THE WH-FlBY GAZET- I'E CHOMZ: THURSAY. JUNE 25o 19 36 SPORTr- This1 yesn, It has been declded, a srles er elfininatlon races will be rua off wlth a vlew to deter- uiug vhich cf the skippersi wlli enter thse finals for 111e'Invelyna -Cup; and the final oftth lm- Inalien setes vas saaled on Sat.- -rrday aflernoon, June 20111, un- *der veny favounabie conditions of air, li>' sud vater, so Ihat a very luterestlng sud close race developed, Tht breeze v-as quit. light when tht bouts left their moar- Inga but by tht tiare tht last fi! thorn gelot ofuttht harboun ýil had f reahened and - held trrougîr- eut tire aiteriiutun' Tht starting gun wam fined aI 3.13 p.nî. and ;il secondealaten the 1maI of the four boatis was arrosa thet hue, sud setîing off, for the tasteni>' buoy, Hl. Augustus, salling Four Wlrrds, led the tarI 9 secodsd ifter tht guur, Wilh i-. lIelzel, ln No. 7, juil- Ilinet seconds behind. Little more Ihan asminutie sep- nated leader sud rearguard as tse>' rounrdtd the first buoy, but il- this point thethtree ieading skippers atood weil ouIta sea on tht itarboard tack, whie Mr. Reltiel, tarîherasalera, found a breese t10 ils lking sund came about on tht port. tack headmn;; well up te thée vesterl>' mark, aud he vas veil up 10 Il before the oIrers toliovedsuit. Ne. 7 !ounal It a tigbt squeeze to make the buoy on onetatck, whlch wouid prebably have given hlm- ,he race, se -1e stood ont on a uhort leg befare ho norinded th1e mark more Iran a miaule ahead af Qui Vive, whlch la turu led No. 17 b>' aven. hait a minute. No, 6, leading at the flialmark,wvas lait at 1he' vesteni>' bue>' vel Illlustnatlng ,thtquiek -changes whlch eau occu n a- dinghy rac- lIn. No. 7 hegltited over 1the question of gîblug afler roundîaîg the luoy sud thon lest valuabie. tiare ln compleliagItilwhite Qui Vie aud Feur Wlndî bath gibed Iusatl>', vlh tht resuit that a *er etus> coe finish deveioptd, Qui Vive crossîni 1the finiahlag hune Nil I& seconds' shesad cf Ne. 7 wIth Four Wiads- foliowlng - 8 ' essd& later.No, 6 made rip »Ig.,SKPilo t Wae on 1the reacis 11= at t s.ough to Thse boati, skippers, crevi,' startlug aud fIaishîng limes, gjiron la tue order la whlch they tinlehed, are ais follava: 1,-Qui Vive, D. M. Irvîn, Mlt3s C. . lIrwinw, 3.13.17, 4.00.20. :.-Ne. 7, R. E. Relttel, J. Mansh, 31.1,4.00.26. 3,-Four Wluda, H. ArignStni, W. oThommea, .13.09,.4.00.34. 4.-Ne. S, B. DsibY, R. Insse,,37. 71ve minutes s-f er race ait stanted, a. second lot et lhrie boaIs vent sent awa>' over the saue course, la a ladies' race. A geod tarI was 'made, Juniuta *1111 MIssH. Goodttilow -as skipper, leading f Ive seconda aflmr 111e gun, Vitesse, Misa T. Aruoldt siipPiai, Juat 92 aeconds salera, ad MISO Constance Web- ster, iu Vaîhalla, 13 second later. They nounde th11e tasteni>' bue>' vils their positions uaaitered, but oun1the long rua ,tote est- ici>' hua>'Vitesse carigt ip on ,uantta and r,'uaded Il vith 'a choir Ive minuite, lead, t. hch vas mi ightly iacreased on t11e -vsy home. This race did net prodrîce se clame snd eXcltiugý a finish as th1e tirsI, but the liMes vwere ontirel>' cr'ediîable to tht Young ladies who acteit as skippers, as th1e vianen actraîl>' cavened tire courge in lema ltime than the vin' non f tse- r rýansd Juanita Ceuosbit Gur 11 OPTOMETRIS &LOVELL' yachtingIn Wh itby deavor te via l. A meeting vas held thig veek. for enganîzation prirposes vben Mn.- Hary Brace>' vas tiected presîdent- and Jack Clarke sec- retany-tneasnner. Tht managers o! esci team wIil compost' lie Management' Commît.tet. The f ollowing sciedute of games han beta dravn uD: .Monda>', June 2911-Pninots Palmte.i Wst Eudas. Tridas>' July Irit-Plckeriug va. Anglil'a-Mens Club. Menita>, Jul>' 611-St. Ber- nard'm vs. Clianki. Wednesday, Jul>' 8111- East- endens va. Pickering. Princes& Palm vs. St. Bennand's. Frits>', Juliy 10Ih-Clerks vs. Anglicans. Menda>', Jul>' l3th-Pckerîng vYs. PIncemi Pals. Wedntsday, Jnl>' 151h - St. Be3onmd's vu. Esaendena, Clenka vs. Plcherng. - Pnida>', Jrily 1711-Pnincema Pals-vs, Clenka.- Monda>'. Jrly- 20-Pickerlag vs. St, Bernards.. .Wednesdsy. Jut>' 22-Angli- cana va, Pnincoas Pal-s. Fnîda>'.- Jl>'24-Clenks vs. Eatendens. Monda>', l> -27-Bastenders vs. Anglicans. Wetnesday, Jrihy 2911-Angli-- cans vs. St. Bernard's. Fnida>', l>' 3 1-Estendeni va. Pninceas Pals. - Frits>', Augriat 7-An>' Teai va. Pickering. Monda>', Aug. lO-Clenks vs. st. béenusrd's. Wedaesitay. Aug. 12-Peker- Iug va. Easlendena. Fnîda>', Aug. 14-Anglicans vs. Clenks. Mouds>', Aug. 17-Pnei - aava. Pickerng, Easteadoni vs. st. Bernants, Wednestay , Aug 19-Ficher- lng va. Clenks. Frits>'.-Ang. 21-Clerkha vs. Pnincesas ats. Monda>.'. Aug. 24-St. Ber- nsnd's vs,.-Pickerng, Pnincess Pats vs. Anglicans. WedaemdaY>; - Aug. 2 6-Est.- entent .va, Cferka.* Fnida>', Aug. 28-Anglicans YS. Monida>',1 Aug. 3-S.Ber- unitd's va. Anglicans. iBOWLINGi *-u A rnk o! nilxed howhers veuf- le Ciangont ou Monda>' evening anal veeusccesstilia vinnîii firat prIzne. Tise pîse-vînnenu8 vert: lins. Donatil> aitdlins. C. B. lwants, vWhe recelveal lovely rayon boit ipreassanal the gents' prises, lovel>' end tlables, vent 1<ý Messrs. Aniterson aand Edvsrits. A ho-tlal iter piste, ot unique design, -Sas houa prosunled by Mn. George. Leseoci ,preatt! the Mloey>' lectnie Compans>. Toronto, t10 Whitby *- ILadies' Boling Club, for competlllona- tise singles events. Tise glIfisl ver>' mueh appreil&e& Tvo inka tram_ -Wlltby , véet aI Pont Ferry ens Wedneuda>' aflen- Doon at & men's lournament, -but vere notl-la the moue>'. The Jilso>' Touruameul Soit on Manda>' nIg&h vas largol>' aI- tendeal. Frise vianeru ere: Lad-_ les, lira. E. M. BroynansaitUn. MeBide, aud genti*lmnu,ý Leonarit Morisenansd J. M. Hicks-, -Au- otirr ouruameut vIi eheslal on Friday eveus; f -tula veois East Whitby Man Took Ac- tion for Fais. Ams«t md ImprsonmmtB e i n gi charged Witl Fais. Pm. lu the County Court on Fnida>' afternoon His Honon Judge J. A. MeG-lbbon 100k from th1e jury and dîsmissed wlth costs the action brouglit .b> Meliville Knapp, of tht Township -of Easst Whltby. against the Dominion Bank and, Ralph Rietzel, for $2,000 dam- agae for matadiors prosecution, faise' arrest snd imprisoament. The -action vas tht aftermalh of the- arreat 0f Knapp'ta April on_ a charge of ebtaining moue>' b> faise pretences from tht Domin- ion Bank aI Whltby, and tht subsequent dismiasal 'of the ac- tion ian1the-Coriaty Court where Knapp was found net grill>' by Hîs Honor. Judge'R. Rriddy. Afler severai vitriesses lied been heard, lnclnding the plain- tiff sud Chief Constable Hanoid W. Quantnill, o! Whitby. co unsti for tht defendants. J. O. Wil- son. fo Torot moved for non suit d.Je grouad thal th,? plain- tif! ha d-iied ta -estab.i... is dlaim eithén againat the bank orj tht teller, Reitzel. Argmetl LESISI Comrades, don't forg. t ITurs- day, JuIy. 2rid, for regular meeting of Brameh 112 at 8 o'eiock "hrp. Try sud be on hand, Arsgust ith, the big nigltin l Whity î;Streot.Pai adance_, hdlutoTown .!ark.G-t your tickets »ow., Don't léave it tifits too laie and thon ho sorry that yen ýcoldn't. get net We' looking for pou. Cet Realy For t& Bugs land, who, were lIntrodnced by Miss Z'oodfellow. A number of the membera were nnable to en-l main for tesa and 10ftIimedîate- Iy after the races, leý attend the Garden Party at Stonehaven, tht. home or- Mr. and Mrs, G. N. Ir- wtn. our Rear-Coinmodore. Heid Bridge Party A very suecesaful duplicate bridge Party waî heId at tht club- herse on FPrlday evening,J the 1 9111 mît., viren nine tables wvere*played asd.-ha:d the unusual! result of findtng tht North sud South teams tn a tie for, first place, Mn. and Mne. D.. A. Wilson, Mrs._ Mars11 and Mrs. R,. Hatch aud H. Elmsansd - J. Baîeom. Among tht Est and West teaoes. Mns. Laird and Mrs. 11acGIlllvnay were undisputed wifluers. LigirI refreairments' were -served afler- ward 'and rnany appreciative com- menta 'were madeý as *te the, new furniahingsanad service avait- able to e nenibsof tht Club this year. Tt was unanirnously decided to continue these bnldge-tvenlngs throughout tht summer and tht next wili take place on Friday. evening; .Iuly 3. Ait who are plan- ning to participaIs ,aliould tele- phone Mna. Theodore King. net later than Thursday tire 2nd, la orden te resenve'their places. Softball League With Slix Teams- In Operation Schedulo of GansesDrawn Up and Officers Elected -Siver Cup lnDonated by Bowman- and R.owe for Season's Competition As'oftbali league bas. abeta foî'mtd la Whltby -and a beauti- fui silver. cup lias been donated by Ex-Mayor Ed. Bowman aud Reeve Fred T..- Rowe. Il wili b e known ýas tht Bà owmnan & Rowe trophy. and si teams wlll ta- We carry à fuHli no Summor Supplies c f for'the jury -vas excluded froni th'c Court. R. D. Hump)hrÉys, cf Green IL Humphneys, Oshawa, corinsel for plaintif!, then srib- mpitted his argument follaving which the Court vas adjoumned fer lunch* hour drning which lime Judge McGibbon, vie badl ne- strved judgment on points of law raiaed. lookeit rp some- qroted anlhonities. Shortly -afler thse CeurI neaumed this JafIernoon Hia Houeor took tht case freon tht jury and, as already noted, dis- missed the action viti coats. With tire argument o! defense counsel that tht. plaintiff -had made out -no case against bis clients, Judge, Ruddy agneed. Mn. Wilson poiîrted out tht ' fact that Chie! Quantrill, chief witness- for tht piaintif., had testified tuaItirhe an- rest o! Knapp rvas made on instruc- tion he receiveal Ironi Crown At- torney Gordon D. Consul,-K.C., at Oshawa, and that he had. received, nô instructions fnem Manager J. H. Penny, of the Bank at Whitby, or his teiler, Reitzei, to have Knapp arrested. If thîs vas the case, and t ne evidence had. been offened ta, tht -contrar>', Mn. Wilson argued, I tht cise of tht plaintif imust falic and the action be dismissed. Mr. Wilson angued funther liaI ne mal-* ice lîad been shovn-b>' plaintiff onc tire part of Penny on Reitzel, and 1 that lu order te succecal Ibis mustc b. shava aud provca. .Severail ather iat-eetiug points -cf la* vent argueal. Mr. Wilson argued that there vas ne evidence that th1e bank fturnasheitan>' lnformation fotah1e Chic! Constable. at Whitby on an>' other -of ficer upon vwhieh the' change vias laid anal the arneat brought about. The Chef had - avenai that Reltzel had refnseit -te la>' a charge. For 111e plaintiff, Mr., Hrmph- reys argueit that alltt Sceasar>' vas la preve thal 1the de- fendants had prit tht ciminal 1mw mbt action and veneth11e rosi ac- Stons, and thia vau proven Ia cvi- dence. Mn. lHumplintys pointed .out that il lial been dîscloseit that Reitzel vas anxiora taoh- 1tain tht mont>' back fneî Kaapp whlch hoe had pald -eut la cheques , préettd aIis bank la Whithy, and several altempt.s le do 1111, 'had been -unsuccesfut. Ho had 1goen efan as tb cati lan111eCGilet vili lihe hope or getting is ThatRelîzel vas acting as .agent a!f1the bank vas Mn. Hum- phneys' funthen sribmlsslon, On . the question cf reasoable prob- able cause tht evidence had shova qthet bmnk empteyees, Penny andl SReltzel, vereth11e real actons sud Inatigators of lie ciminal pro-. . ceedings againat Kaapp. ... Kuapp vas arnesteit vitharil .an>' axplanatien Leing offered tei hlm as fo hov payîent on lie . MeLaugilla cheques had hotue sstopped. Tise baak offIcens prac.' .ticallyi>' atat 15 le>' ved go up le liethéJait vitre Kaapp vas cea- fiaed, gel hein Mà oney on have -Kaapp -areste-d. la summing urp the evidence be- . fore dismrssîing th1e action, Jualge Ruddy> said tiat titre had been ne- -evidence gi-en 10 show liat î'rere v' as malice on tire part of the de- Mfendants, nor had 't -been shown M .tlira tht>' iad anything te: do wiîh r. Knapp's arreat and impriion- u ment. Non vas there evidexîce tirat M Manager J. H. Penny vas acting ou for tie bank. Funther. there vas tno evidence that information lead- ginz te Knapp's arrest vas furnished Geb erry or Reitzl. Judge Mc- Gibbon aise helal htia it had not Ibeen shovu that -Mr. Penny and ;Mr. Reitzel had i-n an>'oe theîn deaI- m igS in the malter vert agents cf thre bauli. ýOiifollswsesicats M. enaithe Ocesri Arsnate of Lead Arsenate of Limne King Bug Killer Blue Stone. Dr. William' FI Y Sprayr Stockade Fly Spray Cotdtin.Lodg.e s .6wa, cm W sDedlcted i ýUnion ce CzeeyatAnIps- j Sive Service on Sunday- an Mroo-Whitby and Distrct Lodges Attend i uti The- dedicatioli and unveiling du orf the memorial ta the deceased do jC members cf Corinthian Lodge ofN th1e- Independent- Order of Odd Feiiows and ail thet members of j the Order ln Mis district drew a i larg0e rewd of persans, to Union Lu C le m e t e r y Sunday afterftoon.,P Long betoré. the haur for the un-*W veilin was scheduled the.pace ail filied with People wno had corne by private car or chartered bus 2j to witness the event. A specialian platf orm had been bulit -near. thet ln, meimorial te aceemmadate the cf- T. ficials and speakers. ýI Pl The ceremony was opened by Brother WV,. G. Bunker, Past Grand Marshall and chairman for the occasion, who welcomed the large gathering and spoke of the of significant châracter of the serv- n ice. Mr..Buniker paid a tribute te Pi the four oldest members cf the s local Order-ýBrother Clark, 'who ty .'W] has been a member for .65 years; a Brother John Corner, a member d -fer.64 years; Brother J-acobi, for a 59. ýyears, and Brother James Gregory, for 59 years. The entire _t gathering joined la the hyma, "0O God our belp in ages past", after t1 wblch Rev., Brother -W. R. Tan- i ton, Past District Deputy Grand 1< Master, offered rip prayer... I Granite Gomma u Uuveiled t The ribens bindlag the Union- Jackto the memorlal were eut by W Mr. Gregory,. and- the granite hý columa was uaveiled to the eyes of thet apectators. The beautiful ti mémorial consista of a. three-î sldcd -granite columna-ipon-a t white stone base, and surmount- ti ed by a granite globe. The monu-T ment is placed ln the a k triangular grass. plot. the trian-c gular aspect o! the plot and the coînnin representing tihe trlune character cf God ,and the trlune principlea cf the Order. The aonthwest aide cf thet'col- t uma lias engraved on It the fol- Llowlng words:_ "Ia memory of 5deceased brethren of Corinthian Lqdge, 61. I.O.O.F., and al mem- -bers of th1e order burled ln Ibis district." Above thua inscription E la carved an heur-glass, and be- * 1w. itlgl the Bible. At th1e- base ofj I.the0 granite, la largo letters, the word -"Trnth" la carved. The tait aide carriez the in- 4.scription, "To-vîsit the *slck, te -relleve the xdlstressed, te bury the edoad, and 10 ediieLte the orphaa." ý- lIn place er. the heur-glass sud Bible on thierabuthwst.-side, 11115 2site hias the. al-seeing oeye and the bundît of sticks. At the base i' à arved the word '*Tniendsh.ip". 1.ýThe third aide carries tht third egreat principle of Odd Fellow- I ahip, 'Love". Above are lnscribed -tht words, "Thou ahait love the -Lord tby Ged with ail thy heart and- with ail thy soul, and- thy enelghbour as thystîf"'.- Thé, Ibret d links cf 1the Order . are carved.1 y above the inscription sud below d appears the heart and hand. The Smonument is surrnonnted by a -lar~ge granite globe on which la Lt carved the. linked- initiais, "11.0.' O.P.", symbellzing th-ouniversal-t ity cf tht Order. "It will be 58 years la' July aince I boarded th1e ahip called Odd Fellowship". sald Mr. Greg-. 1ory after ho had unveiied the nbeautif ul memental. Ho peinted - ot, the slgnificance of the sepan-t -t -Ieparts cf tht mionument andt 111e guidook o! ur liv-s, Gardon and the home. Gooda Dolivered. Rico Hardware 111 Brock St. N., Whithy PHONE 20 RESWENLE FIRF.S SHOW INUREASE Sixty Per Cent of Human Sacrifices to Fire Found iHomes Ottawa.-"In attempting any sys-ý temnatic study of fire waste, certain fundamnental and indisputable facts mnust be. kept in mind. Fire waste causes useiess loss of tif e, of em- pipyment, of created wealth in pro- perty, of naturai resources and ci commercial, prosperity. ht also i.m- poses an economic burden upon ail our- peoplefor the -expense of fire extinguishment," said T. Alfred Fleming, directur of Conservation, National Board of Fire Under- writers, New'York, addressing théu joint conference lunichean of theu -Association of Canadian Fire Mhr- shals and Dominion Fire Preventior Association. "The financial loss in recent years has reached such al -arming pr opor- tions that it constitutes ont of the most vital problemfs in any rationsl plan for conservation and impera- tively demands the adoption of cf- fective measures for its control,' he said. "Every life taken by fire is a losswhich cannot be measured by financial, value, whilée véry ,building -represents energy and moncy, and when destroyed by the red plague of lire, brings an irre- trievable loss to the community at large. 'Fire waste in finaýncial wortli Iwhile always local in inception, is national in its application," Mr. Fleming emphasized. "Its real sig- nificance te the comnxunity and to the nation. is more clearly seen i its relation to - 1. Natural -re- sources by the destruction oi build- ing mniaterials. 2. Commercial cre- dit by the impairnient of sccurity 3. Industrial progress by its lundi- capý upon production, anid 4. On the people who finaily pay ail the cosi. "One-third of ourlire ivaste is said to le in rural and agricultural comniunities. where there is. littlc organized effort, to establish ade- quate lire control. Statistics show a startling increase in. dwellinà bouse lires, amounting tp an aver- age of 43 per cent. in the- last, tei years. Sixty per cent. of humat -sacrifices to lire are found ir homes. "A survey of bisses 'of over tev thousand dollars wvas miade over2 period of years, vîhich. showed tii; one per cent. ot-'the number ci fires was producingz over 60 Pcl cent. cf the; amount of lois. AHOYSALAD Cnt some celery stalks tnte smail pieces and mIi .wlth bottie' inehovies. Â dozen anehoviel wlll sufie. ,Cnt rip hsrd-bOiled eggs amd mix with eelery and tubh, nearly as mnch egg -as 151 (Other vegetables, cold bouCe patatoes, îliced raw ofliofl, etc., are otten gdded). Serve wit French dressing-f lavored with on- ion1 inice. Tartar sauce fi lD alternative dressing. lovai $111 'New à ëV Washhg Ma ELETC SO TOAS' -New ind$4OO HOT - RADIO ,AND TABLE PA LAMP- Bench and TudhoF -'and Rangel -Battery 8e -. 114.,BROCK ST. NORTH ,Cà p me tery a- placéetfbeauty and it Pprecialed 1the co-openatioa of ýe Odd Fellows. The unvei"u ?emoay conélgded wlth 1he Lging of!'the hyma. '*jtoc -cf Follewing the teremony the Lnuai Decenatien Day. service! ,as, held. .This part o- fthe pro- rnm vas rader -th. direction eft rother Robert' Keel. Past Dl.W ricI. Deputy Grand MIaster., Trib-i te vas. pald te members Who hait ied during tht past'year.--:G on- on James, Robert Sproule and iha Vinson. of. Phoenix Ledge. Io. 22:. Harry J. Deunia andI aîmes D. -Stonie. of Corinthian i .dge, No. 61; and lyra. Alfned1 'unse>'., cf, Oshawa .Rebekali ,dge. Né., 3. Wreaths wert de- csited at -tht memorial 'by 1Mr4e. Faiker and Mrs.- Goyat for 0mb-, i-a Rebekab Lodge, No.. 3. by nsa. Hutehînsonansd Mrs.'.G., arSons for Sashine Lede, No. 2 2, by Brother. Harold. Coucir nd B1rother John Corner- for Cor- thian. Lodge, and b>' -Brothers -Poulter and- -W. .Taggart for 'hoenix lodge.: T7ribute to. Departed Brother J. E., Andersen. - Pas- land tht Grand Lodke fOntario, apake te tht gather- ge sud paid a tribuIte -te tht de- arted me mbens. - Odd Fellow- hup la - aso-called . secret, s-aocleý- lie said. "but the pninciplea bhich govera ltm-riendshlp. love md' truth-are. not secret. - Tht- Lead Sti11 have a dlaim upon aur The .speaker >peied 'out that he service had a, lesson te be Im- )ated., Il was a splendid exhibi- Ãon of -thet.Vanity cf- worldly Iilags. Ht atated that ho vas ooking forward ta 1the lime when ove, the. law cf universal ,bro- therhood,- would embrace ail manklad. Not ntil that -tme worild - violence, cruelty - and .atred disappear. "All of us cerisMh the inspir.a- - ion o!frinà elftsh- f Irlendsh," ,sid M r. Anderson. "H. la an, enerny on has race who-des net cane for the Welfane cf his- fellow-rnan. The 'way lawbich voe au show Duun respect for 111e departpd la by being true to. 1thé principles for ih they stood."p The service eoncluded wltth 11e sitilago! "'God 11e with Yen 1111 i'e-meot Again." -Rev.» W. R. Tan- -on prononed the hqnedlction. The Oshawa- Mal0 Vole, Chair, under the. direction of Harold ]*urst, contributed- se.veral selc-- tions during-tht Service.. OUQIIQI'IT ATIAIT u~mmJ ROUND'TIP 'RAIL .TRA'V - From WHITB JULY 3and 4 I to Tkidmia, Ratura: lmite, Traisn, iarenatisa *rhmAg p CAN'ADIASNiC A HOT XVTHETHER your home is modern or V'not-whethcr you use neyeor old. fashioned Meho ds ted yourhousevork youý must have flot, Water. »y adding Just as siali amenaIte your Bydre bill* u can cujo the omforts ofla Hydre)YÉlcctric Water Heater that will *ire. y o ronnuous hot vater the Noô heatete obuy. Ne tank te huy. You just psy for- tht. currnt you use. Visit. thec Hydre and obtaia fr11 pardtcu1ars or- telephone sund a representative will calL .I W-4f Whitby Public PHONE 0 F A ~ *iq~g~5 id iag with them la this great bro- -5 therhood. What a power for gond d thein livies bave. been. .13y thein go- d- ing eut tihe werld liaî be en left a . poerer place. d "4Thereis in Ibis creatien eaul- ed mtan thre hope o.f tht eternal," ih Mr. Kingston conîinned. "In Odd 1-Feilowshlp. tber0 la expressed in t 1the heart cf each one cf. us the' hope of Immertaiity. Thdre are those of us here, and those be - yond. and above al la God." Tht speaker Éîated il vas a day1 ever te be- remenzbered in th1e annals df Odd Fellowshtp la Oshawa. "I c ongratulate tht .C o rin tîan Lodge on bninging thua great plan te fruitien," 1e stated. *"It wtli perpetuate the memony of the de- eeased down threngb ail tht ages.- S 1"This beantifnl monume@nt la -Bot juil 1composed, cf narbie, atone and mertar," conciuded Mn. -Kingston. tlu It are incerponated. the prineiplez cf, !riendship, love and truth. -'Let il be te yau a chata cf mernory linking back te 'the Paut." Organzati.a Colsgrtulated The Odd FeIlows vent eon- gratulatedý by Drother- Abert A. Crovwle,,-chairman -of the cemetery Board of Governers, for addlng another beauty- spot te thse eme- tory. Re told: tht gathering that lfor many years the board bad] jbeeu endeaveuring tuo make . the jB.C. Medicois Favor Pharmiaceutica Codeine Restriction Members, ex grewlng .]use -couver. Cons Victoria, --June -25-Ibelegates said to be 30 to the aÀnnual. convention of the -greater than British Columbia .Méedicali Associ - American rity ation> here are agreed. that Cod- Col. W.- W. eine shonld be placed. onthe nar- chief conutab cotte liat. The.association plans wouid suppor te work witli the British Columbla salis of the d METH9DS WVEN Prevention A à U', Launches Cmp n to Lessen, Drownmng Accidenta Toronto, June .-« lh attl' Ontario _tumnint lakevard for. Ils holiday,z. -lie Indratnial Acci- dent Prevention Asseclalio ns have launched -an inten sive edri- cationai caîpaig a ecut dova tie aumber. et drevnlng falali- ts vici -ever>' yean bring lra .g- ady luto scores.of OnLtanlo homes. *DrownuIng -dlaims more lires in Caniada ever>'. yean than- auto- mobile accidents," decianed- .,R. B. Monte>,', genenal manager of tie Industnial Acciden:t Preven- tion Associations,- who las direct- ing the.safet>' campalgu.- "During the past. 10 years, Ihere lias hotu an. average. c f ont drovning s day la.. Ontailo. lTOisl terrible tltimuat be reduced. Tao ian>' familles :in Ontario are plungedtd m-morirning vhea tht>' shorilal1 aili be wesrnug .ga>',- anminer cloties sud havlug a healthf ul holiday .aI lie - lake."1. Tht' canaýPaiga ta sendorsed b>' H. IR. Giliard, prealdent ef the Canadîan Amateur -Slmmiug' As- soclalion, *ha points 'ontmthal 1089,-pensons*,veetdrovutal ln Canada' tast year. - As'-pa*rt ,f -their safet>' drive, the Inidurilat Accident Prerven- lion Associations are, bianketing the' province wv'ili thousarida cf cincrilans -and -Posters. mhowlng ila a - ctear, graphie wa>', how ta1 re-; vive -a persan vho has.been pull- ed ont of tht water in anurun-, coasciaià s cnIin This metlhod cf antificial -rei- piration, kuovn - as th1e "pronie pressure meliod"f, eau aise be useal In casés o! tieectnîcal shock aud gas aapiyxiation.. Il laà thte one, recommeudeal b>'the-*Ontario Hydro-Elecînie -Pewer'Ccimis- sien and tht Electnical Employ-. ens' Associatien.. Tht Igdustriai AccIdenut Pro*- veutien :Associations nurge ail citizens-ato>put rip liese Posters'- ina their animer cottages: so tint thée important information on ne- suscitation viii ho readmi>' araîl- able, if il aient ho arialdeul> needei taeBave some preelens ltfe.- Copies -'cf.lie, poster ma>' be çb-ý taineit, fret o! change, b>' appl>'- ing la the' I.A.P.A«. office, 600' Sa>' St.-, Tarante. Esci vital stop _Ia reslening normal bneatiing te carefnullY - QuIckly remove -viclini tram water anal7 place . . on grnd-oer ethen iard surface, If -pesaIbrie have Seat sîlgit>' lover han tht rest e! lie boit>'se tisaI vater, anal bther liquida -vill drain ava>' frein -tht. -viclimt. ",As accu as possible» feel ilSth yc ur -fingens ta tise p.atlet"sç threat anal remeve anyi foeigun boity sacS 'as - tehacco analtaise, .teetis.1f tht menti is.tight shul, Pa> .ne mort attenion' le It until later.- -j