- ~*ci-' ~e-lv ~-~.*-~--~&-r---. r I 5~ ----- - Oý.SHATOMI S BFB AIIY O N TUESDAY N14UT Naines of Vice-ChairmCl,' Secretary s.d Ward' * Chaien, Submýâited by Nominating Cômmittee Were Approveci At a large and etathUSias5tic meeting ofthlie memberts and sup- porters of te l.berai-conser-a- tîve Association of cil>' o! Oaitawli held Tuesday nigbt ln te club roornî over thd Canadiau Bank o? Commerceiildin ite vle.cbatirmtln, secretail' ana ward chairmn ofethte local organiza- tien were elected. Tite electien of a chairmnallfor lte Osluawa îsso- ciation was net namedilast ngt. titis malter being defýrred unti, a later meeting. and neontes were brought nby th. nomninal- lng commltttle te f111lte offmce recenly >'vairated liv Ftne NMark'. ToetonipîCte Orga*izatUst T. K. Creightott, Pfeideut oï Riding Association pr4sided. aud strettgly urged tati he ward chairmnt conîplete thte appomtug eofpellilng aub-divlsiogil <aptains and otiter workers fcrtwith so that a titorougit ca'as oit ttt' cil>' may be made for (ho îurpo5e ef securing lte narnes Of al thosit cligIble te vote and , ave însý names placed on lte toters' lists Detore te end o? tbe present mentit. Ho ponted eu% titat June - Z9th n'as the last pqsible- date thal an>' Dames could' hc ptacr'd cn the iMsts this year. Devald Hail. who spoke- brild- ly on tbie subjecl. sald tîtat bi organizatioti of workela had fectr bus>' during the past! weei and certain pollitig sub-ditisiolts hbd been canvassed and ainumber 0' names on the present voters' 1%t had been delelod and a numbec of additional jamrs Mpore 10'v' added. lie suggesteîj tat lt'ý .ward captains laiete hp-necessary &teps ta bavn ail namnes handed ln' by 0ie end et te teetk for add,- tien te te listuî. A. H. BfrminglýAnoi A.H. BirmlngbaDI, Toronto, çrho Je ln charge o? crganizatiott work 'in lte Easterni end of lte Province. oullined Berne of thz difficulties ltat may 4 eencount- bred in citles ln tlb. revisiag of the votera' liâts and b0wIenmpera- tiv. lb n'as te se, that Ali!namel. eligîbie are added. He'held te the Did scitool eft ho ugiUt titat the proper procedure n'as a bouse te bouge canvasslte meýitd adopt- ad Ii n Egland aud. S(lotland. Mr. ]Birmingham pointed à ul litaI lit organîzatlon, sucht as tws ferme., Iu ever>' electeral dis ýrlct, bad a 1three-fold purpese; ýbat o?, se. iecting a candidate., tevising thi 04 - ra' it. and te s1 ltat tlb voters ceut their ball~ots. It wai ,bis contention tit t ýery rart: worker 'Sbould b. wýll infermed -and urged that thoSýe wbo bai dableS imposed on tii cm aboule take advantago ef sucth literatur4 as would be Supplied te biten. Bi luformîn; theniseives~ they weul( be more *atistied a*d ie in bettor positien te cetlvert.ethere Enthusiasm Eri4leured s a s I i e y ci I. b- t- n 'n 15 i. i Now .wwirmY Cr.AçETTF &ACH.RONICLE. THUJRSAY. 1VNPE-20. M5. And the largeir attended con- ventions at Lin45ftY. Arthur. Wl. land. Owenl Sound, Wsrkworth sand olter places Wýr*e vidence et the spirit Of enthtdsasrn that la prevalent throughout lte whole province and a seerning deter- unination on ibe part oft he party sjupporters ltat the Tory Govern- ment sitould be returned te pow- er. [n spitr, of what happen.'tt last junc. th(, speaker aaid.i be had seen anid hcard suffirient re- celt'y te ite onvinred lthat lte Conce;rtatit'( would win tite fight thl!C).tl election. Tbere was not a notle (f pessirnisai any piace. and ther-e wu 5ne need fer apologi.,5 o,ý any score of the re- ,ord of tbe ;o%'erttl1nntsitce H,2 briefl%' out;ned tbe record of the Bennit tadmtinistration, pentiottlflg thp iîade treaties and $titulittg of 't4a nadian tCentrai Blank and cel egisiatIeti new in progres" thri ugitte Heuse. It was Mr Brimiinglam's opin-; ion that in thc, 1rPt8 f et tspre- nr nt PecOfolOrTt onditions lte l'rnlier's morh a 'ho Dominion had Ibeen oerjtrnktd te a 'ar; - extCflt and had rot been given the praise that mas due hitiu Canada is going thirtugb a diffi- cult period and *bm great leader bhip of thei lrim' tilster Is one thiat anv' couttrY - ntîgit ho prend of, hie aeserpcîP _\ r- -day anda new gencrtEit<fls (ut'nitig. and as our thougitt l ur', te the ft- turc we lha" Pery c.aseD te feel itopeftlI fuýth itto uitcy will be 'in gondho d br'I !tl ttc-esent ,eor ernincntt i. r uirt 1 ' u office, he c o n rc1u d e-d 1'. K Ieght.1resident of the tonse~rvativce \s,(),iaien et 1 te riding, îold th itipueting ta PnthLuUiastit w îltt Vu hrratiksber nover liofore had sEho% 't mlchIn-i idirai ion o!f acti't' fo7t he Party were no%% steýpîlutr up and elfer Ing ti'tir sctrviC"q anud <er. was .legs lhesilation or lupart înany tIo ave llueir it-' eity with 1tht Partv orgaafli<on unewn. (imrat issue 114fo) r 'opte HE 1$Wd rush ef 198 s"nt a pic- D)r. T. F. Kaiu.e <i o? t f 1l '1' CTWdI>trOiga> .('osiservatiu' st;artt. -balddlio chechakos along the famous gold 1 hog t oeof t lî,cr, 1 . s-htrail te Alas.ka and the Yuon. he .itusgiti vtP1o)ý ýAj ' Cation rush et 1935'si-hi see another suetesbr h P<P tlil y vas pîctureaque inv*asion, but it miii ho on viteitertite rout ~ A' N astly difforrrrnt sosie <o that eoflte retru denocrac for t] t 1) ourdeugb,. StioamshîpîafcîAakt îurhtucs hae acfl t ~"the land of gold and giaci. et of$ur- the v'orld. the dot ,tor t-aJ tjlai .tîinkasithe lias sol'cd lber t toubl' b" appoinilng a dictatot ussla. tthlie sanie disturban<<' placeci ',ctur s1:1U ot rcotflir.g tarte! a Stalin aItte iead o! hec a- if 'a]15 11v subu-dmzlnjr ztitu ta it tairs. Gernatty for thte tl u- teInutctc- th a-U ndul te' ha loie er disturbattre vtit ,,veolt u,,c 10 trruucu orV hamat ketd ,a ller and United States ver>' neari>' came to the dictalor pîoinlt Inteitirà to(nal trade agreenben' tý f it the Inaugurationi of Prec;ident hohi'n!itCd<arada. and ti. -Roosevelt, the speaker a*Rorted ihad 11<-rît rotulît 0140ýojt1)v lith,1 9In erder te survive, the dirtatorsHlin RH1B. lB( tttft. lPc Kaiés-- 1in Europe b.d asked for a ma5- osr and for thai teaso'î ho' %jority, Dr, Kaiser said. and h,,n should mwn b tuppoirt cf thoe, the), got lte majority titey then Whto had io>ett heifttcd -denied the voire or tite miltoity Sotuuiof the thigs Dr Kais5er ,and deinocrary was titrealened. si owudlk 0S' n 'EduatedDemerat prabi iewouîii t-e t ne a-nd The'imost admirable tilng ia bbc long enougit.ta.s lte abotition o? n'orld la 'edueated democi'muy," t thse dtatitpenaulty; compulser>' sud J. am strong fer il., tise dec- rtn u ied'eine ag deficîts cansed b>'tise oPeratlois befr declared. An Ignorant domo- othe ranqdl 7-4Ntional Rail- crac>' sncb au we tee lu Europe., wmya. le said hie knew some of le a tyrant. 1 betieve the bepiL of he orl li aneduate. d- i ideaa were tiot populat' anti eiticay bIe 'ord w an eSeo the ould fot catttiatiy voles a# inquiring nsind o etl ndiiidua, fthe rhi ltite.Dominionhat ttch but themo are forces il n'ork lu vehnturdbe Dominthntâtier our Dominion wbicb we muâtvnue osa htlpya watc - hat trage mntap ýfront non' the 'tond wouid pDIni n'bicit asys -we are out te rule.- Ionaewd.%t'5z(aCe onr ho atfirmed.intewrd Efforts Are. Mes'ed 0f ficemaEie'rted In speaking otfIre* trade aud The o?? k-ers Plec-be-il duririt the tarît? n'alla, Dr. Kaiser said surit business session n'ero ai toilows. momentous questions ef the pas< vice-citirmtn t - imaid lIaI are new almest taded out simpi' iad Georgie Malleiit because individual effort was be- .ecrtar-li Ussel lHumtphries. Ing mergcd viit national effort Ward Chairman-- rtteu and polnted to lte German Go- yard. sian Wood. $ottbwet ernment vitîcitsalsîed lils xahu- n-ard. liarry liiov u; Crdaroali-, c e e * 1Tuosday.uluM 9 Ne.74989G.W. arOW "DE- LUXE-ING" THE SOURDOUGH TRAIL Last Cali For Silver s OpportunitY Sl gJ IEARE A ItEW ITE31S Lades ak rined.. .$2898 LADIES' REDIjNGOTE SILI< CRREPE COATS t»79 lu black, navy and brown, alil islws p te 40, clearing~E LADISPURE WOOL BATHING SUITS. $ 9 Reg. &M9Sfor ..............................$19 CNJLDRENS PURE WOOL 98C BATHfLN G SI7TS ......................... KEN'S FINE$12 BT RJNG Su IT ............ . . . . . . . $ 1 2 M M7iED SniLEregular 59c yard, 250 S=iç! El) BEDSPREA&DS. 98C Double be<d g". WEEDS areunighlyam a pub>lie mecDes. twoyth.sii Mre"y go to s.ed. !.~±~lfX 2!!!SURROUNDINGS DO YOUR PART TO MAKE WHITB MORE AIATV cOZMRAl- DO YOUR SÈ&uR 1h.s'o wWdCotrol A« »sYs: Evcry tifbmit «nif the Idla id cçuplsd, Oth OWn' gWumy ag oudu4m"- iby 6 thonas otush evv ym a îs ufflsnt tec lh e £i4pwmRbrtTqu. --a t U' doîgits and totem pieh-9s grea- t ituge proportionq durin g rrnt seasn*. Canadian Naîtional R aiwaYa andI eteamsahup officiais tounci ibur O4l- burnsag ahips booked te capaiiy dur- ing last scasà on. se te care for tue in- cî-easing traffie four special il-day crustsl will lie made l'ylte SSr%. Prince Rohori. comnrnenttng June 28t. i addition le thet reular (-aitad"an National .AJlâa sers e1-r. InitrAti of K-irdehiiii cncountered on the -Tri-il of l'tS*' b>the gold-seeloems Robrt sili hind cverythng arranged for htr comfoon. These e"I reali>' b. de lux-e omises fer the Robert s equipi- 1pd with lvr> atcte de'eic for te oomfort and convenicnccet ai er pas- Stka. old-time Russian capital of Al.ka; Skiagwa, gateway te lte Yukton. Ketihikan. June-au. 'tili bc among tht- porta suil.ed. wîic oit lthe junev the sbip wiI traverie Dean ('banne! and make a stop at thbc bu- tric Nlackenzte's Rock.,rnarkng lie iourDe:- northwa-rçf on the Prince o%-erhxtd joumnry te the pi-ciSc. Tbfrty-Four Pension ClaftnsATKNAET Listed for Hearin at the WRVIRN July .Tribunal in Oshawa Cniudfrr ae1 Sesions of the Pension'inîtol>'urraged ltat the sessions î dli te operated by tbc Outario QUrV 1t b em e ! ii qoumobese five days ProvriDeial-Cermnd. lb hlanauex- Quum to Hel ofi theiduoumin lt uioim<~perinent wbleh bas brigbt pros- Centre Street Scho l Centrel Inret udito brofepes~sbp etanteae Cénte Sree SdùdtCente Sree Scool whee te eDli4,.tbere.m» th"1 tbey cl July 8t1h to 12th tribun&a sfermerly uat, and for- go on0 m etia fle 0*4n U tus Imi mai notices are soins out to ait te Cîtiue. -Fer tir i' f@Wt Th*e Pensions AdJustuxent of. bte pension appilatta0f tbb vîdcd 'i be. e be cs tirer ef the Oshawa ilranc fth t he hing cf et teir e-la. Iu ail. 34 pistai>' remod*illeg. vt%'i>nury (.aadisnL.eglU, eceve tiiscases are lsied for beering. the Ot0f"Ire54iU bl0bYtVI .,b. pro- mornt ng freux iarry Bray,. tnspec- itled for them vicu ubr tyaï> 1ercf eltanaBur-chs. ~ maJerity o? these tarin; teen -ug . oMpîetd. Ig la# aimo pro_. of the pension cdaima achcdIled prepared. lua telr initial stages. poeted te -nic he t"fà eiospTfr for itearing at the sei-on ofthe, Il- bt.he pension adjustment servie tirt areIioUt ?ti* dis- pension quorutu ta e h( bcd liut or be Oshaa ta lneit91 the lt- posttcfiet pe' oft tês mal- Osivîa afreioJw rSteJu on1 . eand artued iseore the Gen'.41 o r ms 0ou 'viticilietninsd inclutulyt. It has new b-(-*n de?- ~diili Penso imssO > iertre ii-ceUi-ft ti f4rm 1> nimba Service Bureau oeth tia4 4414nc"", St vu aSttmateo. CUtIIfamat: Fruti.enl a ttcb of>he? bquorum sessions proviee ros tia't le DenEwnxP.d l#:rî& liMdCOL. Wood& -ous0 ho!!. ~ ~ ~ Mod" NoUtoy 1%a.,NelI5a e-hie. .C.. Proviu !,l ud«t. o! bc urgrÀm- nent te pension (tribunial came). i R M? Th6 ebairman cfthe org4nýira. Ne. 416044-Jameis Armstrong, AW.M.-o»mMP tionti s to ho Arpotîlrd ut<li t4er ~tiI-titl ettt.AseS titosa PcsaMM.U date. eno. $0lee -E-T . ensio n. eu- o . f.rb at.. PrOvi xai. cnt iairn -. ;.-t and a pîsuntr No. #04-W -T. Riiler?.03-l. iteoreprot*sUt8h t t e cd ital.o? of pt!nrgr4t-d vf "*tt.dtnttta esion.- Domtlios Comwmaut;0. Ir. biens sud diew v a 1-i ortcdel-' - o. s3âa-O. R. Parka. culitt-J. Karbsi eer*Steodfft et tic ou- aie b* are toa tt'nd ltho rtd -Imt ta t m on. tiUUQpo mpi@y itm5101 Se?- lui Conv'ention. vhle. î!tolu'- Ne. 80-. . eiemer l.;JaesR.Orisel .. et?. he-Iti lu the M a fterf ip \,à tl, ot. boa,tiletmteI penson sud ihe Wbltby 0a4 and OitfttI îttive date i u ex cIbult, w -,* M îbhae ofeutiesent. tClO: 15beit mRldtb. et tb*Ic 'OMe flt'rned tIbatti~ a iItri>' lu L-r N 0301-. ix lhop. e-t*soo & ?ei8"*1PU 8 14 trId drittatîl itece e pPuttittb. 8 Dame 4 es a etlemenLt tapen#ion. i app ft« aadS5WaVoter- di.Pcttoaiy ««Y rItl-lIeo V t. e m N 'F .1 É $0o SHEET Imnea .60df-voum va ~ m uflet â odw a afâme Ii J the Y fl1 dos WwdimJso ow tWhisW. i l F IL E E of âaà m.avn hm.w m moQés. SlkocIsie., ait.là & ~ e .4 I *1 5ôg, i mg for *a mmag e »whlc d&Y lon 5hg, dot, v mse sue mwlhhewfsMa. S smaw wh.t'oe he .y. sâ fS Sjothe jop of " esomghl. kIde vOU. %Sth mes'a6ma& g Sskia, lfrbhge o»im ojbeù sis. Ré', ILCI Wbth 7i'= epo ffl intitiemaut te, pension. No. 1099667-. R. Poock, enuttient te pension. deferred tribunal case. Ne. 3817007-.'.R. Boweu. en- tilement to pension. No. 796667-H. J. *Swan, en- tt1lwent te penIon. No. 507841--G. D. Twiuiug. sutitiemeut te pension. No. 145904-C. C. Ferguson. change in asus of entItiemeut te pension. Wedmenday. jualy10 No. 8291--s. Ryau. entitiemeut t. pension. No. 1664â7-T. Baser, entie- ment tb peusion. No. 8397-R. W. Stuart, en- titemeut te pension. No. 57529-. Waller, outitie- ment to pension. No. 14237a--F. m.Wiimn entitiement te pension. No. 745893- George Troud» ehanger lu busset entitiement to p"naion. SNo. 1048081-W. H. Sagdeu. uýe lu buhet ofentItiement t pension. e Tbursda, JU I Ne. 16448Z- rn Slrb estitlemeut te Pension. No. 805045-A. S. D. Deun. entitiement te pension.L Noe. 67335-Fp. E. Charlton (do- ceased)I * idow's daim for Pen- aion. No 45a57-A. G. Turner, su- titiement Io pension. No. 431368-R. A. Westover, entieent te pension. Captalu B. F. Steeres. posîpon- ed heartng. No. »809-W. Willoughby, on. tillernent te pension. prldaw. JaIy 12 %Io. 401327--George Duffield, entitlement te pension. 'No. 413016-M. T. Darlnsou, enUtîernt te penstin 'No. 746030-0. B. Klug. en- ttilernent te pension. No. 409741-W. Lawrence. su- litiernent te pensiQu. Ne. 4558-F.Nicois(de- reased t, widow's daim for Pen- sion. No. 746439--G. B. Wbittield. change la basis ef *ntieetnt te pe0nsi on. No. 10067î2-C. W. sycet. change itu basis ofet ntllO- me.nt 18 pensioni. 1 ; rdon B. te-nd in g Meeting 'This Wee] Wbi.tby E7ron B V Wht!" Vm i 't . [n tio il pr@ ri eNodlshrn tre b d Gardsns. Toroi end visiterg l'n Mmm. T. Do- ber brter, R Yaniboulu li cent visitor ai daughtor, Mrs. Mr. snd Mne cou,. ja.ck, an, Mragdslu tise sud wbue bel sui 9enol Ladies' Si"Ik Hose pair 19C Miymgpqwdis that wo cannot advertise.-Dof't forget' SILVER'SI REEVF ~ naflflI l aisglad te accSpt this stte- W I'aKIUIIment mnade by Mr. Pa.rrott VIS I1IEIUEEand tai publish his 1~14et Ob MAKES STATEMENT patin REII'OUNILREPRT "'l"It 10 Î 6INUIRE INTO COST- Repart Pu fls 'nh 'ee 0 EUATN Lust Wednoedy Ssid to be Imncoret Organlza'ons It.Sed The. Gtaette, snd Chronilo âInaied to ExpressViews l.AS received frorn Ree" eWU- st Meeting liam Parrott of Reach Tctwnt--- bate ln county t-ouncil concern rd notirn that the comimittec of' Ing lthe question of tthe Port inqîîirv mm tte cost ot educa- Ferr *,ýrhol grntg lio 1%holding a serles of opeu >*Err itool grat.:(,&elead ings invarions centres of the 1 amInfrmedtba in n lon% ntrestPd inedication are ei arn nt or ed iet nrittd in appoar hefore 1the coUl- eiet y a qor pas r ast milIce tanîd express tany 'riews trekto Inarn qn tash Port which thelt' ayhave wt rs Ferrdyte intoqueth o r te pAct to elemnentary or secondary Ferr acoolquesionititho education. Thoe chedule ot meet- procoedings of. the County ings Is as follows: Ceunil et Wednesday. June Toronto. .Iune 24. 6. As th18 1laflot a taet.,s I1IHamilton. .June 25 and 26. borne eut by the miniutes .ef Toronto, .June 27. that date, but was & state- Ottawa, .luly 8 and 9. ment ot an individuailn Cornwall, July 10. cooemiteees fthebwhole. no Kingston. July Il. doubt m&d. te dlicredit me. Port Arthur. .Tul>' 16. 1 ask you te retract that Fort William., July 16. statêrnent ln seme tfuturs Sudbury, .liy 1 W. Issue, just as prc'minenty as North BaY, JulY 19. the article te which 1 arn Stratferd. July 29. taking effltepIof. London, iuly 30 and 11. Yeurs sincerely, Windsor. August 1 and 2 WILLIAM JARROTT-I' Toronto. August 12.- The. Gaeêtte snd Croutle. Peterborough, Augtrat 13. 'i . , V