TH}E WJ-ITBy CÇZEI-ml & CHRONICLE, .THURSDAY, AUGUSI 20, 1936 News and Reports From the Gazette Corri CO NOMICAI. For OSHAWA Af itermedate pointe .Ni. P.M. P.iJ. r 1 .45 #-s5 .5 3.45 64 As5 s4.45 94 ,M. Iý.45 10=4 .45 11.45 Pc A Hot. only. l1101. only. pFARES5 New 't ccl, $70 fON AT ~itby, Phone'121 s. r f - $25 ins P1- t " 5 -kclfor ati av. - U. -l-cr slutble 1 " Ithe ramiters. g -iî groupe or iI "c iffl<stallsts ilu 1- «I - i' ' l gatun ho à E:--niu x h1 lt101 .~L BARGAIN- kUGUST 29 TO - ,on . .ý. .... iASK FOR HANl>BILI.- À%NADIAN A CI1FI1C_.n3 yon in M3 stwenty. wer-boating members, no s1y inju.ed. I Yekhicd that it t exists ou the courtesy and 'y cnjey'able". tone big happy nd' ife-savi-ng pire nuetoniat3 ini Uic'samne o! er b-V sefis1i weuld 'try e other fdllo't Otenist weuld orni blowing, Sheadiightà cousideration thing one of- t cf nnaking the road,.. t yeu woulcl liandsomely rcperty andb r for fins Broo.klrn a 'es holîdas- wiii Ni ssI1 a ar!\Valtact, of hîcal M \lss \fir arn Spenjcer, i-f (G. M.L White, Correspondent) tossrlie. hai retuiriird fo filiccc BROOKLIN, Aug. 18.-"-M r- atter tiso %cîeks' vacation uitî h WVIII Caasidy who la with Mr. C. parclit%. NI r. and Mîrs. r-,be Piikey at Gneenbauk, for the spelicer. Ilumnaer, s'as obliged to corne .\ rnspr:i occurred inî las! %Il home iast week thcougb illuesa. issue 'i }e çin to be :d R -e la stili canflned to the bousje.t le basc-tnclit (fc-t th cli': Ch M r. antd Mî-s.George Joes,.1ues;da - a t 2 3V) P M . A u.c- 2'il . Miss Myrie Joues, aud Msr. snd stead of-trutthte r% niil,,: as ta1c1 Mca. Nortman White have bfIen last ce's per AI lic he ' on a niotor trip to Toberniiory- .Ill cc--r;gtc'--tarcr-cu' and other points of intc-î'est. i n : (il-I. i-ir l ( Bruce l'eninsula .Mrs . Jon<-a and foi l-r tile u'(h ci s t Nlyrie are remnaînîng with triends ;alrîa -sbs-r - ~:i, at Lion's Head for a tNo II-a <îr<'tci, ci i - - -vacation. ag-c tcilnca i.lI Guesîs last week with Nfr. an-I >rj. 'cîa* a,;ra c.(! .à ( Mca. Wni. Draper '.sere Mir. and ftic rcinlg. Mca. Wilson Janies of Cambruy' M n -, urrnrLýre - Mrs. F. Briggga of Myrt le, aud Ir- ad rs. S ammr L Bsre Miss H-ilda ' Dornian or Toronto t aniNr tt t.sB Mr. R. Gilroy, of To r otilt o, iI ýr i i r7-Ot r ock with.bis aurit, NMc. Ar tlui h 'o- fac a few daysi. mr r', -r 'tcic t Guesta on Sunday w ifh Miand aI~aica' i W01on i ursdâ Mrs. A. C. Eliiott, at iPii ne Pc-m' i c '-t:hcîw ciifr r..- a-! i ,NIsrt! -wene Mr. K. NVelsber, Mr. iLe--. - - ta% 0.1f. î j l'e lic-t c- i NYebber, 'NI a s JesIsip W hhPîi cao M, i 'rt r i '%ýtitlltrzlg ¶7. '1lier 'Nirs. Mildred McAiliîser, M is Hn sa gca'riair L-- a flali, Mr. aud M rs. Frank liat't.-,-i. e- r irurl, -Mc. Jos, Garbuti Mis'. Iîiss edt r ti At? cdit. s;'ort G arbutt, Mr.l sud Mis. \'sej'tc s.-~n 5s iil Stevenson. Miss Jailin,-, e- - r rt-. i ir, o- a son aud Mr. and NIrs U ât ç-î a! Il ýih rît - i-:.aiin -I I s Fre bc. sud MMrs c-eBO% Ic,-of 'î%î- U13' e - Ihro, r'nrr lidavlug at Niagaca l'aIls. t.ndii sIiarc sscri! kfn'in .î tns s--r , ud allier points c-t iiîc-îe-st l u n liit\. S nen thoeir sol- onn- daiig; fcWestern Oîntaîici. te . Margaret Kathleen beismplh( Mr. Jlniie Pc-agate. of To- jr dr lsi \1,ilir, il Lais rrlice lcr routo. la w t-ii bis auni.t, rs. A rniir.c-f .\g rîco-urt. "'-ii -f i île Mr Boyes. and MNI c ct J ;w-tnîIc. A nurnier front Broo)ki:n wti-'otîîîl" ' Ic' u (c attend tîh(, tccI r l-.ilr l'-'~ -c hn e>o1) lelie seti fet Ssi. a t. (ii e n ". tarin Ladies' (-icr tcu i' i. -'i"' . st an d1ing 1l(,adeii s inîn1te- ii - bt Is) c-i's s. ' 'e l found ou t 'e ti-:-c-t.- :tîiîg-1)., tîîi rr lc rînto and Ciîic. r a-I nu- f' r Eoxtensii eli- ' t-v ui l t :--n a!- luts S r ii i 'r e taira sud 1,l' i"-Il ioi l it -cc-si 1; jr tiouai and S- iOîct -sliV:.:t litc h"'e -la a niem r -alsi c-f tie i e'U 5.- rt s. -t N rc a ipai i Us-e of bbh( , Nuus - atîýi9 I l lier \f'r 5Nîrs \I-rà ac NI"-(i Socieîv cfn't î.d Mt F. j 11;_ i'1 -r' a a . '. ' L)ay. fiirniî-çls Niu's â!a laî- sr"e c -~s'. _80n.. the fii--î rai ý-ecieta, ît rîl, .s utiCt w"U., 'of t he Un if cc ('h urch SVuiiîîcn 's c -.tabile i ci.rc -j - i r Pb: Mîsiora v- ocei Msa 5 c -i ithi da-ri t: r \tter a Thiomas, f lie prespnt t;s'ncral iSIc- sIs',r t !'l ' its h r*' J- rPiarvNMisR FotIelti. lnrtMitiNr-, -rt dge îî re- :r B1oard Secretary- cf SNlsl(lll - j - r ries. NMr'. il6undv. Toi -mmit. a -r-sci ss'- former Msiii Ba t rît 'd Sf i i r '1 s t' of thea Dominion Pc-at d. Mra. hitc ' t- , i M. Loveys;. homne Mission Secce- PI rà cti-cc s rrsa? a'--?it-r s tary of the ExectîtiN'e, Nrs. 'V \\ l'-)le t r 1 s~ s I c J. NMcPihecan. Wocrdi'îllIl R. L. Tiiocnhury. lrtsanîd Mis. NI M-I'r s~'r.I -'-c Arthbu r Boys. lilroc-klin.I;ros c r ly u'cnk a -d1 Lacrosse lans- ifladforl rd Scand'lMn Prter N-îrs -a Brooktin, vFi d a v,Aug. r Itt 1 a, , aiî ir ra ti~ 'Tbis is a gant-- in the ntir Aric- diu r -~t' e -sret, P lay-o f fs and sOli be an inter- Masrr ic- h'-ir' - estiug esent. The Brooklin testo i bas laken on thrre ew-s-playc- e gaii rdsM.1r. ai Mrs.-i I and expect to put u a gond (ccr- "îîc'. tesltfoc the gante. The publi' arc- lflvited tj attend sud enjoy th(> îs,(s-d'i1-i5her .trd aî- fun -sud show -tiieir Interes -t I trs -istar ga t Joran. Catd lraî. 1as-o Dur homfe.tealni . isîcto, eli eJrdan. sud irlýa. lie Service )lu nSi.Thomnas Angli- R ,îhaof r, and 'M.- ft.-orsai tisof rau Churcb on Suuday, Aug._ ' ,-il-l aia. t. Baker c- ai."d p . is'îtlh lci T. A Nind , c- 5 M.hi--.e,11.-g te rector tin <-ugi-. o n . i sd s'A1c Miss AlicisAcurold lefIttis Ot5tiiasî iLrî.,i.-- s'eek for a lîîîlidaN at I -diiad'i-, i a a' \s r .ai r'c 'shere shus ssiI] s is is itti Mr. auil P- e sr oi" uisr s NIlrs. Arthur ltîîbînssîîs. L- lut '<r Os r;C". Master Jolhn 1'hioni p s onri, of \15i 'i clsartr r t,; 1% Fairviesi- ariî entertaîned a l '1ci5 hi- as Marc-iat lte mernîlIser cf tîh Fs Reinners ted Mtr fdt'i !'. i . i ý. Il day S( birthdi -M r. Littie The theirJ WVedne nia de l'airs. ceived granin ho seni thosei are as) Misa E posblg Seri on Sun J. S. 1 H0W a r Gatea C iuchit W il son on Sunt M r. aud aoi brook, S. loci NIr. Gien, m village The corded General Wiii Hý to Mr. son. At Rloy Bri ta Mr. daughte and Mri At Madi iJerry,, Mr.à have re Guli La Miss was at Miea anld Mn@ M ion H amer, 1fr. and a holida - Ashli i Fenguson - ansd cons i and at th - appneciiii j Rev. Clii i ville, Who Burns, CI 9îh. Ser- s on Sund-& . nf. Acl visitot- in i ss FI til' cih "i cd 1 r ,r Ire re Almonds (Lo0à Baisdon, Correspondent r A LMN oL) s, Aug. ii N tRussell Luugmid, of 'saiii Lon. aPcuit ses er-al day5,sthis NSi 5 ai the home ai ber brother, 3 rJack.Grey'. nMr. and Mrs. Normian Leas' -sud chîîdren. of Bloomtie ,iipent this week-end ai thehol c-t hec- parents lu Whitby a i calied ou frîeud in ibis co r fl ii i t tit .MrS. C. L. -Mcrconîtse sud D- Fcciof linnîe, sP;ent &see da%>s t,:iasî--kailihe home IL' I lialtd 'n. NIr. sud N .Roi-.%Iorconit Nlarjorie sud Donald. of Win- pez, has'e been î'îsiting for ti past sseek at the borne of t for-mer a Parents, Mr. sud NM: T. Mîrcoube. Mis-s ' uc-t sud Es-elvu Ha Mis. \V. lia]?. Mijss Nabel Ma keN sud Mr. Eiuier H-arcis weý t c-sent 5 isitol 5ss îth relativ-es i ra-nliank. Mr- Sam Sharmati 's 110hb te'.i tt a MItkc-ka -Sanitari'n i tise pa'ts - mcuths. h as r cc-s frd suftlîctent eîluîugh 10 ri lu: n to beir licmo bore feelîz niub teftter. lie'r Ians' frienÉ 1,v-ps sho tuas' so nI- te feelia lie-i selfagaîn. . TiseV iie s sociat ton ni- al t hp' h(ilnîec- 'f N Rc . ilk s cm Tuésday last ultil soma fors mnenibcrsansd frierds preseuf. mcî)St enjo> able tinuî mas aper aftfr thi:%usual business nieering s' i h 'atti us ganteçs on the au-t Ef' E NI PBtil% t. ()f l5% h IfL t csean c-ipi atsng ftaîk i-iith ladies mhiii 'ss r@'arivappreri afi-d. "% lu.seIl ' frireu an( Mirs OBruen s tro guest,. cor lb FPeýn tue ppas' M ssek Us1th. Mr à rd NI ,- ' "- Btplies' c- i;'eeuliahlk NtI rs ArIdusip -her.ricf Toronn 1( ig tf d c-i, 'nd % at tit- i-mra cfVi P alidon. Base Une West NI, stis 'k 'ai etîurnc-d ta lJý T I.iude ms a ralier 'n - -tos'Tiesdas-. l5th. Thti cle r. llt t-cles are ex- te îdsil' -s..r lfi' '-cring Beach -ut t iu' d r %ss ther en- ,15i-?f, aim- is tri tfiiph their iS t isi's 1gh srhoc-l 1bas eah 11s h ed 1lu1 i 59. Mr. E. Stors- bas necelsed a e-tp cfroni Kingston c infîrminz flue de.îîh orf Vit harper, s ho lias burc-d thers' Thet P wmas a franie achool hc-u'-easî c-f ii. Ras' riurcit 'sherp lbe ('cOuntlv <ouneil wss hlîed that der~lidedo n a se paration tîîînî York ('ounty. WViilsassistiuE b lsbuild an St, l for the Prince c-f Waales lu t ý 0 1 Mirlobts' W'illis elfou re-ni iz sud lircike ts amni S--n tii ntarîn man firet nepre- seutosi lu i'.arliarint h ' Johnu M Lumadén i ÇI-4 t-' Iet'5'1U,7 sin t15 r) () MIo %%at1 1 66 ln 1ý6~ O--- ----------------i t),,,, ' iuc- """ 'rs '0 riest at Ion. Aug il8. -mn Norlhcrii Qurecfor à a%%tek ha. c-f tuie I'nited (hurt-b-un- NI - rcnt-secf(f I r:-cn itu--t Osa sme u ivllage Tber0 Pâssed su-a ai ber horne -reîurned tleihaIomse here. cho oln ceusatit ii is-la à -c--c- sc tir.tst-thnrpotfo tIitis :r'tunts liC O 1e 30 P M. on Tbursday Mlurri y-à aflai Bruce tauiucnî. of syo lbrsa.c-t l- 'i ros'lulur cilitc athl iefrîud lait, lina, Sarahs An Sykes. îi- 'Osiassa, hcidà îcd elt thfli n raiud- and Msn. C. S. Th-suîpsou Su-F-iLs S tio-c-i a n-i -U's.s i c-i Sia et tllaie Johnson De-yl. îparents, \Ir.sadlra, A -se aud John aie bîlidas ulig Ii 'iIin. à ru S.!'i ui"u-g"' ô-opn»eeeas.<iber sainteeles-e lait saceks. BrtI-î Nat Ic. tl airienrc 2,;r-I.a t 1 n Ii--'--)i ens r gis D*eeatc-d. s-ith ber -t n r oir ý 't psoji la at Bolton ('amris. sue Kinsale iuaband. moved te iy-rtle frontm .sdMsJ.irot. 'lo- Wo ni en'a'inýstitute net lun\I :,% lenIruie cr:rf-4 .Printe Aibert shorîl>- hefort hé Pc-r> , i.nsd Mrb. t.Jeonge sais 1ý uîeetînig îî'îl miatu das' front aise' a - a- ,ý à ta,à lira v4Ie-wîî ai à ver-nel uydn'ie, en ea tsday ishptl plans e Sr i -rt s'il lier au.t%' '." îi îr r c-I i e f ci la caîgg, sd tr. Vns, rousrIa for islilasji anti Manihau, r Parnîrof -I(slaî. r SA Mr Eal Ar I dnbc t eý u bu o syLindu)s?.Asc >undî sîsu-mlo sli StilggeFlîoisa wene alsîs ne- t arir là a I--c. (t \~'-'-asi.c - b ine nttaefriends lu thil etZiborboi si, lnSudca. $S gb tt Ctester. for- ils e it1 1 yesr'a pro- 5\\r arc î'tci f u .s r iu Mc-r 4NI-s s aa i l-lieb.hotd ai the. Kingu- hisa t - n u l falling teaih for Mass 'Jean lubie s h-'nic -altera le. A baleut! clotlîing sIt al' - -i s'u . - I!è HA!lo tsu filse'nîug of Tueks- sm en eraee. es Ianl' a a iîh her sster as it o Nocîberu tOntario sud lt-c-ut ag;asti dafrtsrs à r, r .tud'-Auxuaf::uî. pnuignanaet Clasebton. 'baud ben living -s-lUsBalîamoi'e. wh-cgt talent au-i outaaide numbens ort%1srIn 1et- four y-era. TIse tus- lMn. %Vs ci, (tif ronito 5sett lit ýked to bave articles isi!libc- M ut s !, b, gIs-en, sund a lun<h aerveld erai s-as bti frons ber laie rosi- %% e sa lit us<1.t.-og Beeslo Gariitl &» son as Mcri- s- t-e,-iIorllnTtte 'r eaedi ' itaas t -i onu Slady stron aîu -sle ii.i>cd sa s-us-t sc r Scai--i M ci g-' iii nd 55505 for bbo prise-s s ds, u cag f N , Ia-b i- h555 !ioc f 6tsa for the an-sw-i-teecharge ofs-biefsosephuMr. f o'tî M.SInltifmeut bock ice lu the C'nited Chuncli -\\îslîhrati (fi i 's> tlng s-doi Aug - t t Ieou lairse. ÂIIsrî. st,> math hie *sareuîsIifnrmeno daja day wae conduoled by Roi'. last.,t:61 l Yoepae4Pra AletUs$ hhiprnslutv d) 1. WVilson of Obaws. Mn. ? A very piestast evening wa tu.nOj asp n uen)o>-abe-lie q>us -s lasi . i Mei. and lirs. Unin sud fanait>', An-ksey sngi"Open the apeul atI "Bisîngos-nie - on Tues- eibcnIns W!Ilt tc@chiltiren vWo h Pe*-stig a feu-dari v 1al" îuga <ateon uVlterd mith Mi. snd if lte Teuile", sselectian -day es-enlua, Aug. 1,N1h. hen u a e a ril hcol-- etcfbts' 014 frilsinutisslnHsar'Ds>cu ed>li appreciated tI'%,ail1. Bey. lange gsltecing af frît-nul. met i peaAbad birutf afie u wi-hi agalu b-e lu chiange bcnar af Misael)onoîhy Miller. tutpr-delnftanfas- day, Aug. 231. >oungen daughiîr - t nr. sbd &&Y. as meaXlt illa ta ors b*rm-y e ndé,s-tek%%tntit aud Mcm. George .Lockyer 'aira. John Mlli-r. sl-t uni- TtsAgaiti'!u tle~-MnGtt bG'bryat i- u ia i--otV tut Il. C'a rnioe i-%f Noston- age takea place in Ilurt im à turc-h 5 -lhe lueit1)4c f an eUr-PoraPort«.isel *M te. -s ud n onda .altdc s'ere wi'ih Nr. sud %Mrnon tise !9thus! Auxussi. Aller alt fat o iA imi~~ >~kr li ere eseo r et of ut.s- 4"a h ré,ss na kyer an Sunda>,. 4 rosi social -bat s-Its saci t ciier ouiurds tgul tîle, aitvr.Sui>£UtsfM. li.*ai14.Gc.'glean. P'rauk tosiisi andd son. and tas' r ou li ris-ndsme 2~P fil Tii, folt uias prgr-sm -sed Ms-s. . R. joisuaton,- Iiîo u4 i bi> and 14e. asî4 M" wore ' iii fnietîda lunteed atI almet f r aimeîs lethe qtis e , 14' gie.. ('.un efi e-se-Ic IsahoWoSBeos Asiaeiaîea 511d i itaaurr. M i titls)41, cvr te %seck-euid. iy>ouuger anee gaiiered on lth. M* IfItl n. tsa. ta *k let atiseoob ftis ai île, bgoait <-,CttLo in-e c as eanal. en u- foliam-ing bintts are ne- Ispacione las41%nîendintugitm ne lntandîu tu4umieX row d. I-lia-. oa.Visasrodasi Wet Ie le 1ay theX> I H-oapital, t l an sd Mca ic. rWvIter herr'ailea se a».-.- ni n cCacuaitg, lilasJ«eed01'leteA sa.W4»5""u- Ma- h ss b cratra- Woeur» a Association "as [eron, s son. At Bnuoklil, sPnihîs to-tItohr, rradiug lte fos~le-ugt r.Ciîpsaelt- I-lcs and Mca. Horsa-e Hall, a tes iug aaidnî-aa Lura uadW, u. iac lls e-Jois Htun"Iersudi&e stidet tIe lusse *44. HA=UtIZ Brokitn. 10 Mn. asd '%Ir*. Iear ùtsnotba> --A compas> iS-1 aka tu( ~Cait of Tor-'o. o U# u.esti I fn*» iae- th-ae aaei'4s.y. Assrn lA. adlas lnussir>- (bel la11~1s0e- be-r er~0iaU m hu Mebeu"ucoretý* -adie>, a sati. At Linusaklun. yonr friende antI uelibbom's bat*e me- mule mis" Li.' Docker j e... cgîiadlm ia, ~ georoiv ansd Mins.Reed Cook.Il, a îs.nuedthîs ihappy occa.alc n n lnatliaAI-utokt <-qsa- i45 ftulpi-i At. AIBrooklil, 10 Mt- the O5e4îuf tuur departun, îta un- eb'tre b t r.lead î- i'81<. *ua. c e >-Ue«~lga bit &ut nîg at bis eesaiss4I4MUr it*0p<js- 5usd PS5IPI 1 sWalterloiiiday, aaîon. derbak, that muscat sbleo!bi - fo0e fss -sylrp a et--îr aurlia. t,» LVe si a-iCcb"ascr-ltiaWi ietes . e ce, to Mn.-suliNra. i'erc> A ri y-- eulà 'all on à ,<-at.homoshin!r 01 r P sudlt'r-îstpIouGt dien '4e-U M ». ail s-o &dIt slowia.i 44affl is-dv sowo*P4 of. s 9 an, a b--nie «%'o raeutenl eyouftaa- aur lis 71o>-d Ra-s.ndasti Mcsawoty c»d. Tb&e- sre-"a- ss-cber r*- aud lice. Alfred [loger&niuoli earty ogrîlîîa oi- f 0c4*ka u-e-rw" t ls0 15 'tlosuet. stffcIte a turned front a holiday MAthîe cc-mIng aent A eCommelcy calnon Kiassartutai*,relîs'u h< 5WL. . . suri Tpo aike, Mindesun.ia>- <kes a koen lsler'st :0 lie- anti iU*. Mn>.,4" 4r1ais5«4iiruîswa . ILXe. s ces- Mabel White-, o! Oshaa, s, 18owuyoung peopie---and b.-1Cr00ys- "tas'kle.OsSetii' sheq *secbaofa s4sa a*MI houte focrthe wee-e<nd. aasured our s-os-y, 6.51 vlsise-.go *oe-ofetTo-rcae.c.or-e apeuilsiiM oes du b*trct«.. «f Pool ceqs.Mu (G"«aWk4t Lerua Joues là 'vitht 'Ir. cit >)ou teo>our noir homo la e« ivtI 4sirs -lb LSth tl*losi. 1%"rI5t. eJsUcU444 oo s' «rai-o.C* a. Lebman ai Stouffville. ou. a! Druotc.ouâ'a lumiti-abîsil T isM ~~> i~.e e ç«ose &M sti*0 aetenè*w L. I-amer aud Miss C.- Hailteut poma C*mauautiaasdt z Te'ks riîlace ss Ms-lsCt6is~ er**. cbs- o At i..- * 4 1 lirs. Edgar Haner frJoe0411eli-aî *Es-r7t-yt*a4a'. Tt sîaujl silteaiua NotaBa.aa -ve-st va isi-us1a fre t i .tir asti liSart. t.~1e« îy f tend dupon de ver-k aet .'Ta bu li .fit5raatt-, bîsa 5ia .slteV1U5M - - auma u p cens-tale fer y T", 4Stt(Wb&" l. - ýai Mut miWMusc tiis qS&- 4, your butaantAu a funtbsr Ueai'k Olivet Waal. 4o4Ur-le STbcup. MS i utIu hs's~l.t A sh b u rn - tb e tu er ses'.bb b 34 e ut-* V.. ' auta 'e e t l' vi bas-o boss at anme fP41"ita bottâ&"* ui b f er <ce- ut» N of"*. ts,<e MXi. litbIfrssti«t rnu. Aog 18.-Res-. D. A. sajsct andti hb s-e hope*isos £l'uePuskj& tge t g aese,. d iis home freinlits Vacation vi ik.w.a-eot 4M0 et ta tse ducteti service Iset Suadaye-- on babalI!of c # fubmcmUaIy.ltsCaeeu- la 5-ifsls A nseà afle. hc Conclusion expresseti the Mm e-.Rbet Gome.. off <fa1* bo5ue tou Ibo* Mst&l *» ta*se mion Of tise cesgregation t10uitgifi sfIc: sSkis Us.brlga-e.-ac-i v. 7u-I st-les Leggeît,. of Waflce- express-t ed ar gret amp el. l-5ytrohtMsPst.buse oga o gave a spletadid addressis n tuis and tiiseuro for tb* "1*s, Nus. Buse a M bfts ~~ u.a~8 ,hureh on Stinday, Augusi booe- r «beraooi sSs. roi. tii.&se ts le .ice m-il bc held ais usual loving furtleer soci al oe- oai uao aM t-j 1o.~" '" ay mcrng g. .Z3rd. ment. uttta.ssvs,.e W"* *Wp »W 5 i iý brsSsIS<. 4e < më, ncmac oot<saaat ti.soire wysg~~ oui v.lage deeinit the people .111 sbm'sty 5gi IM, lA imiI .- lorence Doble ta spending s-11 be *sr*bod b>- kot coaSsa."y la ,Congratulations to NIr. and Mrs. Gordon Farndake on the ar- rival of a baby daugbrer. t) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parkin itR Fm 4 ra. and sous spent Sunday with Mr. ýng- and Mirs. iL. Heard at Osh1aWs. e Mr. and Mrs. John Brignail Mr. s-cre recent callers on Asitburnl e & 1 frIends. ett 11r. and MmT J. Mudie ent@r- Id. t4ined Toronto friends on Sun- nie day lasi m à j' Mca D. Crawford and grand- )rn son, Buddy Crawford. apent one day last u-eek witb relatives in ýor- Toronto. rai Mr. and Nirs. V. Parkin. Dr. A ot E. Dennîs, Mîas Stella Denuis. of S'-tettier. Alla . and Mrs. S. Plas- be. kilt. ot Greenwood. called onu ni Whitby, Oshawa and Proolin ýhe friende on Suuday laSt. %Jr. il e Dennis snd daugitter loft for Ibeir rs. bonio on Wednesday. afier ai montb»s visit wlîb friendsansd Srelatives Iu thIq nekL:bboritood. -. Over 35 children with their renothers and friends gathered et in the home of Mca. R E. Mou- hrav on Thursday afternoon snd a eujoved their annual Mission orBand picnic. The regular meet. ir îrilh lt is usuai proreedinga Swas iteld lu the, house. An Item on the progran i -i proved of ds inlerest 10 thi6ebhidren was the vsft of our District Secretars'. g im Boyecs. cf Brookimu. wio told ~.articles for the0 WM.S. bale, 5150 s- avP soute î-âluable Information on ways aud me-ana of providlng z rticies for the WMSbal@. also . - tld itou- te Brooklu Band cou- Y *ducted. îbs'ir meetings. Is n MNabel Harhron told the uîudy i-ook story Ir. a very pleaalnt nianuer. Afier the meeting an Phour f ganies aud races u-ers l- ddulged iu on the apaclous lau-n, after which a lunch of sand- v»cheq.cakê. cookips and orange- ado wac; passed, sud thorosjghli fnJos'pdhy &IL. Congratulations are due tieir leader. Mrs. R. E. MNou-brav, lunimaking this annuai esent a pleasint afiernoon forA I £ bcsih and parents. -After a iengîhy Ilinesç.MISS -Nrnîs Ha.rbron Dassed saayat her homo In Blaremout on Sun- day. Au.gusî I 6th. The laie liasAI Harbron n-as thé daughtter of the stle Nr aud Mrs, Wnt. Harbron, u ho ,ereb pioneer fanera ln titis ________________ distrie-t for mnv' tars. So me ysars ago. she witîh er father, re- Blackaîoek. commenciug ai 5701 tired froni farm tif. sud moved P.m. aud ou Titursdar 71hb' !o Careniont whene site resided Blacksirsck conmes to Nfs'rtle unti her de.ath. On account of Thoe sh iould ho réal t m- 111 neaiuh Sfl0 iad spent thé Vas tu-o winters u-iîh ber sîstain. Mi J'Iosd Reesor ai Oshaw-a, wher fs-or>-cars u-aa giron hen. Fo Ilhe past titre monîhe nir. Ref eor bas carèd for ber nt hi borne lu Clanemont. She le sur %vîved by thnéeaiters. Mri. al WVhite, of Hamilton; Mnr-. R. Bai of Taunton, and Mni Reesor. oi Oshaw-a. who were aIl present a- thg tuie of b~er deatb, salt -w Lrotherp, William and Georgi Harbron. of Balsom', six of toi nepheb-g arted as pail1beaa'en and tnterment took place'le Saiý*ezni emeîery on Tuesday artet- noon, u-ber& a larg0e oneort* ci relatives sud friende oaîhered te show titeir last respec<ta. Myrtie Station I-- - e i g l .4 ir Manchester le er, (R- Croc'.s, ccrespesDunt) r- ' I.\NL.HESTFR. -,U,.. l18- r, >hHo*ard Lautlr and bai-v ctlhnd cet- Frail-Lambt. - -Nits Gt.'rude srls'h n rO.turned Io Torouto afier lîolîdas'n wit.xîh re tri es herc for the pa (à ~ UOParkt, c'f Dert, ha joîned tais sie sud sous, Bail aisa, 'hO liasecbren î'îatiîîjZ ssii Mdr. aud NM.jack Masters lor tI% ss teks. T'hey x%%Ilil tbcerc fon arl -otser couple ol i wceks' holtdaa. i"..dits of isiatstussuîiiî- met a the hciie o-f \It .. B I Uiffe agit i n ,Maters t quîlî ou-ri rday l ast ssCak. StacffT~ esponden t Staff * s-t%.,vssise-dftrnus n anen oo id lHf as nod bis munin- zLta tl Elle RK Dti clges 'sudIs ns' tollsyig ishus1;h ladais Club At Assînibola, Saalc. (Ma' . rowsUar~pndn i mot her« bas corne to Mr. Robent Duf! an' Greenu-ood. Aug. 1 Rv H 1 Masters Ray sud Gordon Duif faniily, of M-yrbie, the follos'le H M ultnn la ba ck fro ni h4-s h l- w ère iolida yng w ith ih ) s'ry touchiug letton of tribu t tb da is4 H e reports M nq. M ution lts nnd JîIM T s'lor. cf NVi'tbs, the laie M ark D uf!: Eteadils- i prasig. st ueek. A ug. let, 1936. T us Wonin's A sociation and s M n, aud M rm AI. Cà "rannra e' M r. Robet Duff and }amily, X1iss n Band hod ther anuai - notored w tith Osaba sfri d ta M rte, Ont. pirir ogeherin th& Greenwood Graveuhurat on Sunda-* At2the rDean t meigo h P'ark isst Tueaday afternoon. A -MisFreya Hlahn. of the% staf i? AtorthofTe mebln0ftchei - ryhapPss Unie u-as spent by ii of Toronto t'uis'ersity. lq bolida-- C'lydesdale Club, iteid -In fRegina. prisent. R ov. NV. S . an dI M r& - lug itit ber par ent, iMr. sud Nîns. Juiy 30 t 1 i sS in t u b d o SSniart, of Yarker. uho were Guaan Hahn. aIntuedo !- express the nost alucero and pro- î'uaitinln tluhb.cammuuhîy. WerO tAler a lîncern lu: îleus patilent- ; faîînd regret of ail utember aof - lr ese n t. s ud a it ve rek gla d i n0 s ee I ly b o rn e, M r e. J ao tns on L e v lî ui C u . at b t I r pr>s s l th@som aalu and e5'ew- friend xssasd awav nt et r homne ler. lait austatrsed by your fanily bt-ýrougit dwook. ln ber eigbty..sorenth vean. Ithe decease of your higbly ea- th Lat Mouds>' e-enlug a large itterment vaz made lunlte famlly - eemed son. Mark, wbosu geni nuniser of thA communîîv met et Plot, l'rince AlberL. companlonshîp snd bnilliant men- ihi-bouse of Hou-ant sud issai iMiss Jean Parker. a former tai as-tivitY bas; conbnibubed sa Vdt h 11 rmnnerod la do bo otaon 10 Myrtlo girl., vito baitbeeu t.acn~- niucb a Our local andI national itîsoîr brother. Emnerson sud u-lfe - ir tg t ottheida for the paît ibres blslony. id ad dauchtîn. Launa, vbo are !yeara. bas elaaed vitlits Siir-. Ta couvert mbt language, out n ica ing ta (a n ulu glo n , vie re M n. i er s eio o l b oa rd fo r the e nu iuî g ' i tar fe it -*Y 'm p aîlsy t a y o u r aelr -ornaroti as purcbtasd js m illUng )ear. lier nauy frieuda bore sud fam ily, là beYond my ablity. 'I isuale sa A tte r s so c ia l tfm o 1h o p 6 e a a e jo y o n tîlu n oîl Du c -. 'W e ho u- t e th e vilI of P ro vi- m pent lu gamea andt ontests, Rer ceajInlu hein nov etvironm euta. douce, onored by eln,,z p nnit- H . -t M u tt nn ia l e d M -r. s ud M nr*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t d a k e ly fe si l h t re a t lo s & ( l n n e - n e s u L a u a . u d b d -w e a r e c o n p l l od t o a ek n o w l e d r e , thm iâ rs. W. W. iee* ildasd dlmly conecicus of bte incona- rspecal adyce w icit vas contan- s >c ugog paraile con-rast ta tîat w icii c-d n sît addre a. w itit- it het read 1 you m u t e sxpe riece, vio p ossoss lus them.afien s-blet Mn. sudlIns < MMI. L Ope. Coe'vapondenc> ho e uiler kuowledge cf bte ex- <)m éri-d u-r s p rete ted w lb a SC L 'G O G . A qg . I .- lirs . M un . c lk s srn hb iibu t u s .b o a a bstitiful elecile floon-lamp. aud 100, Mn. sud Mre, . 1.Brou-nasudtionai progress as. h.a CL suddeu- %#'se Laura s-ith a cliver isra.d rildr6n, oftJrP#Om, snd MNr.. : ~discoubin ucd. i ra>-. The re-1rplenla made auitable, Long vero Sundey gueissof Mn. - I-Hia Ideals bave been partially sud feeling retplies sud everybody 'and bira. R. Preulce. conceived, sud vo are nos' feeling sang 'For T iey Are Joli>- Good M a ter K elh M ark. of Po t ojr at na l sa m e ac el , F ë il o e u - a * T h e > - '1 1 1 b e l pi s a d ln P e r r y , p e n l a fe w d a y s la it O nti o ne s P a s o em u c v o r o -tista a-ommlunity ws- he y bb"-bve ueek -i * tccousaina. John aud lied upon hbi a - ais-ais be eu v illin z t a furtito r C l ra H ardy. le p r y t au o o r ni t :andt helip ailtu-orUsL'tl, c au&"e. MISa&Dernier@ Su-tsiman sd ('tem rr eue fois Th trt a-Iwltes cf ail go wlîh irlend, MIss lid-a [}alîn, of To. e*foe oo.p tl s m î h h sîr u s u h o o . r o l a . W fî O n - c e t a s î t c f U s e î th e p o s it io n h o b a t c r e a te d . H i s Sous.eofthbbc vek-ud and 'former'. 1P*rcale, Mr.insd liro. i npiration ltves. His memory ;Gibetr vtsltens are: hMeseLôaa 4A. 98We.tman. vili ever urgi uts b bigiser at- 'iaUtd vive Of T ersac to b e K ir Mr. R c. $Suasi. Mr. snd lr. tainmint, Sand bis exampie stimu- andi Mm . $-sI¶y. ltas K. G ee larve>- W oMon. of T ronto, vene late sur efforts. - ilsud frind iMie" 91U.klock of TO>- Ig lday guësîs CoflMr. and ire. Our club, unaaimoualy * t rout l vil PYLh and i ra Groas, W. Mark, towledg* ocar iudebtednÎmu t. the. Tom sud Hrlop f Cailla .JMr. Rqbt pentle "a lm.UUoeaIUI aCtIVîtiet Ot your loyal andi Mr*.Reidi nf Toronto vlh povod kit btt* u-ha &t0,son. mark. W W -'~ " d~ M rm -*, 4 rs, m ).t) R là #. ceome intl,. trimmed t h vil e u-en, W * extese4 Our 4eepest &aym- i s 1 of cf âa-kleain &sbd aniee. Mia i o'b l o , q A"pat-hy tb you. Proid et the ig cy Jotast.on sile i%'r a aa M r#. M r, CB. i-H. G o u- a unabie tao f h # m or auan a cltta ua W L ,W j Fe t ,of D On * ie a ou d n &c etmfauslu f bi eory a s a oflcer, Witt John IBoite sud fauily, jureti kas& ours t4thfUIIY. a nst >- s d lit. lildd ée to n ' U t. a sd lM rm W , D c o ly ga d 4 . R R i4ausbt*a' isab«l et ailwao vus sciAs.Georgo andi Cordon, snd Bc.ay.Tesrr 'tise truer-a Prffl t, . W T. asud Mre . Iutos Desa&r& Motore. tb ~~5g~ ~ Xr, &44isuo.lut Steart orili t vtelvst lir. Dodale' oTomoabo VifS uonlt ?a P- paruw. lUr. a»di lisW. tter. WW- UtaMISStEI* Of 0< tb ~ou I elg toise-le8?sl i P*D $04S 3rak54Mlia.Wa*ldie- edduasuJver.ury. vlle, cir1 î*k tn rosf Si L«»£Dawa, of sgomg, uŽiiee csrîî l<sklnetTorotato 14,W#IOn -ber resos, o! ftftsgo Vithu W. K. a*tilirariaMo. MI . mat, W tb= "' Uft D£0 Vans.DitieteaQasan. Mia De..- -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I WUr fig etIJi.Bita-svib vi sust drlfor aasum- b e r t s t Ul r . zr t -e , . N i« qs b ruf u ef r i o e s af ut -or#14vIabbW kvflst P.firla V1.1 T WI ---«. I lila « w> Mftb*" a"4vtp, m otri14 .M i W-» r. 18 eu-s fl a S"tcfa. CW "W"è 5AlimSu14. ou "d "* v et,"* "swt4bI.Mi. à t 1 0 0! isa "A, tit IS.J. ~~ ~*,, Sus"b*0 to beIt ,,auesolit&SPU!S.1.q me a"e vOU liailm""ytebW> i hrm m vate bew t. ssê *M?"j" ~~ Mta" sWI Me U Iau as ~ ~ ,*so U« e. e? uwulik ersi ou Fi- iAN APPRECLTION 0F TE ~1 '-v :1 "i . . . -A à - j PAGE THR Fr espondent on..