Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1936, p. 1

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TUE VOL. 7 2-NO. 5 2' WHTYON.C HistorloC hurch at Port Whîtby WiI Mark_ Anivorsary WHITBY PASTORS SAY [ARFWIYFL Rey. S. L. Toil and flis Son Close Ministry Next Sundisy Next Stunday, rcv,. I.Tol. WD-, pastor or Wiltby Unlted (Church for two yc-ars. -and hls AO5. Rfv. Ellsworth Troll, who lias biee asaaorated with hlm miince.his ratura from a world tour, will' take théîr leave of the congrega- tion, both having liei transfer- M5d te the Toronto Conference. ROY., S. .. Toitlil, retirlng from thse miinltry after havinâ, servedi for over 40 y-ear8. Hlmson will flot takse a pulpit for a year at lasat, ais b. Intenda te continueý hla lectures ont bis wrdtour Whlis ho eenjoyed, ln company Vith hie brother, Leroy.ý At services lu the churcb on Suntiay it. was announced thiit ROYv. S. L. Tell will ufficiate at bis Ouai Communion service wlien the. Sacrament ot the Lord's Sup- pet' wlll be obsorved ncxt $unday. At the. evening service both pas- totl VIaddreass'thA congrega- tien. tieliverlng farewell mes- sages. 11ev. Rimm-ellO'nl, A. B.D., M.REF., the new inîster, ViII not take charge until the trot Sijnday iii Atigtit as he taises the pulpît of Carlton treet Chureh, Toronto, durlng July unitdr an arrangement inude be- fers hic cali te WhltbY. Pulpit of the churcis Sundmy and t aIAlmondz will ho supplled by visilting tmînisters, It is expett- Pd, and ILitle proposed te bave only a service in tho mornlng., Pulpit of the church yesterday won oecupled hy 11ev. $. L. Toel la thse mrnmnng and Rev. Ells- worth Teoll In thà, evenlng. The latter premented a very' inspira- tilsuaî and nlgltenlrg bock ser- moa on Dr. E. Stanley Jones' re- tu71 volume, "Christ'. Alterna- tivei t -Communlem." ROYe. Mr. T'oit polûtei out how the author observed at ilmst band how Cens- imuftlsm le working out Il uisla and ChIne, andi how Intahesbock ho outiioca à programme for tise Christia suraiste follow Itf i 1 4 o eut eueesafully the. chai.ý, ale of thse Marztan exuesimaumi@ I j SPARATE SC>OU(S C.Uu. A. M. lrwin -Say& Me Was lncorrectly XI .k arepo rt appearnng in theme selumialait week onila debato in rowil CounciI on a miotion miate by Cdun. A, M. Irwin that the trea- urer b. instructe t t pay tri the Stparato Schooî Board requisitions tecoi'ding te, Statute, Couni. Irwiî isifesms us that ho was misquoîed. Cosse. lrwin w'as rcported te bave 0ateti that the Iaw that neinionev, ould be paid ouf: by auiv mic»ipal- it i Ontario until ail Iliat hati becn levieti hati bor raidi in. Couin. Ir- s'ln states that Ibis statçmenlt cre- itedto te im lu incorrect aud rives ku entirrly wrong irspresio-n. Whlat se diii say 'vas that nmoîsmy for tchool purposes collrctcd by tise ousscil for the Separate Scbccl àbar, cotild nly hc paid acccrdiîîgf G statute. "I take the 515mb te J ricin that tihe ney cotîld bc raidi )ut enl ime by the treasuýtrcr if it id been raid ini, b t he Sepiarate chool i pportersc," Coun. Irwin Couli. Irwvin pcissted ont *that thec Irefultag c (f taxes l, CNied aga'inît eperate ScIlol Sp errs for -licol piirpcss ýoîîl - , lascd ou the ,easîirer s figuires, waq 18.8 -pvr tnt. the balance. 81.2 pcr cent go-. i*or grieraI îaxatioiî ptrp4iscs. sni Irwi-l mnade it plai1n11 lsat al r ias asking fo- mas- a,s lsr- tec Of the- 15u % v fIC t%ii nwiîlt epeCt te tlime pavsiî5 ct f Seî'arate 'iliol taxe%, anti t lav 'vs sat .hool dioisccsld be paiti out fîy as andi whcn tlsev vere paid ini. ïhitb>- Barber ho Entered: 4y Thief bileves 'er. bui-lu . n Vhitby Veels. They eolteroti the barber P Of Alfred i Nîholîs, Elrocl- et nortîs, buit aftlr openlng 1111r- astigng throth.draw- lime>'apparentil. gotuohn thelr.troisle- Not even rse takon, Mr. Nle elicted. he cash rogîster ta a Frencth but IL 'va. lettthe.re. i-ý P 'vas galseti thr-ougls th% r door w'vi IsWa fer-d epen was matie threurb thse fsni w'sci 'vas fourni open 'vilm Nîchoilîswcut te open up lis . 'isemesse, 'ms e'nrt-d ro poic Vie are lnveelsgatîsl, Ho' today liat if tii-, bre.is:a', stores ccii:' 'su.-. Ise('-su. b8ho set t n e il Ia Uu Poliçe dsity ut aight. St. Jo hn'.Church Ha iBee Important Part of Com. munity ReBilus [Mfe for 9? Yearà - -Special Ser. vice& on Sunàly and Monday Next Ninetey ears of continucus and outmtanding sýervi ce. in th is corn- 1niunity wiIl be -marked in a very -special mnanner next Sunday and Mondas' by the congregation of St. John's Anglican Church, Port lVhit- by. The chumch is one of the most historie in this part of &he >coun- try and it is noted for its many memoprials. On Sunday, at il a.m., 11ev. 1). B3. Langford, the rector, will preai-h and in the eveuring, Rev. W. R. Sproule, of the Church of the Mes- siah, Toronto, who was ýassociated with 1ev. Mr. Langford for t%ýo_ and a half years in Port Whitby, Pickering anid Dunbarton, -will be the special preacher. The choir bas pepared special snusic and will be assîsted by Mr. Robin Nichol- son, an old friend of the congre- gation. On Monday evening, there will be a banquet in the parishi Hall cemmencing at 6 o'clock. Between the. first and second sîttings an anniversary photograph will be taken. During the evening a mem- orial quilt, on which has been em- boidered the tops of ail the mem- orial windows, will be disposed of. After this adjournment wîll- be taken- to the body of the church where the 1ey. C. E. Whittakeri DD., will give an addresm on the wnrk f ormerly carried on by himi in the diocese of McKenzie River with reference to the work being carried on there by Bishop Fleming. Eamly Hsstory july 5th, 1846, mas a red letter day for the earnest Christians of Whitby, when the first service was held in St. John's Church. For.that opening service, what a happy con- gregation assembled!- How hank- fuI they, were for a buildtlg in which te worship God! What feel- ings pulsed through their bodies as they. sang the hymns, read the pealms, offered their devout. pray- ers! HIow- aptured they were witb theeloquent and carnestworda cf the preacher, the Rev. John Pent- land.j There were days, yea, years b.- tore this when manypeople living in Souths Ontarfo- were witisout a reguWar saee'tswWisI ïeVQ ç M'ja Enasss d'vmoda - atonal seritées at is-egular Inter- vois. Tey would herald their eom- ngn f&irî> large conrogations for tbdse days would assmble in 1ho bars cf some kind-'noighboum, Prom M83-3511ev. Adami Elict and a 11ev. Taylor passed. through Ilim tes-ritor>' and ministeied ut oc- ceasional Intervals. In Mureis and April, 1836, 11ev. H. H. 'O'Neill visited Piclcering, Whitby and dis- trict. These meetings 'vere usually held lin. Knt's' Hotel, Peray's, Cor- n'ers, 'Wity); andi at Tbcrnton's Corsnse ast Windsor, Wallace Cernons sdother places »in tumn. In 1835 tise first Chus-ch building in -South Ontario 'vam emecteti at ýColunsbus or 4ngIish Corners, it *vas then known, andi buill cf legs. This' Churcis was named "St. Paul?%". If: 'as burset ini 1837 and a frame structure erected ini its place wbich bas sf:ood ever since. This building bas ince undergone- extensive nepairs.'.1 By the year 1838, the Parisb cof (Continued on pagc 7) B.I.[CARNI VAl. ON wDOMîaI'NIONBAY FOR [,H IONS CLUB-. Money To Bt-îhed'TOI HIelp UnderpýlviI.ed Children jThe big attraction in' Wbitby on Dominion Day, JuIy l1sf:, 'ilI ho the- camnival ,being stageti undes- the auspices or Witby Lions' Club, on St. B-ýrnnmd's scioci groundis. 1- The camnival 'vilI commence. at .sevon o'eiock and f ous tIi on un- Iil midnight thers 'vilî ho some- thing doin g ever>' minute. "4No dul moment" is the sîogan of tise Com- mittet., ani èverYf:inz is being donc te sce that the slogan îs oh- BRITAIN, VIIIY ARE EXTOLLED. IN ROTARY ADDRFS Labor to Malce Cana&a and Empire More Juat 11ev. Ellsworth Toil, M.-A., assis- jtant pastor of the Whitby United Church, addressed the Whitby Ro- tarianis at their weekly luncheon at Hotel Whitbv on the. occasion of the King's Birthday, Tuesday. In keeping with the day, the speak- er duait with the subject, "4Oui King ani Empire."' "King Edward VIII, from his- youth up, has been in training for hl, hipresent exalted position, ruler of the %astest empire of modern time." laid Rev. Mr. Toli, who Ipointed out that his e -,erience has included. saibing as miîdshipman, coliege days at Oxford, war exper- lences in France, and world knowl- edge- gainied by extensive travels in many lands. "He kiows the world as few men know it. .A migh ty and compiex Empire is his," the- speaker continued. "One-quar- ter of the earth's surface, one- quarter . f mankind - this is the empire -called British. Complex it- à8 in races: 365. million Indians, 70 million wtiites, 42 million blacks. Varied it is in religion: 24q million Hindus,0 110 million- Moslemsr, 80 million Christians. A -common- wealth of nations so formed pre- sents a hoat of administrative diffi- culties, but. the King represents its -essential unity. Politicians divide. -the King unîtes." Mr. Tol declared that the day had gone when intelligent Chris- tian could blindly shout, "My1 Country, right or wrong!" "WeD should not be easily -atisfied," the. speaker affirmed, "but should la- bour te make our land and empire t more just and £air for ail classes of hem citizenship. We should strive to make of this commnonwealth of nations an instrument for world. peace and brotherhood." RotarianG. L, Macdougall occu- pied the chair in the absence of Rotarian "Stan." Montgomery. Ro. tarian. Jim Bell -rendered a isong of his own composing, a song which hie' haal written many years ago upori the occasion of the corona- tien of the bite King George, V. KINSAFE 10OUPLE 1~ED~OYE~ KINSALE, lune 2.-sTUss day xn ev>su, lune 23d\vr 70 reatves, old friendè 4anineigis- bers gathered at thse home -:f 1Mr. snd Mrs. Wilfred Satilor tb heip thons celebmate -thë 501h annivor- sary" c ftheir 'vcdding day. Mr. sud Mrs. Sadler 'vere marricti in Pickerîng township on Februamy 24, 1886. Two cf last night's guests 'vere presersî at the 'vedding cf fifty years ago, uainely, ýMrs. 11e- bort ilutchinson, cf Oshawa, and lIrs. Spence Taylor, of Greenwoed.. Congratulations 'vere reeived fromq friends in Hanmilton, Ciarement, Oro and Saskatchewan. A buffet lunch 'vas serveti on tise lawn, where grcups of old. friends spent à social heur renew- ing old acquaintances, aflter yeams of sepamation. Quito a number from thus place are golng te Whitby noif: Tuosiay -ovening, July 1sf:, te attend tie big carnIval being staged b>' the Whitby Lions Club for the isenefif: o! underprîvilegeti chlldren. Tics, wh6 have bought tickets are hope- fuI cr wlnning coeo! thie thre grand prizes. The happy couple 'vere present- cd with beautiful and useful gifts which included a cabinet cf silver flatware frcm their onîy son, Mr. Robt. Sadier and family cf Blaek- stock. Following the lunch heur, aIl gatheredini the lieuse, whcre. a slng-scng cf old favorites 'vas eoedby aIl Ashort progmam cosig .cf 'solos*, m:--dings sud. speeches sud the final number "Gcdt bo 'vils you till 've meet agaîn",1 brcught te a close a very enjoyable evnn.Guests 'vere present £rom OxmfHamilton, Toronto, Osis- awa, Blackstock, Sf:ouff-ville, Pick- érine, Bmooklin, Baîsam, Green- wood- and other *near-bv neints. 0F LEW8N CROSSI Proo Iu use, as a house o!f'vor'mhlpi, Miethodust, Church, but after "s homse e!tiste Presbyterian. anti U~nited Chlurçh banner. lnsert f teH yearm, the 11ev. P. ýL. Juil. PROMINENT WMr OSHAWA GD~ M-,k DueNative of -On. tsrip, Held -High Officei uýn*mbe*of Offlnizâ. Max D-f vPrJom-- e- t lil. i-« brKi r Du!, poinet 'live- istock breeibrand mper, ont- standiug exhîbitor -nd Sut b4qLt.kThe armem a eud O- demly1&ftt'tie Oshawa.- General Hompi tal at 4.30 yestemday after- hoon, te whicbh fistltutlon ho bati gene on Saturday last, sufferiis, it l isaid. from blcod poisoaing. la th erWy prime of life, and ap- parently lu tIse best of bealth up until a few days ugo, tic ncws cf bis passing bas cast a glcom over thé entiro county andti i lll ex- tend te Canada andtheti Unitedi States where ho 'vas so eIol known. Born near Audley, the late Mark Dut! 'vas the son of Mr. and Mrs. -Robent Duif, pioncer settiers. Robert* Duif, of Myrtie, a 'veil- kn*own breeder anxd importer principaîly of bigi grade -herses. and bis son foîlowed inbis feet- steps. Mark Duif owns herses'anti somne ,o! the finet importations can ho credited te hlm. ib Held High Offices. rc Mm. Duif hati belti ail the bigb- In or offices ln, such organizations as the Ca nadian Herse Breeders' As- sociation, andi organizations pro- oi moting the breeding andi importa-:P tion ci pure-hred sheep andi b Shorthcmn cattle. His name 'vas bi outstanding on the membership lo mrolls of ail 'orx"Zanizations he Isai t auy connectica 'vith. Hc was known 'videly net only ln Cana- da sud the Unitedi States, but also t in the olti lanti. For quite a num- s ber o! years .ho 'vas inspecter for wl tbe Ontario Stallion Enrolinent f Board. Homo organizations promoting the cause of! agriculture receivcd ne WHITBY PASTO'RS TO SAY FAREWELL tradiaction ruicorded du$Ing the paut week as the, aalý by S. J. Tick of what- was for-ý M.sr kno6wn .as thbe eJohn Rice* proDerty, ,on ,Ricels Hill1, Brock -,street forfth,_ tô C.- A. Bender, manager of the Heintzman Piano- Cmp- aniy,' Toronto. Te pro .perty,. »wblcb as undergone exten- tilve Improvemnents in recent Yeara.. 15 to be remodelled and exteid ed by Hie new owner, it is learned.; mr.- Tlck expects to. dispose. of bis furniture including some very fine walnut pleces, a an early date. Ne W" Q uarters For Oddfelows Whltby- Oddfellows and Re- bekabs, wbo bave had tbeir lodgýe ooms in the Rice building for many years,' are movîng shortly o new quarters in the building n the opposite side o! tbe tmtrezt purchased sme tim,3 ago by Her- bert T. Wilson. Two floors bave bèen leasedi in * tbls building for îdge and banquet roome and ex- 'nsive improvements to the m wiU be made. While the f urni- ýre and- equipment . will be noved overmorne time lan, July when the roins are ready. The of- cial -openlng Iwill, .net t-ake )ace until tbe' fali when regular odge sessions are resuihied.> Tue rew quarters are 'weIl fitted fer 0 Ne btter place form the camnival Some lime ugo "Wbitby braneh y coul bcs chocen. Located ti n-the -o! thse Cana Iann Iegion eroct- rhiglhwav- antinh the contre cf tiseld a, cross o! sacrifice at - <town, wif:h the nurerous shade thse soldieme' plot ln Grover.- 1trcs, there iq sure te be a largo aide Cemeter>', te cmm -o~-- -rv cmwinl attendne. Lions frniom rate thme memory cf vetemans et cHier Cluba nsP theditcta e-t- Great Wur wbo new sleep r pe~tcd. Itheir lest sloep there anti 'vi - - bcre'vii hemusi, dncin. f v la lufstume findtheticplot their Pttirt;rtcps gsiire, pleut>'-cf m-f rcstiug place. fs wsnt3 uu'd -Il tir-t goees te o ln r o'ute v> e ab n1c as-nrival a succes-,Pan remw thrw o Th sish -th fit-st effort of thig th dedication o! thse cross, antid kýnd u nh-t- Los lb It ifmay take places on tic anme day the mcney w;ll ho u:zet for 'vnrk as Canada s 'van memen*al at a,"sngeb~-~'en,- prtisslsie-InVinm>'Ritig-e lis unvelleti b>'Hisa tr1iv wrk,.The r' eh-4Ss.t,1-d Mâjesty, Ithe iCng. PresîdentR ~-~- ~~- R-'-i ~t éi î- --.Deverli, 'vise 'as ehairm E.LLWR'RTL - Mo'f.L.TL Ir ile ca-h oi povine O4~.irlIeCnmitté" 'vhich vollecteado ssstn iaseeo Witb*UiediPagter et WIiitfby-United Chus-e r-l r--~s-y '!'i:i-%vill b2, mone> fer theCi-ose sud lias! it Cf h.e whebu S5kaocîated ifer &le. pas«: tu'* years. Who an- t .j w i~ i t~-r - ~Ce erte t, state t od a> h t l n ! i tIh h esm oum , i e .hm b u nfU e l s i m i t - ' b r n S u a r ~~ wcl; b vere net yet eom plEted, but it 1lUIe, *M douves-a farewol puae fiet.H»MU-e amuste pIet t'le finl-I tý-',nes lOnthe caMni- Ispcd te bavp some poiet-t h sts hsc cirg-ts opl Ju iS ens, aidrlse I i-a pregamnie uas ufficiate aI Iise-dedicatlon. Itien enSuay igist, eIism .t fq-actuI4e- oyle uwIuISI-vUsi nq Have Beei Ami ,men AilNames Ar. in O W.dr oMerit, The flowing puplis have pat S- 1thse Promotion -exainatîons%. amen or subjecta .follo*lùg ' a LPl'S 4ame-Indicate failures in ose..s ijects. Thée cames arein der of merit. FomIIM-G. Kingston, A. liaR. Pajmer, -F.- Ni-chois, 1 'anton, . -%1Goldinan, C. Wg )n <La?.. omp. Lit.), F. Hinck. a ~GjM-.* Raie.- W. Turan.. r(La .,S. Mudry (Àrth, xathýaon (Arthi.î, S. IdcCuî. igi Ilffeom. Lit.. Comp.) Owlag fil 1s H; Deverell was unable W*rite I the final examnatoùs Fom IIG-E. teG ard., Y. Moas . Muir,' G. Holman11 Pr) .Watson,. D. Camemoln . - Comp> :E.Adams (Gram. rlh, .Gmi ff la (Lit.. Cmj Parsons (Phys. Arithi, G. oster (Lit. Giomp.,) Form MK Phin, E& Greén, kii,.fikfison, G. -Licis, m. uSnem, -P. -Kemptborne, 1D. A r,ý G. Ridgley, S. Wilson,. H., sae .Starbird. M.: LGr Llg,), H.Michael {Geog), . B. vineý Ag.,G. Valfee: (Comp.' [t., :Goldring, ^j. O'Connor. "OM piB Heard,, E. Mowat-- Rea (Lat.',COnP. Lit.) Llby, L.1 Cendrlc, Rt. Lindley, M. IaW.E Vý Dilllng,. D.'- Roberts 'H. Ite Y, 1. Wo d (Art).- A. ýGlu- ipie (Gedg.),. Mi. 'Hil,(Lit. 'Fr.> Tisoi1nafs (Art), A. Hlurat (Art, 1« G. Kingston (Geog.), 0. ýkinsonl (Lit. Çomp.), J. -Bir.. SPrM.Osborne (Art), W. ss4 p (Ç '.LIt.>, J Lno die« ; L . nwasnm W 8~L i SAY m4r., à. hIE Guet .iLives -That 1 twas the topie c tse.luneheon of" tary.Club held on the Whitby club provided the pr the visit of thse1 After welcomi Prmsident E..F. the progrum Over Dm. G. b. Maedi The guest speake Ste.ve MeKeown oý 'It is fi ot -necessi dûessmeins name goes down the quiet. smyple' real contribution .1 bel said.. "It is flot wealth, but what manity that couat 344d "Each one .name- remnembere individu.als -carry i -iples cf Rotary, can survive after, is our beat memoi Also on thse Pr much appreciated ýGeorge Asstley, -Whitby club, and ingwa led by rreasurer, Jack k - - . - pnp"S Passea sun.the Thre-Iggè rcetenant ~ following their nantos: r g~ y mcmning- in the >.U.ý der, 'oet uant.nu ni Lt.Fr;C amrn at.F: -was - decided-te frnit Il Charie ner Jon Âlime, Bo . Çharters,. Lat... Fr., Ge.; son Houseon erS Goode, LaIt., Fr.', Ger.;4o/f-the best usider theoCou ong s rY; Boys andi m n open, e-, a, F .;È. Homan, . control, for $25-00 a m ot I1van Frlot r and Howard Allan, iuc, a., Fr.,- J. KeÏr, g. If the Commiso Webstem 1hempson andyear. ssscnL Thma. - tiYstnLat.,ý Fr.;ý D. Kempthorne ýLat., Thomas.- Fr., Ger.; OÃ".e Mitchell, Lat., Fr.; bouse, which it would ri Ad te andi Opeis M O'onnor,. Lat., Fr.; p, t would*need te get at lea Men, open--Wbster Themp- 'O'Delî, lat., ýFr.; L. Sloightholm, -te meet.aIl the obligationi mon,,Ralpis McCaml, Howard Allan. Lat .. Fr., Ge. W.- Thompson, nection- witb it.. The Cor Woen oenGona omaLat.,ý Fr., Gem., E. Tbomndyke,. prefers te 'sel than ment Helen- Litner, Gertrude Best.. Lat.,, Fr.; W. Todyke, -Lat.ý,1 dem.and for boss in -tc Marmict ed.Nli-Mr. Bell, Mr. Fr., Gem.. .;.- ..- . tiseleat, ,is net lthe best. Freenian,. Mm. Brougbtop- ________ 'Mar-leI-lalçs-Mr. Fltchr,.The Secretary eportot Marred -ladts-Mr. Fltcbe, ~Commission that if: woL ma.Stalik. KUDKII~blUK fl $28*,000 te- cdean up and re Trdand needîs race, mlxed, IEUJI services cf tho Commis, ens-, Benny Lynde and_- Geraldine IIètoI everal good bouse Kingaton, Don Freeman and -Mar- I L an imigbt realize pembaps ne; gar-ite Stanlick. amroun.t. Tbey are alimrento The ladis.o! the. church are te, ownrs are away beind w hd cngraulated on tho fne Job] Special % vim'ces Sundlay payments and the t-wri they didlan supplying the refrsh make these grood at the bail inents for the. occasion, .dth.* Gard n Partyon_ Proxincial Commission il m en diti o d w o k ln t kin g cudre Mp id p om ptUlY. * of th. transporation. After sup- oônday, .One ian wbe lm away Der, Mr. W. A. Dnnlly, on behaî'f -ýith. bis payment and ta, pf ties chol preenteti gftm te -By szpecil. services' on Sundav, who can make ne definite1 ne.y. S. L. 'olI anc. is son, Rev. June 2th, 'and July th,- and* a te thé Commission s te Ellsworth Tol, expressing t he ap- garden prt in - the Community i1ll be able te pay1 owine reciation ef thir services te the Park on Monday evening, Jne stady empîymnt, willh Sunday Seool duin g -teir joint 29th, -Brookin. United Church.-is t? vacate is ouse and si pstorate which- termi.naàts ne t celebratin its lth anni versry.- is-agreement by the lth Sunday. and the 7th- anniversarv of theý The- Commision came te 1 - T e d y w s~ rou ht e a suc m irction f the churc b building, as clus on that if the occupai hefulconcluso by a uc-ngreviewed la.I 'veoit iiitheso côl- not borrow somne mouey', baIsfl coame sioblc e nuleti a- houms.The bistcmy. cf the con gre-_ uipat least the tax armea Redi W ngs *goi g ahe i in th e 1sf: gation is tie istor v f s veral con- ' w as thé, o ly step to ta le , gegations and revals m any Athouse owned lnn ags te def at ic ige s b . a charr e s in ýth e. village du in g- the -C om m ission ~e r c t e score o! 15-1s31.ye r. e>' f w -fthe will be, improved with tii old amîl siaes nw reain ic-of exterior paint. - nnhiirn tmes cf he us ami paîntérc- ChairmnanF. J. McIntyre T(J1RONTO UDRIVE [tuancsogfats thePresbytandiamfr pour elsewhemc in.,this ýis.sue. * d at the -meeting, and wi After the unionin 1926 o f the ere Commi§sioners Mav< cf tIse material used in making im-ý ptovements te the cburcb basement, the parsonage, and in the erection cf a closeti sbed. thus mk-~g a material, as Weil- as a* -i 'ftuai. union cf the two congrgatiq. SA beautiful, tablef: erectet b 'tise Presbyterians te tihe 7memor>' cf 11ev. - Dr. Jas. Carmicissel, a former pastor cf -Brookliuanti Columbus, sud later, home missionary. super-, intendent in 'esten Canada, 'vas aise, placedîn uthe present- cburcb. OuI>' three pastors of tise.fermer Metbodist church ini Bncokin r stIî living: Rev.. LB. Foley, cf Springbrook; E. W. Rowlnnd, cf Stirling, sud- R.A.' ýDelve, now liv- ing in Oshawa. -Aise lhree pastors _ cf. -the -former -Preihylerian chargeý of Brooklin 1n nd -Columbus- Rev. I 'Wm.-Haig of 'Gormie>', Robt. Simp- . son, of Brooklsn, snd Dr. J. R È.,-Fma- ser, South Porcupine.- 0f .theàe,ý 11ev. . W-B. Fele>' 'ilI preach on-1 Sunda>', lune 28, andi Itov. W. Haig1 ou Stonda>' mornixsgJulyS. Several Baptist mniusters Who e seyd as studeats ini Broolilin are alse living. Among 'theMni: Revs.i W. E. Mathe'vs cf Detroit, C.' E f Scott cf Michigan, I. S. Vicias-I of i nt Waynme, .John Mcalass c f .M Co-nal, ugli MeDermui and 'I JohuIilta ts " of Toronto.' Itev. P. 'U. Juil lias been pastor 1 of 'Brooklin Unitedi Churc S mince a the union ini 1926& More Serious Charge May Be Lai as Risuit. of Death Sam Laroceco, Breo kmide Aven- ue, Toronto, who !a chargeti 'viti crimînal negligence as-a nesuif: cfo an accident in-, wbich-. James. Dompstem. 16 year elti Tomentoý Youth susf:alnot injuries causing hlm death, appearet InluWhlfby Police -, Court Tuesia>'- aftem- iocan, when Magtstrate . s.-Ehs remantietihim ln custody>'for 1one. -Larocco wvas ativiseti by. Crowu Atorne>' G. D. Cenant toi socurel eounsel before ho appeamed .la Court nexf: 'eeois. Mr. Conant pointoti ouf: tisaIlhe charge Werold probabl>' ho changes! . te o er. manalaugister :fol.lowing. ise lnquest into Dempstera doute ou-.Fritiay nigist, A minr living In tie town cof Whllby v as sentencu ite Vo- iweeks lu tise Cotnt>. Jali -11>' Mlagistrale ]F. S. Ebbs, when ho àppéas-ed eoiatarsgo. e! theft. goveral traffle cases Vere- ad-Ï, joumnedte n u er? eis heînthe* defeutants - tules! te .appear lin NEW MINIS Rev. RusseillO Had aWit perien W ne l v x p e ie n c e ç his mitidleethirties îsi O'Brien,- who- viio pif: cf Carlton Sýtreet' dnring-July , beore si E. S.» Toli as minisi Unitedi church. Born Mm. -O'Brien gra4 .Queen's University,. B.D.- a:- MGilI, and Hartford, Ccnn., 'vi in AndoverCongrege Going -te Port-of-Sp as.-paster (cf Gmeyfmii ian churcli, lie az .editor"cf the Trinidac Record. Followed fit slhip cfUrligionS edu Uniteti Chuhin t tlieu several years s Méemorial Unite chu arines, -from wbich reàigned.

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