I - .4 n£-o WHITBy CaAZETTE & CHRONICLJE , THRSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935 w -~ ___THE EDIl Tli~IiGazette &Chronie PUblbtd 'dà yý'fflftltg byTIMes Pt"u* êt t t swa. &Lumied: C. M 'M11U47 entr A..R. Allowa7. vice-Presi- dent: 'Graydton M. Goodfellow. Drector. Anywliere It Canada 81.bi> à year in adralice. ~.Oa year to @ub8scrIber9 la the United States or other foroign couintrie... The date to whlcb tbe subcriPtion là patd la lndleated on the sddresa label. J.-. U- ~TO.Editor and ausaneaMaag8Er T61efleplell131. 23; Resl#JeD. I 3è WIIITBY. 'rHuRsLDAv.OCTOBER "'Il. 193ý Wh«t 4A*bout Ciuic Electiona? With the. l"ederal election uo'er. and umunicipal elections throukhuut Ontarlu, only about'two roiths amay, our esteemed contempor*$ry, the Canadiani Stâtemmari, I3owmanvilie advises its readers in il.,;ias. issue that the publiic shou'd aiready b, giving thouaght bu the selectiloTi of its muni- cipal governmrenb for 1936. The State.smiat, after review'ing the work dune tîy the ('oun! tii of this year, unhesItatingly rîecomnitnd: to1 thie taXpayers that an acclamation for 1936 is iii order. Thie paper say: i *lî year wlîich protended ainlusi. cer'tainî tax increases, thte Council inaîiagud, througii the exercise ut strictest econumny. and coniformity bu budget ar'ranîgemntsbr' b keep the rite aIt te 1934 U i .niess oune is converà lant %vitb municipalî affaîrs the:.- cati hardly realize swbat a boîýicuican ta!s1 *this iras-" And further. tlie l)al)er Ksas' "The ratepayers utof na' uetivIl be well advimed to retain tliev Os f it -., thitt thfe tî tbird t-ea r e' d Cn(i rohi- best rhreo Wbitbv cuti- -duriîîg bbat alldi thlit- oUI: 'le beýst (ifits N\tttg rubieni', -IV lo iilim- t feel lîke ef- fou rbt 'ear, bhem iflthe%- auary lâtIex!. îîd of the <oct Ibal lbitis rno t -il lis be ini of- - oefticiently interested i id begin nov. mien.. lb is no-, îmta bunch îake time ansd r ol f t beir Fairis t u t e e tilt- tar;to, arcs col..- babi... the atm i.t.înate e'.ery 'te cà i be *a ti il a-eîsthat. fier,' arcetIbo" aîsd the fi~r ester Ihau thse w deî . 'eî In. une, be*rîriga gtes auampted o <ls tbet 1. Ctotu.He", am kof mach lW Ad &0thia ut Uwn 18 a>~ ýee of buytaq à radut ta bsk.ý pie for apeoAa d P«tItT1« a thia lu!,«M %d of ruielvi 'uiscfWta.. had, been sold, the cauh pocketed, and the apecial.,Prize captured through the ALward. -ýCoflnnenting upon these ievelaüOlI, the Colllngwood Enterprlu.BUUOtifl&&Y&: In view of the amail amount of xnoney involved it is scarceiy conceivable that there are those who would stoop to such work. Evidentiy, however, t2hey are wlth the fal <airs, hence the greater precautiol2 that may be counted upon ti the years ahead. Exhibition manaïers rnay b. foole some of the trne, but flot al the trne, Would They Fight Again? If Canada became embroiled iii another war, wouid those veterans of the la.st great struggie'-the men who reaIiy know what w-ar is like-be among the first to vtlun- teer for service? Ili vlew of the *"unpieasantniess*' in Ethio>pia. the Kitchener Record set out recently U) find an answer, interviewlig ten veterans. and here is the resuit: Sx of the ten said they*d sign up as 5oon, aýs the firrst martial mnusic sinote their ears. They could leavc bomne in the miorning with their ids ail made up to asîay strictiy out of it. and ail their resolutions wouid go trickling away like san(i down a rat hole as old -C.oonel Bogey- cast bis speil. Three of thc six werc frank enough tg) admit that the (Qfonic question entered into it. "Id be bure cut a doilar-ten a day, and that's a lot more than Pnm getting now." was une an.swer faîrly typicai of the threc. "And, besides. war %%-sn't &Il hell and fighting and niud. We liad our fun, too.- Two of the four who said they wouldnt go 8aid so with reservationz. They'd want lu know what they were fighting for. On)re of then; aaid lie %tudnt trail aIl the way m~er bu Africa jugt bWeauge the *rest of the boy-s" imere going. ibat left two îwho said f1&tiv and iffli- li'.eiv that theV'e shouldered their last rifle, *«Unlejýb,- one of ti pair sald, "lUs a caof scrapping with somebody m-ho in- v'adem Canada. Thts-difterent" Keeping Douin IFre Los«in Whitby l'lieiew httad ut Whïtby lire l.epart- ment plana a thorvugh inspection of the Town lu order ta chcek up on tire driUs in the schocis. buildingg requtrlng protec- tionî of f ire escapes. yard& behind business biocktî. anes.,and other eondîtieuu pro- ductive of tire hazarda. lbt is the duty of the chief Io a«t that ai reasoîtable cure is taken by the ciLksem W1 avoid firtas o that ftire icinse may be kept down. On the ether hast it hà the dUty 01 the citu.eiia b co-operate witiu th. lire Chic! and his î-unteer tire II<bt m-5ts that ter taak nia>- b. made a& easy as posabibe. Fire ic u druîg tht.. year haire beetr hesirier than ubas t h ha jutt happene.I that %%&)--the touri ha*. h. mm imrs FEtri tint eface oci is act5 lty <en- joys an eas' able r'«turd.4f<oj «fe '.is JIa" amiatilo. It utid be "c r skiIdff if qhi t% e.-ocuid b.. malut&ie4 A lTime for Remembrane ow utà il*dâ). Ntvrmb«y Il. (anida w1t otrs'e I.*tnnt>&iit ay. a duy cd ut- tictual txibuitt'Ob the. me«of theDta Wicho Pald îte auprwrne aecrt u ti Gm ta:%War 11,k. piartaIuiyfltuag.. a tks.t Urne uof ururldisis. Utat «= b*ranwLSay ibeuld 6e brsd ta Qi. *piril tu Whtbe htbty *s ltmw tao be Cebmerf4 WîUt V-u dat t uix ing. *Itb atiauts rearwt#g ai t *- 4o" mte.I t<, i a .i Ut htpaopW cd tk louanT. sam of Ihiee wk huomw PS for a day ho cmssMrr tht twv fl«t ef ie rnau" islI«ela tt ia <" m&les â toilvu w1 'mmi umqs âd~uvli~r tm m Mst **iI -- h ba »bsu #ami dbm * te t om IW1 ü*b*M FORIAL POINT glorification of war. Rather is it a day to set hefor the people of this Country, the great coat Ci WU, and tO Serve a awarn- iing to the younger generation wbich has grown uip sivice 1914 that war means sac- rifices far greater than it is w9rth. I that spirit. let us approach RIemermbrance Day of 1935, paying reverent honiage tc those men who marched away 21 year.% ago and did not corne back. and resolving to lire for peace, so that the sacrifices they made rnay not have been ini vain. Man'a Pride in Work 0F fortunate in bemng as weli served as it is in this respect. Since it was opened over 25 years ago, the hospital has kept pace with ail the advances in nmodern rnedicai scince, 80o as to be able to give itz patients the very best that is availabie'to aid themi in their recov-eryv. During tic difficulties of the years of depression. there was ni) siackening of effort on the part of the hospitai board and staff to make the hos- pitai as efficient as it couid be made *.u serve the needs of suffering humanitY, and the fact that the seai of approvai of the highest hospital authority on the North American continent lias agaîn beer, placed on it is ample e\-idence of how weii An address deiivered recentlbb.' Whit- this has been donc. ing Williams, well-known author.4iecturer and industrial consultant. expcounded a h oto a philosophy of life which was %veU worthTh ot fWa hearing. lb was a phiosophy of lite whicni mnade his hearers think. not oî;ly of their Speakinig at a luncheoi iin Toronto thc own lives. but also.of the li\vE,, of the emi- other di. loyd C.halniers. edit'or of th- pioyees ini modernî indlusîrv.. Finalicia I Ptst, gave a slriking illustratiot; Mr. iiianis b as Iuiit hii.p:iusp of the w otfetresuurcûs t brough wi r out of wide and varied experie:tês Seekiîî,' tare. lie wîii> ieni ,.g Phte'cnnî truth in relationship hetween employer., warfare wblk-h bas cone ini the wake of! and empioye-e-s, le wurked as a laborer and the grcal mar. 1'.i e sbwedwbt n:ght miner in manv cuuîît ries, lie livel ci a bob, ba h c 11(011 accorn îl shed tuIlIheo l(iirv looking for %Nork a.11d sbared w 'ýh tîic spent unl that %w ar hia'e becen madeavi- most nienial of workîng classes their daîiy able through the normi eb annels vetIrade. lot, his in\-eRtigations taking hilm intô Erg- businiess aîîd rdu tr. Hre iý;"bat tic land, Wales, Scoslind, Ura',Frirtncî'. sald: Rus-sia. ltaly and Southi America, as vell .Th r s' S). idasii as intothe United !*tates and ('junada. gA h-J,P : .n' -ng lf"ught 1ha ,r The fundameiital tact w~hich fie enunç&- j ~sd' ' '?"~(nts at-ed, after thùse expertenees. i-q that treai dtýff.'ron rtsof 1h' worli wl',h decew labor not nierelv bec-<uise o! the n.oiie\ thev f,.Jtýt t";r CnaaA earni, but rallier for tbe stsntii t4 io~ -~lî for itsir e in ltât wat«. it gives their souls, for the liradc N-bic'î Our iaxp&ýer,% %illha'.' entrlttut'd êtgit they take in their %vork. ;billion do\a'. îa! eui eîlhtbilillet There is more linltat thouglit than ai:- dollars do to end roverty in Canada- pears on the surface. If the eurning of 'rhat statenienit nakeî one think ee, rnoney were tbbc oniv incentive e: mniwkin,: of the cost cf wrin relation tb the need., to work, it wouud beconie a mie-dîi.iiiai cf the people., -undreds of touuSaîîds o! proce£ss!. a daliy grinding out cf s aon.y famnilles in Canada are today on relief be- heurs of labor. But the greater incentive cause of Uie coat of the Iast great war, be- is that to produce soniething worth while, cause the us-e of wealth ta meet that cost, to do good -work. to win self-respect by the lnstead of its use, to provide for a %vider' nianner ini whîclî taks are accompllshedn distribution of the products of agrictil- There are those who are inciiedtu scoff' , turc and induslry. That sheould bc' an ob- at the idea tibat thie is an irnpe'luîng mutî'.e ect icasoni to Canada, and to otthei nations in the daily toil f the w.orking c"ses s well, In what the inevitable afterniath but we believe, wth Mr. Williamis, that * of wa.r 13 sure tu be. No nation, couitin~ la t«M UM Itcs tl p. tûhwnae the c<St of war as we kiiow Ib now aihoUld creation of a self-respect and tyh * -a$ " « leswbkh tlligent body of ttmlp ae w nght lead tb another general confliet- that motive and rma Wl*omTes 'a tiere whlc-h must of ne»cesaity be even more machine. With that motive. lie becomnes a deady a.nd devsstating thon the Iast war real man, a mani wtth a eoul whia takes p"%*ed 10 b. pleasure aMi pride in the thouuht titat bci is workîng to satify the great human urgeNo oe fr nt vry tu be deung things liat art tsvrth NoN.d o Cntroe a Whlyfny Not Canada? Auit tetUntreport cuwles out or tie Orient- China i' iier«L&stn.g Ly leapanmzd bounzdts a consumpUcof 0< ta l-t.and ilâ iuitporU et whe.t. Ithe ir'rfour rnont2is of 19M., Australîa ahipped uver 7»0»0OI bllheta of what tVO Chi"a. re4rly fo timu aas u.ch as luUithe huie twehc muoths of te y*r19u- AI-gt-ita aula- pii«I isedy 3,MO.(OO buthetu. m«it of te ,wm&"tn kro! China'. impwlxte The* foliowt a ti n.otSU* Iothe e fect Wsti poru a i That ludietu au untruategâate <0 afftaln.Il *mmstnwe t"t thte tat wht exp«tg 1nuaby te worM.wtth cà n..miin Ou>-r <b am*t s.t.he PactIc ahO&O.I bave proiectk.aIiy ita *Xavj t t*& maith Ca. Wb* IAutn-aila bould b W4 %a tata that market ta O rt ian emble tuIy -by tht novm mavfl' af nI pls mot a f Gin ala a1u A Gmt osaiyAe abould have arisen In Torrntq with refer- ence, to the 'oba0VUnce of Reniembrauce Day. This day has been set &part a s -a tlonal day ut Rernibrazno. by &n ut êf the (edéral parliaine;ntand te oven JIIOr of a atatutory holiday than Thaftlugi*-ng Day, wbleh là pmolaimed by the goveru- mnt tram year tb y. and whkch tlâ hel en the. dat. whitdheCgtovefmhht of- the -day beU.v. s<t aulabfre ÇmnAda who .acrukied tlhefr t1w., l the <rut war. as the reaui of a wtdepread diud=* aiOfpoWlC OPlul1ansd it would be put u ag ible, b have a cootnomy ONW D4iomSD"y, Vietorla Day, or L"SorD*y u to have oe ovsr Rn*wmau>e Day. As III. y«"a PU. "itaconvweeyy U di appur. buti t lauuf«*oat lb ahould bave arl a t i tr.. UitorwolNot«. l ip a. osa.of4 wêlonWanW < i CM uawen4 lapU 1< Mmalet-i gsah *atm th le-b c& .ut . bwuIMitb i obalPNOM tote mmw~ ~1 VIEW * STURGESS BREAD Popular in WHITBY' More and more people in Whitby are using Sturges Bread anid Cakes off quality, and there's a reason. Yom cant fool 1100« bouaewivet. And in the malter of contfections, ice cream, hîgh grade choc- olates, w. aleso excel. A. E. STURGESS «Tih. Home off Good Bread" PHONE Z30 W HITBY Commnanding 0f ficer of 25tb Infantry Brigade Coinpleted Twenty-two Years with Regt. Col. F. Chappe'l Joineci Ranka of Ontarjo Regi- ment on October 16, 1913 - Relinquishes Post of Command on Noveniber 34 ,r P. 't ". %% tit iiûil'a t,'-' t ' ; C r eytueiit, cý c.-d 'rt.'re tlhc Nar s.tt. dIrc'ly .t I tt a, 'ý*l -ilidi l .i ir i 't- - - t i and lotrcIle o p- t 1H'1 - "tid u" t'il ' c ae.r.t s ibrigade * ~ ' il rr la- ' i' , I une isr i %Il b'- up ab fi tS5'i 'tît bm ti t l '.A%% i ::tut.ttldr! on \O\ iaber - .! .e sac ' ut .'Il -'lte 'o% u o ytar Sago un (tic- t'.' ~ ~ ~ ~ lA e-ia-et .o ieîicrrrs t '- - . ~regtrnet. ,c.t ri'. a"t<( s'a' ,c '" ,I t". itid sr>'itappîy * i* pà aoe i tis-r i'r-ie'-' t C rcgînticn t in ttelr a.r î izle b'. it t 1.etitand 1 i lii Scrv Sîîtttî, s. a tttetr. 1, . il î t s l-: î-'raie t î - p. ! iceti à 'Vstllr 3u ' '1t3 ou! te il. had ýit cthe te s, le vti t %t' tt-r .-i >e ed y ii ,f ci rim 1t1.coti;al ait . tt.a d I'iistcseît \'hs u ginient flac!forircil;,t 'sCtCC~si h tI l a lt- H " . îs t r e I ll t l e r ll ,frN ,' ' .C , > g c o d i n u e, 5- iti l d.'CrS5c(I the titltii r i e t~ i stitltg tti ts'.o bmnd %, %' ti Io %av tol à l rà its.- %à %61 CC~ '.eU. 'e art ml- -~ ~ ~~%r t gSeil'.bss". it%' ii "i y e es î ut itis rcaiiy siticl il, i% lto nie à as oytir cttna: tst itbute litt Ipay 3)OU. bu liase oilecr. Io ,c our 1< al' -a rsdil te dutte yunr t'. 'k tt i nd tI arn 11tc à Ille <,liplirli~ tiA ryV t 1 l; % ' c %ou s\.111 continîue' aid vill bc s'. 't ~ re 'd ~eirila. atertht a errtit t ll e inslitta.» % c r %trrilti 'il% 1vi tioetit. '-l t 1e ats. îIn the utycrrt' îiess. is-hert iiadîu: r S taff v"a. a't' in t1, à ibrigi J'arly of frietîds off the pratc it h- Iî rrgitîtiit. md %%.hile r'. lt nts'. s ntertaiiîed al Ira, 1 1 do îloit 'i te sitigi.' out inipar~ - . 4. itîi agaiti niade a fîttiîîg uia., Itit t?ý . litiuî atsd S1 t. refercr-e Iotri Ib fac! tlti coi. t.%'i pset."." aily Itit(nCi 'r ia'ri ' 't In b rehutquisi ete s11ettis ~'~I. -lit 'Ornmaîtd. and Loi . Cliappeit i1a&ni giad rit "C ise fiatre mC iade an appropriate rcîpoiisc. lHe todà aý., L ol Chappeli. wlin lias alio prescîîted <o Lieut. Ward Ir- ibrouil hoitor. credit and alory tu win, one of the ncw officers of the the. (iaric. Re.g-irnnt as brigade regsnIerît, bis commission and ccr- coimaaet et the Z23h Iniatiury 1 tificate 01 qUallficâtlon.ý TETUANNIVRARY RALY 0F QUINTECONFRECWA MOEL AT BELLEVILLE CHURCH J. C' Yofmg, Obh&Wt, ed '!as cb.atrtan. Greettiige to h t '.îaiors wore brought by Roy. A. ~haamancf Ly u>~~"iiiachatnp Payafi, On behaif of t flithe e llev flCMinlateriai As- alle, P~iâsdai SPPOTsozlatloiî. A vocal solo by Rois. Ml ig Ri. (;. >Notzuiioft, ot Montreal. i - - was gre.atly ,nJayed. ~.s.ly I~ro hudrdraîîsîRs ler. il. B. Cochrane, of ýTo- tâo bu4la-a, fii.137o Quiltorsronto. wus tuent speiker lant Ct teus.o!t t# il4 Church ernîng. 1'0 &&Te a mont Oit- it C&A4A a ttade4 the t.ath&n. tight*uairan md cballon&liig talix nitrsartv aiiy tuiBridge Strê*ltit n"TIe Obligations et the 1 41144 c(buir.'l D1.1 le, i't" L'tte4 Church 10to te Domnioni dYand sud*4a#es4*y. Iof Canada." 1tey. X. L Maon ch ran At the o wnnlag susalon. whIch ot~~~~~ lésugpebtr.v.tr l4lS a 0smstodsy. Ros. C t* ti as t ., tteooo es.. . ican, chairuaau of Peter- M fl TI**4* Tb*-de.bora Pre$bytori. waa la- chai'e. f0110551 641R«.? Peo?, W Brown, of Kingston, IryoAt K..»tl4 avuPesnti l tedevotital poriod, ai ter 411#f wbWcb lice. 6. Staulby lhu&- iwlh h. addttss or thse morts- soit. of teroto.lg*ve au addroualut, -wu given by Dr. Firank -â <41h4 baubltcl ,I'taotanaed ,#4hord. of Toronto. Dr. Lng- 64#lr&4la; for *t0 , Fture." Au lm*"atm tolovis Io c- adrýUby oy.R. G. lCateunoffe cltom ott" atémow em o!OfMoa49, ona'the subleet. t", SmtIOOAV y u ê4 t hef ' *' cas4a "d th', N.erCaadIin. 4 li'? 1a »Oetlo-.Ib* A "kafFeMWrlzi"g tii. aftenoon's pro- 1 etm iosbb1154 5 III CI55'5b o.e«dhigswu'& a picial Illustrat- ~otP... a M- R1$ . PrÇ%ram 'by '1he Wom611*s e t < . K 8 5 i f S tM t a p Ioca «a * y 7 o à I t y e t J o h n eiiag~ ~ <4~ ~' f trOft Ijilt*d Churcb. ?ir. H. S. amu"d"d atm«d tu.,ptdm*t wu thé.speaker. te tâi Vat. IaM $U et lte Aaw«*M*Bi *mu 00 ae lmmrn1»aa es, iii IciP tbubdiS ghtttts . ittà g,.ottUîPb,1 8il J.e la ue. 1of av eb Au" suaroutiy 414 sot 1111k much 0ol 34 " p -iebu itued buts tnme 0, (l .w t 14,11i-p,,oo, 4 epte.4 £ jhet sil.' ,,t' ft*. Wist-hî.dtu*pOibte4 TeItWl 00 §w" 'Me», ;, o*us1û. «on tii.y ake à L-- 4L_ s, *rOti bis IVOSI 1~ h OAGE T ('i -~ t> r 1 t t r t DU t 1ti q .rc t', tit Br -t 4C su( ~~1' w,..; -'s Si- - t 's