Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1936, p. 3

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TH wrBYGZEr &CROILETHRDAJUE2Ir93 i Club, Chu rch and Social Circlea I if rimait ~i W men te.Home, "ndthe Lifio of t. Comunity Ji5ARE PARTY Mmny Were* Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Twin.,SILturdayB 'stOiiehaven", the loveiy homoe cf Mr. and Mn.. Norman' Irwin, vas th*. scene on $atunday eften- noce of oeeof the. eascu'ms ari- lest aud mout deiightful gardon parties, viion about tour bundred accepted the. Invitatien toenejey the, hospitlty o! "Stoneiiavenuis' populen homt sud hosteau, Guests came froni Whitby, Oshawa, To- route. Kitchoenr.Bovmnauvhlie, Pickernug and otheir places, sud venO recolved by Mn. sud Mrm. IrvIn at the. otrance- te the levely gardieus-4Zhc, ciiamnl licites. recelved ln s pretty.-pic- iure freek 'cf white v'Ith-*match- iag azceeaorles -anud cannIcd sa ibeuaf cf :evolY roses. Nature combined tô mako - ho partly dellightfui sud uesaful1 and to make the settlntgnQe long tn bo remembered. "Stonobaven" bas long been uoted for Its love- ly aud .psclouu lawus, eudies.s variety of floyers sud brubs, tatefuily sud attnactivoiy an- rnged, Itss *mnlg iWol, te wlde. aweepiug vrndais oet he home, sud lest, but not Ieast, Uts aubstantlal buildings sud al of lieme Improssed thie visitons. Net s fwof e lte guestq took adrautage o! the epportunIýy.toG riitlhe stables sud se. Hie biorns, vblcii are morne cf the funsI-lu the country. O! panhîcu- Ian htonest vene the Su ffol k Punch herses broug.t from Eug-' land by Mr. Irvîn. The Svlss cal- Slie ln neenby fields more also of lauchI ntenest.1 '"tonebaveu"la Ioa roi show place and tiier. lin much te bi se en. This year many improye- mnet ers aoted. Dung the -afteruooa veny tasty sud acceptabe buffet lunch- eau vas senved on the. lava. W.ELS FAMILY UFLO RFUNION Manw Members of FamilY a Gathering Held at Honeydale SCUGOG, June 21. ,-On Sanday, June 14, s ne-union- o! the Wells famlly mas beld aItith. home of Mnrs. Charles Wells, Houeydale. Tiose promeut vere: Mns. W. MacGregor, Mn. Earl MscGnegoî, Mn. sud Mrs. B. MacGregen and Jack sud Doris,' Mn. sud Mns. F Geede snd Eve, Mn. and. Mrm. A Dawson sud- iamlly, Edua, Jean Ora,,Bobby, Bernice, Port Penny; M n sud Mn. S..Hope, sud Merle sud Cochle o! Prnuce Albert; Mr and Mns. F. Wells, of Mari mena'. Mn.. William Gains,- o Foxbono; Mn. spd Mrs. Roib Wells,, sud Mrs. John, Bysi Lindsay; Mn. sund Mns. Jeckr Wells of Abernehy,, Sask.; >Mn. aui Mn.. G. Bnieni Mn. snd Mrs. Ed Jenlug, Mn. sud Mns. b. Charnu enialu sud Jimmie, etfToontc Mn. sud Mn.. H. Mili. EnnIlakiI len; Miss Flornce Wells, Bledk stock; Mn. and .Mns. Leightci MacGnegon, Donny aud- Neil, ô ]Beamevlie: - Mn. sud Mns. Roi ent Jackson, Mn. and, Mrs. Jobi bL. Sveehmau sud dsughter Alene of Scugeg. A vry enjoyable el ternoon vas spent. Laten muppe wss served on the lavu. Mns. Robent Jacksou spout, Carefrée Com fort 'for Holiday Travel« a By MOTOR COACH ýR1udfrom the. cres of the. daily-grind you'II enjoy a resi îfui drive i lu biurious petiot. coach through the cleer, fris atof the. open couatryside. SSummer Time T'ables Effective Satunday, june 2th Cývaent DaiIy IMoto! Coach Service To Populçtario Resoets -MREORU..IA - IDLAND ý- WASAGA BEACI SRAVENHURST- MUSKOKA WHARF - HUNTVILL ;PARRY SOUND- JACKSON'S POINT - BEAVERTO4 Z MUSSELMANS LAKE te* and intermediate points. e i s e e i w e p s e s a a s e B e g a Kuatvii. sand Midkua& Effective Saturday, jun. 2Oth DÂILY THROUCH 'SERVICk b.etwe.n TORONTO and NORTH -BAY vfia Hunýtsvill., Powasan, Càllander Lake and'Highwsy Vacation Tours with ail expenmes paid ONE DAY TO NINE DAYS with Stop-over Privileges - MUSKOKA LAKES- 309000 ISANDS WASAGA BEACH- LAKE HURON Holiday Visite Iu NEW YORK - ATLANTIC CITY 9OSTON '- WASHINGTON - MONTREAL A4i for attractive illusrated f eider describing delightful * 'Vacation Toure" te Onaaio'a populer mrotesud inen nivo holiday visita te, the big cille.. I.DaiIy Service -Low Far between TORONTO sud WHJTBY-TORONTO . LEAVZ WHITUY Fer. TORONTO d bàluodi. epeista &L Pi. PM. à$ .1* 4Sm 48, am MI7.4 6M 4 4,4O * In Fer OSHAWA 745 14s, us Lu L8.5 145 Ad7,07 lui =.5 .4 1me 45 .445 48.4 SA% 8.45 18.4 .11.45 - 11.4 11.. a-us &Hot.ly 6êt, Ssut 1Hel. emy. >DU»TRIP FARUE à ma" Atikaai ee a sd arque&@& r1mE -TABES AVEL INFORMATION AT TOOID CHECKS« Treatment Urgea for P. &Scol and Schol Aie Cindren Vancouver, Jane 25.-CeumId- enablo p res vudb eh arreti ~sait trr iCauasa sud thieUnited Statesiý f tozohd wore usod ou pne-school sud scheol childrnu,- Dr. J. G. Fitz- gerald, head o! the Connaught Ia.boreterles cf the University cf Tornto, teld delegatea ta the state and provIncialheath auth- enitios o! North Amenîca la con- vention bore. Dr. ,Fitzgerald tnsced the, hie- tory o e i.diseas. hhnough tho proepnt century sud stnèeed tbeý dlimeutles tiiet s_81oms face lb. suedical profession. '"We do oun utint te con! orna te thse standards -o! Canada sud the Unted States -tu:theiifgbtlng et the> disase., but liher sona.- Urnes - do notet onferm v.iti one ae.he," ho saId. .se"l King -tu Thc eo*vetlou et a message te Ris NaJeaty King Edward I tb#.nlg linfor bis -mu1IDDrt lu the- 'V-euhthat le belug dono, b> lts .au*r bulth bodles of hoth Stuàlnts Meke Good Show- ing i.Years %qomeu overyvhere ar~e discus-1 slng the. Wonedr'Package ci, de-g aigus fer luse fer transfernaouto1 cloth, w'codo paper, pettery. glasm or tin. Tii. designs abovo are -especisi- ly attractive for use lh tii.ktc- er, pantry, or'breakfast noom. Ifi yeu are pantîculan about ushng your fluor kîtchea tovels for Hie glasssvsre as.1v-en, usethie tum- bien, or kuife-fork sud spoon pat- tera ou bluo sud wmite, or any col- on striped glass toveiag. Outlile stitch shoald be, umed lu plain blue or colon yeu select. These are rery attractive sud add ioe-the chsm cf your kilciien. For theo breakfast on Informel home lucheon, la clotUa 36 luches by 36 haches, w1tii friuged edge mey hbave. the.teapot design ln- -your favorite colon. SmaU napklna trlnged t. match with the cap cm- broldened lu eaeh corner lu same COlorn are -tory Pa'etty. Several trays may be purcbased ln plain colonse t -tory 1ev pnIces, Eliwoc4 Martyn, D. Murphy, b. 1 sud the.fruit desigas transforrea auto ' thi.eaeds and painted lu bright colons , csat ef shellac Proethe ii tray from -lqulids, sud gtivet s vashable surface. Tii. plain- colered eusmeled Un veste baskets obtainable at any ton coul store are Ivice as good looking withioee o! -the accomp- anying deaignapsinted or eaam- oled on lu bright colone. Auy of Your frleuds veuld bo delighted le ha-te oeeoe!Hie aboe, as a gif t, on te wia It as a bridge prize., This eût shows jast euoe-bal! of the. designa os ou. o! the 12 largo shoots la thé.Wonder Pack- age. Each -desigu eau b. uaed a numbèr o!-limes, sudail yen have te do to transfer Itlal te Tub the bovi o! a-tablospoca- o-ton the m .see surface. Full Instruc- tiens on each abeet. The. pre,. for -th. fulli se f 8 00 deigns for ouly 5 de or 4 4e IL -Yen eaîl for the package. Write or' cmliaw. once at the offie cf tus3 uewspaper. ,(20> - - - - - - - - - - - iIfew day 'wlth ber brother, Mr. R. W.le-,ha Lindsay. . Mrs. W. Mark and daughter, IMr. and Mr. -oward- Carnachan, Joan and MaxIne, vlsitad iu Te- rente on Frldsy of iast veek. Congratulations to Mn. sud Mn.. John Readen (nee Marlon Wil- liams). on the blrth of!*s on on 'Mouday, June 15, 1936. Mn. G. Russel and Misa H. Mii- uer, of Oshawa, speut the week-' end et hon home bore. Mra.'C. Semelle vhsitede ber tshsten, Mrs. M. McLaren, oue day lest, weok. Kra. W. Eggiagtoa, o! Victoria, -B.C.,.ha vishthug- ber- sou, Sydney,. at the home of Mn. S. Sweetman. Miss Bernice Sweetmau of To- 'rente, and Miss Aileen Swootman, s Oshawa, spent the week-end -with f thein parents, Mn. and Mru. A. Sveetmau. On Sunday Mn. and Mrs. Sweetman sud famliy enjoy- Sed a phcnic et William's Point. rTheir. daughter, Mn. and Mn.. D. d Lewis and chidnen, of Caesarea, 1. were promeut vith thoni and ou- Ljcyed a very plesant afteraoou- l, togetiier. r; Mn. and Mrs. S. Sweetman. e, Eloanor, Canrol and Keith, spent r. Sunday wlth ber parents, Mn. sud r-Mn.. R. -Carter. Df Wedding. anlvensarles are the t. ondes' o! the day just now iustead n, ef veddings. lu, Celebrate Anniversary d Mn. sud Mns.LU Pearce sud d. daughter Mary; Mrn.sd lMn.. J. b- Pearce sud Mr. Leonard Clark 5; vlshted the. former'& parents, l- Mn. suad Mn.. W. Clark, at k- Maiposa. on> Suuday sud colo- n brated the sixth weddlug an- of nlversary of Mn. sud Mn.. L. b- Pearce. We mi them mauy hip- ia py neturns of the day. ïe, _ Quit. a numben atteuded Decor- f. etion service st Pine Grave cerne- en tory on Sunday. Mn. sud Mrs. G.4 Hood sud fani- a Iiy ettendod- the -Amateur heur program et Greubauk lest Friday evenlng sud vere very uccesful M ha winaiug prises. Jimmie won -third prise lu siuging lu the j unior clams; Marie sud.Grace fint prize, s duet, lu tbe htenmediate dam.; Gordon, third prise, harmonica, In the 1h'tenmedhate clas; Mrm. Hood, 3rd prize, feading, lu the. senior cas. CongratulatIons. Mn.. sud Mn:. Wallace, LittIe IBittain; Mn. sud Mre. J. Dusty sund chîldrnf, Ivan, lId, and Mena, e! Pont Penny; Mn. and SMrs. F. Jeffrey o! Oshawa; Mrs. 8w . RodmaU and hon deughten, LdaofBuffaea; ere Suudey guests of Mn.. I. Rodman sud Mis. R. Reeden. -Mri. Rodmen sud Misa Reader neturned home wlth theirniece, Mn.. F. Jeffrey'for a iev 4.7es Fý 'ase i ou worbr - ' VougrmiatOas tao ail -the ,H! puphIs- yho have pasmed on their year'm work vithout , writiag: £ Floreuce Carter sud Edua S am- ells, entrauce- of S.S. No. 1; Dora- thy Fines, outrance o! S.S. Ne. 2, Clem Jeffrey, Bruce Sweetman, James Stokes sud Niekie Boyke, Up te the. uoxt clas, o! S.S. No. 2, Eleen Stokes, S.8..No. 2; Joy sud Marie Hood, S.S. No. 3 go te Port Penny te write thein outrance exi sminstloums Wednesday, Thunida3 sud Frldey. W. wisii tiemn uc. cens. Sc ugeg vas velnreeuted si Uxbridge fleld day lest week. Tii' boys played Ciareont team lirai sud won, thon pleyed the. fta vlth Mrtie boys and won, tii priss which vers yellow - spar, sweaters. The girls plsyed Quake HI111 And won thon played Breokl 'New Ca Sales!l H OW can your Genrai Motois Dealer of fer, ouyten -h.pick of -'h. aris bomi - '-rcde-ins" -at the mar- ke t ,lw priceoaond bock them Up wità h ii.4-STAR TAG which proves- Here's the reason:- The recorîd,reaIn:IIýg"ales cf the new GeneraL .Matera' Cors have, breught to Genercil Matera Dealers the fineut Used Car sletonia C anada. AUl makea and modela! Many cars only a few mantha aid! Ail new-lookingl And meut of them carry 1h. famous General Motois Dealer'a 4-STAR TAG . which certifies that they have booms checked and inspected t0 give .yen ail tieir- outstandizsg unused quality müleage. See. themï today. Bijember, only. 1your. General Meonr Dealer affers yen 4-STAR Ued Cars-onlYyour.Genercd Motors Dea ler con give yQ.en -h.ad- vantagje of new lower rates on 1the General-Maonrs Inaltalmmet, Plan, -wiih-- payments ta -suit yaur purse. ASHO I .1utà 5N, 3" ONTARIO. 'MOTORSA&LI 86 K)NG STREET. (at Mary. 50. PAC 13FFLO- NEW YORK - DETROIT CHICAGO-LOS ANGELIES-MONTREAL- OTT'AWA - 4 and othor Cenadian sud U.S.A. peints Tte Wlitby Gazette anid Chroniele. - - Euaclosd pieu.e find . ..for whiCh1 whsh yen would moud rd meo Woaider Package (lu edVCnthed) of ever Seo tran".n Nam*e.. ......... ....................... AddreUs...~ . . . . . . . NOT*: uelos i f to b. ent by mail; 44e If' called. for. OOW,%O%0*410%01W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plonghman - N. Porteona, 1D. Ipyatt, M. Pyatt, D. ReynoldLr PhYmog.-J..Aidred, W. Bfl.re, E.Blrkett,, M. Brout, C. cann, R. ý Carnegie, ]H. Conlin, R. Haydea, B. ]Kent, L. Lelghtea, Glenn Me- Master. B.L MeMaster, Ellroy Mar- tyn, Ellvood Martyn, D. Murphy; L. Pieugbmau, D. Pyatt, M. Platt D. Reynolds. Agic.-J. Aldred. W. Beare, M. Beecroft, E. Binkett, M. Brout, R. Carnegie, H. Colloran, H. Cea- Ilin,. R Eyden. B. Kent, M. Ken- My L. Lelghton. N. Levie, G. Mc- Master, HR. MeMaster, Ellrey Mer- tyn. Ellvood Mfantyn, D. Murphy, L4 Piougbman, D. -Pyatt. M. Pyatt, D. Reynolds, M. Symea. Gramman ;-M. Beecroit, . Birkett. M. Brout,.C. Cana, R. Cannegis. H. Colieran. H. Colin,' R. Hnyden, G. McMaster. Elroy -Matyn, Ellvood Martyn. D. Mur- phy, L. Pioughmsn, D. Pyatt, M. Pyatt, D. -Reynolds, R. Steer, M. Symes. BnRist.-M. Beecnoft. FOR>! I. ~Bruce Beare-Br.HRit., kArt, Gecg., Agni. Burgess -Beare-Er. Rist., Art, Goog.. Agric. R. Brkett-Art,- Geog., Ajnie. R. Biewett-Art, Âgrlc. O. Bond-Bn. Hist., Art, Geeg., Agnic. H. Carnegie - Art, Anlth., Geog., Agric. H. Clarke-Br. B Imt., Art, Geeg.. Agric. M. Clarke-Bn. Hist., Art, Geog., Agnic. 1 b Cobea-Bn. Hist., Art, Geog., Agric. * G. Collins-EBr. Rist., Art, Geog...Agnic. R. R. Crozler-Bn. Hist., Art, -Agric. G. Demaa-Br. Rist., Art, Geog.,.A,,-ric. F' Densham - Art. Geog., Agric. J. Dovson-Br. RBst., Art, Geog., Agric. I. Dusty-Br. Blst., Art, Geog., Agric. N. Evers-Art, Geog.. Agnie. H. Ferguscin- Art.- Geog., E. Gilny-Gnam.. Anitb. M. -Godderbam-Br. Hist., Art, Geg.Agnic. H. Hayes-Bn. Hist.,'Art. Geog., y. Agric. B. Holtby - Bn. *Rist., > Art r- Geog., Agnic. M. Holtby-Br. Bist., Gecg. C. Leaby-Br. Rist., Art, Geca., v. A-gric. >.M. Leahy-Br. Bist., Art, Geog., Agric. t- H. Mcrs-Bn. .Bist., Ant Geog., Agnic. L- H. Martyn-Bn. Rist., Art Geog., Agric. *- G.. Muligan-Er. HIat.,ý Art s.Geog.. Âgrlc. a- R. Muno. Bn. RBst.. Art, Aglc p. Ploughma-Br. Blet., Art n, eoo0., Agric. I . Redman-Br. Hist., A!i aGeog., Agrie. ]K. saWer-Er. Rist., Art, Geog., lng took part: Mrs. -johnstofi. a -représented at the laian Agi.Ireadlng; Miss Miller,' a readlug; 'cf the Countrywome! Rouse teer-Br. Buit.i Art, Mrs. W. Duncan.: aàplinosolo. World, held et Guelpb Gb09.1 Agnic. Mrs., Glover, solo; Mrs.- Phulip,. day last. T. Stevens-Art, Geog.. Agrlc'. Temperance . eleclln; nd. Mm . Mr.adMr.. N. Sweetman-. R ist., Art,.I Richie. study book. At the cloàe. o, of Brooilin. wei Gent..Âgric. Hostesses Mrs. - . Burton and'1 Mr. and Mrs. 1- Maths Gý T.IJow-Br. Hist., Art, *Mrs. B. .Barreyi, .an& heipers, j day. Geog., Agric.> served'a dalntie tea. - Mr. and Mrs. wm., W.' Sheian-Er. Hist., Art, Brougham -cong regatCon iras .son.. Mrs. Knapp,-'cf1 Geog.. Agrie. priieged on Sunday last to boar -Mr.and Mrs. Cheney. Mrs. D. P. 'Jackson, of Toron- -an- insffiring- message f romn- Rer. wereý visitons during l to. tu spendini a few days wIth Peter Bryce, et CToronto. In Cofl the ho-me of Mr.,arn ber parents, r n r.J-B nection with the -*ork of the -M. hews. Lundy. adM ud ot the United"- .n n. ir Miss Nellie Potter, -of Toronto, Church. and ln bis, messagethie Bert Beer. Miss Mav hs DpendlIng a short holiday nt the worko! the ecburc .h through the adJspie pn home of Mi. J. C.* Cockburn. IM.ad-.é*dwi lcd real- nnd Mehne, W. Ca: lstlcally before,.bis -hearer.. 'ton, brought words-of appreclto front the West te the Eastern~ we as EE Ichurclies for-theIr,.sympathy and - help In the drought years. He. bar- IILLI1ILE ILI througheut the West. iras able to ý understand fuill' theirapprecia- Bruga GoUp Màkes.Te omtte i chre.o Plans for Reorgamzaàtîon. 12.at Brougham cemetery. report WW satJsfactory arrangem ents for the of -Missio1 Band . service.. Anyone .ihing for -any information conmunicate 'wlth. BROGHM. un 22-TieJohn PhillUpe. sec. treasurer of W.M.S. held Its June mieeting nt ~cmite.- the home of Mrs. A.. Burton. on- Mr. and Mrs. philForsythe. of Thursday. June 18, theý president, Markham..- visited -Nr.- and 'Mr. Mrs. H. Malcolnm. leading in the T. Q. Brown on Sunday. devotional, opening session. Mn:. Ms ldsGann set RNNG~ a houseli Harv.ey at *hie-piano., Mrs. U. Suniday with ber people. a lot of energy. 1i Mathewrs read' the scripturo les- - A..group-otf BrouL,;ham young vourseif feeling fag son.. The commlttee in charge'- f people were visit.ons cf Lorne mdatrno, r the. reorganizatIon cf the Mission Holtby and Russel Gray at Grav- Band reported 27 at the mïeeting enhurÉt Hospital, on.e Sunday.. cnisp - Kellogg's C( and ail'-anxious te forward the The. John Everest ,famuly%. of -with milk. Theyhel work. Mrs. J. Farley iras ap point- Torônto, -vlsited the.in- relatires. energy)ý. And they're, ed leader and. hie oeuhr f Mr. and Miss Gammage, on Wed- - eaiy to dget. .Ma W.M.S. are. te attend, and. belp nesday. lginLdoO wltii the work. The mother s with. Mrs-. Baker, wbo bas been re- Ig nLodn chldren under 5- are te meet aticenlrng .froi, an accident *sus-_ . the. homde cf Mrs. Norton early iu týalned. six nîounths ago, had the. Nothmng tukes ti Juiy tc organize, 'a Baby Sand, misfortuile te break .;ber an - aDonsored by W.M.S.ý. with Mns. again and L.as thé sympathy cf Norton convénen. her neighbors. Tbe prograni for the afteruoou . -..Alan Miler> spent the week- ires taken by Group- B. M%1rs. L. end at bis bomne., CORN il Johnston conyener. Thie f olloir- Tii. Miller fam1iy irýas well - v ..c .. t M qjw 7ý Work PORT PERRY , June 22.-T4%e resuts Port Penny High Seheol -Tii. foliowiug ebtaiued 66 per cent çon theyesr's vork:- MIDDLE SCHOOL Eag. Corap.-A. Baird, M. La. key, I. Mason, M. Sluto, V. Tii]. Eng. Lit.-A. Baird, R..Hall, M. Lakey, J. Mason, M. Slute, V. Till. Can. Rist.-À. Baird, M. Byers,- M. Eagieson, M. Lakey, J. Mason, M. Slute, D. Wallace. -. Anclent Ilst.-M. Byens, Keitb Cun-ah. M. Hayes, P. Jackson, M. Nasdilth, P. Palmer, M. Stone. V. Wallace. Algebra-M. Harrison, J. Hep- kina. M. Lakey, M. McCroa, M. Sluto. G. Stoue, M. SvhtzeT. Geemoetry-Kenneth Curnsh, P. jackson. G. Messe. M. Na- Smnitha, H. Phain, - G. Stone, M. Stone, V.- Wallace. .Latin Autbors-Keuuetii dur- rab, J.- Bopkins, P. Jacksonl, G. Stoe. M. Stone, V. Wallace. Latin Comp.-ýR. Brout. P. Jackson, G. Stone, M. Stone, V. Wallace.t Fr. Authors-G. Bradley, Keith Currab, Kenueth Currah. J. Hep- kins, PP. Jackson. G. Moase. M. 1Nasmith. M. Stone, -V. Wa1llce. Fn. Comp.-G. Hopkins, PP Jackson, G. Mosse, M. Stone. V. Wallace. 1 Agi. III.-A. Baird, M. Lakey K. Lec, M. Slute, V. Till, D. Wal. 1lace. 1 Agni. IV.-P. Jackson, M. -Na- Bmith, M. Stone, V. Wallace. - UPPER SCHOOTj Eng. CoMp.-D. Lakey, K. 1Medgloy, D. Steen, G. Stone, M, [Stone.- L Eug. Lit.-J. Hopkins. P. Jack .sou, D. Lakey, M. Nasmitb, MM Stene, V. Wallace. - Mcd. Bist.-D. Lakey. A. 'Lee D. Steor. ,Algebra-L. Fralick, D. Lakey ,R. Mluer, D. Steer. ffeomnetry-A. Crosien. M. Ha: per. D. Lakey, D. Steer. D Trig.-A. Crosien.. 1,Physis-M. Harper, D. Lake v L Chemstny-M. -Harper. I) iSteer. b at. Aut.-L. Frallck, D. La 1key. I. Nott. - ; Lat. COMP.-L. Fralick. D. La qkey. Fn. Auth.-A. Crosien, b. Fra lick. F. Joues, D. Lakey, M. buke r Fr. Comp,-L Fraiick, D. La - key. -- - Brout. R.Carnogla, P. Cllerai H . Coulilu, N. Levis. Gleun Mc r Master, B. McMaster, E. Martyi NOWi luthe time to profit by your GeeaMotors Dealer's tremedu lsý

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