Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Aug 1936, p. 6

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r4,Žzr- ~ ' Y --- - ~2-lut ~y ~T~;~2Y7 -ç THE WHITBY GA/%ZETTE & CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1936 BRITISH- CIRUUS 15 SIMILAR Tu AMERICAN SHOW[ Royal Hippodrome Lacks, Larger Animais But Makes Up for Absence With Otiier Performn-' a'nces THE ALL1 EN TROUP>E BEST 0F AERLISTS Tramned Dogs, Ponies and. »Dthr Animais Outstand- ing m Long Programme SWith the engagentent (_!ftthe Ras al Hippodrome C rcus aIt te Osh- awa Aren.a less than a Nveck as many peop'le xsba lave a cirrus base been woridcring %shether iliere sý tnuch difference betNcen a British circus. 1hike thic Rov alHiodme and the regular Amercian arît. ATlÏies reporter %%as able ta coin- mtanicate Ii theie maagement nf the cirç.e. ishn toid biro threr % 1 ry littie diffrecnce b,-Nnnd ti faci th3î a Priti or coit!tnnal circus does n'ît carry iiie large a- irais. surh as lephanttsand a' '*Ths rtsli cirrus retain3 ail iý atriiosphere and flas-or of ie it p t-aà 1%rierican circus." sa'd the Tre infarmer. "It ark t1ie largzer za-- rnals, but this ii made up fo)rin tl'e %-af.ety of ýiii 3tar perforrnrrsý. a-i d in the fact uhat ci crs-,, is Ille .bet of its kind in tue w or:d The jierformners have beei brouglbt front %escrv cornier of the ;zilie bebcause of Ilîcir lîrilliant andulrilinz sutii s or iheir laugh-piros'okin'- îr>r,-' "TIhe cit:zens of Qliaos and ' trict shdca me fiom the '-'di1atid or_ ncor- -9 roea r61-îte nationaiity fa their %w de appeal. In every caun rv in ssbich tbey have1 appeared their dared.,'ii acts inj mn.d-air lbas c bhe acciaimetd bN' everN one ila'tuliate C:101.1hI tu sec thlent. The ai lier set 's îîclh N%111 find side acclaîni anong ctrrçus-iovers is Vantis annial ac-. comnipoasecd ocf trained dogs. ponires sud other an- mals. T'l , lt :1.:cr fnLe o itil %IlssicIlî these anîniials prtrf-t1aintot con- sticr- the sertat -r ý'ev rnust be humnan. The Van armar.is are re- cogntzei ici be c nîo.tbrilliantiy trained an:.ia!5 r' t',rrcu' ssorld. Thte e htcren l'r a- ischigo, Io ma 1ýi i por il it-.%L)-an d -a -l' au1 liaur 1C?~05t - r" a osviihe %anie h h ta'irc. Hu-ýrIedof the NNorl<l*s i\%:'!t - n o 1-Cl' on haîîd as%- as abr -'teuît gri. ' ne f-r a d dl C t traC- ct-ri. iii' ' r - N rc i ýi i bc htg tira -'-g tàr! .circus lias art rrc Sstable a-Pr .aH tlrr h c or qis t % îte Ro- ai Hippodromne i. r c-j sm iiind o- ýbtd raw î, tb oula rd of pec; e Ifre-u i "'e ciii and dîsur ci 4 r tI-r 5 î ' e openi r% erv rl1>1 ai vrt . i'.tit eac¾ per- da t r rir , t -' - -, arn; i afr r 'tà P1tK[ERlN PAIR Friends Honour Residerits on Their Approaching Marriage ,%-ilI be particularhs- ibrilli t il'e P:rke ring. A ug NiasMary able to attend a irrus o h' b t'il'os: e#,, n ! Ton! -o' tas béen the truc continental tuth." tc o- -îndtnr a -xr'ek*s bePdavis ai ber tinued. *"Thtere Î i i lin s ri -r_;j r .nite hpr4 -ta the hcart o! a Britir as a rrea: MNir(;Jrhnstoon. utit b er &s-s continental r'ruç" it' r Nhts %V l osîr ! Toronto, The information .%Iih the rf;ý-i ,s hc'!da%î r witi ierids a' 'er gleaned fronit iis inters Cwin - Behiils- .leSmo clined Ilim ta ehce eerl' ssord ' MNr ari M\rs J Draper and the managZemlets îsemnî.ait-i daughtcr. Niar.% Nse 'Pd James ,thusands of otherssii l be aitte -nd \Put'AnrIre on TiieFda)-. ,Arèa on or orr imrsrIr Mrs J Kean. of 1Whlthi, %as wcck ta, reahize for iheui3eies the 'lie gueet of! 'irVWJ> t'ark oin ,truth of these statemeri's. Tickts% Tu es daý are selling rapidhy for tii-s ovîstantt- Mirotes 1, anid J. Rorke. accont ing event. as eserrone wiants tri heparlipd hv Ni's P. Murras. cf ToM- i on the draws-for tibe clû I rotanin sd -M":'s 1 Murray, arF nFrîzes which wi-tl lie asarded te sp.nding a holiday ai Port S id lat nihtOf the cirrus ,.The Onaisney, Nuskoka '-cndiioni. hatil-e tckes misî Master l'ruce Johion 1lài î- ,codit ore ha the opckeng igî, il'WnKfrienâs aI 'Nlanllla, ,bought eoeteoenn lzi. Mr. and Nîrs. McEro%». of To- :.AuKust 24. ronta. bave been thf gue.%ts of :Tnetlimes -as in' rmed todas ierant.lt Ise a.iI ,that over 12M0 feet of deroration , iwteiranstek jâLm-'ti 'ivili have ta be used ta transfeirin Misa Jean Clark 1% spendint a "the Arena int a suitable seîîing for week at Ma Pie Beach, Lake Sint- »e worid's outstàndirnc circus star%. roc- 1 eu:des the decorations mani' other- Mr. and Mri. J. Richardson. of -transf, tiofls ha%-e -ad tinlie Georgetown. sisent te w@ek-ud rade. and a huge piaîform 's heing teSure onenUtlk- -@conàtructed on wil or abose short. and uhie here. attended which. the- twenty arts ivili be per- -ithe funeral ot the formeras bro- Aprtned. priuas-lter. %WIllaitGihsion. o rruts- 1.-, ThetnahfeIfl Î% lfltcfllrlVburg, which was beid at Manilla. -itthuiastic about twn o!f s arts. ou Saturd.y. >ihich are coutidcred by experts to- Thob ladies o! the 'rhtia leamnong the finest I- the ssarld Laûdje' Aid bas-e beeni qui*ttîn "~efirst is l'e Allen Troupe, in- îwo atternoanas durtrig the past ýtrnatioslaliy knowun acriass. who îscek. and ro-mpleted two quulia. ,;ail froni Canada. Tt la belies-ed 'The wark mas donc !n te eurrit -thbat their Canadian origin %%i rima ket ati. wher.s lunch ms eersed to Ubeim particularly popular witî a te workers 41Çtnadian audience, althaugh t'Ci MctrA 'rtIltu r C 'llins andi do not need 10 depend upon- their >daughter, (i! T ,»(unt. cr -ompant' Z e. hy the for., a s!lî* . nt e. Radio % Ork, % s;ed %%un i \1re 'W j t i.nnfr and famt ut -en Sunday %I!a loréence tiuteithaa se"n atieusdirtg à ummer course in I"renchin riTc'rouîe'. dur:ng the past seseral meekIa lunitonbr ('t tfrappmoacbtit ruarriage. thirr>.five Irterits at al the boume" of>Mrand Mr-a W~alter MWitie an Wédnesîiav cva- uln.g, and prs'acmatc-ý4 MIDa Mer>l Hall and lMr Jobn BrY-ant. eiîi a Coffe table. Nil W. iJoyeî made the atidreas of pu-oantation. vhich vas ssswerred tsy ,.- Bryat. on Isohalf of himielt andi tia brlde-to-b. Tb*e tais; vas' spent la ouchre .andi vu tou- etudd Ivy abuffet lucr .rv..d frosi -a table bo&UtiUlîuly dftort>[. ed ta bridai coloura. MId4I. school reporu afor' Pif kering Co*stntasion l8.eooli f 1i Jual. Rakr'-4utg Cu AIS.. 3; LaI. Csop. C7. a 'oi» p . :. ' tF.? Com p . 3. lttîy Barker- IgC*=P C. L'ut. Lit . C, Anc NtIi. 3- Aes5, L41 Aub C . Yr Cop, tC. Ese LUt. c. Ait- .. C;7 c, ;Chasm. C. Lau. Aimb. C; Lai Comp.. C. I<arld D s.u--C4Lat-. Cau.s.Et. 3:AI&,. cc; #4m_ 2. (thm- c - ft aik r w* *%j,, A&5. 2:-G&.&- "F»v'. " iromyhSsc o Auti. .3ý e: inmdu g i a s. ,tu2;b.8Lîu Ci 0tm . om 1. Amt , 3 Li2-s ~ the pe Oa-clMary %*MWI-A4.3, du h.duParu "ÀMo. Pc**-.ca. Hua c Bd" Rasuiie-cae But'. t cm tw*tbeftadît.-t.s Lit_ .~ ve i lqn e A rdio octre. phy. 2. r Ai, Z: Pi Coup, go-tda ora pj u0C;t H.U R'WB s Cbom C,:2i Lm, Asth- C. L&L Camp., . ~ cet CNRI3TUAI, ld al.ce Rcuo$ Thor* vStb t wa tnw * 134 Iwhb NOKWhtrs iibee*e ________________ $MR ep. &" ud?~ns"t 5$ NsThe meeting was opened by the President. Mfrs. Bert Harvey, in INSTIUTE LANS the usual nmanner bv use of W. 1. Ode and ail repeating the Lorda3 lEiI~ UIU S 'rayer in ns.»!1 SEWI5 O U SE! usiness before the' meetinga ircluded making arrangementsr for the sewiflg course ta he heldi Many Applications Aieacly In the Toian Hall fram Monday 9 tilI Friday. NI rs. M, Hamiltoil z'eceived uy Women à cons enor. bas 2r) applications for the course. h w as agreed that Institute the Institute sixouid entertaîn1 scmel neighborin'g branches late2 (Mms T. C. Brown, CorreSpond' ! lu Septemlber. After the businesse enS) session DorotliY Baker snd Annie BROUGHAM, A u i. 12. -Th e Boyies were asked to lead the August meeting of the Womnen's %oufzlc adipez n iheir prngi'am or, Institut,- hetd at the D, Cannbon *'ea' e iii the use, of hi oins. lAUJtUUA 'mUâ An*' . >lp(1% qtrnin t. eadings. due,*s an 'a pageant. an atteudance of Ao arid wias an exceptionally inierestlog nu"e*tlflZ gramt and received hearty cou- gratulations from the aider people. Small tables were set on the lawn antd the hostesses, Mlrs. D. Cannlon, Mrs. Hinton %'%"Wîe and Miss Cassels asalsted by a number of the Younlg ladies, served refreshmnents, tea and ice c rea ni. Lightnlng Starts Ffre Durirtg tbe storm on Manday iightintg striick lu the barnyard at the Fred Hamilton farm and set the grass on fire, and giving John. sonl o! Mr. Fred Hamilton, quite a ehock. As the men were in the haro.te fire was soan ex- i.ngiished with no ioss. The news af the death oitn1e Th,', Vf PC-PIt preseuhed a laie D. Alger. a!f Waterloo, fi stne and nipestinz pro- througb car accident today. wmas sVbkiL1oJ4ONN94CULD t m*A'W WE 1 T urE .AMOE - rrt Ag AMD 1 F4EÀ»io THSÂD W\TPT 1 E19=É b ME w! f111 - '14me MiR. S, 1 ýf BIECAUSE OF, -tiaso r-OR TAe _M LiTile ADMF 5 uSt gxzt-%ks &R£Àr Wt&L-7w wm 4-qb4cE %ME D FEARED IUE K1915 OF BEUDC9AýS E ,Mk&ièll .... w4y SAIVE liot>j ezu>l V& IUÀT WE AT LAPRE SE V#WLD Brl- Fot»40 AAD 4EU> FcQ RAMSOM 1 r t nLL Cb>4- et) E\ lm">BE A81 AE YWE QXXET Lit. *O -T>i XPLAJ 04 -* 4E. V i Ir LI KE EVER114G 7R itIU.. $0 AUJJs' 1I4OàI tiIm MMc 6e»t. AS 16M &Ck ÀS 1 CÂbI FIGUQI r'r - louPE At*F d'ol6dr 1I1Y Mu4DCUARb. -exr o Amxq4' FIFW IY I %k MV IKIAM E - .I Isi 14AR WI.IAT rrs &'. BOUT ' SPIJ csjR SEARM F oR Im AMDO SERETL.Y.i j/MR. bu am.i-:cR oURîR sW>u»LoJ >j.L. TI4q MeM14 T ... T WA.$ VRY FRtIJMP -EEME&W. WE ÀIWEPY.ER.A4 i -eR-C mi Mc ..i.. CA.L ASÂis.i WCV>LbMOT UN J'Tb 114A 'ulW 1tr ne- SUM P n vY JUST T-MATI ~-~--- '~ *116m.#m ts I TE LL -,MATv4 A~. tCaT~ U~ i6iT" IV5. M* &A Ceem AIE4UARC h.~ TEJ 4 .. RPF cMe V~8'Wai4 'CEt cQr.Am Cc»ES CMI=oAIPT scdtA3 ..C R FIr a shock ta the many aid friends'aigu s l becoming a major sport of Brougham as '-Dan grew uP with boys in same cominilties among us. The friends, bis wife, and we catit put up with it,» brother Ross and sisters Mirs. Dr. said an official of the departinent. Hamlson, Claremant, and Mrs. Oue type of road signs whitch (Rev.> R. Ferrds, London, have bas becomne particulariy attrac- the sympathy a!f te community. tv atevu~mrsei thve tre buon" rlector i They sec who can knock out the mast glass buttons. 'Many af the sigos have beEri scratched or- marked an hadiy that their use!ulneA bas been on Tuesday last at Willow Beach. Among the guests were Mr. A. U. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Coiwell ar Oshawa. Swjmming was enjoyed by ýinlanv of the supervisors and t.heir f riends. S*.ories were told as they sat'about the fire while every one wait-ed patientiy for the 'dogs' ta get hot. There were no sexi- ous accidents ta mar the pleasant evening and an --enjoyable time was held hy ail. Wheu the ald-time fiddlers and upervsors HeId squ- e daricera were introduced at the -Canadian Nationa.- Exhibition Weiner Roast at Beach it M. s donc as a nov.Ity and In- îonded as a temnparary attraction. - Th8 Innovati in waq an Instautan- Th-,uprisr of hp Oshtawa rousq hit and will be continued a' rounds held a s'-,,-npr roasi Ibis Year. Y-' PAGE SIX j" 3: t - s -'z Charge Boys De face Signa on Highway The Ontaria Department af hi.hways bas started several pro- boys accuspd o! defacement of tr.i sgaadoiher property of th(, ProvinciliGos'ernrnent a* nr t t Kinr*'s hl-hways. Shot tn;:ai. or marrior t Pli MILUIOKAIRC-. WI114 THE MEAM>S -WkATr il T14 FIIRST TSWG '5tuU >JLb L'KT- Tb Do mWVF. ouR MO,4Ey? i -~ IFOiiVLr , MUC>-4 "%j AR~E. SuRe ~ 114lRTH? o - .uSôw&.I 5ý4 zr=r%; 4 .1 - '~ ~; nul

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