at 'ýVi11Ow Beach. qq were Mr. A. ".~ and NMrs. T. R. ras enjoyed bY erv-isors and their s m fre told as e fire wffle ever! ntlÂv for the 'dog5' vre l%,erf# no seri- inar thp plêasant -urnme Mddlers and P re introdured &t l nov I iy and tIt- iporal'at al ot ,va4 ai- nsai~t , i , 1 1,o c ',r t Tiu "'Y, y/yN S~r'f1 - TRi- ~X/I-.AÀ i ~v r A?î.. î~- i. thm eseasoit hais i'-ia Moýosur- -eaf-ul one, IThrcat:îahase av-- sragAd 10()saoh and lias-- iiid e4d 70 mothPrg'who lits e ait jos-ari an out iug ssiPh i iirrcrhtrtd ro The camp la rttîder it dJrfr-îoti of! Captaîn W'. 1IlHaia g This gummer a flr'- nt-sv t:iîtng-rroom sas opened. ;a t l:nZ mur t-h t h e many fine ' :tii- n. e-.n f itht- va mp A iantr "ra-:st earmled out (W1% luTli camp tti:i close carly-n I -ttot Prosperity Certificate, Redeemeci for Anyone T 'dmonton. '\îtg 20 rr-rmi cerîricates ý%is the rrc-rr atiyone aîîl C, Cm) ct'ri, icider tig ther 10I-lie Alhe-tta J- ra- Treasurtr's Drp-tritutrit rn t-n Ilr 'lates 'tpecifiecl for rrr'r;< lion ("harles tock-moft, ,-carl of tl:r (le'- rartuxît ot, annueun:, c(d lifre- N ruîînriersirt arcropi are s is-hiinx R hou'Ci huFchet Par atr r. AIppsst are msr-"g s-fil and gc-a'r %i - 1rt-r 7lit relu \tusoks itd ai-ii $uud are de-- r dey ghit and -re ports would tntt b hc'i- wlr- : nol be tup vrtC d'o:afd %t'rtls.-in (linlriqn !fiite ii Allgomaara Ihart t-uthIY5'e iln fatrIv gr'rîd con- d R-r A!', tt tIli - uiî rame 1#0rse to ba!p reea eOps but vitl bp a gréa, help t0 potatoes. corn. roo!s an-d b'uckvheâa straw and hhsea-rg ay trop Ibis >ear w:1i viiter Itr-edi ;stock f alt mv vslI 1',; 1ate trrop lt InteéSudbury Li 1::sk not be ai large as ex- -te-d rîit qualltY Il gnod a i n Outar bbot 21 hhlg of vhoat Per are and <rry estlmates mn DOWN GO US ED 'TRUCK PRICES WIU tranfer the body t. suit your Due requiremoets at a beS 0 aU] charge. Dunp 'w, and stake bodies are interchangeable. LORD BMie-ROr OLONIN~ Dr. W2Laalsgîom Iatsa. lord btshop of Lekamo, a-ho bas beeu t t lted Rutie «Monà tour.a-il borwtly visit ('à a-da, viskitla mnay citA.. fibtheest4. -Ceairai Prema Canadîsu Photo OW Car W a shI -- SOc Car Cr.aa.»d with Spring Spray 5WC to . im1Ilarge Duo> : FordTmk o&du »W " ynr. have aoeumuaad heaVy stodu of îasd trucie. r Thes. Trucks Must Go!. YiOU Shoul Tg&*. AâvMtsgof Thà CaigastiePris R"MMm t UIeed Tucha F"r Sale Body Rcei ---às Truck, a ap for i O32 » a ch.vruI.t 1 BottLo, Body O2 G Fod 11Ir" J1gjjDoIivuy Trsack-w.good ooiiea 192 9h»CWkê aIow peus OisWkht1870 Zutuita '1933e»m AKFord lui.,PansATwum- Century Club Mem ber1 ~[4N GII[DRE APP E UR P ISbetween 35-63 hushels. Catte tif MANYAPPL CRO isRalton are below normal owlng to bare pastures. Gra In slailght and It le doubtfuliif oats ivili INJOY EST ATverage 20 DoUflds Lo the bushel F0prospects for rorn are the poorest REPORT lu lte count's htstory. i fctoy. heaver&" Qbeing sllgbt- At St. John's, Corbett'a Northumberad Cou,~nty 1v more tItan 20 busheis per acr~e. Apples mn about 20 per cent- Point, Mothers Are Aiso Crop 30 Pe.r Cent. Abo, bi as er rr sfouthernOntario TknC eofAverage T &Yea.r FaIî ihéa' ai ,rye In lBrant -hai e N'eldtid (air]y eli and campera are undp Efoi te of drought on Ontario'& wheat bett er th ain sntlctpated. ~s i rlma. mp field rrops uere outined in the £arley la fair for yield and sam- Mida oïp ilrw ekly report of the Ontario De- PeMr hn8 e et fnt .\tlAdt1t-i , artm*nt of .Agricultuîre as bar.-tInflot vorth threehint. Har-est- Ruleriten- raiN iiarf'd rompie- lflg or zrain luHdmn s ut Thpe8aie --o ai \grls toit 1 .inHldmnd l ho ee ar mtitrswlî the r h p ince Need ofif ornebaiat pottir. Oat Yieids are tIn fur îar-san-d laie r-p runnng -,0-35 bushel. tn the acre. rr~ehldr~ heeautpl as emphasz-' Alfalfa has been the %&ver of :i 'cd hv Illie Ang,;cau Lica ina fra c' - ~i-m1'"tock a-id otite and grain the iua*,!ouutin.incolr sfra cro)PB are l>r' affi-c*ed. the re- :îresîock is con(-flred alt.hough i v artzfe grocip of 'tpen aRA p ort1 sa v .hastcrrn Ontar!o gfn- livesîock of ai! k!nde are baegin- * r lved Saturdav froro Tor- rlîrprr a n-rmal aituation r.tug to ehow the Pffects 0of' poor. RI l -Il rerîtatît until A ii - r d k l\ritern Ontario pastume' s. aker abortaie inMId- l'Pori their at-rivali te n ( m "' a7ias n r, en affect'ed by diesex added t-)tpa-'tum. etrou- rrr r wers- tiated Itt the dry PY!ra - .pple snd peach bles. Rain s baâtr oef-ded In * C (f the Galop 10c ceonn rpa tii tlicr.rafruit hait are Welland t iO bp connsad 1I-Pro -'r"'d upon i-eth e rti-aulndýin rcM i,-t e ar normal. the garerai situation gpnerail " -, tai Arouorj a hlaztnrg alot ',-rr î,îarî,î Oar crI-pcarsfti-ery saleAi-'- 'it-1 le teiîdprf(-et i Iîtdo 1(k tee. î r~i -n --i -~canharsesPt..- U!'! ha good sirt '-tietteof o! hocai oath. aç%%or'. in fir- as- c' dlton and Ieahe -kr'% Io b- o of nd m - ilcn 114tî-A o hu t citepnf ai-d t r!1tt- r d'd:a.1%good re- aud 1j' N i a nsd t-amie - a' ire du].%.-rourîd %w:iýh litdian ei~ uî U- : tedo!aNrag:nc nptrer -Civ els tait '-dtiier headgear. Lacit oember nais In 1 ro;!ns avemaired Ii ormal it Wpniworth an Indlanit iame that sticks tLýheéper a, f, andrta 6est hçr durluag 1h" crami) . rît '- !hret--d s'-t-'ru' 100 bue- Avaried prograni fuis thle IltnurF4 t1e-4 'f bai-lt-v and oc-as frin 17 i Io he. girl.-;lun arxp. ttn:g a- r f> W A h hary,- 'r ha;f cin- C m8065 and !lraYers, aludlem.. rrr' han- pleted In Lausrk, a ri ril yflol lirafts and's A fut-Id day ,s fore'-asi, P a nt r -. il laie -.i tas been plaîtnefd for n flou ta -'k .r'g. :n l.t- - r.f r. n but Thisa veara ecamp kIRt-aul as; gt-atîi !r-11 n- e'1 VleDo1 (ne of the rî----rt iti cnd tl f aýn -s report - At St. John's Rést Camp, Cor- favorrabl ainrsîut aid4., eone aI - jnIl' oh ns Garrt'.rn t t: tri ).,Torn!('o acre!.pr .- t-smr plas-ed tbp local tesaMn t he j MeuortlîPark bers on Prlday as-n in g a RIt T h ee ga ine s a s a n ntPresitlnir ou. thé- isore beîugt 17-1: in fat cr fClÈrpi-ont. TIis jFmdas- es-enCu the Iwo eama ill play -ai lckamnt. fA return ga-na ht-se-en Clare-, Mont sud Mtasaatmaus L.ake foot- hta!: tasà mo was plared home on S-aiurday avpnItatg as-,atraclinOt a fairilts-ilaro c-trud The tvo te-amis-afre &aaluW-11tmatchekd à « oy>ly cite goal wax scored and th&lItao-a by tise local te-sm. The Las-itB3osllug Tourna.ment Mensa Scotch Doubles ta be heldî ber. ou ýqatu-d&y atter-nonn. Aug- usi Ind. -111lihe onIe of theisehI local es-entas cf thse bowling se-a- son, as tisa KalUer Tropiy s>-lto -b. plaYêd for. ,Tiser. viilb. aIser valuable prsas as s-e-I. Tii. home cof ',tr and Mii. A. NI PugIt aas th* e-ecene cf à pretti lt Mld-oummer s-eddici on We-dnes- dav afiemnon 15a. , isen the-le second daughteor, Mlldred Kath.- le-eu. ecà m-e tise bride of Mr. Wsllae A. m'mlilai. as of etMr. - sd Mr# 0e-rge A. Me-Mille-n. o! Port Permy. Rkey G. K. lieUMila. o'f Toronto. brother cf the. grom. offflatled. assisîed bIt Rer. >. P. Augustta. et Clairemet. à les Ldn alamer. et rabridM ,played th* weddint mue-eai U d elug the alg-ulng of the regt« ut»is Florenememillas sang,- Thsebride. s-b@ sW-se gvelk la usarclage tay ber fat bel'. l6ksdý chamIn4la ber' veddlng gos-n O! White* ChIffoa Madle Wv lb ivee-t es bebdiee- and lent. full. plesstU aleee- SRh*vers a cet turban wlth face se-l. and t'arried - & seo-et' bouaqt o f Opbe-lîs cea lia IaPugs, aler et th*e brid.. Vis neid oft hor. &ad- )&las Nora >5cu ilas, Ibo gr.e.*i statoer, acte-4U &id Tld,,4.Tbse-' lre-rl trcke-d la grmis 4a i li c-hiffon vils picture balts i ukatets. s0d earled Eolivegays et' su e-e- p«» a ad huttef1y tee, -Mr-. Arme-ut Meflles. breilher 01 it» rrom U5be-t m"a. A flot tho weddls goppoe r 1. a --11 m'«Ide le Oehswa-. P-etV irv las thse brideW*" , e a e e-it leif lip siO-r vllate t'hie M02b 1 aste a-ev m1lea-ceamarbe-Jaa tu, 1- 0&* fer lie-.aayukffl tle-y s Ibe propefty oubt wu 14>reerly iile 11of the suatt rifait ead tIcse . s sa~ b et tise0641 8*4 «-fRb* vlagetw I*#s p. Selis. of iaou Tb*e-WM.b-X i t» lu t.e M*O«Iua llI"e- 5<-irom teset 11. t 811*4 C%%ftji os TblissU4agê~ boot isatL'h. acbrggttet. . 1*4 Ibos 4r.VMUD« jPMI*&h cher bttl«m posa" .ilo« ,te, "*tcs «o o- îe Itoe ltta e< re "ML. ê45& Oum &XI, ar»Mwn5.mtl igm te-ty ag *t-p obtIs "" Ulm*i u éI8Wbtg W . N.pttga", & Io me Fb'ovomi *< ~. *feu î Me,«*VIa *Mm to 1le ln' tise amily hoMO here. River tItis week. 5;be vas a member of the United la spendîng the Cburch and a kiud fr1 end ad Lixeux nelgihbor. She as especîauîy - M rs. t Re v. t Ki fond of flowers and lnt summerl Vas a week-end Su-vIvI'tgare SIX brothersansd ronto. la bolldaylng vîtix ber par- sisters, William. of Myrtie. Geo 11enta here. of Kinsale, Frank. of Whltby. NMr. and Nlrâ. Roy and NMr. Carl Mma R. BaIl (EvelYrn). o! Taun-' Dopking. of Buaffalo, were g»iests ion; Mms. F. Reesor ' Ett. o f o! thxe latteras pare-tt for a few Ouhaa, ad M r. R. Whte day. ibis eek. (EdIth), of Hamilton. Tii, fuit- Mâ.S.Benetvas a Toronto oral vas held from ber late resi- visitor for a few days during the dnc. on Tueday afernoon vIten rpasi seak- Interment look place iu Saient <Mr. and Nîrs ousn N-' f cemetemy. Services cer ont. -Toronto, sisited rei<salitre ducted by Rev. P. D. A iiuutine. l over thse week.-end. la ertended to the bereaved. flumkion la holidaytng wtkb lits TTa" DenscD. of Christle Lake, graodparents, Mr. aud Nîre T. lias been aPpolnîed C.P.R. section Saudprson. trouista Aglnc-ourt. Mr. Bençon Mr. and Mr%. J. C. Niar-rab and vas transferred trom Claremnont Mra. Letcber, of t xbr:dr- sp-o' a fev years ago. a few days ibis we-ek Mlvh ttxt 'Mr. and Mrs. Roisî. Seb't, is.aformera sîster. -M. Grahama sud ber giesîs, 1Mnr. Mies Margaret Dopking là boîl- Nîchols%. of Toronto. and Mils aying w-Ith frlrnids lu Gué !ph. Grace Baroit. of Bond Hill. motor- r L.ittle Mse Rorisansd Loi% Ad to Midland on Wednt-sday lait Bakter, cf Altona, are boild.&!ne vwheme tiiey remained for a short w ith théir graiuîdpazent-q.Nîr andr holiday. M r-aM o1sran Evana. Tise Dm. Tomiinoit farnlly ai- NII las Margaret Brte-con ts hoV:- bended tisemémorial lserr-e indaytng wt i br- sunt Mrs\1an, Kitc-bpner. on Frlday lasi. <of Nrcs. of Toronto. Tomîluso)n*qbrothrr. tise laie Mir. Mr. and NMmErnpt fiaker f D. H. Alger. <'f ubat cils-, ho Tnornto. ver' wAr)sf-D I o', trassd 5V5s- it the Tort-o C,n.- lthe laitex- stier. Mm auj NI-r C cal Hopital on %Vednesdsy, Aug- . 1eyrtolds <st 12th. a& the reeuit -f a inoiî-ira.Rts son. Sm . sas tixe g'lost Accident. Ettombinent was in of \Ir.. 2Nton Harria. of Stouf!. Woodland mausoleum ville, fer a few dari tht, ves'k. Mr. H. G. Mcilutytt% lefi on Fmi-. Dr. Neit S1mih sas u it hs or- diay lasI tt t 'laiit bis iroople in tirie again on Ture4day alter a ts-o MN00APe Jav. Sask veceks, vacation. Mr*. Kilpairick sud ShI1rley - Mrs. Parkinson snd mon, o! Co- and M..sud Mre. Caakev, of Met- hurg, hav-e metharued hoi-tx after enta, mr. and Mms. T. St.anburg. III: Geom. C. Miss Helen Parkinson, also of Co- Mlotherstll, G.--C. Hist. T; b urg. la now visitlug ber grand- Alg. 2; Geoin. T:. Lat. A. Il; IAt parents. C. II; Fr. A. Il; Fr. C. il. Mrs. J. Coates entertalned thse Overtand, M.-Conp. C Ge92. Baptist Youxi; People ai their Il semî-montijîy social meeting, on Slack, L.-Alg. III; Chem. 11; Mfonday evening. A ver- enjoy- F.C l able time %vas spent aud duriîîg White, D.--Conxp. II; Lit. C; lttnchb Iotr the gîlesta were treat-t A. Hist. Il: Geoin. C. ed io boute umade tce creani by Lewis, J.-Comp. C:, Lit. II; tixeir itostess. A. Hist. 1l; Qeonx. C; Phy. III Mr. Kllp.alrlck week-ends vitix tng. o! Toronto. calte, are botldaytng St Tmaitt sp'.ndîug tvo woe'ka srtih ber par. .~ C Pr C--t"- p C bouter, dertdlng It. Buicher l.t~i- Nt.tttbs-ssr.. 1) -Uonxp C: 1.1?. lied tise Olaut. te seven bita. Tomonto, re u rued t o dutv ou * Wi Nave Mfonday afiar a lb.ree ta-eke' va- G t vm vn C-Min a hr hoe hre.Straight Game Ixohe#rt ifieltbu had a business r trip i-o Ba-rie on Thuraday lasi. New* York, Aug. 2.-Cari The- V. Robinson famlly moved Hubbe-lîs screvball hanudifféd on Tburudas- ntasi 10an apari nient Dodger batlera yesterday tasths aboie Chas; Cooppr-s Hardw-are Glautaswou thefr nintix atralght Report of "Iiddle Scbool 1. tb' anefetn ooklyn,3out o Esaaingfiathe National League lead. I ldvaes -tftiper cent. Ilubheil ield the Dodk*rs to Ilnl 6ae 6c-4 per cent. five bits, two of vhlcb came-tu IIIti-l-aia rt65par qe-eut. the second aud iso more tu thse C trtd(1,.,a'e% "-59 ps-r cent. uiuth. for the only Brooklyn .Xp.\.,z - c . çteom. acoring. C. Itîs I111. Mtl Ott hamuxered out fIsl Iekt;, }r. A. twenty-aeventh borner of the t~-'tg. P -ouap l: ar, an d Jlm Ripple clnuted hie FI.-Cirp I: Lt. lft. bth ln the elgbth innlng. îî ton plat thA gamne on Ice for thse Dl1o-r<.siQ Phs li11 (;ants. Their only otiser rua 14ti- I Itîi. I -1. C. I carn lu the tiraI, s-heu Ott walk. tOlfl I. lh-1l.,'Chm . t:Lat cd sud came ail thse way home CIL C, - Fr Cý- :C Successive singles by Ripple afld w Ce:ip li.t.ilIl. ;Samn Leslle. 1.ti1'I, Gonm C; Pt-tv C The vlctary was HubWl'a L! n n. E. - 11WisIl; Georn. "ighteenth, of thse year, comptred C': 1,11\l. C- m rnC. 1Ut. C. Fr. Itc six defeats. Most ot thé- wsy Comp Ilhe and Rookie Max Buteisrern- M'-ntV~t~i.J --('. HiPt. I; a*ed ln a tigbt pitehlng dtel. Gt'foni Il. l'hY Il-:1tA..A : Fr. s-its thse elghth laning pair oif Il HIPPOD)ROME. - Presen ta 203 20 Show with Famou. Stars f'ro ail over thAe Word .1 e Show 7That Bringa WiIt British Sta-rs of P.rom inénce Fab~duaà Feute- e e e The "'Pes Ar. Rigi*-5.. * YCGX MOTOI Kilo St WEST Osusa MALl dY 4 ty, lto donc - i. 1: I I F- AC 1 umzx_ 1 1 r_ (X CHROINICLE Tk-AiJRhý',DAY, ALjý.'à Lj.S i iO, 1936 CE siWE14 DONALD W. HOLDE M. A~ repr tsntative of the -Mutaal I.te of (,an&ada laodhwa and Whithy. who ta attepeWa the ronventloyn of the N4I uIÂfrt 'f tanada a t MwM Inn. L*ke of )ta)*. Muskoka h15 week.' %Ir. Holdrn i* to bu' ronffliult- -d on hi* omrr-e la auaintngr innlbfttlhlp ln the Century Clb of the tompna. Cia rem ont Crroj~ Aux 19-A nuox- ,f ur neighbori&n; dislrictg hA re h~n faà s(,u rabd wi ih ra i . but Clarmoni ,-ontInues 10 remain LAL THE