Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1933, p. 4

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THE WHITJBY GAZETTE, CHRONICLE, TÉHURSDAY, OCTOBER -5, Il When, Your Coal. it Winl be te your itrs ASK FOR" And secure the. ceai that gives satisfaction. SCOTCH & WELSH ANTHRACITE HiAMILTON1 STELCO COKE liARD & sovr WOOD' Kept Under Cover G. A. Cannming * Phone 8 Whitby Capt. James Mollison and his wife, Amy Johnson Mollison, were guesta on Sunday Iast at "Stone- haven," the home of Mr. ahd'Mrs. Normean Irwin. Mr. Jack Powell, Jr., of Brock St. South, Port Whitby, who.>is confined in Oshqwa-Hospital fol- lowing a serious operation some days ago, is now making satis- Latory progress tpowards recovery. Mr'. T. W. Ross has moved bis office from Brock St. South to bis store on Brock St. North, near the Royal Hotel, which he purchased some time ago. Meàsrs. Ed. Bowman, W. Cor- rell, V. M. Smith, D. Cohr r nd Louie Bandel teft on Sidày rlast by motor to attend the world '-aèr- ies baseball games at New York. Mrs., Halliday and family, wbo, have been living on St. Peter St. for some years, have mioved'to To- ronto, where tbey will, reside in future. Mrs., Turner and children, of Stratford, are viaîting 'with h. er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'J, Lynde and. so n Grant have taken an apartment'in Toronto for the wînter, whereMr. Grant Lynde will attend Uiver- ity. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Stewart, of Lindsay, have been in town -for several days, owing to the deatb of their brotber-in-law, the late Wm. E. Meekèr. Jdrs. Calrin, of Mackinac, Mich. has been visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. GoQ. W. P. Every. Mrs. E. 1. Booth, who bas been 111 for the past week at the home ôf ber sister, Mrs. H. L. PrIngle, bas returned to ber home in Pick- Rev. W. R. Grummer, of Picker- ing, and well known in Whitby, left last week for New York, where he will take post graduate wùr a the General Theological Seminary., Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Johnston, Èrock St. South, werei Toronto on Tbursday asat, attending the funeral of a relative. The Misses Barker, of tne "Tuck Shop" Brock St. north, held a tbree days' anniversary tea l1ast week, with "Madame Mae" in charge 'of tea tùp reading. Over three hun- Thanksgiving Dinner at ROYAL HOTEL Monday, October 9tb 12.30 & 5.30 c 7RADIO REPAIRING l!I cal us If your radio lu glv- dned patrons were in during the three days',celebration, which was advertisad axclusivaly l tluspaper. Mn.' and Mns. Joieph Ashby and' family spent tIhe week end with Mn. and, Mrs.. Wm. Ashby,. at Kingston, Mn, Ashby, Sr.,. retunning home witb theni after spending amonth at Kingston. * Mn. and Mrs. Walter.'MacCarl and children spent Sundaày with Mr. and Mns. Roy MacCarl, ofT1o-., His Honor Judge .Ruddy was in To-r6iio and Uxbridge asat Nweekat- tending the funenal of bis sisten, Mrs., Thomas-Card.- Mra. Frauk l3nownell, o! Win- nipeg, Man., la, visitin; berT par- ents, M.andMrsr. Ted. .Desmond. Mýir.,Jamies S. Mýackey, o! Lindi- say, attendedthe Rotary, lunch- con an Tu esday at the Whithy House. Mr. andj Mrs. J. M ceCe and- !family. o! Part Penny, are mnov- in- this weD-k to towri. and wîill' cccuy the Hal resi4enc-e. corner a! Bvran and L<.biit'e lts, ~l. i-lcK(ee lapriprýietr a! the Su- pe',rior Store Isere. Mr.T. E. Bcacack and Mr. and' Mmis. George 'Hughlsan, of Toronto, n.otored.ta Lindiavt ornSundav and. visited the fonmer's sister,: Mrs. The tables ware gay witb autunn flowers, and, dainty menu carda when. the ânnual tes and home coking sale of the evening branch of the Wouanen's Auxiiiary took place on Saturday at Ail Sainte' Panisb Hall. A gond number wene present Wha expressed tbemselves pièased -with the praceedinga. The thanka of the branch are due .Mrs. Frank.,Enakine, wha sa ably taok- charge of the decorations. ,The Ontaria Lýadies', College is brîinging, to, Whithyý the Toronto Conscrvatory af Music String Quar- tette, 'on Friday, October l3th, Eli Spîvack. lit violin; Harold Su mlcy. 2nd violin:- Don ald ýHcwis, violà assd Lea Smith- ela This i5 a mciii oppantu!luty far'xntsîc lovcrs -'in Whitby, and thc public anc ixvicd. ADDED TO VOTERS'. LISTS At the recent Court af Reision heid by His Honor Judge Ruddy at the -CourtHouse for the purpose of1 nýevising the 1933 voters' lut, 3ô names wene added and'two struck MEN'S ANNUAL BANQUET Mée' Club of the Baptiat Church wilohadîis annual opaning ban-' quet on Wednesday evexing at 6.30 o'clock. 1ev.- Dr. John'MacNeill, of, MeMaster University, bas been se- curedî as the gueat. speaker. He is. a. great man, and a2 wondérful speaker. Whi.tby ,Baptists are h igh- ly honoréd. by ea visit from bum. After, the banquet Pr. MacNeill will lecture la the church. Admnis- sion by voluntary offeing. ANNUAL IBUSINESS MEETING *The annual business meeting 'of thse Baptist cburch will take place oh Fniday evening of this wveek in tbe Sunday Sehoolauioum Musicalnumfbens will 3ntensperse- the reparts, aften, which nefresh- menti will be served. AIl interested ara cordially'.invited. SINGING AND DRAMATICS AT ,Y. PlS. The «United .Churcli Young Peoples Society bas made 'a good start with its ,niew Glee Club-, a choral society consisting- of its ,xiemns and t rained by Mns. Ver- w m. St one- at o nce, .a ndà sugges -t the method of play they would pre- fer, ",Round Robin" or single- or .kaock out," CASTLE -CHAPTER MEETING *the firat meeting of- the season of the -CastleChapten Alumnane, On- tania Ladies' College, was heid -on, Monday, afternoon, in the Concert Hall of the Collage. Thene was a la;ge atimben present. Tbe presi- dent was la the chair. After the negulan business, the -president ask- ed Mrs. Kar t t tell thse gatheïing sometbing of the new programme, which promises ta ha véry iiten- esting. A delightful musical pro- gr~amme wascontributed> by Miss Rea- Crosthwaite, Mrs.- Vernon Rowe. and Mns. John Penny, al joining -in the College sang.. The senior class and thnea new teach- ans on the staff wene, prented. Mrs. Canscallen pouned tea, assiat- cd by the Faculty. WHI TBY BADMINTON, CLUB *The finît general meeting of theý ncw!y formed Whitby. Badminton Club was.held at the High'School on September 28th, when the **ece- tian ai officens-for the fonthetoni- ing winter took place, The follow- ing were elected: President-Mr. -,Fnank Callans. Vice-Pres.-Mr. J. G.,Fenusû Treasurer-Mr, AIex. Sinclair. Secetay-Miss Mildred 'Pnice.- The. Club is ta stant plat,' at the :Iigli School 'Gïmnabsium on Octo- ber .16th, ta. continueinitil Mardi 3t,1934, 'and -the menibers a re laoking fore-ard ta an enjoyable. winter. - Antoun.c.em-ents Notices under thi,* headjng -are charged for et tpi rate of, one and on* half cents per word, with a mainimumn charge of Z5, cents. A ch6argp s ; made for' notices of meetings of ail organi-zations, a t -Which an admission fee la charged or a collection 'taken,. PJ. Sullivan.--' censed p1umber, and tinsmith. Broclc street corth. Phone. 117W. Whitby. Euchre in Orangeý Hall, 'on Frn-- 'av, October 6th, at 8 o'clock. Four good prîz.es. Admrission 25c. A supper* will be held. in the Sal- vation Army hall' oný Friday, Oct. 6th,.. at. 6.30 -p.ni. sharp- by "The Ever Wear- Aluminumn Co." Admis- Sion 25c. "Madame Mae" willý be -at 223 Nýassau St., Oshawa, (Westmount)ý on'Thursday, Fniday and'Satur- day this week. The weekly euchres in St. Bern- ard's School will be resumned on Friday evening of this week. ARTHUR' W. LYNDE> l..C. M., teacher of sinïging. Studio,, Centre St. North, phone 371.' Furs and fur coats reaiodelled andf relined., Mrs. -Ros Vernon,q Brock St. North, or telephone Hard' - time 'party9 including c.ardsandairdpizes, In the Oraitge Hall, Whitby, Moènday, Oct. .l6th a 8 p. m., under -the auspices- of! L.O.B.A. Admission 25c. Refresh-, ments servc-d.s KATE A., WRIGHT, A.O.C.M. î teacher- of ]Piano. and Theory 'r 'Music, a former member of the Fa-t cult-y of the- Ontario Ladies' Col-' lege. Studio. at residence, Centr eî Street ,South, Whitby. Telephone1 149. The regular monthly meeting of the Hospital Association- will, be held at "Sunnynook" Hoispital on Tuesday,, Oct. lOth, at 8 p.m. Ail members are requested to be. près-. ent as matters of particular inter- et are to be discussàed. If hot a member why not join us in our en- deavourý to assist the indigent patients cared for at Sunnynook. IMPOR TANT SALETO Y -xIjosephi Heard & Sons? barn thi 5 wcck are srnie very fineaccre- dited Jersey cows.. thé- property of Field Lodie F:@Lrms,, Rosenicatlî.» Thicy ýare, to bc -sold by -Auctioncert XVni. M5W at 1fthc Heard barn§ this, ÇTursday) afternoon at 1.*30. The cows have bécen flic admiration of r..any citizens this week. It is learned that if tixis sale is a success miany other cows of thîs higli quaIl- Nf ill be broughit ta this distri fl MARRIED FIFTY YEARS- .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heard on, Motn d ay very quietly at .a family gatering celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding.«>The bride and groom of haif a century ago wvere married at Pîckering, thé bride, being Miss Evangeline Vick- ers. There are( three sons, al liv-ý ing in Whitby, while -Mrs. Heard, bas one sister, Mrs., J. Noble, -of Whitby. Mr. and -Mrs. Heard have been life long residlentsof the, town adter any friends, wbo hold them in high esteemf, wish for them many happy; returns of. the day. NEW RADIO FEATURE A fascinating series of iwhole- some adv7enture stories for boys and girls madle .its .début ftom ra- dio station CFRB on Monda, Oc BuyBrooms Now Short crop of Broom Corn bai caused ýextraordinary aqdvance it its lprice ' i WE HAVE NEW, STOCK AT >,OLD PRICES. Every. Broorn a Good'On'e in. Quality and' Finish 35c -49C 59c 79c ELECTRIC .LAMPS The.Une for genéral larnp renewals bas corne. Buy '.bem in Cartons, 40 Watt or 60 watt.. Inside Frosted . Regular20c .............. 6 fS U~c EDISON MAZDA- LAMPS.I 15 watt to 500, watt, higbest grade 1,000 hou r lm Cartons of 6--l5 watt, 25 wîatt, 40 Wattef 30 Watt ........ .......... ........... .............. 1, 0 He- Ao.HOLLIDA Y &CO.* BROCK ST. SOUTH PHONE 25, Xonday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 6 pa.. for ten weeks. The feat- ure is called "The Amazing Ad- ventures of Vi and Tony"ý and pre- sents, in a dramatic manner, the events in tbe lives of two juveniles in a typical- town . somewhere. in Canada.. The two leading -charac- ters, Vi and Tony,. will appeal ta every boy and girl. Author of this interesting radio -serial. is Bert' Reed, of Toronto, widelyknownas an author of books. for Canadiafil boys and girls. W.M.S. THiANK.OFFERING MEETING The ýautumnn thank-offering mci- ing of teWMS of thed United Church wa held in the Sunday Schoal Rooniofai te church on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, 'at 3 pri. Ther devational exerçises co ofstçla short address on "Gratitude" .by Mnfr. David Bcst and prayer hv Mrs. D. Jackson, while Mrs. Johif Fisher cor.clated "jesus asa Babc- ta- aur 1r11issionary rokrani and liie in gener .al, The »study for 19 33-34 is aoCina"and Mýrs. Carscalleii A . iarized briefly the conitents of the two hooks "LiWing TssueS 111 China" -ar-d "Lady Fourth Daughtr Of China" addÎng..short xotes on tlir V es- aift1lue aut1lorqs. Mmi. Fdarrls sang maîst acceptably "Just for To- J. H.l Stephenlson ,R.O. EYE.SPECIALIST Registered- Optician afid Op- tometrïat, will b. at S.. S. .ROBLIN'S JEWELRY STORE WHITBY' Every lut and 3rd Wednesday 0,f the mont& Broken lenses replaced at greatly redusced pnices.' ROYA L :THEATREý- WHITBY Under New Management NOW PLAYING. -2Shows Eacb Nigt--7.30 - 9.15 SPECIAL MATINIEE STARTS 2.30 P.IM. - THANKSGIVING DAY, OCTOBER 9th Also7 .Matiace every Saturday 2.30 p.m. One of the Year's Best Productions- BIG. HOLIDAY PROGRAUMME oct. 9-10-11 Adlded -Attraction Charlie CJhase "GIRL GRffF and Lateat, Neiva Events Prices-Aduits---25SC Cildren-lc. ;i c 'r S'h. mournesi hum aq,.dead.. he .ougxht cohnfort in the Churcli tho li ti .caine back THURS. -FRL -. SAT.' Oct. 12-13-14 48PACK UP1 YOUR- TROUBLES" 7- riýaing reels of o! and\other, attractions day", Mrs. .TascPh Keami affcred Ihle dedicatory> prayen after thc thank-offeringwa taken Up. A social lhall haur 'as spetath clase af the meeting. *PASSES AT go VEÀRS M rs8:e Euphemîa'Lund .y, wldo .T af thelAate Salvanuff C. Bfrown, passed away at thie home. oi her &an-in-l1aw, Mr. George .F. c- ardson, atWhitby, on Septani ber' the 3th, in ber Dthuyear. She was the mother -o! four'echxtdrexs. Mrs. Charles H. Philipg and Frank L. Brown, of Toronta, cie-ý ceased, and Mrs.,Geal. F. Richardl. son, of Whltby, and Milton. W.ý Brown,, of Hobart. Indiapa.. she had fitteeh grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Sh,ý was a member. of- the , Hickslte, Fnienda and li her later yeesx. wae made an: honorar.y menîber. of the Vnited Chiurcl a t- Whlitbvy. The, tuners] -toak place>,on Mu day. Oct. 2nd, and was ctondurted by Rev . A. L. 'Richards. assisteci by Reir. A. M.. Irwini., imterment was made li Gravesicie Ceinetery. Card of Thanka 31r. and 1 Mrs. George F. Rich- ard-son, and familv wmishb ta thank their neighhors andclfriends'for the kind çxpressions of smah sbown tbem during their recent be- reavement. SCHURCHNEWS 0F A WEEK The United Cburch. Minister, Rev. *A. L. 'Richards, B.D. Sn day, October 8tb, Thanksgiving Sunday. 11 a.ni-, Morn, ing worsblp' and -Junior Congregationý,. Sermnon« themé: I"Let Us Pe Thankful." 2.15 p.m. the Sabbath achool. The* Tuxis Boy s' Class w'ill recommene their meetijngs- in the- church.- 7 p.m., The Sunday everiing -fellowm. ship. An old fashioned Thanks- giving'Service preceded by a mus- ical prels*leé. The Minister *wil. speak on- "Enough to Live On." Thanksgiving asusie.for the_ day will be as follows: Morning-An- theni, "Fraise the Lord -'Jerusa- 1cm,"l soloist, Mrs. W. A. Heard; duet', Mrs. F. -Maundreil and Mrs. D. J. Kean, Evening - Antbem,' "'Sang of- Thanksàgiving"; solo, 'Thanka Be Toý God," Miss -Clari- bel Wray duett, Miss Doris Don- ley and Arthur Lyndé. Monday-. Thanksgiving hike under -auspices of-the Y.P.S.. Florence Heard in charge. The party will leave the church at 3 o'clock.. Al Saints%' Church. Rev. E. Ralph Adye, L.Th., Recto-. Seven- teentb Sunday -after Trinity, Octo- ber 8th, ý1933,, Day of National Thanksgiving. S a.m., Holy .Comn- munion;_ il a.m., morning- prayer. and -sermon, .preacher,. the 'Rector,ý subject, "The Idéal Natioraism.". 3 p.m,,Sunday.Sehool; 4.15 p.m., Vesper service;. 7 .,p.m., levening prayer .and sermon, preacher, the Rector, -subject, "IThe 'ýGodý of tihe Whole. Earth." Visitons warmly weicemed.- St. John's Chunch, Port Whitby. Rector, Rer. D. .B. Langford. Seventeenth' Sunday, after',Trinity, October .8tb. 10* a.mý, Young Men's ,Bible Class; il a.m., morning prayer, preachen, Mn. L. E.. Hawk- es; 2 p.ni.-, Adult Bible lass; 3 p. Mi., Sunday Êchool; 7 p.m., Evening prayer. Baptiâ?t Chunch. Rev. T. F. tlest, pastor.. Thanksgiving services. 10* a.mi, Bible -->Sehool, classes for al agés. il. a.m., divine worship, Ilf r ppoitment, or will go to hom: f desired. BROOMS MUST BE. DEARER- Tha: meeting~ et, music and. re- :freshmehts. «All members expeet- cd and visitons rmade welcome. The Saivatiqn .Arny- .Srie oh Sunday,. October .8ti-un Schiool 10.15 -and, 2.30 O.p>-.; Rab-+ nasa -Meeting, il1 .a.m.;' Salvation- meeting, .7 p.m.;, condutted by la- cal o-ffxcera. E. Watt, Captain;_ M. Tapolie,,Lieut. - Almonds Unfted Churchi, minister,1 Rev. A. l," Rich ards, B.D. 2 'p.m.i Rally Day, service, special speaker, Mn. GeorgZe.West, ai Ashbprn. This ,wiil -combine the. regular S.mdayý Schoal and preaching -service. St.- Andrew's *Chue'chi,--Presbyterm, xan, Revý. H. CarMichael,-MA. Pli.: U.,, ininistèr. Sunday, Oct. th- Cente nary Celebratioi Servicesý at Il a.m. and 7 ip.rl., canducteci by Rcv. H. E. Abreharn. D-.D., Cen- tenarv thanks.givling affening- at bathl services. Mndyanni versarv -stxp- p)er'pragrani. Tuesday, angan axîx. vocal ecital arranged by )Mn. Gald- Surxî. a, former arganist; ýufiderthe auspice .s of the Y.P.S. Wednesday. Supper and. Lantemn pictures. frn Su.mday Schaal pupils. Thrlursday -ai- tèrnoan. the £Ou-ng Womren's As- socatian gîve afterliooitea at flhe Malisc. 4 ta 6 o'clack. Fridav, chair, tanoicer. rexxdered b-v the chair aif st. Patx:'% Churcîx. Toranta. 77eatre News &,PACK 17PVO rTROUBLýES"1 AT THF, ROYAL '.'ack. Up Your Troubles,". the latest Laurel and Hardy1 feature- l.ength comedy, whlch cames to the. Royal Theatre,, Whttby, stant- ipg Oct. 12, mlarks the Second !ull-length ittrgction starrlng.the popular laugh tcami. Xore than a year ago they were starred in-."Pardon Us. ' Since that. time' they -have 'been 'rllllgeatIy searehing fan a new 1dea -far their second, featuire. owelthey'have -suècceded in brln.glng ta the séreen one of the% most humoraus offenlngs o!' the, season will be,, reveaie d. when. "Pack Up YoÙr . Trouýies"- - is ,h'own at'Ui Royal Theatre, Wh ithy. The title 3ý'iil und6ubtLedly bning ta. the minde'of many lieo- piclh tcrefrain. fo! ne of the Pop- ulan sangs sung during the ýWor'-d War. Pack ýup. yaur trouhles li yaur aIld kit'hag and aile., sill,, sile.- Laurel and. Hardy have.. tnicci. o carry. out the m-eanlig of, tihe sang, thaugis the-stanyJias noa connection',%,Ith. the'io d.' S A -flashs cfthe humor, af thaà Worid War le sald: to !uernish on6 af thse many bilaniaus moments ta the. comedy. The ,team, as ýa couple of mIsfIt doughhays,, ivs-n- der aimiesiy. through fire. and sheli and came back wthmanY pnize. packages o! ihumnor.- - Prbmiinent membens- of* -thé supportln.caast.-include M1ary Car, Donald, Dilaway, Jac .que Lyn, littie three-year-aild "O11r, ÇCang" Mieinber, .Muriel Evqisý. Gnady Sutton, Richard Tuckcýr TAY TqIS ON.-THE PIANO "A l.ie. zsaid- the, mistress ta--)tfle aid, "iut lok ca-t this'. . 1 caxu Wvrite niy namne iii the*dust on this. table." "Ah," !aid Annie. "It bea granid thling ta have eddication.". P AIL>ED TO APPEAR- jas. ÈSlison*, . .tof, Toronto, charged vith st.ealin!gtabl'e nap- kins fnom the- Central Cefe, was ta appear'la tse- clty police court thJs mornlIng ta face. the change.. Simpson wvas allowed his -froodoni an hall last :weck but. taliccl1q j show,.up la 'court, when .calicd ROASTING C] Don't Miss' If Yc For thse benefist or oun custornr Mr. Marcelle th.rough the courte' StyI-Arch Shc A free Ped ograph of your fce foot troubles .without any obliq, CALLOUSES WEAK AR NEURITIS PAINS Any of these.foot troubles If you i 1re having foot discoafc this serv.ice. Corne in or phox Mercantile WiIITBY UP! G OINI PRICES. Typical oi Dc 'Foresý Crcisley valuie i5. the. "Etude" mode, table set il- iustrated., At theý Iow price of $49.501 feati y'ou get completé Dual-W'ave rnxge ~~ ~ fram' 535 ta 4250 kilocyclcs,At- $ U mf-atic Voluime Conitrai alid Ixsxage 4 9 ' 0- Suppression ta eut out hws"ml O "iqueals". Othe'r D,f Fores? Mx- -cine" modcls from $69.50 up. E FOUR Wilso n'g b -BI ROUND STEAK OR'iF -SIRLOIN STEAK HAMBURG STEAK. RUMP ROAST PRIME RIE ROASIS, ROLLED-. .....** LEAN MEATTY POT LEAN STEWING CU' LEGS SPRING-LAMB LOIN ROASTS ... FRONT QUARTERS. ST£WINGCUT5. HAMS, YOUNG POR]ý SHOULDER ROASTS BUll ROASTS, untrir LOIN ROASIS, luntrini LEAN SIDE PORK ý. SPARE RIBS' FREý OUR OWN PORK SAI Walter A. J,, Electrical ..Appliancets Phone 271 Brock St.

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