'THE WHITBY GAZETE CHRONCLE, THURSDAY, MAY 2 1 1936 WIBKLY- CROSS WORD PUZZLE EASTERNIMARKET - ~FOR ALBERTA IOAL 1-fledfor beatins time (MUSIC) 6-A large dIP- pnaspoon 10-Heur 28--A ,Young. 18-À Scoop '15-Pikes - 16-Drive hiarrow 19-Refreshment of mind 1-Au inignia. of omce 2-À mecsure of land S-Bou nd 4-Xjqeqtalltlte ýî-Renwtely 22--Perlsh 24-An associa- -tion 27-Greek letter correspond. ing ta 1B 30--An offleer acting as an assistant 31-Average 32-A sheithCrd's pipe 33-Organs of viuion 34-A favorite of Queen Elizabethi 35-Muddle. DOWN ',-Anask worn ai masQueradc3 R-Depoaitedl -9-A.uc ,NE1VSY NOTES FROM RAGLAN 1I-Iznpertect English r 17-A revolu- learning tionist. (var.) 18-Consumed 27-Traifltd 20-Oozes 2-L-- fresh. 21-Frighten water 23-Artificial tortolu 26-Faloelioods' 29-An Oriental Ze-Father of weight Answer te. preYious puzýzle IMus. Fralik Cartwright. Mu. 1D. Thompsoii. of Toronto, visite(l witlî relativos lieue iast Manche ster' Many Visitors Paid friendly MACES RMy1-Ms CalaonDîtrct 1Verna aser nws uTor-oite aon Cali on istrct iTucsdaiy. Residents Mrs. Fineç4teeîi and daughter. 6 1 of Oshawa, visited with Mir. and ftAGILAN, May 1S.-Mu. John Mrs. 13. Oliffe, on Monday-even- ?ottlnigharn, of Soîîya, 'is spend- jn11 Çng a few weeks withl us daugli- Mi. and Mrs. Sain Nichols and I_ er, MrS. Earl Squelch. family of Utica have moved into Mr. and Mus. 13owcen, of Osh- the hoîî5tc owned by Mr. Jos. awai, wcere Monday evenhuiig visit- Cooper. ',\r. Nichols has just re- ors at the home of Mu ad Mus. turned froin the hospital afier an A.' J. I'lîe. attack of pneumonia. M1r. and MusI.q. W. indley, af Lr. Frankin «c Port Perry, l'art Hlope, visîtr'd with the lai- vho had a slight ,qtroke, ù under' tOs sstei-,]Miîs5 îîicBr ~undy -vningon theý carc' of Mus. John Moore. u. ay vning. c Tuut, The Pie Social nt Community Mr.Fral; ('ros, f TronoClub last weck provcd Very sue- srent thi eckI-e-Qlw-ith luis par- cesiful. The scaucity of pies made entq. Mu. anul Mus,. Àj . (lxluesel ýMr. and Mrs. çmIgi - the selliuîg speedy-. Puices ranged ter - 1helen ianid soni lavid, cf zephyr, w'eu-e s'urday g I I (-, s a t the liouîcocf Mu% and Mu bert. M r. and ~l',Evvunît <)îîist on and dauighteu, .Julia, cf Bow- Illanvillef \vcrc uidvvî t t1 i- he onio cf Mu. -iîc Ms. Avery. home on Suulday a fti spendingi - M'ir. an UJ Mu-i. ) \candti1m und\lrs. (Cartwrighut, Sc.. if 'o- rafiuuernit 1'y ii i u min JKeepM or~ds baudy t thtboue.You neve kncow whm yo'Il e iti NEWM Mr CAP 4emueticaliy seIiisrength Of linimcz*t. PrcveuIw3 vIig. Easily re. mnoved for use. Xtub in Minards frWoy for à my mus- cular pains or mfi4lý»S, oee et rhm ae aces w 1' r fuoin 25 cents. The proguam which puccedeil tii0 soeing cf tlie pics consistcd of souîgs by Miss oeila f Port Peî-ry, Mu f. Deukiin of Port Peuuy, Mi>s N. )lillman and Mur. John Millînan of 1Utica; ai gddress by M\r. D)on Feuguýisoii, a rcading by Miss Ilazel Mol]es. Utica Yoîîng People presented tlîeiu shout play eintitled "Wooing unider Diflieultieq." Mu.sic foi- dan- cing w aýs supplicdI y Mu. A. Rog- ers and famiiy of Epsomn, Arnold Roac-h of London, a nd Archie Cuosieu cf 'Manchester. This is the- last n oc u f lie club until \lî1-rs. F. Lamnbe, an.d Bill wer-e witlu Mrs. 1Ltt>y in Prince Albert on Ttîesday. Mus. Mlole anîd Miss Bella Mole of Châlk Lake were Sundayvîvs- itous with Mu. and 'Mils. Hlarvev )o l)FO(11 Mu. and Mî-s. Ailani Jack.son of ,Iiriie~pet Sunday with Mr. aînd Mus. 'Howard Dolîson. .Mr.i-.nd Mu-s. lH. Mucuzie and fam jîx- aifl Mu. and Mus. Jerry MVhN(rîc c0 f lTOlonIto.'Werc with Mýr. and Mus. Denis M.ýcKcnzie on Sunduy 'Mr-. J. Mul-Keiiie is i-- inaining foi, a few days. Mr. anid Musý. IR. Hooey of Port Per* y s)efli ,Tucesday with Mu-s.i Mu. and *.Mus. Bei-t Olliffe and Ronulio mci<tl edtreToronto oa 11r. Lakey and Mliss Julia Hoop- cir visited wittlu M and Mus. IIcaly on Wdisa Mur. \Vi. Crosier of* Lindsay and Mi-. aind Mus. J. Ci osier, Port Peuýi:r, WieSmizi ii(vgests with ýMu- adM CrWuglt 'oier. - Mnt-estx-publie school report is as foilcwsý: Su. l1.-, Mina Dob.son 86l, Mur- ra\ W'ilson '75, X(eith Wilson 74 'i Juine' MNitchiell 7 2, Jean Luke 70, 10'oeMasters 66. Su. ll-MainFranklir 7 Wesley Johunson 'd.9, Arthur Mi diell 64, Chai-lic Thox-ne 32.~ Jr. lJI.-Ruth Luke, 57. Su. 11.-Madaline Thorue 7, Victor Hlendersoii. 75. Jr. 1.-HIai-ley Johnson 52, Ilelen Fr-anklinî 713, Doren John- son 89, Grant Frankilin 70.' 1>iiicu - Diý1ie Stewart 97, Coulson Scott 86, Joyce MeKee 83, Richard MeNlFaddei 65, Rob- ci-t .NMeFadden 63. Ci-ace I. White, teacher. Mus. Franîk Lambe lias i-eturn- cd to Manchester for the summer Mr. auJ 'Mus. Roy Redman of Gueenbank were with 14n. and Mis. JTos. Fiewell on Sundà y. Mu. and Mts. B. Oliffe have mo'-ed to the store lni Manchester, fuain the Supeutest gas station 011cr: "What color bathing suit was she wearnig? Operator: "I couidnt tell. She had lier baek turned.", Montreal Engineer Claima New Method to Procesa Coal Edmonton, May 20.-A propo- sition 'by wh!ch .It le claimned Ai- berti ceai could be processed un- der new secret and patented systelf and scld lni huge quanti- titi to Eastern Canada and the United States markets in many' forme, bas been outlined to pre- mier Aberhart and his Cabinet by Albert Grant, of Montreai, head cf the Grant Engineering Co.' Ltd., which holds North Ameri- can rIghtu to the proce. - Mr. Grant, an engineer of vide, experience, wh 'Ich Included -a time ai advisei, to the Soviet Government, was presented to the Cabinet by P, J. Rowe, ef Edmon- ton. Social Credît member of the House of Commons for Athabaska and head of the federal Social Credit caucuz eommitteo engaged ln seeklng new industries for Al- berta. Brouglit te Edmonton"I from Montrêai, Mr. Grant wIll remain i Edmonton durine this weelç and will confer wit.h Hon, C. C. Rose, provincial inIster of lands and mines. Establishment o! at ieast two plants in Alberta with- lxi the next few months for,, pro- ç.essing of this province's coal is belîeved to be planned. The World's -if lhSpots The high sýpot on which human beings live ail the year is the vil- lage of Gartok ln Tibet (14,518) The highest navigable lake 13 Ti- ticaca in Peru (12,466 feet). Th e liighest cities are La Paz (11,. 800 foot) and Qu.itO M931 et lu Sauth America. The ,cloIster of the Sa ut Bernard Pasln S'WIt- 2e rland Is the. h!ghest spo~t ln Europe wYhere pe-3pie live ail the yerround (3.1.11 feet>. Th omas Srangr, of Oshawa, Thrown Into Water When Boat Capsized., A gallant rescue in which Thomas Strang. of Oshawa, was saved frein drowning ini the roughi, icy waters of Rice Lake over the week-end was reported on Monday. Pilotiîig a sniall outboard craft. Mr. Strang wvas tlirown into the lake whien the boat capsizcd a mile offshore from Keent. Entangled in a rope attached to the boat, he kept his head above water;wîith cifficulty by clînging to the keel of the boat. Observiug bis plight from the shore, Jack Loucks, of the Montreai House. Peterborough, jumped into an outboard boat and sped to the scene. He pulied him aboard, bat-' tling the choppy water, and towed. the capsized boat in. Restoratives ivere given Mr. Strang, who, was in a weakened condition as -a -resuit of his ex-. posure. He recovered rapidly. Maslea Epidemic Inicrease at C'obourg Cobourg, May 20.- Dr. W. E. Wilkins, local M.O.H., has issued a warning to parents to report al rneasles clases promptly to medical authorities and ta observe carefuiiy the quarant ine regulations. WhilèI German fneasles- have been fairly widespread in the town during thec past month, tht comiparativeIy. mild -type of meuales has not occasioned much' alarin. Rapid increase of the more contagious and much more dangerous red measits bas prompt- ed health authorities to take al steps to check the distase. "Red measles are often fatal to children five years and under and -I cannot urge too strongly that ev-ery care be taken ta avoid contagion and whiere such bas oceurrcd ta MUCOS McCINNIS '-. ~i.,, bRoW m4 WT4 1-rMUC14 O F Y'oU OUT ce'W -MR! sCO4E on l-it. Y- -t.--- FO </Es -~- = take CverY' s tCp to prevent it sçpread. The syniptoins are quj easily'distinguished by thet a-ccOIii panying cough, sore tyes an blotchy rash," stated Dr.. Wilkins, 'The M.O.H. stated thi there %vert about 30 cases cat pres it. sewage gas la belng -uséd at stuttgart, Germaýny, te operatil severý,a hundred street eleauning truvli. * - - . - A - M ~ UE ~ by WALLY 51.IIUP -4k .1j zo - ir 'you POt"r WAM4t -ff4Ar 3-- 1DC--CA~ItRIEQ. l-o B ErH IýM D gErEs.tc-AO fowM i CbS14UT k mIM Upl 9ES MEE9 'pOUMD 4Er% LooKt4' r io p- i4O MAt AL.L M OR II Qt i ! kV L> t O>O1E Radio Service Guarantetd repairs to al makes of radios. AI3o electric heaters, irons, etc. Juat -rbone-We'îî Cati En-.'e H.OKE 103 Ceiborne St. W. PHONE 470 * c. -~ ~ ~ -t--- t- i - - - - - - - -/ COPYRIGHT. 193-r). CENTRAL PRESS AS5OCIATION g. -- - I ~- -~ ~ -~---. -~ ~ -c; 'o -c>-) -