Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1934, p. 8

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\YAHTINC, i What pr4mased on Saturday to bc a nice ýaIling breeze for thc tîrst race dý-eloped into a lagbt air * vih a choiipy sea. Onfly thrcc boats facrdýthc ëun and the start wý-as a poor Prie with Merry WVidow ini thc vani twelvc seconds with ,Nautilus ant Satanita ini the order * îimcd. Theic posutiofiS werc main- tained utit the open lakc was rcachcd wlleîi Nautilus, travelling nbuch. better* than Mcrry Widow ini thec choppy sca, soon overtook lier and i on '%+îSthout much difficu)ty, 'Satanita bling hopclcssly is the (lr. Boat. 'Nautlus - No. 2. Stan. 2. 45.8; Finish, 320.10; Skippr. j: -iffusco; Crew, D. C. L.oaclh. Satanita, >'3, 2.4528, 3335.10, C. Ilutchison. Miiss J. McArthur. Mcrry NVidow, 11, 2.45.12, 321.05, Warul lrwot, G. B. WVitfirtd. $.cOîd Race Four boats camne to the lhue in te sçcond race in a strong breeze and considering the strength of the wind, flic îtaa-t nas well gaugcd. Nautilus crossçd the lsnc 5 %rr.ondis atter the gun with McNIrry idn andi Satanita right on hrr heel.%; Nas'ahoc was-soýmc distance hart Tihis o,1der eas maintaýnrd untîl S.thc first aliter mark was% reaclîed svhen Navatîor. wrll handIcd, pulled a1way. At this juncture >irrrv %\"*. dow loit lir tiller and both Satan- h-a and Natitilus stoodIbv but Nasa- bIme continueti on andi in conse;qu- cncet the points go to Satanita. Nau- tîlus flot cornpleting the cnur',c. 1t ian unorstood thing in racing vtith these small craft that if any- thing goes %wrong the' rtst stand h'. uitd it woulkl be obvious1y unfair to 'lcprisc'cSatanita of asiy possible chance she' had of winning on ac- counit of ber unsclfish action. Boat, Nas'alsoe: No.. 1. Start. 3.- 5.39; Finish. 420 00; S ki'Pppr, %Vm. Ruddy; Crèw, 1-. Hazel.- Nautilus, 2, 3.5005; not complet- ed; M. ATollnck: Miss IL. Good- fellow. i Satantia, 3, 3-009: 4.20 06, H. Elms; Il. Augustuq. Mcrry W'Idow. 1l, .35009.noct completed, %V. Trin, J. ý\*htfield. "".PORT I'ERRY RINK -.,,C»I1URES MIXED 'FOURNEY PRIZES Thse risi4 cf A. bicFariane, Port k C'rry, witib îhrec Nvins and .a total score of 42 capturcd first prizca at Ini $ toutnament of thrOs,ýhassa Pýckering PICKMIUNG. Aus. 29.-Mrs. Xuir and daughiter, biss Joan. nt Toconto, #nd Misa Gladys Bains, spçnt tbfi week-end wlth the Mes- da!nes Mciley. liers.' F. Kirby. E. Stork and J. &ndro*,. Motord ta ewiek ;Pît ani~fY. d spent the day J.*Rqgor Dorland. of Lon- dion flvSit wtth bis friend Lyn- (Ion Crotýk. over thse week-end. MI»a 0rtrude Waloh Ia vigit- ln a i ntjrsaLindsayT- Muter Geore 'elfer, of Tef- onitc, la holiIdaiib wIth hb toncle an4 surit, Wr..and mi. . H. i Mr. ff iMi. E. ("rainger.ocf Toronito, vere Suaday visitora m* th A, ladMra. Dore». Mru. A Buireil and son, nus- Sel. suld Mis. F. Wiiual. 5and dauthter Llltin, spent the -,week- INîiht Crofps in Eaily Thos. Deys dueSa i 10& plu$ - te pva" tiseevealbos. at aieP oir et homo. - e ae.sr7 equlpmuu 4 tavery maui, but bav et bgîfl anés. vii ous, - -elcares -ua-- sud r 414. b -iv. orerio.bdm sg«e mlissa ubkits ad- tO Mir1u. e!amy-- lmsa aicg Caux ala PM4bal! bute. A» tYoOnt, I S-4flw IMy j* pm. estW-it -THE WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLEc THýURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1934 -' Lawaî Bowling Club held on lte Oshawa greens Friday night. With 14 rinks entered, competition was keen, the final games not being completed until carly in the morn- ing. Sccond prtze was taken by W. Brownlee, of Oshawa, witls îhrec wins andi a rink score of 37. John Murray, of Port Perry, took tîrd pize with three wins fer a total of 32 points. Chas. Peacock, Oshawa, won fourth prizc nitlu îwo wins and a score of 38. Rinks werc present f rom Port Perry. Whitby. Port Hope andi Oshawa, %wîth the Port Perry rinka winaing îwo prizes and thc Osha- wa rinks getting the balance of the prires. i hc oui-csf-ton-n rinks came with thrir pla-ers. w hile the per- sonnel of the Ochawa rinks was dram-si. A large gallery stayeti until the endi, thet c'urnament heing onc of the mcii succisîful lheld heri- so far this yrar. Rrsuits mwerr as fol- Fis-et ame Port Ferry .Mcfartant .13 Oshaw-a Alger ....... 9 poXrt l'rrt i .Murr3s . . 12 0Jtl'iar a Rddi... , 9 -Oshan a Pearonck-. . 12 16 Flihr -10 Keele -.- 0 uin te-r Os h amsa m a il 1 I Hicks, Th" rdCame * 22 Illcks> Oshawa 6 Goalmnan Oil ba %,% a 0c shas'a 0Ycha 'sa ()sha%% a end wlth Murs. W. Morrish su-dt tainily ln Kitehener. '.mI. N. Runciman ant aAsis- of Detroit. vere week-end lat ors vilstiste femmers brot Se;. A. F. Runelmauan d (s.mily. Mm. George Thextain, o! Osh- ses. accouapanied by bis slstet-s, Mrs. Atmocrp. o! Simula, sud Miss Margaret Thexton. ci Toronto. callewl ou à susuhér o!ricker- 11us f r-ends 019 8uda,. yrs. F. Johniten snd Sons, Brute, o!f(skvoaor* aiestinc tis wseek witb Mr. andi Mr&. C- Buti. Mer. and Mm.. A. Comfort and Mr. snd Mns. Wooiger and tamil) of St. Catb&rin«a. esîliti on W. J. andi Mm.. Clark on IFriday eui rouleta. teKaton. Ni-a, W. C'. Holmos of Cherry- wood vwas thse ouest of Mm-e. L. moentseday th îs w-tk. Piekeirtsloot sue-Uerolir- sideni lu thé perses et 3Mn#. Job--% Oluenu who 81.8 auddeuly et i'em hem.usu Clne Lu t. oà Nostii. tu hereftenty-ttrai year. Thétde- coasém.iti boa. maild"smre vsa-% Mary Aima Dwnhus. W» s 1s. daugbtvet tfhéo lieMr. sd uir*. Chai-les Downing. &Ud b&ha.d pattiç*iy &Il b#oalit. la Ficher- titg Tew-uahp. ler ebelastipi-e' d«ed e4ber tir-e ryess' ao. site la unsrnlrW by ose tisibter. mms.Oltuse 'D.Sy. ef Coibeus-s.' Thé fueraI was 1*14 et berlaie réal4este on Wedesa ,atSi-. so.s. vttbRea-. B.G. Rebhmmo @(fi@*S1*5. Thé pOil'berm -aréu e14 fri.s.Ziasnd stboseluist- lst J. Amsa, .A. soles. W. Corera. W. L. Cortisé. W. 3NeOsiré as"3. ?ow-eilLlaie.-. moit vas mi. BsInOrmvesiti comben. ,r,0réotis. ofDtoit vsitieétbfis h ltw-nb Ib fr or** parents. IL HW bat Uriy . hou . ac ~ QR£L'fWOOD. Ain. 21-fl% thse Sa» .it.air..., 4or by croup -A"s!tlb. W.sues. ASod<IBISS v»quit. a vsimç la TbSwlmSt ?Smtb et prul IV** Cho" mmo to.i ua m wut a tm 'us ~M..i*s $E~est . flu wom"* mwm" i New Pruident WOMEWIS INSTITUTE- CLASS WAS NOTEABLE, FUTURE AT S.a ONTARIO EXIBITION A notable festilié of thé an- nasiFair ef the South Ontario Âgrlcultursl Society asat week waa the interoat isien by the vsr- joug branches of thé Women's Institutes of the district. Thie year the entries rame froua five branches. Whitby. Broklu, Kinssît. Hampton antd Solina. Othe.r years not go matir branches have been r4prexented. an Indication that thé womiei who comprise thé institut. mens- bershipsi are taking flot only a greater Interest ln the- Fair bot ln thé varions craftir they display. The larorest number cf prizes ibis year went ta tbé Solina branch. IL bas been sugested that the Women*s InstItute brancb of the, Fair night b. furiher developeti as there are other brançhes cr ta Oshsawa that have neyer sent au ezisibit to the Fair. Prizes awsrded to Women's îl-, stiut"'jver@: ______________Hampton.__ Stby. 10. Al - STtPll-S 4us -- Brsldi.d Rug -- Nin- t.isitd.ubnt.i.hii -salf',ln. Hampton. - oua 1.-e- residisi 416 -- ouseDrs I.Iniqjr. ino eM - e-sri 1Pr 13lrooklin. X.hitby. 'drit cai <ic r -i i.u uttoînohitr 417 -Work Apron --Sauna. tsamtlaiai. i suaa-'ifli 1. tse tsalp. Brooklin. lat,' flr. '. F.. i>c'lit". ai the. 41 t - Hoa«ked Rug- Soluna. 1 % asen( 3 -lrmt Innutil ilcing (or Hampton. Kirualte. - tsa o-a:uiriluîhfrId in Toron- 419 -Crchet flug -Brock- talis wr<rk . "1;mili.sh l îKitusala'. elîna. wides knwn lsrnîciîut tUtt- 42 - an'!tWork Shirt da or îi~ustns1.ihi.-sprltd latolpton. Kfnsale,. SoIlna. ar1 vils.kasn lr-iiiiof C --KulutiSocks -- t-o- SI.yil"--'itcla-r inalr. Tor- linra. Whstby. Brookîlu. tuilao- ançl an n5'eùi lrr-or of 4:: - Knltted Mitt3. fine the- anadian 1%ation.11i Isîibli- s ltr >îoakîîn. Hampton. 4lion, anti %%ut% foraaîfrri i 1rî'-tirut 4 - Knltted Mti, rors@- of tise O)ntai-i.'Nintor i.eagur.e. is. Nnsate, Salina. Hamnpton. Tertitaoficiaa2dl. o! Trce. ofiii ' 4'4 --- Knitted Lace - Hamp- t'iniub ! na. tgi:t"irof n Ia- ton. Satina. Brfflkliru. lo a1ndIaîisit(rft ni- '-~ <'~4 - ('roches Lare -;Olinat, 6 ii, a<1 roi .-. f ,~.i-,O t ilampto:u. Brookl. s 3a-i>.I4?0.-- Taîteti Lace - lmp- _______________ :n. Prookilin.Solina 4Z7 - Péeceti Quit -,Salins. 6('nia alI-on Nr te r P .lrr'oklin. KInsalé. an ;urdav. MiNlss, N'1utc(fl. "f l'1 - s isiti irr s-usrr \trs . '<r1 ie ()c - IlWeillF o h - rIe giieris .a. * ' helti a %ary ýutc c'-'s1ut - tf t To TheSi in lis r,-rs l'ai k 1la ' .- d a .5 A tPasli s tI r-îîhr-!hIt;a j miedesigni of the futuic gondtropfortht'faratei a ;faruse d mucit tpeculataan sis NUE 'isM. Horermav, cnf %SVttf- as In b the L'nited Staits M tngle &uduua". il r itîsg snow noder test. ras. Ormerd.,z l trc-r.l engîne aa-tb articuli- 91ve a . . ji. fBrPtln -y . et . tht' i-otor car bas brtn ~'o '~-Y ît-itutsyr~'~'- .r i 'wcd;but nothîng dcfinic n ise C-h orCli latki Stusday .4'iu f u<- rnaîsc'unced as b tctthe Cin- A bsolo y lsM s.1 J.. 1'a'gr, ".ir' .dg.aîîrailsays'solutipn of the pro- aaeo much apprec-iatcd t 'y 1- i!r Thf far t hat railway opera- 8 Sonln- s nlr i ,"- . .L... ~. -..-. c.- , . . . . ,. . . ltrri .ig iii 5'8 m5. it'-'U5& âf- wiii ha' et 7 ) .Clcbc cish PCt i t c4 aàspccual problin owmac to tise missionsry lPragr'raui. 'l es noavfaliandi intense cola Cltiapman. B A . of Audîs'. as U . î'aade thse quest mucis more dafficult give -a tatk. andth ieras clbe 1.)an5lsstr. spécial niti-. 3*alsoi Srn> forjA îi-nt a% SIo thse aPPrearnce01 t he clildreaî Etorybody vél- Ithe futureicslfconots'u as gir'enIbis cen.Colertor In *id O! tise >car ilr the C,2nadian Ntoa Misi n atio!tise'4'u nday I ailasZ-s an thercxhibit at the seho iCaiadai Natonal Exhibition. Lrirgtly hsstc'rical in its note. om- aung ,, tlac quadra-tetutra of the 111E ON. D N~AN dlicoatry o~f canada s04 tht csn- MARSHALL TOUOENI P>ORTJP[RY FAIR' Miniettol Arcutr Win OEréckae on Set1ebr lt P'ort Sa-rs. sAux h le 'as r>nci-a n i-âlbâf. it u.L-i-1. ci kAfis-uiîin'. ill t oif al ý~e ipte thse 114 !I f i la te t'afi Ver'->- aitessb ,urStcgAit -c-caturai -s'Eta ts "i*- P lIi 1»tth p t>ua l ât f ilar iît , e u board utir-t's 9111I Lo osweuar uutt s<b. a rûasa ta i- Wu-s&. f &bdase fi4 b a-t*ru Mbethos itbahtgs st141 te'po*â- 1 tri. bO'ss'.. rttgle. cita-tp asd **sa eieite otas't esalt TM- -Alttrla'teîait M tIs>era tait ta cietié bote ces-t4%-, su4y t a-té-a. rail nuu*, egfi, lsenbo*i "r5"- »mt adtt af s4aeîrme ,A aideS isoler-. htb. haeeUs auels Iot.a 1Il-mils rutil. Pwu- Pw,'vp-. lIt. thé ,Ib e da"ys mlb'. NrsIshe'4 b> 51 prl Ps-r bau %~otaîl et - be t r-r 8w-l Clai w-ii ehalbs t i. Ptati- fo aie r~"U. Tis poAéieta efrs'tasog tu*. 5ffl ne %1* *"" tmblfusSu St il. év *&s.a. M&à rosto as a caty. *Re $ct!=os 01sta exhiba <u dseteti10 tise devekqs- tien f hI0mtvr. Modela ut -îio<-su<s-:*the ' irfs sseam eu- .to oetperaci,3 tCanada. s, 61MK1 uthse JritisJuEmpie. and a pos. tesCi<ithe tcoe'natire desiga ecd tist futur". us gea las' aep Irota tisedetipsu , - 't rss'h-s7 sh baiton- 1îiad Cliadians Csf ecut-y t>90 \-(lWbut iso moir S50 tissu t)w 'sit , eai îs nc sugestig thse il Mta h U ft4 .ndthts Iit inlois- -bi acrM1s. The usodç't. =sde of s-Atws4, usl-sMt a Mtr-ee tatkaaet s-,Cmasseutulii ttaili tist uau «-, axiq~s. tr tsf u'Pltii-cl h e tis~. itcs.aî ls-i'ssaitehConcei'A ada ici ttstethe e-îe usn'aitk iit* ntxu We'i <cOsOtus-e CMsi l'd elipa- cdl t-O aedgx<e autUa ti rien« sam cen-s-ail> - sp-oaste %ýrpratto t - i.h-tp-ed asas a-gme-.-or pur- Xe M a-«lis toisa-sai-bate ds-tu". ,*#-a saaMîe'd t-té é IT»s C4si at-04 thet unvstgg"i sai t affii s.*4tItt a tua" sa3s-i-Irut s-44 oke t*"-daom .qutqtss'4 t.- 6Ma dit*sehi l I 555<1 Wt x t a mu4"e-t iaç4 ut'uutdlm w stidsast ig I~ ~ ~ k arêaaeteaU*mèTt-y& s r 40Mà rattieei MWe V4 a *q #*MVs* ~ ssçs 428 - flomemade Comforter -Kinsaie, Hamupton. 429 - Best article frotu fleur ssck - Brookîli. Kinsale, Whit- b3'. 430 - Mending three-cornered tear ori voollen material - Kin- sale. Brookiu.Solina. 431 - Labor savlng device- H&mpton, Solins. Brocilin. 432 - One Antique - Brook- lin. Kinssie. Hampton. 433- Novelty from crepe paper -BrooklIn, Bampton, So- lina. 434 -Afghan-Solina. Brook- lin, Hanmpton. 435- PilloI Slips. laceb trim- med - Hampton, Brookîli, So- lin-%. 436- Pillow Slipe. embrold- éred- Kinsale, Solins, Brook- lin. 43î -Chlld's dress n.aefrom another garment - Ilrook*,li, Su- Ilin. Kir.sale. 438 - 1 lb. Maple Cresin Solins, Wbttby. Brooklin. 439 - Ligbt Fruit Cake Whltby. Solina. Knae 440 - Dsrk Fruit Cakte - Se- lins. Wbitbv. Kinsale. 441 - & Koinenade Bsas Solina. WVhitby. Brookîto. 443 9 Homensade Douzh- nuta-3 Br»oilin. Solina. Xmn- al e. 444 -2Loàvpa Hoxnp.ma'ie Blread. white - Wbltby. Kinoale, BrnOL- lin. 44S - Wbole Wbeat Breitd- Wyhitby. Brooklin. Kinî;l. 446- Four Bars Homêniade Scsap- Hamipton. BrooklI. Seý- lina. 444'- Six Pinta Csnned Fruit. flaspberrlea. Strsvberrlce. Cher- ries. Rbubarb - Wbltby. Solina. Hampton. 448 -- QiX l'lott Canned velo- tableit. Pesa. Bpanit. Corn. To- mateese. Beetis ad A*paragus Solins. flrooklln. Wbitby.- 449 - Four 43lassea Jolly. Orape. Currant. Apple - SlIna. Hampton, Whltby. Vood Burner ýtream-Line Diesel ym-rs ago by IL. R. il. Prince cf Wsales. Spcial mnoa-îng panoratnas cive vs-i tise ports andl scenicply &rounds cf the Dominion, wile by issodel snd picture the s-aried rai- ivay scrices of express, tclegrapli and botels art shows. Ont point osf specéal inicrest is theetiaug paula depîcting the arrîvaI of jacques Cartr'4w )years, *0 ,the intaio cf s hitetc, usîktoviu cOinent snd an abovigsuu tottun pk In- duan "ilte mas h. wteruPatifle - umnOuc dom et CIO& la tbe dar1*ul si cruta wppitet t !tbw 4da" isg ot a« 4t~47y Wlatb Mésshuand* f cMM t 104clet awi-I iro rs bt* J*V" th prophti ow et th«é*0lsgdoiq Ce& im but ulowIs l bo uxa MUl la thbo rut M et nIts*p.pleufil.nela te bm XlA la I-êsllty. la tit. suo tbo1*1' ioI lm"*#d eCao lasouet fflam tt oéblf $41 aN tetb au 7 III cet veuti las&. émWaa L» $à« rtffl ledee» tti gaUL us .ab. bt - al& bo Peopia. (* W-bi 'eW sabffl #4o héli bo4u*i. Wt1, . ~ i I 'W~WWW NOW PLAYINGMODY - ",Osuhatcde seartest Z»terfufnmenf1' The Circus Hits Town: .Adolph ZuLar prets5. JOE Et BRGWN MARLENE DIETRICH mn First Nationai-s Fun RingTh Srens Reigning Beauty in "CIRCUS CLO0WN" Nlii-T "The Scarlot Empross". with à Gloriouî t4ala'iy WEEK Directed by mi Wen ay JOSEF von STERNBERG ACTUAL WanedayA CIRCUS ~adPararnount Hr TASThursday Picturc MI No. 1 T S Double Program! o2jj 'LADIES SHOULD LISTEN' 'THE WITCHING "HOUR' A*Sft$MUI pytierzy Parisian Farce Augustus Thomnas' Famous Piay (XCt îIAT.FRNEa DRAKE EDW ARt> EVERETT HORTON CHARLES RA.Y SJOHN HALLLDAY JU-DITH ALLEN TOM IBROWN ON ONI W. cannaI have Chrisitan r&a,- glan withaut the' mistlonary spir- It. Andti t have' tht' real pas.'lon for witnes>ipi for th#% ?.1.îter that Others mity he hroîigh* 10 know Hlmi, wcn sc:tst aay trlth .leSurs 1 consttant prayor. inhs't tcelt ts itpirIt wJtbtn ouîr hcarts. Bts love constraiin tir, oNW'o niost ittue a passion for others' souls. Social andi econornic pr,).)I.-nu bave' a place ln aur riO.nury pl.%n. Ploverty exeriq a demoratiztog In- fluence on tise epir!t et thosoQc rond.,ined tb live nlway% ln is thraldorm. But aita a4 dos g rent niaterlal prosperity. l'nder thse diffiruit stralii af re- cent ye*rs we aro hetinning £0 thtnk of spirituat things. (9o coines Out of gsrming evil. Out oi lsraet'a bandaxe sprang isapc. out of thse Great Wcorld War came the thon gis af warld pence. la part o! thse extension o! God's k ý -,dom. ,Ife Ia a .grlm combat betweeu gooti and ovii and prayer Is thse way 10 i-ictory. W. muâtIlive at tho fcct a! Christ. If we would ho aïwayer s ', u -"of Chrifft's andi tow can wu keep near to Hlm uniesî ave talk with Hlm. Our modern mlssionary work la Jnst a, continuation of tise vorkef tise Apasties. Rey. Dr. W. C. MiLcDourall gavo s short talk on Tuesdsy ave- nimir on India. dealing wlth thre prablemas confrontlng the, ml&-' i. IGandi Iis loaslng bis bol'es. Iudîn, Tbi,; la 10 b. rbgrttI be- cause Gandi lai a rgligions maa. and lt le casier for tue MIssI-¶ ary to deal with eun. wko -basA w0 are aa~saiin on tis tiares attitiid JWS8%. 1- as UUMU prIun; A, jp. le] b- iso a e see tisdingetet tit v-gronngr ladegr. Thos, sa4 y- ' i valsla Monl o is- etor, e vsicis v n.ilon isladbees.n ob a. thre'. Tis l consratea ln cai pla a obe.fore o aut en Our. e1.:br parto. Thmted, anelayna notise forerC at inou t e Ru woend te-day the mr.tler Instinct or ette aeisl ibe id a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o &ele aiaksthsaomt efr ' nneduui ibau this. instinct. It lInisosvn ln ali Mis tiscro astre no Images lunhuIlitj. teacisingis. the. parental siîrit. We Tho deIîy war worshipped sInu- eau belp tises orid go seas J"us PlY. but DhilosoPby caused tise as tse ym~sthlingantilasî Dlliy te bécûme more remote ad parent o! thse lest anti straylng tin cry of the human heait te Seo little anea a!ofî1îi$ worldi. Ait uroanti h near the4r .¶ie aiued Hf,, ehfIltren, "Like rus a fnîiser limages te b, broùgbt.In. The TuIle- pitieth i% s chiltimen. so tise Lord sloiiamy muet reetgailse Ibis.. The pîît'ts."relifflous, attitude et Indus Io pricoleas but thse Obje& -cf thei Thorearemthe Home Mission, 4ip o- r4 thse ForoignAl issions sud tise vorssl uo women'a %ItisLonary Society. and (it>dIb" i00111ê ur t&othé the lser Io. mat asueeamîy s pirt Ciurlotlrn irougblis son, Je*us of lt iviswoitsprogramme nsa ni Christ.- Lt us08brIug tle people, of e! thse otbers. fiurlttlanuî>- la the tudia toese tiis; - osuiy religioni capable et. beeasuint 3. The people of- Iuiida bave s word religlea. Weare unemrs b oeo bemistilnsoa cuý -te er' fiaud ait Our unlaas omit v th Us*£et the, lei b1i '< Tise resuit la fanatîcieni. freedom they get oùt o! bounds. A furtber report 0f this scisool appears on Page flve Of bilS Issue. NEI IFfFIUERS, a -i men~mw RvR.- G. Dividson1 "of Gra' !wcaidptft hc Rural welf arc Contfereilce cf the United Çhsurclt, ,ofcCanada. ntow - in'- session OaÏt hq e OnrinoLadies' Coltege, WhitbYi Re- Roy Riekard, cf Port ,Perry,.. -juil, of Brooklin, sccre.tary-tr>ea3,u>*e1-, or. On the esecs%4ive.-t Roêv. ~,G }talbrt, D.urhaÏ> , ST~tk a's,,Alderstsot, andKRickSE.M. .Cook,ý Fraxerville. ' -- The, neat-cotifeienee wilb-be liel. atý :ha Cellcee iin - -hitby dusarle- the- ivftk cf tily 3Odîll, 1933. ý Thç -confétrence -ended l.tIii. dAy., after-2tbç iro, *uded robemi, Tý -confèeuteL vsont î gréat -Alcce3s ld CrtaVel pala * SPO'RT t I Oshasi à Lukr ... Oshal% à Fshr Cshau a.. Prn!. v Wintfr S.tead CG«e Oshawsa Bn-ce -... lPont Pri Murrav Oshas' a Farsons Oshai' a Br-ia nire Oshais a Brouniet Portpet \McFarlan-r Os han a Luke Oshaa Ipeacock Oshatsa Fisher.. OshAvua B rownisie Port Pcy .\-t'Farlana, Port 1-la Wnte rs Oshasa .l Bryce. IPMrtl'Cr !furray - >r: V e e 1' ~rj k;» t 's- -1 -------------------- ------ , a 4,4 cSl à*t6nu

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