Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jun 1935, p. 3

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TI-E WHITBY CAZETTE Si CHRONICLE, * MURSUAY, JUNE 20 '1935 PACE THRFI -Women'a Actitia in, Club, Church" i and Social Circlea 'vi .uw anil- Women in-the Home and the Life of the Commtsnity ~E DEAUTIFUL 73, ELSIE PIERCE d'The Prem resléthe Uitié given ASTItID ALLW 'I V c oiffure b lta creator cnls Phillipg. 1>11a Allwyns hair which tn the mmre leUffth ail skound (about three and one-haîf incbe- lnog) in shadow miaved and the ends curled in ftit rnglet ctiris. SINCE EVI4S TIME WOMF.N HAVE CONC-ENTIt ýTED ON THE Copyright 1935, by The Bell Syndicatc.. -i.) inproper, la bacterta,'Fhe procèsart :01' their buat fent coudi. In the contait realzation et or the r0oesa 'ards ensurirTç ihome-made rinymGflt bat' fewa r."-' j' f sources wpCuts one bead Plf hairIlike ererr o! years ago other wiillbar'- cri chance andi i on their no place ln the 'oid. for stand- anoinîing it ardization l a fat dr. ing. The liai- 1h crude cor-r rut la theé,tllrt.' asts for the more wom én permanent or flirprwave. Thé >lime anl-iWyý thé hair la th'red and moid- than ever be- éd détermnines thé sslt of the fin- i-ts recelilng shed weave. nie. than the Thé Permnanent PThéA, mZati Wecornep thé ,Rpernane crentrales on 1 which haa hecomu. i institution t oill as the- ln thie be-auty field W'ie 'fe vto-v Sill) (lare 1few straight-balred -cnmien no-ea- Shebeguïmit t,, oudatondais. but that doesno* mean that -th ony ýiýs1)1i wy t bid Nature bas Pen n"<genero'îs fo- b, îînîy sis-ive h aiie wyt u witb cutishIo the5 pr,.ént genera- for eau-. uhs--i--es ierhai t ion. Infart. wA k'iow evera: necessatv hiishiîsk- lier scalp 1 ht.' oren wiîh a slight raturail avé means she li.as p i-s rsdîr visits *' in the hair who prcf- r having a needési niasýagié Il' shé bas thée' permanent reguiariv hécause i! a reputa hbléa ssalonior Tscailp gî-es a suret fou oda', n 1 thei- mpec.alist. 'lthAhart r is Falp are coiffure. 'éécsc.Yoîîi lier morne aud T'he offr i-oté ahbout "air e'scs-rsé for lb- bea u tsv woî e is ssii .'rs-rating e-i Jt. Thée tiululai io ot1'i théblocs lstreatil nîcalîs sckijî hearili. Shamîsoos shouAd lie kiro t. thé hait (iont i ,iî '-jeiiv no iiqu id; neser a hIrrorf sea p rt, hesi on thé b lair. And if a tint lr usési or a ritise is prirpese Is rno to crier up ails- cillii srecuIt- ing froni a lai k of (<arc. biut rath- erto o nlia nî,(éthé a iraI ispaut% of thé hait coIsieinr , TiuieHair <'ul Hete la ail. ali-in)pertanl branrh that la gttia lis f3ill harp of glory. It covtés unrct hé heasi ing oif kiliési la hs't arr tstry. Bee foré lotng thé liarrir-s--t who fit Feel 1d1 dli day FinaliY thrre le 1th-, flnhbeýd hairsiresF.Hère s a hobby tha' more andi more muodem. Womef-u are rultirating. À s ade ago, wome-n diint e' en -ream o chanciag their hait r~ for ypar- at a bttetch. Today 1r1, fashion- able, "oman woulidn r thlnk of going for a yéar, etr ; fart a nîontb sslth the same halrdres. My bulletins on "air ture or the Permanent M'ave cftn be had for a self-addressed, r 1A ]BIG BO%%L of Keliogg's Cru Flaes for' breakfast 'ilmake you'ferel kecnerr dus'ing- the;sday. These cvisp, golden 0 a kes, I n milk i or cream, aret full of- nouriab- ment and easy te digest. KeUgg&are -ao 18.17 for luncheon or for a snack befitre bedtme.,The'h*es- aele AXTITE ineb- assures full fRavor and oves- freshuesa.Be sure 10 aià for Kelogg'-4be origina Cern Flakes. At grocer everywher* Made by Kel. logg ln [o»sdout, Duario. -.fR IýAKFAST SUIOIJ. EAUER District Meeting of Women 's PRESNTE I~TllI nstitutes Held at Pickei Mrs. Frank Luke Taught at Tbornton's Corners Over Ten Years THORXTON s COUS EHs. .1une Lii -On Fridar-aftprnoýon. ý June 14. thp pupil- of Thorn- 1 ton , Corners Public Schoul ; uoiiq-d t-s honour Mt. iFrank Luke., th(, prini ipai. who leavês i the emr-hc-t afi<-r t'-achinz here for the paS,' ten and a halt f .1 1. Aflér the fr'lnwtng pro-11 gran ra -res. thé, Junior s rar-- r as OOhs- Ruth Kerman. the firet thi-pe-leze-ed race uas wono hv Mat garrt l'lron and Ber- îïirp .take - [ï 4 secnd îhree- lek-gpd racé A u d rer piersqon and Unîi ion v"on. Fra il Nrtrure and Iliarrv Wiiianis ,%-,nt heé heelharrow rsc ai-ii 'Muriel LirOon -en 1h'- choe rase AU! Joined ins plivng so'n-, gana-. T h - Fartcers#, ti hi Dvii. .ac"l<) andi Rarlirl andi aii hall garrie hbvi- héSeios. s- frptqhnients eofsandwiches cook- lc. 'andîi-s. iý-e rr ta ni andi orange crus;h -e ri- seprved hi- thé girls o! th.' zen!ïor- ourth cias.q hf-t lidi i %rlku!< acsrail-1 Pd tiif) hofr--c'and Greta L.isi- répasitheé irss ard Bl3énrns Jark.eni 4wtnted NI rs. 1 lsîk - wil'h a li4.& ic! elortrir tna5-ter irs. i e -sodd wfiih 'l few Ilr ss-n iord SIrs Lukr arls-n :th hpr 10 h er ni-w hoissoéThý, affe-si On et ail lier pîîp)IA and .x-ptipiis. andi -Ile hich ésietéerui-all th e rm- Muntilt. atamped <3-cent) enrelope. At .a méerng after the sun- h liesse lns'lude oas' envelope dlay School Ferîlce on Jtne If;, f for eacb. <-f théi- rachprs andi adult mem- r <Crs.ilu as décidesi lisdiscon- inué, thé sert ires durig ithi- "NOT ON YOUR LIFE" niorîthe e(IfJizî"s- atnd August. COMPLETED AT STUDIO ",inro Jîîne 27td le DscotatýIn '-tiiN'1e Yut Laie, I- t Na- I)ây àit thé I'nie)n Ueméter-a-the triasnr% cs-rn'rd.s - - ýturc, has -sînda- Srilool i ii hércosesi berri csînplctcd at t;s Buirbatîk ilierefore the final session oif sîîîisas s a despai' 'r ifr-on thet- nh 1934 Sutîday School year oa <ast. Vi arren i Er\% r Claire ciii hé on Juné 310tit . Evett Ilo<ld and Guy- Kibit-ce r ave the niri'nihet is tequested tb attend 1 thtrcc lcadittg roles lit tli.-picture. r fat day. -\niotig Ilte ctîtr metîtiot- of a Mr. and \Ilr'g Fraser.,<of To- large ca'-t arc Villîanî î(,rairian CI ay ifontn e stre Sunday g u eais: 9 Cîrnictît, Spencer arr- Errol Mr. and Mca. Norman Bubs Mts. Miy-tiil Hbart Cas anaugli. Vince Buss returnesi 10 Toronto ntth1 B,îrnctt, Mary Ircrnlas k ';orlon, them for a m-e-ks 'luit. Iferinlaut Btil d ~ibr, Suildai- guéas;forMis. C Maude Eburrie. anci VValtîrr llyiron- Robinson we-ze tihe misses Muor- 'NîOn N'our Lifc' suas dartcsiby i iSmith. oliv-e Frencb. lIota RZobert florry f rom a 'ript 1- s' a.' Hawkins. Delty IRobinson and i bel Dasto and Boyr e,î who Dorothy Rainer. are also the authsors of tii-r c.'iginalsAlil pupita Who do not have stor)-. to try cxsutfnatious are now e'ni- «'MaondJîrn» wiI joytug tliOir boiidays Unvcrsals lcad-off picture J!Mrut carnung acason, was complçited this Ther saiBcsîMM in abbreiated forai weci ai Universal City. lflic final Mn serialiy in MeCaiI'a magazine %ceneasbowed Jamrcses Btclanâàaaî ' A-r the tille of -Say Gcodbye Brady and i Lllian Rulsseil ntdi'ng an'\ lf_ Central Park in a Roid-plaicd, il. -'___à____ mond ttidded quart, a four.%ant 1t-~ ~aapt re -ipo aùtomothale lit ta% extitct todlat a, u~'Fa dFiju"frU, tite dodo. Fim'atd ArnAîd and bit-~- %, ,.»%%#1 l,î~e~.tt trs~er nie' larnes play LDinondj jmaintd t-î,îa I aea Idian Lillan Rs-r ~ altitthe ;iture. Airea-is hrec M\argZaret Sultjlavanu% next ptcltic.'r sa5big canicra t-Test ierc for îhir for U'nivt'ersIl sas decided iaast %,-ci. rat-s ce cla hîr5(lay.. -aet and _u ît ss-Illibc t'tusiîa Parrott'u. ts c0i11ri,<i i uisu. 5tr io *Nrxt Tiino- Vie La-e" wlaclui 1,à, .1nsijpl ltt!ip u which Edward )i -t beets puiblsuhcd by Long-man', Lactitmie wili d.sre-tî I Needlecraft Novelties BE [N STYLE- CROCHET YOUR MATCH A&CCESSORE UMatcbIa.gbolt %Ces tOe pff ~i- l t la m-a a niad tble boiet. A" De-»e sluiebe île. lise u teOlsW* sts'aight wsttIte l asi-I istu5 's tbe. a. 09or fe., sfte- -44 «Moet« by î0» a.Tsaos ale Isnite ifbu pattera t1*mou tlo *bb 4affl d4%I'II bh oimum b.4 32* eqlx bSgj and cbmi% -i il rAqle >ring Sntaive, Addrse lIra. W. Cee- of Kinsa eBranch, senttiv, Adresedconducted a very ime iv Meetin and &jkedC<>.. morial gervcîe for a fluttber M egan se o1of m beswho had been rail- opemfon o IMttUt« ed« to higher service. _______M ra. Hietor, an officer of the The district meeting o e Gnerai F'ederated Board. gave oftean Interesting talk dealing with Women*s Institut@ wau held i tratned leadership ln t-oursea Pickering on WeIdneadaY of lasI Open to Imembers 0f the Insti- week. A large number f ran tute. She explained what the WhitbY attended. An excellent courses reallr were and ihat In. program was on the agenda. %Ir?. struction in *1ouse furnishing la Roberts, district presidett pré- flot kflo-ing merely bow to pur- sided. chase but how t0 malie the bouse Mr%. Cronk. or pickering * ln beautiful and firtistir in the ar- well choaen words. weleôined rangement 0f thé furniture. the deleg-ates and Mca. Holiday.i M re. Fitch. f %Whit-Vale, of Brookl. replied on behaif Of P resented the folomin; resolu- those present. Missg McLellahnm tions. which mot with the àap- of Whitby. u.cretray-treasurer. proval of the mepetinz, prettented the minutes of iast 1-'i'bat w' cOtmmd thrI' meeting as well as nie financial goIreriment for prnhihitin, thec statpment. se-of trucks ont hlghwas- o ,Mri, rNil Bad Rpr-Sunday %,th1hnie, (,, 'pîlon 0 stentative. gave an addrpsi nt mili truk rprsa od the morninc session. and %Ir!t. -'*Tbat in futurn the mein- ]Roberts, president. reporttd th'- bers. whrre district nie etinc ta organuzation of a new branch at bil ed rtd hé floOn fioneydale. ln the P'ort rerr-' hour lunch. the drlegatea pavînz d1etirt.cents and a'-oid the trouble In the reports of the Brancli of carryitig food atnd ai-oidinz Conveners. It was iearned Iliat rwsste.* sqplendid work had been don- . Officqrm Elerted throughbout the year by t h e Thé following Officers wero Pranche3 tif the district. formally elfîed for the cominz Mr. ('roskery. agricultural rfp- year: Presidrnt. NIre. Holiday. resentatiré o! thé rounuy. paid iRBrooklin; %Vîce-Presidpni. NI ss, the meeting 4 riait and ln a Richardson. Pickering: ',Zqcr>- short addreags sought the co-op- tarY-Treasurer. Miss McL rellan. eration of the Institut(>s ln the WhitbY: (Oroni Iîon Dirprtor. plan 10 treste a reatricted ares Mrs. Roberts. Whlîby. In proximlty to Toronto wberq A n lnteresting demonstration al catile herds would lié tested Oif SAlads ind salad dresisîngç for T.B. and s dlean ares esta'- w5. gi%'fn by tîss Aiken and Ilished. M r. Croskrry fully eir Mrs. Wright M an y hare bear-tl r plalned thé projeci sand theé.pet- Miss Aiken on the radio and tinent questions of -ho ladies jfOllOwed bier talk and démoni- durlnc thé discusaion wbich <ol- stration with gréaittinterrst. lowed ohowed their ko-en Interratr MrS. Robert was gl'én a vote In al] agricultural affairs. of apprelaîon for ber work as An excellent lunch was servéd président for thé past two years hi' thp ladies of Pickering.; Âfter and a warm expression oif thanks r the lunch hour Mrs. Normanî was tendered thé Pickering lad- White. wtth lirs. Harvey at thé 1 les for their fine hospltalltv. HOT CHEESE HALLS Here is the appetazing salad se- Csstlpanmenét: t cuo ga-ated cheese I 'Z cup tfie brcadcrumnl> 1-4 teaspoon Wretrhr Few gram$Sesi 1 ctcn teg4 ý Xix cliccie brtadcrmhs. Wor- cesteeshire suce, sait eaid i1eg. Forai mue smaflhalls. Dap in slft- éd drNy breadcrrumbs. then in beatera dilutesi egg. niera again c,.aa coul- Pietely 'aith aifted dry>-lsrcd- crunbi, F~ry an det-p fat (M9 degrces Fi. hl enurugh to browna a breasi cube ifn 40 seconîds) uaatil light br'owsn. Drain and< srvc sy eiùba-t aith salasi. SHRIMP RAIESIT SANDWICH Clieese andi flmsthaire îo;; mnc -prosesi îhat iieev can betc eanacs m7 i h excellent rci-1s. i$ s a ici-y *av ix' stauWreandi WC stw- :cktleic il en weiiu-crisPts cécmo xcrllcnt quaiuy, a& au .ltrenata.'e t-o the usuai toast bas. rUcat y-our sracetrs andi butter theau IG just beloie commri;th nitheams Andi. hw the m-.Ys îhot brlîp <"ne of tié si-r dreicrae fiti tMay ibc ttd--a*tuns, etc. Iialcleapooé ehe-pe<d talon. db. tispom~s butter 1-4 pow% elud>élom- erraa chsef .3-4 <wesup s- omtriluor Heras *brisip »ud sales in hoUer. AM f4 t m ~f mspeppr ai phea ix, cet si telmtp4a Cairr s lecsim l-ha Lee éy M= M. ib -4sge. Sm*v i4 î h*iý ý Ie0g~ hrsr ~* ab*40mg. 00.W 's-l jrm- mtm HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA Infuse six heeplng touspoms of Saladea 9Iack Tea in a pint of fruit bol',~ witer. Aftor six minutes staln lquld Imb two-quart container.- Whuie hot, m 1½cp io rnultod sugar end the. julceof 2 ornons. Str weil until su<lar h dlsolodjfil container wlth cold water. Do not ullow te& to cool be ding the cold waterj "ehrwi» lilquld wil become cloudy. Serve wM th ipp.d ce. Ala CrsX-r Ilias ccmpletcsi lhe produtiî-i if Lady Tuil)ls-* b) onif L'r". 1-a rrl rr'siucddi frql à u-s ' a Lcouu-. c k - -t tmisv '-i h-uzasNI itgin savidl i- 1:1 pi r os hci r (A-t i-sluwIt- lilnc t asIs- - - 'e a <is ats M.- lu- i c t al'~îîr î.i 2817tr'-~ GRADUATION OR PARTIES hSûbf r pertoct lon 1in coliton print for aflernoons or town we-tSleeess.Iiuld. hes-omp un- necesîaýry tien Ibpre lsa a îîodish capeb collar-- as tlhterA. l% hèr- Io coter ilie uliser part etf thé arme lin the niainner 0f thé mo- ntenti Note lîow sletaderizln, ,la flan lonir, %*- o! thé roclar. finish- ing, witi a bow. Ilt's s o simple 10 not drn. Sio-ely adsl the hot Cook- Style No. :R17 la deaigned for ed-down miapie sytup. beatus co- 16. 38. 40. 42. 44. 46 and stanly Ieantime. tonti1nue beatuîîg 148-lnch biset. QSite t rMlres 4"' until the frostmng as ticlienough -yaLrds <.5 39-bat-ta iatertat sebti% to aprcad. ýyard of 13-Is-h or stidét cn- Use this mapleý syrup Iroxsting - tri.stltg. beten the layera and on top and 88 '~r z<r $ides of M#Plc tWalouî Cake.ta ssonps or êoi CotaS forte) lor ,ATTIIU.m w aý4 temsnt-o rsfitgi may b- ho ?4- AUI, Af1RBSS AND. oubled for a brutgcake.STIt8 Nmap- B ua e PAISLEYOTATOS - 0wS MeW BBU<# VisiO1 Pare ootatoes anti? eut ini halh OKsa- utDéUitiy ils with vegetable 'cutter (or eut inw ae a Ol« :1« tho vuow 1-2 inchicubes. Cook in boi1ing. u foCaraurde. od balted ssaer 10 minutes. Drsadd rienoffor Tour CoEEN CENTS .3 talilespomns butter, meltei, aux' rco BOOK nd PATEN tCENTS. cd avth 1 teaspoon lemnts-u uicandsBOK ad< PATER togt-g I tabiespoon firîcly mmncci part- 30 CNS ley. Shake pan cntly uul ot . S tuc ac el mies ait sace THlE WHITBY GAZETTE 3ma Cr4m ALADAND CHRONICLE SOK REAN SAAFASHION DEPAITMUT Tw*..îhirds r-up swcctcnd con- 3«Séd or brmug t". *du té denednuk.1-4 cup .incgar. 1-2 Tb* CassIs. aâ romhi je"P< Ieaso at. 3-4 scaspoon dry offiie, witsth* me»a7?e- ffIuàtar4L 1-2 teaspoo ppi -2sakd i sup tour e-cane. icuisi w.>h Nanc ................... s'wtecncil cop4euscsl mulk. 'aiegar . . . Wat. murdI, paprika andi scegi ~ Chli.>1 ise i -2 rn....... sie....... . . <est-r X PE.A PRICÂSSEaur . Se T%%,o quarts shellrsipetsart pult p$oesUetBok. lie. stle'piuwau 1- t 1 auma. Ise MW&l OPbciiug aster, Z tabicquaoos balterabre o' fur reh ole SOWKms. twso or tItree spriis i 1 AÀWEDIIg MPAT=K *îltvam ia Isead of-elk4tuce. vaîheil Sud frustpatâatd,. 4m od.ti. awoîbssIsagilof d4e tabk~s #kmy for *4 1ha«.itr e-r«t* tb al 1.. t To %*op la 4tgnflt .84 pecS <karou*iîthe sb.kit"s ln iiv 1* souomfTm*è. Wbs,, 11111b"" 10457.*' O"Y .Iws aitt msY 11 W l bot»M 01 iret. & netobna lsm #at.Obflu.151 w*y* m Ït Iworsu 4eosde,-. ~iiv. io >asu ~.R.WZ""'~' 5 ofisr "<4* Soait £tab~pin sJs lýlivtp.s b.,7vl - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ no lotl 8 »-»-l -o t i W9 ce Unis%-tr--a! lias coitipicîrd anothert pirture %Nicl i ill not bc relcased liîits! Ille IhCgttlitingol the tim, ' sa- r.Tî-is coc i ka scrial nmade liv tlir rCrliiliv Buck Joncs. Ilt i ctiitti<i "irr Roaring WcVst." Thc cssiî-star lias two Icaditîg ladiCrs, MutrirIl vans ýat-siEole Gialli, an-d a v:iàxv -f frîrnircr Wî item stars, lira\ c-, anid-expe-rt ridcrzi tiUoi- s c l's l-.adnz iJ srrial for next s car. Tt ssas dîrcc ici li R ay Tas- -' TOWN AGIENTS FOR GIBBARD SOLID WALNUT FURNITURE Solid Walnut 4-Piece Bedroom Suite meas 2nd prise li Whitby Comnwxuity Campaign. WILL CdVE YýOUR FAVORITE CONTESANT 4,141,500 VOTES: Bonus Votes o n Ail Furniture for remainder of Campaign. wo ce VURNf UE STORE TOWfr4 t. POE40 £.~ ms4r ~ ~ .f~rnm Ou ~ J i~ 15 ~ ~- From auelhentit- Iearn that tilousanna 'women cortlenrtrate( crjowning g1lkry, oin with oil. wasiîiig it wil traptions. ltoday, s are spendi t!Mgfmore money on th irh air i fore and qhFé hair mnore atttentibnIi.iLs-, face-. bands or figuré, womnan douItI4tesss <cn ber coiffurl,] but that T/he -Weekly Style «Pattent -1imely Re ies and j Household Hints j I 1--- t) v - "qpowtoo% 1 1 1.- 1 ý Il 14 . ý lý 1 ý ýý ý . 1 - 1 1 1 1, . ý. 1 r-. E-

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