Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 May 1935, p. 1

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Smith, Watt. Jan. 191~6 c-o M. E. Smith WHITBY,1 ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1 935 ONTARIO COUNT TO STREET c PÂVI#4C ip of -,$81000 in mcal Tax ArreorsWas. hepmted t.otbo Council Acion to Get in. ailON UNo Urges«b! Con> ONQFNO b Nmed MKPAYMENS1 AT THE(M[LEFIIE PMD THISA m AwrsM Wil be Eventsin Connecon Witb riwd by Fimmne 1Commen .cemerit Are aWtee andi Urged to: Announced latr..rs tre notceomitiglu !4fl to the civie treasury thîs ,,*r tlsey dld Iast yedr, Town k 'and Treanurer John R. t told thse Council on Monday [Ig. In tact, tise treasurerre- ed, thre arrears are 'down 00 today as compared wlth iret f ew menthe ot theé year. hia treasurer sald that whlle towfl's position et tise'banlc tg er becauseot thse collection ef flrst instalment cf taxes lu Il, thse syrears are pllin- up. 'tiser wordS,ý no great rush isî ýg made by tihe taxpay ers to eh the clvic treasury, and It ýpw be up to Couacîl te take *action. Tise treasurer urged Gouncil set up a commlttee, 82fle as last year, to. Inter- r t ose in arrears and urge a lement. htCeunci1 iàmed tise Finance Imittee, to deal -wth this mat- and4 action wlll ho talion as to g et âomething done. Gover*ment Wants $1,400 ho tretourer presented to the nÇI1 a. bill for $1,400 from tQ6 artment- et Hlglîways, wlth a a ttacqhed -asklng wisy it isad tepatd. It appears tisat 4tbe years ago as least, the Qu.pet la SupDosed t0 have pl ,tise tewn with senme o11, Wmel fr streetà, but It ln loç a"tisat nobody knows DMulars. Tise Ceuncil In- le@ bclerX, te write and 4b'àgularst tise accounS. aowtng Wwll go, hiard a*mol(ailon liaWs aestiniates., ark thls year lni- st-reets a5W In pre- Lbdpr ssalu 111hFoiitar wll agaîluihave of the -concessions aS the thls suinnier. mr. Poster ut -m expeilse ereeted btithlng g roomes ansi a et reshfient wlilchlihave proved v-ry lent te tise" public. 'TIise I granted Mr. Pester thsese siens on hie alPplicatlin. kTRE WHITBY LEGION CORNER Ig of imotac o report k, ahl Is Quiot con the \est- it. Next meeting-%vilIbe held L6th, buIt in the meamtime 116e tlshijg trip' on June *d. lhose svho bave not bcir intention already cf wise wdsh ta go on phis asked te get un toucil withs Fred Little. Migs ]ettv Sauder, et Kitchener, bias been elected Queeu ýof the MNay by hier. student associates at the Ontario ladies' College, aud wî11 ou Friday, May 24th, at the' annual May Court Festival bc formally crowned on the college lawn, , wca- ther permittiag, af ter which Étu- dents wiIl give a programme of cx- ercises lu ber honor. lu other years the 'practice has been to elect the Queeu oui the Day of the Festival but this bias been changced owing- to thé trne tâkcii Up. The Queen's counscîlors will bc ,fiss Doris Muilîcît, TIoronto, and 11iss 13everlev Guess, of Montreal. The May Quecai in the opinilon of bier fellow students, cornes ilear- est to represelitîrgthie ideal %woman and clection is by ballot. At the gaàthcriiug lu the hall pre- ceeding the crowning of -the Queen, au address wil1l be given by Miss Jessie MePherson, deau of o u at the Viversity of Toranto, oin "The Ideal Woman". The May Court Fcstital on Fri- day sn.arks tise start ýf tIse Com- mencement Exercîses in cbainectioni with the Clee On Saturday eeigJse8ts there w-ill bc a recital by tise Sen- ior pupils, wîth piano, vocal and. dramiatic nuimbe rs, followving wbichi there will hbe an exhi!ition of tlle art and household science depart- nients -To this the. friends of the College are invited. The annual Baccalaureate sermon will be preached on $unidav eve- ning, june 9th, iii tise United Cburch nid the preacher vvill bc the Rev. George Fallis, O.1.E., of Tl'riait- Unîited Cliutch, 'Toronto. jCommenicement Pay wNill bý *on.j J1iTlr ZtiÏ. and thse final addres te thëý studcnts w111 be .gîver by thé jRev. J. R.* P. Sclater, B.D., of Old, St. Andrew's Cburçh, Toronto. 1wli IITIY MAY' HAVE k3ting He!d on uesday Night-Applications- - m YIORIA BAYl Many Entries Coming in -$900 Offered In Prizes The stageý is all set Brookln Spring- Fai'r to on Friday of this week, Day. .If iihe ieather orable success for the be held Victoria is fav- is assured. The number of entries sent in 15 encour- agfing, and indications are that eachi ,jepartment of the Fair wiII have its full quota. .Fair will open in tlhe afternoon. - There will be no f ornial cercmiony as ail departments -s1ring into ac- tion. One of the best sports cards in years will bc îresented to the fans. Music 4111l bc suppiied by Ilhc Durham Regiimental Band, of Or- ono, which lias been at the Fair now for a numiber of y cars. Re- freshiments wilI be available on the grounds. A dance in the TIown ti-l in the evening winds up the day. The Fair is pràviding one of the best sports programs ever staged in Brookl. It includes lacrossc, la- dies' softball, football, mcen's sof t- baIl, and a long list of races' for %which good prizes will bc given. In ladies' softball, Brookln will play Port Pcrry, anid in Football, Brook- lin will rucet Courtice. In the Mien's softball tournament, Myrtie ill play Scugog. For those ivio lay horseshoes ctour events have been arranged as tollows: Double open tournainent, single open tournament, double lo- cal tournament (S mile) and a single local tournament (5 mile). Entries for this event are to bc inade with Mr. Frcd lHollidav and Mr. Williamn A. Heron before 1 p.m. on-the day of the Fair. The popular caîf race is to be repeated this year, and thi$ will bc good news for farm boys and girls. Calves aine montlis and under are to bc led by boys or girls 12 yearsi and under. The program of races includes: 100 yards open-- 100-yard race for girls: married aiea's race, girls 13 years and under; girls 10 and un- der; girls 8 and -under; girls six and uuider; boys 13 and under; boy, 40 1g andd va.- T;r. ,,till be lunch 4nd refrQihi ment booths on the grounds. C)ffic és of tic Faij lar., as - lui -j Honorary I'residents: MI. E N. K.C., M.L.A.; Dr. T. E. Kaiser, W, F. -Batty, Thos. Hall, W. A. IDryden, E. WV. XV4ber. Dr. James'Moore, Mark Duff, R. K. Xebber, -W. -H. Moore. P~W D. T1pusciî, XViI- hiani Morrison, i'P\eesor.' PresJdent-Fred Ormiston. lst Vîicç-presideait--Job XVlit'1% sî 2nd Vic&-prcsidcný-Robcrt Grafs-ý dy. ha lu th~ Pire, «whieh is beliei'ed te have ad Its origin ln def eetive wir- g, broke out about nine- irty Monday morning in the attic 0)f the south-west 'Wing of the High School buildin&l and caused damage which, it is estimated, will be in ÃŽthe neili- bourhood of $6,000. The loss, the ýgreater part of which was caused by Éýmoke and water, is comple-te- ýly covered by insurance. The tire was dlscovered by oneo of the teachers, who smelled smoke and weut outside1 the building to investigate. She saw that the roof of the south- west wing was blazlng and re- turned to the school and gave the alarmn. Tihe lire alarm was runF and the students filed out in rec- ord time wlth littIe or Do excite- ment. It is learned that a number of the students smelled Smoke whien they arrlved at the .schoul but at the time thought it came fromi the fumnace. Thse Wlsitby Fire- Brigade re- sponded qulckly whea the alarm was turned In and raised l.adders to the roof of the building. Foui, Unes of hose %vere laid and 'with thse pumper unit worlcing ut-fuill speed thse lire was soon under- conl1 trol. While thi0 raf ters and parts of tha roof were burned away the greater part 0f the damage was caused by thse large amount of water thrown on thse lire. Most of thse classrooms v ere badly flooded and valuable book<s and notes be- Life in New Yoi mà ujyeo Thel1 I -- eSte - Signd--- . ir- president-±c-. Richcard-' -'-SecrOtary-treasurr-H. XX. lMc-' V1tby may sisortly h âve in I*uns Club . OrganizerEr have ÉýAssistant secretary-ýThomas Hikal. ben iii town. for tise, st weêè-k - And on Tuesdayeena In ~ athse' McIlI~U(TAl uCI Cis ainher a meeting was jjJJ~.'III è -hed at Whislh tise- aima. and su 35IIIL objects of tise Club wer0eout- llned. It was the opinion of tise Meè g tisas at Ieast tislrty, 1! U UIR V I memnber s'tould lie secured here. Several application forme verel flie4 ut ~c1uispecial commite-ecompletely RenovAted, En- was nameid tÃ" nterview tisose W.tio M -haý& aituflied tiseir înterest I are One of finot* et the tormaSlom -of a Club lna- Wbit l- r41 ît 1b asicl endeavour te g et- thelr lieations. Another meeting wlli - - eld on Tueeday eve-nlng vîtis Ettensive 1mpr4'ývements. hoth th cf etatlyt tn to tise twrlor aM 'teror, 'have b6 brageh et thseIntern.atioin- j seî cQslte a t ý l$atïàs cf Lions Clubs, -hnd Dé,iaonStore ln Whitiby À ~; f or lrand -n t~sore 1iýý,n ld: stand,5hi Sesiles.fese lrnprov 't lu* ýýte e Sl eC f..i erv ice - - b~ îf t~ a e gv n~ n t - f tise fineet stores aloDg aStie nýeetlng - 4kings-on 4{ighwa'y. an exac't re,- ni ~~~ut t1rr4,L1ÏI*eSn ->lca, la, tact, of tise M£"e t',dunîy eras stores <perate - dee4, > 'j.t0wJ 3ipaý in.a' ,terIoi'- 'aID -4 . servie -founde n the golden 1ter..a&angemeÃŽt-te s oé. t-ni - Tise ld.style wlndow liag ben Fcits were given te: show what done away wiSis and now tise la- Lions Clubs have' aceomplisised lnaeir1 h ntr trecnb ethe -pace inQntrio an unscouit rougi tise wilidow trom tise otis4 'lace luOntaloans street. It 1stise type et windeow outlue vas. gIven of what might g ho ccepliise luWhîtbyfortis tisat appeals, and tise nov ligist- inor adds te interlor appearance b&iefi ettie tva ns coîmui-Tise t--arrangemenit oethtie stocks t3'. brings tise fruit dbpartment te the east, side of tise store, con- Décision Reserved in vêuiently located nrear tise do, SupremeCou rtAction ranged acorinsgl otes taecon- ______i ec fbhtestaff and hstise customer. Mn. Justice Kelly reset-yod he Tishandeome ilo finishs enthe decision la tise mater efthtie suit Iewer portion of tise -wlndoçv é-- brouglît by F. Siselenkoif, of Oshs- terioris5 a decidesi improvement,. awa, against Edward Johnus, o! ýaud -e ise otise paint job. Tisere Oshawa, wich vas heard durlng -Is more reom ln tise store now feri tise sessions -efthtie Supreme custemers as tise resuit-,oe tIi4 Court Non-Jury Assizes -at tise m-arrange-ment and imprevements Court HQuse les week. J. P-, and Shis wîll vonk*tote seacvsan- Mangan acted as conse] for thse Sage ofthtie patrons, vise have now plalsstiff -ansi T. K. Crelgiston -as more rooma te mcve arn and T a cenune-el fer th-e detendaànt la tise action. -ý,Tle pleintift *ins tise action sotÃœsght damages ansi an InJunlctiouz agaist tise defendaut:- whlle tise detondant eounter-cialmosi fo r damages for tise enforcement et an Injunction ordon wisicis, it vas clalmesi, tise plaintlff vas net en- itted to, tbtaits, beýtteÈ "iCW ef tIse stock. "ise zmanageer regrets. any Incan- venience tisas may - have booms causes dustOnets whisle impreve- -ýaents were belng made. Wlih beter f aeilltieg aS hie disposai ise le nov la a btter position tisane-rer Se tender tise isigis guallty ef service for, wisici Dominion St-ometshave long beeii noted. ~eI j- -At tise Teva Coun on1 Monday evening mtead tram 'Walter H. cal barriste-r, protest liote a numiser' of menf against allegel COsncil la awardJflg tracts for municlpa 1 Dv solj Fire Barnages. High School (JJUIfY Gou RI In Erly Msring Blaze; AND SESSIONS TOe TemporaryRepairs 'Made1 FNONJN Fmr Wus Confined t> Old Wing and Most Damage Was Donc by Water,-Fire LatHoles Through Roof, and ,Seven Criminal Cases s Floors Were Flooded and Wafls 'Dmgd rmn Fax Listed - Many to Did GoociWork mi Preventing Spread of Ramnes over SekNurlzto 1 Larger Area-Loss Covered by Insurance _____traàaio longing to the students were de- 1 Se ssions of the' Peace wll open stroyed.,ln Wliitby on Tuesday. June 11, The fire had apparently been eoeIl oo ugR ,burniug for sonie, considerable bfoe Hs HnrJde R time, as a short time atter 'the. Ruddy.0 Third and Fourth 'forms had Todute several crimInal cases» marched, out of their rooms, some hv enlstdt ehadb of the piaster from th&~ roof el 1in. However, ail the furniture andijdea~jr n hr r valuablo paDèrs contained in a also so.i. jur*y and non-jury civil fyling cabinet in the office ot! Principal Arcbiba'ld were remov- eýd as were n1so somieof the stu- dents' books. Wliile tise older section of -tise sehool w-as considera.blv darnaged tise niew -ing cscaPed fr0111asiy dama-e elthfl-rby Natefýr or, fire. ISucis '«was thee-xteit of ise dani- lag8 that tile sehiool ivas dismissed foriý- hr ay. Imiiiediateiy after tIse firemen isad left men wero put te work te sweep oct the waer whiehî lay deep on thxe floors both upstairs and downi. TIise (ebris was, aIso i eleaiietl up. 'femprorariy repairs have been miade and itiose eiool Iwas used again on Wednesday. Tise building v- il] be conilletely gone oveLr during ,tise summer vacationi.' CSeveral students lest thieîr ex- amination notes as weli as books, and. as a resît i il he greatly handieappedi during thse present Exeletwork was done b.- tise firemen lii preveistig tii, tire frcsn spreadinig mrough lth bulilding,. Oui a îsrtiea c(f ithr roof v,,as danxaged. rk City Is the Guo'sts âi Streets '.,ComniMl Considsring AT ROTARY. CLUB Cheaper Type of Pl Osbawa Suburbe Commission ami Council ýto action"%~Tvri nI ~~ ThFy majority of the criinl. te W r miR1 & i ase.s arise out of 14ceut automno- bile accidents Wile t$ere are o~u wi seven on tise IjsL today, it is po-js- sibfle that someý of these charged The Town Couneil- bag becn niay eleet trial by judge at spe- -asksd -by the Streets comitl- cifie dates to ho arranged between te-a to consider embarking upo-i the court, and counsel, other tiian a pavîng .Programme whlcii :wm at sho Sessionls. lii addition to thse cases to be ilpove a few streeti«imédiatel,. tried. there is: a long list of ap- M.Chi-ÇISA-LE l the centre oft theý to*n,, ais pilcations for- naturalization to i)e fR .R ASALE Centre Street az -far as thse Cout hieard. These aro now posted »iip Irinicipal-and Governor of the On- House if a grant 'frou tie Cout% la iseCout leus. A isu3ultarlo Ladies' 4.llege, who was Coutili* ca-n be obtained. A.x>aye- the~u:jo~Iycf ~ç~anlicist ~ the guest speaker aStihe ]Rotary mient known as retread, nsed witli fron te ityof shwa.Qute 'Clb nuceoi ot Tesay. ruccesm by theý Oshawa sulirb-an frein ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ra îh iyc saa ut tblnho uTedCommiJssion, thse Çouxty 0o" ifew of them have lived there for - Otro h roica Hgwy SE VC numubr cf car1.Depat ment and several nmunicip- PFfUIT DE JQalities, l a what huas ban pro- IF111 lai'llItlLiJ. posed. 'It la lnex-peivaW *nd 'ie, i ni'mi n aîrn ' uu.awx~~. ~' Isld te lie glvlng good satisfaction ~IJ~L~L ILIi[M wererer 1 liasben itrdusce. li (~ PEAT N R SRESD T The Coupcil dsusdi rci -ARE S RESSC AU Monday, niglt but It -mas o EnCh 'Vital lmportane that i> 'Wa!t flTADV meeting, te ale he1d ou Thursday R î R LUNtIBLUN decldel teodt n ntr sec evenng e tlis, week, to a dis-. _____cussion of, street -MaRtters. -The AN E A PA IN Rev. Dr. Carz>callen SpCaka 1, SetsCôndfîgte-, kh o e Details CompIeled at P.U.C. Q'O ctv~c iPsga'ne ofeuTw En.i era- Meetng n Tesdy -Rotary Ibert L. 1'rinZIes and Veunty. !1,Oad MeefperlntOndent DavIdJ. ran Night -4n earaasýt plëa..for the dcV cI-' ut the ltthe 'meuu6l1 opel f an international 1iTbý adoDtion ,ý - e inldtisotecampaigil nxindc; a recognitiohi -of tie s1 'avmei w. en ý rnal pan atoutlteSocitthe e ~ ~ z te a d ~ r n c e for the sale 6;f electrle ranges un-, worthiuess, et Dur -business asc n. lîned intiese columns iast week ÃŽrdi ~tatw1 fn l esettl-d. a-t n.. Joint nieetiug O owl -o'iate 1i es if1-aMornrng e ii rai 4i'deler Csxma nd - tr - ~. t Sous1b. fromi Dundas te c ~aL~rL8~ loal rsngedeaes-sandelecri-Court luailgoodenteprîes, k been under cor- Lew y0e ýndAta--ti Ciy benL !an l-hion Tuerday e nnz.was - made by Rc3v.C.. Isideration for some 3ye-ars. OntEsý 0 càiwt. rvler i el-ad~heu ofi7iciaIl. c f the Hydro were cale, D.. principal and go-r- 'strect there is mucli traffie and prŽ&uttegiv futhi' etai~ Ciiorner o tue Ontario«Lad-es' Ccl san izftors £rom fouts,-*de pla'cs, ý4XLetters Home Record i givejugs n mis pan ns t) th loallege, aldressinUg tise WVhitby no- imdngjdesadnibers'. 0 - asisin miidenirs: every pos- flic *leg1al professioTl Who ha-et'- sieassistaînce. As a i-sait. el- tUyCu ti~no uce: uinless te transact at tise Cout ltby G- auJ Mrs. rizm,~. v171,,5;ied d-m- vro g ti-ss r a ann .- o un da."Ilu other yards?," I-buse and Regîssry office,*use it pary- ticînTetie Iot] rnvscslmen ap 0ri 1 Dn aZtP- five cei d2lared Dr. Carseallei. "'if We eC ounTIy Council bas beei asis- totu wer adicc~ itfO lit "~îti-(;tzette ,an(l ('lironàC1(a tO(daY, arc gosi od aia acording to 1 cd te make à grant for thls purpose -Chb C~i eresi Mc lJh e esi Li be -- iCS'1-i!, hi weare j but no defintfe action was ever. - k -ut, 5r0 -iftUemndas aiideffi min ail host- N 1 .iils-let el \V- i e ieca- e te ewJ es nd isir ~idssssira a Ipr- aigcn details but. iso the namecs pst edmn ls i ie en. Thse C4uut-, Fatbers nmetS ir £ arenow'1ciatei byeem- nuiernis-ro he 'wht e li o are ýce-hi)erait- Nwrds of a b 'tter than osirsûlves., Jtucadtlerqst-oagan thel laipaty.To assncîue tse savl- ag -lth1teùlc al CommiissiOn are not far /érom the Klngdoni 1Zez fe tet ayaa be renew- G_. eirsvceaconaid i dandSi îpt. I-erbert L. 1'r!ngle. ' cf Cd. 'We neesi but one step cd. harge tMus, president of tise Timies 1Aecosdiimsg ho thse camupaigu more," lie added. "namely, te ieokRar av ibissig osay, shawa plans. thse local Com Ison ',Il seeý ou- vocations. eiîterprisee -l'i question of sidew-aik re:>aire ghtý n-1Mi\rs. Munidy,i- a li.so, GCl'n: fin!nce thc, purcliase of ranges by, andi activitie.s il relatioi to thse'i n ia is giving the Counci, m44 Mr. Harry Boyce, erîlinnri'-psc-erreod custepsers. using, sur- divine tîres.ta have f ul iuuch conceru. Ail through t4h,. ý1 Ét -'gr of tise Ossawa Dailv T1 s'--,.plus felnds li tise bank for thati cnt-vos in. li t el are are broken sidew-aiks, thier w -lsd Bs.loyce, and Jamnes IL pus.e. Tise ranges wiii ho 'pur-j Dr. CarsceikaY.vas introducesi sasnie Of theni cangerous, yet the hie- w&r rî Os-i editor of tise W lxîbv -isased direct by thse custonier 17 Ytise President. D r. G. L. Mac-t Counicils finances for this workl are ae Piy azùt-e ansi C1iron'cleý. lsrouigh local el i-,h "llbiiihodougall, ansi gave a nxost, inspir-, ;iit'ed. Any progrfamme ofr r- ~'- M. 9. Diis ier ever usepr kff~ reiiîbisrsed lby tise-,Comamission, in 0ta 1 u ile iast tllrce h-pairs tundertaken wl be charged-t.., Rut li d-ksam hcrdd iseferetise custýinser vi abwt ayjesofRtr.(15 sTise dev-ei-1 tlie fgencrai rate. Ou many of thc e.- r iyon o-Ye.Pom ;s for biq range, on a. con-renient! opinexît of aequaintanccs as ani walls buiît yearsiago, tlxe debu-n fr s Owilt iey 111,Dt (redlteù Albanyi6ur su .Y. tie cfpinl ! tse -fite nth.ilv paynsenit plan, alldwil] j opportunity for service; ()Tu r su have n.o t expiA'd. -~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ n ieets: rmsec i ,is ogn an aliowancât of $15.001 recegui11tion of tise -wort tines i usinc on hswr ,;on w ea ir. mbexr (la' f ' a i niglitow sdstisecosts of a thre-c-ire, Cf ahl i soui occupa-tions and th"qle n anUuemploymens eifbssi - that.-,,'Ity y111moet. sevice te carry lise range pewc,-r iiiyn r aiRtrlanu en oîsdrd fagrant froni eo tiný'üi ;Front a Iitfcr just. reccvesi 1)-, tad ifsamo Is1,.;necessary. Thel hsû OcCpation la , an oppertuliitylithe goveriiment, could be obtained. MmxMuni- f~oîi ~- tosîciC onliissien ii ilaise make an al-! tO serve stct;(1) Thse ad- it vud cph Council out-n"td -- n o, h oloýigfor oldi steves, fot ûcicr- ,vancenient of understa dng goi oud n a-xt tmore worliccauIt.i - aturda . wtste :iiefl-wllec titaei uvttte elr 1, and international peace bc nrirtke. 'l o nany mca biddlag int %sh- foi-a new ranîge. lu tise case af, ibrougi a venld cf feiloN-sisip of sedn -r.ti oi emt ds goed- "'I.e trip on Satsdy a i-~ml n olsi eetrie range trade i nbsiesmid po1sinimt lic the legical thing for the gv Qaunafl- Yly csfine. Thbedrive stlow-n it is(1 effort vili ho inado to have thelse unitesi ihl the ideai 0f service. crometife do. wha .1'.~,he Mohwk \~alcy i woad rg spaiiied and iputimte tise. If this Tise speaker developed fuily al -Ntf ieMrhl d slans; 'Islgs-sceing trip, 911dj-.1l1o!fst11;-Z alnot ho doilnctiseyv iii be dEs- thr-e a bjects. ,Speaking on the 'faumlùnas Vasselesky lsaviug 4L O. BeJý- !tliorouigily enjo'-od it. We htf-ietoe ln ihxoie trsa sbet h ltnîainish1ee d Counicil and, police -order t epet ~,i (caiit;iitted n othertypes ta-licen in.raid: remove a Isaîf burnied shack fac.-n;r ____________ A theprecut insefa eare 'ow today is a bad time teo 01 Centre Street notti, consîdered i 0 leetric, ranges i i usesi S alIt internatioiîalisui. Nationalism te be a'fir.e menaiîce ansd complais:- Wlsitisy. It is estlisatesi hiet per-1 i; lu these addie. Tise StaSe is be&. ed of by tise resi-dcnts of tfiat sec- haps tliirty more eau le soie dur- i deifiesi. Ixn n.asîy countrtes ne tion, thse Council iiistructed thse ots Being s~~~ug tise easpaigni. The Coimis- liger is i~t looldesi tpon as a Twxlrtroiy~Pron uciiMe ibe s:tismae r ar bs ist - oiiie 1 aethat orders be issued Se lsax-c th* oe l e be si- ito hss a' e bsines bt (O N Y (fl~ ~shack remove&. w inise teuhave tie asssil itho-u i ihg n c s yr a Lette r Was FiIed Tise local -Cosnissiou viii cou-. MES cHafrat Whitb thse lHdre officialsin Tor-ente -i-n cil eets~~ Firmencam lafor Sanie crtl- aing theis- canîpaign. a letter waq, ieism f rom Coiincillor P. Tisread- MnyHyreainciaiti-- t--1____ Kennedy, Ib-jgois becaîsse Shey diSiisot inp-e,'en nots apîgl .i Pera hearmsg vhlch .Iast-to tlng on be-:, thse long lasiders purchasesid asr tîîiiîrne -V5U froni May1pran .Lsîns o Liegra" atotady r lý to tae-tieOiaa i-e Dms-esî isCe ale cfels--t ie P5ii !il te Corne Before the Justice XKelly, prs*eldlng -er -th e daooi s0me years agd, for thsei-gh to-'capai,-n vitiî tlîe F.LL . CSupreme -Court Non-Jury ÏÂssizw. certain con-1 Scisool tire. Tise ladderî w-ero la in cnpiu ae: HiiasCuty Fathers. at Whltby t.his week handêd down'. al work -'te 1tise is a nd shaulsi have been Hardwar-e. Fred Lasîdon, Nin-: ____ jusigment in fa-ver et Maryý Gorn I t':eHardware. Ifie Hardis-are. Tii- C'ount«.%*Council of ie 4nfnt h u-i5mo~ iu~uu~s e41n Iruc -s Mnr- ~e- hruru'f fiUL50li -re. 11 lobtThoiisnon.Vhcery ans Ceîii ofOutaie ias een aIl nedY POIntesi ut qU be-hait et bis Tlxîeadgeld said, peinting eut SICr Blir-s. s-sito nxeet at tise(Contt luse la clieilts tisat If tise praciico wàs tisat a tt-adesmaa's laSSos- baS ta eo ' ---- Whitb)y on Tuesda3-, Jîsue 4th. continu-esisuch ýaction-.-as usiglit ronglît ln ho use agtv- *-,oneo ic atr e ) e be deemned ad-visable, might lie' SeYte the burnlng roof. Tbis Western Universirty taken. eéiidIt1on of affairs hol ntbe*v at tisis session at-e: 'Tise lettc-r sud net .toe 4~leratedlie ho iought, assd Coun-ý Increases Tuition Fee Tise report oft tie- pecial cer- coutracts- were com piained et, Mr. I eil sisoulsi asis tise Fire ('bief mte nassita qaia tradesMen ae ked-hlm ta bring Reevo Jackson,' always a f riend 1 !te ivord that tuition f ees attse! Tise suriiziag 0 f tise tax rate fer tise matter before tise Council* 4and haches-cf tise fit-enen, saisi! Universsty of Western Clntarie tise year. Whea tise iatter c.a.ae'-up *for tIsaS lie diS nom want tS ehocriti- vould b-it-aiseS $25 camp, out !lx1jCoîsideration or road idms coasidemation by Council aStseicl u h ot tisattise Iong discussion coÃ"ncernis but-sas-s ti atteclburi bridge voirk recommended la preper tume 511e-e wae no discus- lýdde-rs sîsould have been brought Huronl Coliege at tise AnghDican Januamy, ansi left cvet- tutil thle alan. "Wliat. yul we do with tiss Sutise tire. Tise-te vas no reason Syýnod o! Ibision s3i7n e-ter-- Juiei session. lester, gentlemen?", askedsi tisel wuy sseY should nioS have be-en day. Consideration o ew ovpt-ovin-, mayor. "Fille it,"' was thse rêpiy. ýuSosi tt tise scisool tire, ansiFted~ C. C. Waiioi-, pnisscipai cf ciai legisiatlon regardiug county Andi adde-d to1he civjfil ti~ i ise Laves-y shouslieb askied for Çiuron ('ollegeo, tisanking tise dele-. ansi townshsip roasi coiltruction Comuncaton-attl~ neejng~ epot.gates Se ttse Syna.d for their lu-1 ansi maintenance on Mwýldi suis- -Comunca-onaut he ùèeing Tisero vas a. suggestion tsaS etest n tise Sunday sehooi but--1 sidies at-e na:F obtained. weme very few, se tsaS tis part tise presenit trucks could carryl sas-y fusus, saiS Sisat tise tees luý Warden Fred T. Rowe wiii pt-e- et tise« Ceuiicl'a businees di* noSt tÊe iadders, buS on Suis peint itise art course isasi houa r isesi1 side and tise session is e xpected take up muchs-tIme.. tusere vas a ditterence et opinion, tram $100 te $12ý@ to lacS a wtek.-- Jame cip . *Moffat te recever, ou ý jusigment lxanded cdown in 1thée StaSe et Michsigan for'. the suii eof $3,000 and'costs.agalnst Isa- dlore Kowal. of Detroit.' J. P. Mangan, of Oshiawa, atted asý counsel - for tise plalntîflf, and Lewis.Samuels for th'e defendent. It weg ciaimed for the&ýde<eud.. ans tisaS because ho'vras lu cnst- ody iu tise StaSeetfMlohlgan, tsai, actIo n was estopped by tise la.w- of tise staSe. Several. baitrz from Detroit wrepre t atthse ,hearlisg eofth51e casOand ga-re i e- dence a se 51e -na ture of thse Iawý in theîr state. Peo0ple don't- nsind -a politiciasi's hand-sbaking ansd back-slapping s' niucl as his lÏg-plliag.-Kitchigr 1Record. -- - s j -NO. 48 IL 1

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