S ElBKRLING ALL-TI C coet Less Becisuse They aest Cone lu-lot tisen telii you the'se -H. P. CRANFI] SOUTH END G 650 :Sicoe Street' South a~ et thse Finest Equlppeui sxG e l is hs Seètion- Wth ie World Famusn'~IELN Tr on the M~ost Favorable Ternia and at A ttraciv luzt1oe Fe*turiWg à Most Comprehensiv 1e Servi 'k tJ.1ýEIi ý epir-Worlc on AUIlMakes peihing,Storages 'AutopAcce&-,Qries,' çt c.Ths3 * putation Tirougisolt tht, Section for T heir Dçl met -tand Fair and Square Deali4sg8. TZhu&a 5ea Iatter-day. businsio ich definitely essure3 iýetbat 4steenned vison they ssisootileit tire volue. o*e»nb their-sopesste 'tise local Is audittton te sllting tI 10*110 ti ostOlet5Qt Mtitp lnttires 0on tise isrtsct, tb ibis prt o! tise counftry wers featsiresRfuitlinslle ft 0nèian 'of tishetvautages of ceoorton as, weil asi expD sitbrOsllttaL t r evics land Le ervice, hin£se f fiht pay ts sasis yosU mai-- korotwiths" iy le of- nt recognizeit - specialitts tui iSiber- lune of vorIs, testes a Vluable to yrs 'isesn i isney 10 trust Si tis5 you do nutl ki ýaned. 1 eittise t fl ifii sfavings lit witl X/, [-4 iict ns Phone 3, sentatives and Deu ,eredt th ie Puh1ië éuIy, Live-Wlre Oi liiobilo Owners of ' ry Recharjing ansd ised- abs Enviable ic, Courieous Tr tb yosi t 0 kili, go tiat'à tIse achine willthesi stay "put" and render te perfect lias tie be' stesrvtcefsn;tht li e5r eatsets The My undsi an.su'rcîeof t. It 13 £pst'aucts do çrt bu î 5sséttanics end apettiaîtets that lest la i T'e P CÇt'sfteld blasti bits service and seo offers tai the motoriste of Osi. li other itawsa andsutiisban towus viso n ~s ta ~ tisetir cars stesê adjustments and Use' ' tlelr repatre ou lis enpsrttiscste utn Osh, ilbesuji't ikileit ste!! are specteI exportaintis ýa "tip- itýi, tianoi. brases, tisbrcattots 01 i wil ho, ae d the latrictetpsarts of a car, lsuni tics and visa are ttiorousalsty capable fur jy s rtirullar aîuy problesi tist nay bo subastt- Ëac] ril tes ted ta ttissands twiso con stss'the uai ne asid trossisess and correct tisas itis- at e mis s1ut needtessp delsys. 'Thise smes go 1i able, o! use dierts ôor autlseritative thai onitionl nsseledopIn thetr geparaes sUe sps]U put firstsUd polsesses the abtllty to 005y tÇrý lr. body List icoswledgs I serv ituematl et of aIt srcar. *10 b, Issoise-, an ast lI "u viii ho Mors tisse pleas4 - rmotor lf yon glsethemaatrial.- arts. Tsa Mr. Çranftess] bas nsicesddIn oa kosîr lusinegi bc rscause lie.lias sl'*5js <C j: 8 .slecli- deul fefrty, viti tise people andid Là Oct ner. lie stands back of everv pace of e quirros orkt5hat lcas'ez bts establisli- a etapi. nient. lbas a - -Inismakisg this reveo Our LI mut sitivard Pangross Cwe wtis ta ceni. quirluly piment lbis sion bivl% "ot roa or snîy sitperlor .srodusts. te off ee t vlot bis' patrons bot alesi a &upùrlou' 1repair service that im over courtoiseansi Perfct ntisactory. £j IT'Y V Tia funeral ' ent Witt troublet They:' cx Pes lu prai hem Possible., fr051 eaf nient art andt cai -tey are, anitI t rfisot th ýrocîded a (ueraI. t eritI tisepraie wb Sunvc upon 5vry occu ihe stnlialetocd' ýf 3fI. 10 Armsstroog ýi( n , t atone to thoe Ze thpy tursliisfla bOnllt to tbe vos-y I',y!at taeislath t 4> ogmmunity. s: ii commnii 71CE ENDS'! ofet, Company Lat Guarantees Mer.-Years of s.ti lYosir Guar- , _Move with te Movers that Movlng, Msy- irpiture. Safes, *-Tjiey Operate of Motor Vaste Csolman, Ovss. n tihe Commun- rY soervice is et- simber ut eait:s ai out ail the cIty. ýr te couis sand se for sipiseût. sroughly roopsis- Yois neoi Dot s ri-tk" for cars. tjour lerslture. 1 " beceortain cf ity whiln iat il&., ode ie their rare theo flstvasue, sut goudiare do- dsteisations sy, aMer suûpipe LII, et ngisea Qu n-When3rois ra mc efrPro.9 stpt~s*saks wpIu~e~~lt,~ YU *t dieur aisety siasheoDeldoontes t ~ ~ l>~~ Jyful...Clgrs, oincco-ans Ciar. lipu ettevfr'ise inllsud.-$ielsifopi s War Welosn l~ are herr ert, +cM Fresb,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~S FuSregi ruMirstae yp iysintieFiletC.aealn... wa ansi CotandtyMosnydtise Weug tl~oi iLsCaditKing St.t ibm Urittet Statea sait'y ait los ue 0 tie moem i mc osiuasieisois 1ii' l in ofrthe Liiteti tr ToetMen. iwr osa eOMullIsio, f lMeelos. foi r égo ful ahtenls Ioase ihnains etchtomr. hi-s anidseCplto! my oteiiim srcsaend st el e o!ls ii nposipibbsosuc-tticesUniteStoate s su est l la.dsiui-tsr oittisetasope tite at ai Itou. ~sisidet as i Lir tiem areadatio Is heir astti, the scistite buines PHOsE oiaymtsoni. ton LoDgtle ri'sas 5 Liii rsifl5eilyroenrand ien ossiat estlit] JuY Lvil Da trede,üias oac fat k-- .... os.--.. a e5son Trcsi efiid at ttn elr afoi ître may utsprmeriel biîe th thac e spii.tismoe iigilmp preor ude f a t iels as pes riptio b s acfilledit sot de s t or rts . af, iraus tii n à oaaeo t e m 01st ru thPOre18 isescsand<ie t Sdra ndo oi- e ry a Loeit Dai lintaie iautoIs a-nsbaitil asie -or d e?057supi e$K itil safe aitonta sit gt fienciou umn- r lis acord iâ entb Use tae a cols fo awby v e esys ofri ;Je fore.mantt mlsect o pai--aider.t etionsa mg t er sl futit is Limesshunît sehsi vs f~rnt mise oifMn foo D ets O isu ý1 h reaie dustore racb do- t hsoreatIf itseef*58 Is moýretstsc a d sre diir pto si.re s-theiot siiy ies i s»etnnseat sai fixtsses a netly soleieraltIey hamiii altse ove tise si ese r isiosu tîsos lisan e sa e p jt p# oulatatomero sa sgad lu IL s a ~5 ~tfty rt i. hat'gsor ergi ouitu sie y An riisla, ce e tlscy aeof If bl o ti-ciol pat a efotyieetlbaveprscriptonsrau te- otufacon, toc. sas 'f aiay drseple is en gcames stiSada Fhit o- etiuyos he rsetIor. aul Tber yaroS au4liar whr ov ing ara sfie vind trinanie ,igoe t uchCsie sy Is ots, t ise ma ht enet teelofe v ic h Ocit tats iiao' lit t- n es ,cal dgir.ta ndaibe Hee e y s t a ws I f a nsihetits toe foral sena ciicie t iet oilinovf heesi .iosoe 4L t tiesWtore. hde th Wo adeltnsu i e# dinkmesoth gieso%î e rmpsote drus Peosto ds. Ytas e hso a laro ure Ie se l iaor ef b o iiso t he% dooi( «.stlà auiped~w. itte mY ot- $.stee sfai' tdi5aintIegotsii aatradolunch.oiesan se olinif soit kt@tjp < ttmsir a nd010 i-rtures itneo crse-p~a. l ie unitaI le soeontfoe ps ae w oring laonie li' bauds s oýtiso a5,stoms ues si s a precpttos ledsp4e mt arte toi ise e lano i s ds ordeIoîr -strie hro I ndlerelal the.an B eerIfte dans ttant ey evedtxperisaso e pauro usiyete an activ e - factiston. t s ' t ttiSctpe ople peClots las ind tis e sity lie y mi't.icnd sin o fei-lsgrvile.LTite rlaeo P rom tso-e a issi itis.gew ae a i elves- nhtatre o ilad viekIndande lutt he r t d eins. e spice lu rsis a nd Elo isoc ndcu git Oit srt ?esai n a e fqpapd liusoef a qe5r:tore t or Kodl tat. fer isatr s er t ýiiQl ~ gs~ocar-ls iaslogo f usel~er sut uL Souid Spuis. 14rursor lt yliouei ueadyaiibo ~ sp-te-am e- oisiy s ioitesort ucdrin andd s ree n on m theuî" aidela theibor o r i ck xv R»ela ____ an s- tur jlnrita erilo. ' . 1 'ttqpecaetevintae osr ju-Iatrf - ' ailo ! b oldgob. ,i m IDItltiive,. seldfeet theme arestise gualtit et thlie assis fsruiaisgarefa by this munt moiterna tsaefuraihings and eloths -aciop. The fmanage- ment of titis %to ra cognise tiat la the final analysîs details malte the, drese. aidthiis oatab- Ucabent faruieles tise men' of thîs COasmuntty ethetly vietý tbey Ilis inte i.lY of toggel-Y. Every mai Who pays attention te is i-oas realizes Liat bis otIe, bis Sweotisert, is5s Si-ends kuiow oxactty Ihat soit o! necktie ho 1.51i, visat tise qualtp orhl$t lsosieîy la, hlteshi-te. latp, col- 'trand sthtie score .o! otissi-de- tlle Wblicbl go Le ma a tthe con- qplety itresseit man. Tissy LusOV wtes 510kd*tgt a eatah is pecsealtl. Itetiser tlsey bacomil bildandst see t'hIey sisowgondi a Exi