Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Aug 1936, p. 5

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE & çI-RONICLE, THURSDAY, AUCUST 20, 1936 PAGE FIV FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS Ail Shapee and Sizes soc tosl5 BASSETT'S WHIPtBY 171 Oshawa 1650 THE LATh MARK DUF Fine Tribute Paid by Western Clydesdae Journal WENT rPrices. don (~u8s 182 '5s oto 9-8c -98C i1,099 and bec; te shiowci. lie caas an italsio;an takrng his ca-uis anti tesses c; :nî a mrii on hrs face that made evenybodv, admni-.hrm. He' 1-îd p1iacel ibe rîbboas on CLydc;- <ales In t.a:xa Sbccc-1114Ilî ni (an-. .ils. lîrStt f" a-t d cccst, i(lud.rliz thec '-c \ai 'sud the Ctanad:i:arNa- tioriai 1- Xii:bit or: 0(_f late Ncars his s:'lcndîd drepla;- of (lc-sdaiec at ex- 'n srrarred himir oný' ludg- ijrg Ilic <h'tfat d a; îudîzc at I.Ie l').ý 1-'dmr.::rîîrî Sprtni Shbows Ilir;s argin tht j-ie rof lift liras Creea;s irer: b( cdestialc br"-ders and lits mana- fniends ini rverv jr r-rince rn Canada Yester- da- lire %%as c<itb u5, toda;'hibis n irrîlui itient:irx . iru' a c nrry ast n"ý iýjr. le ! .c rrt rb r - âsu cxatrrî'ie ionr in- rt bhus-aa:tr arnd fanr iir da aae lie i-ak aen ;.< brrr I tcrnr -le ;nt iegc lrcr - c.-: t alture '- rtc r'<'i ni tl ti ibs n-11b r i' -rd. i, teionics tfo cc- li 'rac" n;' rI tht ceane b' Icr( ir - a' nd the a' r- Itce il%%rc lrr.ircr ti tb l to 'ra %c cI( erîti ci- ' tîcer )rii^r\atric sua telrrt t carat .r n ' In.irrac cf Card of Thanka A receit issue of thne (anadirii t c destiale Quar-tcrly hias the foi- lom ng refenence to the îtittc'i <leabl of the iste Mark Duif. ci Mrtle, cccli kaocc îî lfari-ner, stock Irceder and iri' î,rtcr, atrd cine c; i %%a tally irrh-nest-d ina all Irtan - ricrîts ai agriculture -ý 1-The untimely dcath ofi M1a vk l)uff on Jo - 23rd eace a vacancy riti t.idesdale circles that wrll bc liard ta fuI. 11< s cirtlrusiastiranrd lîrs encrgy is-re no sunailitactors itr îurtlrnrr :intercsts on thc breed 'ni Canada !il receni ýcars hie caenb overseas mwith tire expeiucintal sbipmnent cf Clydesdale geldings rn 193-efnd rrturned with bis hirst ini- jiortation cf CIlvdcsdaics. aà îî i lt ce hicli àided iateria I- tir ns:; - :n. the standard -' tbe 1rerd liet lie miade anotber îi1:1t - 1935 and had platiard to tr-r'lg -:t another lot iin 193,. lia krncc rie-ý <If tpc anidiialrtv andlins1%trii'- cc(rmthiiress aý; a buc er aýid s 1lcr -'t ( 1 desdales brougl:t -tri ircc'- iclitti clients who ta!r-e la n and agaîn to ba\c le .r r .rtl'er ncds tak rr rare ýf. lic('-d tbru-c tîrani anl oîlîrr I)rre- i . rtin aara ina esiabuisb1iog a frîret -r:'or1,e - trd Staire; aî:rl ,ý i I'-lîn.z :t-r r t lx dcsdalr;, boih inar' ci n itîmals anti breediîîg abto k. I) iii ne île- past jcw morîbhs hi:s saeçs tin Arr ca boyers cacre notcc;orîlrý. Ie ccas pre3iderit of the tCladr. dale Horse t ra - f (atiali in 1932-3.,tic ;-olirr-e'b mril no O- itipy that offic e inîrr l: - :cr ' c tbc Association le ceasne ecctn te the Board (.f Dirrctors anrd c-' a niember cf ftir e xer uit:;c on nîitee for l9.ki. Durmîrgte ire ': c cars lic ,%ca S ('r1 thut' 1- . x r .I 11avr Tll:nmittee tire carirr <airrneal l lm! ite or tbn.'- :: %%!' il Miark- c as sabse: .r rroniar a rng a rid tîlese diîrilirztbe prode c; rhel ca% occrsctas. Ili% cancer Mîrthre ci c;rn -z tas equalirr' v ot i lit km nec; 1:: arrlimait,, , i-k ace'lin%to fit thera IWeddings HALL.-BRYANT Madonn.a hiles, gladioli, snal dragon and ferns. made a beaut fui floral setlng in St. Andrew Pre8byterlan Churcb, Whitby, o R aturday, August lSth, for th mnarriage of Meryl Frances, ont daughter of Mr. ar.d Mrs. y. i Hall. Pickering, to Williami Jobi Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bryant, Pickering. 11ev. J. Ferguson, Keene, oftilated, an Mrs. P. N. Spratt played the we( diag music. fluring the signin of the regi.ster. Miss A. Coghil cousin of the bride gang b)Pei f c t l'Ne The brie ho entered tti churcb on the arrn iof ber fathe -as gowned in ira-rose sued lace with short fitted jacke short train and FhIrred lattez girdle in turquoise bluc. A piý turc bat and shoes ta match cor pleted the ensemble. Her bouqui wau talisman roses, Savardia. an lilies of the vallpy in shower e fer t _Miss Olive Hou ard. cousini the bride, as biîdestnaid. -oi or, hîd hiffon n:th tu, ked jarl et and hat. shné-s and glovesi yeHlow. She ra.rried yellow glac Olt Lilip %l iss Juns% Brysi nirco ofh$- i:roofli. made charw :îig flower girl in blue 0 gandie, carrying a basket of pin anap-dragon and gypsophalia. M r. Clarenrp Bryant was fi brother's iroomsrni anmdil ushers were Mr.l li~ all. cou in o! the bride, an,-1M7. lerzina Tryant. nophpw oft the groot The gftnblerncri<f the hrid pariv w pr.'a '- b r - <-ýn anir fai neli% and bi.1 r a'c iolloain5 thp e ernoni', a r réeption 'lag hbell atho'1 f; :hp. br-ides parere - Ttt,- flic!her wM-1 r- (1A g Ild Ob, %,!th black elvûî ha,, a-d mfl5 lrÂg accsre aril a sbouid, bouquet cf ta.iin:s,.roseés TI groom's ni ~h-wAs !n bis French rreppp !.ha: ý iac She- cbose- rod Mr and N's flr< ur -' boar t-ir on 'h( rra'ILa k<osL be foii-ow.-d b' a motor tripi the I'nildStne, itie bride tra cll1ing hInaàtlu o pler<esport suit rose noreliv wool w11h grev h, and arrtssories. The brme f Rev A. ManQs< lrwin. '*lbtbv%. was the sciene 1;n irlerest:ng August %weddingc Saturday afternoon 'ahlen tl NIVh i tb y pabor uriitpd in niar- .' - ary Mari-r 71ý it daughter of Ntr àsfid NMu';.Wl liam j Coutier. 65&2 Hortnp si' nu@o. Oshawa, snd Kenneth NV'a lacfsiSmufel Prpso-n s nof M~ nnd Mrs W Hl Patebrgro. H& monyý The bride,, who vas ien e Imarrhage by her father, was groom left on a motor trip. L pon gowned in white nxaiell&se crepe their return they will resîde in CHURCH DIRECTORYI L S I I A hhIE DTIS INIV with tlny covered buttons dowfl Agincourt. the back and altover coaàt Of _________ Prnhpointe d'esprit net an(d Deats HTB UNITEI>D CHd FrSae o Sleo Rn stand-up collar. She vore aS small R___RsselOBrie,___________orWFo____or__n p- biate bat, net gloves snd- match- iýunday. August 2,1. i. ing shoes. while ber corsage bOU- ERNEST A. BLOW Il a.m.-Morning Worshlp CHOICE DUCHESS APPLES. SIX FOR RENT - HOUSE FOR 'à quet Was pale Pink roses andi Ernest A. Blow, 74. pioneer Rev. Russell O'Brien quart basket, 30c. Apply at the rent. f1,8 roomls, ait cOnvenleisces, Dn 111Y of the valley. . Western Canada newspaperman. No evening service Grange. AlUn, CenA treet St. F hse Miss Ruby Coulter was ber s515- dled In hospitat in Saskatoon 'on ________Centre__Street__South. ly ter's bridesmaid and cvore pale Monday. À LARGE QUANTITY 0F HARD- H.bluc mousseline de soie with con- Born In NWhitby, . Mr. Blow -,T. ANDREWIS PRF-SBYTERIAN wood convcniently lctdt FRAME HOUSE; WATER AND il, trasting Pink hat. shocs and came te Western Canada when Ir, 'HIUR4IH highwayc or sipn ons j-ilgt odgre.Es ens J. iglores. Her corsage bouquet 'ras' )ears old. He s-as the son of Rer. Dr. H. Carnîichael, MNinuiter. ply bo Grant ChirpauglW. Vjctoria lAPPlY Ehl Haninden. 119 As],St. s. Pink roses. Mr. Nanman Gelrrt ex-MIayor John Blow. pioneer 7,,nda,%- August 23. Road. Ont.. dealer In forest pro- FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE, d warn beat man. Whitby citizen. and a brother nft i a rn-Rev. Ross Cameêron, ducta. ail convecnienlces, furnace. Apply 4()j d- ollowing the ceremony a bu- the la~sc-a-r r .R Trne ng fet supper for 25 guests w'as hl i Blow. He work-ed beforp goinz No ece-(ning service. EIGHT PIGS. 9 WEEKS OLD. GenSretlpoe52 iat the home of the bridieF par- Pti b l btrCrnrl pl Stanley 'MurdochthCn.FRSL-RC HOUSE, 8 tr (nts in Oshawa. m r. t'oulter. officeý He 'ras engageti for fi!'r-RTT H'î'vPckrtg roonis, biardcbood floors, hot water r- ohe ofherid,____________In____________In_____ ,TIT CVICH ---- lîcatîng, splciidid cellar, front and ne oearngfplbbclusbrie rePeWillar , in rteArtaur, ortanger la H Ee Ge-.Ministor 1 STEEL REFRIGERATOR. 50 back staîrs, large lawn, garage. For îe eain pleblu inedcr PraWiliame ot, rbrPrat a Sunday .* irts20. r, çihwiebcgonanwhtNIan.. nd . n, i egIbs.:1 kitchen range witb Sulent particulars. apply to Gazette and de ibthandhite bkgon adw ItePairie Man noinithpff f Io a tni -c%. A. R -zandeson, Glow oit borner Installeti: 1 Chronicle Office, box 40. te hat ant ater ing abeeri te C 1..aterb Won Dth1 setffor !i s5'e ~.Mr.Peero. ote o teColnian ationDa 'nment o! 7 Inf Wiîtnb, of"Eaity" eleetriec washln,'machine; la groom. assisteti. earing pale CnaNnIaioa Rtrry.n'szri--Sice ric.rg 1o oak dining-noom suite:;I1tirets;- 120 A CR L.S. DAIRY FA RM. je-ble rite cep wll wit Te at Nr.Blw asa ,,n -er 1dresnztale Pon $. en- ,a, unrn cup. oo m- bâ. lo pr nd scre Te t bie <c ae r.Bs-wa c'o r ap I 1rn St. h<onarn l5 and.runndings.reck.rood .'arnnandnbuilings, &.eroome ýet table was decorated In piflk ani trihuror to the columns of the -ST. JOHN'ns C,'HRURUH i - - _________ rsP Possession Io plough this nd %bite and the centre of abîrac- VWhtbv Gazette andi Chronicie. 'PO"t Wlaiby FOR <WR, - SEN-EN TUBE fail. F"ull possession April 1, tbe-soeyH ke tewst ndqit re e D RLnfod 1r 977. Apply to James Greenlaw. f- lion vas a loc'ely QruSbrS enew bbc set. alnd lne re!n -ZRrD agfrRco Table Radio. In good condition, Pickering. Ot.LXN.1 n c'edding cake. qebvh etacg tn-<'tg iiav%. Algusi 2$4,95:Qebeor Cook Store. $5.00-.Ont..BLotNo. froan. a) f Later lthe happyc'cuplo le"I on new-s items cnncernin'r Wbitb%- 11a ni \lorning pra'efr. g~ no rd d efricrang,,. $29..'0- 4 rknfot reaiomtrpvaNrhByanti and district people. 7 p 11: N- en i nz p ra i< ýr :recondiii mcd t.oo I 01ON R.a;d i FRMNiOh"ABOUT F'ORTY_ ,k- Sault Ste. Marie to Chîcago. anti Hç-hati hernin !ailtng zeah I.n ni S'intia Y Shr antid 2:. guaranieed Don Christian Or.' acres close 10 Oshawa. Good in on their return w-lu lice :n 0mb- fer a t'Me. Slnre bis rrii,,rmfn: oc iecss ant i,élacrEcrr 12.1b-rk Street South. land. buildings and conveniences. ai- 5w-S. For travelling the bridèe bh as matie bi% home brith lu ;o ' 35:- I.s at 12 1 Viiv I . Telephonii3174. Iimediate possession ta plough. t, w-are pow-der blue tur pit. but- datigbler5. MNir lrwtn, cf W,\d - - - - ______ - Eull possession April 1. 1937. a tonietidcvii the frcni'. witt lanti, a eiiburb of NWlnnipe-c. .,nd ,<1- SUN-Ts ' - Ls Appt;- to Conant & Annus. Bar- r- anhug in arcsoes Nrs i b ~Labbrn (HURtH rirtera. &c.. Oshawa Ontario. n #.Sait< _______:___ _____________ Deceabrd let eurrt;ed b ; ne R' :Rlh îD 1e,:r A ACK ZIIPPE-l iI' SHOP- i ROM.AL CNE- SHORTRLDGE,-wO*ROY LE .th 'SInxay. AuigusFt 23:1i1 s ~ <oiinn c SIX .-.. tMS., r.AeL ..1O' A,.5t wlLDr, LUEUC uar.-î ,-;5, 'lic. < L' htc 19- f, I, A very cbmrming miti-surnmner wedtilng vas solemnizeti cii Sat'- tîrdas' alternron ait 13 crcloc.rKhc thý ev FI Robt. Simipson cf i-o' liii at thte bonieo! Mr ant iMrs. 1- n-deroici. O'Boy-Ie. Ti1r11n ,n Cl'ontiers, w-en t h eir second dauihiter. Mlargaret Kathen was iinttedri it narriage to Wilfred. Law rrnce Shortritige. of Agitu- î-oinrt , botiorthebslats Mnr. andi Airs, Thomma Shortnitige cf 1Co- lu nibus. To ine straunso!f he 's-dding nîs arcbh pla)yet b;'%1-s. Robert 14.-: ni cýf Asbburn. £ cousin qof ireo bride the bride entereti the prettrh- der ratcd draw irg roon e'.crtccd by hier faiber wbhoias ber ln inarriage She %'as;becomungzla' giwneci tn a w-bite silk georgette en- semble witb whbite bat to matcra anid carîctia beaul ftinI bouýquet ni butierfly roses. Mise (,*aille@ ()'Bro " le. simIen o! th(% bride. as irrldsmaid. vua govned lni pale bIne sllk crepe vith vhite haF, and carnieti Briarselif t rottes. The groom was ýttended br hi& brother. Mn. Everett Shorige. of Brtc*oklin DurinS the slgning of the regImber, Mrs. Clifford McCanbhy sang m Isêmeutiful solo mcompan- led b! ber siater. Mi,# Murray !lcC&rthy. hoth ofMrte Foloving 1he rece*t ian to absout forty gizesta. the bride mand 'Moran. o!f.abun Sask : M7r5. rviii, of XWo-odhands%. 'W*in - nipeg, 'Man.; anti Mrei. Vainban, Ncw- lW.*sîiîinsnttr. B C tPmo 'n 1ers. Ni' J Il13 Hpk1ri'. \Nî1- tnrail. anti p kE C ;il r. Etim o n n NIR.9,HLA.. A4HIURN In .5,shbina. 1Mentis;. A-ne t! i-trep.icrd sway arn irA anti -t.;ri'-ted irefider:' tinri h'p-r'r'a ui t ir.Marîba Holmatu ritirow cf the late lt!ejr%- Holmnan. wmhi-s r.' deceaseti ber 'Irs ithan a Ns-car sec Mrs. licinîan hiad ae! e Aitbbu'-n crcr.lina a te;ir ' crf '. -neher nianrinc, a m.:-- HolIV (ommninon 15a ni -Mîît.rning l<r-ayer anti se- rnin 7 i m - Fv n:a lri' - II[AVI LOSS I GOLBORN[ IR Valuable Barn Completely Destroyed-1,000 Bushels of Grain "ot w-ms bora nt 1,'- (e- , ¶1; ç Cor-., r nar Cobourg. ont .- betîngi-re.Ontanio. AuguRt 19 tvln daughîrr cf the ar C o Va'::iV\lx. Cîneon ant i lit cer and Mn: Iy . 4,e Se îaî ., .; pinir'kêd on Sund*-. theln a fsnslhy of three---cas m-a or,trii N': ; r91sroýf.ed hb'Cfie The the farm at houer. another son ln ' a--~111 im l a few mnite-c wen Toronto, a daughîer. Nrit Vian ' t ;llournne, suth o! Hlglrwa ' Walker, of W'hitby, tcco mpistere. \ o.2 \NeIgbbons of ('a rm9on ie, (in@ brother living lni Toronto.' N n Platli Pal Lconand anti Sami another aiter ln Denvrr. t oîo Jobasuu n trietithc hitte and îado. aurc'irs. ptrnoian s-larnîîto Gafton Thre - f:ne. (cf unonitrmined cricin. -DEL4THS .sbli- rrction of thew-lad %av. ed on hoseInplenietit barn --- îcu<i othe-r neutbailduigs. DEVITT - AT MeYRTLE ST X - aeincuedes 1.000 bjshstm tsf lion, on Tlsuraday. kugustI l"th. iast veans grain.' 100 tons cof nev Sarah Ana sSykes. bl wet eife bnyv. a razon andia aàtaiebuil. of the late .Johntson t>evit!n, It 'tgi. jarîîally eos'ered Iay Insur- her 87th year.I ance. $20 0 anti keya on htghwnsy be- tw-een Li nd'ýzac anti Tcrront o 1inder liberslly neccardectd Notif: G;anenr 'aa nd (bnoaicle,. W 1:r b;. Work Wanted CHI MNF.YS B U'1LT AND RE- hsuilt. aItl kîntis o! brnick rppain c'nrk done . .\pplyNoran ils pri(,. Prrc st riet Northl. Fournd IN% WHITPIY. ON SýATURDAY. .\igu.ci i Sih.a adies' panse ttwner ma a%#c- .anip .v rprovrr prraperly Btinnilj;a yïi ; 'jr'i Thoma-s liMe tt Port Penny, Ont, 300 Byron St. N. Wanted î.NMMEDIAT1eLY. Bf' COUPLE. surah hliatM iflat or apartment '11h bousekecping conveniences. crithin 1w-e blocks of four corners. -Apply Box 60-. Gazette Office. N%'ANTED--A mAN FOR FARM work. for a mntth or six weeks. mnuet be gooti plowman. APPly stating expenience and vages re- qîtiredti r Box S. Gazette Office. WANED-ES . SIBLE MAR- rieti couple. no ilidren. desire .%mali bouse, or hosekeeping rormîs. Apphy Gazette Office. Sales Register Tenders Wanted Ws'odnsadat'. Atîgtqt ^251h. Auction TO)WN OF WHITBY TENDERS qale of hi'rîit-holzi fannilune. the Tendens 'ill bQ recelved until propents' of William Quinti. 2132 noon on Satonday. September 5th, Kent Sîreen. Whitby, &Ilo!f is .I-9G. for the poîchase of the hnosebolti furniture A s Mr brick bouse snd tflu (10) acres ot Quinn lx givine up bousekeepung -land. sîtuateti on ýhe north aide ot t bere wiI bhe no rêeerys sala att Dundas Street lu It.b e eat end of 1.30 O'clcck. tP S T. Terme-Caah 'the Town., - NVns Maw. asîctianeen Tonders muet be addressed to _______________________Mr. H. T. Wilson, Chairmau et Algent--*' Wb do >-ou waut fine Town Property. and plainly mark- lnsorance on your bombanti' That ed "Tender" on the envelope. von't be any help vhen your hue-' The hlghezt or asny tender not band passe,% away." necessary arrepted. Young Bride---"Its en mucîs JOHN R. PROST. cheaper. andi you se 1 hntend ta Clerk, Town ot Whttby. have hlm cremated.' 841 FlAN. SOUTH? Il eau have beeni 5 a, new rrop . bas raii aund green. The antis about. nine or 1glb anti la already A YER AO wop.ed p buines m hity, lng i tc a store made modem a stock, of -modem furniture and funishings. We also mncluded modem Electrýc Radios, Refrigerators and Rang«s - "WESTINGHOUSE," of course. We have enjoyed a liberal patronage, making new friends and patrons ail the time. So, in appaeciation of this Patronage, andiii an effort to add more customers to /ur list of those already satis ,w have gzone through our stoc, and w, are offering the following specials for TWO WEEKS, COM- MENCING FRIDAY, AUGJStO 3.. our praes and go away convinced that this is a genuine sale. ~ah Orily Otto 15 8...., 5c ......25c'- .......40c Sand 85C .....065C ,M ad 25C OcEtra' Witby, Ont. BREAKFAST ROOM SUDISý iras$3 Saleru Nay Tom~ LINOLEUM FanitW» Oaet ê»ai nl.. CovRqU>1. SOC* o 75C1 RUCS' AtQ« G mm .ued 1 YMwm.M.36e Wstt amtyBrsons SPRINC FILLID MÂTTRESSES R. wbi .drlo s LO SaleePisetW l e hVSSd ~iLA ,~ *s~~#~ bL&WRS e -c e' e a e-. MnfranrdM-s James Cbitnn l1 non S$fnet Nortir, w nsbtIoex'- liesa theur aincere appreriatien for thn mant- kuidexpneu.ons cf qynipatîn; show-n ihen duri - ibir r-cnt cati berûasment In the sid-*'n death o! theirs"n. Herbent I'cct'li. 98C 2,95 rator Stoves Baby Prums Reg. $18.95, for $13e95 LMP dme ai as hw s 95C BEDROOM su W*bMgt"g f . i - lawl. -là -9 âok&ân

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