Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1931, p. 17

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PAGE THIRTEEN lçlbodfliedâ enceerageleot le &1more active retati trade; Cleve- land notes a more tubboe're- aleteece te thoe decllilg trcnd,' ancd Chilcago 15 perbapa the,,leaep optlistio of an>' of thbe9"cetres, .by regson of Its bankleeg troubles. Iletail Trade 13 Satlmfaclowy 1 Itetall trade generaîlly la de- serlbed as. xeaiionably. eataefse.1 tory, leavfng bold Ite ovwbe .re It basnleot actually progresoed. Wholeealera and' ebbeors ere net doing the volume oet..busines that migbt be expected on the basts of retail actlvlty, but tleeî, are eeuraged by buyoro le- quirles agd theAact abat -stocke le the landu 'of retellere are 10w. .Induotrlal*,actlvlty lm etîli se- 3strIcted. Steel, producers. are ap- poreetly reolgned te tbehe rempecit ef a slow aumimer., although Ibe 1Impression le the ledemlry le that. the receualoîm Wlii bot lie carcleS mech furtherý. There le a fair Semand for structural tste and brIdge materlal, but automobile manoature rs are buyiocg epar- P 0gly. HFEECE YII[HUY, [AN ADIAN VIBEAT Quebso, Junes 17.-" Ceetloued large purcleasOf Canadien whoat hy Oreece ln cnticipaled"..Heeri Tuecet.' Caadlan Trade Coisi- eloner'lth at country, said yomer- day. ;IOther.trade iproPects agre not ceQ eocraglflg, for the general crlels boa uiuestionelily reactedl uoàfavorably u, clree e ecoeOlOy aed brooglit abouit a dePreselon le comneeirçli anad otber- PurBultm. The-dopresOlonl, lpwever, éaloai he tracd tei a eles et extraordin- a> a a ctor',wlice bavie con- bleed le the lait 1f e ers ten n - celtate the already difficuùltsitu- ation," ho adîled. reerdteo tho mobilisatiIn 804 wataebetwséen 1912 and 1922. W.as followed b h. lsloizo .earlY 1,500.ô000 reugee b e0o r d rlo an r a d e d TUE ROCK 0F GIBRALTAR'. S YMBOLIC fo strength, rmness and durability, la, to the world wýhat a ilve, virile, far-sighted and' up-and-doing Chamber of Commerce * alould bc to a, comunIty. The Whitby,,Chamber of. Commerce .1s.a civic instituti<On which aimis to be the cearing house 0of tP', community for ait civie, ýoimorcial and, loduatriai cl ité. It là- Whitby a, cnl3i organized force of expression an, activity;wherein no creed,. clasâ, color or condition dietatea peliciea or wield3 influence. AttittOdes ,axýd'recom-' moendationa for generai civie action are baaed upon Iaboratôry ..testtif inveatigation by' cominittea compoaed of representatives'fromn ail groupa and varioua ahadea of opinion. Thewill end fotce of a large number of business, profeaalonei and iaboring men, of iWhitby are back of any,»ff 1- cial sand of the Chaniber of Commerce, thua givlng..to the generai conï. mainity a virile, oid and subatant1ilbidng to ail, enferprlses wbleh. affect the growth, prosperity and atabllity of Whitby. t The Cbamber of: Commtrce ila Wiitby*a "Big Brother and Whitby' a réal civie cita'del of trength for ail thînga ttndlng ,towWr good. R&t mnemberahip là exclusive and Iniclusive but not dogniatie' or autocratie, It unites into its fid for inteeialclvlc co-operation moe, and wômea fromt al walka of life who beijeve in, the ideals of civic prôàress. The, Whltby Chsmber of Commerce invite s ad wlll welcomne inito ta fold thone who, toil i th tbeir handa or «Ithu thit er iads -,thoSe 'h]Iive by the sweat of their iirow, or who thrive by the throb okftbe,'temple. .:Tih. tirob of tihe heart in c éprative uniaou, for ideal'ciieIgodlathe only essentfil *speciflcation foi admittance .lnto ita memiberaiiip. This, membershlp ils growing rapidiy, which inaurs to this coimmpnity, because:cf 4h. quality *with the quanitity, à charactet' in civie wok which argairs for the future a succesaful Whitby and a prosperous and contented 'pçople. This voluntary civit institution invites, the conastructive co.opratioa cf every citizeni, having the weifare of >Whltby a t heart, and at the sanie tme places' alita equipment and ,facilities at -the service cf any celizei or group o6f citizens- deairous qf advancing thé inclstriai and sound econm omlie deveiopment of the commzlnty elong safe, sane, oclentlfic and say- tematic inos.ý We invite you to .worlc for yýour town by woingwltb and through the, Whitby Chianiborcf Commerce. SIGNED ~~ THE WHITBY CÉAMBER OF CoMMERCE, A. E., earney, Secretaryr. F. H. M. lrwil), Préuident. DAVIDSON MOTOR:CO.*TD Under the. Abie Direction of William J. Davidaen, ône cf the. Lcaieig Automobile Men la This District, Maintaing 'a Service Station, that, Leavea Notiîg te be Pclred. Sale&anad Service for the New Line of Chryier Cara whlch arc.>uivr*Oully Ac- nowlý edcdas the World'&,Elecat Motor Cars Ever OKered 4t Suock PrliesA Marvel of Performance ad an Outstiandlng Achievement In, OrIghallty and Beauty of Deg,-Tiley are AieDalyn i.C Saa ew, PILýfteth whlch lawse Su perjortahu to itAuVIas that It la the. Talk of tc _Towa, - Thé e ISe!. Six, Chrystor.sty ed sud Bull!t teChrysler Percisi es' n4Ecie -ci. metiideamI1rtu la the Clirysier fiant, -l al"e landled iby tbla Prer ive .DatIez,-Tii De Tr dk asaiiseudbeire, 'Née o introduction, t. Our Leal Public, Sb e cIKuova are Thcy.,fer Their Efflclclncy, Dcpendabllitirsud Ecoaeio ! of c IoLWem arc là Need e! Good Tîres, you wili Sud the Goodycara theyHaudli e. b.e er Best--Odoed-,a! Prce That Have Ncvcr Scen Lever.. -0! O urue Eegybed Kneva ithat ,Daviden lhan the. Beat Qualty e! Gasêhine and MotrOml ti ly Tua Progresive 0rgui-mationilslaAbIY JBpecctcd la Oshawa 1by' t c eev Fî fa Stoemeon flie. Lecatcd at 15 'Chercle St. Mr "beimeand fi el'5gtmmI15 Unsi than 80 mlca emat ef Toronîto. mn cas«ste le diseg buslaesi Gas for doiacstlc andi ndaitial purposes vil be avaîlable wltlein a year. mma cf ties catoy love On main Unaes of Caaadaa Nationial andi Ganadiall PadMfç RailwaYs. EHxcilcnýt barbor, one ofte best on north shore of Lake Ontario. Present day business et ted Ample suUlPlY O! steady, eeatented, honme-owning labr. demand close attention te every eleoa'lepou- at ev crrep.hasesofaI yancd service, but Aimple e ti owra g ost, 0.cycio ceent tme firmE e eu tab. abIs te Pavesl Provinill Mgbuys la tII directions5. %tep aut a 1111e le lisadOece et almers la tles mater er toklec Excetionl edcatinal acMt«as ef overy detal et abs Ber- AnIda dftzbtigpoit. *vie la ceneetion alale prier- Excelen sits fr plntsIalet o îualty producla, This asitorîotive ceecere la a notable Pure Wster et loeas! cst. esampîs or ahlsadvanteielet. WbeniiWalter! Obryolernest outi glsiya.p~led. inqemisete give tleA. merlcao motorlila bJU=Um l'B SudW ddflbl qirestopublie aue automobile, bis aIm- JONI.PRSo A. E. KEARN ET, hie goal, vas le glas tbem the ticet. lie bt, a h. mma motel' To1wn Clak. secretary, Chafuet7 of Cmmrce. rallu e ho bu ond in cBamater care ls enrd îoday. Tie pubý liaber tIbis nvev teit acrel by~ appoiotlng thisels tabliashmenit no Plymlout al una, Muclx more au ce authorlced sales cnd ser- attraCtive, ce mode, rouler. and vice statio for the weil keown it prenants Ibat, appotacce ef Cieryaler. quallly that las velue la colliez Olivysler cars, wblchlu lon00 ai lue an pheeomeoal. thie*laulemt lineo o cars meu- It la ovidet.at a glace thaI faceted todcy, reprosenle tbe the Plymouthle iai'dqoesA 001- sema at modemn automobIls cbo- ber or vîry distinctive and ertg- etreetn. Witb an enviable rat- tual teture., Thet lavite you ta ord a regarda tire and gmllet examine oS drive "tii. newPly- millage for a car lri ils clasem outhe, 'tbat offert adveages preper irelgbt gInes the Cleryslor vbicle are new etpý«etd onir le the ea ina ebiglelau rmter cars* i onloraly groaler cars. Net ouly bas thuavoiderful ceet. car trlumplied on tbe speed- Tbey carry a compaets Un.e o way. bot ia the cengested city. reioiedltioeed cue cars of pope-. ad upen îles broad liiglevsy. Il lar moaes tleat bave beu taise bai At aIl limes boeentli euer of as part pment on nOvbys- ils clame, lors and Plymiuts. All et Ibso With esaripaesieg yeer, tbe ctrsare capable at thousande et public looks for improed pro. mlles ai lrooble-frees ervice.If SarI. and more attractive values, 70e are 1in îles earket fer a used Clryuler appreciated that ahi. la car' do net fulid lnspect the lino eapaclally true. ln cars o! thie offored by the Davidion Nster Chr-ysor priese claie lnwblcb a Co. Ltd.. oed bas Seveloped for a fluer, Davidien Noeor Ce. LtS., eper- eeerter motor car. CerisIer eow ate a mont complots repair de- meeta ibis requirement ville a parilmeet ced la onder direction leno efcars ot subsantiel Impres- af progressive and .xperleeced nive appearaice. Thees oniplete automobile 01o0 that ovideced lias lgcîodleg lhu Chryolor ai%, a Irues keewidg.etfthe. bantoes Ceryier 070,, Chrymler rHîgleandeS 'lien hey I seldCbryler." Chryoler Imaural Elalet la on Yee are loviteS te ride ta the dimplay le Ibsîr modemn salem ne* Chryer-and luia ewby roem.î they bave hecome tbs leaders lea The Ihlog thal one wbo drives the automobile indoetry. a ClrysIer for tie inst tîne tiret Teu yl l ied tbem courteoue notices, la the abooluts quietoamand accommodatteg aale.01uc. ofth abucgice. and Ibm comlele ulh ia comprseenmive keowledge absence.of vibration. Start the oethîes business. Tleey are vei motet. aed ocly a glancesaI the keove business mie eft he o ii- instrument board wîli show Ibe'. ty wleo bave al«sys beenuleoat- it la raIenoerau assommeS or ens for 'abir bonne ommeei. vibration la concerbeS. ThisInl maile Ibis rviswet oflte on- amootholema or moler opratten la yrard progreus ofthIbs section vs a tioly nlue-car quality and la- ulale la complîscet William uicalesea perfecaîroganeered flavIdsen upoe the admirable and maeefac'ured ansgine. manor lu wleb ho conducts abli The adasît ot the oew 'PIY cellIabe agen! tend te tate tia moeth meaesat batle standard ho baisemerited tles liberal pal- by vhlc b ho.n bvebeo - rocage lesbas recelvedad the estoied le judceauoobls 0confidence ilettneS l nbueby the the yeny moderato prîce field general public.

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