PAG E EIC8HT -l-E WHrrBY GAZETTE ii CHRONICLE. THRSDAY9 JLINE 259 1936 Vaa opportwe are open before o front which to Cioome your summer vaation and plan a holiday more enjoyable,- more healthful and more affordable than any you have ever h.d. The. Highlands of. Ontario offer you the utmost in beauty -and pleasure. Plan a biger aadbetervaatin usyear, ihti newspaper as your friendly guide. and better__vacation_________________ Ci-ilé-a Service Onl Cci. 8ZRVICE STATION GRAVEHURST JW3T OV.R Rit. TRACOO ON HICNWAY TO BRÂCEBR100E AU Cit".Service amte be&ri A. IL FERGUSON.. Prop. HIAWATHA 4OTEL WASAGA 3BEACH alBight, Suumy Baum AU b9adom sCemvumhusee qeeeg.detiy.Rte, 10 a waek Sieatiu write 0. N. P. GRANDVIEW LODGE BALA buts et secaeemnatiee, ew oed tor ried te *6êâmer..At Dii. Gelf Courée. e~r ed."OAIJNT5 BAY- ait Moon RIv0r. ed uoh-AiI SHomm. Cook.. fo,' vith 'vegateblus and Dairy pro- dwite frais edjoing tfirme. MIODIRATE RATES-ALL MOIiZN CONVENIENCES Wriles MISS L. WILSON. IALÀ, MUSEOICA. NINELANDS HOUSE PINELANDS, P.O. LAi. Josephs . MuaIra BEAUTIFULLY SITUATEO IN 4li ACRES OF PARKLAND l"6% Pure RuXun Sprtng Wter theugbeut MAl =ru uovenleua wth excellent ae"@. Ou it ehloed Koe.Cueliin&-with aeh vegetebleanmd dmii roducts iimm eur wn em *uaaeeble Rat@ - Rldint uY fr gb&kimLerge, Raesy, Sale Datbig .WRITE FOR ILLuSTRATED E. H. JON ES, SELMONT HOUSE' PINELANPS, ?.0. Lake. Jeseph a'w ,Muskeka Sale Raaiay Detbig aB.schChiren p'aee mAre U..t..FluaitHome C«AI, Mo Ndirm C«evnima. Gwd lide-TreunoBolig 1 isport* of @à i = es mun t. lie Riemmihe. Seuirate. for" famllies Md yeqg buinea. mu a"u moomi. Mornings ido Tre Ml1uuWON i usBia,Sta"«a Home Ceokiug, D.aag, E-athiug Law Rtates Efactivi te july 11h R.amouablRatai. MSS.M. TVOMS ROSSMOYNE. MUSKOKA Dautifully ituated nt tha head af Leke Raie..'. Hetal eau b. riiche by Dot~ Bue Cear or Trai. AL ODERN CONYRNIENCES! H..Cokad M"iiwith freih veet- a&Ne. aid diiry- pmtotpIram .av m DATHING -FSHING - DANCING TENS- BADMINTON GOLF COURSE NEARDY G..4 Nt~r aid te HoteL. Writi for ihs&etrstauftMe. Rat" e.mdeits. S JOSEPH ARII. ý ROSSMOYNE, - ROS5EAU CLAYTON'S Garocery & Meat Market %W specialize in outfitting Tourists and Campers. Information -- FiainsagTacitie DORSET, Laike of Baye Ceme To The And Enjoy You»vel Al fodem conveniencea, hot and cold, running wa- ter. Excellent board with vegetables front our- own gardeýn and milk from our Own coWA, DANCING -TENNIS BOATING Many Pleasant Walks, Laurucl Parties1 arranged. A good sale bathing beach. Pastnian stops et aur cloar.. HOTEL VANOMI SI'ARROW LAKE - MUSKOKA EasIly accessible b' motor or bus. BeautîfulIy îuated- &Il surtmer sporte bathing -, boating- fishing. - All Home Cooked Menus. Ratu Double, -$12.00 to $14.00-, Singls, $16-00. For flustrated Foîder Write W. H4. MERCER, KJLWORTHY, R.R. No. CEDAR WILD Lake Muskoka ACCOMMOiDATION FiOR ie mGuES3Ts Meder bruhat Dstiulytuitai laU Lrge Grounds. PieMg...Doiihg.. îhiug . .T.nt.. alaBeach for Chiidre. DANCING EVERY NICHT - Moderiti Rates. Write W. Ilutrêted VoMier te M. J. Sawyer. MII ad Dar, Mutboki. ALDION NEOTIL GRAVINHUR-ST Witu for the Neon Sigu at the Main Carners Every. Modern Conavwenl MODERATE RATES - ALL HOME COOKING Lleea..d Under the. .C.. Mrs. E. FLETCHER, Prep. 100 MILE CRUISE, MUSKGKAý LAKES- Four L" mm - 'fi,. p,.S (fCap D A SPilLDID WAY TO SUE THE MYRIAD BEAUMJIS 0F THISAMOUSLAND 0F LAKES Vra i uae" helaWef, ý veeta thmai.erivbeg *he vmblg bilemi an. 4eSp at 7M*&.m. <E.5T.>*e=b . -au, ai.. ire ivalee t 000m.1 LU&M M.S(.T.) Saadaytu.upgEceln Mme = ts s b h et lm0 P.M. m en RMS eu. tala .th llb e gsl ta a fi @bd tmare s .4=pe moderati rate., #mil. E"telmiat- ÀAouidmosa iba- sOatermme - MAi teit m e Um t v s e avl id 6.35mieOes WUg otai <«tMasebu*,dts aamm -mIbd&lagl aee lèal ~ ~ k- *ie0Srd6 ma eabeOh dpoeit6. isp i lti. samdel. u edy ALLEXPENSE CRUISE, IfIF$77 This includes tattroom the night-beforesaihng, steamerft, breakfast, dinner and sepper,ansd reserved chair. For Fre Descipve Foder, Write MUSKOKA LAKES NAVIGATION Coi DEPARTMENT 4, GRAVEHURS, ONT,.. UtIca Utica, Jne22. - OnSunday, Jun 14h.the tiaCemetery Conuitte. heid their Decomation dayiude faorble weahem con- dinn.Rr.C .Harcourt, cf Blackaok was gueat speaker, and hi addrswas. quite interesting. SThse Bethesda Juvenile quartette acquitte- theinselves well, they sang twice; Mm. 01f. uand Mr. L Piekett aiso sang a salao .Quit.. a number tram this -Place are going ta Whitby next Tuesday evening, juiy laI, ta attend'the big carn ival being staged by the Whitby Lions Club for the benefit of underprivileged children. Those who have baught tickets ar3 hape. fui 0f winning one o! the thre grand prizea. Mr. Frank' Hiliman and, Mr. Pickett and Mesdames Prentice and Ashenhurat madp1,a splendid Quartette, with Mrs.pok Ashen- hurat preaiding it thse piano. Mm. Piekett and Miss Mildred Croxali sang a duet. The chaimman af the cemnetery committee, Mm., Andriew Page, gave a short taik on the fin- ancial standing. A short nddmess by a2ur pastor, Rev. Joseph Denny, was much appreciated. Quite a large crowd was present and al wvere impressed with the continued impravement ta the cemetemy UTICA, June 22.-A get-tôgelh- er party waa held at the Epsain publile schaa on Friday evening, June l9th. The. teacher and -schai- ara extended an invitation toa ah members of the section and aisa ta the young folk of Utica and Bethesda sections. The evening Was spent in out;-door. gaines and co mmunity zining, foiiowed by [a vemy palatable lunch. -Al :repart' a good turne. Many from Utica attended thse iree-wiii offering services at Epsoin on Sunday, June. 2lst, wheli the speaker was 'Mr. R. B. Sinailman, aif Part Pemmy. Mr. Sinaliman ia much saught afler as a speaker. Good music was pmavided by the choir and a short address by aur pat, Re .Joeph Denny Nwas mucl precated M. mad Mmi. Richard Steer and Mima Doris, ai Toronto, were week- end viitors aI the home ai Mrs. A. Steer. SMiss A. Miller, of Toronto, andi Mm. George Offenand little son, cf Markhsnu, have -returned home, miter spending a iew days with- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Miler. Mms.Horman Walker ia spending a iew days with her brother, gr. Diamond, at Prospect. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar -Heron, Damia, May and Allan, ai Souths Myrtie, visited -with Mrs. Heron's. parents here recentiy. The United Churcis Sahbath achool are holding their annual Pic- nic ta Mirkham on Monday, June 221h. Ail cars wil meet at the chumch at 9.30 a.m. Quit.e a number:tram this place are gaing ta Whitby nont Tuêsday evening, Juiy lat, ta attend. the big carnivai being sîaged by the Whi tby Lians Club far the benefit af undarpriviieged chibdren. Thase who have bought tickets are hope- tl a! wlnning one of t.he lhreo grand'prizes. 4A few days aga -the nuembers ai Epsomn quamtemiy Officiai Board heid a meeting and in view of the niarked impravement shawn in the Utica cemeteries, thse Board, by un- animous vote, îe-appainted far an- ather year, thse eammittee which had discharged tisa trust reposed ia them, in such an efficient man- ner. Cammitteis as folows: chairman, Mr. W. F. Thampson, Manchester; treasurer, Mm. Andrew iHôt Dogs, CoId Drinks, 1Tobaccos, Cigaettes, PiNie Lunches Supplied :VIC.SHAW, Prop. Bayviow li AND- COTTAGES PORTISEVERN TLr.uiwuat the Houe. MdIKOaau Rates. Ssecw l m LC.A. F.. iuoomatosvithe M F. . BROWN à P. Cul Intoplace, about haîf an Inch square. Sprinkle. vith fine sait and put on ice. Cul celury, Inta pieces gboul 1-4 Inch Ihick. Have 2-3 chicisen meat and 1-3 coierY. Wisea ready ta serve mix viIh a libeal ai Jovanceofo!mild mayon- naise. Tise Patient Teacher: &nd tise servant o! thse Lard muat. nol str.ive-, but be gentie ta al mon, ' a pIta teach, patient.-2,oTmoîhy Somiethîn Nwmn lis Pag, 1Uxbridge; Bey. Joem EPsa,.m- Tise vanous pkelusets are repressnted by Bethead, George Ward, and WTises. Gibson; Epsoms, WesleY- Aakney, and Rev. Dessny, Utica; Enoch, Kendaland LI. M;Sierrtt. -W. are gladti t report tisatMm. C. W. Le.key, visa underwent a serions operation in-tise Teronte General Hospital, kas returet home andi va hopease continues te improve linisealtb. Thse regular montisiy meetini ef tise girls of »*_e Bine Baud Club vas held eItishe home ai Mm. Ed- gar Hemon, Soutis Myrtîe, on Wed- nesday aftemnaon of tast veek, witis 'a goad attendance of members and frientis. r 1111 IN (]JSOY AT rWUNTY lAit man ChRged With -Shoot. in With itent tô Wound George Johaston, charge vlth ashoating with intent ta wound, appeared before Magistrale F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Police Court yes- lerday aflernoan, and' vas me- manded until Tuesday morann. Il viil be rmembared that Johnstan vas charged loibovlng his arreet -by Provincial Con- stable. Fergusan, Jarvis. Ru*nci- man and ChieI H., Quantrill ot WhiIby, afler he itad fired a shot tram a revolver, narravly miss- ing Canstable- Ferguson. Duncan Mclntyre, '. a! Whilbyv, vas relained sa ounsel for lthe defence, and saaed that hia client vas anxiaus ta have the case dis- posed o! as-soon as passible, due la the lact that -ho vas a mar- ket gardener and had his work la attend ta. G. D. Canant, K.* C., Crava At- lamrney far lise Caunty o! Ontario, suggested thal the accused be me. manded until Tuesday momning, to appear lu Oshawa court, or, if It cauld be conveniently ar- ranged, to have tise' case go on as saan as passible.a .. The Tirnesisas been Inlormed by Mr. Canant tsa.t bail has been sel aI $5,000. but l la under- sîoad tisaI Jahaston la alii la custady. _PIEIR AT '[FOBOHIIR5 Supplementary Estimates k. Tabled.hi Hous. of Commnons Âccording tai report, tram et- tava.- $4 0,0 00 viii be aDent on 1he reconstruction a! the mat pler at Cobourg. Tia amount la staîed la the supplemenîary esîlmales tabi- ed la the House o! Commona by Finance Minister Dunning. Harbor and river varkis la On-. Inria vere as flîo*a: Cobaurg, reconst.ruction af eal pier, $40,000; Dalseg's Landing (Nesîar's Falls),* wharf, $6.000; Fort.Francîs, protectian vork, $11,000; SaulI, Ste. Marie, sua wnll. $13,000., Tarranco, wharf, $3,500. Public warkm, Fenelon Falls, public building, lurtiser amount OPEN Mr. -Justice Hendersar ored aI Osgoode Hall Tise Water Cat bmought their action agreement,.. datcd Nol 1931, belveen tisei Jordan-Roberts Sales, whiCis lise Companay ul drill and duveiop a deE et. suppiy for 1he tap say. Tise .commiissione statonnlof! daim, à tLey paid lise carnpany upan .completlon-of. lh the cornpany vwas ta sùmif Ifthe syslom cof ta. praduce a minîmuu 000,gaiians a! vater day. The two. de water Commissianers- bond for $21,245.50 1 formance of 1he conîni Our f.. installatim ooeagood for a tils ht eans a rangeý purchased froni usasà instaied aul chargesoswiîncmatrilor in spection. Regular instalticu coat f$40. Instai yow range.-Noý charge. Ycsw pimSt stove accepted as dowu paymut, balace on easy. terIs. Don Christian , EL SIMCOE .ST.: NORTH COUNTY-ý_ ,E, WHITBY ln 1853, accarding ta Dr. Provious ta that time. it n part af York,* Peel- and aounties. The>caunty -wau Ill settied by. 1830. t $HORIIORNS Year -Old Hleifer rht $550 at Fothergili Sale, Whitby in« ta Information con- ln the Weekiy Ctop Re- it foarkd*by- the -Depart- Agriculture of the prov- e -raina of récent veeks À a mout- benelicial effect le growth -eof-ai,ltr nd root croDs. Whýità Iasaie districts ha. been .d to a certain extent, the h as beeau. welcamed by >rity of farinera thraugh-* pravince. rport sent farward Te- conditions' ln Ontario by the residbnit Agricul- epresentative, states that ,ain la daing .well vith a ippiy' isture. Allita c ut -ln moat parts of -the' hawever the yieid 'lu not ,s at fira.t expected. The continues by aayigthat rn soid weii at the FotI- le at -Whitby. The top: $ 50 wau paid for a two>- héifer., Two females $180 ýand."$160. eaeh. report tram the reprusen- a.Northumberland. Caunty -'Recent raina havÉb made impravement ln ail field romatoees which recéived .iy no main 'ainebeing met ne started ta -graw and are much more thrilty," £ETTIUCE SALAD à 1y élean, criap lettilce. IL be torn or broken If it la ry ta make th." blaves 1as cutting wiita it. For nce the dresaing la oflen the lettuce unmixed. 'Mix aaonfui af ail With a sait-ý a1 ofSait and 1-4teaspoon- mustard. Scatter over 'the .Pour olver 3 mare table- sa f il:on the lettuce -and. luavea about-untl entîre- ced. Then add 'a table- l f «Vinegar-and mix gent- tering. a' saltspoonfl*af >pper eveniy over It-. Lat Ogooe Hall Dismissc ud Sut of Water LCom- missioners Toronto.. lune 22.-An action tnvih eBada Water Coin-m missionors' o! lise town af Lindsay. cbairned $21,245. .5Ã" and Interest at 5 pur ceaL-tram July 19: 19-34.ý ft Jordan-Raburts Sales, Ltd.. Brantford, and lishe General Ac-. cident Assurance Co.- af Canada, la disrnissod by a J.udgment Ihal Jeus.Meeting Humait 1 * "BIRASS TÂCK--S" ON THE SUNDAY-SCH-CO By- Dr. Alvin .. ýBeIll (Tise-International . Unîtorm Le sson on -thoè aboya topic for* Juno 2 8 latise Quarlerly Review Luuon aveiagLuise 14, la 24, the Golden Tent belng Acta 10:ý33; -Jesus o! Nazaretis. w. ent- about doing goad.') JESUS CAME. Itthie: vor d t muet humanlty's nueda au aa-lunch- or- lanlise realin o! Imutis, a helpei b-. tise:realin o! sickness- and so.-ý rov, a pattera n list ,e'rualoitae1f and a Sayiaur la tis eanin o! sin.1 Jesus as*Teacher He began ie aminlalry. ciaimlag lise insbirà lian o! a proapise:«<"Tise Spirit Of tise - Lord la upon -nm, beenuaise hisatisappolnted rmeta pruacis tisegospel .totahlisepoor." Thile ho dl .d *lamany 1Leanti!ui, pamables. He llkenued.God!à s grace ta, a banquet. God4 senda us, me-] peated linvitat .ions. - Many refuse and make excuse. -.Others acéepl andsara abundanlly blessed. Agana ho Ilkens tise heaveniy FaIher's- love toa tIo! a fatiser vihss, re- bellons son f-rsakus lise fnlher's bave lad vastes lise fatiser'a sub- stance Ila mlalcus living, but gu- ponta and meturus and la received bac Is la orgivlng, love. In lasti l olier pa'rabbe. Jesus me- buked tise wroag use- o!, voaltis Il#ough .unfaithf.ulnes. a 1n a.ur stevardsisip or. liougis hnrdnes o! huart visicispermita lisepros- titution of voaltis ta suiffasun- jayrnlta otise exclusion oa! mercy' for tise needy aI .our doaratepa., Ina miracle as veli "a la pamabîe, ha 'Dursa'ued hlm tuacising minfirlry-, isoahing evun-bepema. and cammdenà - lng tise rare Instance ai gratitude a!ý tise'one visaretnmned ta :gIve giory to God for. iss cleanuing.* Mucis a! his teachlng had la do vwIls -payer. 'ItnmuaI b eaenust- and impgrtunale tise case* a! b. sinceme and -sumb case cf lise'publîclia «'Gad be mercitul ta:n .Jesus sSavi Jesua countenanced o! race or rank'ia him v"Il dalng. Samâr,1 cana, prodigals, poor gbffcials-allb , amm acape af hlm interest. af man is caine ta anve tisaI.visicli la la end ise vili b. gucst isatec! publîcan, Se w lise afferlng af tsepo or tise liankaglving dpld-Sârnaritan" tise tmator la appeali secini laken of love nI the Institution of mental supper oa! It ,wiic h tise S.-viour g for tise strengtheninf ciplus ln fargivlng.gri The Cross Mleets9 Pariclaiyab he deep sisadova of Cet] Calvary daes Jes-isr lty 's -supremnieeedas.1 prayeçr la preparalia, cîfîx:ion' la aur best aOur-_prepnratain fam triai. His majestic ci Irlal, -iei humble sul the cross and lIs pl spiritual agany aret isis suprerne lave fi In.-tasting denth ont ev ery mn:.nd 'givir manisoin for the asin ise met isumnnity'a ne tion Ifransin. Ahis su.rrectian ho met - w hurnnnity',s deepesit *motallîy, and' In hi buta tise hea-ens beai aour. isumanity. hec;p mIa lis. preseunce o! huinanity that vlb a( I«tL-e vay, tise trutà , vitisout wis.,m n n MARY HISTORIC DO( ARE IN' ONTARIO REGISTRY OFFIC Land on WMch Oshawa !armed Ii NOW Stands Sh- i 11Moohdree For About Sico Dr. James, Moore, county regia- - tram, and his -assistant, 'William Ifh JCorruil, senrching Ihrough lishé UI quarter-million documents la Iheý Ontario Count.y band regislry af- lice hem., recently. unearîised Amang tiseinlà recomded the sale and transfer o! 172 acres In 1h. township of Uxbridgo owned TWO- by the lamaus Canadian iseroine, Bà g Lanra Secard. The land, then part a! lise caunty cf York, vas soid ta one George Maffat, Manîreal merchant. Tisa sala prica ,kas £64, 10 sillings (about $325), Accord lesa tisan *2 pur acre.. tained -i Shows Herelne's Signature potan Tise land vas -a crova grantpr o made la 1807.-Tise document la In mont cf. zoad condition, 1he signature o! lnce, li Laura Sucord la .1111 legible. A bave had paragraphinlatise deed states thse up-n 1hi transaction vas made vils tise grains ai full consent and knQvledge of isaylng ii Laura's llltie-knava isusband. is ampere4 Probabby the 5mraI document ainfali filed lanlise ragistry. office la ana the nmajc dated 1792, registemed by a.lain- ouI the-,. ily c!f arevelîs, vhoie descend- Tise ri anIs lire 'today la .Harmonyr near garding . Counly 1 - Anoliser historie paper la. tisa lural Re capy cf a viii made by Robert spring gi goad au] Isae De- Gray, salîcitar-general1 la'-belng for Upper Canada, daled 1803. Ia Caunty, tisaI yeam he vas dravned visen whnt vi tise schooner "9Speedy" -on visicis rep>ort- c ho vas travelling 10 Kingston, vas Shorlisci wrecked. ergill sal Left 5Javer20O Acres. price.of Slavary existed la! Upper Cati- Year-obd ada aItishat ltime, but "la recogni- braugst, lion of services. rendered, by =y Tise r black servante" Soicllar-Geaemnl tative In De Gray bellta one o! ii slaves. statu:-_ Simon, 200- acres ot land lanlise. a.grant vicinily af Skey's Point, vhlcis la er'ops. .T nov Osisawa. Tisu exact location pracîlca] la nov lise heart a! Osisava. Simnon Ont,* har' aold lise land la 1813 for £93 laaking (about $465). Today the samne- land la wart hundroda o! tisons- anda aI, dollars. Dorlanda, anoîher o! De Gray's Use servants, vas 1"released .and -dis- sbould b charged tram tise state o! siavery necassarj la viss ie nov lîvea" and vas srnailler, bequentised neariy £1,200 ($6,- canveniei 000). put ot] -Dr. Moore, a'mina aI historic a tables» information. relates- tisa over a Spoontul century ago visea United Empier fuI 0f ln loyaliste and'officers of tise colon- lelluca. laI farce. recelvedl their land spontuli gatOntario caunly vas dense- laslise iy forested, and tise.setlers veme l oe lorcad ta clear -tise buas la. build uItoOlilUlt -their rude cabina. rssp Tise eounty of Ontario vas at once. lsy thse Ror. A Auti AIfnd rimAI. pl lzu Ilis resurreetion item msets, hummnity's ueedc mortalitylln bis glorio bmee n-Oureu iumanit 2 ayfor us in the prem PHONE 84- tise imporl'unate widov; ti Is lIunta tise Fatiser."P fJesus Meeting Huipia N"ed ILLUSTIRATED SUNDAY. SCHOOL LESSON -Sarlptur--Luke, Chapters 14 te 246 Jeas uetslmmants' meds la the- Mter Il. publietsebing *Jesu taugist realu of t hstbeh slar hasch- I bisdisiles prvately in prepmzahlou for Ing about Goti sudtise rutlanW"yI 1dnu& 1la lnstuting tisezL.rdpg SU-. italu uaisprbe um The Prodi- ~pSet le ftlmsa memorlloftB I la"su pi ou ud aseus e Iseias s Gd's a nu=n. of teloailp for eutrst -. '.Ioe sd us lcis.fI.C? ~ siéclaismosé 3f "aM dsIv«ps tleemm Jesusbmets bumBjt'a<blt nsdet mailvaisu rou uiL n. Ou liscross. Je=us ud, "FIIAtbJý torgh'e tisa; fer th" mev pot w SeMuskok« '4ra 4âvM4' e It'a Dffe renà t - * k Givea a New Servce' h kaEconomi cal 1 Tu famous "'JEWEL Electic Range which has been recently ad to Our. stock to'hetter serve the. public of Oshawa, mnade by the C Brothers. la a adicaly- difeérent combin'ation, rangeferceai, wood ande trie comabination iu which th mre oven la heated equally'as, Iwith elther lÈre or electrîc. It is new sud it ls diffament. CeOmuintion P1e