Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Oct 1935, p. 6

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At, 1~ .- 1ED P~ :\CAZE=TE&- Cî-RONICLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1935 SAFETY FACTOR A FEATURE 0F NEW CARS AT MOTOR SHOW The 1936 Models ta go on, jes. Brakes that seernéd perfect Puad in ovemer E i "'1135 halt' added stopping Parde » Nvemer inpowe'r <ii ttti1936 tuociels. NIa Dy body hnproveients for "tioîIsa:îia-r.d'igd brakem. that hrring gî .-îr depend- Camfort, Convenience abilit and rt-ducidmanenc and barety With over twentY-five wei:- knowil motor car manufarIturer' - pu'ttinq tier i 9:16 modc-Is on pa -'-rade hefore the' Canadian riiot": - Ing public at tht' National Mclic Show to be helci ln Torontoa ear'% ln November, 1- %-Ilnîcan tha' twenly-five great Irdu!;tris tli y- are showing the *afc rrttiot(- a- that modern science t-an irdî "If the' motort t ild nse lu' a fraction o! dat' e-ri'rg'y and vigilance spent h%. Ch'tritoc-r ri automobile tnan ilf- i n thet name of s&fti'. 011tr at'ide,', ;-V s- Ions would ntloieuttht' fr af-iv thing 1,im la"sait t îîsî - - 'r M ar - shall o! the- Toi 'rit l'oi c partment bt-fore a r.- -'t: meet- ing o! the' tariaditait indef-"riter- Association atter a 1-""' f arr -- educa*.Ionai'a! ' " A ~~Safety litstr.,%,#,i The' snited ef(its r ,! à it' bile e'ngiti'-rs arid i'ti î ic t been used by nariufac:îîîr!- ath- out regard Io timt' (r n-i 'îii part ort Il #- nid, .- 'i '- - iuake the'i~'i- '- a Bafe andl cei j.il!' pi j " "Safet" is'tili"ti à (l - ho a factium str-so-iut a2 --it" aIt the conite sýi, Mr, " a la - the Autornioil l- i ' -- îrni mnt> of tlii. a- --i -ii Teln f orce.d fi-,r mtirici th i fia s' the roof lfit ttic 'ia-ti' i ti - ' liae' ieettr--csstîl' - and a -art' lits, -'t i s. n the driver. More i Brc.lircck.- J Shatter pro.!f gis s h, i t> - plete dei't-i.pnier t of th e Ao edin art haý re-tited i tii -i'-.-I b Othe-rb hâve i u' rs-aed liniitg surface Io obtain las:.er andc more poarerful mitoppinrp a't- the r inodpi' titat t. ' ii t thti' firsii -'.h r.. 'tj)r -r hý-A in histor', %vii lricrr,% a nei~ i- type' C!f î'rt _S-arc mtstt-rîîW111, triers rili iho ' a ni-la tris-i h d -! coolin!g the' itrake dti trrizi' .ird (t kc'd.inz oui tlurt ata str it'r'- ajority ofutà4-4- , sîiu't 'r ' n t ' k- th'ri Intri arking r'" les la!,,ratine ;ha' r- -it- Pun- ptn-tt.us 1:îi-- t ad gari r cc ' -. r.tc- it' b h 1. e - - rite ic(' '- rf -d:tri ar- i î)U 8 ra rts t %o 1h . 1i6 "1t îrrcar arbere rte tailnt i-.f t rne rail lart nitUs<.i](an a fatal a( - der lI'l-iiui' ti,i:'î. acnsrd C'a ncdi Ni: te' ne ta-à,t ilti li tîred anrd atar v dr:,.'r. sutieci to 1" 1u1lpone atrI a t riiid- crvsa- > n n 1 f .il- I- p tna- lit ofitu1 1t.z.ari tht'1936 ttaorr a r ha j% i .' 'i ih t s: att'Iot lMriro'Pd s-i ra' rari<t"nntti tl. atTri r-- - r . a' -ll ! anid tom- i'a i'l .'ta I' - ' --- i-s". ho it'1 t i l q a î ~' iji rN-I aati'l-a1ai- 'Id S (Il eldi ri r i'. t (Jlî -À h i idelu -S t J' ai.-î 1' tlt i iîg --uit' bs il 'F; t'-i s b, a r:ni st-'iuranmg tr ît.ir'i '. l'e' t,' '- r-f h FERRUSON R[ABY 'FORECI4SI 111 IN TO [[AV[ POSI SERYlCE UIARMES HE TLLS KINM TO RURI HYDRO Vince nt Maseey Regarded Chairman Voices Hope' at as Ultimate Chokce for Unveiing ta Pioncer i l'igh Commdissioner of Hydro Prime Mninter'. Ji. Macken- Zie Klflg la underntood tonlac In recolpt of a letter- tram Hon. (;. Howard Ferguson. Canadian Higi. Cou*Mistqinner ln Laondon, offt'rin.r to resigis from i its ditloniattr pu'.: wheneve'r Il Is ,uahie ta tht' new Liherîsl a-d ni nIsî ration. Nornially Mm,. Ferguson's reiilg- natilon would bav-e came ase'ioria- ticaliy with tise defeat of lite lit- îslt Uecivemtnenî. At tisait irre. hore-ver te t'atadia,î itigh ('on.,- missioner a-as ln charge of th, Durinion's deiegtctiuc i a Genti-a which aras dejsling aitis the Itt- Portaunt question of sanctions - lt the' Italo.Etlhlioîtut dispute' Am. IL wrag rontrary b m al i uisid4yta- Lions ut public ptiicy for Canada to ho utnrelprot'sred tri goia tions of the importance of Ihase ln progresq .- Mm. Perguson aigni- fleci hie. ilttincnenss lu iiu the job o nul sl tict Unt'as IL m, conre-stlent for Mmr itcIir, neî.iim h1m ln ordt-r that .ho're it ho lieo break ti t Il., ntinucity ut the' Dominions partic-ipations. liaos. Raul Dandumatîc. nirile- tao- wiîhout portfoliolonrithe- atw admtuistmatinti. i , epe44-ted ut- land tln ncland on Thusrda arid wiiillînîediatel>- talle charge (if AU1 League of Nation&'*saffaire tIc- mQtar ais Canada la intorea* "ed.ILi la cxpeted trn OltAwa that %Jnr FéOrg?4on ahi rettiriltu 0tara very shortly - k(«% I lle, OnIt Octt->5 -T. -Sîe'- artt Ly'on, ch;triian ut the Ontario Hy>dro-lI it-trcc 'o e ionta&bh-tn. skpcaktri, Il. titis s4lage 10 m Ies %otîru i KItrrti'r. ait 14 uns-t-ti- l1 4tcd aiarrr to tte rmory 01tt lalaeîctel HB l>tta'eil-m u ne t i he tairýtrs il t;c Hý%fids'r. 1t'rrcassî a cicrtri;"m -e î-gIrc o>11rural ilîtiro lit-.. liur.ci~ir c suit--ad tacubeci for trt'r~>' rat1r I â tri g hoics -'i ni a t -aid It l %-uld tura thte urà lotir-, r . trei itri 5tn'd- t.î, grâ.n aîsd .oci .ltent acÀ c'i tatrractr' 5lts Ilic \'- Sif , 5%%c li- a) tattitrra srrc atîcd~a -t NI«c ialai g' lie tr'tt;ICluost-e the ,15 % -, il.- bc , - 1.- -(t Sitar ce t arîccîcr i-. 'car.t e--lu r -Ilrt i ithe n ar ututt lic bs'dO't i tar -iner s-½uuld ;'ay 'o I-et a.aiCa'-'lt usCisiantdîa' r -'t.n , cun% rkis. t 2- At a- Usl t'.111ticctrrrt et the turs.-d urittes Nir. (j & Mc-l-tr.. FOLSUPPERAT sauras m , im mwa'w The rurrent oapectatîon ls thit, ummus Lh emaetappinmet nof L I UL sey. président of the ' SýaionaI l -Evet SPouaor.d by Woesa- oral Fedoruation and a key 'igscr- ln thô part3i's i-sicnt vicîmiou% en Assciabm nNeted camupaign.s.ie fias a gond!dipliiu E 150 miatie bacakground fortamhe pet & O aOO and. among hita mots. lncideas-ar - - qualifications, tn hit. ovteraisp of a bouse tu London whieb lhe pu- -'-Lt 1 - ebaa.d fls'o yars &go la aulîri- s% ict Il-tc i.rit laa rt-. a àu-e< Patton 0f oacupying th*, off.-.At dSrbbNss .bsss esi*s. that tlmo. Thon tue Kinsg rGoi- i5Mectrs s~ztns .~urz li-mont was defeated but. takisua ,r-4a'r % i.et t'ttis t the lo nirange view of tiles. N 'a e2 ut*taisIi6fi u eMasay la îsnder-uîoêdto bave kept 'bute e9 tet 1 44111k. Ltnk tli- Vise bouse. 14uaFil tDaài>t bc O&<s hae O. Tharts-e athesuggestion hotr i r >cS lt;e's kta a&*l >o4n Mî- that au a prolude inb is Lodondur et.' Maè (s Sata.',, *t1tOr apzsoiatraeuî, b. miglit D">,. cf ~i ors.a.tise girls cd tbsw 'ast bave 1StYo ameacouple of monase Whos Bft 3411'k (e Sdfltl*C4* ev Q 1a Waahuagton. Mr. Kiuî. teta*.)< mmi' 4tlr5Reté 40,1>oee lie et the etUoncampeastit i. J> er!r~l ~tsv prtie a reetproeity treeîy b*- '~ ~ $ >I'.~ . tors b. SDW fil. aad~i- lierar i-si ds*#vt pet*at SOI' la the ozily liktvtduaîl ls aili ci'ts' h i'~ ic, sîi ur experlene. asaa egs- read a s-tut 0 cnptm* î t ., - tator. 'Toteea Chmau., Aceoeii- cade~t tiei.dtt>bs coftitfr Irnly,-tlat ho o ' .drafttd for icm 34" 1.klUltl iCt' W 8 4 1>.Choe.bofore on grn heu; ulvm bts t IEhd4*' s C* IMM PeruM&nt pet - muaIeiSt*ti . ~ Pieniaister Riie bould sa» <5<I ,ItI 1> rpe wk< lAhe 1.. ramotiaUoatî-etào% -IV tata t ou M afl doavo War7 lie ou lrav a2 bould W be ougblr eider- b ' d togq stood that ailu rnbave ont Mimd, The toa êst kq s't»" w*a ore Ood. !and Fatr. orneLit.. pgreaiciest, id *, T*sth and £ccvt. NaunadwlW me. is.an l * uab tact- rfct la opr*m t je'W'i ="n~ tut e oduu at prion Mwa #jUsi~ ad te W le -csand the trie brotbboo«I 0* b. btaier Sba 4 Wg l1b00 am i 91 e ! Ied0.»-4ary ruaeR le-w ba t *en sd t- -a.01 MUg" o êt %îiserec 'ery seul %%as hi'cd lt libien to aus extra good pruorain put un by the young people irom Rowdon, the recent circuit of R-ev. F. joblti. Thic iîrogram (onsisted of solos,. duel'. quartettes. readings, piano solos and guitar music, m-ith Re%. >r. Sznyth, of Port Perry, and Rev. r Bell, of Biackstock. gi'.îng short ad- dresse'. The pastor. Rr%-' Nr. jvb- t'-, addrd !bis >okcs, . ici Io mak lic i 'îriii.ï-.nr îo Se re- nîecbrrd lr. . .Jrffrcy. jre:- dent of the W. A. isas casitd upu::n c,) speak. whîch she dd tin a fCai %w-L1 chosen words of thanks to ali %%ho helped to rniali t ',, r u,- cr %ucb a girat '-t- Jr î M is. C. Hiard" anid < ar,. Nere .tirtled rtztntlî Si a grç-ur and mtabn ig' -:iztn %10ss hi-r - s'sns; lau* tie partrr-lgt- tp'- i'otO e Ille sci-et-rm - e' e " i.r"t tara.gýt iarn -s-;e-r'-"nct'!t 1 f f--ni &z ai -i Squg BeillejilE in Pre That bora Bi tinuid siderabie lime. The mn iln the' are DealI Seen For ýC,,R.sevc owtathne J? aitvayB ra ch ~td itb ora wear or taresbecause Ili, Rail ay Bmanc Lin : sst(In bas bc-en let mun dou" Loo0k around Peterboroughi for de ~exaipl >e. and you cari see ther-p- ~., ---.~.., ~ reeii-d modasPairs t bat are ne4ddediri the' roml- e al a fià ýial nt t-; clvitr m<-ths n ltg tnrk andd generai plant. Th'nt Port Hope - Peter- b 11 t fti.' \t en~ - hatC i, . a rig if «' ýý*Lar(cer-tioa- have a - h)an r*r A " r-1. Irancij " lbe Con-. Ifrds roltlk -Il x a' 'a l.rr ! cn 'c" r'-' 1Under New Radl- !S a c>% a '- X ..i p. - - rh: t ,p ways Regime -Thq Metrtcororsgh-Port IHipc branch of thé' (.N R lt ia'sstrs-d of s squa.re dt'ai bth#% rew r goern- rif.tit that Is nîovin-l ito <ttic.' a! (itta-aa.-a RIlèilr"omiaI o! th., ra11%rar oic't'l nusc- aeerFati-tî. .oierc-'cltt~ Ths% t)mlrnitn Rat'a% Iloa rd ..%, -iurdpr reî'îeaît - rî - d 7"tms'nts hy iu5înpiî atnd mur.-- LITTLE- ANNIE ROONEY [~~~VI»' Lo14,l<D ,~' -r?.LI. YVO )ZERO '~VI.t?~, iEP-E Ys44En -WCI0L WAS OL1--tpuNNO 440W 14E. vk-tw -rELL TWE. QiG~T TME~wil'H4O<y L IOOkfiMC, A1rA CL..oCk- Bu-r ê4e (EYS I'-EEow TML xjUsT-r - oe. $Amf- Il 0 let L-4 '-'eadeIa'-d ::îar is stn'. e nie ira NOBODY'L - I->TkA HEP SOOA- LO. iE 4-ir %% LOP-,rBIl Nokli--1IB T wOt YeT. eu-r t1>4 ts URE rI4 f N»4ILAI4D FAMILY WALL SPP.AkW FQREELV ArTER. -44EY G~ GEY QTM~t T tWIW UuTI&R Pm A VW 'ili . Tu. Y TI onro c i -iilteric ' 'ia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (r duicahA tt i' i î n nd q . -' i. h OTTAW~A TU DIREICT GiRAINA1VITlES Three Cabinet Ministers Named Witb Direct Juriadiction o-f til-Po ' abin-. N\ir:îtc-s. w"l'h nit i n î1 t 'r V Ila1 la lin t 41-A z -'. t. Nitîi r-G a r 1I '%Sra- Ilel t q,--. %'a t haie l .~"r l . * - IN o , r ilit l r.- il, * t'., atxIl a 'cNV'h" a: named, whose work was closely linked up with the wheat businesi Provisions of the statute wouJd ht- scri-d*.nized by the tlree-man -,onrtee. Decisiotis ln this r- gard airould be reached with the cornittee's advice by the G-o-rer- nor-in-Councii Mr. King said he aras.riot in a position ta make a sl.atement on whethpr or tiot tisere wouid b- :lit% change in the personnel oi the Wheat Huoard established by the former Pcntsett administra- tion. wîth Jollis 1. McFarland ae chai r nan. Wlith tise objective of ensuring a fixed miinimnum price ta pr-o- d . ~th ON icasrd tîasbeets fu nz- tioniîîg for sone months. and one' (if is first officiai acts aras ta fix itc mnr:îns price for No. 1 N-th-nau 7 cetnts per hushel at Fort Wiiliain. I. iîîi'Ir (,:l cao noe b.r gIa cr il " aracrIa.'u1 Autlralt. F I , MOLLV - I WISH r0ES AND SW4E LOOW<ED AT M4 UIS 1 %%64"4T V~P aTW&B MTA^8189 By Brandon Walsh m MPU >yOO ~%T M ~T Mr~Lubook~ Lx; j I a I a '~ Ti t %v a'u--i flit Ili a k- c. f ii n ifor 't' iii'o dl1t 0 iiq'. I stume foa ht-r a <'frie e' il tt oni ThIe Si UdntaeraC datîni S lng, of M daughter l'light, t( Osahawa. oif browu anud brov gay or y tondeci 1 gare. 1BI dress, ail nosagay c wu attei Il. Sirei ili- bride tin Oshaw on Tui from Osh Miss MatI FUiIS. 0r lihote wa lier Tfatfl cther mis Fue aras H-aris ai o tiarappi progi-an ner antd msal. grf îsutsdrt'd 1 gaod. fi progr.ia a Travel ta thé 131 :)f EullO whichb Wl rlse Mai :)shalaw&, andi Mrd andi Mis selectIOn progre55 olver.wl Thft $tory B 1'aîrish a orifg- . dl0 ( r) PAGE SIX e '~li fr 'v. i . i WiAX5' 1lG14-r __04 WHA«T A D1ASý2L O6 ffMlr$ UJrTIM MOLLV. JO)ST LII<E. IN S4ES A SIWELL I'D- A CIÇR>CUS Aw, 50 tsSUSSIE - 4-, I >aoCrr W64 I<UTTLM eeI4DG I AM 5i «.pp4fl OUT OF rýb ~I, 51V 9rTpC C..aO ~ CI~ A ~'<k CV e I~ '^>QS aA -71-

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