Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jun 1935, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE TiHE WHITBY GAZETTEai CI-RONICLE THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1935 .. - TORE ýek and'we ýtes, mneane a TORE kc St. South ent 2 i.filiilii. Aîiply ' iRi..s'RrEEr. iuowly painteit rty A. W. Jack.- falhir, Brock St. ed _ VANTED-RE- t be gond cook. fiîtui rookîhan, Fo1. t N lain cool<ltg. wiIge.9. Apply Vice.- TE!) - RI- 114 e 2 tui i me priviiiiges. <ibungalow, rom S.Trees& VANTED jratîr tenders rpentry wori<, bltîg, tsheet Iltig ard glaz- v Iligli Sîhool. he sealeti aUd ju-vs huids bY .iîino 2ith. î,îy ho obtaîn- etat-., or frotu C-, Stenhouîs,, Oshawa. Thm Pder not neri- of Edîr-tbion. C TILT IVIA Y. n "y. kDE- 1936 ERS' testant and support iccounta. AT THE U9MPITA¶U i i. îî~Ii'II t il fi i~m I i i i iii. it o I h i -- i Il t iii i i iii il <ai i I iî~ i -'tii i. i tilt i t lîî~ Si ai- tîîi lii . fui bu itîmi iii Iii utc I i ' ". I îîîî~ i ~: .i. iii titi i iii i ut-i i i' I ~i' ~. urne iii ~ 'il lii Ni.ai.îi-r' lii. iii.: Iii t un i ~' i *i h] Iii '~ t i 'I -ni' tuait tuntul tut' ti~iatt 'atito inuit,' t'ait <tend ~eî- rai tii-tv lii 'tii-m liii Oit i 't, i.' " ii - tif' 'r" i 'i iii lit lii i t i~ i iiili n .inii t i îiillia- 'irrir h .i i i-i miair i i i i i \l hi- h1 'lai-i lii i i mli- i. i i - r t] i t i i ' ' i hum .i '~ i After-nion Session i (i i i i i i i i - - i iigri-i * \l ~ * i -Iii. i I-I - -r i - i 1î utc 'if i li -ni tuti -i i ti ii tt' us dnai Ic m i tii c% tirtit tii~~ ~~ xiitlîi <tt ilsilitAi dis- C iîîîa ti i i e\m, fille 0p11rr %'aN )? P 4R . \Viii'Ut anti i'r i;i Ie ton i t: .. . i'g r rili he i-i imit dcmï -fid b, i-db t IOUNh I¶QPL[US Collins' Shos Store II9UNCI[1WIL1. BROCK ST. SOUTH wtii'ry MEET IN WBITBI f ri i STANDING 0F CONThTANTS aiii -MIN CUMMUiNIY AMPAIGN -.. t- and-%%1-1 p -P a î Un of Jiatne 19. P S. t i Frank Clark, liftaa h l t ui! r il p -- i~ '\~' hd l M E r e oil u ia il,'t \lei .riJs flq lnaft 'hf- ~ îîîîiîîîti~. -t' ti' .rAiiShepa1 o (i i ii iii t e pfl' i' imii- 11 -- . . S. i ~ran ttmal I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r a n J . nnr~ po lie htItaii 4ii. . NSut cinil U 11 <i.. h flic ~Iiil l'nta aiJ, at 11ni111;z ai 'h i~r i u ttarîj. tin ai e'li o ui-. kntom n.a onleeut Ti i e rîilce holding et the -)j c iv, J thit I. t e ila espria li ' sN t îi ithr uig l- pre-r.et mon .c 01 United ('lurcla of (Ana à-n in. cflel>ratt'd tini-onîletior ilicit. firit deîîa,dt-, rîift e i% lité ilucfl at-cardiung ta tht*e a-ahiiid I i, Iloià. fct. that mrci gtound %% thc brokeit, as a riptuit i3f iii' ttrr 1hng. UALF A ML REBUETIONM ON MOU00RU <otnieifrnom Pa&e laitti màrîudî i tn a titi ~ ~ aI 10t i1t'la cal lîriâ ' ~ lI'ut tatNa li ýo-4 a"tij ~f teit WHImIY1AN RANCE CLEANER? BECAUSZ -. - .an .1.ctrk rmnaq )mus no Rlame. -Flam..b.at cm tai= cazbouiwiùch s di.pomte cm ut.nsdsttan andaps Pauns ua.d ce au e.ctnc raam wWIIr*u&asa"Ybay nd CI« No 'aatche ot uaalwIo Un« ii the ktchum. Yo& tu"etaàSiW kept hk. »w. rueCAL T m$IT nil -th f car %V Il. t br 'ir-' h. Iles-i i î cSc-<,nai i rilRN m:ii-, W. . ilrd 5 Wýý l tb v erir Heln \[lIon. lor!n Sire, J. Dair Margaret sIe p M s.A. Hopper I II 1cl.l eLMeo h Sc, 10c, 1 Sc TO $1 .00 STORE f 3h. Jast. .arkin. ¶toenriîîlp lac V. -1ii-k a ndof ta. 24. Russell BalleY cnâIt jil8crdv ikdthifi1. nti lIt- ouh hi 1~. M ca. C. Harrison. My rt." t. vsldrat trfiBokS.SuhW ib Station. Alte Ragia..%,, )And n -lt, da> i May 1.1naiTraa'lf' b Aî,riist a l ______________________________________ Mri. Geo. 4unt. Adrialie . alicea ur totit enAl, X.mrs A. Cowx. R R. No. 2 and yoisarp allased tfîfuen davqis rIVt "-.nhic"% 1fou ii td th(% iioi (pitir.g tirougli Milan. Streit. Whithy. Europe hefore cinîmtnniii nterhtti p4art, o<f -iiuy 1 bad i tiitî.aiong ithe shores o! :9. Mm e.C. J. Creentield ru otni.Miia b tir iftl ntnfi'-ititlitii .u~tMaggtiîro aînd Conio iln -R. .Maldover. Oshawa. Ont lts plannoit to rrqîarn iii- 11, .bîi .liliiOf ltltt'Nî u- Ital m antu ;atgertan-1. 7,1 J. C. Kirk. Ontario lospttdal uextitlaltan etrânurra bt-b ýdiiitiaiiii'i friala otl .IlIrtatglthe \ lbl% and viait bi ', (0o; el n l'lr'I~ ni~n ar fti ttt tir ttirs~- Simtpton ttioit nto France. ar- .1;. Rutht Toma. R. 11. No. fthe meaniitiixictle-trip 14fi tittta-t- 71c1e. \11 uraiffic ton- civi ng tril'atrts alter 16 bours P4 ick elhern . Pr er lcsl rrii.duc-i îr4y gîîîîîîoîaior iîaize- troi Vee.'emaineti lu parie 1>ikein. ~ plat" î" &rln. < Eturope.isahî tti f. %i t ont accoa'tnlof inalteil t m#% 1 AiztlitLt adto «"b. Mari' Foaller. R.fl. Nn. I. "!lsriaîoat rueho- îîi er ntatotîuelI'îlit ont foi ihr, ebannft, sailini Plckerttingatotuat--ou-erîand tram Trlrat% o, falawn 'm art iz.illrrle.. ,ti. sy 'S. atndiarrivlng New Yor-k. 34 ~orsUYL.a Havre antd higt'-apeed ata'a-îi- Aft-r utr e vîunicif May '14. 4r -11o de France" lu YNew'York.:I wltitêh Isi-i) l' ngirit hâvit bae' Itt2l dîtyn front the day t IN'LD»SO. si atra a&(ter tanding in 24 day-i 1 pick«d up ltth ait .la-fi N'w York nittil nry arrivali - - - .-----.Triete and sei'tn; vr-bit ba-i re. nanîtlt a.baci ttrre ndIvinlng Il ditter-- 'rth aRhile 1 bînardeil a trai o a at 'teei tfnVa rit ent couctries. ii11 he ]t oî" 'iaatnte Ciord Il c iw ue to pick up tme s peci-. a i lo i bc te -ot iti d wt iluaî îhie- t mipic i sakishomu.. tare a>nî t-i tiit ould ib< tIll-g- tm' four hourt la Lisboi wvo aI. Xii'acîigrotvi thet iur ailpulied ou-t tur -Gittlr, sat' tliîttante wotld j i4mte2 bcuuim oet i. riria*I~s# ÂJlTI 2 ibers who i dsý ~ la I W or 94 W 1o5at *thig ti Counril. ad bailwritete of,4 ý UM(Itir tla OUIMOU: Y utwipafiftrs about ii,. hait ashowa Ciffcl «'Tii. K!U t h fle iE "or judxuent.. as a case coucCtir». 'arte hI~I.th,* ungr. iiar pavw-ents laas at the 1clasme mulila fit . ?01I tO ime hatuging fiî th-e u urtrwTht liy to*tltetLTii. aftI@iletl the repa>ru passed m tîtout inta. tila Gibraltar 81Tp855 lulaIt#te mt.uthoise'O e f 'ooui aRti otterJ ecattlai.t. Our ' am TIleeluft r iii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l l'Mo 1IIIIIIaitoMdivIe ltac*SWais 50t-he -' uetarby tova of La 145.5, but 7 IL4U1IIILIstat vWbs$&W tu -1.4 LaW' wu bol a> urruz leitiplS. and cortaluiy -net a pri' rt-c r IN ifa sl* vdet lt for &a lgya'so- i îwbe oi sv as a tour.1 t -Noitstop. <Api» SI tAlgterti Formar Whitt>v Ma t K.IUarity of nsarly o» miullion po- Uliffou o the orthe6amofAttI' Los of FRying Jou.n.y Jm toiutîtla serraffl vu tii.3a40 te Europee smitt. hti psamt wilh *11 ypea et MdlteraaLeu rus..it ta mally M o *ttltt Dudley Wctidbou-i*. et '15Th~~Iqtb. s4o 404 sthIe au,- laal. o f h ai i. 1 4cI*at sue»a0".tbis &Wd* oet te tira .iobm wqcodbuar brob" 1.f e l'-tepiYr. tIi, laie 141» Yatii. e Reaaaa.' »1î «blb.*the iastUoB ilSab-ar cf Wîtha. o! 3.raJ. u. U t or b. Iwar cim,.eIti toma fIeID4 Itîlp 1to guopi. l»ýt15s. sed#- ta' 1t ebOfi *par* et q * W"îbitswc a Im sbt siIap, 4 #fett, tbA Tb* les et 34r. wcboisuiip lu telbe MOU .54e«ut gurtai i1tLog et vat*ttpeit lg prtl j#t1- , isuIod - >lai op IU.lUuW**" asi mrmWb4.r 8 lutom Mî. tu lb. -aabrq~but osaartrti #A ibat*irdsium VP ' Ys* 'iirb1 er*t4 e Id Ia *,.41 ~II id ~ -** t ir,>*raae I«astas. W 4 ale 'Y. 1.10, ofgbte l Pb -plaiusbseî go lsmsL. .amr~amtte.t~a4b' asesees M.4st r tb* oSur Ibo U It s'Y ýi..bt i4SL lod i &iIbo b .S~W ~ISh< ~ b*M w« aia *h ab~b iar mder ~~LM dS» 5# l* 4i toi' a ccU Ur. et.ag tu"r .Saw Jet **Wb stase toud *.ff ,estsqsew mbPt et COFFgie Mmef Rosi Wa# * Your Choice. TOMATO JPICK Ide 1 * Iiiis of the Association both at the af- ternoon meeting aud at tht dinner in the cvcning;. During the afrernoon the ladies of the party weure entertairîed at a bridge and ica at the Scnivr Nurses rcsidcncc. Thcy wcrc albo amouig the guts1s at the informai dînner in the eî,ening. m-len airer 100 wecT the gucats nf Dr. D. R. Flrt clitr. medicai supcrintcildeit, anil lu ha tafi. Dr. 1'. D çumbcrîand, the prest- iden-. prcîîidrd oîcr !).th the aftcr- noon miccting and tar d.incr i thc c' cnxng. The mctitm of thanks to tireT lionourable Dr. Faulkner. mîn:s1cr of, hcalh. and t:) Dr. Mathers., Col \\ nnit*g. vài at rnï.cd by Dr. B3. T SicGhir. di.iîtv lrnnotcr utoira -.nd lendrred iv Ille chaîriîîlirr * The New Offiers A. Faijlknr. Nr'.a Torunri Scerr. ari - Dr A M -~~' lidrtî if-'i-I P P." 'I ia: lit' t ia'iT'à V' a-a-'-,- I - I [ 11w 4t St., vWhtby OId.Wkib Hums Again, A WEEK CROWDED WMT BUSINES that w, waa O dZPm«C.durw iiDet w.kanaid n mmuity C.mpaguî wm.xPeCt t. smmbh &B OUR OUTrPUT 0F White and Sport Shoes bas .ceeddaIl epect&m atiOi ithe. Svucial Cam. pinPrime with the. BonusVote uaisd te 10,000 ON THE DOLLAR wili eontinue to the. end of the. uotii. See out Window and Door Dispimys for epeciad nducfleiits. LET US HFELP YOU TO LAND THE WINNER. Trade Carda Vote D"ub1d - E'verY Cent Tells EveryVote Çounts. WiII Take You On That Summer Vacation ' uuliiii i 11lidl;l . ' r nu îc utc- i rouati U l lit --Jetflaie. Thle oitt 'll. i t tihlîi l 11 .ail..f-uliru-r rrfrli' te. B3asseft's Je-wellery Store WVHITBY, 171 - i.%%%a'Ila i(s c :) you eau flo 4u 11tIb istu oitfrl cookig.Hydr*o. Ha ma brlngs t"smasS woehhwhÂl o c IcualappUasCes W"tkl oYý b of housewiv.s. i.CE -HA. if the maln places of interest lIs Mlonreale <Montreal) a lenth Cerf- tury church bult star the top of amountain about 8 miles front -he City. It ta oneo f the Most~ faniouns ebrînes laEurope and te rilited by pilgrims f rom ail parts of the worid. The interior dcora- lons ef th e hurch arc most CIa. borate, moeale floores ad walie, and cellings cavered with fres- coes ind paintings and gldtd with pure gold-all the work of!1 old-tlme artiste.1 Returningtatethe C-ity from ý .Monreale, we stop at the CatW- combe, underground caverne. where abrouded ekeletans, hang-, ing ln hundrede along lthe walie. glower down et you. ase amai cold chili creeping dasu ya-ir, apine. If Yeu wish 10 c, s hat. any ot your od anct-itors look-i k.. Yeu cen descrnd and vit,, lthe aId gentlema~n tin pe.on. On lthe drue front Mionreaie yon pas& th;-ough bicautiful lenion and orange groi-e. olive and fk; orchards, &il of whlch act thi-% timne of year "cTe ablaze "t rlpened friiti ).fter l-viz ralermuo X% slulrted lthe înoun'laitotis roast (if Sicîiy toward% the Sirait tif Nlas- sin&. Dasslng cu route lthe actl%*o voicanue o! Eýna and Stromiboli Titrough t he timr'o eCOTPTh lontan S.'e. w"oh 11A u1 c iautitainoisind% nIarrii Patra. .Grece. XMa) ..lPaitras tisthe linast intereeîtng Placre Oft aIll hm t. Tt i% laa lîoaflat~ place iniitth brî ciimouiitaina tii à% itaclgrouiii.NNVaî% bld lài, Niotle l'a-ai l d-u a lit,,,(, ýht- 1 - ~at-ound t'ai i lia , k ln bible tinie. Toc bail vtr bad n,: a longer star ber,' ti permitie 'a iiit ln Athons and torfnth. Leaving l'airna% %%fheadu-,t i u- thet Adiat4ç tIo Iiiîg14a ('t u; S'tinai. Rarusi. a bif-utifii] a 1 cint cti p"rfireflon 1t)op f A ii» .tmoutaln s tii fou art Iii eq Ing, surouandeit liv R hffi h hrk Plouo sali. ocrut unetîhtio. ail, b oine entrate btibiplae.iîî inr, %1troti. 10t1ba fila~tii rbîrrch on about re.rv ihî'roiigi art, rai h ri0 , ihii lu iiha-ni y W E E K -ND S pE CIA LS LA&DIES' AND CHILDREN'S SOCKEES, 5 White and Colora. Ail sizes ...............pai.S c WHITE 9 49 c LADIES' WHITE 29ci WHrrE URSESGLOVES, all sizes Assorted Kisses 8-c lb. Men' an Boy, C Henvy D.nim OVER. $1 STRAW HATS ... ALLS Sies 34 to44 SURE DEATH FLY SPRAY.2c 8 os. Bottie .............. .....- .......2 - REXOLEUM MATS.i 14 * 27", assortcd patterns ............... . O c lF SHIOP AT KIRBY'S WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GOES THE FARTHEST. Our atm is to give you quaIity mercharidise at Iowest possible prices. KI RBY'SI ey ïy 1 114-% . J . SZ. ( fail trii m

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