Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Aug 1936, p. 2

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PAGE TWO -T 1-lE WHI I BY ~Ax l-& cfflik NU4.HURO>DAY, AULiST 20'1I936b The Whitby Gazette & Chronide On" i.C4ut9s L.adlaW.k1 Published every Thursday moravung by Times Pub- Illhing Company'of Oshawa, Limitcd; C. M. Mundy, S Prcsident; A. R. Alloway, Vice-Preuident; Graydon If!. Goodfellow, Dîrector. Anywhere in Canada $1.50 a year in advance; $200D a year to subscribtrsjil the United States or other foreign countries. The date to -. hch the subscrip- tion is paid is indicattd on the address labeL J. H. ORMISTON, Editor ard Business Manager Telephone: Bell, 23; Residence, 359. WHITBY, T.HURSDAY. AUGUST 2D, 1936 Our Pubtic Schools in a Worthy Cau-se It was certainly moat refreshing to ré"d last week an address given Vo the WhitbY RotaryClub by Principal R. A. Sennett, of Whitby Public Schools, in which hé made dlean VhP.V the functions of Vhes chool are confined not merely to the teaching of sub- jects on Vhe school curriculum, but Vo the gréater and more iofty task of developing an efficient citizenaship. With the subjects on Vhe curriculum as- a foundation, the children of oun public schools, according Vo Principal Sennett, are being taught aIl that good citizenship implies. Education, prop- erly imparted, is a sure and aolid founda- tion on which Vo build character whlch will lu after Illfe, when oun boys and girls léave the achools, meet aIl the demanda 0f citiz- enuhip in Whitby and in every other com- munity. Frankly, we like Principal Senntt's statement to the effecet tat an achoola ef- forts are being directed towa:rde cultivat- ing among the pupilà tihe habit of think- lng for thsmselvez, and that the teacher jhould do for no pupils what they can do for theaelves-Vto develop self effort which la the key Of success. We are much ta.ken up also with his staternent that the âatest problein o! life is Vo teach people to live together efficiently. Ini this connec- t1oýi he butlined some of the characteristica necessay for good citizenahip-a-el! re- spett, self honor, self contraI, sensé of dutir, truthfulness, confidence, the désiré 10 excel ad improve, vision, industry, re- spect and conaldération for the rlghts of o1ýhers9 and mariy other factors in good clizenship. Mn. Sennett poînted out Vo Ro- tarians, and we f eei sure that they were glàd ta hear it, tha.t all of thése fine vir- tuez and pillars o! citizénshup are aught Incident.ally in the public sehools as Vhs téachenu take up the va.ious subjécts on the curriculum. They endeavored and trled to explian d ilustrate great truths and lead pupils to dnmw conclusions and make their own applications ta influencé thé buîlding o! their'-chanaters. L4k. a f ur- thon refreahing breze Mn. Sennett added that if teachers, wlth the co-opénation of parents, will do this, consistently, thé next génération o! citizens should 'bécorné e!- ficient and worthy. Mr. Sennettsa addres may be summed up in thé statémént that thé foundations of cltlzmuhip are beîng laid In our achools. Hia mddress ahould lémd us Vo realize more than ever thé import- ance -Of good éducation, and te, izprets upon us Vhs fact that aur eachers today are in réality ambassador, or missionarles 4oing a far more important work than simply teaching 6reading and witing andf Remem brunce Day Question Thé Sudbuny Star cornes "log with thé * timely suggestion that luamuci as titan hiasbéera more or les. contusion for some years wath respect Vto thi obsérvanc o Armistice D"i, or Remémbrance Day, flot as te thé a yof Vhéwueon whlplb IL should b. héld but as to viether or àoV St mhould bi a&gMia e liWday, thé Conta-. ment should biforé long také stff opsVomu this Politt dem. Thé Star a&"&: "BiOthetue mé «mestain pro. cUla thé day, tuOt. might v.fl b. au e«- tort owards a bitter wlderstmdîU et tVh W"«huof gomenért sa"people, tauSt«e that senteset plan o e M M aScd the Important event hi déciddiUpocq ad that thé MUAncétty lu Vii mins b l.u 1ess peOPI on08Vh* qunSto i o 04hi di!spellud once ami for san. Wlth the Star v e laàconiphrte accotq& peu riait hm inlaWhltbyftoâ» éPsM fw RemézbranceDay. to pobng V tii tWtM .dmar i. ames ad MW hWb. mi.d ~své a acouplets bclm.eye et, b a OtafleUdWto closediva loeM hour or two or Vo observe the Vthree Min- utes of- silence. Schoolu Re-Open Septem b.r 1 There is always somebody taking the joy out of life. Just when school children were enjoyi.ng to the f ullest extent their holu- days, and thinking very littie of the more serious things of life, aJong cornes the Whitby Board of Education la.t week with t-he announicernent that the schools wilI re- open in legs than two weeks, Tuesday, Selb- tember lst, Vo be exact. This paper hated Vo Mention the. Board's decisiori but i'. simply had Vo be done. Trhe opening cornes a litt.le earlier this year due to the fact that the first of the month zornes early in the wveek and pre. cedes the Lahor Day, Holiday on Septem- ber 7th by four school days. This is per- haps th.- reaaon why the news of the opeti- king came with such a "sýhock" to rnany of the schooil children. NVe feel sure, hqmeNer, that most child- ren in Whitby h'ave enjoyed a very pleas- ant vacation. Sorne have been out of sch'ooi since the middle of June an-d otthcrs for a shorter time, but the holiday for ali has been of sufficient length and no doubt the majority of the pupils will again w4elcomc thie sound of the achool bel]. The Light That Fadled lt is certainly true that 'eneyer miss the watcr until the well goes dry." ~Satur- day night when shopping was in f uil swing in Vhs business section some o! the lights went out. Immnediately candies and couail lampa were brought f romn cupboa.rds, and the hands of Vinie for a brie! apace wére Vurned back several yeans. The cause of the sudden darkness waa simple enough Vo those who understand the ramifications of the town's Iighting system, and it wa au accident which mnight occur at any tuie and on any municipal Hydro electnue syatem, b ut because Saturday night had Vu b. thé time for Vhe accident, we migsed thé llghts more. T'h. T@+-Jé uranc. An éditorial unàer thé aboyé caption., 8.ppéaring in these cýolurnns bat week, caud sorne concer t o the mayor and méembéns of thé Council lut week unVil it wus éxplained that Vhs éditorial was taken front thé Cobourg Sentinel..&ar but that thé crédit fine b.d been ina-dverently left off. Thé éditorial had ta do with the action of thé Cobourg Town Council in taking out insurance with a certan Amenican Coin- pany on thé Town Haln, and had absolutely no référence wbatever Vo Whitby where thé Council, we féel, has thé question of insurmnce on civic properties efficiently in haud. It was used in thesé columna, as a matter of fact, because ws feit that it wus of général luteréat, for thé question o! thé pladng of insunmncé is, wé feél, a very im- portant anc for every municipmlity. T'h. Quebec Shak-LYp May B 'Beneficial That feechug of unmét, that desire for a Changé whereby conditions xnlght b. bettend, that élusive soeehîng that i.& lacking, whîch l iKi ted sadca$neD fouDndmght bic saàd k> have been gîven expualgi a té l«cton résut& inith provice of Quebec on Moeday. Whge PrM dietioni weré that the Union Iqatwm&kl bad a chanceof being voted lut. ower, the. ovuwbebmantma$oefty givut Mauuice Dupluul&Wndhiegrff up vaumre or Mms of a sorprise to thé rut « Canada. Tii. &<admr of the. kiWi fa over, but apmmwtty thé ascibubamt lr.d &»Y> au y.t. Ibflen azdaecUM pwuléss o iii çtthe chwIot M vbk14 4",som fMa et. d Jhgdi e~mfU itiithforer r-lue. Tb*.MW ewmw d drtbu movu kfiself a "-- oy ~gm 'se and i i lefi.etoe a pe$t bt ui Ne ussv qumltw 9wat. b. e tatd.aY I 4 direction. _ý.Possibly Quebec mnay be the better for the severe ahaking up. The trnes are difficuit and the new leader wll neeu the co-operation ci aU if Quebec in $0 hold fait to the reputation as being one of the best governed provinces in the Dominion. Keeping Rolling A long What a curious thing is human be- havior! Government appointments Vo the directorates of the new set-ups of the Na- tional Railways and Radio are not to be made for some time, observes the Ottawa Journal. Perhaps not until the Fail. Yiet only a few' months ago Parliament! was seething with excitement about the pro- Poaed changes. The Government said that changes were vital, inescapable. Indeed, it (the Government) would be recreant to ats trust if it didn't make them. Our railwayst and radio-they just had to be Baved. %Vell, they haven't been &"saved." Not yet. M1ore than five weeks have gone since Parliament provided for their saving, buL Judge Fullerton is still running the Cana-. dian National and Mr. Charlesworth is aViti running radio, and we haven't floticed that either institution ha& been ruined, or that anybody continues Vo be excited abou.t them. They just keep rolling along. With most things in life, it is precisety that w-ay. We fret a.nd fuss over things w-e think we must do.,say that if we don't do thein something terrible will happen, and then, the thing or things done (or lef t un- done) wa discover that littie happons. Men have a passion for change. And a propensity for exaggeration. We magnify mole-his into mountains, make stormas that would f it neatl.y Into teacupa get Vo bleve that everything that iz must be w-roztg. We imagine ourselves important, feel t.hat if *e don't do certain things, or pass certain laws, or change somethtng or somebody, the earth wilI cesse revo1vlnu. [t is just imagination. Most of un are but tiny drops in an ocean of infinlty. Vhicl« Should Stop at Thé terrible tragédytmt'à@ élevél cros- ing, LouMiseie, Quebec, o~ddagain serve Vo warn drivers of vihIthat vigilance at thé whéol'is ahso tfj*.s a t ait Vîmes whén thé vehicle j& inmMotion, and mnore ecially wheu thé driver bas Pri- oua lives in his charge. TwentY-threé people lost thein Ivin l that accident, and thére appears to havi been littie excuse for théetraedy. Sevrna f a b.d stapped at thé crosang, waltIng for thé train t. Pasa, and thé driver, who Muet bavé drivén that romd me.ny times, ahOuld have been avare tut a cnossing wus thémRe. Hwuaalo wamed Vo stop by t.he people lu thé cars hé vas pasiing. PerbaPe ve can ail lesa a lésmaf rom this accident, one o! the grétogt of it5 kind ini Canada, Thé tnuckmay b. 5auiMay and couve.niéut way to trasport people lu MMseaOf emergincy. but lt is dangérous. 1V llgal ia charge la mde4,and sould b. pnohlbited at a&U tmés. Àlthough thmei aneo ovérurnnt légru- lation comPoling tr,>cks or motonlts Vo stop St leni crOeslngs théibu s cZp&Wui Intigt that theÏr drIver s e Vo a du! stop &t a&H sucb croisalg, ad ma to thum Carryplaarde te tat effortThis nue rlght hé éxt.mded t. mcmk &aà viii. kdes.RaIwa»m w « iiilght Set to<ethur &W oo-pte t i . rection danàger signafor both d&ymd nlht @b- am mmuu ii.1muta cr tsé bmr* *»w oeot & MWg la 8M est &bu&d.Red refléctons mutii » le~s ahi an m t osly vbmd w<>ud bW0<V#1t 8*diti b bsIliti i'av tt uns iys ba de but id* h o «uo last ti Tb Umm= frit a. ~~«%à&Is Msaa.EMd lut a ra MW omm $d Ù". W â For TORONTO Fer OSHAWA a mit*riediate point.s andE inter m.dciate pointe L u 5.5 12 SA O4 a 7.45 1.45 6 43 a & X 0 a 1.4 dEL 4 S t ad ad 8.55 c 2.45 Ed 7045 7.4 X40 7A@ 1015 - 3.45 &45.- # . 1 0 a 3 .4 6 a i 9 .4 0 liI I1 . 4 5 a 4 .4 5 d 9 .4 s 104 d 4.40 9.40 P.M. 5.45 '1"s a 11* hb 10.30 c 1L411A45 -daly axept Sun. & Hô. b-Sip. & Ho! l. >lY " eS t . oly. E-S t , S ua . jr H o !. nly. ATTRACTIVE ROUND TýfP FARES Tôroto, $lit Buffalo, $6.50 Ï - New York, $17.05 TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT ,4 4 àp' 0F VIEW ha& been stressed. Facts, not fiction, have been ernployed in t.he presentation of the merchant'a wates. -As a reSuit, honest merchants are Pro- tected from those of lesser consciente and the Public are similarly aerved. Bad prac- ices have been brought Vo the attention Iof the offender by the Better Busine«3 IBureau and in this way any transgression is qJllckIv niPped in the bud. Because of the excellent standad which have thus been att.ained tSere has been a tendency towards indifférence on the part of those 1who have been helped the moat. This, of Icourse, is regrettabIW Goodwill would soon be bast if deceitful advertising were allow- ed to creep back- into the pages of the pub- lic prints. Check Over Your Car S;xty per cent. of the automobiles flow i.1 use are defective in some vital part, ac- cording to a recent announcement made by the National Safety Council in the United States. The test3 ahowed that 28.1 per cent. had bad brakes; 31.7 had inadequate headlights and 2 per cent. had m-heels out of alignment. On the supposition that thîs proportion holds correct i Canada where in the neighborhood of 1,200,000 motor vehicles are regiatered, gome 720,000 cars are de- fective iii some of their equipment. Cars that are defective in any part are a men- ace to the driver, his family and others. Make sure that your car is flot ont of the 720M00 Faith is Lacking There have bee many atonies of people gathering to offer up prayers for nain dur. ing the txtreme hot period i Jul.y. The ex- Vent of the drought and high empratures covered a wide area In North' America and în many churches and corumunities prayer requeste went up to Heaven for much needed rain. In some aréas the prayers of the people séem to have been anawered. One instance, particularly noted in thé preu dl8patches, conSeend a tribe of Amn- erican Indians who invoked their old ciii- terne&aWdspa acople e« days md nlghts lu welrd supplications such ai one reads about ¶jn aid Indian tales,, On thIs subjet of prsylng for rain, whkh la aseado& ithéesélilshnsofo!Dmn, it bu rnuined for à darky prémeher In a récent Siunday radio prognarn to read a tirnely leIm to hia herar on their hlli- h.srt.d prayers. Among a gvoit throng which gathered to offer lta petitioni for showen on thé dry and parcbod land, hé obueried. flot one cairled an umbrella. Ai>. parently they hmrdy anticipatéd that their paymn would b. answere, at leu.t la- modat.ly. Iu recuimt yéamr, ve bavé sOn théem&iocof 65 atnW d u the timé when aàtan ahould '"«oi t"'an mi asou hl& work o à youager man- It la apparent tuat thé Aa of 65 îsrevardaa time whémattention là tocuséd ou thé I"dvidWalte so if !hé vii b " t. cotinué ont la Dits under hie mma power, or viiether hi viii ii nhadfn l In i emrts Vl ltsrs utlng te noe thé follovlmg atatisti". out o! 100 mu atVsM as et vMe«ty«-tVi, " wlllhUv îled; Sôviii beduem d oilto; Sàviii bé living on vhat théy éara; 46 viii dé -u on reatIve or cbarty. Thorefo ut of tbi 54 am w vIte ud Vohie M. fortysix of tiietanare ard.up MWami ehiuama-a be a xcptiesitoe b. W et.1tattatles 11NN Mi be »meftIut Wuum md. but bop blits atMas«*a tiUng&M d sas 840s that Wuyl&s in tum M t au u umê, tii. ma Who la 1mi dnlsg tien ecM Maed.e y siMu*shout ~Iii ege 0< R, t»n~ M104- a a t umesdfaitome. mis.tym m* tiIroua*"uu M~s. G. Dréw, Dundas Street, Wliitby, Phone 121 100OExpected In Bucksaw Contest Peterbôro*, Aug. i9.-ZeÈn inter- est is being taken in- what is said tb he L'inada's first buck.,aw contest. %whii:h will be staged here todiv and tomnOrrow on one of the main streti of the city. The winner will be proclaimed world champion, and atready entrie% are comng Rin frorn Pôint,, as far &a%a% s Owen Sound. ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARGMIN From WHITBY AUG. 28 and 29 AUGUST 29 TO TO PltHw~ur......... $4.11 Chicago_$8.50 Fint ................$M Tiaot, *ha~ mis, ran nfonaçufroan A.nts. A3K FOR HANDS"-J CANADIAN CANADIAN NATIONAL PA CIfIC crontest gets under way it i'ý ex>~!ct. rd that thcre -w 111 bc at i c j( contestants. A prize of $25 in p. fered to the champion, and the fir9i %ix men will bc boýoked 1cnr ail ep- proarance at the Peterbor,,' tiu% trial Ex-,hibitioni, whîchee ~or, Wrdnedav- Many othrr 'alUàbi. prizes .%ili bc awarded the runners- Up, Trhe ever popular Stroîing Troubadors. forelgn groupe of -.oc&lsts and instrumentalists fa national costume, wIl1 agala ha & Canadian National Fxhibli îoI t ci bi t] ai PC or J. Hi Gi 'w au br S. Gi, vil col Gie r: Vo soi RO Dei QUI wai and a: anq apî D u 9d} THE EDITORJAL L.Y POINT 4.. - Z rr~. .1 ê s 4. 'A FRIEJ<D 0F MINE toMd me tust la bis tweutya à"n years of active iaillng, canoelng sud power-baatlng ka a large boat club ci over a thouaand maers, uo mmn b.d emi béanIM stor evén séioualy lujured. 1 sal i hm for thé explonation sud hé replied dhut it w»s "bécee iofthé eat courtcsy tuat ézist on the vite' betwea SeuiWimsd anothe-.. courtesy and F, m Mde&hlp thet mabe bastin o Mely egjoyabllo "Salir8sudthefr shipo" hé sad, "are one big happy tMYa" m udoe grand flut.' AMd 1 thougt wfi a truly reat sud life-maviug à hleviet 1 would be if we couli Inspire motorlat Vo thlnk o, sud Bet tovards, ésc iein tru he saine kiudly md couaderate wsy a su 1 dot il If.lateai O!frb relgeuhioioteby selfis mm4" &alerted ng. inotorlist uld "try, bufImtesiof negardlnsd treStistli.otler fcllp a« mm my wamin' a atank, the motorW twould * I, fstei e hcklog e"ci h by hom-bowingo mwek<sd fading t& -d1p or uta hesdllghis wbem uwsna&*y wud show more cniea YUk701t is b wu méla mcuIibng oMe 0( *6 ettah t, outsrbaint.etlastof muIdog *0Wt" iAiw qaki cithé4rM&d 0"i.t bv di.uss t6. yu?'. e he, «d- Yenb 4 ib tit1*viipyIinsÃ"nL b, Immv# "dl s pans rojo rpoya by mabn DIRECT ECONOMICAL LEAVE WHITBY VIEW* OF '4qFSAFlt

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