Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Aug 1936, p. 4

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PÂJrL d va'Wnrl V 1 m IL ri-rnNCI.T IRD Y ÂTtS f..9à*, £~Si.VAAAA ~ * AA~-- ----a-à ---- .Women 's Activitieis in Club, Chu rcA and Social Circlea jZi vW, 5 um uPaz $'Women in-the Home ~ and the tife of the Community Misn Rosis, of Toronto, la a Mr.. Walter 'Bailey and famlly morning without cbarging the'! tional values on ail Unes. The 1 ,iuest at the home o!f r.C . aemvdto-thnr penalty. I sale wili continue for two weeks Goodfellow, Trent strept. + G GGas itated. * . * Mr. sud Mrs. Theodore Kin August 2îth, ou Mrs. 'M. Col- It is perhapa uunecessary to HI Messrs. Lawrence Kean. o! 01- sud dsughter Oda sailedonM- lina' iawu. Tea. Sale of Home point out that Marlow & Strow- tawa and Adam Kean. o! TQrou- day by the Duchesa of Athol for Cooking, nico programme. Ha&ppy ger ôperate a modern funeFal and to, spent Sunday with their a holiday. Eurprisge at tea bour. You are a.mbulance service, using only the mnothen, Mns. Jos. Resu. *G nvited. Silver collection. %V. A. vénv best of equipment and a Tvn + + + Misa Marcia Rosissud friend. 'of Ail Saintst Chunch. high quality of service. Mn.audMn.Fno Drperaud jasa Harrow, of Toronbo. lefI by ,1, G + ln the Msilow & Strowgen stone I Mr.ugtndMisee Mrpe ad -C.P.R. on Saturday on a tour o! ir. sud Mrs. B. H. Tonkin and lq locsted the radio and electrir laghesMiss Mril n A-Pacific Coast points. irhildren. of Strattord; Mnir. A. R. service business conducted by drey, are holidaying at Norman- W oisnm M.adMs .Valter A. Thompson. Mr. Thom- dale, On., on Lae Ert.Miss Florence Smith, of Toron- L. Jenninga. vene% on a motor trip iOl5iili ikon1 h inGG . fla pendlug ber vacation vith to Norih Bav last w(e4k. and caIl- , People Of the towu sud district. 'Miss Ethel H. Miller, R N., o! ber aunt, Mn. AX. E. Stanlick. Pd tb Cee the quintup'îet-us His service is exîended t0 the -e-- W\hitby, la a guesi St Wigwaasan G+ +G Gpair of radios of aIl makes and Lodge, Lake Hosseau, Muskoka. Mn. Charlies Smith sud friend, Mn. sud Mns. B. D. Spence. sud to ranges. refrigenatons sud elec- 4' + *Mn. Charles Miller, !Tnno all.o asn.MîIcl.. are trie wgerau's Graham Macdougalî and Web- speut tbe week-end with the visiting the formner's parents, Mr. The sale at Marlow & Srogn' sten Thompeon hae îeturned former'@ munI. Mrs. A. E. Stan- sud Mns. W. P. Speuce. Mirs. cornes at a time vhen people are fi om a six weeks' îtay at the Un- 1lîck. Charles Slmck. o! Ashburnn. bo ixn pterhmsfr the falI iario Atbietlc Commission Camp G + 4 bas been visiliugiu n.Lansing, ne- aud wiulen aud lt ren« vithout Mr. bbot PireJe hiidyin. trnedhom wih tem.saying that many wyul take ad- ai Longford MNilis, At bot l'y,, Ont Mn botPiel oiaigtre oevt .e.vautaqe o! il. G G . in Belleville.- _____ Mn. Bazil O'Connon, o! Detroit. G 6*40 WILL SHOW POULTRY AT BUDN ~RA lýas been visUing bis parents, Mn. Misa Kmy McGinn, RRN.. o! THE C.N.E. PAVEMENT R MEA ndMns. J. J. O'Connor, Brock Wblîtby. la bolidaying at MWigwas- Constable John Thomas, vhose Sjt. Soutb. mau Lodge. Lake IZoss-eau. Mus- riame la famous as a breeder o!f Several men are nov busilv + 4 koka. banred rocks, aud wbo ua.s von engaged on the construct ion o! a Mn.Steart Aler.of cli G *ntumenous prizes, ta preparing to new retnead pavement on Bynon Murphy !tToro-trAbiit 23 indi a lb. Cnadi.nStreet South (o Coîborue; ou awa, will be the Boînist at the Mn. Frank . p),o oo-rhhi 3brsa h aa ian Coiborne from Centre 10 Brocký 'United Chuncb next Suuday in,!ormenly of Port Whitby, la National Exhibition next veek. a m gain on Coibone ln front of nîoruing. lu towu ou holidaya for tvo %Mn. Thomas will take aloug bis s h u iia aladyrst G G * ap~~ueka staying at the home of fliît prize heu vbiclu won l.tthe mncia hl sdyadi Mn. and Mns. Lawreuco P Are, Mr. sud Mr@. Harry, Rowe, 14: Plilver modal latt yean as the besî retn ln re h nudfamly re n amo OntnphueStret.Mn Muphybascml- arred rnck at the show. bighway. Matenials are nov hp- nnd amly ar ona mtnr ripl'ifb Sree. Mr Muphyhag all 4ig placed on these streets aud Io Oillis aud 01114 Miss Katb>'m Th bas been atteudiug College o! Art for %veeka, bas bpen a obtaining ber ant rertificate.« M lIs'i ou Monday for a we4 the Great La kes Sound. Mn. and Mnfr. Cyr sou are hlidaylungi lu Belleville. Mras. Norwichu an Z-,race, 0fTorouto, a tbe home of Miss G street north. *WHITBY, PH( COMFOR'I cool Friday and S Twe Shows at 7.3 Ssturdm ati en pointq. hompion, vho the T*routo the prcst six aucresilut fi t Fuperviior*s rhompsou lefi Pd on many oUId Inends Gurngn i-hà holiday ln towu. Mns. Oscar Lloyd sud daugh- fer, Helen, o! Toronto, iqpent Sun- day lu towu viiitiug oid frieude; MN. sýLloyd wat; !ornienly Agueli Murpby. o! Port Wbhy. WKITRY LEGION NOTF8 Next regzu lanr meeting o! Ilranclu 112 ('anadisu Leglon viii be held Sept. Ird. a1 9 o'clock pm. sharp A full alteudance !P e.-quested as Ibhis Istheb. f inît meeting o! the faîl. We'll be th; work wilI be finlsbed lu a few w ee ks. UAGHTS OUT SATURDAT NIGHT Fmr bal! mu bour Saturdar evenilZ tb. liglut-s 0f part of the business district were off. Diung- tek*s cruose On GG*G+ + ' i"' & iug tise merchauts ---nd -th-atres f r oni Uwen \rhe W. A .,aftennoon Branrh, SUPP g thdankesront nd 8.50 (o9.0 o! Ail Saints' are haviug a lavu HEIJD SI*(X'E&SSF'rL S M I nôdrns rm96 92 tes und sale o! home cookiug St1 The Home I.eague of the Selva.- L. Ph.l.pblcuiî.e ni erdadihe home or!%Ars. .Matthew Col- tie Arnmy held theîr auppen ln englneer. tated that trouble wa with relativea' ina. on Thunedav, Auguit 27th. 'h'ACouincil Chambers on Tues- 1due to the burning out o! a fuse-- Niembers sud fi-lenda are invite.d. daY. Augi at IRth. under 1he lead- whicb lu turu interfered w iiL1 G G G G lonsblp of Clans Rlseborough. the t ransformerar as th,- eru,ýa loaâ nd daugbîen. Misas Helen Roasettani bas Home Legue Secreltary. Tht.is tnuerdfom ne1th ane viîitilug aireturued from a11 pleasant boit- supper sunpaase.d ailteppt.ations. i otr put îlug oonIaiegltsouh 31btron, Centre day at Camp Ynak klun,Nonthermu TiseCounrîl Chamber vas tlb.une crc utit rou Ilary t 1 Do- Ontario. Iicone of mnurlu excitenieni. tables b on irui romSMapypSta u n-ar __________ G GtasIZftfulîs-de<-orated sud dalutily Ito . Installeci hat irill yard off ' Mn. sud Nl-. Wm. Roberts sud prepared, sud me-als aîtrarting a a neturrence, it vaqs tated. daughten, iRuth, bave returned lange crowd. The proceed. fromn Business veut on as usual des- from a veekas viait ln Monîreai. thîs eveut fan exceedsanau Home ite thlie darnesa. Candles aud -- h'ere Mn. Roberts attended as a League effort Put on hon. before. discanded cosI 011 lampe voe 1U*w delegate 10 lthe forty-secoud ses- A i-eny delightifuI progrramme vas brougbî mbt use andj the bun-' I.. aon o! the Supreme Lodge. Sous nendered lu theb eveuinst by thse dreda o! Saturday nisst shopper. Wo! Engimud Benefit Society. vouug people. under the leader- j vere served by lise flilker o! oîd + + + 311P Of Mrti. Willatts, v hics dnew tm lights. Several tradéseimtn Mnrs. A. W'. Richardson and a large sud apprf'iative crovd. profcsftlnî u hein art otated tisat r famîîy are moving 10 ovu Inn Carl sud Frances Perla isO w t h t' did not boiser about Illum- September sud viii occupy their t15cm gultana vas an outstanding inatlOn. but on tise viole it vas OINE 118 nealdence at, 616 King St. Miie feature lunise programme.Cap- ' decided lucouvenience. %Viima Richandson. A.T *C-M.. tain Borar dlnect.ed the evening'i 'ABLY l-tIli1 open a studio aI tIsaI ad- proceedings. d dress. Studeuts vili be pnepanedTHE o.l-.. L for,Toronto Conaervstory exam- A-NNIVXRSARY SALE AT "Rings o! Kings." Cecil B De- Ination lu piano on tiseor>' if de- MlARIOW & STROWGIR'S Mille'. vonderfuli religious dra.. l sired. See announcementî use- A moîa noneetl i.i .aoaa h u abere. oun advei'tising eoiu.Lpnsibtis tarto i.Adies'Coliege ou the eve-~ bahrrday *1 * eek istise snnIv.ary sale of uing of Auguat 21ht]..at A.» 1 1Thse Atugust meeting o! tisie Mariov 4k Slrowaer. Brtk Street connection vlth -I. 10su ~ Women*s institut. viii h. h.ld on i$-outh. vhich comences on }'riday ~Scol for' Leadele." Tt la th~ ta1.30 j Frida>', the 2 laI. at S -o'cloe!k, ilajcf thia ek and Contitu« st1r of et b.lit* of Chisît. mor tise Town Park ansd viii tâte the1 for (Vo veeks. Paltieularly of tise ,'ers of Ril#- dV-2b G sudotbrs Day' a cordial Strowge 'teck Over the business remeurr*ctlou, bld Ina s dramai.lo xrhreêrpl invltatie-ti.u gîven *Il Grand- lb.>' 5&'44Dov operatin;s ad b- 1al4ound tuotion-plete.sre. TIb. ~~X"-' niotis rs and Great Graudmothers tau insediately 10 niake Olten -prograns Io êxtremeîy aelpo ~LC9~~! 1 attend. Please bring 70y re imProveniets 10 thse storeI duced. 'lhe acting la ver>' We11 ba1 o ;4lrIbakess1 daas ,sd 10 Piswe.tu stock issodera fur- don@..th* costumes appropriaIs + titure and bouse fumaishsiuga. Tb_ 10 thsaI ime, a-asd thse acner>' &t JIm~i% d Mr. and Mr&. R. A. Hutchihos day (bustore viii compar* a ta- uns a 8Matificeut. 0f the pro- have neturued home f rom a hol-, orably wvîllu inu>'to b* tound la duetion lb.eGananoque Report*r day lu Soniheru Outario. ltu1t' b l<er centres4 bots rn sasys-'ODTuesdey eteuiu& Ceci! +G 1 he. aiudpoiat of stoek and dts- B. deMillie's vondenful relîglous J Mn. and Mr&. Mancel Jackson PlY. &Ibo store &PVpOltmeut4a draina "-ThOeKing of Kiug&.* luld udfamily, o! Evaavtilie, lad. Lai'l> t' b.s Pnlng t( lr ina dd. theb close attention of ithe people are vîsitin; vins lar. Jackson, rd tise Wetloghousel.1ne6Of elec.- vho gsthered lu Grare ChunebI à Mt, n udM. 1.MJsc-trie ranges, radiosa"d relfni . j Sundav Srh"'h all h.II ? h. o -Li, parets, 1r. nd Ma. I. M.jack 1Firsg Skow at tu Las" Coospia'.sh»Wet~ - I 'Pith PHIL RECAN WALITER C. KELLY EVALYN KNAPP al» RICHARD ARLEN là Wn'H THE IMON DOOR"I ý'ctLiÀ PARKCER m* Thugu 0 -FiL - Sat. «SHOW BOAT son. Mr. sud Mn*. Fred Yatu, o! Torouto, vWho 5Ze staying 51 ltil sunmmut home seet of I>keker- -lus. venu lu îowia on hucday. 'isatins vitb relativ.a. Mn. John Metuellan. o! Chas-, Issu &bool ataff4 Wo b asew« takint às&ects! course lu To- en- Melats, bis moiber, Mrs. James héà r-etuiaes! 10 Ais bomue la the N'orth- Mrc. sud ina. A-Bs-rbar famslly, o! Ton-octo. sc-toipacl*d DY Mm' Sia arbera niothier. Mmns. Jî f SUser. Wbtby. m eoa s motet' Vlp toi Queber, CRovt . ILRs'IphAdyu viii lUri. IAdys and cilidms. hate* Ignra.- .4 (rosm a de.ilshîfssimoelle va-4 cation, ibrte We*" of! u buclyj aPon 84t.*chuant camp.bi Mr n. es! ,.Robert Sr8uisj.ý < and lis.. liar-y ad Reabeile' or* on s holiday ta XmoaLOha 'l'. athocuvnd ab.e lt*ieP. . sau etWIi, sud douzil bOid soaeb MOie Grac Wsuea,,aan!War. a a a.m W. J. CleePo. TUi sateudy. Aut. liA. Iaîermee ommttbyU4 M solie Tb*u" Cosule a *4 meeUag as Tada' li 5O<S te iA a Mi, .. Th sab't u eo rc us -". ap.u d" iueU'h i..tou fr as*l»e aOM*!lamu18sd5<ES~ , ors. aud man>' o! tise have bees &'Id lu wbitby and district ibis su rmner.i Mauv bew Dam« have b6een added to ibe liatcftaS&tlatle4 pat-_ rons. snd th ise(ra, appr"-cala'. o! th* business the>' hâve leesa fanrores! s'îîh. havne tages! Iis *ar.à I sieOfenini *it eep. falles! to sitces, tbis cuttiandina i effort of tise zmvi. u-rldnsisaed eue$ oflise moat etrellentand stur- ring dramai ener (obe ue lmes! Thtse vhisoas 15e "Klig of IKinge' lied Oui>' ommeadaî' Ot for tise pnodsurtion.a sd Vre grestl>' im.premed b>' Iso feelint - wIi~two Birth ERON - AT OSHAWA Ç- Pral Hospital, on Tuesday. Âkug- ust llth, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs WlimA. Heron. ot Brook- lin., a son (John Allisteni, ALL-AT CANNING TON. ONT,. (in Friday, Auzust I 4eh. .o 'Mn. a nd Mn.0 R. S. Hall, of Can- nington, formerly of! WNhitby, a sou. (James Sberwoodî. (OAL Of the Highest Quality always in Stock. You Ret service ber. R. GOLORINO PHONE 70W Port Whitby w, Eh WHITBY HIGH AND P.UBLIC SCHOOLS Tuei 'y, UP!. I Anno'uncements RALPH VANSTONE, TINSMITH- ing and aheet metal w0rk. Agent. for McClary? Furnaces and air conditioniflg. Work guaranteed. 4o Green Street, or telephone 532. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27h.- Don't miss the Tea aud Sale o! Home Cooking on Mrs.NMa t- t hew Collins' lawn, Brron Street. under auspices ot Woman's Auxiliary. Sr. Branch. Ai! Saints. Plessant boun, en- tentaining uttle, program, and happy surprise ar. the tes hour. Silver collection on enternug. T HE GR E AT RELMGTOVS1 Screen Production. -King 0f Kings.' vili he' ,hown at the, Ontario Ladies' College on night' o! Auguat 26th. under the sus- pice* of XW. NM. SSch&ol for Idesof the' Vnlted Church o! Canada. MISS WLARICHARDJSON, A. T C. Mi . is openting a studio at 61ï King Street. ibis Septem- bor.- Stxdpnt.s orepared for To- roîUo (eorvattory examina- 1 innsln piano or iheorv, If (le- slrrd pu pilit ta k fn prlvately. R at i p~n on interview. Ph-one b 7 r 1-5 R E 1.JC 10tS P1C TI -R E. 'K 1NF o isnt .MS.Sho for lead4ers, it Ontario USd105t (olg.on Wednesday. AuguRt 26th. nt 9 30 o*iHock. Tickets 2.')Cent. .mav bhobtainçd !rom MnsCurcalenor Nirs. Hànnv T. T iommo n Church News of W7itby COAL Hiabh Quality, Ail Sizes at Summer Prices. James Sawdon 244 BROCK STREET<SOUTH Office Phone, 524 House, 182 SPDECIAILS BED LAMPS complote 98c m m98C -1099 m m 98C ELECTRIC FANS 2,095 Tho holiday itea.eon draws noan te Iis close. The limo vtll 5000 ho ai baud when prepanalioins mîtîgt hok made for the fuît work Kelvinat o! the 1'huncb. Nenibens o! Ail Saint.%' are asked te keep ln minci instali te comning éents lu thse life o! thse Church. On Sunday next the noctor wtll resume hie dutnes. Theno willh. a celebrationo! thed }oly' tomtuunton ntS am. Bargaoins ini at Il a.rn. wben the recior will preacb upou the aubject. 'in iud couniertnsus, helig an urg-$ ent call te look squarely ait wonld eveuts vh a vien' te seektug 1the heip o! Aighsty Cîod te do thé" es'ork whiieh confronta tise Churcis lin ever>' place. At ovenint priyer M ut 7 p.m. the rector yull preaclu D O N on t.he aubjoci, "Trullu yul pré- vail." Iu thse face o! contlietiug r eponts sud msuy criticisme cou- écerginj; thse work o! lh. Cisunch, or the, lack of 1t. sud lh. cisarar- members tise Chrsltan's duty laE to serve God unfalthringly villu- i out va.Sting lime lu atteutpting 123 BROC to answer csrping criticlinis. Churclu people muet have a posi- tive mesase for thetir day sud Ip teneraétion. AIl Cisurch ipeople are urgea <osattend t(lie srvice te wonsluip God sud te give toj Ulm thse glory that l Hie due. Ie roceis'e power sud strengîlu to rise triunphani over sin sud ait ontl vit viels vbare oppreased..î Lbrouglu Jeus Christ oan liord. Second Crop of Oata Visitora viii b. condisîlly vel- c0med Mat tuss services. TIse! PzlsOfr Olinae 6<1401isolebldren vl Met u " OfrC Wlth lise Iornifrg congneuation. Woodstock, Aug. 19.- Publie Woralipla Inb.h United s>'of fielda uprso Chure t eailes0en O'eloek sis Ils. RIen. Russell O'Erteu preschiug. Laige contregationi continue ta w sortbip. lit ta etacouragln a; 0 »e 00s' mais>'pes occupfedb>'fami-, lies. Th*e sor>' belons Ibe aer-. W e 'nR' mon ii wllue o! apftil interegt 0 Io 9" *tr iWho sosipe Vith, ber partais- The borseh.ad their sloiy tlu eks ca ag--4o yo e .w 2 Cliùana ê-t Whitbr are lovitts! to te a boetier la th* Touwn Park to onday. Aasgaat Iotb. st 7 P'M. A.,. auseel o'Brlc. uWo bau rusatlyt-skis up bie dettes ai umitter of tic IUated Cbureb uitn be tbe proacier. TVh* citi. »Mi Bans!Viiprotide t*île as eom»apaultmut fo Lb .Uihz sad ii aise play surfiàs thc*serice. Tis O ui b. s»Me brmns suas Who*e ticppffle are asabll 1«s il. servisla Wb" lc il0g thof mewl. a<a deair. o! ltla srvtuslu? e i. sSmit> vît- ams « Liepeui of th* vioe stus tm ls ter « et ro ll ~ R0.1m Cçmeroe..brlI&lMî 1088 flu «sir t" eprsPr.." lb iones a O. &Arm*io Pudpielss cbumi mutSoda> i x«M et Skw item- tu pliallI lai 'or Refrigerator led $79.00 i Used Cook Stoves 5 .00 up SuiSTA ECTRIC K. STREET SOUTE 1HONE 134 c County were oats have beiil Zonydut. dIscloses a new crop ha&s .omyappeared, f irm and green. Tie new crop stands about nine or -A sur- 10 inclues luigu and is already Oiford ,headed out. --Col At the FdWlwint Prices -] Shoos (wh ny StartnlAug. -15 to Oct. 15 MÏEN' HALl 8OLES AN RUESERHEELSP mld ......,. MEN'5 HALl SOLES ONLY, Ra"' RUINER HEELS MNw8 LEATHER HEEL LADIFS HALl SOLES ONLY .15emmd25t Bots' sautGIrl'i#pProportiog 'Mn I 'I I r I 3: ~' v fladio fiepairsl CiIl us fon Expert Service on am.Radio. Latest teaîîng IA inember of Radio Manu. factnwren. Semvnce - Y ou n Guanantee of Satisfaction. TUBES TESTED FREE E. Hau OKE 1e3 COLEORNE ST. W. PHONE 470 IRONS Electric GRI LLETTES, TOASTERS High Sohool ours AM NMONO« uR ATILAflt CUE w me *'s ptbomS boq wbh PublicShol -W WOý - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ON -J 1 1 IVF IVF lqw a 1 PAC.p mt in Yur wurrRy r.ÀMI"M- iÇ C14RONICLE. THURSDAY. AUCUST 20A936

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