Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Apr 1934, p. 3

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TweIftI NEWITy cGÂ EIt& C14RONiCL THURSDAV, APRYL 5.1934, hLesion in CanadinCoigSIoIousTdy trse of ~iati0n 'in the ectio n icc.s îs'n 'esa uat arion. Ai r Ir reSun fof o ' ý.ne, y 4;r ;th ta - . lioc rnt r 'd f t - zkait t.z:'i.ce r rIani cANDli COOKING SCHOOL A compiete CookeryA=t Course in 12 Lessoos dealin.g with ail the Fundamcntais of this Important Subject. Thoroughly practica! to the beginner as .Wvell as to the expericnccd Cook who is interested~ Mr the newer, better, more ecoomical mcthods' Prepared by r. a& - I*1 Fxifj Po.tetet Desserts Tt , -- --I ý. :,_ .1air -suc:; as shîced peais. peacics anI, - c -l %r rry alpptc-priate- p neapple.> Make shortcake dougli er ' ' O-c f dser Ev- by 'One Of the melirads discus3ed Crs c-- -r~ t--, r i-nrrg rrsLeson 3. Pat la about 1i nch -I 'r ri - v- d:.g. thickncrss in Well-Rreased cake pan. i. i - r r 1111o I !rrrr tIe surface, prc'ss sections ci -~~~ - - a as e !ad Iar-cd anid coredarped'ut -t Air 5-OUs - 'cI --. ,îs t thcse 'a' supar (1 tablc5,poonl for eac') appler e-;- t'rîIeri 1 Iarn oing and a irttle cnnoamon. Bah-e in a -~ ~zr -r'if r-s'::!;t:e li-t ven, 425 devr's F., 25 to 35 --minutes. and sets-e ho! with a hot Zet-e spire sauce c- lemr-rn sauce (gis en traie- r- rr-z t-'- a-I1:.gt\- r-z ssn Ilîr. tI srra !ct ns set$Cr\c wîSyrup. Lesson 4 is aintosi a&l desserts- ImIter. and suazar, perliaps lemon ; pastrv. ansd swee- filingi for pies Oý:th t-nr. ev lly. 1'31 and tarIs. Then vau have more fill- \hfrr-Ste fr-C".:rnaid hot,înVsoifnrLesscrn 10 ,xtý a sssc'e if d.-szrd. Serve hort ur cake leasemnà, toc, gis-e s'ou .-rt:î a hot ouddrngz sauce fr-ar the mani' desserts. rccJim le~c . 1 Any Mlain cake cart be îerved hot tiL.sson 3. s-au tcarncd about f rom the aven. wîth a hot sauce, as thorcakes and other bisruit-dough a pudding: or you can caver it gaod tbiis. Use thse saine dough with fruit and crtam and serve hot frfrsr puddings. (1) Place a or coîd. htte canneei fruit and iti Juice or A ligzht cake can bc put tcsgther ftesh fr-irt and siagar and a little litre shcrrscake. ýwith f resis or cookced waîer, tang-eased mauldsi, put a fruils and servcd 'vit!1 creans. Gin- irnait round af biscuit dough an zer bt-ead is izood ith hot pudding -topt. anrd cook is steamer. The Juice sauce or sweetened witpped crearn wi:l act as a sauce whcts vas toi-n -yôu wilI I nd a wondcerful delicate -thtie puddinirs (Z) Bake the gingerbrrad latin sywyCk =aie dsh a"d serve with hot saucef. Bcol. and dozens cf cakes iliat are rreh creerm or wksrpped cr'-amn, or d1cticioux desserti in thcrnselves i irnlit syrrar as a sauce. Spread anv îigisî cake, cold or For Raiy-poly--nake ilam in 1)!.rot, with thse coked fruit flhlisg uiti doqgh or sorîcake dough, roll (mnade Irons dates, etc,. in Lesson out. sireid with jans, maimalade 10) or with tht aoricot filting-asd on symo~ and bread-criinbs; roll u cas-en with sweetened and flavaured like iely roll, pinch tise ends and whîpped creans. Or with evaporat- MusiOtten ed. f lo i vtis cohd cd ulille which yoa have scald vvues 11urft.- é iee-ti aý tlsoe1-dtIie-Fçif 'flwip a .-aled bowl or lbal tin. ',Tiere -,Sponste ansd Anigel Cakes May 6e art thrce ways t0 Cook your ral: split aisd filied wnls whipped eana i 1,i?-r - steamer. oser boîlmnR or a delicate filliisg (Lesson 10) or i'are. '-r.selv cos'ened traed ta uine a mould whmch you, cao ('br Eake-d in a wril-greased pan h!î 'tsith a f3asarian or Charlotte la hsm '-- 450 dJcmtnees F rmixture that )-ou wsilItaran to mnake mýBt4 n a hî r-h aarr- ' i'5l esiOir. Of use aoy Bavariaas -occasioa1" s-%,h à svrurp (,f sragar Ircarntfor a dec-o layer oa illIing atid sveDnhcr r ird ose7r,- a Split spange cake. st t.p nir'cmn of the coock- COTTAGE PUDDING fti - ýrr -rd fi-ral' as a sauce. Use an>- simple botter or sponge (Set d 'rcir -nsf--r "bakr'd durnr- cake batter aidse er-ve iso-, with imi4ts 1> ' t Leson 3) plriddu g sauce. Or purtishe foliow- Dtth Apple Cak-(This cake ir .Z tgredicnts toCrther 1)v thre - - trwith othrr fruits boa. Muffi:m t!nethod (besson Z): Z/ MORE SQUARE YARDS5 OF CLIANINO in a pockoe cd OId DvMAon ein on>efhj-g *ese )POUi cn'by,'becomseOld DIVê le oh on/y cl.anwer mode of pue kesmOec'cltof r scogrixed -as the ofest, 4no-t ofitfiom edutioa scrotch> it fisfret frtoemi,.nygetftdl r niry cleonsers. Mot effe,*od oee.<e bce fvrthier antido m«o e90WotdnwlqWPfl* 0W Dut«b ç«#8sfls M b f çIoW «@ square yardi of *fwow &#A~ 4 c "ralns, fi o<Iorfo Wam4 À.At *WS- d Cýj"I-r iadr -y ttzur, . s-nSait, 4 teaspoons3 baking rz dc.23cu;r S Iga7. I cli p n':1:Ï, I C Z;. an- clip) btrîr, rnelr-,] May LYie hak-d ptain or Cx cr a la--r c-f draincd ta ruc i n . stts-d ericr fr-uit < -ir-if'CSrr <razt. Bar:r n 1nloci- rrate ~ .c.:5 rn:nubes (c,-r I ng,- Ocvr fruit)>. SUET PUDDINGS An aid fashionrd surt~~dn 'sa:made sv:tlm frt'am t r ctwitl' ans or manralade ta give swert- ness anrd flavour. shoule] have its reg'ular place amnongît cold sseathe- desserts. Verv fresh. flnelv mîinced suet pro-rides the shot-tcn-,r-rg (%v-h:c*ri ir. other mixt.ures is usualiy ins the lorm tu; trtter. hard oruthrttifa: -- Flour cr breadcrumbs or bath rnay be used i0 these ouddi-ogs-aod cgg is often used (especially when there is a large proportion of bread- crurmbs in tise rrujddin)-to makt it trold tagether. Tht iquid in tnrse Puidirigs may be sweet or saur milk, fruit juice or molasses, or even czg alorse, as un a rich piumn puddinz. There wiIl pnobabiy bc ba Dgots-der ini a sweet mille mix- ture. and soda (with pethapi sorne balinz pôwder taa) whene an acid Iiqruid sucis as soor milk, butter- milk, fruit juice or molasses is used. There are twa ways ta Mlx a suet pudding-tht gsarne as butter;i cakes, or tîsis more favorite way: suiet fissels- (removing membrane)j ansd rab into dry inizredients ho mlx well. Acld ans, driesi fruit libre rais- ins or dates. anrd then wet ina- teriaIs. sucis as milk. egg, molasses. jam. To Steam Suet Puuldistg-Greise mauldi welt. Fili two-thircls full, witis pudding mixture - Caver. Stcam individua! moulds 1 ta 114 haurs: large msoulds, 3 to 5 hours, dependixsg ons their size. (oein- dividual or amail mouîds mean ec- ononsv of fuel. svhcit cokiniz wibh j;aS or c!cctricityu. Vegetable parchment aller-s a great itp rou'e- unt over thse aid f ashioased pud - dinx catis. A well-steamxed pudding May be kept for some. tinte, hssng in a =o1 dry place; steant it lonsg enougis ho heat it theougs wien requÎred. Tie dowss moulda, viscu steamingr. ssith byttrred or waxed piapen. Do not raise caver arîil end of time given for steamîng. or tht change of temsperature may cause puddings Io fait. jutt as a cake wouid do in a tuddeoîy chiiicd os-en. D SpmeCU Pudding- p,6 IF=iCUDf1felv Choppeu met, euDS pastrv fgeur. 2% teaspoons balcîugpowder. % teaspoos baklng soda. %4 ttaspoos alt, 34 teaspoon canamou. 2 ta 4 tabezpecans browa sugar. 1-3 eue me*ded raisins. «ttor tous ln piecea. 1-3 tcap veli eeanesi carrats <euxed with ineIyeut "el! if lllued). q4 eu> rIkii, 3 to 6 table- Spens mc>aases. Mix acces-ding ta (MMll may be substhtzted for thseI molastes. in whicicase san extra teaspoos of bakînjz powden wauld replace tise soda. On an egg may ncptIacc Z tablespoona nuîlk). Ciaret Pud"eu-44 cuoir, 4 teaIpoQnm 1p. ib ucietsi, H ea sp6e* sssied tDiome. % u>bro sogar. 34 curs fily cimopped sort. % euvo 1opredse.dedrasa, eut)s wreuiezed eurrats.2 tbe sprsons finlaey rpt endled peet .Juiee r - 71. chIId asid the Kimgdooe gre 1 greised bakini dish.oespci i a 8low aven. J300 decs. PF. rous 2 t0 3 hourl, Stir aCCaSlOutatY for ias Airst while. ho keel) the rift Irons drop mg othe botiSooe,, vi bf ot water1 e» Pu.a. villacut tl. (Lesson 7) 14 cuts cooleed rie. 'sce igeferal directions for custard mixture <Lesson 7). Adâ the rie, belort cookinu Custard. Ovets poach. Stur uns from the bettotn occasion- islly duriziz hie firit part cf th coolclng, ta prevent the rice front Vsrati,,s.roZ CUPu Of Pudding mnixture. add ',i cor dricd fruits. raisins. currants, dates or fig. or a miLxture Of aIl hie. Add 1-3 cuD dried fruits and 14 curs nuts (choDo"d). Ini the costard tvpe. use only egg yolks. Sprcad thc cooked pudding thinly with iam. cever witb à mer- ingue of thoe î whites and 2 table- spoons cf suizar to each egg white used. Oven-poacli in a slow aven unt:1 the meringue ;% browned. Sage and Pesarl Tapioca Cook to use as ricc,' allowing 1-3 cur, ta 2 cups rn:Ik. Tapioca Mnuit bc washcd aind soaÎed for leveral houri in cold water ta cover it, bc- forc using. Saga must be washied and soaked 1 irour beforè usinR. Simplifi.d Junkpt-Dssolvc jun. ket powdcr - aircady swettened, flavorcd and tinted - in luslowarm inilk : st r o:tc minute and pour quiclclv imb servinz riasseý. Lct Frt zt room ttemoeraturc, then c,-ili, serve olain rr witlm creami. Bread Puddinge-f uliy trrated in Lesson ',. GELAI INE DISHES Mriuldled icli;ci are very pollular dessrrts, eaqy to ruake, Convell. cnt becàuse thev cari 6e mâ-de ahead Mf tirne. ad can be widely var ed fromn the tpia:llcst fruit flavorcd jelly and orated rhsd of 34 lemnofi.4 cup tach grated raw potato, carrot and arnsle. Mlx and slit dry ingrcýdicnhs. add suet and fruit. mi,; îhoroughlv and add %'egetables. If 1l1kcd, 3.4 cup bianched and chovued almondi May be- included. Mix Psudding well and torn into butterrd mouid; $tramn This ecanomicai oudding il cVVfl nice enough ta take the place af fiihPIons Puddinr at Chirstmas time. Rita, Old.Fashlon.d ZgihPu Puddng 3 ounces ehrstiped almnds, blanched; i14 rounds seedîcîs rais- ins; 1' 4pound currants: , j ound citron and pecis; X pournd bea'f suet, f£neie round: ;4 pound bread- Crumb$: 2 cupa brotvn sugar:-,9 eggs; 2 Cups flour: 4 traspoon salt; ",& teaspoon soda: 1lV, ho 2 teaspoans mixcd spice or mix yc'ur own, half cinnarn, other hall gi;n- ger, mace> 2, cur, fruit juice (Re- placiniz the original brandy). Mix accordinz ta mie and stramn 3 to 4 houts. To servc, stenn for an hour. MILK PUDDINGS .Nilk puddlIgS Reý of manly typel -aUl stbc thickened l1w sormie agent surhi as flour, corn.qtarch, egg. r;cc. taLioca. sago, brcad- crumbs or iunket. In all but the .ast case, the m'Ili is scalded beforc corbîninrg n t::e pucbîinp'. (Cuis- ta7dS. In 's lmch thc 11111, s..ttiick- ente'J'witilî cg, arc d'al, with :n Lesson 7). Simple Milk-Flour Pudding* 2 tableslpoonis suizar; 3 tabirspoons jflour: 1 ctis scaldeci nik; 1/i tea- '~cmSalt: a traspoon fla':-orîinr. Ccriirt thr flour. sugar and 'It \Cx cVt"ç'*Stir in thc scald- c1 r'I radua!'.v, cok oser hrt v%.11 C., f t:r,, n Z colistaflily sîrtil t ' v(r-c a:nd!co i-z. etirrrrrC occas. ..a.ivsinti thce :sno more t Ci<' r ýmv fi,--ur ]ZcovfrCmn -ir heatflr, pcr;.r irto moi5trnci i sCh il until firri. SerN c \ a-arc~ S-noas tor "Corn- c.rnatarch Puddng i a- itrnilk : Itab:espnon suiZa" 2 tablespcrons cornstarch;4 tcaspoon sait -, 2 tablespoons Co.(! milk; 1-3 traswors flavoring. Combine the suizar, cornstarch an'd at. Stir so, a smooth pastc ivith the cold milk. Scald the ilk in thcetors of tbe doubic houler; stir the cold mixture gradua-llv into it (do' not p>our too rapidlv or the mixture will iump'. Stir and cook until thick. Caver a-id Cook, Stir- ring occasionally, for 35 minutes or until there is rio more flavor of raw starch. Remove f romn the iseat, flavor, pour iuta moistened mouid. Chili. To turn out: run a shiarp knlife around Che outside of the niould. invert over1 servinz dish, slhake out gcntlv. TOPPingas-Whipped creamn, Mer- ingue <poachcd or oven-poachcd), jeliy, jain or syrup. Varlaîmos-.-If mouiding individu- ally. reduce cornstârch b 4 table- aPoo e in 1 sn cak. mi 0- Scld %autace chot- olate with the milk. Bet ttitii smnooth. Lse another tabispoon suar. Omnit % tabîcîpoon cern. starch. Complec accorditng to general method (U4 cup chopped dates or nots May be added witis Soflsi-Substitute 1 cgg white for 1/ tableasoon af thse comgstarehl. Add. stiffly-beatcn, to, the, corn- starcli mixture after removing f romn the hecat. Fold in îhrrroughiy. (U CUP fruit May bc added ta a whilte souffle in place of the flavoring. for example, dricd fruits and thoroughiy drairîed canned fruits) RicZ UPIDNQ4 Rice- mav 6e used titiser raw or crir.s-îTisseasure othUUMiIF* tram Y mould ----Or ule cauued 1 wvillexplein how yonau ai ake M*%ki jeIfr eO several fanes- *e1atine desserts with followving Xènen tisis plain lily as a fousudation. later ring acasioal in titis Lesson. ly uit. béat ui in ju * Mbl.a whr.t et&. ad TO maire JelUieu that are tender beat Mati! begint tisoags finui and cf igobd Biav>.-ilerated pmeca You Must alwaya remnezhber thés. ti2OU:tl5 Meastiýre earefuny», never heat ge glatiute. 1et latine stroaglY <titis 4evélops di. ¶cuPs silit (e agretable finar); but bc sure gela. alt, 9'c mit> tint is tltorouglsly dissolved by t * Seaîd tie 2. ring it - kleasg eougit into vos-y h<st S dte2 iuquid: aIrain jeiles btelon motl4. sagar and'saIt. l . keet> cavesed whenever pâ. the weII-beaten s1lÎ. double boiter au, AlIow jelly to, cool ansd partially hiot wnter ustil et. béfore combittig is~wtis btattn tcostard (ste les eng white$ etst h w'I s eparate is- tise gelatinet,*1 ta two layera, ont Plain and ont eiitd i the et frottis. thoréubtl dian Te xUM a"Offemm into, baj i di Wt t uda with told Water or 8117ehOb tialei -'- tlffbettes w oâ tisettigbtly. SMU mona sset bt More readilv sud Sive bettes- tex. IR tgreto te ely. ünrlrem ToP deorate - pour a littie 34 1%4 tabespo pbdtsre into very cold Mould aud CLsiolt tntlith ho coat idet ns g,-4jýffeew" W. 1 -love ,i atÎve gsieces .«>fruits aset etç, e uîs t bottons and ermpud àdet uit pours wIl b ied j'ta eftnu sIcly nmiatrete b bt oms et, lions. 115 vrn. NV1en sutfil s aoul rWtçe -ci M witls gclatiem ixtre. ehbu bas 4ari. M# kepi h slig g*.Pla o t»te îaýe tz %D et, moru p%-éa be ad4e& T h qi Îtboroogl. Oi ï ii wrav a cloh. wMuugOnt01 S~gu Oe8 water. around dtise M fd or J mmtS t4i5*5 w- 00««Set or two: Iifui bva »0ervlng t a e (00 du d shakJo ktm tl, fJ. t ani. and Ch tain b. decorated w*tb wb4w m.4 «*= furait. etc e ald"s ft-dar. ulve$ng uitdelikiot. Ilyg wf rb oo4dessert fte ftscli " sa t t foundation for many fancy gelatine dîshes- the whiffld jellies, spotiges Bavarian Creamnsand Charlottes (ta which fruits and nuts are saine- tin5rs added>; whipî,ed cream adds its ichisess ta these las't mixtures, whilst egg white maires them and thse sponges aIsc, light and alry. T0 add fruits - ocour prepared strained jelIy ista bowl; chili, stîr- ring occasaonallY, until about as thick as hosicv aIl throogh; fld in tht thoroughIv draincd fruit and mouid in disiduaity or ini e large shape. Uisinu Jally Powde.m Prepared jelly powdcrî have be- Corne verts fine producti. They af- fer short-cuti 'ta, many types of moulded desserts. Observe the sainse rules in mouldins in combining with eggs or crcam. in decoratlng and iii addrIng fruits, etc., tc honey- thick mixtures. DolIciosas Examnples 1 arn now goint to tell you how ta apply tîtese rules to soine of aur nîccat ýelatiine dessert mixtures. Sweetenêd Lemon Jolly-This is ail example af plain jelly made ex- activ bv ruIr'. 2 tablespourns gelatint, 1 cup col watc-, 2 cupi) boilingr water, 1 curp susga-, fes'; thin thavirgs lemnon rn4 ru; ac lnrîjuice. Orante Jell-Arotlicr pan jeily -fullow cxactIy the Rencral instruc- tions for mixinr and mnouling. 2 tablespocrios -elatine, V3 cp coid water, I 3. cups boiling watcr, 1 cul) siagar, 1¼ cu:s orange juice, 2 table- spoons lern o uice. Ca-ff.. Jelly-2 tablespoons gela- tn ý4cîîuj cold water, .3 crips hot strong ciifce, -Ili cuD sugar, 3 table- sîroons lemon iuice. Follûw% generai tf.lethod, dissols'irg suizar in the Ihot erfîees'ery cc-rn- Celstin4 T'liis aosrr fir the hum"Iljeflv i trI the plain I;cli; -lemc'rri, orange sweet iely-and in thix Simpte s' in a bo", Stirr anrd vru it bep il until it is fm, stiffly-beatcn svl ing 1 e.,g zwhitet Treat prepared turc tihe samnei Fruit mav bce dcsired. iut ast Procaution wi tise jelly Mixture before foldior the jeily wiIl se layer and a Irc cold, particies cl the mocldcd 1mi tlsickening carei also in the case tise Bavarians ai Plupapple Som gelatise, U cor boiling waten. 2 ahavingi of X31 ipoon lemon hu pineapple juice whitçs. % et ne spoliges irt meai variation of mixtPre. Make any- ics I hase given you c, C0ce or otîser dturo in it a Spone tva y; ch;tl l ain jel>- 7riîsg it occa'ion ahly, gzins ta stiffen, beat rothy. Foid in the hitts of cgrgs-aiow- to about 1 cor, jelly. 1jelîY powder mix- svav. addc(ftl 1sporages, if ta plain jeilies. iii. Eggs.-Noto--If re 15 not partialiy set in the egg whites, reparatc inoa a dean oqtbv layer. If tooc if jeliy wîll, show in nixtune. WVatch thse fiully This is true e of SpanissCeaim, and Charlottes. P«eg-I tabItspoon Dcold water, 2-3 tup 2-3 top sugar, tisin lesion i rhd 1 table- juc, 2 tailespeana (cooed,utd e andi: Ipru littt- igar 3 <ugo, iae ramP*- 1 twlttapo enu Mt.-: r.turn to md otir aid eook ow*s 1thîekft ua ai ti e5bn 7). Pet Oint -hii la bm adi-. côld ,Ufk; Stir un$I m1véd. 11eiV«,. POu, ai es mey. polal muu tis>'l a-rtt Chsarlotte Type of Geinglue Cream (Witbout Eglg White) 1 tabîcîpoon gieatine 14 c'up cold v mc 1-3 cul) hot nmlk 1-3 cuis fisselv granulatcd sugar 54 teaspocro s-àir 2 cups crearu, sshirped iV tcaisirocns ;varrilia Y4 tea-sp)oon alrnonîl cxtritrt. Dissolvc tire andi sait in timc hot milk: Porn zrver the gelahiner. wlsiclî has h-ci softenled in crlc: water r stir tîiil dissolvcdl. (Il necesbary, disrcrlc oven hot water). ChilI. stirrinî z cr,sionally.* until of thte crrnsistencv (4 honcy. WVlip iiii- tiI frothy, fold ini thet crramn. twi:cim has been býaîr r un"1 sîif with Cm: v'anilla. Pour inoa scrving dil',' l wh *ch has bc-n linced with l-r fingers or 5:-rip strîpi of sr~.tr (Continucd on page 8) The Child and "IBRAPs TACKS" ON TIF t sponge cake. Chili until flrm. Chiocolat. Charlotte - Scaîd I1/a ouunces chocîrlatc with the miilk. Beat ontil smooth. Increase âugar ta 2-3 cîîp and use only -)4 traspcofl sanilla. M~ix as Dlaini Charlotte. Glorafed Vanilk Cbarlotte-FoId in '/i cutiîtlorcouglily drained dîccd canr.cd pincappîc, /Vj cul) slivcncd liarrc:icri aimrrnds iwiil the whip- Pcd crî'anr. Comtiiete as pflain van- iii. t h:rlrzttc. (Any of tlicc tlmrce Chianiuttcs lnakI«* an cxcellcnit calc. filliing if SPrea'I afcr foliing in the crcam -- he bottorn laver ofl a calc and iî.::r< tn Sct irefore setting on ,!:r mcc. :1(lavr) 4 Easy Bqvarian Crpam-Uuinc Egg-Wbito An c-rr' Basarhso mn ray b- c asily 'the Kingdom St'ND.Ay SCHO-OL LESESON (The lntcrnaiona] 8 c o d a Y ploits h!s fsllow-Mnn, nd esPee- Sehool Liesson on the abovin to,,rtc lally the yroith of today, mimv weii fon Aprtl 8 Is Matt. 1 F:1-14, ponde:r tlrese stern wos'ds ot 19:13-15, tho Cioldor Text lrolng svmrriîrg! In aur dmsperate striv- 19:14. "Sufer the e tle c.iltdren, ing fe)r econoni recovcry let us and forhld ti-eto irot. to corne un- not teek It at the perhl of thse wei- to ma; for to t;iclh elongeth the rare cf oui, chidren elther by kingdonr of heascn".) lessening their educationai 'nd- vantagest b savo taxes on by In- BY DDl. ALVIN F. IIFEIL casing their moral hazards ta 0UR LORD w nii continuailv pro% Ide nen, sources of revenue. 2urpriaîng liris followrŽe mtr n'c isuF piaced a child ln the mtdist. and sa3'tng the ut rr~r h!rim-. L the home, the achool. the He Was forover piittinz tîl:o 1 '-'z zr ato andi theo c!urr-h riakeno firat and the first last. So It r. s :rlxritution of anyting else for when hl,% disctplr-s carr-e teo jilty. l. t ectral pence. "Hlon- wll ttI& asking, 'V'ho thr-?rm F- r r,-test h,1aformçrt omît chlmren?" Ébould be thse ktrmgdom of herîivon"" r:afirst rîsest on aakcd or anv He had ovetîr'arm! rin rtý-- I;mr-ir- y or pragra ni. To do ls'ms t ar. puthîsg thls question nvr'tîirur- u -puis hurnrii>- he(nfatli aven zels-eî hy il-vss wny as tr' m - X'lnsi.) cf ~Oth 'rlcreatois. neyed. To rebuhe tnîi7 i.' - :SuÎrcr the iJtie Clldrecn" bitlon and correct threIr w rrn-, . Li rof crnitrçon a.;ss-eli &-e notions of greatncgs '"hi, ea:"i b trc'ýoo of commission cail for at- hlm a lîttle cihid. and -.P t WnrIlto tntion ln tire toterest of aur Chil- thse midst of thein. ard r 1%«t # -r- idreri. Failure tu cive Usiein spirit- iiy 1 tay cotao youl. I-xrrp- t fe turi.imul and moral training la as cul- and be-cone P.., ltttle ctd-n ve pale rns an>- other type o? non- shallln no wlso entcr tr.'o tre support of whlch pairflth a iy ho klngdom of herîiven. » ro-e gulity. "Suifer the lîttle childne'n. thérr'Iore shall burovde hlmiief tai andt ?orbld thein not tn camez unto titis littIe chid. the rama îIl the)me: for o? muet s fithe kingidom greaieatlt he isehgdorn of hesav-of heas-en" Ht& disciples thaught ens Ap d whio3o eliali recelve -e on"ieIrad !mure Important s«e oi Suei tlte child rer-rivrOr' me." r.-n.der and rellukod the.paresits Thun dld our Lord dign:ry ser- I'zha thuiît ougist Chri1qVa bleizs- lee. even tho-ugh iR be.tea ischildenLg sspoxttheir t1tle onea.But Je- as tlsougi t t wcre aa-rviucs reoder- unf had no mare Important bitai- cd hlm personally. Any tob!lure tri ncss or mono Imzselliusg lzterest- repeler that service iitiglit remsr.l ' *',ck that ye desxslse »tt-ontp et lis thse chid's stuosrslng and thbeso littIe cires; for 1 s-ay alita thereby hring the sesere, t ci*- voo. that la heaven the1r autelt demnratlon tapon tise on-,o n -âd do always bachote! the fece at iMY fajled tre serve Lthe chilel: ,'Wlosn Pather which lIn hiba en. ahafl cauIseS oneoftheze lttlss Uh4Ceuserratlw JrnO. ones tbat belleve en me to atunt- -Jess urther ditlg1dé ery ble. lit la sroltabllor hlm tisat a effort at eblld eoxssavvaUOnbYr great insllotone ahould beolsanged gIng In tt% COnnetUOIÏ -that about bis neck. anrd that he gakm Of Parables cffia uthe amn shoulil beêsuat la tue deptit of ane a hffl satiY fOlded tnt tise -the ea.'5 oue tost aieeo r f h b Pkf tenter tftîstrest lt,,ebuac3b and, ia th wu-oCCpr '-tbx1vbi Dim tise cssIý of carq.- mtenti~ Ontai .dnesdy r. whitj ni, made ir amjt -are nat-- jtiatir j' h mText 4 *MYW6;;ý;é= %pf or A Ill-k-:71e PAGE SEM GesseraI Proportions ve lias-e r1b"rit- nues as ta Iiow ~nucli ;zclatmýn,- is needed ta set arry m ount ofhctm! Liquid incluries thre cold liniîd i0 whic:i the gtzeatinc is soakcd, t'tc Ihot liqumzl in ss-hiclh it 13 ditsoired. fruit juices tSat are addlr for Zl'-rn~u-rd the amount, of liqýid t'-.rslgar nia:.-cs when dis- sols-crI r <w:cn a mczsure of dry stigar is dissols-ed it measures ai l y liall as rnrlc:î as it titI ihen dry; that i5-1 cin surrar dlissolved in 1 curs hot lq - ii aake 1 1ii ups sy ru p). Allows','2talblespoon granulated gellatin,. or 1-8 ouncsert getatine ta sct 1 cup I:quid, ii t*,,ere is a little acid in tise mixture. (For example, lemnon, ora-nge or ineapple joice). Alaw up to 4 tablcapoon gelatine to, i cur, tiquzd, if no aeid. Ailow ut) to 4 tabisepoorn gelatine ta 1 cor, liquid. (a> in hot wcather, or (b) for quiclc settinR or (c) when jelly inust support errosiderablc iotid mrateriai. Method for PI&Mt Jour7 i. Soak izelatine in at Icast ts'sice as Muclh cold liriud. 2. Maire a syrup of sugan and hot iiquid and bail 3 minututes. (Caver closelv and cook slowly to preveat evaparation). 3. Add soaked Relatine ta ihot iiquid and stir ontil dussolved (or if Iiquid is betten unheattd. stand container of soaked gelatine ins amati vessel tontàiisusg hot water untit thiorouaghly ditWoved, thtu add to

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