f PAGE NINIL Newsnand Reëpo rts -Frôm the Gazette cresodetS Broo lin wa;motredto Quebec t ne turne-J fronta £ t o Eiigian,4. hiQK 1N J une 23.-Itev. H. Mrs.,N. J. White and ,MiS3 AfiCe i., roiey, B.A., B.D., of Sprnir Arnolt, are attentiing the Coachi- jrroolc, a f'ormercý pastor of the Mee1- ing Conference in ý,'hitb'y ut the ii.t Church. in Br wili, Ontario Ladies' College, this -veek. Ijie'cli chrmuig andi ating flt; .i.E.Fulto'l crtte j is U'nited Chvrrh oit Sundav next. Mr:,, C. LMacker. t .r l<fUnhridge. I t e zc- w.411 Ur. ain-J Mrs. J. Mc-q Qui oa nmier rot ti~pies Kinnc. y o t V~hlty n:a ue.dav Mî.~MCeýîà t, or i*W'hy, tias with n lu lv 1 'îa t tr nd the Mr-antd1i~ J. Tho.:X -int, fo r the 'nriiî st;aLr-1i y the M rk~ .Ly' hsi-1 -uLdhas hien, with hsss \Vhitby Lionsi Club for the besiedht ter, r. o i1lanyBy lR"î oand îti.ý. :Àc11-:e WC:e "UZsts li o ini-oeo i he l) have bauglit tke are, hope. *,of Mr. nild ;.C. S.Th 0:tjson ~.iaid II Zt. rcunin iA n i 7r ; I r i î z..tend- cd ;~vtJit il b2 held in the ja 'ccît 1%.C înîuîyl~îkstpper $1t e __________ ntîvc t rip.m. i standard limie.) 'lhere ià ample space fer _ Base Line W est Ilv f., l ti- i'n:g pr'o.e. 'The (çîdnf1Craii .lf i7' V l l beL M l ,. t .' r Juiie- 21 4 'n ' s'v2r If'(LrYCr nidr lt M RW'. LButt,ù I'.C.,of -Tor- lîrookiin, a.am i -N '.. lnitationI onto, w s a visitor w.ith Whitby r Bî1rokîjît iuîd w. iit"'C'tîiG - Mr. ollin..m. iniear'o! Uroai-4 ýîia gathering i. s I ~ nstLcad f -lI ini, P'kein . Waî'a caller C thr 111 .itoî-y on Suinday. for1 _Ile \.x e einfriniedt 'tha tIlickering j g è v Il g--te'i Agai lit ufull -winîg andi that t>~~~~~~~ 1)toe'îOnal h "îr i a>tt a dozen cottages are being stimiel ivtith"ranti :1?, 'o - buitthîus, sommer. Messrs. W.. Ayresý and Mont- Mu. anI lîr i ~ ~ ,;cniery visiteti frieîîds i our dis- Hamilton foir t c". rr n ud Mr. andi M rs.Ale;w] !'u 'andi prices for goda îere *in lirien, in Pl 1arry ý'nund Clabt, pounds ahiliiings andi'Pence, th tihe week tt ith Mr. Alvos' pa-ntL. Bay achool i the eariy sixties. Mr. anod ,,.Mc>îd~'e- on. Bible was taught in the school Warrrn, anti Mr. J. Nogrit of Mr. Garhuttt and BMs ,3ssîe Car-A d i The ntcti !the Young Peofle's Union of-the Oshaw -a AU DLE'X June- 2 3.-Wedding P1rexbyteryý,, met on Sgturday at bells, In tact. chintes are-riuging. thêfehnme (if Miq Alicè Arnoldi. In Several eelebrat.ed the Kiug's tIhe aftel-1ino! i Wilîîîa Harris blî'thday by goîng Vo Claremont. îf Oshawa cnuti ae which1 Strawbeîries- are Iu full pický nrere followed Yit apîmr csupter. ings anti are a good crop. A business meeting N'a' helti lit Early applea were much dam.- Lite eveing and il-v. W. Sm'ythe, aged -lu the blousomt by thseMaY )f Port Perry, coiiducted %vorship. frosa as the june drop hian bien rfhei'e were 19 hapradcheouloknora.i Aniong the 6,1 O guesteuw1ho au-iîvyatthotlo rabg 'epteti the invitation sent out by crop rtucis dlscounted.-Only Spies Dre. Chrîmtie tn attend the Kather- are a gooti set. ng in honor of the deio'-atem front George Bowcott han rentedth ie the convention of the Rural Wo- Puckrin house on thse old Hlotby inus' Asmoiations, %which inet ne- place and i vii go lîsto It In Oc- rently in Washington, m-ore thirty- tobèr. ,ix froni Erookliuî. A bus carryiug Mlos Margaret Westney baa the party, left the village at 8 a.m. completed lier course at thé O.A. and went to Guelph by way of C., In Household Science andlier Hlghway No. 7. Several stoos parents, Mr. anti Mn.. W. H. West- were miade on route and the trip, ney attencled thse Commencement as wei as the atidresses and en- exercises at Guelphi lait week-end. tertalntent St the Ontario Agrî- Congratulations, Margaret. Miss î'ultural Society, was mnt enjoy- .Murale tfrift n iesafo The Wontan's Missionany Socie- ty met in thein tasual niontlily meeting aItishe home of Mes. Rat- rliffe, on Wsdneetimy, vitis a s;plen- did attendanco Tise prognant vas acrangeti bv Mn.. C. S. Thomponi and Mn.i. *. S.Croxall, andi vas in thé font of e play baed on the tliimught of Teînperance. Thte ,haracter pants eves aken by Ms., Thompson, Mrs, Croxall, Mes, H. fetwbray, anti Mes, Gea. Joues. Mars. P. L Joli tool tise devotionai, Atran ilînemu ef only a. few' ltys, Mr. Job 'White, of thus vifl- ,ige, pameastway.- Hi vas bora In tiis township andi vas la his 31st year, tise son f tise lats Mr. Josephs White. For a few years hi live th i h'ii prents lu Ri*c township, but hati ent tise greaten p art of his lite on tise fart on Conesion8.of Wlifby Tovnship, retieing sente tveuty-sevea yesr oigo andi moving te a home pur- chaae4 lin Brooklin t<velve years igô., Me vas cotîsidere oesof thse bef Jad g as ofhanses in tise Pro-ý vince anti hati qiven a Igreat dei ,if finime ttis verk during.hi. y'oungee <ayse, i wa aiember a! the Unitedi Chureis anti hatissr-- Pdf on tise Officiai Bemrd focr an y carsi, both in Lise United Churc% and tise former Methoduat Cisunes. Mis wife, Amanda Wilbur, prede- ceaset i hm six ysars mgo. He ieav- exç to mournubis loss, tva s)ne, Miltou, of Toronto, Nlorman on thte tant on Çoncessicii -8, anti Mn.. Mabl icBhardson, et -Tornto. rhoi'e are two grantichIltiren ý Mî's, Poney l>erry, ef Madoc,, anti Mrs. Elvead Ceosier,, ef Manches- ten anti one great-grantidaùgbtee, Mnrgaret Denes-. Three sisters sur- itve-, Mus. J. C. Bell, anti Mes. W. Cinin. o! Pont Penny, sund Mn.. W, IRuddy, ot Toronto, anti one hurothen Mc, W.White, et Mass MliII. Floral tribules camne front Morse- Breeders' Association'o! the South Ontario Agriculi- t\', White Brois.' Employ li.n woniîn's Institute fmton relatives and frier Mism AlicesAynotd visi in Courtice 1ast week Mr. and Mnt. F. C. iii B,-11 Ewart for a fevi .1. c. Bell, who was i ;tîteniiflng the fi "rai of eir, thc lite Mr. Job tuirncd witli thema. M'î%'.Alfred Wilson, w Wl-an and i Lciel Wilq, o, the General Hospital.I iQuIt.e a. number froni thts place are goipg. to Whltby nextTuesday evenîng. July Jit, to attend thée big carnîlval belng, itagîti by the Whitby'Lions Club for th.e benefit of udnnvigdol4*i hs wbo have hought tickets are hoPe4 tmi.ot vlfning OLe o! tie tliree grand prises. .Congratulations to Btlly and Kathloen Wintelrs tpon their hay- lig passed thse outrance examina- tions without having to write. Au only two out of thse tliree- coulti gît thts ailovance. the Other One, Master MeLean, viii write neit week and douiles vii le suc- cessfu'i. Our teacher Mn. Fyf e mauls, ha.slissa re-engaged ter an- otiser.year. BaIl practices have lisaisquite animated aflairs la thse Winters field and at thse match on Monday evenlu; last a large crovd as- semibleit to liestise conteet between Baggotsvlile and- our toam and thse score vas ln favor of thse home team. Gard Winters has been éap- talning tise boyas h v-ent - to Claremnont en Tueadliy to Piay. The Club ls preparnu for its annual plenle iis4bapmnan's vooda, on July '11 , andthe mendiants o! Pickering have genenously donat- ed i nany prises for tisat day. Tise sports, lunch and grounds com- -mîttees have bien appointed and a good day 14 îooked for.' Bal garnis, a tug of var. and'runnlng Alces -of al hinds are being -pre- pared. An emergent Meeting Of .thse IClub vilieo held Matthse home of jR. P. Winter this Friday evenina to honor a couple Of tihe Club isembere. Thornton.'S Cors. tarai Socle- TMORNTON'S CORNERS. June yees, Brook- 23.-Mn. anid Mns. W, H. Penny- ant i mazy man, vile at isole cottage aI ittitcad Gece's Landuic, Ries Lake, for- -'edfied tise week-end. reseeved, a pleasant Elliott are surprime on Saturday, 'ven thile- Sdays. Mrs. ty-lIvse!fuder fnientis anti rela- in mokintIves arnividtitoueonur tiseu on lf h-broklintti occasion o! thier twenty-fuftis 1.i e brt- vedtiîng annivecsary on June 14. Vhen-That a! lernoon Mra. George Rilts voied Lieegooti visses o!fillan witis Mr.n. ' a ev-appropriati etis. *Mys. ou, o! O.s- Chichie Piikey, o! Gnieubanit, ivio hati bien Mcr.,Perrymaa's bridîsmald, pnesenteti Mr. anti Mym. Fernyman viti a beautitul slyî rose bovi ati a pair o! ail- ver cautilestlcha. Mn. anti Mci. Pent'ynwves competiy takeiu by surprise anti- thaked' theîn * fnîsadi foc their nemsnibnance o! tise day andt tsor gooti visSes for te !utuce4. Later aIl enjoycd A pienic sappé rovdeiby tise Ou Sunday., une 14*V.' n. m- 01ld 1tenan' Sunday sciseol clas hadIt Is anuami excursion. TIhis year tbey motoneti up ta, Wasaga Beach fer tise. day. accompianieti lîy seeral, menlbers o! tise otier: Icîmiees.Tice * seatefvas' 'ideai anti aU enloyedthetic utIng. 'Mn. and Mci. W,..U Luke, Mn. anti Mrs Edigar Paicieand Mai- ter Gerdt Plersoas aient.tise iweek-end it Shannouville, tise gueit t fMns..Pascois sistir, Mes. W. P. Diu., ad familly. ~ a'.&adâ Mes, Wiifned Pmscoe anti cisildten vire la Toronto l1ai neom v eek. " _ Kinsale KINSA"', June 22.-The animal Memoriai. Servi»ce will b. heM eat Salem Chureh on Sunday miter- r.oon, June 2Sth. The service wil ccmmence at 2,30 c'clock, standarU time. à ev. H. G. C rose, of Pick- ening, Mwîll have, charge of the ser.- .vice, 'ad special mnusic sill be ren-j deet by t':e Pickering Choir. A zpc.al collection stili b. taken at thus service te assist in the upkeep a1 the groundis. Owiug* to these services, there wiii be no chuncli serv'ice or Suutiay 'Scheoel at Kis- sale- on that date. Mr. andi Mrs. B. Harris andi fam- il1'. and In. Tom Biake, of Bow- manvilie, calleti- on Alvin' Hooker andti amiiy, mie night iast week. Mn. and Mrm. James Kirkpatrick, of Vancouver, B., asd son, Jam- es, of the Royal Miiitany College, Kingston, spent several days, of iast week with Mn. Wm. Sadien and family. Mr. E. EentIey, Sr., attendeti the baptismal 'service which was helti at Almond's Church'on Svn- day, June l4th., wheu two of her grandchildrcn anti three of lier great-grandchiidren. wene baptizedl by Rev. Ellsworth Toll, of Whitbyi church. The svater useti for bap- tising was fnom thse RiverJortian, sctureti when- the Toîl brothers wcre' on thoir trip arounti the Misse' Betty and Ariigh Han- lock, 7- Torouto, spent the %veek- cuti with Mrs. C. RZichartison- and farnuly. -Mn. anti Mrs.- Bert White anti fnmulïy, of Oshawa, were week-end visitons with Mr. anti Mrs. D. Craw- ford ant'I amiiy. Quite a number frein this place are golng ta Whitby next-Tuesday evenlng, July lst, ta attend tise big cannivai boing stagecl by thse 'Whitby Lions Club for the be'ueft a! untierpnivilegeti chiltircu. Thase wbù have bought tickets are hope- Lui of vinlu;mine of tise three grand prizes. 11ev. Wm. Higgs, of Beachbung, anti his son, Alfredi Higgs, of. Poutypool, wene necent cailersuo Mrs. M. -Harbrou anti Miss Mabel. 1Miss Florence Mowbnay calleti on Mn.. Lloyd Kelly, at Ushawa, ou Saturday. ,Mr. andi Mn. Ei., Kellow, of Oshs- awa, w'ere recent visitora st'th Mn. and Mn.Win. Gibson' Mr. anti Mrs. Aibent. Pankin Sundayeti with the latter's brother Mr. R. J. Hearti anti family, at Oshawa. Mes..Steil anti family 'calleti ou Mn.. Compton at, Oshbunn on Sun- day. last. .1Miss Jean Ledgett, of Dixon Hall anti Miss Pearl Cook, Sundayeti at the fonrmers home hene. Miss Ola Hooker, Mr. Cecil Thorne aud:Mn. anti Mrs. Wheatley, ail of Torontoi Sundayeti vitis Mr. and Mns. Alvin Hooker. Steil "tnley S tell, and Tom Rich- a.rdson vere a few of the pupils who toolc advantage, ci the bu tri# to Toronto. Many Places of inter- est vwe» visiteti and ail netunned, well ple"ed wxith suds a splendid ail-day outing.11 SMn. and Mns. Clareuce Richard- son, Mns. J. Richartison, suid Mes. G. l*odgson atteudedth ie memonial service at Prince Albert, on Sun- day afternoou, last. Mn. and Mn.. Chas. Pilkey, oi Pickerng, svene recetit caliens, on Mr. Herbent Parkin and family. Mr. anti Mes. Wm. -Peutley andi famiiy, of Audley, cAed on the fonmen's mother here on Sunday We are pieased tgî learn that the sick'are ail on the menti aga:in. Mn&. Hooker la able to, he up again; "June"?, by Donothy Harlocli; musi- cal selection "Tise Waysitie Chapel". b n.Wm. Pankin; readutg, "Nds odmneti Since &da.. by Mrs. J. Wagg; rending, "The End o! the Way",' by Mes. R. E. Mowbray, anti a reading, "Thse Value of Failune", by I'Mrs. V. Par- kmn. Meeting closeti with two ver- ses of "Nearer my Goti to Thee." Mn. Stevenson.ahd heipers served, a. dainty lunch. , There, wers os-en twenty preseut. Aahburh, (Masr. Robert Motets, Coin,) ASHBt7RN. Jane 23. - Tb@e annuai pienie o! Burns Chancis Sundmy echool viil ebi isît Its Satarday, June 27th, ai Port Bouater,.loavlng at 10 a.nî. la or- dec to have _a godoutiug la tise vwanmt oft ! t1eday. Young and- cMld-cote &long anti have a tiay'a pheasure viLS our Sunday aeboal. Mca. Fred Lyntie anti daugister. Mc.. Peteis. o! Toronto, vere vis- itera attise home e! Mr. anti Mci. Wm' £,rash, on Tuesday. M.- anti Mrs. R. T), Shervîn, anti son, Lyle, enJoyeti a drive tb Cobourg on Suriday- afternnon. Mci. Agne3 FFlher I. la carf nelghliorisoodairain. siter-speuti- lnir a !ev timys in the elt. Mr. aniMn.. Georgé ZWest sudj tiaugitter, Manie, accompanieti bY MacLer James Doble. enloyeda trip to Onangevîlle lat Fnîday. Mns. -Edgar Henou entertaiaed tise Girls' Bluebird Club t! Utiea lait Wedneaday aftercoos, Junei l7th. Af ten tise routine o! busi- nias meeting vas over the girls spent a very hiappy social tinte te- gether. A dainty supper via er-j id a:sout 5.30 p.m., about 215 pan- takilng. Mri. NMinu aways takes a deep intsrest la, the club, hav- Ing been presitient for two years Iprerlous lenermarniage. 1We note vitis deep satisfactionj tti*t sorne of. our boys and gînlsj are taking bihi'est-houons both ln H g is* S cio l and m usic. exam s .. whîcli goos te show- our y .oung folks reflect enedit botis to thelir Parents andti seommunity. M'Iiss Glenys Steplien bas corn, pleteti lier course at Normal i8bool. Toronto,.-antile nov îpendlng ber vacation wtltis her parents, Mn. and IrMa. Fred Ste- pin. A very enjoyable day vas ipen t by a number of our boys and girls attendiug Brookîhîs Continuation Scliool, on Saturday liist. Junie 201. Rrlght and eanly, the pupils_ ot, the school, a long vWiti tise staff o! teachens, journeyed ta Toron. ta, baving previouslýy ehartened a bus -for thse Occasion and ý ipelit te day lu Slght-seelng, about 45 taking in thse trip. Lanîdig at. Searboro »Iuffà , they _then. pro- ceeded dtown tovn, viaitedthetb Star building, thence- to Rigli Park. wthene tisey liad tisein noon meal lu ceai plenie stylo and yet lu eornfort, as Higli Park le veli equiPPedti I9 gve pleaauree. ad convenlence ta piculcisens. 'AfIer a n-estful isoun tiene. they viteti tise museurn.-that. la itiel.f. rnak- In.- tiseir. trip veil woth-yhîîe. Wlth fan too littIs time eVtisheir disposai, thus they Joutneyed on ta SunnYside for a 01,ytit bîfone retunning ta Brookl, an- rîvlng home about 7.30 patn. éTe Pîarty thîn'gathered at thse scisoal visers thîy bade fareveli te tva o!. thelr teachens. Miss. MeLarty- and Mn. R. Elli. n'ho are ivlng. Tiie pIupils presented MISS Mc- -iLartY vitis a lavely silver fhaver diisuad Mnr. BEllsvitis a canving set andi accessonles, wvlth ail gondi wiShes for botis teacliers. W.' underatand Mn. -Euhis ls on ta be inarried ta & young ladyfiil Oneno. Af toc tise preseutation. tise gatherîng tunned hotnewand. a liappy 'but tîreti Company -aflen tiui dY's travels. Qu-lte a number from thus place ans go1ig to -Whitby next Tuesday eveuing, July let, to attend tise big carnival 'being stageti by tise WhîtbY Lions Club for tis.e beueft o! underpnîvileget cildren. Tise viso have bougit tickets are hope- fui O! vlnaing One Of tise three grand pnizes.. Mn. antiM.d lio Mark- liam; Miss Ethl Hary0'o! Ton- RoutlSe.- ,o ud y wtGlati te report M . 'Part,«.ea bealtla i imirovta,. Mns. Walkey andi Miss Emma Fisher, ail of Toronto, sPeut Sat- unday a!ternoon 'vîti Mes.- M. Fisher. A niai lavi iiin vsejy id by tise West famIly, Mr. andI Mca. Roy Hall sud daugisters. o! Columbus. Mn. anti Mca, Anthur Pattenson and littie son, Of Whitby, visit et vils'r. Mn.d Mca. Wist andi daugister, Macle, on Tuesday ove- ning lest. Mr. Hanry Panrker, o! Calgary, le!t for Ottawa On Wednesday te Spenti a !ev days vitis relatives.1 As ve mail thls nevi budget ,Word has bien necelved. that b.tr. Mark Dâut, eldeit asou o! Mn. and Mrs, Robent Duf., paiseti avay ln Oshawa- Hospital this afternoon.' This sad l neye cames vitis a great sliock to thse viole commuinlity. MyteI bmYRLE, June 23.-Service in. Unitedi Chureis next Suntiay viil bej at 3 p.m. Sunday Sehool il 1.45.j Ail are vîlcome. Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Simitin antid Donald-, o! Islilugon, Mn. anti Mn.. lot aimkln sud Shirley o! Clare- I mont, ant Mr. George Allen, o! Whitby, vers Suntiay guesti o! Mr. anti Pis. Josephs Sinkin. Quit. a numbin fremt fiis place ane geing te WitbY nel Taesday. eveniusg. July 1st,« te attend the' 'big carnivai beiug staged by tise Wisitby Lions Club for fias bineflt o! untiscprivilied cisilten. Tisose- vie have bougit tickets are hiope- fui of. vinalag oense!fthse tires grand pises. -' j . SMn.. 'Chas. Fleming. e! Detroit, anti m Me.'C.rite, of Cbicago, sud Mem C. Harrison neturueti by toton fret iten Park, visons, during tise paf Ive veeka, th"eaatendeti the «Parker ni-unioinY Relatives vece! ami tisest fnm Albsenta, Kinkiantiý Lakes, Neninda anti Engishant, mine1ý Seagras'e fenuii.Tise -piculie %var: belti af NewLisgsmnd Beaho Jane l3tis, 1sad on Stînia, he choir ai Une Par* chunsis vine ailI tuber. o! tise Parkser famlly.. .W. are glait te hear thaf Misz Audrey Grant us able te bs home agaili anti etting eiafln fiter th. serieus accident OL-suffuned. on tise 2Sfis o!May- (n Fred ]Mioes spent tise week- sud -lunToronto vitis bis moisir. vise is serlouaIy IIIla the Genenaà i HospitlinluTeroato,, Mr..and Ums.Muray -Payne aMW son, cf Toronto, w-ens nicent vist- ors with'the Harrisons, aise Mms. A. Timm andi Mms W. I. MeCant- ney and ti t chitienofe!Broklin Cla remon t iJLAlREMONT. june 23 - *lic June meeting of t'- W. 1. svas helti at the hoxuc of Mca. James, Co*ates on W't'tixesdas' afternn last. Tht p-esidcîit, M'\rs. R. E. Forsyth, presideti andtihie meeting i'petcd wtilite Institute Ode. Tiss vwas folloveti by #he reading of the minutes anti usual business. ses- s on. The topic'for #he nth w'as "Ctznhpanti Taxe., d ias tiat svith by 'Mus. .. Lol-'st in -a s'ery abic andtiiiîterestÎtig mainer. Two Spe-Cal- musical numibers, anc a soprano solo, "A littlc cottage -by a stvatenfall," by Mci. J., LClaver, aceompýnied by Mus. E. Palmter at thc piant; anà tihle, oîiscna piano solo by Miss Margaret Oýerla1nd, vwere niocit appreciateti. The clos- iîîg nuniber was a demonstration ai frut bveages vitit necipes fou samne, bv four af the niemben. As the ilostess liati prepareti a dainty, lotîcil toscrvc w itiî these nefues5h- iîîg drntîkis ilast numben devciop- ed in.to a '.ery pleasaîtt social hialf bour. There' vere îhinîy niembers andi visitons présent. The LUnitedi Churchi heldi its an- niv'ersary services ain Sunday last ittî large aîîd appreciativc'ceongre- gatiatîs inî atteîiaiîce. Rcv. Peter J3nyce, I.. iToronto, occup ied tise puipit along stith the pastor, Rev. J. E. Claver, anti preaclicd tia bathl servi CCs. Ris fine messages tielivereti in a quiet -anti impressive ni;îiîn1er, Nwré ait iîîspiratioî t a all Who hieard hit. I lihe Morniîg lhe spoke on "Theie Churci anti Wbat it-Stands for"~, ant ini the evening. auil "Changes snd Thuîîgs that Abide". The. home choir- led the Siîîging iu the ntornhîtg and also renderedti tvabeautiful guthenta, "O WVoriilip tue -King," anti "Seek Y*c the Lord." with Mn'.-Donald Hcdges takinî the solo part lu, ecd. In thc cveniîg thie choir ai Ccdar Grave Unitedi Churcli canducteti the service ai praise lui a ilItat accept- able unanner anti their anthem S, "I sut Alpha snd Oniega', anti "Son of My1 Sool", also a tcnor solo, "Sanie- tinte. Sonîewherc, e'in ucliap- preciateti anti sajoyeti. The even- igservice af the Baptist Churcis vas ivitistrawru anti Rev. Mn. Au- gustine anti his congregation shareti in the Anniversany Service of the. Unitedi Churci. Bcautiful bouquets of eut floyers decorateti 'the inter- ion af tise church and addteti thein ilent noté ai bcauty ho the, spirit- ual uPlift of tiese impressive ser- vices, The Lewis homte narawl'y.es cap- ed being. comipletuly- 4estroyed 'by .âre 'wlh. as çaused frùm an .11l atone m the sumîner kîtchen,'short- ly'befo*e'3 o'ciock on Sunday mter- nuos- Mn.- Lewis lied 1iig'hted tise, stove s few minutes before ho iseat waten andti ien weut through ta- the front of tise cottage tasit lu tise Nrerandais while it heateti. Ou bis way, lie b.d cioseti the door between thse living room, anti main kitchen anti the -finit 'intimation tiat any-' thing vas svrong carne front Mn.. DERHÀPStocay'sî 1ev -McLAucELIN-IBUICK -aneL't ne ate yen. But do you n'allas hein mue qualay thmn es-en bitons yeu gît ini ovin the sma MCLAUGuLN-UICK' four greatnw Sente for 191 hundneis 'of dollars-lie than the- modela' cf a fe-. &go? .Thi jesomsething yen can elasily prove fat selfgim"ply by dropping -lu t Our shovroomi andi the nein 1936 McLà tîGHiimBuicK. out for a drivei ovil. You Will discover,,that nowhere else dot fiscrdollar buy a bitter or more advanced vomi - . Of -Pto-date im otoring adïantages thin thees. N' clu ceauyen buy fiuer than McLÂU&mmjN-BuicK q ne matter hei much1 yen pmy.. Tofeisd loin prioes'and conveint Genoral Motors Justalme Ypayment,McL-4uGHLIN-BUICK quality costs yo-u b f mono pir montia thn yeu would pay for a 1low-pnoced car. ThCs wh ywvs amy, for the few, dollar diffeencs-i-why buy any car but tafine MCLuGRLIN-BtuIcL ASSOTE DEALER» .-- J.MOOS,1~Z MOTON% u~a LW.9 Whkby. Fhne 75 'i ' ~ Bradbuy. h1a iesAirtxt- oor, 10 O AK C(F.D tise summrer kitcheit.*A line, alanm his miàs «bs lag tMeelifSula"SidTusle 4e pisof ii vas, sent lu and:- tise firenten suc- watu. Ah. dx qhusémi Iqdd laie tw.quut ishim. Wh befone they -ceacised thisfront part aiyid sd uIi. Dse-t mie. Urnea U e of thse cottage, but not efoets 'isu wi' 6auqdd .11 bise. loudr, hSe wt summen kitchen -ant li aiktchen vvent very badly tianagei. -tise vWalus ci othéen noonis ert tidamageti by simoke. 'It vas veny foutunate that tise fine -vas dîsco-vened inia higis saindi at tise' tinte and if it hati gaineti furtehet iada, nat only. _%'oulti the calmre honte' havt gone up linfdantes, but lu aial probabillt' tietc eioiti have ipreadti taothc-r ucarby etieuces .anti buidings.--= M.adMrs. James: McculOugh Bolibae thse ousati t iitserr af their ivcdding oÙ Saturdiay lasit On, tiei retunîl t tiey 's're aceoni- Mi ýss Jessie John- v by holding a family rCuuo. Tleypaîiied by M s.-J. Ayers iW lin 1hec sister. Miss Mari haeforsosaniseei ag ters ild.ttci 0speuitiaa 1e%- vëkse at. landi her brother, Mn. . sante af vîtoi are-mannieti ant i ~nau.th ja e isN'e-e d. hoanes ai ticir -avu, but ail- met Quite an'uuiber Irontuhs place Quit. a nuniber freu gainuîe i arna of< aregoin.to Wislby -tit Tuùesday are gaingta oWhitby us Satuuiaya' aternoon, tise utarrieti eveniugi J uly 1st, ta., attend thse e4neing. Judy 'lit, ta anes brnni.îinfntili1s stîtt fbgcria eng staget by Vise big car-nîval being sta theni. 1t vas intiect a happy eveuil Wiitby Lions.Club for tise benefit NV.itby-Lionus Club -for ini the ive's ai parents, chiltiretiid u'o! underpnîvi'legeýd eh idren Tisos <ô!unde:rptlvleged cisîl graasdchildren.t. 'We .exttîd-cti ci-.,whoave bougist.tickets are.bolipe- voisahae <bougit ticket graultiitstatiis stemti oulefui o! winuing one o! the: tisuet fui >o! viniiing oneiof andt hope -tiley înav vîtjoy inîaltv grand prizes. grand..pulses. imionze qoaily lhappy anitîvcnsani'ua M r. and Mus. 1M. LaMorg .-tMan-i Mn..Finestein anti d tlliî,eir svtiig day. 'li oîor ai thme sans. -Harold -ait--i Munuae,-of Qsisavvmcallet ou Mr, occaiion .tlic finiuly presetîteti thein GùelIýhspei i ih vcck-ctdià %îtîx - 1Oliffe'anc eveniug' parnits %wthi a. case of be-autiful flai relatives and tt nietutis lieue. A ihadow s"as cast e silven. The usembens af their fanîily v e are.*pleaset ta S'ec htitat Mu .agie"'hon it learietic are: M. anud 4Mus. Freeman \ Jaltes Eî'aîs7 is able' o bcio utoiu- st deatis of Mr. D.1 (Cullougli anti four cîtilticît andi Mr. thé veiaîttali agkii aficu iloii l 1tg Prince Albert. For ti snd Mus. Uoîîalt McCulloughl, 'ofilliiebs.*j>,eIF5 11he has beeti a d Clarnmoîîî; Mn. antiNlrs. Lyinait1 \I'. andîIrs. .\lîiii l .oldly tîclt his s'illmge wvissa McCulougi ant i lttie da1igîtten, ai fau;ily. af P speui tS'tl sese1fiiie ýih Western OntarioandatîtiLester, i ttlte lormec's ntothtcr. iThe 1ladies of tise Bramptont; Mu. anti Mrlzs.'P eitiell Mu. andti Mus. E. Brvaii -have a- i Wonie'n's Associationa andti o adauglitens, ai Toronâto!; Mn. iteir guet. the Iatter's siste, r ~soca ets sa atîi M. irk.an fur eidnuBurtonu. atîi thiludauglter'ï it ot ç c u of Renfrew; Mn. andtiMrs. 1MCa:r- Deuiiiisaiî. bath afTouronto.' "Thompson, Maple Gi rol, ai Whitby;, Missesý Eveivii, Mr. andti Mus. 'Josepli Evals are 1 whenthey m-ul enterti Atielaitie andt. Stella, of l'oronîta, visitiîîg tlieju tiaughter, Mu. jbers.o! Utica, Pirospect, anti Miss Joyc at honte. ' lesse anti fantîly aif Stas'ncr Raglan Aisocuatiaut. Titre passeti away at the Ontario' The cPublice Lîbnany closeTie rorame 11 juse .3ri or wo-tvè le ctiodaiby nieubees front each Caunty Honte, u S'uniy, Jtea J ulie 3rd, or tv ive i leue Thomas 'Peter Siirk, ùin îs fthiibrariait' is là is'ilîu l i'a;Àl su Y yer.Ti iteMn Siu vs -cl'tion. nf l Visitons frdnt Toront( anti favorably koui lacoi, Mi'sGlover,- leae itt .1duo atvî,v hsviugbn ncarea ieT I .i., lias plaiîneti a wecW s utîn Reean; Miss D. Re pli eCenrncaien ubo f orthiecias at ier out" F.Stili, Miss Pearl St .p Cntrl he nuber f o Aheclas, a hcý cttage .ou Gibbon, Miss M. McA ycars.- Ht leaves tvawo s, sýEdgar. Trenit River. ýTlîey nili I vas i OitMrs. Hacry Richardson, aiCmnont, anti John, af Mark-Fita ftswe._______ hiaut, aso.îeveral. grandchiîtiren-. Mi-es MargarrtOvraîi nty Seea rmlitre nîltentieth e fuît-Miss H ClanGver, pupils aiExecutive-H erai. which %vas 'icîinlutht '-Hiese Lehnan, A.T.C.M., vert ini Toroît.- P i-A Mii hucs u Vensday suafer-o, taae day last Nweek trying îier,- nban. Mis remas vere laid ta txanintatîans, at tht Toranto CO1u- relut in' tht Cenete therc. senvatony ai MuÙsic. TIte Young People's Apretty weddiug aiofinterest b i'ited swa Presbte sevenal ai oui' citizéits took vîpclacnee teVuied piconLieda lut Perths Ave. United Chtircli, Ta- - M n h t abl iee A nue the rola ratt, on Saturday cvening, JoeulieAc Aroldin Brookt 2011, viheuEuuicc -Larinî, daugiter MNHETRJne - Mn. 1l . A.Wout, tiet ga n. ud cih . JhaorsdJos. Cooper and éhffdreut, of Paekèr.- 3D n rm5 m'- gandagi ofr i Mus.? FnedjFanusuiu ing, vrs ltiug friends bess for Miea"W 8,V anti tise'lite Mn. Farea -s nt- 9# l ait- veeli.e cder an maun, 10Wfdm l<(t w convenir. ed iý sarrat t Mr Htbert à fMes .7 cKinze, o! Toronto, ,Atêer upper'- ad I Frauce. 1Os thse mne day -the v as -wîth M1r.. and - Mes. D. MeKin- à short ixicutive mi bril4ç, parent:s echebrated-thettisilven Sie far tise veik-ead.- - fil.4, Whili a letter ,ainîersany ,Of titeir vedding. -To We hpe ta have à lange attiSu- frOm E. -W. Emaonds, both couples voe etend. bet vishes dine aitise SuZICIaY seiol pionie aryla China. A iiir anti ~ ~ mm co-rtltm frbat their at. Lakeview .Park, Osisawaý, on Sat- tan asetnded ntany Clanemont fnieuds. Mn. au;ýd urday, June 2iti. Tise truck- vilI os.8 befoce tise event cc Mrs. Rus*sel >Pilcèyý anti 'Mn. anti 'bave -the churcis at tv.elve thirty. Mcs. Evans %Vard vire guests at Ayhvn asvia eil a Unfeuitfulaesâ: And tiewedig nticfth vdtingan s!cmrodat extra* paîseugees are. the alle la laid untt niver3acy. sketi * te cal at tiseeh*.cch. - _ tisetries; even>' tre Mn. anti Mus. %Vin. -'Bielby and> ,Mr.. Wrn. Brooks basg 9ýoestaviics ngeisn< daughterý ai Stnaud spent tice Nov York State, vsohe t will- fr-ait la e wiidovu, ai week-end ivitis Clanemont relatives. vI s1ait Mn.*anti Mms Keitis Lée. Vhe llre.-Luke 3: 9. WHrrRY CAUT1M > di CHRONICLE, !qHURSDAY. JUNE 25- 1936