Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Nov 1935, p. 9

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TAUIl ha po n oar, nlne pinceIn aile foefrîro1a niagrlcllat OUNTY s A.rW lavetîr, i l- ali routlItn.liepconae. NIA ID UV TY >nA W Gleloy.1Members i o r oacil _WCiO sniRS W N lth RelletsZombr.ta ststhtrîtln Istormeti thai eocnlasli s tht stnndntd-hreticlana toc lelîl arailable for ,Ontaria Ceuntai n res foateeti toas ici Jauanrantîtients aet te cliege, tiltogi FARME S IYI ~. ~ Butter Aiat a. rirthe geneoitt or Itth5e,Mase~y In h utrcompeittnns, tîe rostrîhateithesn ofni$50 1.0 WA SAT 0Y L ti*ent nîajoritya et o tich tins cosotyaddatsiti m llar ~ ~~ARII1SAT ROYA t otasttMnitoba, tPrer urus alnisantandtislatrtt isiaî nry ftw OnOaiontInoes. Ors atflit an aaordt ietp one os ts'Ly H-orse Qtwners of the Coun- titree howerer, mat s c. Roberrît adent front eaich nsy inaile ty Step Into the hothesit prene. nttt ot o isl ll a ot ansoaned teu one-Poundi prIaIs ol titry but- mhtherthtie coonc Il mnlti taie Lineigt eradeantage ofi the ananc; t lak probablle liaI thece ahil ea rtue openlng day of tbe Royal aiuei f51"~ rncomntdation cotalaî ineth a ie ivît'lorcFair saw Ontario Conty rporUofthIcoIIittie nnAri aroris o tep rîghti lo the ie- a 5UT Il UNI MEiL culure alalchil vli ils ilughi. iihtî ln ttte jidgiISg ai sons o f domnlater ttille eoil ite utntstatstintg hnosclasses. A I A D_______ 'Oaal rececrdd hen T i R 111 COULLER.I ahn Vi, a tslts-yOt-oid trottierR M N IN t astn by Aithut . Damsn ofHAAaiDA trir Perry, ctrtied off tile senior atid ganat chaplonsls tor stat-On-tari5fo Cou.nty May Assint i.l-.ied% sollons, mtertasilng Mse coasi R P EY V R ý, lc nltsacilasa. ue Scoahi P O HEYV R Robhert Bai asti Son, ni Mythe, Fun warda in tileclasses laorileavy -.--MLiii INTIB 1iraoaht hoeIn atheans sefor aitvas rvsîî thaise leIgi ireeyear-oidti.h ey hadt he trt trvaeetam n .-tondti. rarils ant ixnnil noartia the Ontarlc otint>' Coanrtt on eca Based Upon Nature'& Bax- itCillahie, Lantimanil, Jas ansi ton at tIse Court Masse Vetritt irtetocy drultglig rfo hecut noldi hlry in tie close for Casatilan- tioy mornitntha 8younsc tsii ometer, Fur Bearing tijutes, Chier ogalo toni Lerst lrst year canese aa the Ontat t AimaIs and Birds lace and Lantimari vas alaceti Agrcliral Collage et Cuelîtth____ thitti. The.Dlii entIees, George The fart tilat an loccsaslng surni- he anSk.ofU anti Boanle, wnt second anti ber ni ynang fermiers are araîl- Cno a oho i ourdti places respectîneîy la aie îng aiemelees ni thse sppnrtanîîy Oilway Iodions an the Rasas armets' claso for oryeat.idofd i ieeing abreasa ai the trend Reservea anti Back Havi. anidîngsora mares. ln agrîrntaral metilotisvas loîîb- aile tribal propiel, mils ian The entyo eyi Frm carm- etilapon as an Indication that lits sean 72 iniers. stre ifaile liof ait alplace honore ln the coanta vonit continoueta hboit a opinion tlsat th istelr ai 1935- -w Whib>y Wlitby, 408 t36 lats bet metlo irouilaîm apon tata rs saurai barinsetet, ahs toc erîng asialmIs asti bictie. Cool orar ha ptovedtan ie 90 petrcent, correct, bat tilla yesr hba amis ut10ti par centa. perfect. The ciief basstaedti aathaie esse os ubele sautiavard jnarney flent ilicilr than they have fat yesrs, asuOsoeaunifan open vIoler, The fores asti atiletfat- bearîng antmaits haisnont dan- neti a hean y rital andthie beaver andthie mîsotîtn do ndt lblnk a wlster botoni il be necnseary. Ever the iah hne not taben te deep ater as tuap odlnaclly do, if beasa trootos ers pronsleed. Prapbri Binrit Hiavit goes aene furîher iban t tîef-SanSais. Hoeaseirtcth it ta the notai snosv aît sot tait more tian a font lanielttb Thin tact a smdl- cateti by thes tier. vlalil are seratrbincither oe on tresa anti ilsies juat 12 Astises aboya ails groasti. Tirsagi asm$ strange Intuition, Ptopisel Ipack Havk i fntisathudeet lnnarlailiy gelect sas terscathihng marIk aile depti ebt sisoequen ans mut rail.Andt 10 ltnc iebis asas- mente. ils prophet cdaims tia tbere vili br prartieslti nsolflow I- A. Brown, vlce-presetatnrt rz itesitîciair MacDoald tI -ittiitt it trînîna oPtotecc12 oral manager of aile totit n ji tiac.oniEpsoan, nîsîSed I Sr. asti hh t tîtîreful opportittii arlsetmoe cnenoe. Tile ghilet nmpetîtor of5f i!tiiit Mr%. John Qitteon BStui. tihttae i . idabartinanti tittrs. Aplty ILR. i l t tiaNev Zealanti Market,.I, Ste anti Ses.Roberti rn I or titIaitte business 1,1,l asset-,_Oi _tti.LEGAL avor. Isosret Britain, ot[It itthr lîieanitcil i tttast cepoatet. 'At t tir OAP- FOR itt"sT AI'ARTNIENT, a BOINN4&H Brown pretatreti to wmtai[Ou u Ta rtt, ndiMes Ilta B lo oa1 tt.-'ticcso rîae oavs.oi lROWNeahIGiso&. 2AsrlE vialiesituastiona as w,, o a no i' t ta s 11 1 iýtiîtrteFo oittît' oe. , rna diiiae asery nne narstrSLiilr. tre gmd 5taie taihf! on cars ft .. ttthrc, Mr.W. S. tons. an So hti'tntia. 7u0 st t trniet y drtd ovnec nPublie tintCanadygai. 1ts10l Sdat.Iiî W, Msiral.quiet ditiît, reasonable,furic Moley t Loana tend. tfe s aahlng ana -Ie.' McrtIare Sybro manedt tVi ________ __ tititrîotrlbd îcTetephoso 892, Vshltby. Ontarles cesamict. hy ias( meek. lits Stoth Is l ct. taNTEI - TWO .\ It t10i1S Durit,' W H. kNNE The Cietlîsof thie agrriti tgarage t tauck b t iltie tatotittili.t: t!In. la ta 40, fnr tcsNoic -s--Ae. Soîtiss- lE Ch oae costattio nt h s ae ft t tl.Ig MS o l ls, wis basha tîrît t .î ttoiiti. aslate age. ,1iio ici -rser oUiu i h tiespaicifrotomOttawa: - IaI hec tiuaater, ire. A. A iii rranti satary naît t A PL), y - tuprenae Cous-t. Noais-pCouvey. ,r ' nrossg. rît rned te ber hante i,-ct riie, IL. M. King ,1 iliut0 RF.:-nlClinTROLL,.FORi t ancretec. OtawNo.re etat n aura. . 'Iwa HE Y5OAB ni036 Whltby, Ont. vision ai larlfa ily Nei an - d t MesrstOscar Bnmney ant i .t .ta k~I t7inilce Iat fl'e AsBss- fc:BokStreet Nos-ah. ons nsoy clos ni Canat il iii a -' Dat! ccliii tied fessa a ta o - 'il. lt fitcIliof fis Tomwt Iti Vhltby duceti moIns- car wviaicdites. op'p iolia usintse nortil. WAitNO GTO fB 5111 or1> iar1936t.mats rsturned i R. DONALD RUDDY tisa, le taie efieca May 1 vas Ni5r. Math Dot! tank hibts ci 5IÀST5NER tn asie onhe lSth day aI Nonem- liarelater, ttollatuos. PotaepPublie annoasceti Ist lgila yIllie de- ethle Rayai Faim Toronto on StMo Ovnsof unlîcensett l do les- ner, I1075 Offie theah.Court ieuse. fus-m. Poraient of aatie and ca tîtîecco tnpy. Heo roarCtgase aoiteho t. reiis ets are ilecet. ta atieti Anti. utnier,tabritentica. fliai erîy occupîed ily A. E. Chrstian. The exceptan, a tiecresstram Guelph tanti Chicago, tai o n astiler301,,ieisier, haIloetitday for tiin9 appesis tnyena. 20 an 12 1-2 apr Cei aronus CandrtI iailns te5Mr ui NtHt. 1030 theDapartints tM daoa Iit osee&rgî In l e MotPe l, te Wlsihb seableti cars anti trucksai -h (ti5.Lou Verriii aif trooliia t it i. oi tb iee t ptn te'a li dist iiNnenih"ýr. lt 3 50 ________.________ te 'f5 per cent. Britlish nîternî t.:atfa itiliasoaa mitch it ii ititeîrcor opeestor tbr, ua iitiebeir:o îb DNtNB 9JTR may sans-atba.n eountcrartt*hoeut thels hawta Genetal lo s - rtcutl înonr tti a of' JOHN Il1 3. F DUT NAreNhe . oici*NoTa suher Increases. Motoit essono sturtait. sa6lti. set îratia procacedtihi- litHo.' Cterb et tansTowttnifWh ttty Oflismot hleeci St. South intateur! abat any rchangeintahutc MS. ant ihis. Frank inatiiand tutrtse iicrenl fiscali ccc alira or'(lob)s Oppua1tiie Bell Tieiepisone Offce. New Zelasti tarifi anuldIti rhbtenesos Alesn atet triants ai Grecra asinlîn dseet tal n i t etat Phssne taWhiaisj flrtis-. Rivreons Otiday. licencar l,îîedstlty Tarfa nsnbotil assemtbleti asti Me.Stianley Natngiati was ai 'ritnlcenceeles to $2 lt" aocan- LEGAL NOTICESE.M HNR nsasemillei cala outreciassl' Goodeciann ast voei lso ai' ni) Iua.. ER fiatiensa muidd stonhicti asti bai for lits Chils maret. ,i îLiccs aay in procrd tant TREASURERS SALE 0F LAND AOOtlAaSLCTR treblei uilier ais nem cnstiies 'Yeu ares rdlaltly Inn itei taet an- ot Officessln cile ot lrg FOR TAXES NOTAOY PUBLIC illi od ot"Canadiien" te regutiltoc orseries wih araeaeistg heiti p,,tore, Itatilt tealers, and ti h-'Tii\ViTit.vtt rl.Li'reEasttn lesptIlotedWeIOfr sue.liprntttn sanlSItoma lnay.Oantu na îd toi aStbt ta contnt t thelitssgstBcascsetfbrr a-1- 0_a. .anti 7.00 1) i. riessotuîti taIsoselicenesrons Btvtieo f amwarrantistidiy .pheWib45 tbil change la net aI onces apit n setnîîio, Nov. ldtls. oitt a s ia 1toflhoI tîtq tpariiIriettt sertfromtir thMayor of ite TomwnIf tNiiiby~, _________________ parent. Iai tî hna meas o r aiformeretslater,. Rsn H. îatiter. ofiii t-to itît nt i îîîpaeî oetofa . ni a rc,îg date the Ith day nf Jaty, malalng i ensiler fur Canadtieaî n wlîtidmtîî ats charge of btb rIjo aI,t 135, saeoirtfmoasds i e rts if MONUMENTS rme ta irresaslte content sec senro c-aThe rci a sa dîaitialttt e re taxesn iutCtîcst Cîsfuahilîrs nulic N. W. STAFFORDO essara la qusltt tir the touenst rhoti 'isession i ho lie tttliras til Il aMITII. tla t he o n ai1Cr n iter l leî Dae-l npceiaa aai rate, for ilite day. iii atm Si tintrrtni Siîittr ta tIet DetlenetuSDecemitre. tilt Ceassise tiAgloîWi.hD.t Casniglitit uuind"n îar,filetassandtirsti rc,îs Fis-ah clasnos-k ahtsodeato ton. W. O.nea il t e w an otiCrîpaiti NtotceîsI lrety oneri thtiti pricea. sttei hecisas tsaie ea Broughamnritue li sif andt'iltsaî fr Sos asn Zealanti tarif! votme aisttreJ.h 'itaî a ltaargs attend oftiaxnes te h-t'4 pboieein s1,TAXIS reuet tattu ii y aortir si t i ti t - ,e onS osnda), iOntao Gazette (nthîe tiî that f an eenorageothi îîîîîîîriatioa s.ein BROUGHAM 19 - IIr lt 'lI iafl 'oif lC. S tthiieuf,jtniss. uti tle tilttia n tiDoJfRYN Nev Zeaiaîti tîtît' oiledti ,.o loie Wlsain If litsalva, '00.ta tii' -tît rit 1 -, cachens t I ti[rsantion I2od aîltioofl N, O J B Y abat the asseau i iiti ho nrtk tit i fat aitte iantioniII>Iîîî _; 'onot't'ho serît a lt'intrnutsol . uitý -es cil thr sa "i Central Taxi Service dans filerts T ii."' uhlilgithts f hu ait at ttiipantid Nrs a-' r i h fthes choirîr ,,t Ctiebe 1-1 r tmeioffic w H ae Sdn thealteratitnns f,11 ,O'Iilutiate itIi ftieic tinetarhi Ttaitaii'ttthisttittatlonc364 ednt iBce ea from fru -o 10Io temr tiui leses tirroileîr, Ni iii ut tî1rl aceourtin t si- t f ho e 6 cent. la disly on it oeicarswmoiti tlinon, t 1r1o lon"li,,t, IRIIliST. for Day andl Night Service &Bd tracie af 7. --cent. or Tha Crocku r tointly ortif - t-ucey maro *1- _______ ,Lraitts EMTFE moesBritash rontIti'ere s-nloy iea ii o tf L t l 1 inîg tele rlît'. tE ETEIE Decreases front p ee cent. ta Mes Matheti t ut t. clan Char, h.,TtuFASq iiR'S SALE .O F ILANDSt hr Wootmin ttianti miii i aot '-musical Iuc t l'I()"T 5 bES, COI NTV aîîl' GROVESIDE CEMETERY cnt soitleloi ut 'heir n-a a stisad tendpes ON tTA RIOeW OlNS.Sao faln tahie icînut t uitTomnts the stsoeanti ara nom c - tti t uil.1 Atheumat iiUnshtT W.HsJNES.2000 anti alaag the eh-rta--ftaIse On- busisnes.i day one i t P t trIs aiiwarreant tssitid Phonekîls5 Ontarioe tartIe. The asnivrasary sertit ros h I hoYViartiesnifthe i'aatlrof (4luso. heoeîsgdadte, tho 'ira ____ titi uagoai>a ItsOîeCIof ansIno __VETERINARY a-.,-, t ors ni taxe ntohe o uoor a Starting and Fnishing Reco rd Stratotflht îtîtî aria. iii ctbrulli etme off' s DR. J. N. PERRY r the Coure ttî.1eVahuli, te 51 rirnary Surgeon t-scureof 2 olck aiin i le '-a ut 'ln h lta h 5 ' of0 iar e Daout 21 5 Mary Street boira 13h. cItîtiahe tanas an areuld utic 1, idephone 1669 ttieltg tpubishettin te utaila t NURSING ut t. tit11,41 oy he huit aitut' cffice J "Il t ,t hoNurhse E A hitRAY, tht lîc l i i î. uutrît $1 filet 't Trrastttercil offie Ntii hoy ituutul 5i ta t. tir itt c irte - a ~ ~ tSepteîîîOes il 193. ittnonsti nsne m t i t-u ld tirs 1 poil- Nhatare ar l-ides Immunà tei ist-aoes h i rutitnia hase ah lin "e ait t di -Ger Briron(tittln ululrsa r nu ta ,Se t h w lite Oitn, .111a] ti t uht C AI O0 KI Of ah. Hsghesî Qusit Susmaet Prucea Dom e6fect. Bssy Nos. R. GOLORIN PHONE 70W Port whihby t i( utooi n5TCF rei- t ifiToftati 5' a- hnteuaîîîf t'- l.ttt1A'hilthr 1 tha Oit li t i a ...it thne liai alu," '10,kam. onhiandai tt u.ire .îî, f Doc aine th-tpaphis njettiottOl h.. il 'utneri ,- 1 . f w'T 'o.laa 0t. Whiutî iti- i- fo ar 1931; Ari d, L totutuhlate nuit - t1tî.tgoinsrt m hoit agmon Iti«o - iugO ii n qa- ted tut attend fie liai it sahult 'h oi 1ý aidî * fS.ciber. , 1 Jolti'aOHPiti" T Cmiei af oc ruieT-na of Wiaaap la ort e a alsise eres suent lorait -t ti-i- thou is C, , .1 i '-di ut. iii uts ttassa N. 1-ut.1--tr r ai ra,h mie t" ir -, - t q li 't tir t. i - THE WHITBY GAZETT-E & CHRONICLE TI IURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1935 _____________________ WOOD'19S TRANSPORT Toronto Osha"w DAILY SERVICE Local Cartage and Moving at Special Rate& Toronto, AD 2001 WHEN THE HOTEL CLERK TELLS YOtJ HE HAS NO ROOMS .AND) HE STICKSî TO HIS STORY ..AN]) YOU HAVE TO STARI LOOKINO FOR SOMETHING ELSE aaa.Donat bMaine the clerk.. Resolve instead always to Long Distance cihead for aiccommnodation. Night rates on "Anyone" (station-to-station) cails NOW BEGIN AT 7 P.frL sa-tlnd finish o e t âtis i-l~ hei lgt laln hC tls ,5in-, 51 5-eM r .1,i1 i Indse-rmon rase hilghes- shas nin efesi trilnglo psrti.tsttlot 1. 1 I l itt- r . t t. aIeBns H. M. BLACK. sOins-t dIIe..tise mamaassah iag gleaunes5 lA ilv aIlshr . I t cis.tit'It . 'seerss aMalng sic balla-n0. Zte nh I NEW SCIIEDULES BEING CLASSUFIED ABVERTISINO Business Cards ST DID Y OF IC AL Auctiori Sale,%-Loat M IA LOST-On Thur'day, between DR. R. T. MacLAREN GEN RA J AO OR Roya! l Bak and BYronStreet haca n ugo hattath taleofionsIl ouîtî tt Ia rse contatsîrc moey ,a Cor.Restderice anti Office __In____C_______________( If \.tL, J .,. ta etrit eGtazelte Office. t'hitby.. New Treaty Gives Addi,1 - e en.o nalmbid'b oc nifr ae. As t1t îîî Articles For Sale DR. FREDERICK A. CUDDX tional TariE onesin ,nl it hcil ot. 1 to7Ittlntaitn-I i sdtoyi oh 1,cblr. PIANO FOR 5ÂLF-GOOD UP Co. Dnd s adC uI ld tar to Ca n a dia n Unas- tibtotttdut'. cr ieotSait-ai 1.30 c'ctatk sti*rt -inor riglitinott, IBentîetc. go toileTelephose 5o seanbled Cars Shippeclt i ttt îtt 'f carste. hO h . [ ost cas h. unttttttrtr aittt'ttttCraE tit tt50 a gail littaiff Frmrly onytorcarsit If ssid Infie af twon INSURANCE New Zealaxsd ,"H it!. Fd armcto 0 m eeks. WrittaBats40, tGazette Il. ttîitilicnttrried i 1V" Wanted andiCh'ooicîe Offitce. ___ L W. DUDLEY GREAT BRITAIN IS - 15 e. aCI2e. ire WVAN TI bD-A ci111.tt Ititi, FOR 5AL5-SEVEN WEANINO aioa ~lIIE COM ETIT Rnt1tt a1cmt iedcc ts t ai.ge . iogond tond ..'ie-ir.itto. Ali W. J. Bllard, i.. NtinlLife Inauranco Ce. t tor tauinDritîsit castrat. FrtreeA1tomo.iNo, 2, Whttby.anis lit iaFe lions 20 e e tis FAphonesen67J.hle,,A1,drun ans Leeens O i t ml ttt soctierd s. . W ît îiit 'TFOR SALE- _BRICK VENLERIt iic Effect of Treaty Dpnso ý' et, lasnbe a VNE IV 'ýA ossxros i ovni ike ~1ar caca ir0as on tt75firr attd rticaieti moosan. t.rably bue îests i ostPhono Ce WJL seSs rC ne- '" - ,idl gd o , l rlnese arttge auronra antissans- Udes t . aW., %WIltb7y e... tishci ntt ana- k, u' m r hitchenî, casrs m itis trait sions Are Given to Cars itibody daty. twoa aday Ita rend bto aile' t1esa o î'îîn tstîm10 ta 1arnfoi ann iji Chenu for qlcistle. Appiy Bn.i UNDERTAK1NG From Great Britaira tî icsorei D rtitshcontent. azLtte Ofice. 0ta teasiCcli. - itirase fiîam 20 ta 60 fe et flotaîls o e i*New -Zen i t tîseahlidtrucksn bettoecis50oWANTICD-A BOY Ot0t1? tiF F01RSALE StX TUBE 110- W. C. TO'WN Icanle agreemen, whic pr tit i er ptccnst. Britisse riteli' Judo li chosi age. t it - rcs raidaio ptaiy W.Pariait, l'enferaI I5nirec(ar hanti tiibalmer ne ocesos l aii or Tl'rairain Iaae ar,, os aCarda ta spaco rt laid 309 DuaseSi. L.,Wbitlby. Atlnîlnce Sertira natalan cars siaspoti te New s r asmbt crs iîl;nall arîsOtont. _____ For Sale'A.uA.4ROBINSO landi la an usassaiilied stat iiicitaa" GazeteOffice._ForSal rae nw s tllua mrie til 'aiaitcontent st etstttcd tac%%ANTED-60 TO t1. i 175 nS atRiCI OttSE, EIOBFT R to%1S. [lanerali Dirrtter and st i turtss stuediby eex salves oethIe t sti're tr r ote ents. : % iibLiillint, cn i asb-bti ater îtsattng, exreptoonlt>1BDaler oalI roios.f.anda Ld Ti gre e t extrde,' anlital cdam apYii' .'iPly al ric elar. litaimoti ato an r ge ctt Ambutlace Service Motomme nCn a l esrda. nm i ov. 24tote t arot titis uo 100 tGazette Otti. frantage, icstare oatiat. Write tIhboue N. 2400B irooklln. (tn. dsy as hontaler posibte efet , tttllitarit! change. ettec WANED- MOST IaSt iii BxN1, Gazttehyd CLUMBERe thle business nifaile comgnas l t iii' fleat iay t. only aitecaltiontil. aain Cre 0 ; Y nwL M E Canerai Mtern ni Cana .s- , i ,t ccî ci. izingmaagendles In i,. a ov el, bas for anme titn ille ai. t,:,tin r, a v- nce t For RentF.LB CR T onsd expert busines Wtiîne a aanlsfisvra .LBERF Zealanti, andti ilabuBfsin fI I ir.eroU ld ii t-APABTIMENT FO10 IENT, 3 Lsia.itrirTit VS nataa1y be ilenefited btiti,,*'FyrtLe 1 ilo> w me 0 t-a, i ý ra r osa sae.ftliei 4I l.nd in i4ntiiniut agreement whilch gave Car iltt ____i it rPrevîflus issoi tii rrl. Can e unse.Apl orRoiigadBidn i larger shoare oi tise markei .t rue s ot neeaary. t t ilti-t aze tt fice.21 !ebrc Not ..1-1111.___ __ __ ___;1_ 1'i1il, Strc,.t' rt 1

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