Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Dec 1933, p. 3

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- -.' 4' *L -- f s .t'..6ttt4'i:- .'.~ Wh~~by' a s s ~ROOKLIN I 041 ?coachzCr pour saeitce finc on lMe ion at me 121 *4rL croft mon tth bouklct do% ; do.ublie . tl. $ . t es' t l) AT P'AR INN Au dley H-ITS MIJVANIR 1(y coutera -'enta vgr<Puiliros M.fi ove, onsi Serge, lun n lnrgo t Sfroulitli fluelclflo li lchlaehvi heati. e-Il of iutb.Iraw. l-oun sa trrgt fanti a at oc':Iodero* bitg orucotuuc"of 1 refait trade and whlora. i-ogilig ci- ati extna 15,- 46;,01P) cnapoye.I t iiintaihruaown Ili tic ltureau'g tI11 SEAT, AUDIJEY, Der. 26.-A happY Christmuas wa.n celobratoti by our pe.oplo ln the rosi oid-fash- lonoti way, with aleitilabells. cut- ter@, bol.-lel;lis andi suow shoes. Walten Pratt anud vife speni the holiday witlibhrn peo p!e a 1 Mn. antid us Hautord, of Highland Croel, spent the wve- enti with tlîeln daughtors bore. Mrs. Lomax lsa lilng wvlih frieuda lu Tononte. The Cbtpmau fuimilicas tent the Yuletide ai the onttl lioni. ituad ei "Graasmere". The school concert came off mal on Tiursday eveuing of lait Ireek andtihle papliss evei the tlenelitia of thelir ooti tralult rln recîitation andi saur. W. H. West- nasy aetoti as ehaîrman In hi. usu- ai plesfing rn nen andth ice an- * ~die« vero eni ceed ns i;tey slwas EJ. Morley expeets i nacre te is uew i9rno ln laggotaville lu * tic uear future. lis fnienda are .afry te sec htrn more oui of tie * Roe r. inCxoller vas unable tq get te thue servie boe u Sua. day asat. although h. made. a heroiê aitempit tn buffet the. snowhanks. rFew peaPle aitendedtheti..nom- r, Inuatioaon IFnlday tant ai froug- iam onA ccOot te bad roada. Et la reporteti thaitih olti Coun- cl bave been returued by acela- mation except tho -reeve Who vasl OPPOsed a the lai minute by Lb.e contestant of tast yean. tseenas a lot of erpense te put the tovu. sblP to for cone eleetion. W* con- gratulite Bob Reesor ou bies top Sp. MilLmen are havlng te agoulet the trucks bY taking their nulîL tote l.' iXaya. F'. H. Westney«vs new barn la comPifietansd it iu.akes a fluas' appearsuce. Il la s plauhr-tnusst frame vltb steel aides andi roof. aud ie oquIPPet i wtb5eilthttae-s( ceuvenisuces A nlie. andi ber husijanti froni Pehleville vialteti withblins. -M.ar- tii liasan atI the ?M'Csrthy bon. Utica ITC.Dec. 26. - Servies. la the Ulnitedi Chunciton nuntiar. Dec, 314t' ah 230 :u".. with te Rey. J. Denuy. palr. $Shbatb selicol it 1.30 P.mi. Ail are cor- dlaslIy oléome. Tira, C. W. l.akey. was rtaitîng relatives Iu Torcnun, oui Wedne.s. day. Mr. anti Nirs. Waltor Sk-rreîî ant i Iî&nM. o! Toronto, tsp n>t- thieweek-e'nd anti holiday et tise home of Mnf. Eti. skorrett. Mr. andi lMm.Edasu- lir4n anti Doris Miv. of Mtie. swusnt lMon- dayv iii hp'r parents hero. Mn.,Cqvu wi5 u.tt~u.~brio. & 'y re 't 's 1; r- 4 P. r. i.. t- i- I. ru ta lu I. e t I. Cbrltanns»ày i itht ieir teissit ail ai borne.. The f ollowlng officesra er electeti for thisTilsiou Circle-a the laut meeting Ield at Miti Olven's: Hou. Pneu, lire. Jul Pres., mise C. Harris; lot Vie Pres., Miss Ruth liorriscu; lui Vice-Pr"s.. Mis Doris Battu Rec. Sec...,'Miss Jean Scott,*Cor Sec., Miss Ruth White-, Troa. Miss Rase lloyd; Sec. of Chus ian Stewardothip. mise Aile@ Ar noli: Sripply Sec.. Miss Annig Grandy: Strnuers' Sec.. 111w Jean Watson;. Literature Sec. Misstt K. White: Tempérnance Fée MNliaDoris lIaity. Pr@"sBSe. xiissFn. <.arbutt; riantet,mis, Rosi' Boyd.* NIr. and MWr,. Crosby ef T* ronto, bave heen vialtlngiltt Mr. and Mlis. F. Neubit. Miss J. Onmiston, of Columnbus bas been vlilting with Miss Irent Sýpes ns. NWr. andi Tira. Farmer. of'Pcil Perry, vere viti Wr. and lir@ F. I.nke on Sunday and Christ. mas Day. Tiie Unitedi Churca. 1ev. P. . JuIl, W.A., pasSer. Sudsy. De<. 318. 10 an Suuday Sehool. Il &.m., morunt eworshl P-. Z "'eninig service. BSon* ropriaie for the esson. " brimt- mas%'a ni'i ii boarepeutet by ih-e choIr at bctb services. Tuens .lay. 8 p ni . Young' Penple's Loarnue. Tbunsday, 7.30 pua rni'-week tservict.. speriai Cbnifttmis music, and melotags' manketi the servir(,$ In the I'nired Church on Sundat. BROOKLN. Dec. 3.-Wr. mil- teni White, or Toronto, spaot te h01idar and wftk-ed with Mrt. Jôb White. -Mr. and Unrs. E. Pansuh and famlily were with Mr. and Mrs. W. Panihfor Christas. Wr. C.' Valentino has been lii at the home of Mr. and %Ir. W. Deaper anad on guflday was taken to the Hospital ai Oshawa. Mins Bernice White, or Oak- ville, was ai home for Christmas. >Ir. and Mrs. Peiu*y Derry, of Mador., were with %Ir. and Mfri. N. White for the week-end andi Chrimas Da y. Dr. and Mr.. Camapbell Qf To- ront.o, and Mr and lra. Stewart Gré«. of Detroit. have been with 'Mrs. Grigg. Mr' and Mrs. A. Cook nnd' family were vrith Mr. andi Mr*. Allem. at Columbus for Christ- moi. Miss Helen Batty ila nthome for a few day-s. Mr. and M rx. Chas, I4Iliott and Miss Evelyn Ellioit were With Mr. and Mrs. A. E. illiott on Sunday and CbrIstmas Day'. M~r. suid Mrs. C. (;rana were It Brampton for Chrisimao. MiessMarfery Allems anasbeen ut home for a few dnys. NIr. Mont.' Lade lias taken a position In Toronto. Nlr. and Mrg. John Graham- îqpent ChrIstmas Day iln Toronto. Nir. and- MNlg. T. Tbomp..on and rblidron cf Toronto. andi Mr. Noei Lad.', of lavelo)ck. were with Mir. andi Mri. A. Lads for Christmas. thaeý. %r. Gardon h!cntly. ln Tot unto Generai Hospital on lI-rida3 uf tînt week. He la improrlur u,-z> slow Iy. Tbh suanual Unitedi chur !1 1a.)batb 8ebool C'bristmax P(.'u! Lalument vas veilistendeti lu ,Meunorîia Hall ob Ds'cemb.'r 20, wheu the Gien M a)o r Y ou n iloople prese-satfd them fainous j.Aa."'A Little Towi. lu hic- unico". The anîlats al iii.. their part. well. The lcpay itsol! lo a avcreé m. lins. Alfredi Steer sud ftnlly spent Wednes<isy &t the homioto Mr. and -lins. Hingaton, rien Mla- jor. Mr. antidi.'.Hiren Vugg anti boys apout (Iliriptmau nitt M*ulS. A. Foriéyihe, of QuÏken HiII. M r. Wagi la riâyng there for a fcw days. WNr. andi Mns.0. Bonnet-i, et POtsrrbOrcUgh, andi Mr. andilira. Garnet McKDIlOY. aud Doris, of Sunderland. apeuit tht' holId&y with MnI. anti tra. C. W. l.akIy Mr. and Mlra. James E. Mit- chlell andi fsrlly spent Christmas with Ur. UH. Davis. Mr. sud lira. Richard Harper sud4 »"t. LaIniaw-re esth<le home ef Wr. RUSsel Harper, on There wus neservie. la Lthe Proii4ranChurth o& Sumdey# Do 4 onAI.ou of - tueab- seance of tiiê. Dt. A. Frerguson. Me- Merrelap&I MOrIî&os Speut llnday viii Ibeir parents, Wr. and lMrm.L Rois, et liyve,. Ur., W. KCent la spmedlng a tow day& vitihbis brother. Peter Kent, Oshawa. Mr. and Mira Alfred Clark Fred and Harnlemuavttd lt, ly'red Clark,.L'nbrUdge..on Mon- lira. t. Alderacu.lira.s. MVitch*ll and Graevirnee 'lstitug frient. lantTnbrldge, on Weduu M r. T. HLky le.Dn andi Mlâdreti, aillt U Itbl keYa1, et Toronto, apenit itibell- ddy-with lUr. Harry Danu iaa Olga Ulaka *bd ales ri. alan MieXlCecîer, ne Petebor. ý Plugi Normal Sebeét, vere ai thein homes$ t*,om su.tis* ho» Almonda ÀLimOm bé, e. 1S.I-0911tm nali cebretio e di. osuai luaii. rnuy bns.et Ithe. 'ere baIoettegetho Tii* eorpep--- s 1, e 1 vialsag yen a a"W lits the boffswi»M~ *B Cbniatu elp esejy~ C. bot rtbo ots. e. ahrlsd*14 't i i. t i i t c s c WL.La h.m8e5.d Mayer W6Aibr fer a f" <atm. was 8-V« Bcclamatioail. thîe pulpit and i ave blis 'Ciniat- mlai. me&uage te the cougrega- .il i"sCuita Crahana Spant Ciu..., ,da la hehome of her itaren.,. Mr. anti Ntrs. H. 'Jiaawta jý y tfixil 1i(maaüIaa crnpthortlc, of Tororno. lI. apending the Christ- ins. s î î at Liai.' lotse tcf! ber Ibri. h.4r, Mr. s. K eut pJh<'1 0. %J( b A.%t Brac.rbiide, on Fnl- da.%. ioc. 1..to Mr. and lira. J.ak ioss. a dalcihttr. M - % 1- ior . i, otthweill and ~~~-i. ~ ~ o 71oty-o.oI. <' ron- i s."i . h :::î w1h Mr. anti y . litalî.:da andi Zai- A -erv I<-aaii ime vas .'pf,'l ai Uthé irbool onu landay alIe:i'no 'Mul# n the annual Chislinas Crcert wiis heid ini il..' Pres-çe .of naiîy of the par- fOasilr.<. b folosung rr~aiw iu. wsl uivsen, under ttc ~ q d:e:.aç isGraham., h. r rarher:Reclîniion cf voel- [)Y ' byloniald Wood, chorus bys tht' achool 'Inflnite tHoly .; Thrr" L.ittle Moîht-rs ' glu-en by lierr and Ruth &;àliljgbury andi Mary (lQuv un l îcua. Moi ler .c lIi girlh. StiontttiarF itrN r af dri] jla) I Diuîç.r l'or One.' chorus Ly sciioi; tslogue «'The pro-i fe>rs glnebtt,* olo, Rutla $4alhl&i.îr3-. This was follave& , h Olti Snnia Clan.. who rnsnaged te get there on tlue»ta dli3ribute paIs lins iaOffthé' Prciiy Chisu- * injtsChiisîas concert on l'ndav euenîag urs. larreiy «i- tended -sud lolly old Saut& Chusl vas on baund as "nanl tai gret ail th#. beysRad girWa.The . iolgq- Joyed by ait. A churîtR by th*. elildreu n fnt o1~;a- chue "Trbr" Lti, -Mte-' reeding. lhetty Meqairy; lta tii. Jevea*y Pa*roe; iti BeleU 411d 1H111VtAshy «Oàg 'Jnpelelll.* anti "Puton tour Md Gry oner' wveh von louti apl"aua.e. Jouer ebLulrce*a chorus; Scrarf 3rilh I~ o oby littie Ruth slihslbury, Wb"el- w» sreatly appreet*d. solo hy RKaPi MacCarl *Ibat SJlrer 111ffle4addY ef Mlne- vhieh "on the appiauiwo of t;@.,erevd. chorus. '1'be Cltiasa re~ dialogue by tha Instaor gila Clasa; Chriaîiueer4ie, ï'Ti baba la <ha Manger- aed l0l ChiuaînasaPla"4C rtalsà ut t"e F"btetabî'* weh vas eoýep- 043411Y gfot nd 0-eti sud reoiev. lonti ~ I aplee vas*given Lv tbe toIlo*tsg cir.a: Lucde. IK*usp, P#1ie#%deam%,ion i11e. 14a114. ltyaiWAuers*on.,ga Rtoberts. brut e MGtgs. viblet vuasb ha e *oatà&s elity rle bRd bese at9wubos4 a s tl te ggptsse 1rwUo ut ratce Mm ht omee biet lieu vs.v cto 4isqnr gonWl au Il S. Mh iualse f«8e 4 br e ai. e 1 mm qrtt a'td m P . btf chLutettas lsm" "Ila ALDU W. »"K5o rI. t. OwS A, C e u s t y C n s e i f e r 5 9 ~ ~ w i C o m m 5 a f 5 l t . e T e u a b C o u s . vrblch aroueed tihe bousihôd and one by eue tliey ail roâled .,Iorth on tho statteclati Only 111nil-ht tattire, vie atrtied olt to li e only a bahtti lover weteiing for' is maldeu fair te 'Core tO place lien gift *en ituestoeking. thus nêveailng the vonder, Vinai- mias @pîrit that sheuld and des prevail at ttus seasoi. The pro- ceeds for the evconuug ere elgbteen dollars. Mr..and lis. Wllloctt anti fsmlly u'ho have been entaged at -Birandy Wlno Parsu" for ai. niust two yeans are muoving on Sai.brday to Oshawa. Ur. Chap. mn. u. anger of [lhe muabroona j PlânC, *1i1 occupy the house at 1%e. many frIeuda cftlrm.J. J. Fothergill are gladto Lu mc lier condition la sotxuwliat lui. prevei.1 Ashburn ASHIIURN, -c. 2/,ervace in Bunuî'q Cturcis oui Sun.:.îc Dcc 3 .~ aIIl a., %w ulllue ;.-. r L. 1). A.Frr.u.u, tsimcharg,- Saoltail Sci .1 ,îtlIfa a fil.-XA r rty invita'- toit ta axictuicdti u e r ns te ai- tc-end. # wcck-cnd ti tlsMn.1-. * Mis. i iJoual: ', ctenbmrn. Mlas ~Alsta 0 Neilli s sjcndiqg the V acationu w.tialiter îiarlts, Mn. anti fMID'. c"Sa. U'àNc.iii. oft\ oodyiite ài, 1u t. adss 1uu4Tîles lty> , ltMakham, luira.E;, Iirtis anti tiughtes- of Totonti>, %wC suncday visitoraBat thtre tif Mn,.. JanV: Reutkand eluitb xcse m tut ofawa. y Lat. rç 146.AsofheY .I'o$ chiltircn and othe à, tiaitng purs ;a uit. Bout the tnaitîer, andi the uiern- be'rs o e lccan lia nTuent uuch Praise -for the .vày iia whîiî the ,Icanîatl was prcse.é,.d. Some <.A the Chr'îînes vs'uor- were. Rustl ani i ir khilk)i a"i (2crald, cofliuffaic:, wi:luW. 1. MJ dIcton atol farnsly, A. . ýuihtl, of MNaciilan wiîh hua own fanulty- i lionas andi lirts,}Iuttopo of Cani- -lia, and j Mus Margaret Gte, of Markliaa, andi Muas torah (ire. of îoronto, wuiah W. W. andt'.Niru. t [1A. Murry, oftGuac4phi, wiîîth i. N anr iar nily- Miss Siate. a.'n Land Mrs. Grccn; lUr. and à Mu. tif . l arklua.n, #Ani.L.an4 TMtra, .lagernanj, andi daugbîcrs, of Vhîvlwith William and Ili. Ornîcroti. OviaaR to dit roads andi the aveatlier lait Sundtay c.cuung the 14agas t t jtilcd "Ille iHonte ier Ille (ucît of t'iicsts** Vas Io,Oti.tm ed util nca.t Sunday evenia.U ut 7.30 o'cloclc. Reniemiier then next Sà..- ýdày cvvning. Evcrytyit.',<uî%1. M>ytie Station IMVIITLE SATION, D"t. 24.-1 W. wiu.h the niembers u thebm l- crs a hiappy sud prospencua NewI Yeaa.- - 1 Tue Cirlstiuastff i eulnti anct utzI»t w*qeL Vue a sonder-i tql4 aucss, tb, but vb iiud fortî niauy yeata..The cooumea veroi try pretty anut.qlint.. &Ud eub boy aid girl 'dtd toIt* natta e- R-ep o rters$. Staff1 caaof t4e risluwhhotroe -eu I tê VDdhlI*EObteurlug the I À v o is rn B uI C cid et t a. O n e ,a* w&alpet la- the ditch near gmoktflb. Tiio ceupaJis were un- "h. te gsa ot vthout acslot- SMe.mir. Tordit hettaed along lu tisa. te take one lnJured lady tw th* in erluBroluin. Then whtn hé wue turing arond, hmr *as strtâek by sother car. wh>eb dasaged ble Car conaidéra>ly, aise the.ocher car fared ve-rme. Petty thtevteg bas been gellas aw'oudrd uivillage aiu. lAst week the booth heion lng to-Ur. Elmer Coot, Vau robbed of ail lis Contenta# WviCi aMOUuted ln value te 815.00. liW* are sorry to bear &bouit the ftro l llueeof Mr. Chrite Valenti*, Who waataken wtiith bosital'lu an ambulance on Sun- dir. Jaue theuk aIl thoe friands Who bave shown kli0cuate ber uiter. the. laie lirg. George Corner of Shir- ley, duriug ber lai llIneks. Mr. ind lira. X. Beadli and Lester vere visitera w1tb rela- tives la LIndsay ou Chbristmas Day. - Mr. and lire. John'Dray and farnily, et Raglan, Mrt. audMis. Clarene Cook. of Prospet. Mr. and Mir#. James Le. and tauiily. of Orsenbauk, Ur. andlie Fred Beatile and famlly. of Âubburn. Mr. Ray Cook and fauuily, of Port Perry. and lUr. and lits. Èd. Cooper. oftoItrouto. also Ur. and Titre. Bluter Cook ver, .11 Christ- mas gumoa of Ur. and àdrs. W. 3. Cook. -Quité a lumnber froua bere ai- teuldet Whttbl Cbristmas. Fair on UIRIffusNAs FAIR ON SATURIDAUWAU (Contirnustl fironpage 1) M.r, A. Mlt .lr.lcl lister. Ciasu 3-»eut Sait 'Doen e -Breakfast RoUe-I. lira. A.L 3ul.- 1eir; 2. mis.ra.l'eteber; 3, lira Chas 3 1-3utsit Done* M. Pa ~. 13'1dthe2 . amieJ.u l s . J'. o ue; 31,lr. .- dersea; t m,. iller. Cl14-8w; pair 1Cake- liIt-lWsur 9.. Sundin; Iia R. kac»O. lr.R aho~ ria ùt& ýPuty Givq: indidcte eontest il'ute for the tire.. wn-4h11p couneil, avlug qualideti lio0 eevo ion ali acclauW bh lt an fi.,,. .M AHappy Nèe Ye ar To D MAY OU HAE 36 J7IAPNESSANDGO IN J1934. ýthie to eu of < on WN ucl oux1 SAM ~BABY BEAL'SE JMg OWN SON DIE» Bemuse UDr. ThommaL lliggaboshan t fLoulavUle, K7., Bter sa"» lIe ewx a by a>yso e 93 ><ar *go of sa tonstiltnfrc%àon, han- doisqrq a tehnlqu e fr sorti cms", aix-month.old (icno lnarm la weIl and,- happy Ogal ta bish Quens, lé.l., home. flue life.ssrng pb.ysfcan, snimorted h h' f-b ritd*n m",Wrr. wtan lv'fore ber mfir?1fg u'aitnitrs te, Dr. litinboua, b er la shsows 'wlth the yumg ieonvalescen (lett) * s inte ilatrlela. Thie dortor ruahed by plane tobbhi young jtiea a ie. CHRmJISTMAS BUSINESS THIS YEAR, WAS VERlY uGOàOD, OSHÀWA -REPxORTS Oshawau merchauts wcre mre (han sattafiet wih uIlevolume rnf <Jistina austncs doute is year, aceordtng te rrpcanîs whîiclî have becn reictiseltoi t tnuy cf the City*$ buauuseeaiplaces. fBusinecss ou the whols, it vas &taledi. show- ccl a decited inupnoncîenî oser laît yean. andi one mer-chant cstîuaaeti the iflcrtasc Ait As enty-ulvc per cent over a yrir &go, fuls ilircaseti businesas ams qiaite uoîiceabie ln the alerta o n Eraday anti Saturay. viien ilhec w as àa gril rowd of siseppers on the strectsansd in lte storea, inany people f roui Bowusan- ville, Whitby. Port Perry- aidt Brocin, autrieturd by thue bau-aina advcrtistsd. comîig to Oshawa to do theïn tboppin#. One fansii tAuteti tuat It -b4d corne al the wmy. frmi, Tomoto Io #hop ln Oshawtt Oou Be- ceput t ftee at rowds lCI bbc Tomoto Stores. A.Xtreat d. 01cfthe mp. ýt n tuuking liberal advan 9 e ployeci Who hati just startet i ek on arc duc to tartin uthe near future, wasa latsewarmîîy pr tci b the naerclaunta as baving -ht - gea&ttirai to do wîth thec latlafie. - tory Chrnistm=# business. C l o îh i p gn i a r h n s a t i r c r anti proviion ahops raponied the. best baissncîthealb.dowtown shopping section. Two utet ii. CIII Ing merclanuts were espejà.Iy 'en- thusiaatic, une;- ipeclanisng-ýIiene' Wear anti .eue in w0moin'as ,de- caianc gthat they had idoue mte, buisiness ini the umoith t an lnu-axry Sonneapondurg -peotio alnce 98 The latter cdclar*4d ha-i.utuwMeot0 the inercase wu$» titis WcUSorerjý Who hati forncrly donc Much abop>' Ipinot culside of 1Dellava.- 1 11 I 'WCVe egetthig hhe beucAt -e' Ibetter -eutpio;yuuîts =di6hn. - J'. Otbawu.' hestad. <'Pole "cmu omwâm PACX .St-aff 1

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