_________ UN r CHRONICLE. ,-THURSI>A7; N-E 0F' Id.Geo. IH. Hogarth, a former acIpaI of the Whitby High ý001, was lni to;wn- on Friday t, attendlng the f uneral of the b, J. - . Paton Mir. J. IReid# iassistant engineer the power house, who bas been te 111 at his home for thé paat inth le now mucl Iimprovedi, bis ziy fionda wlll hoglad te Mn. Kra., Robt. Gow, who bas been Itlng ber parents. Mr. and a. P. Roberts fbr some time, *rtan.d a -number et ber ONd iltby frienda on Thursday last, or te ber roturn te. ber home Rio de Janeiro,.Brlazll. lho Daugliters ef England an- tl churclh service wIlhé held Sunday evening, May- 319t, r4t .m., at St. John's Church, Port ltby. Âll members of the ,go are requested te meet at church at 6.45 p.m. 4ra. Perry Johnson, who bas n ln Toronto General Hos- il for the past moyen weeks, îeuiffictently recovered -te be e te return te ber borne hère. r nany town frIids will be d te leara 'of ber Improve- Mr. Jas. F. Fraser, of Prescott, las leasod the Cedar Nursery pr.operty and, has a tuliliUneofo 'Wdding Plante, perennIals, annu- aju, etc., ozn baud. Mfr. Samuel Donnelly, or the Royal Bank sitaff, Peterboro, 'whz3 - h1isebeen holtdaying with lis parents' bore for thé past two - '-Weekis, réturnod te is duties at Peterboro on Monday. The 'May meeting ef thé Wu- M élVs Instituté was held la the, Council Chamber on Friday at- ternoon- witb an attendance o! twenty-two. Planswere made.and committees appointed te take charge ef thé District Annual * Me'fng which will be beld in Whitby on -Tuesday, June l6th, at thé Ontarie Ladies' -Collège. 1Readings on Victoria Day werè glvén byr Mrs. Town and. Mrs. Lavis. Atternoon tea was eerved hy 1Mrs. Stirtevant and her com- inittée, sud a pleasant social halt hour epent. Mrs. George *.. Ros bas been ,, isiting wlth relatives In Tona- Sianda, N.Y. Mfr. and Mrp" E. Allison of Whitby, anno ce thé engage- nient of th r eldast daughter, ýAudrey, t .Mr. Robent Young, è*dest son of Mr. and Mrs. W!!- 'flani Young,.,of Vhlt,by, the.mar- Hage te tae. place on June 3, at thé-Ba.ptist Ch.jirch. Dr. J-. M. Forster, 0f Oakvllè, stiponlutendent, eméritus 'et the tntarlo Hospital, Whitby, was a 'elcome 'tisitor lu town last #yeék ond. Ho 'Camé te Whltiby tg attend the tunèral ef thé laté WHITBI y' Drea Up for Victoria ,Day, the -24th W. Are Showlng N.w.st Styles*în WHITE AND SPORT FOOTWEAR - fer *very m'e'ber of the family. 'Campaca Outing Shoes -Men's ......., $1,.99 Boysp Youths' Child's .. $1.79 $1.59 $1.29 For Satisfaction in Foot- wear Sec Lis. *'We Fit the Feet" NOTICE We close cvery Wednesday at 1 pa. until further notice. PEEL'S -SHGE STORE Phone 151 :Brock S.ý Shriff J. F. Paxton, of whom lie was a close fi'iend. MNr. Fred Quinn,, of the staff of the Dominion, Bank at St. Catharines and Bleury Streets, PHONE 118 LÂWN MOWERS 8HARPENUD and fepalred, aise lawzL sels- sors, aaws, knlvs, aiytllg$ you want sharpened. BIII Roach, Colborne St. Phono 179. THE LADIES' AID 0F THIE Baptist Chuirch wili hold a "Pa- triotic Tea" in the Sunday Schoôl' on Friday, May ZZnd, at 3.30 o'-, dlock. Admission 25c. LÂWN MOWERS PROPERLY sharDened and repatred, aIse nmre ued-mowers for sale. Bi- cycles repaired and used bi- cycles for sale. W. J. Luke, Centre Street. Phone 262. IIANGING BASKETS, WINDOW boxes, fileNi. Annual and per- ennials, beddlng plants for isale.' Orders taken for fun- eral douagne., Cedar Nursery, WVhltby, Ontarlo. (Now un-der new management). FINGER WAVING AND MAR- celling-done by Hazel Magner, ai-cents. The Iris Beauty Salon, telophone 321. Montreal, la spending two weeka' vacation at hie home hore. A vtisitor ln towu on Frlday last, was Hia Honor Judge JL'A. iMeGibbon, ,of Lindsay, Him Hon- or came bore te zittend the f un- eral of the late J. F. Paxton, who wagseriff whIle he held thé office of Crown A4ttorney of On- tario Cou nty. Rev. Father W. J. Ryan, of St. John's R.C. Church, has gone to Ireland to enjoy a. holiday of three months, taking with hlm the good wishes of hie parishion- ers. CO«NMMISSION TO DECORATE HOUSE« At a special meeting of the Wbitby Housing Commission beld on Wedneeday evenlng, thé ten- der of Fra.nk Wells for redecorat-. ing the Anderson House, 204 Henry Street, owned by the Com- mission, at the sum cof $142.00, was accepted, and the work which ineludes Interior and exterior de- corating and miner repaire, le to be conipleted by June lst. Four tenders were recelved, but Mr. Wells' price was thé lowest. A -committee of Commissioners, F. J. Mcîntyre and James H. Ormi.s- ton, wam named te decide on the paint colors, choose wall papers and se that ail workla l carrled eut according to specifications., GRADUATES TEA AT O.L.C. The Castie Chapter of the On- tarie Ladies' College entertained fltteen 1936 graduates on Mon- day afternoon ln thée oncert Hall, of the College. Miss Hilde- garde Goodfellow played Scbu- mMmn'a fantasy. M rs. -P. N. Spratt -sang a solo, and Mliss Golden and Miss Goodfellow, on 'two pianos, played Mendelssohn's Concerto ini G. Minor.' Miss Lulu. DrYden, president, extend- ed best wlshes and greetings to the class, to which Miss Me- Closky, class president, replied. Tea followed, Mrs. -R. Thompson. and Mrs. G. Cormack peuring from a table centenèd with a ilI- ver basket et tuliposud nancîssus with green tapers. Trie alumnae azsssted. SIUCC.SSFUJ1 TAG DAY The annual Tag Day lu conne- 4 tion witb thé Self Denial Cam- palga cof thé Salvation Army, 'héld last Satunday, néttod $73.50 for the Whitby Corps. This is ah -exceptionaliy fine showing and thé' local otticers are deeply indebted te ail who contributed on this occasion. EXPLORERS AND TIRAIL RANGERS Thé biké was a big succees Isot Satunday when 40 boys rolléd eut of bed earlar on Saturday mornnng and called: for Ellsworth at thé * United Church Panscuage armed with ambition, lunches and tre- n>4 endous appetites. Two toams -'chosèn, the one te lead and lay thé trail, thé other to -f oilow. Thé J trail led dowu Byron street, thon westwsrd acrose thé fieldo- te Lynde'o Creek, and thon up thé cneek. Thé second party caught thé leaders a littlé nonth cf thé blgbway. F'ellewing thé western branch of the- stream, the fellews came upon &n idéal placel'on din- u^er. Soon thé camp-fr. was blaz- Ing sud thé hot-dogs were mer- rîly steamiug lu thé kettié. Base- bal téllowed dînner, thon up thé stream thé !ellows trekked once more. Frem thé raiiway bridge tbey follewed thé trackm along pamt the brick yards, were kicked eut et there, aud thon Inspectecl thé now cauning factery building. And so dewn thé home stretch thoy tramped, suriuund, a litio tired, but 'ç4hstltng and extrême- Iy well pleaeed with thé wenld. lit M'cm oriam WRIGHT-ln loving memeny of My dean sister, Nellée (Mrs. Wright) whe passed awsy on May 24, 1933. A silent thought a se+cet tear, Kéope thé Memory evêr dean; h Time take'away thé odgé on - grief, E But. memory turne back every * lest. terndremýmbered b.y lier Bis- tead reîtber-in.îaw,Mran Mr#. A. Muin. - The1936 KELVI NATO0R id' M dls to Choose From iD Size, Finish and Prias IAfter 22 Yoars of Experiencoe KELVINATOR now' Presents its Achievement. fies To-day's Biggest Refriger- ator Value.' We invite your. inspection. Wu A. Hofliday,,& Co. KELVINATOR DISTRIBUTORS Broc~k St. South Deaths URS- FLOREN ERUNT Afttr an ilîness of many. weeks duration, thé deatb -occurr'ed in Toronto Général Hospital, on Sunday, May 17, o! Mrs. Flor- ence Hunt, daughter of the late Mr. sud Mrs. John H'obbins of Eugland, in ber 50th year. Deceaséd came to Whitby from Torordto several yéars ago and ber bright and friendly manuér hîad wvon foir her -many friends who will regret ber passing. She bs survived by one- son, Herbent, et Whitby and a broth- er, J. T. Hobbins of Toronto. The f uneral took place on Wednés- day, May 20, at 2:3.0 p.m. froni W. C. Town's Funeral Home, 110 Dundas streét east. Rev. E. Ralph Adye conducted the service. Interment -waszadin Union Cermétery. Thé boarers wèrè: Messrs. R. * M ~ee, P. Gnay,. W. E. Arnmitage, D. E.* Heard, N. Llndsay and R. Stralir, of Toronto. Be Prepared Thé propniétorcf a "'dranîatic skétch".was layiug down thé law te the ,propertynian oft*a'local theatx'e as te thé "prnops" requir- éd for thé due présentation ef thé dramatie uxasterpiéce. Thé officiai listeued lu silence te a long lt o! réequiremeuts and then said:-' "You've forgottun two things- thé cage and the plate." ";What de yeu niean?" "1A cage for the bird and a plate. for thé raspberries," said "Props" stolidly. Phone 25 Çards of Thanka Mrs. Divine and famiiy wish te extend their sincere thanks to, friends and neighbors la appre- ciation -of the many floral 'tri- butes and expression ef sympathy extended ta them durlng their recent sad bereavement In' the loss of a husband and father. Auto Radios Corne ini and have- a demonstration of the new 1936 AUTO RADIOS. Powerful, rich- toned sets that adcl 1a joy to motoring. Dial mountfings to 1 match ail cars. E. H. OKE 103 Coiborne W. Phone 470 ChurchNews1 of Whitby charge. cf thé morelng'servmceat, eleven o'clock - lu thé SalvatIon Army Cîtadêl oâ Suidýý.lu thé eveUiug Slster Irené Salisbury W14, ipeak. Ou Friday evenlng, May 29th, 'the Oshiawa Young People's Salvation Army ,Band, W-111 give a concert lu -thé hual -hore. Admisslonwill be by pouud. Aât St. John'. Church, Port Wbitby, on. May 24, thG Sunday aiter. Asceiou Day, there *111 DeJj morning prayer at il a.m. a.nd e venlng., prayor at 7 ý p.m. O n: Tuesday, at 9 'p.m. &lu theéSun- day sohool hall, there -will b. a meeting of ail men lntere$téd ln Iorganlzing for thé aummer, 'thé Igamnes of borseshoe -pltching and pole-.ball. On Wednosday, the annual banquet cf. thé A.Y.P.A. will bé héld ln thé Sunday school' hall at, 7 p.m. The. speaker wlll be Mr. Phil Beattié who le ln charge ot thé mission at Sunderland..ýThé choir practice will be held on Thuraday, at 8:30 p.m. ln the church. ContrIbutors te this church nows columu are again romlnded that ail notices muet ib. la thé edltor's bande by Wednesday noQn.. We Invite thé ce-opération of 'ail concerned ln majcing t.hls Daper'f wéékly contribution to thé church lIfé a success. The Sunday atter thé Asicên- zlon, May, 24th. wIvll hé thé c- casion when the .ay Members of. Synod will report te the- con- gregation ef Ail SaIts' and bring te thé members a resume cf thé deliberatlons cf last week. Thfere wlll bé a celebration of the Holy Communion ýat 8 a.m. and moru- ing prayer at il a.m, wheu- thé reports of the Synod wIll be given. Mr. J. Mean, an old Whitby boy and former member of Ail SLints' wIll be the solo- fat. The .Sunday echeol wili méet at 3 o'clock and thé 'young men's Bible. clas wil meet at the rect.ory at 2: 30 p.m. An ln- teresting expénimént- le ýbeing made with regard te thé evening services for thé summer. '-Com- menclng on Sunday evening, the service will b. limitéd to about fltty minutes se that 'the congre- gat.lon will be dlsniased before .8 o'clock. It le te bo hbped that this Innovation Will encourage our members te attend the ove- nlng services more regulary. th -an ln thé pas't. Visitors are gladly welco-med at ail these services. On Sunday in thé United Church, father and son change places for the day, Ellsworth preacbing ln thé mornIng and at Almonds, Rev. S.-L. Toîl being at Sunday school and thé ove- ning service. Rev, Ellsworth Toil's 'addrees wili. 'Mve Empire Day la mmnd; Rév. S. 1-. Tell wil basé hie sermon on Francis Tbompsoun'A "Ro'und et Héaven-P" Thé Mon's club cf AIl Salutà ' are anions te enter a setal téam lu thé town league. Mn. J. Sleightholm sund Mn. E. Eld- ridge ln charge et thîs matter,- invité ail thé men, young sud eld, whe. an@ lnterested to prac- tlpée at thé Town Park on Tués-- day evening, at 7 c'clock. If thé' 'weather is bad this practicé will hoe held on Wednosday evening. "Flowèr Sunday," Juné 14, bais been selectéd as thé occasion f or thé baptismal services Iu thé United Church-at Whitby lu thé znonning sud at Almonde lu the aftrneen. Thée'water used will be soe breught fnom thé River Jordan by Ellsworth sud.IARoy' wben 'thoy visited thé- Holy IAnd. Théenganizatlons et Al SaInts' "wIll hold theéir' regular ~meetings né;t week, Monday, A.Y.P.A.; Thursday atornoon, Brnch of the 'W.A.,, sud Fniday thé junior- Branch of thé W.A. Memubora are, urged te attend- thèse m'eet- ings 'te get the> work doué'« bofore- the sumimer adjounmént.> 4t St. Audnow's Presbyteniau Church next Sunday, servicewIll b.' conducted by thé paston , Rer. Dr. Harvey Carmichael, à t il a.m. sund 7 p.m. Suflday Sehool meéts at 10 ln 'the ferenoon., Y-u are i- ways welcome at St. Andrew'q,. Advocates Limit On M.L.Ae 1. s alk Yitchenýç, May 21-Most Ã"f. the private rmembers iu thé Ontaiilo legiitan could sayr ail 'théy have to say luin20 or 8Smnues'D. J. L. Simpson, Outanio's minister. cf é ducation. told thé Kitchener., Waterloo Kiwanls Club. .Hé w- %av, cemmenting upon bis antipathiy te.. wards *long-wlndéd .discour8es... «If . last long à ouji plitciy à 'il kim 'ha bll absolutely imt. migthé timvof iphes in the legWaatur, i d**~' N ewod gi party leaders Up- *Mils ista K*ilfe bat! blood,. ',polsonlng. New she'uses, -hoth :Crésa -Cern, sud -Bunion ÉB1veï. Daturdaay Sod'a -Biscuits FANCY "Mixod Bis8cuits per lb. i 5c, BRUNSWICK SARD INES. ,tn19 PEAS -Standard 3 tins25' 2 Ibs. For TO .RONTO For OSHAWA and intermediate points and întermediate point A.M. P.M. P.M. Eastern K.M. P.M. Pt.M. a5.55 12.40 5.40a 7.45 1.45 6.4 * 6.30 a 1.40 id 6.40 Standard 8.5 c 2.45 d 7.45 7.40 2.40 7.40 .10.15 3.45 8.45 9.10, a 3.40 d 8.40 Time l1.45eýa.45 d 9.45 10.40 d 4.40 9.40 .P.. .45 10.45 * 11.40 b 10.30 c 2.5 1.4 a--daily except SUn. & Hel. b--S.un. & Ho!. only. ,c-Sat. ýonly. d--Sat., Sun.,& HoL only. ATTRACTIVE ROUND TRIP- FARES Toronto, $1.25 Buffalo, $650 New Yorkc, $2L15 TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT Mms G. Drew, Dundas Street, WhAitby, Phone 121 4DIRECT%. ECONOMICAL Instail -this Bathroon at litti e cost Loocs pretty im-u, doesn't It? Of coursti, té requires runnîng water. But-,a Duro Automatgc Pumpe !nu System wiII provicle> plenty of running water Irom- your own weI1, 'at littie outl.y. This Iayout (three pleces), ready lot. installe- tion, Compleewith A itlngt, 1. on ly.--.....$73.00 The Duro-Specýil Pump ing System, ACanaà dian- made, icap.cIty 250gSels. perliouri, compIcte with 30 gai. GalýoIilanIzd 25--:.r 6O(cycle,11O.voit motor lis onîiy $12.50,' ermi if ceslred., Hydro ».S Fîýe.Gifet. Ruira -. DweIIeis. Eletnicrreni wil b.- .R0 c THlEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY Two Shows at 7.30 and 9.30 Saturdlay Matinee 13 BING CROSBYb ETNEL MERMAN * CIARLIE RUGGLES Ido4.uplno Groce Bradley* Music biy Col* Porter bIrett.4 by Lewis MilatIos. A ovoout ur. MONDAY, 'TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Two Shows at 7.30 and 9.30 HOLIDAýY MATINEE., MONDAY, 2 OYCLOCY, TL.r. dncinlg th. " Amica's boom enst 10? prS*idýd,-Fr. - of CIirg..-for& op.rating electriçp umps to pro. vide water und.g. pressure -fos I-foias.old' Smnlt.à ry System À - W4*. for free iIIuufrfed folders on.buthroom .qcuip- ent or plumIiInq suppiie. I Heatikg Wee, ibsa .-M e ýBARS Fînest qwsAFE>