Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Nov 1935, p. 5

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THE WI4ItBy -CAZEIT &HROICETHURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1935PGEFV Cli 'tsi W Ita ho li lah the ruc nl ne lis, t, or1 hal ver the son the mal lu lia. mil the $un tho; tht0 Th( ps-s Iliii bs-i lum s.w Dot huo Dei W. Ste Mo per. Jack Rid, G. Gascoygne, E~'R A E Outwin. "Put On an Old Pair etF il.~l 1 ~ 1i W .~~48'Jf. 11NIS R'V'LSHOW Shoes." by entire chorus. Finale, IINITRE HLL Mbyercfheoorus::::F:mLAUDS YOIJTH ;IN OU T AT' IiL ALOtwnRoLad l= "..SUSENDED' Davo Ruos, G(ld Gescoygne, uySsin PUemgh ea ssmosudthe Lloyd Cotelo, ra l HMun îîey, aeS"' questiaked Ois by thl. ot_ poSmired by Lionà club Jtack Raid, Bil1l Popper, Gordons court et Whitby Yester. cear. IR W&& BIisa lssnbted oui ha For Cbrîstmea Cheer Ed manie: "Resto,' H. dy fem onW ity éd tbe Cl9Wi, COfsiderahle and Welfare Ounyou; Sambo."Ted Humpti- T'nhpmais Chaged mne. o ageilte outf or a "Moonahine" Clint Pancoe, "Llght- With Recei n tl-1CraWls Attettiiy Q. D. Cuvant Spnoe yteWib i nui ," C. Greenfld; "Mose.. Don - toen observad that th* offensaeti etbi, Sposoadby hoWhthyLinuBel; Interlocutur. W. J. H. Rlch- Apple, accused bad plnlaUd auillty vo, tub for thé beitItof thé Christ. asdios. aTilnt D haeeIsê fthecnrolîy is hoa aa Welese Fnd, Th chrusvasabl sopored Magits-ats Fransk 8. Ebbs dis- and drivais by mais Wlo wee very rhitby Minstrela, directed by hY Itagnar Steen. piano; Walter posed of a number of cases ln POS-aien bard tu tranir dowo. fgLired gnr Steeb, played ta imo fu Thomason. viollo; and Mr. John- ours Court haro Tuesday after: la thofis of aprAes and niber orn- Wetsesayxn Tor- ton, Osaaa. drummer. noott. otodItias trou the fermers> Ni r )seam Oti s- ndThar- ho Amateur Show Foollah Heilowel Prank Conant thtogitthat sortielion. ty evenîngu cftis week. These The amateur- show psoved tlulbe Provincial Police Constabhle Joliment abloutit h ieted out il Loe bava Ins pasi yeors eeon a vert poplar fElalore aiihoogh Jas-vi,, uf Oshoaa obarged a the acoused. nuler witti Whltby cttionn, aud thoeanes ware mlot large. Anoth- yonih, N. Paintor, of Mrytla. Magistralets oreame i a yer vus titiexception lte e r yer this attraction shoold hoie ilh onlawfully honing Is bis accusea 'in uâtildy for onue aeci ites vider berth. Thé Jaidles, possession au offensive veapeis. for senntence. with* a atfccsîîoil ie. John R. Prosn d IMrs. A. W. nemely. a obot gin. Evidence dis- that If rentitU11ltsWlàaaode tiiL Thé entire show holh eveinge, lynde, awnrded the prînes os foi lroned tiot ou Mallaee'eunight the meaistinle,. Iliwold lho cejid- ludiiug the Mitistrein. Johnsiton lotis; lot, Carl sondlFrank Pereni, teat lie Oired i ahots throuah a ered vhen lisîgment mai bcng, se Magicien. Doria Moutsany guitae: 2bd. Doris Powell (danc. eludoti at the home o ai Ia-sy gisais. id hber Dupila. nnuhbera by Rag- inol: Ird, Mr. Glriffut and iss Burgess, north of the vllagîe of Jack Young, Wbitby, tiso Oued Lr Sten's lIopila, ad lait, hut Griffuo (harpes). The other entrant Ashbursi. Mgisrata Ebbî, fand- $10.00 And collta Or' 1t dOY8for Pt ouit, thetaateaur show, villu eau Thomas Vasoeeaby. nd-tino Ing the yoth guillty, ceminlel tiing drual luneaIltIble plare The on Blii Davilauon ptîsch bitting fîdîler, The Peresi brothejo are h!mnout he seriousnesn if lts of- charge vas laid l'yJohn Thomas rMajor Bowes. tise highly cr0- pupila of Itagisar Steen. fense.andthie lfolatnes tof bis who sailI that ho'fosoud th, se- able and thîne sttendlig cr- DrsMatntnlsvrli action. He vas piaced os suspend-CustaI lyieg neas- a dilchith e, ily got more thon the vorthiebr onsils made an excellent con- oluc oeynggucifrhas 0 h o oînm tiil o te ths-irbttitileth now aai mreCosta, andwyulliho roqirol te lalmel that hbliitbad herod tholftinoisey, w î nteot, rbto a h hw n erekep the peace. vine ta, drink et the bhume cf one mdl they cotrlbotedl tovards a weil reclived. Doris MolîtenOt Fred Duhsulh. of Whlthy «William Harris. Il grruvslijeoîl ýry vorthy cauoe.' la no strooger tus Whithy and ber Township. as chis-eed by Cou- that It W8s 4 telple Calefronf'tm Presidest W. A. Dontielly, if acrobiatien usuhrs dlemontrated &table jsrvis vlth receivisg sto- tii. Harris femliy thart riou ht1 e WhIthy Lions Club. befure théetihat con lhe doue hy rua tiot leui gonds, namaiy, six and Ibre thé Polios tu gatbier Tenuoin stain vent up, thanhol ail pré- practice ef gracefol as-t Thé quarter hrralis of assles, llegel Vase Agaiua Awlournn.t nit on hohaif of the Club ana dancinf and other nimbes-s by ta have beu stolen front thé Th. case of 1D. C. Eveesti ci i Welfre Tond for their pos- lber lentil e re sry gond Indééd. rarehooso ef John Pollock, véil- Oshava, oaftd Witb etlo ce, unI expréasedt the hopo tha Tise tiypsy Scene known rcotird ovuer. Whithy. Iriviing In Withy cm Orlober Il. ly vold ejsy the showi. One of tise nîceit nombers of Fie picaded eniity taeitheibiarga vas rrlandO4 for nuie ..thul, i fembers ot the Lions Club Cois-!thé avetiiig vas tho gypey scele, thrOocli bis cmussai, Lents S. lfy- accouaI i eltg 011*11 b acs floîîred tee cooperaing euth Mr. Stses, ishIn struimentali ad vocal noin- mati. of Oshawa. Constsble arvIs lis an acldeItt*Ilih injrtoei m tagint the show mre L. W. bers. the participants beiug dréas- told thoetort that the accusadt, Oshawa ueo lat ciarea 01111 i, tei seiln, Dr. F. . f15Mill n ii- ed la gypey costumes. Stan Hill1 wben ltobn ]iste cstîdy, ssII PHoptal In tiat iti. rn Davidson. t and Cys-lt Savyér. Ohawa, audJ fli h b ougbit tsomuples TIso MIstrel show Bru. J. Sevdon and Rucuar Steen, troct a ahois heeidtual knoa Part 1. of thé prtîgs-îm eauthe Mbtkp r . tr.Savdeson akhmuo the roaltutu a 7 eà rè Wbithyshowtnopepas-t.herHotiever,Ic mas ftunt!tiret theo asrl hw rprvthco-- hoeinthesoloist. occused lbadttabou the apies lu f es, solo, musicol isombero. and The ion and magie ereed Up h5' Toronto sud dlspoaed of the»] TUE MANtIM 05R t usual wlis crachesl'y the six Jobnston, théevol botin magl- thera. Mr. Hymeon repreaentied on OOtJLD, SOT HANG0 nn nd ét uI. For tbe mot pars cli aud enttrtaitier. af Oshawa, bothaif of the oet'tsed that lhe did! Senastioso sBt l'ee Fim t4es-yb i menhers of thn chorus voro added lunch te the enoynont and net speati very gond EnflIi ansd Couing ta Brock Thetre l ys troinol hy Mr. Steent. ana lts cf tho progranx. bir. Jaostotn _______________ Sometliag d~oideudly tee 1n0 y mode o vos-yfilteié niimls bell bis audience sellbouna s the vay of 100 Dercrent laîbing J Le tumbero on this part of the ha performed hbis triche ta the as- lice. Whtby. lmpersooatiog the pirlorea la tise-film Store f John s tEnon mo-e: tiinlsbient and amseentt of al. mllvay soimnan. Ail of these Lee "The Bais-Tbay iuold Nt 1 «'Rattlo 'ou Ionés." Jach Twn. The box trlçk ua vhlch ha freél numbere tooh veli. Hadg," vhicb la liténgsbowe t ,h Wed 300 lb.." Laureuce Mc- hbîmueîf. hakkd and bound, lsand Thes tage manager vas W. K. the Bsock Theats-. nas Tbusadoy. c yre. 'Whot MBébés a Nigger sod lotfron a hou, naied Up Cooke. witbh Slm" Bomphris-lo tilNov. lOtis, for ona, suoDiy etn umil. Chaotou Pascuo. -Nomtilght ou the stage hr local mon, bis usuel job of lsaking after- the 7.00 and 9.00 p.M. wtiP a 4.0 i m a lady.' Ted Husupbries. cave the audiancea sreai hriil. electricol affects. The show le In-o- ciocis matinaes. Thp stuc uof Johno heu I Grom Ton Oid te Dsesm' Mr. Jubnastsn viivll ihost doubit dehted te the Ontario Hospitali-Lels, ta quoe t lb ibrty Maga-.i bgles Sîcigbtisolis. "Ah Want halieicomod l'y WIlby audianoon for theo ban os- tbe aptigbt ma- ins, "th@ met lntioain crin. t Die fson lating tosoun ie,' of thé lotus-e, chine. Imal istOrs.' Cotiiated ou ttmssdes-a ve Bomat. Imita Througti.' Othes- novety oumbers asnliii The Gazetto and Chroniele yl ,hras attempta vOls maesto bang t .J. Richrdson. *"Ticoing probtisis mse Stau HilliOshawa. bavé snmthlog mos-e tasay nexutthu, l'ut ho suvled lenal,.m ties ai the Sun" Donald Bll. e hiopesise cuitarslt; Vicio as- as- eekabout the Tiiursday evolanad hal vn, befsys us cloute tb, ath Os-con Quartette, 13111 iep- lue, Wbiihs-, tenos-; oud B. Pren- performance. scaffol, proiabtiolly eiilisad tbej i Corne in end mses New Berkeey Square D.uion $4 You AVE 2-50 to JIOSPTALIZTION Sehool Report OF INfluENTu TO 21 'SCORNERS, Nov. WST 4939.93 Senior Roon OS-. IV - Isabel Williaoms, hon- i org; Mus-iel Uion; ols-ey PIes-- County Council Passes Ac-, lni Hlam s-vsos-.WI cout--C4teck Up On Cous. it;--Edns:Liton; Ruby Shelter Canes Pascoe; Nos-ié Pieruots. _____ S. lis - Ruse Lfîboua; Ron- ald Ouscoti: Busray Latigmol; When Raes C-eu Il. Johnstoo. WalteOr Scott; Has-ldId ider. ef Cannitsgtsti, YOeîtsdy altos-- Jr. lîl.-Atire Sillur. bonore; noan. preseated th iipus-t of lut ille Pers-tisn; Joyce Williams; nt'uance and Asse...otî iiCoîttiit- Ruth Kermen; Bai-laLote. Dar- tee of vhich hé la 'ho chois-mn. ,ýlieno aooe. the Ontario County I ml pavel Tearber Bs-s. OG. Pennan, Prin- tie vay for the o:p.i nt f$4..- cipal. 893.93 tu vatijoanlu lisnthet Ibo Junis-r toon. Septeuhés--Or- province for thle 1: îîtllaloo tobee. Naises It os-ler of menlt: if Indigent peatinsclîcue obodoOS. Il - AilesoIorsa-niai; Paul- lu la Ontaria Couuî .Wbthio ibi no luseoti'-; ieth Willtams; figlre us ant iOreur oves-that Phylîtu Preston; Gos-don Moy; authonîsi for puy I-ita t the No- Lnos-o loorue; Mos-grite Sidies-. vember sessioni lent ui. qite a Jr. i. - Eiean Prestonu; Juiso liuisaer af accourt, îîilu from i Persni; Loonard Pîphes-; Ly- beupitals vos-e i'elptiîiaed. mani Lasantil; Audrey Flan- - RWousstata4iln lrepus-t tarit' gluc bisecl. S12z.7 the Oshawa Ganero lueopioal mou Jrr s- - Douglas Brown*; b, ebng paili.thea U iof $724.45 Loura Ps-eoton$; jack Loie*; on C.omloItsSrvies fer Its sas-ViceSn l iig curose f!Emme Wiliaino; Nf Guscott; .îaedy patiantsa ti i.uaoiieCtaie Pwe lîl. of te puy for the aseri, aicontitem. A. Clase-Je McCall; John The report amalu ri ed puy-Lîllet. met of 12,366.71 1 the Ctild- (-Honore5.) fr1 M UNITY -e_______. rady s-nue àid Soceetyo. j, îiMhavata roes.A O-u ruvor tise COSt i.! cîi:iiiovatel ) CH I NA county avardsits in , iidrenu EXROSE - THE SUC-AR Siielter.j Picau ympsenable set with dis The repos-t aanse -utiindel FOR CHILDREN dlaet, lemuitsmovlias uof tbet inis futurs tbe ,,,lity onlîci- gotus-cors-aMet tito.. cl tufe L iîd eîîu s-qoire tremndoun dth ontellest of plI sflis-.placss raon tait yards11-te1 ooe ms,n1- nou,, )u ieîc-yu-for ant enance haro iipc.d eh hu mentI ofdWss-poutoelhelisesol lts- th be: od&p te bau abtllut; to ho mald eueeor tlte clroîs i .oftissneopsanor the mainîtenance of vas-du tusato b bil I tire hc mcivities exac t BASM TIS chus-gel againit the ru îuiy ntOn- mite thî.îî iite the 5550505 of tas-bo. ft iras abas eeîuisenled .11" gluin cleils-en than in odulis. Wliitby . Phone 171 tfiet the solicitor, wmii eoesenary, If a c-ciin-sp mas-a tuconsame, i Osha isame leuo ttend the itîdgesifo itO il ou Chèe'a ruîloplinlu is wcight, tht romnltmeWnsinteso, lu.b-made Itu aliet 1ffouI cosnm I tic s w htch thse coulavns mun..'eot-eil. chli ic ,ousld l'e ishîng about to fallttrm. That ho lival tu heur an- The solbeto a a I, chus-gel toi k-I, sugus- aud ses pisiof tuthen contenuso thebcrime oetitît v-mb the duty of crnI I. - oun osmiih,îi îi.The focd tources tof osto mture angle ef Ibis mas-nelîîus iInvestigation csf teu euî-io ohiebi tii I lIe rscths-e rbohyls-sten. but, ahoolutaîy true stss-y. eîlihthe county vas hoo int 001 gidfor fais.,itîidroteos. luIfltese nrgy- tulI li howon vith the usiglou; the naintenansce o ofwrl. nuothés- li-il i.ibolos, the îorbobivls-aîeo Tivoli Thseatre, Tos-onto, peclogor coonities. If fi. vauos-ulid îbuî the ar-eî.. ieffeetui. , firieet tasd ints-aduclng W. Lainas-I lum,,. couuty cas isot liahînlue ,, u 10el i î..il. The n ueo vaenoie stage antlscroan star su long tttimahae et eortnte'ove the f I î i,î . ulen in tenuscofuthIe tai- Vome. Fairbsans. Srs., mît,, e. ebesge rtghtfuI llypie.;,th utis o.,e iul i tsesuistc-t ail eues-ct seutly renititel thealeane ns- theoras mountses prouu.o iby sthe combustibnof fod crime, asd yull Illostrats uitin- Tho caunctî un aoeilîn lthe C uuîinîohi...uy. Esch foul tas 110scuvi nés- buateage talins hmatit Port Of the Fianuces1Iîmmittoe ...; uluciuo o oluîîThe crOse- ool of the actullplacez adpeu- grastal Ineroasos Ins taluos- S io e i. 1socas -su cosupaetuos pleecoucas-ed lathetsacrime, toton counti tlmloyas. As llî'iOctnt ns-oî îiui îeteds as einsrcrpro- by hînseif pas-sonaiy. Alibougit the ouoos f Reluge. i. -.JH. du ueo ic bious nnlîouî conns-el isn this attraction las ploaet lu $1.60 Richîardson, of Whitbî cll s-o- lioîîîe- calorie portionus. Oue astd bigber aflllaloln uToroni- culvethe sura of $25 lu.-qurter îal <.flai of CriloBs-nul Cas-n ta al ths-uoghoult the vos-id. hictees-.bMIesK. Bertoa I tispint o jru . ýIl airoduce -une Iltnîs-ed specbab arragement. regebas- of the treasus-or's eails- viii s-e- coi--ries inî t-he odo in cnmyasison pricos vîli provail dus-iug the en- lyis a setery af $15 per \%esbr lue- i uti, ecotnee tldcf ose table- i gagemetl. Soc fs-outNoveuber 1b. ipuool ut hutte-, a Lambichopai large head of lettuce or a whlit cantaloape. The chiid's daiiy liétsr as-v seqtires tvo-thirîs of the total fold iutatcin luthe bs-m ai suga and mtarc-hes. And Ibenu arc about equatiy lîstrihuted ai catit iscl. Wbetcver thets ypc of carbohydratc cosumned. bi ilces-cal, potato s-rup es-sucer, the oday breakas heso downuittu but oct simple sugar- dextrose. No othes- liais fossinms Ostos-n1>11oetyuhesîzed iu the lohI îraie-y Ca.be uilizel int the bhio4 os- tisuesîin auy other bs-m ihau textrs-oe. It tat.hie unîv agar ch4t ras be otedrd tus-lIaoYwbsre issu lte body fs-rsocs-y pus-pane, ho il in tîte bsaie, nes-er o-mutscle. Dtx4. troue îu the ulimaao onss-gy fod thal ras tirreplaced l'y none othesi ior any lesctos of the ho4y. <Vhctties-dextrose î's formel front utherr sugars Su the body as- sateés asu such b tas psomptly abserbal îtto thebs-lool eod utitoed hy abs tissies îîîth eqool acîdity. 'l lie nb t, ftue carbhiyls-tes 1j Ihe noutriiion of cisi hnhe4 het usr appeciatios since the sciecçl of noaeialuîog the body ps-opas-i heu madc ius osiances dus-g loi It genisratieu- There il no danger 91 chîtdretî ratii cecssive amosintO af cartiobydrotes hocosse ai ttlU leemeodoasses-gy ntn. Il is, h0 the adoll thon indulgenge tn swOS sud starches Scnd.t cuu~ euerosss-p goas lasgh. li dsriug thebo ri-ods of rapid growtt4 bhas v ry las-ci amounssofIcacha'> hydratu oouIs as-s Indispensable-, The irssiperiod ai rapid gravat lp Iurnu the bs-st ivo yearn ni liféy te second s istiean the sixth aiI cicleliys-ass; and tIse chird il hsI twee,, ihe eolh and twlitti yens'a. ln slic iterimintaiels the eblilf chuuohydaes-cquiremeat isbfgh lent uot nu the mss-bol leveis .-of theses-apil crotttpasioda. Ofd g.1 the carbubydraten, dIrsose has tIl uniîque lîsopreles adivaslagaous té lic gs-cwing s-l'ld. lctwil bc -c- teembes-ol Ihît Crova Bsasd Corn S;sup is e faosi ibai lerich -la dextrose. Over-actieity la shildrasu pruducos fatiguc. Tht causa bas boss touaI ta ho a lois lovai of dextosesin the biood, the prompt aiieviatioa of vhich bas lesi made possible by teeling dentrse su saise abs iccol of cbilren'o blond scar. This nethosi i otS- choc spsuich aaos-gy for the body bau proed o0 e ffective that i# has becouc a routine ian na$' nehools lu Iseist fetigue- iacileti sut, it explîlis the tine ooor4 customs of the mnalg hroih o-Ï aftes-nooti tes. Tha eltaecto obtalîsait asr due primas-lI tio the dexoseu formel eveaauaily- Dents-ose il the emss-gency bond ofthie bodiy, abs titik esorgt for chidran. TISe siiove opinuiion ooeof oua leadiagr chilI specialisîs is n eaitraci fsopa report recolvel by the adl ias-ch Company, Limtel. mauface lus-es-s of Elcas-lslura Croisé Brand Corn Syrup. a sweet tisat is s-ch in sisalsosa and ci uslequa$IeiI value ia the disI of chilIs-en. The DECÂTIE PT. TR htby * AM *Here is a tip for you for Saturday of this week. We't LÀ&DIESare Clearing Out' Our Entire Stock of Ladlies' SiIkç Dresses Thzis Means that Over Forty Dresses that Were Priced from $2.95 to $4.75 will ail be put on one rack at $2.00 each. Corne in fit on e on. See for yourself! THEY ARE A KNCKOUT FOR STYLE QUALITY AND FIT W. also have smre broken lots of Cotton Tweeds anid Wool Dresses, fice prices. This end of our stock muet b. cleared. few Knitted WooI Stiits, at sacri- This j, the Season for Warmer Undies W. have them in ail styles, wesght, quaitîes, prie«,. Sssuggias at .... ....29c di t.........39c 4 et ..........59 SILICS, per grment, from 25c to 98c. KIDDIES' DRESSES IN FINE WOOL $125 ) ') s)l Brondcloth SLIPS S Fromn 50c -79c Styles Engleh flsn. nelette Clotho «A S&Sl. Children's Hosierye.Ali Sizes AUL COTTON . ... .pr. 19c COTTON and Liale ..... 3&3e - 39c SILK and WOOL p. 45c-50.c GIRLS' PURE WOOL BLANKET CLOTH Sprtats $3.95 BOYS' Sport Coats $295 FINE WOOL S CAÀ&RF S For Both Ladies & Mon BOYS' LEA&THER CAPS for Flying 75c and $1.00 BOYS' WOOL Golf Socks 39c & 50c SILK BLOUSES in theNew TUNIC STYLE.S WOOLRS $1.50 -$1.95 - TWIN SWEATERS - $2.95 ta $350 Nesw Style. E2.95ed I I PAGE FIVt

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