Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Apr 1934, p. 1

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'T prOfl1c ev nior.ti liti il woul vt(i v o tlre', ltro. T' p\là.J~ *ma Cq r'- f Weini' ktrO.ii la - peiCC naja.S Got in ax Aftrars VU WiIN D.dde.11MLaw Wii hRm ~ PRT NI foW au AwaI'ened Sale of Chattes Ckw.h-NProREPORT Wi eCaired Out Srie TOW N NE S MONEY . Ii. visitiag preacher at the TO MET J"3 ~Pro-Buater service ou Wednesday TO h T ff Biu Zltht luaitie Unitedi Churci vas ttRey. Prof. Eakia. of Knox e w.To n, Collage. Ris message was a eOvm t wîTw sarching- appeal for cloe thbnk- $100 for Relief Cosa ag snd valid Judsient ln 1f.. >1 is ppel ws bsed on the ln Januarye also for Feb- afflon othe soldiers a, the flIat and arch e: entred ln the clotheis ho lie&d voru snd for vilc itlîoy Datermncd tg ollcît, and that gambled vile Ho hung and suf- gpdeklY. ail outsîanîding tax rrersfaresi there. Ho Illuâtrateci the sor thse past two years, thse Town ' rtaetment of the tragedy In C-OwACil on Mondav cvcning, aîter history andIlife uhowIng hnw i PtObýUsed discuiiin of the town'a nien have been concerned for tn*Ntis1 afair. 'sîruted tictic trappingt fIle ratier thari cierk, pubuish inthuGaztteand lite Itzelf. Ho instanced tie Cbronic1bý a nlotice for threc e eks creodal professions wion the COn-leatttnt;lpn of dcinqùuents clitirci vas more concerfled vith tO lltiu -thâ heAse intAtcorrect statement tian correct o iretc thtîtt th csrrcnt allbecondUet: tic cry oftichepeople of sddedîo aIl arrcars of taxes on the Jorusalem n uJeromîiah day as first dayg'of M;y. wliiclni nn les$ than DRPG . Q *TZVEIÇNN I:1@> ldolized thc temîple but dlis- Luý olti hencc. also tînat sale Pro- Supernt&ndout d -- regarded the Qed It synubolbîed; oetdtsnW will commence after that pibsi whîî H«. uklig a fotish of tic bible es late. It Points out tlatcitazcns il , a, htY, bemmdr.rany do teday wio uwallow tic Iroafs can jave noncy by paying Pululeate iniâ. .f bealirliwiale whlch swalîowc.d Jonah their taxes before that date. APPeara lin ILis lameu. but stoor ecar et tic mission- "oeil CG"deand Chatte!. ________________ary implications viti whici tie Tise fltice furtiier staîe liat af- book lu concerned; the caîl for tr M&V lit, thç Coumxcil is c'I'olj fj- le *lmlc egospel" whichibndi!- ouled -bv law to sebl thec chaudts vi IIN lA cates a piety tiat takeiu on re- f ail those Dcrsons wisosc taxes DAY"îît o tctemnon kre n areag fo tw yeirs r D ADV U un revolutienary splrit of hlm of nom luarawfrtw cr r A flA V <-Il ose disciples il vas said, pisqualIIyDeUaquenie * lAT IIH JIMR 4*tb*y have turuesi the vorld up- Thse MOst important and <rastic side dci". rOvigiOn lu thse notice lu that per- Rlii meesge vas a strong cal e«s owilng taxes on tise day of the* Addresses by Nmom ]WwJiVIJte la>' hold du the real and eter- DUickPal -nominations will bc dis- n,*,,, al Insteai eftiie circumstantlal lualified freux votillg et thse muni- and C4 " p and M1 s d ental. âgeil electioti. 111 consection svih Em, *nb Mise i A ke bis clase tihe Municipal Act gives Novy heR . .ohU iMeab, minils- be Cooucil thii. authorit>' by pas- te-of131 Pak f bterTo- gS a byiaw, and this ordinaisce vil! <Zueday vis "AviatIon-Day" at Chll'ci 1*ad 1(odeàiWt4 vs heO e Pasted later. tht Whitby Rotarj' Club vian. routo ;presbytes' w.,tii.spectai Fues..d feu' Money aviation vas tha sub$et or a* -Pg*b«et ths u«services Te decision of tie Council to dress by Itotartmn NOrMSÉ Irwfl I. bITI4S *veuhu& Mo'r*marlts a ih titis notice was reachcd, as t icWh tbyClb, «d 4CapI l. b s u6 u -lnctut Of of heWtii.h*c Iready pointed eut, ai ter a ca-refui "BilI" Eqlery, fermerllr of tbtsliecIl*. ho t iIvigt ueJst' salYsis of tise towu'a finances, dur- -Royal Cunadian Aâr $Worca. ae"tgte« et ofOMi- ig whicli it vas îevealed tisat the Dot-h addrêes W6 eMime. s1l.Blb T5iAWIWi*It @! 57yi31thyi DWn. as bard'pressed for meaey- o lngly Intereotiag. 0<O 1a rvinWiYîà WttiithOir sute>' heo' Sd ,to lo.not oaiy lis obtlip~tions î îisc doait çbie4jr,' ý$1t9*, * ot lif*IO#U4ISS #r tkutto-uuept oporatiuu csucns. statue oetaviatipn, 'W1 POINT TO BElTER BUSINESS An indication ofete eri trandi et Improvaement in bus!. ns conditions for the Inidustrie lu Whltby andsi rinîty la shown in the report on the collection of cuetomu duties and excisa taxes, Includlng sals te,- at the Port of Whitby, dur- lng thé lest fisca year which ended on March ai, and which hiaî beau handed to The Gazette and Chronll by John Parker, Coilector of Customs and fexlme This report shows that dur. lue the lant fiscal yes.r thl, WA1san ineas Incollections here ovor that poriod o! thprvlous year amounting tg Commenting on tho report for the year M~r. Parker sald that there was a decreaso Iu the Customis duties, but an I-. crease In Exclso Taxes. W111011 11clud 'e Sales TaX, due tohI- creaaod production In tho fact0i1es In the. County. The In- crease la miail in each case but ta nevertheles general. The report on 1,ollectbons Shlweitat te total collections for ('utome Imnport Dutv tlitiag the year 1933-34 amounted to $7,656.50 as compared with $8,017.32 for 1932-33. The total collections for Excise Taxes diîrlng 1933-84 amlounted to $1 ý966.42 as compared with $12,819.02 for 1932-33. It la uhoh'n In the report that the total collections for the lazt fiscal year amount(ýd to $28,64-3-92 au COMPared wlth $20,- -836.34 for the prevlous fiscal year. The summary of rollections by montlis for tho Past two fiscal years lu as follown. 1932-32 933 AýprIl ........................1582.57 3.1 M ay ....0.......à..............2003.1017.2 Juno .......e................-.1329.78 717 July........................ ..1754.67 1108.20 August ..................602.89 1995.24 Septembcr...................... 1369.82 1813.61 October .........e.........o. ..2479.21 2240.08o Novem ber................... .1601.62 2031.26 December . 0..................1 663.40 1301.63, Janluary.............. 4....... 1449.26 1960.50o February.................. . 002108.06 2438.62 Marci...................... 918 2268.30 Town is ColIULg Rents From Proportsos Takon Over- For, Tax Arroarsi Mtier May lat the Couacil willi treasurer ini futue.Thtbusinets pmeed to sell direct aIl vacant Jblock wuasasased to. W. .,Il dot su mhprovesi propertics which iw idon. and was, boughtit l by a 8=11 more louses and hisinea# thse -town et a tex sale. After ->hy Modesk icqufred thrpugh tht cdl,-- l stt th s -b4,nk, &Iong with oéther m, i ttex sales durimg the, peut jpropextii: ou yihciI e'eartand. leven veara- On tIs.at metas Àss.le cuts'havet e aïcnêi. uil -lb- ITHE CHURGNES Large Conregations In At- tendance Ail Day 1SundaY relster service. htld ln Whlt- bW churches ou Sunda>' reflectad the spirit of tie Joyeus seaison tint marks the resurrection ef Christ and t-ho roturu et spring. Mld weat-ler made lt possible for manY People te get out ansi large congregations vere lu at- tendance et t-ie services linail churehes. Spoclal Easter music and sermon Iarked t-be day, the muie being featured li soma churchos. St. Andrev's Church, At St. -Andrw'. Presbyterien Church Rer. Dr. Carmiciaol, the. inister, proacing trom tha toit, «'1f a man die, &hall he lire again," stat-ed tuat viat te Job vie ut-teres t-hes. verdi vau ouI>' a hope today vas a realit>', for t-ho resurrection et Chrit bail made certain mnan's IMMOr..' talîtty. Job and aIl rigbtteus Derl sons bof ore ansi after hie lime vie bad pa.sed eu llred because Christ arose from the grave. Dr. Carmiebsel alIse- stressad!that witereas Job hoped tiat aIl tt vas good lu lite voulsi te ri- dicateil. as lio declarod tint yt- lu bis flesh lie vould ses Qed. 80 t-be moral sud rigbteeus ciarae- tesr et mout today voulsi ho s lu- dicated and live on. It vas liard te bougrve liat for erIl tIses-c as a -résurrection. Tlhe itte lt- lias value hare on eur'th vlI con- tinue te lire vit-i tht power et Christ. This le wl>' Xe saisi ou mtes-th11Iam the resurrection sud the. lit.." Ian'a rmort-allty. h. dpelared, Gapensiesi.upon mnu istusalfTht résurrection et Chalet Lad made. lmmortallty tertatu ansi tbe triuâph f 0f0od '"W Ïel vlitiithe rtalît? that- s' lita, w.U UV*&, woold, go on. A solo wau rensred, bjr' lis. J. Sevie [itb Mie 8-$ratt aet th x4 >1>d *r4 t-eau lata tlho Nul., noCOraca Do-ring Past Few Weeks AT COMFEENCE REV. D. N. McLAC*ILAIN S.cr.a,7 of t&O Depst.st of SodiSora me.a dEv.ngeultsm, Unit.d Chuvsh ofCanada, Who pmailèd at L.làetUla wRe- trus thia wgh ai ILtheunn.d La"I, CoDage, ,,HITBY LEWON, W. P. -Asltn Pihu t - At the, quegai Metil, f Wbtby bah fthe'Ct4i~go heMd ln theCubýo<>P sthe blW ind' Mfifta ter. lew.. -R In Some Cases New Own. ens Plan New Buildings and Extensive Improve. ment* BETTER PRICES SAT AUCTION SALES Four Sales Lest1 Brougbt the L Sonie Time Fanms in South Ontario are seil. h't frecly, an indication of retuni- lnIý ?prosperit. A' nusnber of pr,,. perties have chawliyed hands durin1g t-le paiset! wcck. Oue of dttJeffre>' Larms, onflie Hliulivay %icst of \Vhitby, a short distance,.n'as soIn last wcck te jas. Aides-son. et Pickering. Tie ncw ovues- vilt bc building a new bomse as 50015 ra!Çtic frost 18 out, and mais. cher nceded £mprovrments t-o thse flace. Thse fans iust est cf 1lsooklin Station, knowîi as t-le George Blight Esîs te, consiat-ingz ci 100 acres, vas soIdto lte s. Fred Os-mis- ton. Tisis vîl make twoe farme for M-. Orzùiston. Extersive impreve- monts wil l e.rmade te his lateat pus-clise. Ms-. John John,of Reecis Town- ship. has bougistiso Br-ay farim, on tise 9th conc~ession of East Wlsitby Thtis l a »rmal good place of10 acres, with large banis bain, brick- house, and a runniug sts-eam, Mr. Johns lived îstise 'neighborhood semae vears sgro. Another place tisat lhasbeeù no thls etc for saine uie, but &p. peared te isanx ire, tho Knapp fera» huet cast of Raglian bheen sod te Chas. Lulcei wise- vii mode oMe- et trase ,tlo tebath houle und ber.. à"1 brlng the, général, ccwdi- a mebacl e -nra.as' tidtis=m bt*a badly cared fýor -durmg s-e e- Week .argeat 0,O. vhich il about 3 '0f îtîc total -roll. Lest> rN..L.Brittais, direc Onia,'io Bureau cf Mur soîrcis. and au expert on bffairs. toIdth ie wlîitl Club and Council liai uiuicipaliîy reacised wherc 50 Der cent. of l was in arreat. t hadý reesed 1h. danger pain, b. said. il vas timer go. It vas admitted byL tise situation was seraou nov or neyer tise tex ar lie collecteti. aven if dr. urss suci as vere prdt published are adoptet!. Ut!. Ceusa 1 Tise treasurer reportes litt!. of tise1933 rol1 vas sud in Iire mouIhse'tin lustaiment of 1934 taxes, witis a Possible increasei ln thse Cmeatime e7pesi têwn are being mnur amonat of relief bille pi d>' isigisi clone vas Thei'bank lia advised ti Iiâ debeutures te cas me Du .oito byliquidai L-Céssuission lbans, 195a 'tseb've for uneoli infants, and a Commit' CtÏuncli il! go' te th, 13oard aI Tes-onte sud st sic te issue tue debe thse -loveCould coiîect a limof. -ilstet as-ssr would Dot be acseassary, #o uov, lis lok& 10 b, w8y.cout of e difficuit si Witis regard te relief, CoumitttetWil! se cis1 thea *Ovurment a larges- of , he-cot then is nov TIls conession bas been otter lei aSi d Whutby ileItitled to considerai e ac hat over 50 fi et presint oblaining recii Osfflmment owe 1ýwJtS*Oeimof i e *,eOltis of Janual euiatftovusçousid aada' snoyact.For Sarch tis be goven op W' u r sucet., lii t»,thse -tei r bth al 5 per cent ger, fre1lgb( A week Dr. an exemble cf i1141,'mat- growt b b et-or cf the clted the figare eompaning'thes nicipal Re- paséenger traMe hlas-esci- nmunicipal trIos, Ia 193-3, ha DIritibh'aMthe' ýby Rot-ary Germen ais-unes hai a volume,0« twheu a 20.000,006 passengarmie.eh tise stage these beiug the highest *tePt for' & total levy Unitedl States. vieticth commerk- more than cia! vompaiiits basi a total-cfO t. Iu fact, 190.000,000 Passengermle. Pny. Ile reforred te the recait-de" ouncil tîsat velopment lrit-ho UnitedS t-ateas, is and t-bat wben al existlug ail'.mail con- rrears must tracts viti commercial, linos vere sîic meas- cancelloci and t-h. cas-rint et t-he cred tuo bc mails was turnesi ovr te lhe army planes. Durlug al l Ut- 701 la tic commercial compantes Lad i tisai 'riony elglit tatalities, or ose fer %coming in. <'very 24,000.000 pascungar mile« ne tise tirst tra"eled, a trul>' remas-kable re- wili bc duc, cord. In comparison vit-h Ibis, la ini the rate. thefIrat waek durlug whlcl t-he Iseso et tc armyocarried tic mals, thora rre<i. Thestere cigit talities, assed %ton- Capt. Ensery rotes-ros le lie over $900. hlislory of aviation Iu Canada and 1e tovu lu bold iniefly the st-ory of 11, de- ec the ccir- veonpment. sud tifs axtent te ting lis- wblcb t-ie goveaumenta iad e. sud scîut)ng tèrud Il. lu 1932, hovaves-, luaa lectabie te x desire. t-o cconemlso. tht Royal tee eithtic Canadian Air Fore has beu dis. ec Railway bsnded. ici Capt. Emes-y char- eek permnis- acterize-d s a blow from vwieci ntures, if Catiadiani aviation voulsi take a l arqe por-, long lime te recover. lne pointat! 8 t-hi.step out just- hov gmeti Cada's fu. ýbut, as il turo dorolopmaut yul depensi up- e the OM nlyoaviation. viich eau coutribute ituatien. Immonsely te t-he opuning u<> of ele the Dominion If rtgitI direetesi 1thie same Ilic made a pîca for uympatbetto btain from ansd enthuaiasie support ot a percenta1ge vell-plannod. eemmn45D» Pro- being pasd. :ramn for aviation ta Canada. 1grautto 0 Muci more tinfoMtOnOuu tbil Y, itlaI toit, lire asubJect vax luspartes te t-he sou duc to club b>'ltes two speakers, te [milles are vhom a heart>' expreson et cef. tinki vas teudoned b>' pr*egiat- 14"e>' George lqtgy@U&03. .d Itisatthe "Steve" ,Keevu Des.ufl thle et tise town eet1iy "Rotes - iasbles" lu a relie, Cesti Splendid tiroeml.nute teik. ,ry aud titis Noi exveok wlU#o calèratesilai derable fin- *"Cripplasi Ch, re'a Wsk' li. P'ebruary vilcispeeil attution vali b. aont vil) Paid t-e thi. phaSfet .t oa,'>'4Mi rnigtise villes. Au>' citiesieWvho.knsw a ulutise cs-Ippigid clildues vioso eseee The towu cou id b. isîpesd tireugithe liter. à id aîd s est et t-ha ROtU7, Club, . ek ila an s Ato gacat nch viwt-hnu'»ey ie ~rL and presat-Unle tt. POL COURSE END; bc S-ARE #4Tt4LAVmK*1E& te&etc M b.a erdsi<otp ucsg £i an *e.litmontai -combat. ,jjiit speaker drev, attention t-oi the eoutlpmuof ,et t-at struggls thIon, t le cross basiaciievesi a vicor>'for fait-h. Hlistaneds the Ifluence ores-ted b>' the mo'vlWg pbeture induts->launt-ho character ef films released, tie naturse ofmany producCieus 0o lie stage, t-he insidions grovt-i cf the. liquer propagaida. AI! t-leve t-ines voe possible oui>' berause et sleepligpublic opin- loi. Ris calvwu for au avaken- md ohurci. CELEBRATE 111 NINETITYEAR ROberiStory, FormerLoca MnWla inGood Robes-tBt-os-y, ot Vis-dan, Man., & formner vol kuovu s-cident ot t-ils district. veili kuovalu Whlt- b>', ansi breller et Ms-. Edwin St-os- at-s'Base Lino West., on Marei 2Ist calebratesi bis 90th bitisa>'. Mr. Bt-or>'vas boentu Ficiies- lng Township ou MarehS-I,811884, iot 2. coneessien 2. on t-hetas-m nov ovuosi b>' Mr. Albert Rieh- ardeon, andi fer fort>' yeas-sw»i a Wel! kuovi andi hiil>' sbesna- ei tas-mer lu t-hi. district- &Bdih. lied a 'bout orftriends. lnaOwss la business lu Bars-e » an4 tiig. tovun for toma ysare tel'lta., 'nt Whlhby. msinss5 e t b Iliredivthlt ejte M. Bevyer, t VInai, Msa..vitW" Ia>' haenlers Pb«ec 1sil and stilI raids vitIsotthé, a1d et gl«e. lMn. tIogy «i s UMM. ofr e t h t liboard et truue et ta methuem ýWalpau1 Churalite, Wbt1w, wIlvt aites aitt trur tl . lecîson oft sn o$ Isicen *ver by tlie îown, . ,thé saut three-or four vaer-j.leuis îufos-ued Council Ia o f t-li teniants vere about lartouh i as-s-car but tisat stepi - ltad beca taken la brina ts »mnsUp le, date. Mr. Frsut nId hat eis eune business nov oÛDCcuosdb>'Stù- ver'& store saine lifficulW 'lidbea.n cxperieusced oves- t-liccolecton il t-he s-cos but this We nov been straigisîened out. Tireawuas osi item et $110. h vas pont-ad out, not Paid direct t10 Ilteurer buit il vasl explained!bs thig i» ad been uset! for' retnairu te ,te bulding vhen a pnizsing cfiScs incet! in. The treasus-er was inst-ttcld 10 asic for a sitrict accoutittng pf Ibis amouint. Mes. Siiver'ensd tD. Tur- ner. tenants of lie business blocke iu question. 'will forthvjO tknotifies! hn writinq b>' negisterat! mil liat tise renta mu-st blie p14teotht tavu 'tion Itomthe trmeesttr on account4 .oa. IUnre bcb. id barsd en -thli stet from. morettan ont i $eon tb thse- effeet t it thse town wù",c collectiug Certain 1senute le yijé fitg vas entitý le e'ci vent-as fan as te unr. tittisera wu'tal"t of a ratepayeru'metig e isusf malter. Ms-. Thridgod aidt! tisa' lie wanted this îuormatlon n oder tg thet hoe iniat bha bIe to, intornai rat-epayers avio SPeke te hlm om lhea01 Tis esaurer tld Comenci lt unies;thsonçin ase-tsfor rente ou, buildings taoeover., by. t-ha lov met tiscr obligations tise loy migsî ha obliigd 10 order lten tat vecale. Il wuvapointtsiOut litaI sorea cf these prepeffetsr*'.badI> in nced of rezas-u.It ardnytram. nd, right, for thea tofate epe1ndsé mouey cm proprgies front vbici no revenuewuas teotug., CANYASSEW GIVENC0O1'MmtATM>I IN WAISBLE FLY CONTOL VUE 14INIu ýc OUtY MOF~ NAI An Intensive st-amp eut t-ht 1'!> lu Bout-h Oi vit-b sueten. On 100 Dar êèenl. afffte-d siWu bas beau -itibu ovuars on, t-h. fu ta Orvooe. la s0iPth ti Ye e«Ltom Teemuah wâe e to e gospe. if Pe s-lt toda', saisd lt-ey. rdaQv. oul 'bo Ub~w 1 4w. 4, or Rlo-e Ifg ou W«i le meeting i tasL 6 LDEM»DFRFARMS UNSUTH I iiAdop e APFL OSTONS ÂANI EXISE TAIESXM y N Svr 'lt Moasures a oI f-aDTIINIMG rCOLLECTIONS-AT WIIIT8YI MAI IU .m- I I c ti ti t m bu -i .11 UIT i rARIO COUNTYs i.irAnimr- lirlie: rv - 1 %P i -ONT*#

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