Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Apr 1934, p. 2

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nR HIB GAETIt & cH-RONICLE, TH-URSDAY. APRIL 5ot.94 PAGE TWO I The WhMty G.w. cluM ontaiàm MM,% totemWowi L'ublisbeg .verp ?kuru4aj morale& bY nIU PUaD)lt"sbtls Company et Oshawa. LJmtte4; C.'a. Mundi. Préuident. &. It.£llowal. Vio..PTuu dont; Uraidon M.U. 0f.11.W. Oreceo. Au7wbore iD 055841 i $0 a vos'lad U'o $3.00 a year to subseibes l a the tîe4 t a or otbet fore igo Cou$tMIU. The date tleWtitrb lb. subeciPton la pdàtud Sie£dctd Oh Ibm *44od label. J. a. OftMSTU14. Iloi &ad mbeusIa.nMmg Telophoses. BOU 28; OB.mbOS,$69 WHITBY, THL'RSDAY, *PIU1L 5. 1934. The. Ontario Hospital At Whitby The annual report of the work of the Onitario lHoapîtat, Whitby, for the lust fii cal year, which appears elsewhere ln this i9lue, denonstrates once again as has often been pointed out in these columna., thmL the Hospital is flot only one oif the liest conducted insittionflo!îts kind on the contnent, but an inatitution doins ý-(r effecti,.e mrk for the mentally sick 1han the avrage citiz.en bas "ny i" of. Pliv Preprwt.ves a lot of information Iiat should bc of intereiet and value bto th uttc, and wvesire eni%- too pl«Aad to re- ,)roduce It in full ae it appear.d iii the - .infuf]riI ort ( *, ,fthe Minmter « fHWath. Wili Big Road Progrm Bec. fit Whitby? 'ru, 0-nt~ario 5,ilerristnt tiough thte 'n î-i fh -sta:rrlaannounced a ~s srar'<' î1,r ad ctAste-uctlcun for ila r i c-" fi îlcm dolLaraand - r- êff~.C~l 5' <o ppitximstely ~ "e uss-'fs~. M ng s-r ork.ati s en r - ' r .tt te - :tf r'î . r i o ! r r e a n d ili o n i ~ . h& aim 't 'a cv hre o! bufi- lnealc inthbicg retac prongra5fmeLa - t c ~~~ #s't rvrilort ofV hri rut e--xjI- g ;tto b b s--teAthat -hp<q -'f1 "- < fe -'Ale -ri 15014,'~t t*' tt r eýTit r.ls .C. 1* ho ri%'Tlti- tIAI is.lObc p.t*kl the differat eama of b# s h»wbS im tm tawti-d, tA e ut* hau tuhr t <>.~U' smé Trsrot, s11 e ltbu oe t ~ ~~ ~~ ta'#teh rta o. Io tef a. fthe fo 1 é' 0< à es, 'uo4rAisthi. alieof Wh usake h.»r't ee I lapreseo.lt. WutDioorte Liis. « Hou. g ~ tî~'T~u tt lb.dlttbuises e êMf ý ln s « bl4c a er wwits, tise W s. ite Ue; Cs" 50 51 W' b>'fer seis - -s î ar IV q te e <v*smuot Mtr- s-tj e. l ~ ef e4 # a*e "eiàa nx* us'l tb*p R fu< "?fW r -jvr 1,t04 -rtr*t I'- l-.î.pq vl, it w*WI44.v vsMI%- Tie~1tu~'a f 0f-1--'4e 4% &'A %r eru-b e.e* M, SuuLW F ".lnlir. K.C.9 $ M P-P.. frfi ~t" 'târ¾.. 'rie it lIseOu. tari* Lem'Waturre trdtne<t amemmr tuI tas obrouuilt .6-*âul#!hl$ istut isuci - efio . Mr. lnetryha'i 'lrrt lbard kwet *dg*o f the situation in Whltby ams seteti Wtt.),lte doclardpolie>'Of tbegtourne uii.st *sgardlngvise aM beer la OsauW taking e~eetlua amonti ar uf% ,mmnilebw cowsa oui Mprobabi>' b. 4 fdBIqé lt aw4um ferestaurgaut lIus81% fe $),paq ii spukg up a, *1er Onturto, end MU . etth=isla ltyOW wMbe mers1' boer parlors unlesa the Lquor Costro Board laya down ver>' strict regulatlan0& Sa far as the. hotels are concened, tii.> mnuet have standard licenses lni arder to b. permitted ta seil beer and wlne, and they wMl be expected to provide tue best of travelling accominôdatiot' for the. public. Restaurants ahould ho compefled to fur- ntsh the same dIning rooma accommodation as hotels before beer and aine licenses are lasued. The Newsey Weeklies (From Toronto Globe) Over in Weatfleld, Pennaylvanla, the~ Free Prese, a ively weekly paper, has been discuaaing the rervice it rendera thecrn- munity, and findE that it is quît. import- ant. l&sosliloquy la interestlng. '-To begin with,' ib -ays, "'ue think the Free Pres la reederi in M'eýtfield. Every town of Ibis size ahould have IUs ow'n achool, its e'u'f cburch, lt-s eWn indu.-try, its own ne"s- paper, its own library, its own batik, and its owrn theatre. The other -things will corne of their own accord." And this h&3 equal application te Canadian towns and vilnage&. where the local paper is a real necessity. Ev-et'>'coenrunitv, ne matter hew snafl, produces a rrent dea] of news; not of na- tional lsnnortlancne but of intimate local in- tercat. This rr-'i L grist for the Mill of the towrn or %-ilhnge panser. whcsse immedi- ate rnrseern ;., the pulucation of ilnforma- tipnr re"ard;-i tle artis'ities cf chiuihera. echoc-Is &rd ~njorf"ayizations: the mer- Itg o! f IIC !Cuur-iý: news of ce-cps in the rsightArhm.& and$ of wha-t ji.;going en in the' fAtrvrg s (i -t&. r-anJ# dà 1-(îcay. devote' space ; hey mnuet <î] -ý: rilvwitr ',i o sf mere p'.s~~risrt",s. ire 'i sr'be-crati out- firid ofr ews r 'itqelf. Kverv such nrssw ev l -e-ir'es.te vrnmt-P' tlie -wr"tire of i4n n' ,4jtr-M prsd thide- tividf.If e-selt wt' .; c ;n,7well tiers, rel«! be IîtlIe wrri- about the Coun- Obsen-rtlonvIrcfwhmi is irrnerallv dé- srrbedaLq î't-e 'uvr -wr MeReaS It to be in an încre-ab;nrlvhtalthv cenditior. Fach marer'no: erly chronicWî .the, ne"v of kt» place <of publetion L ut devotes a peat de*l et *,race to news -items sent in by rsralcorrwisoaeols. Generally thc pcoutinypapur à a«tgmueat>conoerned r , *»ty vdllUcs; Pt lairat liee la noexo- tho ble f4b 'ad lte wlam or 1 _$ f..off w'Pt . whduatoma. l' obwy paen of tii. !)mim n cIn lte bMs ,of obe mi Uhlser,. vWhokéen an o"ma ltteutlI affale-e. but mreprim'arlv @rurgtr.d 's.itit ils. dtcls,'Mnt of thir 4lytv*and t c "lfare trd t4 en-r.la thon aMrsvlee of tte gretest 1M- stick ta '<Matin Street» Ânuhuttsurw F446>-Wc veft nlaros la a tainent matie by Romet bme Iso los.g BIK - H.egave. an lsleuersg bitau basam mmn. but mae o D uo etoa HaM ome hhlng, hovorer. t la îsWorti 0-ugaeuabev$uig aM takirgs*bou<tl. sites rom" Mathes Marna in tic TorSto Toepwn.t la ovmr' oit a-id Mu. Baisait. ot la a 34atn SRes*et, Tt la usuali> the moe twsn-an tetc. Aime (t rqweprsts lb' b. *ar <4 t il. lown. U"km le li. kaiset n"'v i ilsMa"q 8tveet. thé lovwn sst Su ry tT eil. S*support Yeu. Pan Sîtyft w&4lte Baba.. urve. 1¶O Mtn St",« et e'g' 1.4aum"IA nstmo. lmwnr dom ut"eelBtat mat'e l 1-451do "mt w*v'4' on? te »ain gb .wwaI 818W5.for W 28am ~ 1 Sk to our mmo Ibuoiss-Develop il. F»w R b boter tis ses -ltter cm esvth.Mte I m vital part ef tb.')Çu Oi m orse f your 1fer, yoor t*i. vo« rire hope. a&Midusento. Pflt Tour b4s4u «;r oyrbo,"c gr'eid,. WIem tlier Cm O g>M SmtilmeOf Our Uue ls ùatý skIai resflt.d thumes ts ~gt. uts on teriitoer ltat th" 'know uotblug 3AlnS y wth b apo &k M wanti in*-ua *- g t peyur *Mut >ac-4ho port fh. hAIe t ntableMas a wwemsau Y'ou tacs oy. Bde JabmOtf IL .Tb#. phi ef scmneb t la ei$oua ilff oumlyur Maa St*t au outaadtng affafr, f imae It suppor700ots iu M&% n St sflaie ha eue, whm thle sot- ledesla unitati èI'e a0ldom the.Maintruts et le domobi - 1! 141t.ril Note. Its-,'- a pas- t n rursing trchn q-ie. m-as-bnurse taking ur he c Kt-gralou- ate «i-trse is xi-ren m'ae menîh ai spetial vningandi s"e have benj plecti v ilthecresulti el thistix- tra siuraisn service-s for thse pat enta Who to -e selectetifers-i-itupIurpase. Geçup recreatios b av-. era co n- as eu c ztutrattd v-tii cratifsrîng ~auI lnitr haSg-ng'. car-i 14,eimu aie f comm l Mt c Se oth cf01 e pleased wpubthe runil titis ex- tra aurnsluse.rvices for tIse palicents w!%i:q éclfce otthia psrpesrs. G ' r=c»t s as'c bicu s- a-stat- ey neorat i sh gratite-ilz rcîlt.yoensust bient. ,càfiý :arties.a ocand l 'wet-eriuai. pcals tîlal. tenait. golf anti an- ras-.v etr tsiId vessîhr. tsaditau. 6 'A. iwi. and bâlliards bas-c a3j liesn vauêlale aida. Ail saîint &-r <us Count eacmourmc-d tlauin e-arcin SOsOe pmtlbed ec<ppaf sos as uscIl. anti aul thrc tosup -siat.hr1' par v tslud v:th th'.t Inirrsiy poinsul sof :al.cs rng an i ::at ïàntsaima oslbne-c iz. eontiblbrrvC.csttrueît h s-aies-iailune t t sconr-i bchavileur. The citrent igrse asti daAy papri aarc ar' ti, thse ceunt4raîeang r4morsu. ilue brie-clu lâbianies optna m tics-y su- assn rod rt-udinttr sadt1 s--cs l lw h=iianusl". u sc:e added lo the Lb-rawdut-saIL< th . -r T'ht IsaInrecorts tise-t7,4lt books u'rr isisand i= mtie na n labra s-. 3035 go puitatandi3.4,2 te stai, Tht cuit eraslerice et a Kg 4-- lbn'5ivse$s as vuC rînately pc-si st«a. CAsot b. o-ci: rtaîct 'l'*. ittial devrtamnt bas (une- tacetila thse unana a. Ail]jpa- tiets o6 adinitie recete a es-tri alet dSdentl -rsv sud den-tai li oko otites dental psiholo.ry C eauhiCene4ed storet edily. Wc afre oie ars haiarranserenîs aselart 1 mate lithe Detal Re- seat-ch C Sfi n ucoSdurt an tavnîmgatl. et.the nmental harin eaacti mmtunaitiedt atMi ehat " isLosltra! as ta lue due research Centre. Oui smanfare nov unst a iftveof &H ail eott entier treat- MaM ePWo "tin hfls.hdu 'Tierrebave titan lever asiwa aperaîsos reosareti tiis vear th=c Lut t.he figoewag iic*esing tie voit do"c. lMtate t.sur-- geai> lias tei dont lit-coui cousii-. att. Dr. IL T. ULm narc urai aWNer7. Dr. . i CC Go41 lsr. -aissteg. sud l)octsRke.aidu asnd H4rint. eée et-r. n< ggdt *Mstapait,. Thcr ezcalla vert44 <nrd sy co-operatismaWre ~' cfeuh bca.î1. M utrdHealth Ca-i< -Dr.>sMary Jackson s'as trans- as-:' i c. ss hecluc h ave ferreti tetathe staff of ischeOntario b-es-n cz-.nimisuinidrthe dticstien llc'as;tal. OnIllia 97% Item Septemlier cf Ln. S R.M~-:i~omry )uns. 'Dr. B. E. Etheni'dae vas trans- tht' vcar isir clans- '-mivansd advissd terre-I10 Oeusrtf io t g-i 653 p)Cti0,%, li" adulii anti 178 chilO teOnaioHii --oili.a ti' n.e aWacijt oitu iaosIo-up wo et ...e Otane Hulitu.Oîs.a îsth pers. ns seen o>res rously in the "Attiendant E. C. Ricit dle as a Cliziuc. I .l 2cails sere ale oit remitî of an sttek Iron a patient V*îie..nîa M blavie restunet Intetheur cmth lixt iitacf Marets 121h. Mi. lutmha ble assIsae ausn, jt-L t 1 tp.ênea c 0 McOIe4 -bis t .tWn S cmhý deaticae h!# sitiesta. asi a raaîi hronto. mcd 'vas aus-cerdti-inechrisî:am eharseter. Rit dc'tt e4 lv 61 Elitibeth Wallon who iî ,rrctîv Imaented by te estire lid brees sun the staff &s social aer- stff.and 6v lthie !llmnat ofthe vce mierne. Mii lean Marausr- toesmof %Whithv t vto pi tec wus ait. s sl.it %%s transierrti te sitI known. ln hua Hite anti dea-' te Onlaai -10i il At . uorilia on he uplîs-I thettfinest traditions ci tScf - teii~. asti lias bcen suc- cur set-icc, cetictibys-M'ss liJ t aet aicc. Acku.heywmola Tua ENeUTS5 We are indebtedti t the cdervy Pos-eauteCorbe: The fii cf the Imofo Whitby for th i cI~~assc c.'niIltcc eMsen nurse's desrctontote tsiritual velfareos j c"%,-itted thec!, course si the enti aur natiest. AIse le aIl tutosi s1et -:r-r.1. l"-- tcsly trie ricnda anti crgmitîsnsitehaveq cntre rzrci: hase been plats-tinit contributeti et their time and talent r..-a:x-ssn s il%,th-pecýiaf tram iss-n'nconcert*. entertainmesnts. etc, vi ts-ci' haîs- rs-'ce< si!bcstusidte xrpets oui obligna. btcs. 1 at na A ieCCý-nd daIJs "Tht Boas-iof Visitais tave telti et-s thiri's rurues masat à4mitteti un tegular moeas asui have stown a Iaanuas-v lst 19.3. and a third clais Iali-ful inteesat in thse 'coue ft tc tri tIritcrss ma$ ses-Css-t iMi en teihosial. ltireir vica-es m rnuly bc-t l61. 19A %%rVe S-11 cmr- pcv- te& I.,. maw-4 hcouirir . anit et - 1 1$hum e xr e» s My an- lcntc-tîflete m- e cti f fthe loyty a> nd effi- terta! 1..> ai01t >' rtchirsg. andi cent-vcf thse staff la aIl lis de- fse .shctiFc r.it-ii'duie a tit i.I sa rv" ta lbc Canrt il mrs-ss-altaî în g-sne anti psy- t<xattdwrth asaf hi givre chiatrie rss ei îtII adi ili.tenllv l& sa best te the urelar. cf the Da- ta ittliIcter lbn c< fi nursesitn tients and the htcssit! U2t < .r.wcons-tlfis-lji. '"Ynalv a.11 e to bezreuss "1 ies-n:lnm-s C-ni- I kev-yesu mv sbinette ihanks for thse cor- îusgjt wrsîhth t -Ire(4 r-I st-grad2* d a] co-otscrat5on Ilhav-e t'ccielsd 14e p 1ri-i-5.suen- a -t tra o -u ai ail tiîzea fs-irte tî-iuî' n tîs4rs;raduate "I hase the huncur 10 be. Sir. <Ciurs--andi afsa tssttrr i i.titt. Ycsur obedical servant. w îhv cc<ptisd rne und9T&ssrdurte G.H TE " O. ID &Idtnts f« r tgxÎ than a 'ycar. DY'~ . TVNON i. ofenrina tiîtrk-rrsy duts- Ioipsiste duts- tuases. sic are atteliuPtuias:elg Io ________________ do Mrsa-i-ri t - conitt s-r-siîs asud uCctiiit>ira-t-rt in the nursiilg n1 iutufess su1and ti 1he saute ta.TfS E io gare ur ptris t thie bence(it f nmmn c.,rimccd ard better qasali- C ~ t fieti nursiacate T"T rutiil nx cxrcies w ert itelt on stihe-crisie cf Wcdncssday. - 7 yVeto la Scptew.bci eth. tuwenty-lvo nurses$ veCeîv.g~as-fci diplent Is. eh se' (tuIes J«ul> eal ispeaker frlest ht ccaion WUs Mr. àK«Uhaoist ovs boy te Profeser W. E. Blati. lItA. PhD).. vis el~uu. Oun "b" h ivIlo tcl.rered a vCry uhoughtfsl andsit wbm wauva e = udaplilols - Toast C awfor Cwkbês for tho ltsllas 1iasabmet e *Vudri sg i t ansd WhùeT lattes mlÏutistod bes.slW'u1 fo Vmuha aa toggit i c w vsu raeé gjet.ia ftd byMr. Kuiest ý th. ltc Iospuctaa ac t r bimeaultad the lt. lm «a Mdzig.vtbs lte appmouaI !eof t e wi.mImg .Klrutlo fet lioao@rabe 6. lEcter cf Jne"lhpeiits lathe'otW #. per' la tottim -Witî the l a m et et li oe ra usattoat badof MaCh.A Im tota 0 1ballaifer lme V.aels*. vui. ebidr« et e m <>rted Amwalsat al viiib. deularei a ttea*e dstwbera acit lu Chiltireawèe don sote t.oanu co alte 1s tmi ir tee < praJt. ha 4. est =m.e ly t?"4Iroda . 'te 'Red fi., tmme ë«e T wi - -1Puffy tu Baltimore Sn IGovernment Booka Are Usefut Sùhsatwcxats uid"mreceive îLon. .>r~ae bu MLStank.y BLldwin. Au.tacted bv the, importaeccepk< utc Coase eadLcer. d&d ne::6 t. th o teseccrity of k -ut ov«aerSetht suark iut lsrccet :and tite aJd.qu.cy bt payaient, the *uooy of »rItisb cà*llevat.'1>. ncn areai tht univeroiti4a Muet bai bcta sait! tuai mj'ht:c..tc caAd d:;tcs. àib'ese recruits scem tizparaglua tu.Ihc;sc .dm.n- n ttic n;ipr rinka cuf i14 civil scrv- .Straiors. Who codlecîtaxes. conirol -cc ha, phiiklcSoaçI concepîton transport.ispei fattores A" oi.'îa ~idzzl 1 uttit.nswp. arc in- acolMitroct consolât agents, cr:.suiî:bIc ain ce t'Ou tard work ad ei.t rtzisoà re4nlate iéj f l VIS dc.attmcn.tat ch cli a=4 i4s Anti lu t.I lant of municipal tbiclr à$ a ts . t he fcBoard of capenditure. 1-b > censtitute an L.dtýiC.a'onrit rînt ightened pres- Du1y of sème hall aaufoeicn pet-. i- e bronloalauthodîlc-& a- sous. coutrolleti by about M20>mea Iniprvc bc t.rdadî of 1eachinzis1; .8 te.up OPPfrr-p0CîîfîSeVallta of the SMiistty ci *ic lt Who". W*. worlust is tb serve the urizetewns an sd count-i s luprodoce âblet MiWttri. lurnibbing lacis t wxi1an at 1cfs or iluff t d m4ayinierpietuinst cIt acc prerginn tIi. o ï~~- rew n dy-t-"Yregutai- ens. U:t his rect<nîly sheti 6Iiîter po The, marethe pernntu gcsv..n- byIt6v iret:L-rs ia.sed t10 m .s- 'e body in the country. saLav.d. t:atcSel cPIxInéIsÇ th.. spirit i whch peaaiontd. ccurc. oerbonalh lv . In- h C .tb tlb 1ou!d dealwith -,Ontiivuîiubut collccîici, ypower. ""nilu o(icndckro W:lh .a ýc t fut. Al] that eheardo ta 4oC n e a tincnt r 'rhas ponîshaie. te liuseo f a Cabsie Min.ste Sofllctànes. et cQQausçethlîhuse cwiü Who i»a reposible Io Parliam -?. iervan,ýs ui-c tllî, owcr unwis.ly;. But te.,thegmisebrem &-0rcsporsibte &i'rw lstmcsî hev are guittof Mth. b to no, one but t t htit owai-a eu A4L.wn nAs "red îzpec'. But ce archy and t0eth. M:nîsîur. Who in ile î Uha'l okth*ei'r :.C.:sof power the work of ieir dcpatemct, i, jan*u ru_uc t'leh minuum oSfricti amateur, wblth ley lre expert# . '<f2tUee the civil W.iTCe i. crus- Thtwy aline utdcetand the in. i c by Iren pu!butapiuîtti dis. cite dupartmtatal Wis a tde .r *titertated. able and't>,Pc main chfe. theWeore, muai constantly .ftcpctee t 0pfvalling opini=. rly onst 1-m. fhelr "New Lesrit ls" ta bu b«»codenwcd en the £ztusdksg 1A.tLv. . prousittha t kcimtirs înakulaWc (Chatham., News) pOcr- ou au uacontr@ilable body Wqlou leo ur"o1u for 09 «DMeutburrauculi. - mon Wb* areompt ld tè worlk Tbe mlasno danyng tai <bts.fer theïr lîvlà a nd mieu - lmO Mca in thelb. ter rouiks of nect ls -tkeordt0avy- our,. et thecv ser Vie aretlthe real rulidertitf.#0odit filbarnhs" - la pro- of Britai. Resousile Mens- 'lied h>a a tmialbusugi tre. menti tenu asnd no. but Citemcn eotly br Dr. Cr1lt, uted io. W=.U se dmainutttors whether 1usd surgeos wlo sayu %bat vltb 1 Liben L ber poli- itropor attention -te butb. tbe Leisa, art I4 power te no remios wby a mits sîbo*ti lui tact Ilthai te. motitrun- flot *wtand biu attlie ae. to misg of eh. Govcrmenî dependia-# I b*agoeoret slbtr 7mars or ws OR t ie vlserv c. ai .tboi #bwtt.r of' Parliasiest. Wc o i. e or60,4 r«%mtre v. SMWin««apex».idemandt-8a quat; tà*iIca1 oauaatto"o efr thecivil crir.'01"wo tseeeUMYare in M« .~.alo t vyea"agmi,.tise ucw lwatb wosld ms e &arse t Si by 1-Lvae- mCrowsist à ect qlt lp< tbticr Pbyuloag '100"of - F il of fd b* are- luit ou.* a yeat*tUusie meu. --- em mrU nit ha; ce i l ttaq 01 of vital («M nl, » t tifoïie . Of th iyut mi abl OtéVtenwudb.a *0 4«M tw. appoint dcuson eorerei la timeb e m4fat \o z~l a 1s.alrpulea~n *top, tob. 4é1Oet1y O nt ils flO PflI W E"KFacial massagm336 - 1986;' Hair cuts. 1.663; Fialer Rsvlow iwluIntorst0;gMareels. 1,1ï20:mi RevIwed n Ineresingcures. M.; Haîr thlsned, 27 "Under this headinair 1ahould lk opav tribale tb our eyefiin Deil.,~stewari,Mr. J. J.Kierna- t nty Thceannual reort Cf 'the hospi- îomny. 1: Breast amputation. 1; Di-bufor hxlalece fdid cc'ordse ta! division of the Ontanio Depart- latation and curettage. 2; Tons.!- and the able Ulanner in whckh he ment of Hralth. relating of Ontario lectomies. 14: Submucous resectien, directs. andi eu-ordinales the cti- HosDitals for thç mentally ili for 2. vicofto destm tshch the year eadiniz (.ctober 31, 1933, X-Ray Departmont arc ord*narilv regardcd asnon- haî juil been releascd te the "This depatnitmtfl roves its worth medical although in the final abay- Press. and contains a weailh more year by N-ear under the able sis cvcryth*ng about the hespital of inloruuiaion regarding Uthc con. direction of Dr. Toh'n Webster. has some mnfiucnce on the hcý1tb duct of these institutions. 0f par- Nearlv 'al patients admitted have and well-bcint cf the patienta mnd ticulir intereat te W'Vhitby is the had routine dental X-ray examina- can properly be regarded as mcdi- section oi fthc report devoted tions. marzv have had cheçt p:ctures cal. Mr. Klernais cempîcies fis' te the work beinst donc at the On- taken. ini addition te ail tus- llci- ycars as steward cf thîs hospitat. tario Hospital at Whitby. under the dental conditions where Xr'MaY and I amn hanDv te bc able to testi- superintendence ci Dr. George H.. help.in the diaznosit S,;ecial men- fy te the splendid service he rend. Ste'.-ensssn. in which details are t«on should bc mades of ts- bcauti*- ered and to the higbh standard of 1iven ci al ehases eof the opermueon fui sterco p:ctur-s cf ikulls sthich cffic-ens-v he sets and inspires. of the hose uL. This section uf the Dr. Webster is nuw takisangid "Buildingst have been keptin r e- repo)rt readi as follews: which have been %,ery heipful in psair. and have been rc-panted "I have the honour to presesut diagnosinig certain conditions. The when necessarv. herewsith the statisÈcal records of femiouw1 ic Fît enumeratcri the types Trhe John Smith house tuphemis- the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, for cf X-rav work dore, andi is mus-h ticaîlv kcnown as Casa Loins. andi the ycar endinir October .llsi, 1933. more than anv orevîctus srar. isrd as a residence for malt ai. Me.v.u5 of paiteUls Dental. 3.204: Chesîis. 2ý0 Gastro- tendants for many ycars. is now 'At the endi ef the year we have intrstsîaI seric%. 25: GîaI! bladder beinc remedelledti tebc useti for 1,W5 patienta in residence. 775 ms-n wlat. dve. IlLrinary tractS For aditional accommodation fcr ap. andi 7U wcmrn. as compareti witîh fr'r-ssn is.$:Frrn.2Ssl prnximately twenty-fl're nurses. a total cf 1.498 a? the end of 193"2 inn. 21 N ' .'2 Face, 5; "The increased lavatoey accota-I Dut'nj the year we admi:îcd 2:8 Srr. P. 19 Fibs, S: SI'csulder. 4; rc&ion in the officers, quartera mner and 211 ivomen. a total cf 43P. A r' i4. w 2 ':W .lias bcen como>let.d. beiriR r4 lewer patients admil'tesi 8: 11:1-'. 13. I'. ' HIP. . Two additional tennis courts arc than sn 19M2 This mwouid rot ndý- IKlnef, Lez. . SArkis, 13: F -ut, briniz excavated. andi w'l e buiît cale that nent al disease is osn ttPe 0'1v 011 '.n labour and triateriaîs decrease. althoulth there w,)u!d no-t ClI:nical Lab>ortor,: and should be rcadv fur lay by appear to bce anv real msCerai. lut Tih' .1 r v - .gsa rk ir nxt inseTht v-cat ent hussasm rather that our cal-acity sa ta',r' b1-I 'C infrr ?s-'nis v both staff and pa- to th'e utrnos:. esplrc:alhs during the C-iS*i t teis bas tade necceýsary th*& in- latter mcths of lts- year. and us: cl i s'AU0io" fsc,,-ral, nOur recreaticin facilifies. a r -I:e ocsals 'at' ju-Cn-- 'The dcsnis have been stîll fur. fc,- art of the t-me unt;l 1 sa- z, Çt « rni ther buî.idlus' additicnal lawn%, icr- ~asale C uIs I~a ' r-' lo %1%r rbed%. trecs andi ,hrubbery. as thse siep-u*v ttir1st- î-à, I .\- ns-w atsursrer has b6c in- will ,c rrdI fr .mn..li-e us Thr cannerv lha% Iunctîesned welI Uring the '. Ca art udr iedirrc'rs, r-f osu- l dîs-charzcsi. 137 men, v a t ië,f.Mr. \V 'F. Harden. with flhc -n c s-a. 1 *.r-s 15 à i %Thi7.7. 1- r -srt I "uun ad-r..%Y, -!, : e,' r s .~3.45s2cars : Seraw- \\ r as- mus-h i crd «ltuis .. - r-n * Çrv 4 cari, ;rae a i,.* ieilshas-e rtnt-ndrd t) -R'1 0 - c a -n: Apr.ts-c 'am. 2,106 cai- raet-cfrs hr .C \' 5 ~ - Ru.it.1.2M s-ns; Cherries. 1.23.) Stjb. t 1 0of lt hest bc::1 j;as -dÂcn r ' - : lt ' e'.1 C'sn: Peacl;e, ffl38cans- Pluma. ?,i. Thcrs- si-crs !, sisc.dcr 'arX i M -. r t u, t, 1 I .1r48 1caris: Bluiebrrrres 1,241 cani Tresîsut i rr11"r'; and rrc r sr u-Ps-an. 3V Zc-ni: Cosnrn ncols.'300 jas-.ie ilri as c bel -1iU1sii, us-d %c, re i: r r -:-eantc i~sn Tomitoes. 3-M i)cansn taIt &Jypa.tcfl igh hvet. c iý 7-d i a - 'tînpk.-n, 108 caris. Total. 2D281i bfnrefit 01 ha te Vcr- resoan I as"1 mcg4ht trac*tot the armeioral s-s Rc4e.arh 'For the 0251 vs-ar our dairy herd cd the c s ndi ion for wht ý C à:t1r. \1M1afV Ias hbeen entirelv neizattrve for con- 1- %as ;admiitcd. \hlc no si e c -. g 1srir rc- ta-iisah-srticin 3% well as tuber- lai-sha. c be-)saddrd d 'l M,$ .f a iti nl0sis. The mlk i% ca-ciully 1;c-s a' has e entimas rure'! te .nd t, s-'- c: snit r.:at-s l-nî-itt îcvrhî les is pasteur- ansivadnni scîus r '~--~-' cse - nc.s. c . andi tests arc madie tw ce àrv as % i4 1as aplsiytnjg g: ss-ý - ¶Uii . ncrntvhs ih hhave indicateti milk tnr;r (ccupatue'nai r'îerapy of l \îN- -ss-sn inn u-r~ver-v h'-h euaisty. 4frs, furtlsrn dcveicsîe-d. sand , s .ine tlic "~'n' ,rnhe..ni 's-dStc àmg. mn carr.ed te more and sur-- r a- t1st.d is b - r cs- n t oi DrY. A. Walter% si-as appointeti tient Wc t lat le fict r-c"s'r-' Il-(t s z~ nraduate interne front JuIy l6th, siosa :ura-y has borcrarmed- fir f rs- rtmis-ub Tbis bsc- goinz totedevo-tc ly, b- ýt h c s'ael' tocs- ns-' hier tinner- -, Scw ms- r of the-cS~-. yen wiln' - py endiraa" ; te pick ou- for y00: Lesson 2 batter for t*-r-. tra ,&Wtt m.is- butter and suzi with hosuey. tefll Muffins-Seru r "jh a& sweet If wth a'hot oudd Ptee-"na lcsSc:ý -le 1433= 3. sbtoctakes and rdthings., Qýfutpuddîr, stat enrnd frt î reat fruit and witer. inir reai tail rond cf anpsd eook wi * vlact as a ai oq ln se ptzdim su dshs nd ac rstyrpas a dutsocxior t whr roll, i (b)Baked fin (c B-frd un sâd watel. xvii c'te coiisenc hand ffl ecd mwb. nmade v Nrov, f a 's fâ*tAt set e ApO la 1 b r q5n4l ,ui at 4Iî5eeyI1P e. YOUR BUSINESS ACCOUNT ûs Invited FouSIdeCi la1871 dii. Bankc bas10 the course O ovr60 years developed intimate auscdatiOfl with very many ucccssfu Canadian business eoeerprlsea. This experience ls embodied ln the services we make avalable to you. Thue s evces Inchade Canada-wide collection facilitîes, close contact with our own offices in London and New York, and ready accesu at any time to aur executives for consultation. THE DOMINION BANK aUTABUSHED 1871 Whitb Branch, J. H. Perry, Manr-ger v# it¶UVIUComm« ou Ilotl O&Re ln Toronto w! th ?ontreal]and New Yorkc The. Most Monstrous Motster cf Them Ail - A 1 w

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