Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1936, p. 6

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.TEW-HITBY GAZE=rE& qCHRONcL, THURSDAY UE2,1936 PACE SI~X routo, bas beu .peuding Ibo **The Big Storel, lis once. more Senio Bo" zfltdtained paut week at the home of Mr. ab>le to baeon duty. if tere bis Te Senior 'Boys,' wlth thelr j" r and Mr .A. J. PlIkie.. 1 leugtby Illness:. teacher. W. Wheeler. Sr.. wluuers YRT EFA ME .! Wetherhogg 'as ratua- A nrnhei from the village ai- of an attendance conteit. recently MYK LL RIML edto'er home ut Coiborne. aftor teuded the anai field 'day at held lu the United Church Suaday spending the puýt three' montas* ClÃŽremout on Wednesday. and re- School, were eutertaifled by the twih Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grose. port a splendid program. and *a losers. the Intermediate and Sen- 3.vrs SttcosReqird1AWf£fle Fiente large crowd. lon Girls, ou Frlîday evening.,The toCoeGahm Dyl forget the annuai San- The Preabyterlan Ladies' Aid« party took the form of a paxier to Clogi »h » daySchool plcniic* to be aeIdat- beldli,-Is montbly meeting uat the chase. which begani ut the Coný Lakevlew Park, Oshawa, on Sat- home cf Mns.. <Rev.) H. Car- timiation. School, and euded ut Hadurday, June 27 Everyubody wel- michael, on Tuesday afternoon ÂndrewsFlats. where -ames Mynle :un 2.-onraul-! We are pleased to kuow. that The losinig meeting o! the half-hour around the camp-ftre. Myrte, un@23.Conratla-Mrs, Robent Bryant ta lmprovlng <'Gold en -G leaneri" Mission Band and refresbmelts- concluded the lions Ici Mr. H ewey Paais!' aiid after belng confined to Oshawa was beld -ai the borneof. Miss evening's outing. Mliss Olive Masters, wlio were -Generàa Hospital for -the- past Ruth Redditt. and took the form Mn. Stanley McBeth.. cf Toron- married ai the parsonage -on Mon-1 two wseks sufferiag fromn pneu- of a plcnlc. Aften the usual devo- ta, blind piano accondionist. was 1, ý1monia and heurt trouble. tional program, and period on the week-end guest aLMr. and day. Mn. and Mrs. Irwln Ormiuton missons games were played on Ma W. Wbeler. and while bers. Mr, Kenneth '.%lyer and Mr. and family attended a plul atthlawn, and an outdocr supper assisled ln the re-ulâr session o-f1 Meivn Hneyenjyeda niely Pot Bîstr onSatnda wîtz erved* Miss E. Bunting, leader, I heý United Sunday Schaol. mile -hike" tnIp ta Beavertan and Rev. and Mrs. Latimer and fnm- other nanihern points où- Satun- ily, af Wlfred, pior ta their de-MU day. parture for, Seeley's Bay, where M UG t à cLG UNNI> Frank Downey, Roy Fuiter, itev. Mr- Latimer has beeu se- Jack Thompson, Bob Cross, and. lected as minisier.______________________ Laurine Bradleyi studenis from Mrs. John Ormiston. of Brook- here, who are atten-dlng the lin,. visiisd last week at 'the '< Brookln Coninuatipu School, en- home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Av ery. Çt3 ý6,3OUT' !b E.Gt4.. IJo' GET ln -o B joyd bs npal'ng with the Mr. Oliver Hubbard and TR.~4D lbGINIEEA U.~V lb~ other students to Taronto on Sat- daughter,' Miss Marlon, and Mn. Go-t, :bI'u z4» DOc$1~ 4 urdy. heyvistedthePania-J. Hubbard motored ta Montreal ~' (D~ ment Buildings, the m u4eum. tuai Thursday and viuited at the .'u~o. Sunnyside, and othon places of home of Mn. and Rrs. Walter U Jnterest in th- elty. Hubbard. Wh1llsý thene thoy.ai- A~ number tram hene attended 1tendecf the wedding-of Mn.-Wal- API.. tlc~atof DyseviesaiPister Hubbardi, Jr. They retunned, M Deedrhome onaSaturdayeaccomp uled Grove Cemeiery, Prince Albert, onhoe n audy comiid Suada. ' jby the newly weds who wil Much sympatby ls felt for Mrs. spend their honeymoon bere lu neached111. avanced ge Huband I<tà Arch. Johnson on the dealb of berj Mrs. Arthur Hubbard, of En-. molher. Mrs. HÃ"oker wbo, had (l.vsid wt n.Oi-~-I-.,<ili~~»-~ Qli yeans. Intermeni .took -place ai ag ubr rm bn the tamiliy plot, Bray's Cenieiery, were In atiendance at the docora- Raglan, on Wednesday. tion day services ai Prince Albert /14j The romains o,! Mr. Art. Wood- jCemeîery *and Union* Cemeiery, j i t'à 1@y, af Prince Albert. passed Oshawa, on Sunday. through bore on Monday for bur- W. A. la Eutert-ained liai Pins Grave Cemeieny._ De- The Ladies' Association vas ceaed bad the iafotune ta hâve; ontertalned ait-tho home o! Mrir. M!N~ hie hand budly tara Iby à book oSn Wrn. Lk nWdesa le-...RE Pm wacp$ IFcpmI8l~v a loggîng chuin when repîining; noon of lasi week. Ali spentaui ani S0 hi. stables lait Monda>'. Lock-1 enjoyable time. The ladies bave c 50 ý<** -d Y ESL ja sl u adluspite of ÉkIled 1acceptçd an Invitation t vst xMGptI-liV4'I UL W4'.. À i4AWK!! 14j rare la the Toronto Generai Hos- Manchester Association on July rcp eýMFa RECW VM KMSO 1 pital ho pamsed away ou Saturday. '2. NM- e Rg-vC-t-= R Mr. Waodley was weil kuava bers Miss Hazel Plierson,- of Toron- -N W C huviug been foreman with a gang ta, vas a week-end guesi o! ber 0on J. CLARf when tbe hlghway was being parents. Mn. and Mns. Fred.(.~ # paved. Hi also worked ai a 'Pierson. number of baras 'and- other car- Mn. and Mns. M. Cook and fam- pîntenig wohc hnoîh bre iihIl>'. of Mynile, wvers recent visit- Mr. Joslsb Smitb'. The news . os0ithohome et- Mn. and Mn:. bis deat was- quitte a shock t-o Oliver Hubbard. friends hene, who Jota vlth others Ws extead besi vishes bt-bte ~- \. la extending t-hein deepesi sym- outrance pupls vbho write thia puthy ta 1the bereavied vife and week, namely-Jaan Davidson, ;~ sou. ~Blanche- Wilson, Rut-h Bray and I»i/. Mr. Frank Bniggs, vho bas da vns beiu lu !alling' beath for s0me On Sunday, Juai :1. t-he ~ ~ . I î.IK Y time, le, we regret ia report, nov w t curdo~r.NTS. "- vf con! laid ta bis bed. ,j.Pilithe home o r. thnd Mr À. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. HoarJ.-îke er th xms ,, ariy, o! Troctat, visite. vas spending oue o! ber fnequeut Mn.. Hoar's faiher, Mir. W. S. visits a t- hein home. Ibe lite- Parka, on Sunday. Mrs. May' was in ber 8lIn p£s" Mrd Whad beeu andla falluâthelth fMEy 4ou GuJPS KIP, Mu IUAm trogmet viib for some lime, but vos: abl*IL9 1UT ain uforunuate mishap.hast- wiik, io.amu erfiusD-l-QT Ir Our 2e'J 'when a nîlgbo'a police dogut- bout £ veb gO vbe m ieai va9 M=Lti tackid hlm, sud tari a gash la cou! lied t-o ber be& 1'. is hand. Siveral stitches vire A sho rt gLunerai ser-vice. ut 1niQ requined ta close' the vouud. An o'clock vwaï couductid hi t-be _ C.;sm tiislia the second time the dog pastor, Rev. W. . IL 110207front>Im~~ T h as comntt5d t-is offouci, 1the the home of! Mn. md Mrs. Pilkie --' Humané Society' ha. t-skei i un- ou Tuesday itt-eruoonansd vas < der its supervision largely siiended by frieuds vha o triN t" Mr. and Mes. Fnank Booth sud had learned t-o love'. ber during -'- . ~.. son, Allia. viulted relatives la To- ber visite bore. Service vas aImlso '- rouie on Sunda>'. hsld a ierhonmore church ai Mr. Jint Lawrmace speni 1the Goodwood wiih Intenalent beiag * week-end in Toronto. made ai Goodvood Cemeteny. Final arrangements vone made The -deepesi sympst-hy Islaia- ai Buinda>' Scbool ou Sunday for tended ta t-be beneaved faml>la l/n/ t-hi unnual picate ai thi Oshawa the Ilas. o!their lovlflt mot-hon. ,/? Beach on Saiurday, Jube 27111. The>' are Mes. A. J. Pilkie, Rag- - Trucksanad cars vill leave t-be Ian. Mrs. Wmn. KelliIlgioIl To-- church about- paon for those de- routa, ami four -sous, George, A2 1.9 sting t-o go. William, John and. Norman o! school closes on Fniday o! ibis Goodwood._____________________ quat-t and deciepit asihe name ta., visited viti t-ho Misses R0Tke, would suggesgt. aven the week-end, _____________ Mr. L. Wang, ut Toronto, bas ~04-H'H.(Oil hein t-be guesi o! H. W. and Mers. 'aj ~ " Doyens for a few days ibis veek. Mes.J. Richardson and daugb- ~ y ~~iEO LADY DIEU tée, Miss Isab;ell, -o! Georget-owa, u, are holidaylng ait-thein cottage h 1 D V!Afl ai Squire's Beach and bave bsd IN 83R0 LI a O s hva. es r. M. Coakwehl, q p p j : ' MisOs oa ro.aaMs Mrs. May Sr. Pud Aws7 Nser Raglan on RAGLAN, June 23-SuundBy guestsai&tt-ehi omneof Me. sud Mes. John Wilson ver. Me. and Mes. Shell, - Mn. and ,Mes. J. ASmit-h, of Uxbrldge; Mn. sud Mes. H., Stark, Miss Elva ad Master Jimmy Stark, o! Udora, Mn. sud Mrs. Kugene Dearboru and !sm- Il>', of Prospect; MissIlia Wilson and Mr. Fred Coi. o! - Oshawa, -and Miss Laurine Miller. Mueh aympaihy' is exteadied Mr. A. , J.. îkInlut-be deaih o! bis fat-ber, vbo Irajoed'away' ai his home lu Claremnoni lasi Thursduc- sud vas laid t-o rosi on Batueda>'. Miss Hazeh sud Me. Frank Gnose, of Toronto, sporbt t-be week-end sud holiday vit-b iheir purent-s, Me. and Mr.$. J. Gnose, Me. sud Mes. Charîle Robin- son, o!f011<>'. Yorkshire, Eng- ]anud.sud t-hein son1, Mn. 'Harny Robinson, of Belleville, vire vIit-ors viih Mir. sud Mes, Wm. Honnir oUl Monda>'. Mn sund Mes. Robinson lnteud spendlng u fev day. vit-h Me sud Mes. Herne Maris Balsdou spent t-be week-end wltiltt-ho former'. unclo, Me. Nor- man; Spaenw-av ai uniingdon, Quebec. Me. *sud Mes.'E.' McBemn;: of Chicago. ane holdaylng viih D. Muano sud famil>' for tva veekas. Me. sud Ms:' W. Gibsen and daugbior. of Toronto, formeel>' o! Neepava. Manitoba, wvon vis- itons vit-h Ren, H. G. sud Mrs. Crozior on Sundmy.ê Mes. W. J. Clark sund son, H. J. Clark., wers in Hamilton on- Sun- day. owlng t-a the seriaus Iluesa cf t-hi former'msîstîr, Mes.. R. Fizalmaus. - Miss F. Gibson, of Toronto, vas t-he guesi o! ber sitir, Mes. C. Buti, during t-bs week-end. *A numbor o! t-be local Worn- on', Institute mernbees .atiended the distrittannnai-rneetlug beld ai th1e-Ladies' Coîhoge, -Wbitby. on Tuesday. .Mrs. J. B. Booth iniietained ut bridge, on Weduesday., la hor of Miss Kathleen Simi. ,vbosé marriaze ta Me. Louis Kaech- t-oie, o!-Sacramntao, Caltornia, t-skis place ibis mrnth. MISS 1D. Ronke le! t ou Wedues- day for a moaih's vacation lan Penusylvihia. Mes; W. Boyes sud - uepbov. Me. 'W. DAvis, o! Tarant-o, visitîd vith Arthur -aud Mrs. Boyes, on Monda>' W. ares Peased 10 reportiu Xisa Bessie Donuelly, et Whlt- 'EH. Curmchuel, and gave a ver>' Association. hild ait ici Cni5eiM isa Mtl1dred Corb by, toucher o! S.S. No. 4. East- striki« milOuRTY' sermon, based s ocial - tt-belcbrch.haut Fnida>' for t-hi summer holl Pickering, vas- th-eguest o! houer Ou' the book of Jouab. Miss Green. eui . en r.msfa h Ia r, T h at a socialgnorfgiftbe Wblt-byguest sohoist, made a. bayons of t-be section. beld at- the nin oanbtn te hoser- local t&aient- snd Miss McDuff, of I~telds eo! cl~ over sdiool bouse. ou Fnida>' eyeniug, VCiiicntrait-o solo. BrOooblin. vis euiOyed bY ail. . Edgie Pegg ia busi and vas presented vit-b a mante1 The Svstlka-'ýClubbeld its an- Miss isobel Rnt-ledge. speat't-be tbe foundat-lon wallj elock. la houer of ber apProacb..Banal Idmcic at- Sqnine's Beach ouý week-end vit-h Toronto fiiemis. îbaen. 't «marriaze t-o Mir. Clarence Wedfiieday iftteioon at- t-be.slln- Wm ,T. -Middlet- u .ronu M.N. -pegg wu o Becmut.p"pular residixit o! t-be mer cottage ef Mes. F. T. Bunt- laît. veek lifter spundiug a 1ev t-rip t-o ParrT>' AQni celUnunuîy. The addniss vas readd îng. du.va vit-bis.sou and 'dmngbter week,-end. ib> E. L. Cbmpmau sud t-ho prison- la Buffalo. Miss Murgun.et1 t-tion md >'H .Bayes, Great plans are beiug madei-for homei fnom cl&remon ulomber of.t-be- sehlool board-. as- , re wooýd the Field Day sud -cet lti-bhe' dm>. bisted by it-ilo Misses -Colla .Greenwood Park ou - July eighth.; -Miss Zo>-ah Ge w Neale, June Bryant snd' Isabell Miss Marguerie Dobbiu, o! b>' Suada>' eveniug .x Heron. A short musical peogeamt(a>n. oui Crepondent) Whiiby. sPeuit-bhe, week-end with sist-ed 'the Presbyl and an inforimai dance conchiddt GREENW'OOD, June. 23.-The Miss Edua -Green. wt oe the eveaing's ont-ertainrniet. 1 Ladies,' Bible Clasme tt-o Tobebdiaisaa Mry-wing ta-so -o M g oeo tath- h asb1 i'od- e - în thevhe Me cbReh, . LMCGini !Mlilohm MssEi- reono popular place every eveniing. vies -t - Salem on i Chic.WetHl.occnpied t-be Monduc- eveniug vit-b Mrs. tc Ms eaoa i ulpit of the Preshytetian cburcb ;Wall.s assistinghstss -spen seeraldas at- O .eeMakbavit-h ierii ne no on Suada>', lu exchangO vtbRcv.jGnop brest-be. ber ais ter, Mes. J.ames Phaskitu. jSuhoo.1vilho i tb '>bj~ ÀLrrrLE C POAC' K>n R~P-M AIT U'>Yu RE SMAL i-F ,R.'A A. JI UCKED?~ ~4ol.A ~rr~ .WEU . RAG4&Twr- 70o '1ORRY yAq3UT'ý apePFWAS JUS'r £BESOE .7I <4Uu-«i moi 7-OF.~*'tuv. 1o D s~ Iaf. kioi IF14 Q SA~ A~UT CATM * w ..Aêo.4TcWY.. ?. MkgTY SORRY As-4 PoRES mffltna ým N crr»aY-.i-kEI4KII usi oU "T %N#w4 WM14 AU. UP.*.. MER I D.K' OM' 114 OL.D~~~CI DomiI4~IW AA 010t M N %ilâji6o *.ÃŽ44 . K in 1 1

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