PAUE FOURTMr PRUNKEN DRIVERS RECEIVE NO MERCY! T HE mn whotakes a dink when bc know * h isgoing qqto drive.-a cr dèliberatcl "skivig for trouble. It is time for 5trict discipine on dus . on, mad specd -. on al 1w-ms of rûad seJ&h. nciss «that Icad tw accidents. PcÇrsons convicicd of bcwng inoxicted white ini ch argc of a motor vchîclc 'ail! s'Xxive Do metcy. Ih i.%bcttcr tu driý-c carcfuiy tdmsigo lusc your drivcr*s liccnsc - --per-bapi peu- maincntlIy . . - in iadd ition r, rectin4ng a .¶e4'cre court ieicc. UT Is aEnETOe SAFE...TKANSORRYI MOTOR YEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0 Of V«y$ THIS MUST STOr JiOca M4sh a dtr axa pèopw r - ~-4 Co-Eda Jumpîinlto, Soccer race te satt t p.m.è vlil b. Peter Draliaun. 3e Baaton.. G Cirant Lude. Cratg HutchlnaOu, CharlesKing. YACHb TING The folIowing Junioru vill race, Sud Goode. J. Wbttfield, ____________________w eistfir Thonapson, JIm Marsb. The first effIckaI rare for tht _John ________________ Inverlynu Cup waà held lv;a.,ALA M" IT TOP Y Saturday uder deal &aaïîîrc lABACoMA PiTTS TO PAYeKent conditlonm. ith a troiig norib ~ Cnn~inr ug ee wea wrsdani ws OU 1W Na' fountain Landis yesterday Skipper J. c,. Fergunon J~~in1 -.,-4d cown his derîsion to the MeCleilari for hia crrcw in the grtthat "Alabama" Pîus tnay lime c ý 1l,. to play in orgataizcd base- Boat No. 4 the Vaiahalla. 'and so Pitts will get hi.s chance The h<tats got ýaw;%y ii- tia with the AibanvSenators nuamber $ th" Jîîalita rrosei.f' International 400oP. litre is the etarving ]Inonîttn i!'- M J. Rodden says ou the ondg aller ¶ he 9111.,cloutPi V hi- *Nnlynay, Pitis gets lais lowed be thp o:brrg. EL u iii '. and it is rtow strictly up fre to thA f irF-t buV. nilf o nake the grade. He wîll yacbtn -'rPait-Iv 1-inîc*' riaL Ht bas a bard task er. but Valahalia wMii ;. ... ... vz iim. the bu<wT fir'-t sî.d z(, v. 1v%-r fails he waill go lmt, the away frrtrn i tir ' t urs n ¶'f rTgqDtrn atlakvts. B ut if long ru'arh to thr s-4fliu -s rnutchini thî-ough thet but vi-hp'ati e' uw h ý' . i 'fOt remenaber that he was rnake 1', b" ¶o1-f,k -A 71 'jIn.t-.î g us t as they or- ln-Rbore, 'mhýls- T f t* M l 's lhtfart tlhat the fanaotis carried en. 0', r tS! t.-il (j z Df New Yr-ç ik ,ants, buov a "f' 1. r<'!" enrd as ririin terrn and alliutilig ' r1~i 1- 1 è- O t le great "Babc Ruth the et.'i h ' t 't I . fr-ýTri a a .rnc rfrv noeVr (Qi! rai lo F,ýr TI h ;u' in "w t -!.:n 1ag tten l-arrrifuîl t second 'Ult 1 11) r! t "4 ' i ' t therecrr Albaniy club n g tin F. T 11i '5 r-' "ï t';. % ' 'd tita, len il-l Pe rgiltýts -iX pO T ý: h I1 lraku- 1-'dltt uri tive iIiT!111M Il.- . w-A tc Cfact i pninis j 't 'Ot ' a ;r ( Fîrt -~'ttt- RIAi1N SAVE¶ 5AFRCN --.start, 401-1t . i.RLng. J N 3$Wîh t-k1pp(ct t. ii. Y". '-t c rta r nIand- adi Z t' i . cjat'i i n c duîrd lu St a ri,, rnt t f Gond. nçr"tC'laband'-- îdpn r . AiNN ~YATT AGAiN, HONORED F.~~ itiBY CRICKET SELECTOR3 Ftrili2-'.4.1 rES. Wv- %kitartZ'44dr bai agairi bre«n Bnip'r1 EgI rrirket sr- A ft (r i. t '.. captatrn Eng11anid Ir maiied lù> t iie -f' .tgain,-t South ,AfrIca4 - nn h v M - - \Vt 'then farnous erîr- Arthur; rt-' \itt v '- ne 9 Ro' Irei.n 1 %1,1,14. '14(111 zardo (f>'! 'w -, '. . tin the i-ven!ng lt pHfour h.Miio('r-t " "<OfVenient han st't; ruiw ! In.- '- -' t'ditanre tel&phoneý dhi% Tarl,- ".' 4' t ti '- - - ' uCtfbd to<-âlJ fa--- onde '1-More than eu-ri SkIpi~r-1"- Zfl ' T-' N -s'begin at seren. CHANGE IN D~IRECTION, A3 aza.nst thet inertla cf the rlubhetai BACKSWING BLEND3 INTO fa-îtrrt'cied ul'e Ii, atm tai and t DOWNSWING. A CRI11- Las taken up al5)1 -be ,t f!x tt CAL PMINT I1 N GOLF jle Ifi lî'p arti <'e Ift f uI h STROKL 'car. he plaîiv '<t-that waitir- conc-erned 011Ytiiy îlth tebà ck>'t.nà g 10tn tbc red Ata at i -tItAtlcs labsltîng a Sountrd style il -t 1%*uttîautaed tt'O'e cul>l)fad pwt»t t ite owsdatîion thîmJ Ubi«;rt oc. llt the", as breu be ood - orit l t f at -ert to S '-I-no sgV5*Iott - i an Btf *0 tiueinth nr1 s a - h*aag-' hanlt illia l * tari than ta n-néke , î--t~--al 1-heUprtît-c -t I th e lnct4f. actto- tertheati. h4Astecamqutîe Ita at4 bth e ht1v't'tuen 1,1'la-eal- pid Tle m st -,e- t 1-t t an ont- t-tc. art i the fiait iternist%> inb:11,; t piayrtgoa a g- -fLî t lg i thrai i - n tî han si-i--t pre- posîsnîî~ttht t-pu i-~speknriît !ZX4 Altxx - if t t at I'i lse-t ASlC ta ta t.'t c aTit îau~c-~lmtrckii n tIi Zi t- . a ,lïiztt la- ir eli lai, 1 ~trial cs-er.!c- l p>bac ta0 Now In11 %-t"a fe' pitrity 04 HOW 08AboND >1W' SOLO MOTOR CYCI$S t . eev-,T0 THE POUJCF- i Nni-w 41> 'ti-' be- tti.- I -i>t'At 1 l" ,l 2î1- li- ';ty-r e1 t ¾qt -' J: » tc-i-tes :aI tiu~.~- pttai, lai 1Xi r. iki4tkcaUÈ tl~ t C ~ ~ttne'~<-m~ ~ a5t~in e-i uatkgje ~~~~ltf- ti aif-4~i i-'tnZins!- i-à ,t v'i-ellettt, 4 te<'ktt ~gpttat- ettic lt-ar b jt V.Vlt4i4 ti " i tu-.L îcst -~ %*e . c~rftI ~e&&su'-jtlttdflay tiit a$ ojtt r4-tt a<i4t - 't hitoO8~I &fmloAj K2> ia s. -c~~i-oMi ~~'îîe4 t turVu tw - 4î i-a-a-i ~ Wre-e aa-$0w# i-Mtta~ i n i - ns~gtg~bw g s~s t~ ê~nttb 1JOLeI" ono -âl âg ~ - 1*. t a#wi êaatn1nw 'Pm,- miilt.- t t4t a t~i5-gl44g "i 't'a*~ts ~u-~aq ~- n-W 0s m- ¶t ( e *à « mot M"mp '4'5ykfi~t W> 1<~ O q<er tW l#4-4't w*mot Coiwicted on Charge of-Criminalj Negligence Jury Asks Leniency George Ritcie, Toronto an accIit.Tiere waas-no evi- Yout, FundGuity been -drlnkng. notwithstanding1 County Court - Given t-i. statement mtade by Dr. t-ear-! deci S'enson that h. smu'tIed of lîquor to SUDMW meflC\ a mnarked degree. Mr. Essery < eald that bis client was.but 19. of i George ]Rtchip. et Toronto. was gc>od charartpr, and that a con-; convlcted of crirninal neglîgp-nee -ictîon at Phlx time wntnld plart- on Friday in General Sessions, on bina ln the crituînal clans en1 a charge arîsing frona a collision spoîl bIs whoie -lIte. which took- place on Fu-bruary 12, CG. D. Conant. K.C.. for the 1935. between flîtrble's car and!(trown-, told the jury tbat while aniotber drîven ha- C. R. Scott. also theê young aman wa* in an unfort- of Toronto. on Hi.ghway No. ?, uînate poiîlin. tbey wers flot to west ouf Dunbai-ton. Ritchie ws, b.h swayed byr n-mpaîhy but to alleqed by the Crown to have hsd 111)4 a verd4iet on tihe farts ts liqtior pre-vIOUA tothe fcrasth and 'rought outin lthebcevideuce. NMr. te have been trayelIng ai a hIgh I Canant uiîd thtat Il bad bpen e3- ratA Of ni>ecd- The Jury enterebd i'tabishe-dthat the accused war, a recommendatcon for nec. and j______________ Judrment vas ru--era-ed un: ilf Thurrsdav lniernlng n-len lhéBothrn Yin plared on Pnspende'd <sentqn<Ce. otrn W t anld prohibltm t roni dri ring any motor vehîcle for a year. """' B"9101n3 fflumod nai bn-o rlo-k on Frîdas-. and lits lHonor Judcq Ruddy proeeded to chargme > jury. Enîphausawu sp1à ced on th.- e-vidence nit.h rpgard to thei.'dc marks on the highway, aàs pre- sented by (?onstabln Runiann and tthown lu phc'tograpaa of ¶hp! accident. Run;mmtan hail pre-lou*- - 1>- testl!Ic-d thâat thp- i-kid markit. malpirgda- madn l it he's r.1 werA 1oîte-et long. Tho.' r met nt lufacj'air am X( p -n. antd a, i tà prit. t jury rrlîirned nith the rerdic-t of, gatilîru- vn'h, a ru'cornnnd2titný (or cc. ouu- rn t lorney Cor-don 1D. conant. <<- a.ku-d for tuenpnre. but u'- ril of ib(4 Sriq.Ione, t ta .hIul fla * uurt nçrc't-Id. The, icviiianr(efor the di'- fenrie at asrd j im hef4o.- I taot>. ah-ýr tht- ïjury wwuid- rd ni on.b o'rlock. and ditaner vas lirouglit miiii Ir sjury. Tho jud-cr>iIJLLR WINiS HKIt itr 'Ad4h" rharge U-111ttllac 'Court 'n il dagciln, atir lhindi filIlonthroti Princeton Uni. Pt. W I , -K C - Toronto.Sturity'iestar miter, lnubovi-i rui.- r tha arc --m.rude an te<uoppofuent e crot*ionally dutun .nkoqu#cnt plr.tfor a net guiity sec.! hi* lrack earr. but hliash idIct for lfs cil-ut on tii. groundl iluetti-&ailrl%à Is fer the hanilof tba:t no nexiigrnro hald be- ' - Iaw-tanNirt.runn 1.nroeawcir shon-n. aà eoon the groîînd <hst' îahoseî, orni Pi-4aton. %J. the e' il--n<-o howe,41 ihaI a'tiiTt-le vai-asion rossante. tiillue had donfb xlai ha et i'.uIl n an <-ilmauittl hb>- mnu-âagsat Mont- emerenr Pr!tptd t*re-lt Ioa rnieI, rraI aonIJnae 27. mura5 M me &h eu i y * te * . b. t9" ~aimu milil- s Next IMONDAYI1 For 3-Day3l "Naughty Mariette" - with - lu-t = T 'LSON EDDY Neit THURSDAY For 3-Day,! NoeI Coward "THE SCOUNDREL" -Added Feature- C:harlie Ruggles Mary Boland -in- "PEOPLE WJLLTALK" %%lth LEIL.,tHYAMNS VICTOR HUGO'S Les Miserablesý EIII.'slLGHTON pri or tat h l-e-a ci id- u 1. atit *1t-ti ho' bad be'-n IIPzligent n t-il, t b. acrident and iinltiri-' t 't1n S--oit. h signga çrient çt- M toriatt îad. or iti;T CRICKET. CAMES H-ALTFD a ip r-i-- n li-ir t' i d ri bb.rat %% f- nti 1 niz tI'r, a \fî;'-A <o tiar Mal cd -mui? -hrirtnn i-t ntnlit- fh( ITALIAN MOTORCYCLIST TAKE5 15LE 0F MAN RACE PizVt. U-I 'tî Man. Junc -'Q-. -ir \\ û- i T l i n an iaj i-'. nr-îrtiî-. mata the Ile of 1 - . .t i tirl>t trapu" .ini * i it' -T 'r . i <iret. The r ' t-" i [l waa the * tiu t t " an<V i T ii DOmItNION DAY'II Long Week-End Fares FANE AND ONE-QIJARTEIt FOR ROUND TRIP &Uwen i pointe ln Canada and to oeftaln destinations in the United Statee I~leketa good going froi n oon FRIDAY, JUNE 2Sth untul2 p.M ONDAyO JULy let EEURN LIMXT leaving destination not Inter titan midnightYi TUESDAY9 JULY 2nd. TIme asbom&»Wua ANDÂRD" Mhdmmo Spoclal Faro s Adufts SOc, Children r"c frhrea and (w-cher information apply Ticket Agcnt&. , iCANADIAN NATIONAL j it.bdl~m~ tWu,.t4 gM~yaae 'ii-e W!T GAEM,*iÇ CHR CII, TURSDAY, TUNE 20,1935 - j ? f~ 'i ~tt4 [4~ "f -'i t t 1' .1' i M - M 'j- - it' f. 4- '1- t f -J 'I -1 Cul IF TWýW il; u J% gr i& lu a ý Ulxi "-ma qFU»v ïate Thhi rqrmarkitbl4ebit of %o<r rttc'ilote caflcd *beajdîug frheall. miwi uahatrl>r i rnA nu1 i bà sp-elacitur siglt. Aitll , <rf4e u< <bei-e four atlr-I tieznsp. offnilthe gvoud, strin»d to un <himit ln an effort ln r-ach wherr t. fl hIrirl* au-c mnhe-, u offli I*nhimî"t> ni 1 nhlfornin nasIlx- è,ice rv<! t<ti-41%Ae»Ur. othy 1 -t ýgI.i>rothra i-mlthsoxn. flargarrt Ntuitan ad t.athe--r By BOBBY JONESI l'haoSm)y MMnWho evw b.Id thé Amuies. Amtw Md