Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 May 1936, p. 12

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C . i -~ s ~ s' &VT l.-C.ongratu- far itudegts t arie Par t fV510l Ith# cfo:eato plat pMt. ree] wtO r a b er pnelbc - attery tectlti aXlpebo- Rosa spventabethetk ,Itb coat or, Ms.pbn. v4e rly halati thj)e I $tw 0f eten tlo an -Ros gienyt)rthecweek- lm ?tert Mrs. 'e. e. A brHoMecu dTi'tr ýue) Bradley hed th The by the 1 I)rtriLsof Cait-P, *Aetri ke ,>ier bd a Mi spted of the atendt o: tnd t a. ew a>D. eas )r, ey andt Mr.ed-e ga(,ini.(lu Lt.e' 9n d RfsdW ild he Il a 8mtis BthtICron owte- ynrnarToronthe dmbers tucks %nehrch ebioîî. ay OlyQueWïi s o de mathe iésueryfte ig aleinLeWthwi et a ie ion ikaE. Reultios Cros Eýc esc -hi~rer art ocSet rda1y /Niit hMr. loy t>eoth uiq t l t 'nfletin - IiWhty oic orté Wed- nd chhie foe antimWI e sday tte r on g et w Sentprl Mr. a Leoi t W04 mrnU i ohwacur u tyonarae b ul4the It. as e !and er rnsest, netOh- Lý ir nd -H a.'~age lt ailig t pro 11ber drreps this nead'hbor la 0nee 1iteso! hf e fo #-ttinade i» tock tegi ~Faend inech L einPr I.HonbIt lfor rooknft litenesa eadi d of1 M9isinday. Ik t lEx- - O uhawa nonday.'wC r otwdn ,ak, ý ézro r atiher ed 'arte ta teacuedhf r ati ey aotny amlaoli ~tr' d insrtrMGho 3 tt ob iltr'In onere- ItWhihew t a reolceveaCourt he- t ,- g hitoedsy's wk 1Y bedasteaterrïo uern Dun- sl'*omnt Is place a uic es pveau B. M l tre, 'o! Wh ity y hoat D l ll olo ng ot. cserofoWtr Er rnes pt, hfm la t nber froni h. sneihbai theprovestat, of se or c ëft i p ta ti-drý t!z ifeis a rfi ch Apren. a rt W ant200ffr rok no hPooplcewa earjl ?E.ldOfRSlONw h Oe O-suffers! jorcfveavoch t hve a esela nachictr wihwudpoierle o Science brings ne this lamons- mixture of Medicinal Plants, I-hat works.wlth our food and permits Itundreds te get away from uslng nerve - desdening tablets andS harsh dung.. tive, thus relievin g spelîs cf biliaus- nees and sicl< headach e. Relleves those with rheumnatsm -and neurittîs, giving quicli relief from pain. IT WILL cdean Up ekin e ruptions caused b y the Inipurities in the or- gans, wilI overcome the eallowness or "muddiness' that S due to elug- ishîliver, and wlll p ut the ROSY GLOW OF MEALTH Into your cheeksý bottIe of SYINTQNA ta try for VNLY 10 CNTS. Simply rend the aller belaw. Do tbls ii your cwn intere$l. 'IbL, ziew asd-er-lextific roudlcine, ¶1no wn as SYTONA, bias helped 80 (orN) per cent. ot the people wlio have faken it. Therefare, we -otfer the firet trial bottle at 25 cents, lie- cause we belleve the people wha are lbenëftd w'llkeep an usirmg It. The offer te good far FrIday and Satur- day of thLi week bnly. What UIt s! 'M~I&s leno meresuiate or pili, nar le tt a *powder, ca.psule or tablet. BTONA lae n advanced medice.i wm= od f 12 of the fnt medici- Dahebe and flot one a habit-form- lg drug. It la taken before meals atcimixes with -the food in orie's etoimach. thus thrawtng off thé pal- sn" tlit fater stomach troubles. It acte wthin '10 minites-ta stop gas a.ndpains, ecurnees bloat and beb lI. At the samne time SYNTOINA dteth* poisons from the l<dnevr, and rellevres bacliaches, biadder îrki tatibu and *ea1<ness. -11ow, whetber SYNTONA wMl help y"u as it -lias thousands of others- whrther Ilt yul end vour sufferlng In a day or week-remialne ta be seen. But in liglit af what It hen done for othere, it in si.rely a mîstalçe fot ta try it for 25 cents; anly a fraction cf Una worth. This tntroduetorv offer In. goad P'rday and Saturday Ã"NLY. no read the ret cf this announcemient and act at once. Do thus In fairnes to yourelf-and your al katI SYNTONA wil i make your stoni- W It r, ach, liver, kidneys and bawels more It activp. build you up in general andi ____________________ u L0K. ACT anti FEEL - . a IFFERENT MAN or WOM- BYNTONA ,trllhI eanse your bowels AN,. years 3younger than yaur rsai (rad l-o rastic or -severe> as NEV1R CLANSE ~' Coupon good aniy at the starselgt- - eS below. 1f deslred by mail. sesud 33 It will briag out awf ni gageaad cents, stamnps or colmn Impsuritl . (truuty tram tue ftire t doai)wllcl I nay have been maltde o!f Yeua onggm, cusng ora.ny - lays of im ery with hen aches, dIzry T IS OU O seé, ekn eruptions andi îazy, drowsy. tti-ed feelIng. j AndS On!>' :suGooS for SYNTONA wIIl relleve aclt candi- 1AR(i1 tions and malte the digestive argansLA G aweet aid ean and.- ve coni ete. 1 ntrodnctory Bottis relief froin aciti Indlge lin, bjp n saur .temach, ue oee f luseath iNT N and 1g>-eepiia l IT MWILL T, e uu ic reatest ~ hupeetda meQ'~w a.t à 'a týiu-tic te JU Y&L E L itié o Iipurities that snay hv - b. Oshawa and Bwnnil c-em damrnmcd up -insie,. causîn Net go, after- May 23. t viii inake your 1Ilier more as- n Imt ~~t eeb on5 of tbi Ï 'e -ri )f thls 'Year, be'li ad 9-CM* oùt to- --I- de '_ *M-;,- I4URSDAY, MAY21.13¶ SC!TGOG, May ' Mrs. Roy Forwler 1>! Ebenezer spent t -~ .. v4th- her Waents, à 0.> Reader. Mr. anti Mrs. Blake rente, -were Bunday their aunt,, Mr. an Pearce. Mae. H. Carnochan an&-' Joaianfd' Joye, v.Isited'I enta, Mr. and Mrs. W.> day st week. Miss Marjery Mimner of!cuf ls spendlig the sum.mer mob at her home bore. ýMr. T. Moore. spent SuixdayJ me ýV *d un u Mht of the Cfte»awiý. ln -the BAîCKGROIJND eofwltli bis sister, Mr.' andi Mis. J. bef àêÙ »i6e M Ibo umlght), Unesar, whose sword forged thse empire. Demara. tr ie -bemetd uesolWn, whose aimn le te bc the prototype ef Mr. F<r4uk Reader, and frlend, mer b he = , ln the aehadow of the new Italy. - motoredti t Niagara on Sunday. Mr,. Mr s. 1, Pearce and daugliter, wQç' . .. ...Mary, anti the former's brother, ana-l af iDehawa waa fDot legally bouîîd V IU Mr. Leonard Clark, spent -xÏhay Là& ÉUlotiqiand isheltie, but witl her parents, Mr. and Mi-s. Qsh 106stily iqand ishcîteut wih aiii IîW~ . rk, at Mariposa. k~intreets o! humanlty the 9% Mu. Teel, e! Toronto, spent '1 êàtbpayèsoto h odesSn with *Mr. anti Mis. -R. twe of fheir hearts b.ad authorized 1 biIuk1I1Ii ua rtir representatives ta supply lu lJJLL U Grahan, Gr Ub's necessities where it could i Mr. Roy Hope, Mr. and, Mmw.o ;ý proven that they were actually Rele'H.Ln,1et udywt ie4d, anti the only 'àtipulations Hon. H. C. Nixon Rele parents, Mr. andI Mrs. D. Hope. ~ pad bytheratpayrsthrvgh to lervme r Miss Aileen Sweetmau la spend- thse béir~t rfilerntaivlwantht In. iing a few weeks in Toronto wtth PI'& wn nnt rr* fn . it n4±v eo4 -...er sister, Blâuche. jeti ok fer work a'a, u'o- urffn"- smanli ufL. wr irtJl f LY IMMs.J . îa j Arhlcil -,vs -his coo -'en, *gid-. wek eut o! four. t was no t uh e ___e___e W1c lthieQ cases lml b uereded, to ask, andI the accuseti had giv- ande wolc0mMis . Reader auk 0I fiI bail notifled the âdlniWa ute no reasanable eucuse for i-e- Toronto, May 1S.-Thie chiarge ita their--home hore after spending andi ,or o! bis e i, 11 T ntb CuËin,- ta wark when it was offer-j that income taxes 'coilett rm teW ~-muh ibti-r it Il 'e sald, early in May, ho eawned e4dto, hlm. The accuseti, saiti the Whitby Roman Catholica are bla- brother ,5ý%î. W. Reader i ôr 1kl He. a Ho 0 eaiÏ that -evmr Crown Attorney, ivas the eonly in-g tiroted ta Whitby's separate Pe r ry. voný iîneeho,\eame,, teo oka*a la the man an relief who had net fallen schaal because- o! a stipulation Mr. F. Warren, a! Seagrave, is An :prlng of' 193Uiie'had _trtt o lu ino with the new regulatlons, froni tbe Hepburn Gevernmeîît speuding -the suminer on Seven was ,et ther work. empy becanse ho feit that lie was brandeti as "ridiculous" by \îoIiasI bigbs eodDen -Accused said that ie caeu» to ihoulti get cash ta spenti hinisel! Acting PremierHar NinLisesnaniM.uetLogbsW )anwa In Maîch frç eIDr't1g-.insteati of a voucher. Mr. Collant Queen's Park. secured work there ta help 'for a tai, on, but'tit net -a»ply toi or cited. severar- cases ta support bis H-ou. Mi. Nîxon- said the lu- wie -elle! until Oteber -0., f tbat arguments and a.skod that a con- came-tax »reiunbursements paid to II Mus. F. Turley andi sons, Dick uniti year. 9h~ ad been nmlIef ce- viction lie recorded inluthis' case thie municipalities were ta o u imyb!Tootarefl silice, &N stated-, exceDt t at whLel, ho claimeti, was a flagrant useti as the municipal incame 'uandigmt, osuxTmronthare-u )folc imes wlleu le cault securd, #eik. 'ylô1atioù o! the section of the levies had formorly been ulicd. .pnîgtesm rmoh i fle claimed tnaz iÉ1z i4e-pad ct,e under which the charge was Weifau'e-Labor Minister Dàvid Mr. M. Collins' lbouse. Mr. F. Tur-- chidren alwa.ye had fooi 'tlaid.C-i fliht e.E Rlhly coming down week-ends. They son tou~d - - asoheisitet iertparentsMi-.Eanti De house. ~ ~~~~Magistrate -Etbb.i agreed -%with Xdye, wha matie tlie charge at as ife irprns r n e 1 Reus0 tiWrk 'i' the Crowri that -this case-ýras a teAnglicanî Diacesan Synoti, Mis.. W. Dodsley, au Sunday. . Fia Uner cogï1 ,- vryIpotntoe n fr tic ns 'saknMr. anti Mis. F. Jeff rey, af Osh- HeE lJ.e roa-zmi»n eflo n he fet that e'must ho mis 1 t k e." l , iG rown Atoomore--noiless eî' neawa,-visiteti lier àunt, Miss R. At ony , o*~, tîme andigv tfrhe o d iw si leWlar-ao eùer and Mrs. I. Rodman. -. 'M 1 C., the ac'-.used irÙemttdth8,4â eao 1 wallenhe Y k..-ab Maeb3it~ e tieyar ~ _______£__ Minîater, who ia custodianfa the jMr. anti Mrs. 1-1. Hayes, Si., IRo: aketi n mISerdance with'1 . - î'eimbursemrents. have moveti to Scirbou'o. Mr. anti Foc o! Februa e- 28&h, ta go 0rý Pk that there is no record o! Unlouville. These failiei .will Cre for one wëk, for wblci 'tewoà1d a O I IN E recelv-c a voucher for 1eod for %,bs f amuly. but .itt le re!use4, Ingtbt tie c-o lo t wr1îi SHOWS SMAII LIAIN a volicher btfor ca.sh.Neela etd that ié,rre"nted_ te *r# Mc- GlU t tlsmt~lme th Lead Over Corresponding sLaei ivtat- Week of 1935 W l iCrwII Attornsey a*ksd ar- cused if t was tTjue: that N owzss Maintained s lianded- a bisse vpor pa-por byi Mr.M~il an a o li hti The* eçononuic index maintalul- wvorked for a day te have It Vign- c i ieDnlios lueu0 jdb l oreman afteT- whtch hoi WÇsld ieallweda aucer orStatistirs showedi a g of 011E footbut hat h erupled per cent, lu the weelk luded Wa ta d hrew t on he ~ . 9. -A nia rh-fd nrî'eas" "'as sho0ws un alubank eleaîings affer thie usuat sage.Acset deniedtitiis- chiargr, adjustmeiits, wîîile the lîrices of uofusedti t work -when ealled up- bodIn oMnsok r on ta de o s. Ho admltted aIse crdoti ad';aîices. The uucreas'e ihat during the month dU-April iu higl gi-ado bond prices wa- b lis -year lie lat not prevideti 'outsta ntiig, a new ligli point be At'R W R E oîîe vent foi the maintenance of iiig reacheti by the index o! lin- 115 W51 uti n childiEii but hati te- veitti bond yieeltis for tii. post- (Olt andj shelter ta the 7var poriod. The rally lu roui- V~MIr~.3fram the City. mon stock -rees, followingia i Tbe ouly ecs ohitd tao ffer substautial d(brine f orthue toi refusing ýwork was tha lie wreks, amountedti t abosut one-i "Steering is exceptionally wanted cash instead o avauch- per cent:~ The index of carload I Cir. -lings registereti a sliglit decline, jI-- Legal l'oits Raised tuie iailway freiglît movement. easy -and free 1rom roau -Sainie fine legal peints were bofore seasonal adjustmneît, -e .aise'd by bath the Cîawn cqunsel ing f ully nîaintained at thîe1lve sh ks Br esael StiV - anti MNl. Mellityro lu- their ad- 'Of the ps-eceduuîg week. e sok.B ae rP stv drossesta IMagsrate Ebas. crou-omic indeiý was 107.7 agaiînsu Mi. Mselntyre claimed Inl brie! 106.6 lu the weok of May 2. adesl prtd~ that the' Crowîî was bjounti by Tbe lead lu the ecosiomic !il- 'Statute ta prove that thie accuised dex over the sanie w,,eek of last Iati wilfully falledtot provide1 year was somewhat issreased, lifes necessities foi bis wi!e anti amouintlng to S.7 per cent. A &&MY '36 Plymouths is thse most cons- childiren, anti this the .Crawn bati the Index lad nioveti Up sharplyM fortable car I have ever driven, naot donp. Nor bati the Crown In the first two nuontha of the oig etsecar-egt et a sf proven that the family hiad ovr es'yer, a consides'abh- lîighc-r level been lu actual want for there was [his liou showuii tan In th,? aprings. Gas mileage is between 20 and alwyssoe oAii.te'oueelapseti portion o 93.AMd 22 miles per gallon, àteering is excep- M1r. MeTutyre statori thsat erîi- erate recessîofl occuri-et i îs'î tionally easy and -free&from road shock. ece bat slîown that Ernest bati Marcb asnd April anti the iuîdexý Brakes, as always on Cisrysler built cars, trieti liard ta '-et work se tha t lie bas ralliet slightly iu th~e hast are-positive and easil prtd r sîîîghut nat ha%e ta apply te the three weeks. The lidex wah city for relief anti bat succoodeti177ldh ekedt a thorougisly satisfied with thse car iiievery ou three occasions this apring. against 99.0 in the sainie week- respect." Crown Attorney Conlaut sub- e! îast year. F ti Cud eot islrt ' fsi tdthat thencusti lws - -- Tise railway freighit iavement tas ee fusi t wak benit as ffret was very slightly greater ini the that of Mr. Coulter are pourmng rnfrn tr.- bin becanse it was flot on bis 18th Meok over the precedinz owners whose 1936 Plymouth- car§ have ternis had cuIînitted the offeuce Witlu which hie was charget uncie perlot. 'The gain was bass thaii more than measured. up te expectations. FIi-o e - tie Crimînal Cote. Iu thîs case, normal for the seasoiî -wlth the ü&pw 1 ' 'Mr. Canlant pointot eut,, thiere result th-at the index receded The proof cf thse genius and soundnesasmstother- èagZine vi, was a principle învoiroti. The city from. 8-0.5 ta 79.3. The leat inlu of Chrysler Engineering lies iii the set-. of weight withspseg _____________________ 135 i raldl beig rducti, vice and satisfaction every Cisrysler-built .tise axies, safety.steell thse movemont a 767,861 cars iii Plmutis tenders its owner. new, twice-as.rigd frâ;x tise flîst 18 weeks o! the year clm belug only 690 cars lf'iss'than lin Statement after statement streases the ag i ifdows, gehinCI lI ! the sanie perio- astet 1.! brakes witis two p36 LONICTOR EI wek of a an 12l, ut itcan(11otb gpasoin- t ofhe thie nensenlly yiit>uit c_...f fPyli inforwbation fromn any agent. was sot ou a day wben a ýtblrty- . . . two-mile ýgale was wbippîg%*iug tawuB M I Canadien racifnc o ver thse St. Maîy's Riveý'r froni _________________Lake Suporiai-. CHRYSLER -,PLYMOUTH SALES.AND SERVICE I ro aniRq- wise! fRave ew o 'rPtfnçtre W.H ýur hofidgy tfipe ,M e1%% :)d, er 8 ýIwj1 noad hpzards fora'f y r, ti LMrs. F. Clark.th Ir~ yneY Céhandlerlf tY "i vry4»eo awa on Saturday. 1lOWlfIn lowpAe. < rhere was àa good ittendaceo- -@8 ,nty-one attenided the JuniorI La', inatitlut. held at t he, home j eved w 1Iiss Helen and Flo ce.reuce Ca.u. g th~e beautfli"~ on Saturday, May 9. essai g givefl at BrocIL;s - rho meeting openeti by iuIging m- ot errhe .tissu sent i, Ole, fallowed by the d'a 1936 for berseo& uest iyr £hE>-roll call wa4 reà & break the tie andi won thse rug, fa~~~~ ~ ~~~ .b-iut.O5rônPunewhich la very pretty. inaton. Tise, motto, "IThere is Tliere axe several siek with bad nuc goti fl isewort 0 51, oîcs, iat - le spreading around àse much bad la t7& be$t q! us, bore' Gien Demara *ka9 returned hardly behooves . any af us te 'back ta achool a4terSieing uunder k about.-.the meËt, (If- us," waz ihj Dr.' care f or a couple of ry well givenf by KIra. L. Clark., vweeks. address: "Seven Gooti Looke _________ ,givon by Marie Hood, Grace nara andi Flarence CartIý. Miss AàIiefby of Niddery plapêti aul inetru-men- Pal«esie, Dium whlch everyoue eiOjyeC&. Lord Allenby, WbrId War con- As this wâ - thse laut meeting qqeror of Palestine, andi eue of til September, tise-,e'ectlon of Britalu'a forem-ost soldier-states- !cers toak- place, which are as men la dea(ý. Hýe vas,--75. ows: H4 death vas sutiden. Lt was >îesident, 'Miss E'iza Stgph~en- beliey4d tl.o result 0f a heurt at- n;vice-presidèlit, Miss Grace tack.' First ntews that the olti nara; secretax-y-treasurei, Miss colonial ranipaigner and- former orence Carter; S5outs pt the High Commissionert for Egypt ?ad. MIs. S. Sweetm"n anti Miss' hati passt-d away was recelved Collina; Scouts at th,%-Cntre, with incredulity Dy .peopIe ina-ail iss M. Stephenson -aàW Misa waiks of lîfe. na Sweetman; Scows' at the Lord Allenby dieti -at 12:30Û )ot, Miss M. Crazier an4-. Msga hUpum. Thuî-sday. al jck;, pianist, Mir,# Margaret His tleath plungeti England *zier; Ilecreation, Miss W. Nid,. andi the Eoipire into mourning. Bir ncý Mf$y glass-in, hryslew iHydrauàli s at " whcl-ý ý mda4 reonsfor _p:t bavey 77 witi 103, DUNDÂS I cEn J, I

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