melaughiis Mr. locLaugi ideesa, ete a -aichie ic ils cicîcia organitaion. ibe aci occ ,aiccMolrs of Con- ad c s t Ic ic'i'clis deasuntul liyaeIe lciii i iv nierchats of hibcca tccaliiicc, s. lliiiccitictheides ef ceciccîcethe dc-iil 'ctcesful. Wsab 1cei 1'c'ci ce i'eOur businesst dc, eailcerns must mabe( nii sicic cctu i i cbutiness. The1 id cia ,ftbe Ii. c stictk gaine fie -riacil cccc mueitshe sece i c -onitheIealrr t i c thi onstense, aoeil e r luccce nic' ictate ta thel ic lo ii t c cie ieans offCvs 'c eîccc fcc ehic,.e, itbad bree c 1,,c0icce ticmoule or- iecicccicicc 'ci y and diice PUBLICNOTICE The wilfuldeétruction of Public Proper- ty in the Town has become so' prevaltnt that the Council has instructed me to prosecute al offenders. The destruction of Buildings arid'Lights at the Town Park wiIl cost the Town about $300 this vear. Citizens are asked to co-operate with the Council by reporting A persons break- in-a windows or in anv way destroving troDertv either at the Town Park or at vacant houses. H, ~ .QUANTR1LL Chief Constable tii sae atndcedroccle activities ilo cciii ezon eann CouCaada. Thec(,tutu c'cc td sîccîti no copeese btaiiaie thce aiciofficce eficient, oui tic iv- sici cl(ifte doter ci-ivteathionesce icicbci lai becn ondecbul, saîi hie McLaaîhisa, qooting tahiccîs ticinleoie ii ew cors bai inîreaieci lhis cr cceri 1930i, ted tisai ati it snetoutîe ienumie ilof aci ciiar i deale' stocks bai decreascît cii nu mber by 13 pic cent, cuis otycor- snttîri$8W.000Xil leset an incesticcu ccrîei by dealers ia newcacr stoci Busess is on Iptoca I amsnot coing ta. aitipessitriine becane mîtahen if aie pasitbchutii cciii be a guide for the futur Necîbîr ciii b iaikbirtezy otisii. bcau e we mstifacetehie lattaof cci insc-idittîcia as tîciyaie.t'ý i do say s ii sîesicerssy thai 1ibi c, e tbal busiessi3latarot,, heic c i r tscacdo ahe beiie, osai liii iiitg ins iîecea hisadcdres I tujt ofl il ai elmtuet.M, llitiigcim id hte, cia cieceJc dtticucni n Deroit t iisc cric, evtic divisinofthe titt,.eic ioous kiui licol sij.ý.rccue i tic s le i i\Iacii ctc reduiltle lî,rica&t li)r i cc ticicili icyvil aund Miascii ..ý[ Oc.peuciita exccid the cccigini- c cc. n wbicc Aas luati ionai tct i c buiicss.W baveceiibcttscein 19, cani brunee ibatit ia mibci asigioo c> lt eai oui prhaîo Liie' "Mi 11, , i ing said. I lits c-c, hoeec, ciii bu a hiF-ii icyrîcîccei pear. Thecîcicci, ici ,eiakeri oc,iciti go taticle ccitt il' c-.,, cirseicicocise, picccu i,,i cccit bastaptcecithimgineationiî cie tuitipubcliii, aid Wi nitanil L l a oeil hietoda cîthout Irai ciide iicarcevas dominatlagthie boy- ci' iric, eaid Mr.let-ring. Ducîeg il ' cii ibthe o mntis of titis >ear. 2;icicc et ol ailtotorssoldin tsebc it %ciiof Ontario mccc Cheviccleis, uid ciils e oareat competioc i voli- ti c ecsIci 23 pecent. Twelee percent ,i cii i-ire aoid mere Pontic, wmul c cc tielsciompetitar in iesprîce ccivacici cceiny four percenci Me- t tiicie -Baiks reprenent 3.4 pet ccit cf ait tact noti. mile iis ear- ,ci ciiprtiioc numierci 2 percent. c ver cii ioithe crta oldin e hicb cilt clvice wereCaGdillots aîîd La- ciii. i cea General Molccacars crc dcntiitiatieg eîccy prieciats in i ectitcd sales et Gete iailie,,.s .)r th e vent turne c ciai titis c i102 Pcecent oc e litta cc , epôding prci "ifla a ,twcecia rc rdiritcc lher I"""c 5c tot ai'.,.nîdtas cUi 'c 1 lacs sales lie lice chue cidcrsappyrdfocrttir pcicd ci rerai Mitaisut'I'ac nias 1 50percent of i;ice saaud c,, c " ce Iscossiparod i cih33 lir ci l cers sali tor sic,.perîi' tiec cccciicn off usc ar sticks al -o 1, al.ciîy. Thilocicar sains 'ccciii ici .tury ancdNIici c ccci cci huotticadettercs ciioberci iir ticcidorisg tbi oepond- 'i cfi aty cor, ced the ch.-c"!l v-ire 493 tessthtan in i i cci, if1930,.wics cepcesens- I' 17'e"eofus snueral Mosors, 1Thoee ias nvnru a lime aicni i e n-it.u is.ip Oit.dealer . hwa lroic for ils years huai- cual Motice aesa Iý,lscccii cic ee tifr **a dite tiot is sot mais- tlccieiirf ,'Icilr carssac Mre;,,ii'ruteisa dangerijgqna for Hîeing. Inte hcecciic ccb ican e (irtic ciMilice Aboie, tht mii- adoptionîl ca xrlc deipc ittce frt oi ' "ci ,i maa intttatting its lia t,,hvî i 'l 1'le '- 'lec cr hel.ia ccr c , ,al cicilrseof-Gan- (ai delliic-I. c dc il " ici 01cils datîcasipciidig cen etca quarter cf t.opular iciitv n asis ic î i vIl l e iciicccic ut,.,:, s icmpconc its sel]- iigiilc li y th i i i r hs i, ci tt i ch cil, oi irc cb , 1iciorc, à ci cfral I 'ccc lie alcers areclnaa c, ci iii 'ci i,.i. iciandc-ith tcgood dealer hd'.1. toc ic cciiaind sriccîI ithinkabhat cIl ccccu,î î 'c'clcii eci ciîiî ear, andthe be- ccrcîclesîliccicitn "X i, Pcva îrt 2. c1 e l selitig lieu l'orthc rtti eu i nluhisl ca i x iii f I l-,c IIDONVIRDES MANI QVER JOBS LiIndlu" sSponge w«t. ton, Clock Win&*rs&, and Coin Riùner Londo-Th-era arc qseer jobs in Lond.s' jobsSherlock Holmes could neyr dielet by s glance at a moan's shoes, bis clothes 'or big hands. Spouge wntters, aippers, inndpush. ers, confetti cotîtees, dlock wisderu, pea sboalers, coin rngera and the Patient men whisait la little boots under Thames bridiges, paddting and waiting .for somtbody tc aiulu One bat ienathere tegayears anal tic only tbing he ever rcscucd mas à bat, Sponge mcttCtC rua ruimt a huchet ni wolt at racciracias and meC bookmnakers sponges. liippers are tht chefs of Iosdon's sîrects who Cook iaborerst foodad aiew tiens ea strong enough to tohe the paint off a batiieuhip. Mudpushers are thse vaietaiftatîer Thamcs. E-ach limt e tiddt recedes they dean tic gracel bcd by pusiing thse sai and nck bock imb tht streain Confetti courters are girls, scores off titan mbo toke tise ticket punchen Off Landan ubs, conduciors, sort ont tie bundrnds off cotored bits ai pap- er Irons tht tickets punched and theck tbemt against te tickets sou,. Cock inders miti long nkacs off aling ketys spcad thint lices isdiîg theIco cks in goveruxacat buit1fijs and City offices, Pea shoot- ers are carty tiser, who scuttle erougi tht mean streets mince poor matit peopIe lic. bioming a mouthtful Off peas tirougi s ltulle tube ta ratite against ripper hedraom minionisc aie. Zcupants miii make ssp in lime 8 Coin ringeri are in Ris Majesîy,'ti serevéiptPoyet at sic royal minI 1 inr ecy stand hmur afier bour, s Reproducteion of Thi. siiweno af.ty Iieige reeUtIr siass.d by Hno CI... S. Henry as, Minister off HlgkWays. Mr. lR. C. Groffmassn, rop-eses tativeOOf thse Cseoadan Goodelii Co. Ltd., off Kitchene, sponsors of thé. osevemet acted as witunt. day afier day, llicking new coins on igh t omberand in the cicht piai s smati circular anvile, testing them by and Hemtwo keep 0-- piaft box the siivery note for perfection. ci thiat eternai brilliant royal red Then there are men who paint Tliere are sut i amp-ighters inold spots on rocking borses, joie the Loenci. our dealership for ap L£CTRIC RiflGiPAT0R ae. nw hassLg Noege. ie eectfciibgmCâtor"lhét Rollto. :mpl r u.cmpat e&geatlg moban- vesven eh. Norgeftisai vL.le wes stand bck of îg witls our beattle eomuaim h tm ee te unk:Z onenasdtse to brieng alie. \WJ iuNoretneratradtbi itgbotes hlgsgde reustsl. We cosaler !Nrge tise coutassdlng eeoçawr las ddeaCom l It V eayteownli.theise ho&eba Ce dvidd itopaymen Its t inet i t the taly AuMmm$m budget. Smstise Norte hdfoe yoeyu sens WITH &OLLATO'. NORGE CORPORATION 0F CANADA UMIn~ TORONITO.eu. istantOf CONSOLIDÂTES) INDUSTRIES UMÇTEO Ntre .Réfnsqier- '-DePos-matCcoulpRadio l4ammend Eecéie lo.6 VIRED LANON Brod Stret N"rta wMfiy g " t' c,." .1 PAGE EIGH-T Imnmortahzng laloneer hrîest El Notice la 6a Or pleseur te nforco tintpublic ilia Mr. E .Dingman Ha. joanei tise sellung irganization off this Comspaciy A y butanes. entrssted te him %Ws e sIb apprecialed b> o Thckson Motor Saes 9 S et-et Wes OainaW&, Ontac.a %»ý ta - - - - -- A 1 a 1 wïý Amâmer.

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