'T-HE WHITBY CAZETTE &CHRONIQx I7-IUAY, JUNE 25,1936 PURSES S t qw- 69< .nd up phne 17 phono 165 flISTORI CiIHURUB AT PORT WHITBY ANN1VER$ARY <Contimued from Paae V) Wgi district was organized ùnder lev. T. S. Kennedy, a miss*oay Me lsad charge of the whole of ti southern ires of Whitby, ýClark., aa4. Darlington, sccording te the* records in the Archives o? the Sy- nod Office, Toronto. Liter on, in 1841, Rov. John Pentland, who ,had shbarge of Columbus, or Englishý Wu« thAf4t tAst u d tti. lri, t.o De,' t ~Ses W" a h tg 9% ! 54 r WSU'B 4154poeu~t4 o Nb"a sthe.toiod. a. ,.et'n A ogb 1 f. 1%4xéx soIorlg tt.Lr 9wtu"re eesturmtharltr- *4*io"to thra urrouI I.esoue promptiy , muA.s amoudi Corai w h IJe lhà pOOpIt Surt eettled, ieztendad v o t lmel he .outpost Skies Cor- ners (Oshawa) and Windsor Bay (Port Whltby). Tbe ld Dioesfl Reriater a h y Office, Tor- ontoand ecored i bthepariai Registoe ef AU Sainte'ia auiio rity for saYing liat 1ev. John Potland began Mo is nsslonary von hin Wbit- by ou. Doc- l6th, 1841. Proviens te thé.erection ef s suitable edifice servies were iield- at. Windsor Bsy (Port Whitby) in- 1041 by Rer. Pentlnd.- Tho old mehoëo heue that stood juil tte east ofet ce' uothety s i cone efttho earliest gtennsfor ,pub- He orhiL in theso ars. Atter 184 h ethodiasaaso used the- scheeL St. John's Ciiurci, in 4Ju ly, 1846, wa ready for services, though not eompleted for somo two or thrée yari. Aecerdfiugto the official doeii ment$inluthe Regiatry Office, dated Msy 2, 1848, the site wuî presoutodA edby Mr. John Scadding, a Toron- te gentleman. He died itihout haing rely doedod the- preper- ty ndsebissesCharles and Rer. HnyJ. Scadding, oee ime Rocher cf 110;y Trlit1, pneceeded to carry eut the intentions ef their fatiier. They dtily ceneyed the. property te tiie finît Biuiiop ef Toronto, Bishop Strachan, and bis successors fer- Mvr' "for the urneetfa Curch of the. United Churcb ofet Eglsnd sud Ireland, now erected upen the said parcel of laid sud for s burial greund in- connection therewith.n This tract is desenibed as eue acre, part ef seuth part et lot 26, tiire chains 17L rom S.W. angle; thon 74 degmees, 3 chains, 17L. The. stene structure et St. John'. il a laudniark for miles sneund, sud irrests the oye ef the traveller alonnr tho Canadian National. .Whitby Harbeur, or ratiier Wind- sor Bay, as it was thon knewn, was a meccaà for salin; vessels in-tii. '40s wiien grain and ýsaIt wsu ship- ped from thls port. Th-ose were the day. wiien teanis *by the. score, would be lined'up from the. Base SUne swaiting their hum, t e b. un. loaded. They came, in frem the. surrourtding country sIen; the. old "Plank Road"' which -was laid aud owned as, far back as Port Ferry, by Capt. Rewe and bis partuers. On PREODIE SARTHOLOMEW DOORISCOSTLO bARRYMORE A Medu. leée . sd et Mie s.,id- Fmcocs 222g; e.!Naei t# s Isg nom. Ie etor. But Ifho'. 0»scus Tm sure b. voul!basv. toit quit differeut." Affter Mordaunt dopai-t. th. lin brios ho dirt CoUtles mimd f-on DsoIlto1llin hlm a»Out'the. Doi nt b. put off. 6eu! i mart au'.drime te Court L»<e. Tb& ,ut-I.dose sot out, te di' * e st teosoDaot ho '4ztN*.st vili oemome,"amayatho UaI dz'yly. ne es- " ba*kward a" the inuoa the ecgor a e=mo$ U U,etng botvo â»tber nd ma. a *bitter. on th. tollewhnq suaday at leo bore Chueihohé tienla bugéW oloiod. Go.lp e! tue uev ,,twLord Fsumtloroy bau filed the couatrysdo. As Isai-est approaches tho e Urc athe. tenanteid thtir wirom*sd famhhîsegreet ber. Bte- bus already mado a goed - mpres. wvuoa ie asboom de- sMon an.! Hggnm bau aorsa4far talc etr oShim." s and e the *tory o!of -lhetter *ite, cri- r. Dflvoos" tbt CoUleimtté ho hL .Thef feuo mm miusls, the *nuloplnlambatth.îov r! ber at h*a &&no. nutlonmisa-"ýP"cdî a. la) ? te doeaa$ilngThon à i. ezéltemt viesthc 4 ber-. Kart hihml!hlanom omnf to TYirti mpsos eût he Dltibimrt = dl & la thé ar* dti.lnc o-oaa us bur t bis Uitbruy hotisA ddIlg y rIun iiaai<u. dres. Mr4, deva onsrIbona d an! pi=, o.! oremai. Au. t, OOOtSU~I.B.Tislamedlpthpuen tbbc aibet uays: t Age odos. IEr lsybdet . orgoy L a marblse, Mos' ArturonmtUrefDelout a1bbéébir Allafw . f. tAIB ldgwoIy kbu a «"un 'llý bà ai-c bey? Co-e . isak bise Wu bi o 0M o utalbor ezett*07dl-y 'Vta. 75h0em.' "Som et jour ascuobo i.11- là bs a imm.e eet e.! a fov buadre.!Y«» muo" tu to Ibe ZB l pai l, .tsn iemr âe Hlgss uop- ff o b*lrrs b---s&-.procahosLord Fwauttroy ud beoi la babbd týl pomlsom 'telsnhlm.-ý à § L od utmoeloaty wrots blb. ter," Coddi tou- btý- "I g yu;Aadther do.#Ola MaO4I«»vN . w ITou' -L!boy ktnd ho - la te ovorybody' k lc ffl for bb d1«Meb 4phr, p4t sme M b uluufec eVdMYou-et. dIac Wu--bho ~..*sUwsoi onWM, dil e'l , with 7m" lmUt &W yeS au lie mort.. ~ .15 M. m r W ord, I hoU.,. "u eau Y«inutlt -i o X laIit ecio ImIhWoin 'o *4 t bis road verston gales at UVe"a Capwn sa 1weva .swe. 1d fiiermriving at shosi Point, te west etfWitb. M, with Jas. Cet- to Mad tes were parners sud ovned lie barbour. Re built Ivo- schoonersat losat, that causod- .nm amusement. ameng skilled salons on, he lake. A% name ho be associatod sttitht fCapt. Rewe in gomne enterprises, is that ci John Wélâh, wiio owned the. only store for miles around. Capt. Rowe ut bye schooners, unainig hie firut al- ter John Welsii. They got tegether sud- Made s bai-gain. Capt. Rowe waited ho shlp grain te Kinçston, sud Mr. Welsh waited building atone for bis, store. This store stood en Brock Street S., juat north ef Froit Street, and bas long sunce been demoUais hed:Ti vessds would- ren ballast on the returu jour- ney and the Stone served a double Purpese. As the. neight rtso suci ballast would b. cheap-aw. fiuod a number 'of buildings erected in thus vlcinity of Kingston atone.. Thesemen were ardent cbureh- men, and hhey coneeived the ides et bringing enough Stone te build a, church. This theY. did sud pro il frese ton this, purpose, s10 it i aid, -The, Building of si. john'. ý St. John's.-ehurch wsu designed by tié Iste Wm. Smith,- who pro- parod ail plans in conuection with its erectien. Ho seemi te bave bad Personal supervision of tth. wonk. Tii. twe master carpenters wiio did mont -ef that clasa et vork were Âkrce amiltôn 'sud Christopiier MeDermont. Tii. mason work was dont by a Mr. Sterling, et Green- Wood.. It-issaid Ihat the late Mr. Tiies. Devereli, -Sr., learued uis trade at ttus time and vasu engsg- od lu the werk. Tii. werk requirod a good deal of time as itwas dfiî- cuit te get some ef the materials necessany Preminent amen; the workensiterested iu the. building et this ciiunch bouides tiiose men- tioued were Mr.- Wm. Warren, Mr. Longwerth, MmrsEma Minis, Wm. Pardon, Mr. R. Yarnold, Capt., Thew, wiiile many names soem te b. lest track et. Tii. principals, iiowever, wero Catt Jas. Roee John Welhi and Wm.'Smith, Whio were wealthy and made tiiemielves responsible fer the. erectien of tiie ciiureii. Te otiem veowoe our thanksi for tuis place et wonshxp.' Tiiero vas only thie eue serviceà in the nioning viien the. church wus opened, as Mr. P.ntland had two otiier ppeintments. Se far 'as is knewn thore are non. living here- today wiie attended the. oponing service. Tii. church vas juit roughc boards sud tiiere were no seats!2 Tii. churci Wà as cmowded toe t d"9r, f)n the occasion, many et whbmi were regular worsiiippers. Alter that the. churcii was wehl at- teuded every Sunday. Tiiere vas ne ergan, tho music being supplied by foui- instruments. The tramner wu~ Mr. Henry Bate, s cheirleader played the violin, Mr. Watts, the1 base violin, Mnr. Watciier, tiie flute. Tii. choir trained- faithtully for weeks iu the, aId sehoelheuisin preParation for lbteni;. g. ther mnembers et that chir were Abra- ham flyrniJeu. Beswick, Mr. Thev, Robent r,Penny, Jo4n H. Pe, HeIl y itny, Johm -W.,- zwitk, * i- Jffr»y, missf Beoèbam, Mits Watts, Mrs.- Tin- combe, sud ethers viiose names are writtou lu records net arailable. Thene *as ne deartii- of men* in tiiose days. Weuld w& could ne- turn te suich à choir. Somne otiien familles at that ser- rie. would b. the. Wsrnens, loves, Wolchls Wm. Smitii's, Jo.Cotton, wm. ï~iison, (Whiovas tiie firat sexten), and fatier et Mr. J. W. Wilson et Pont Whitby. Wiiile tii. date et openin là a. matter et debate vitb souetehre vas roceired at Trinity College, Dublin, sud Camrbidge, England. . Re tntered th*I reluit-y, follôw- lu; lu the. foohteApi of hilgrand- father, Rer. John- Pentlaud, who died ah Andiionaccan, Couuly Meath, about 1730. Mr. Pestland utinister- e4 in Wales, France aid Ireaid, before mira te ~ Canada. He cam ttisuada about . 1885,~ possibly earlier, as hi vas tbe fi-st minuster et St. Paul's Church, Col-i umbus built tiiat yean,thiough soute chalut i. came about 1841. Ho came1 as a misonary te do pioneen vwonk in. bute novccnb.Rs charge embraeed GCo1=Mm bus, Oshawa, Whil ansd tue surrounding dis- tricts; or«,'as Le mid, iiparisi, e0tud t e lb. shores et Hudson Ray At difret limes b. lived in Osiaa,- .Wbdtby, buck again teo Oshawa, liii 186&. On Sunday, Octèer Ilti,- 1863, the e6ngregation ussembled as :usua for workilp aid ve smt surprised te heur Mn. Pentland read out is reslgnation. No eue had ,beec oonwd, sad -ne euesvas mer11~rso leh is daugite, ==&d *t là . orgXan. Ater etM ull0ulserviee rsmovod te Prince Aibit wbere lm. coIhâ tehueI preaeb for a ile. Ma- helitfl1 hlm 'h. rta*rnd -le lWihby Mdaid 54ratn- 'mitil ils deahonI ci Stiý, 1871, aIlthe à a- of 67, q inyeai% be va aged mai.r i vtly woasvrs by years ci sbrmuotit sorvice for the l(aMlr and the' eiucib.desrly levod. Suboeuut )flaister 11ev. J1A. wy Cs$y assuisod tk haci"g etOfSb.Ze tonNov. Sth, 1863,aid remained uintil lhe fali otf 6, ie AUlSaints', ýWbtyaS u edUO& rb slall« HISORI CUCH MARKSANNIVESAR St. John,'s Churcli, Port WJIitby. fa one cf thi eotut ifcehurcein.sluthe.Dicêe. cfToronto. 1Itwa erect.d 90 yeari *a;, in the- early Clay$ of Port Whi*tb y7, &Bd fa» b... preserved aIl througb thi. yea"rs. On Suaday next witl, speclal servic e t Stiaauive rmary will b.e hservsd, when the special preacher wfll b. Vemerable Archdeacon George Warre, D.D., cf Tor ente. laset shows tii. rector, Rev-. Douglas B. Laugmford. at once became the. stronger con- Âpril- 15, 1879, was due to bis ad- grgatioti and demandecl two. ser- vanced years. vices which Mr. Cayley gave them. In the. spring of '67 they engage« Mr. C. Garnett Jones a% the resuit of a resolution passed May 16, and A PROMINENT he waa ordainèd that year and offi- ciated until Dec., 1868, when he fl TiiirAI 1V resigned. to visit England. Mfter ONUI IIU UU I that the. ministry -was for -short periods, for a tirr'e. 1869-70, Rev. James Mockridge. 1871,. Mr. John Woodhouse, (lay [ R ,17-,Rer. James Bevan, D.D. (Cnt Ed Ro Pa eS 1878-6, Rer. C. R. Bell. th* ymatPsndtagile1el 1871-9," Rey. Jolustone Vicars. tesmab u agbehl During the incumbency of Mr. of Mark Dufi. He tookI a keen in- Bell, Broolili ~was attachied to Port tereat Iu Brookla Spring F'air -v"~orIv be- afid was -a member of, the Board Ia; hold at St. John's. Dr. Boyau 'of DIrectors'at th imeerne o.i -f --j uxu man, and infirm. death. Hialm lterot lu this Pair O eniisevere- weather services w5.5 slways -greatir u"0preIuXo would b. held athis home on Brock by- the directOTisud ho nover t.Anether old geiae nw y4 tfaie 811 i esStee Rewv#. wbe live > . t uymoiictary galn but mudieMoh u~rice heraniione r;nipahly te help the Pair sien;. in Port Wiiitby. His -resignation on iHc was also a. director of tbc 1H15WithaeThi runmg water throughout the home, the barn and y to have a modernmco atoom.im- ~tiedeÃand be able to use unlitmitid'liot and cold Nater rom handy faucets. "Duro" Iwater,Pump. Duro-Specîal Pumnping System al. Canadian-ma4le, çomplete...... 815 1-piece'EMCO" h;atiroom witli ail AN îp fitpsready borm'istailing. . $70M6 Hydro's Fr.. Gift to Rural Dw.11.ra, ElMic'c-fir-rrent will lie provde4d.. Fre o>'Charge-for operating elee. bt pumps toprovide w4er under pressure f»r lHousholI4Samitary Syitenm kAïJ. WORFOLK WHITBY. EMPIRE IRASS FG C .,L 4 South Ontario. Agnicultunal .So- clehy,- holding-its annual Fair ah Oshawa .-This Society regarded Mr. Duif rery highly ,and will deeply regret bis. loss. Mark Duf was'au exhuibitor ati mauy taits.'iu Canada.,sud lu the a republic te -the. South sud the prizes he won wero légion. At the Canadian National. Exhibition sud Rtoya4 sudGueiph Winter Fairs, ho aivays had outstandln; oxhili, Its. Ho vas au authonlty ou high grade herses sud l'us adrice vas !requentiy.soiiight. The late Mr. Duif vas a Pauon, a. member et Meunt Zien Lodge. A.F. & A..M., - Breeklu, sud in religion lie was. a Preibytonlan, wor8hijppn in lu the.old - Burin Chunch.-at -Ashburu vhors bis par- ents, ler ycars have boohi derout -members. Mm- Adeceased - nevei'arid uSurvirvln.g are uis parents,. his bro- ther., James. Duif, n-the. neuth fiarm ah Myrtle; two sisters, Mrs. Earl .Batty. Brooklu sund Miss Olive Duiffah home. Tii. Dbuiff arm vas noar Myrtle sud vas the leedDuff homestead.. It is oeeoe the best ferme là the. ceunty Mark Duif vas -highly re- garded by aivhe knew hlm, sud bis passing - luaa distinct loss te the cause o! agriculture, partieu- iarly the liveshock branch lu vhich-l'o vas se vitaliy interest- ed.- -Funerai services under Masenic ausp)ices vere. held ah hi. rosi- douce oun-Thursday arternoon at 2.30 o'ciock (standard hlm.), sud interment took place ah Ashburn cemetery.. - The, tuneral held. on Thursda'y athernoon vas one o! ti.he angoît wltnessed lu thus district for many yeaïs. From ftansd -near men sud women .came:,te psy thoîr hast tribute; Men promîneunt rluthie agriculturai lndu4shry; officers o! organisations et vhicii deceased had been a member; directers et vanieus - tains sud agnlcultural soclehies, and, hast, but not leant, those wiie had kuovu the dé- ceased aIl his lil!. -The service, vas coeuduchcd by, tii.Rev; Duncan A. Ferguson, pister, et Burns'. Prea-byterian Chunch,-who spoko- et the sortoeht.the- sudden pans-* lu; et dece ased. sud reterned te the. regard in. vhiciiho - vas - eld by se: many,, A busy min, ho had muade himseif a great contrI- bution te the cemmuulty sud tir beyond 1h. bonds. Intermeut- heok..place lu the cemetery ath Auburn. The.flow-1 oers sent to the homie ere beau- hitul sud numerous, sud hesilfled iu neuncertalu manuer te thé. videspread popularlhy et tii. de.- Church News of Whitby, A gospel service *ÃŽul be conduct- ed-by Lieut. A. Brown, of Bovuilu- ,Vill, in- Saivation -Army- Hall, on Mouday, -june Z9th. -Me vihi be assisted by Lieut Staner, etý Port Hope, Lieut. SIosu, ef Bowtnariville, and Adit. _Lonimer, - et Oshawa-. Music Ms-1.l be provided by the Osh- awa Baud.. Lieut. Brown was. vehi knovn iu London, Eugiagd, as the boypreaciier. Do not.,miss hearing hlm. Ereryone velcome. -On Sunday lait ah the Sairation Army the serivice vas cenducted by Capt. C. Bonir. suad in the -evenin; the Oshawa Corps Cadets cenducted :te sevie.Aplendid addresa -giren by Corps Cadet Annfie Bryant- aud much eni6ycd "by those present. Dui4ug the. service; Capt. -Bonar ,en- role.! fire itfmior soldiçr4! as f ol- .lw Bernice Salisbury. Ruthi Salis- bury,,.Gweýnie- Willotts-, Katleen WVillotts, Vergie Rçoke.-- - arainAriny Sunday; School 'picnic vii e ieWat Oshawa Park on Tuesdyjune 30th. .Adults. 29c, Clren toc. -Tb reain sevics iii ho LMAL Barr ster., Solchor. Notay (Scce-ssor to A. G Bro"up- C W. ILKENNEQDY Dantblswr Sncitor lu the Supome court, otry -Comvq -, .etc- IL. DONALD RUDDY Darrister Solictct, Notary Puble .0c» nt. teio om Bouse, forus. mil7 omcpied by JA. E. cbrlstum Mouy -te lau. pliom - W1b .DUNCAN B. MCiNTYRE Barflster. soilcitor, Nctr Offce: Brock St. outh Opposite Bell T.epboue Offce. L'hom 45 Whitb, CORSETS Spire4laFoundation* Garments made exclusîvely te your omn mea sure- nients-.Professioital Corsetier. ,Ereckloe, OuL Box, 192 :CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY W. EL JONçS, .Sextona Phono 2505 BrookUla Ontarto MONUMENTS. N.W. STAFFORD Dealer hi mported -an&d Canadianl Granites Fivot dais work it moderato * . prîces. for Day ma 1 UNDERI Ambulam Ph» 410 Mmulw & FUNERAL AMUI he.35 Fuserai Dret D"m Fhoae IÇ..- 2400 MEDI DR. R. T.à Resideace Cor. Mary snd Bi DEL FREDERI% Cor. Byron ITelophe INSUR LW. D - Kepmo NationalLffe- ai PrAutoniobil Phoî QLASSIFIED ABVERTU Notice IWanted, IN THE MATTER 0F the. Estate of Charles Predérick Jordan, late- of the- Village o! Brookln., in the County of Ontarie, Miner, Dec- e ased. Ail Poraons -havlng _deaimsi against thé, said Chtes Predor- ick .ordan,ý who dled-on or aïbout the 9th day et April, 1936, -are hereby uotilied-te aend-intu te oxocuteri, lu careo e! thoir.undor-, sigued Solicitor, on or lister. the lSthl day cf July, full particulars et thoir daims. ImLmediately aftéte .sald date the- said- execuitors -will distribute the aso f.-the sald -deceasod., l'aria; regard onjy to- daims eot which they shall thea lbave. Do- tice, te theo exclusion et. ait ethers, aud will fot e li able te sny person, et whoso dlaim ithey.i shal not, then have: notice for the assetso se dlstribmted, -or any part' thereet. ]PATED at TORONTO, this12th day of June, 1936. NORA Y. JORDAN, snd GEORGE. 1. HÂMBLY, By ROY WELDON, 156 Yonge st., Totonto,.0111: Their Solicitor. (4-c) Notice to Creditors IN, THE. MAPÂTTER 0F THE ESTATE 0 F ALBERT W. RICH-: ARDSON. Gentleman i, Deceased. Ail persons - haring daims againatt ho Estate et Alert W. Richardson, lite etf the - Tovu-. shlp er Whltby, -lu the County ef Ontario, Gentlemnan,- deceased, vhii- dled on, or. about tii. ý2 6th day e! PMay, A.D. 1936, are here- by nolfiod -te'fille wIth the.un- dersigue.! Solihor for, the,'-Ex- ecuters, oû or before tho là th dayet Juhy, A.D.-;1936, full par- ticulars eft tleir daims. Imimedi- ateiy atter, said date -ý the .assets- o! tiie sald- Deceased yull ho dis- trlbuted amongst- those -eiithl'ed. thereto, baying. regard ouly teý chahus se f-lIed.- DATED -at' WhIhby, this 141h, day e! Juno, A.-). 9 36. -R.; D. RUDDY, Sehicltoe.for -the. Executers,- WHITBY' Ont. hehd ah Ail Sainte' Church uext Suuda.y the- tbfrd attor Trnity. Holy Communion vwiii b..cehebrat- ed ah 8 s.m., sund merula; prayer- -ah il s&.. The Sun4,4y, 'Shool vil meet vîit hi momulu;cen- gregatien. EBeoum; -prayor v-ili b. muid aht 7, .m. Tue Recton viii preach ah bdth, services. Visitons vill bho .%adly welcomed. AliSints' Men's Club viii. meet ci Wedaudsy oeulu; gah 8 o'cieck. -Gamet no*,lu -Progres vwiii be contInued -:and! a table-, tennis toumnament VIII b. organ- ized. -These- *ho luke iionsesiio pit.clnig viii Sund a chance ho pis.' Eivery min o!tu e churcb la ln-. vite.! te attend.- 'At the Baptist'Churcit next Sun- day thb.m Svcs as aiI.Suudsy MeoQol-at 10 a., î. menin on- sip ah il s.m. TO U-A Loin; Véâtuwre- Eweuin Ho1 Spriigs sud Heahing Wabens," vii- -b. tl' . hougiit sud servies at 7 p:n. The -eri*esvIlcontinu tu tuietlbe ugm onte tbsat. hu at lue. Bol.ve'p a tlsm ah close ofe! vèiIiSservice. 'lIer. undu mcku et-o Melville Prembyterian. rh a West Hill, c epid b.piuIie cf St, Ç*rv lui hu?çh AN EQUIPPED FAR: -acres or more. Thoinpa cy, 974 Danforth A:e -For Sale or FOR -SALE-BRICK rooms, bot vaher b .ud bac" staras, bar isnjý froutage, D: Gaa'i. Choap fer Write Bex 16 Gasel Icle for partiouiffl. laio 'uEuclid streg fermeiy kuevu ashei assessed ah $595.W1. name of tiie ostate ei: WiII siehifor niuciilemi value ' A geed hedge tdon. Submit off er te Real Estate Brolcer, Street, Oakland, Cahil. THREE OR~ POUR apartutont, furulà l' nlahed, conrenient, quiéeasureundingi, elle OMie. Pl RNISRED HOURI for summer imentit, suntly-. Apphy louis] Telephone 2 83, Wbi PIANO FOR SAJLE Inu goed -condition Trent Street. Phone HOT POINT W-AT: sund cible chosp. AI dihien. Phone-321 SILVER HALL S vhbest, phone 721 .Redd Appleby, M3 BOSTON BUILL Pt' piy telepiione 185- Sales Rei Saturdsy, Juno'2ý eof cemfortable tri rooms, good ceihar, toýw ater, vith oc gardens iu Whitby,1 Eli Harnden, 119 À ihtle home fer a vor cash, balance.-arrange o 'dlock - siirp, D.S.T. tic Ulans. sethe. ovi Wma. Miv, Auchienee nos la makin; gocý Churci, viiene :the are langer -sud yeun lies taken, on a uew1 communion Bero beid lu thé United Sunday mrnng, FR vilI presch. Fer1 msiniceis -ordinstic -vortb Toll vii ad lwcrament. AUi lurgedto ho present vf111 hake part in services ou Sun.!.> t eriice vill comble pgstoiate o et Rorf hi. sen. They purp Illngteu on u JnI jointly Caiadia sucierez day.' 4lsC -, - k ~ - J- ~