Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Nov 1935, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE Wl 'HITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, M95 O e yRotarlan Beverley George, Board oas mode on Tuesday whlen Of Part Hope. was tondered a thé ahorelioldeCseeceted Dr. Ad- GRNO F Z$O5!"" e alo vot Vc-eien0 t l'te inla 1,1 pE,,1. trir>Dean of C. L. Noamot ed alVie-resdetr. Womett *-Pnnesley Hall, Victoria 1L thenrr f the oai, mîto reterredl Oolleget Torono. Dr. Addison, oeed d lca ~I floowo, 'bae been for AUCTION SALE, 61VEN [MïON FUR jeaso piJl 0byavct sl o ho o! thed pr pesencîonleh 0F SFfCiRS ' b. a up rteodent 0f the ChH ase to.hliaOntario Ladies' Col- (COntinued front Page 1)lules of Durham and Northomber- At tho neeJnio f the nem accourut oI approximaitey$100 for fard, reorge E. Aioo]ry 0of Osha. fBoard or [irectoro. la addition ta the hurual plot i f l as possib!0 o waand boevoloJon LP)e.eoflix- -the elciot ta of Dr. Siasons aa rats. the money otitero se. 1 le bridge. oho caoins0as a guest of Presldelit and Dr. McGllltvray se & NQE S plot ha. already heen suhîeco ta a W rde lrd T. owe. Presldent Enieritlo, thea followiog groat deai of expeneoaned lad ai- ,Driez the lucheon Presldent Offcers Inere elected: 1 have the finest collection of antiques ever of. Somelhng pi thoecrv finee v o! r liteoiiaile serire 'te has G. Rogers. tod Vice Presîdent - fereci at one tinne, consisting of mahogany din. Counoat sn Me. Do creeu s tter met fasi iltiit, iadbes ere alo)R. N.*Bî etSecrelar>- - G. TheLegon ot no no ove a p,,eeedod 0i tO e etohers to~ ing room suites, walnut cesks, occienal chairs, Ccn nteplotneetther dti thet eho wee 0arceopted loto Rotary heg fonds te buy f.Tlite plot bas tciittt i O Oat tlictlas',lonrioon. tables, gluséware, candie sticks, grandfather been lestoled, seeded. and a cernent- crbng boit aroand lt to proteet it clock. AIl wiIl be csffered by auction onl Now a cross of saceetos rrado to A I THEFISOF FO1WL wbcnt olfo hr ierecîed, made ho local me ASSISTA CEIN TLa~~ Nov. * 5 Ths crossstlands 16 fret andeet ilCUII O CR Tues., Nov. 26, 193 bce erecîed, ittsee.peotedshoril AI W s 'P The icter set forth tbat t if flic~JT Concili bit iker sakng a donation Mr. Deverels romtetttee oooid INuTNT.F FIONa gtadiy rais. the balance. 'te that U O LIN et 10 BOND STREET W EST way W tsy .11ti help ag toeny Cunil eels Slu oLAÀAand ai theoaie ime i iib (otn rn ae1 OS A Aprood cof our ainsiirs lt", olls f eiîidrpneo bote. tI tion ta Curb Nigbt O~UiVV ~the ltter zoncue.egt ors, fit- aid. mot one case aadr o ihtheria hted heeorecorded Soie at 1.30 p.m .anod 7 p.m. Ternis, Cash. MRY o ot." ord enverohl- ttear icang nmere JUSTICEMon l3owmof reor eii ai ie.wle Rgre etlideep ocr W 'y tt ,,,atding ln ceont ce- etheee-rc treoeto of tam- o W. J. SULLEYoI Auctionfeil. Perte . ~~nd tel Otd 0 b> cilier lo 0lfo h eet ftrn W. . S LL Y, uclon r TOuIIELP I O 0RLD hoditberoin the Coonty, thé 00- __________________________________UM M___ 5 Dr- irk, :alid hat flie futur lere peotet day aahad thet thé [AYNAN OELLAK ' iiffiit ron:lIUttîtt tur::-CtetteonteAgriculture rg mota f-tot fotnt litaIt of Ihe ila arecoin, t) enedation et te a pas- __________________________________________Witby hall, e'thotgil teiehall thee-iroîteodlneorthé <Continued trom Page 1', higitet t rito fÃ"r tt mn f laceour dthe perboio roads, ssw met distttrot e eean ht it )rd er arrIitl ota lns meoy Ight tnerttdero. WH N in O HA Adlscesraged le ment o0f ittelre- eiueitlpalitte-t hî, publicheltit The .er,,tusess et the situa- VIJHEN iii OSHAWA ~ ~~~latlonahips. domettr oettîotand enurse, lIettait!. hol] îtrotaitraI iren -tiltgt 1 h tete c1tommiercIal; an e oi O ttt t o t o-ttii, oi tr o t te a m igro o the attnt in 1.10P and LUNICHI lîe ieli ed p o ýratiiIeteo d- te 0it Iitottdo more et- ifleee MWîlfrnotBain. ofSct oerie e-le e ro ot' ec id ttte etrr fi l, it vtazeted thet Townshipçlitte eteted fhet le his wtde ln thetr applicattion Ttte tiltl te t as tetatiproc etltlt- h le tw si uird f c ik -AT- 0w grssimec weeghed ln the bl iens Ijîtte tîttit ale t'rtp. as ahai ed beensu otiootfron t arner.. ncré aud toiu a intît e rlgiouo teenot ho raeo flt Mary e o ther tPour difiore-ot taretere had ot r a~anf BoCiat teadere e-ht erre foire'- 1 lare . DrO ilie-ode lsed te Club their suffire ftrtlt o0f geeise. tean- TheRex llStoesed ta srender l-f heir limita- inVthit h1 tl o ond e-rt- otsi.tltellier rote ti(,ore ee it'nlht t ienos. They ree-tteed thet One' mec If,' hoseeint etttt,,tttr filtflIe ipre- m eoei e Sce e ukp foatdhet slefo ordtherut li ctetonlao! titit etetboîh o-de- truel o t- The bIrdii more te- LOV LL t hé -iol eort. itremtst o atttoi ttl tti wrid-eIde fot'otn the part et If le00.0 tenu il)lInvOite thoeme tpaiet t fed the featitet ms , n s e 50the ccballmg rsdnt-t,îtt Cit retaîr- left eue evdnîd, e-of cho lied 'hap- Drug Store and Sodla Fountoîn made> tisrouhIttiery. ieit ai ,er o h tt o i Cead pesefl oas more, tap sem [bat the prie- beifare ttc ttir, i tetet 'u iîotn bs ieo a 8KING E. rpé,tesohtnts end li iee oif con, weo,,il, "Ttee- Ced- etas t hoe e C1hr:It,thé toe-iy Pazareer, muef tt sti elîtto til] tl e ,oîîy eroes," ttc reeve ommentedi, li exotsnded tbroegliouithoeortf ýu rneei.ovr, it aeot )i t t tîtît î t flotatt larî r re tapieg up ail ___________________if 'hSas roegs were te b IteIrvet te hoear ,-e ,il,,o trit tght. Offtre b ave rapeIattat-ned rîgltef and Justice,.ftee, pet ce,-hoeg t-arrt-t, d - t t P 1,, t Ioî lte liee, -ilea o l ____________________________ n'natoti n 1eo ee rot. ti et. their itommie te gîve waiifg. Worisi jsst liheSuner Robert i Reesor, reeve of The speaker eitetref the worîf Pickering Townsthip, sî-ef [liai as --'l---aytore mth -- ALLIIIAl'ilstownesth iehd experenoed The Message cf Haggai and Zechariah a thé stre-eg appcessîég thoe ee', 1k IUILfILLI oUhl iedouleabsltanigrerd or --fRis Ttis N UESu-DY OBOLLESO" the ricis lecomtrichcer end the AN A lE N ýie apitaesteedngeioeo! thiefer BRSS O TESUDA CH-L ESO', wpeor poocér. toile rationel trîfle fl0 th aprfling n eesi r annant and peaoe fer remeeed iir IIIL UIIKU BEoutfeotereit- *.uu. *..... - hm lte rizon, andf eeslrei US Detoiy.iev ya iiad MA aaona amnunBUNmnmaenuln»1teopinion tht etai - re trias t-un- FTEBORD.-, OF.,i iEnsithytoit Ly at (Ilier 1tI;: le Itua-ntitîonl Icifors to ImmdIa te attlon ht cantraet- -fotretd e-th uheosoime conditions f t 111 -iiiIJÇ t eecty bifcaeitîa at t - e o 1 , 1 t, t ,pie fer "- n thec 0ec w la i l ie b uses" ne pres-oued lne li ay, fep fthe - Liabuiti t]lid n tI t~5-'4bIl t-t i 1 622; cethte é eapetf runellial cark-t'(-)d Testaet ptoltets Thiecon- .-1*. UlUvJI -e te ing [halls tona conclu- alet n t4, t i ee e-ltf lîagai ei the steofet olind'lieuese. Ililoce toi f id eorid decs mlght 1-1 H snite i lcotathe etfin- tedI Zteh, tlot, f4 i1, tr o ldîen lJI Content 11eo-tres eil ho the hlattry ofo urmoderne eeittfTT i te I ill lt ciler- e w O ftlg $2 tPl teolete 'l ot oi t 2 , 'I1 as gleetss -oil ntt- inu i -- le, l tet ow nshpsal, ng 'a o It h eetltosalaite,,nite, Lo t t tépendaluientse-uee te Mr Tîckli rged thte Itotrîtn, e niM - -tl, oilram u tl go in tî thobo etuse et! the Lord'- tae oppeste eotremis.Tht peuple t orcfor théeaîestse-metanis tr. G -irrf-,,,,~il , Rt il.e il Togv ne) t i o ha preepte- wo.fer ears ere satitsf 10 1teane o w0 Ro II l i' hI Ib retePr ,, , - , tttti tIp old fite coano il tbe T, to agive e e qell e -lill t e , juliere er et t - a c l t , Ietefsl ýIngip ., b o!fa oetm Ute -it 8e l"0tatempte,were eue- disent- bsloafmco'W c iittTorie e t stl sfo-rod It,, e -rebilsicer ai 1to ttt ie the olfla-ee té temple tliat'lercfelont m an tte statlle , Ir rm,î- -- - ,ttt Celedge îm er -t- etieco foa et e letre tere buaiding ea-.mot 1ta lie as tilcefor thesaaîaeY rOf suc tim -e o I e t11,o.1ttt e-a s stie feeling therof- eýaleaetif tito- e-bete ilett- The tgloriott aso Slameeca temple i muoitîes Empleyers O ot hmto ttrade or(,-- f ho--t oli ralione of [hie-t r If1î I,î , l l it bto y uit Aliit i thaima Of te eldeal aifIli dd ntpmo it -e t el t e ' ltteelI I t tt , i-d rsaa lie-aett -en t t-l t,-dto. Ohio it eile, had sen T rog i r îzai netaes Pvrmoet fulng lutte Pr Ito-ell-or Iit :adt tpi, e aieesl f t o-t ,pet -Cod asaircfthei t lit the oaîory and ailthelie ad sherteco t ,erfr e tI i Ittenttrance i o-haaetipoe 510115 051/5- EOf obitsttlatter hoae ahouîd h ttbt -ot e ad aI hBone t-'t1tTrre I, it t t , rt-fteeaimoot tee ile- ho- IIAG4dtO,anod,_ Zaîliertale flstogreat t thate etfte frmer".lié- fon t! lise e-bu sooglit tehave -tWaltlac,tt w iI t-u -'mr tiet el h --oe-eepet-e te tephet., me-r hp cause, *t ha dsre of sil nutiîoso fair vting mage eau ute thene b 'ahilîe a - t lg tre pt rît- etJeulsbeh xilesa t110a.tlcomae and fil]thti sane 'JO or î-er saotléun et eea e-t e 1PrýP1fon h abln Ih gdort - Ipleet ted oi empioet otfd lie toe a- cai i t t teth Zoruabael ti ( gisltISite mpflsioe's a-. p ., ltî--qtfouniled os justice aont o. yeot t it C Iti semediateto Tht fart fltt jesuse Chise tir, Thre a nI. lmitt aotOr ey o-on te ituaee IteJehi eteotd o t e t ha temple that eo - e ts tI lma a d fh o-tIlor i -Ile and t tsa"i esaand li to- mre btildinlg canif mre than tpe-to deciara., otîîî-t, t- tuu -lete rho- a knehe o~tfr litamatorial Inferlosr-- 55rpî tar. sli f lt îîtiî o tf -et1 n, lte fle ua temple. Tlie et- ,ttOtp leor for pit oe dît--1.1 e,-- l tif t tbealii huidr;te tn ega toa lartar frtes-t i& orp i ofeii t -e- ,tîî-î th1e introsef prospes-it>' brea et e- t a 0yOutb, vouez ni I a1, I:Il"ý ch h eeinr e o af thir plat>' oeprs-- tttP%,-etpo utgof ment tetfor -- ri 1ttlie lt i tf Ezra oe neli heee tee-pis building e O -, lirsgieg olaaaedl otsa I- etite l t',tt-gît-m litdif i lie tho Apostie Peter8shet' cere I ,-Iflglngp to o brider l.z- te ttit-e . t the itttuiO -at neo , -Wehvlia ittail anf fol- , , t h oeuct bg eootie ge e-etîtt t ti,. rticd ti oe-edlete-b watiabet] eehla-te t-tteon e irond te promt thtt t t Iti i lodtutI etili i Ihefere- Haggata thîi d t - add-g t- o t t , -- t-- oe, o-i c ssoteas te corec ttIltis neoten- j t' t i mn e , no t,, t t-t, --ff-tr ed eetpirit bli eminding t titanf ta tsat1eth h-le il t e ut t oItla that prs r f tiftilte-enrl )et titrer rter -, In , , t, a nde reusto-litez thon ta.ealfflit lut,-nileontaadfbhin elle ý ioient o ffr Cdis bleue le -bIpi. justitcoean e - Illir heino, ofte--t-11etabIlshad as tati t tett---f tt puioo--- ose Foors e, i pardd-e lit lete t- i iIp Il., )n iletttaineiet'lbieitlerodttftil- t, -e-.snsnthm u ettttî, tt nii o,,,t finaelt ddoeae (0quiet thoto- tars loriss st s lle a t tllie susrrounflîz natitnsatfoCielsgadeiuo- i--i ut-ut- ti1it het, te tilt' eieThr-v ëe-noe -itttt, -s omnI t 1 i- te t t i 1 i, t t (;ad as theitdrfetse o- fi itl hat mut d niu t ii h e- e 0, 1',- 1 I, g tei bide lait prîmisci Ifeîeb-îe- a aeg as- le ab re au tîîtt , i t,îîeeîî ,ruro and the earth ' The- au e-,gt f e tad ho s ne- i i ,........ Il fil 1t111 - 1 1ti ilte- pte- tte tff ite Epltlitio e he HP t- fet a-s a t he-i liee Tt, iii t,,i.-,,- oimet (12ee 26-2f8)tnoes thic t t, etof menta eempllvIlih - et lit-t - - lt- irnt i s titlod tpiersIrtil, , -ait jr.1 , - ieeaa eri- toC n" -t ,- e lotti î rtîIitJ e t e t i, , i i ettt lite î, tand phase ot Ite tuesti, o î, - t ti toi ct A tlpsearthiîa -t, - - a>' a- rail challenge tt t-- îtîtît t, ue - fttbt rittteh e thIlgd ,n , palierae-bee-as Iid it Pentdute -t12Sit,:1- 1i The Message of Haggai and Zecharisal ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ~ Aeuif t osto pence after tihe it captives t1oc hubre f rom Jertisalem te Babytan, i trot kintofetPesa, asdes-cf tieir se- lore ta e eid Jee-eaa-em sandtisatemple, bout 50.a0a of [len led by Zersaisabel journeyed hach si e- at jo. Âttr rebuiifing thse foueditiens of the temple and is ltar tise>' bgbuilding thi Osee--she,..nd moklag ssoney. The etue-ned captves a-anasted tisaItise tuuee had est et cee-e te batîf tisa Lordsa boeute. Tise prephets ampagi and Zcho r ah bukedth ié people foc tisear r-- God's hous,. Then tliey lirgan t,,, The oaIder fatlke-haiad seenthlb tf temple wep, btt[he t'eut-gýpt were quaIt content and roe, -ai comforte-f tisapeope sy ate -e tee [at tiar temple- meui ho more ,t-e danSolono. heauft do t -icamne Chrscial "tise deire of &Il ,tens tao liit iweith hi& glorY". #GoOIEN TENT-1 ibm 122 1) Il For tyour SHOPPI NG IN WHITBY let the Christmas Shopping Edition of th e, Whitby Gazette and C hronicle to be published TU ESDAY, DEC. 10 Be Your Guide Extra copies of this edition will be circulated in Wbitby and dis- trict. Thqrg will be a complet. coveraize. Advertisers ehould reserve space now. Thigo edition wiIl be attractive; and a complete s9hopping guide. Watch for this special edition, complete with regular new8 services and many new features e Tho Whitby Gazete and Chronicle Phone 23 Ail Dopartmonts

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