Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1936, p. 1

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f71 111E 73-NU. 22 UNTY GAZ EllE ABA WHITBY, ONT., CANADA OHRDy OEME 6 96NTARIO COUNI NDONS OV.ý ERPAYM EN-T CI1 .hom.James - r ".'AL_-TALIENT BIC SýUCCE'S'S OAR LYrdrie ing But Tho ' Whitby Couple Married 64- Years Next MondySI RNIHI' a ruth" Stagod -for0 U0E~Il odo HeIp f Children ____ OIEP -JL Whitby Boy and 14um WhitbY Merchant Gives For Bravi Devlop As I~I II I W IYIJ. ~ , houghtful ýAddress at His orslipMa Ioaely Adhered R. ...' -' - R tryCu lastigist presentc al UURta ClubuQ '-' Town, son o! Mr. ni r garIILI IIIR ii ds-~'> j~l~~lonW. C Town, o! W - - -- - U F' NEFF R SK.yRtrin r uýue m'i ai *tificate iii recognition Df bis bravery in'thé saving of Sami- uei Thoradyke froiiji drownlng in the-Whitby, harbor ini Aug- ust,- 1935. His Worshlp, in making tùe presentation, wariniy congratulated' Jack for bis brave acC of heroism. The public presentation %Vas 'm acleduring theperformance o! ,the Rotarý Clubs play; Nthing But the Truth," in t* nMusic. hall of the Tommn Hall.: The Humane Society reqrt::stcd that the presenta- tion shoulf" be mnade in public. Atte,.ition of thé Society to thie bra-;ery of young Town LENT4~ WOK RE FOOTLIGHTS Nunubera Bctween by Young Ladi College - Repeat rcay The work1 belng donc by the Ca - nadian Nitional Institute' for the ve dreamed of such Blindifô those wh,6 have lost their. Cýt:' aftr a aid.slg iht wsbdbmmesc ht mKce crea-n and .is odt ebrofwh- there lias awa .sby. Won's Im~iubaat, -their, Lng angle-bt was mnonth ly meÀaeting nI. "Sunnynook"-, the home 01 Miss J. McKee, RN., aligation to tell the on ýPriday afternoon by Herbert C. ruts, and noth.1 Treneer, fieldi seCretary for thse In- i,ay 8ounci eas»ly stitute, andi for many ycars blimd ýa, but have you Organlet Of King Street, Churcis, -Oshawa.. Incldentally, the attend- astate ina s- eance",at this, meeting was one0f Nstraeing auscthe the largest on record. Mr.< Treneer, l'rohln But15ewho was well recelveci by thse ladies, d by thse Rotnry introduced 'to the meeting rs. Ight aItihe ToW' Butson, of Oreenbapjk, who lost her players are gath- sigist fine'years *agp.. Mrs. Butson liear Ethel's. vocal spoke o! the benefit ise bad re- r -sce number:_ celveci from thse Instruction of com- 'Exqustemry dear, petent'teachers of tise lnd, andi 1 exhibiteci art4ces ýwhlch she bnci it la slmplyiy m.. iade 'Whlciswere beautlfuly cdone wlthout a milatake. Some o! these tudieci-anci stud- articleshave won Primesat Uic fali -oh, I don't know' fairs I ntarIo.ýThe Instruction she muy teachers.» isac recelveci and the work se was It Just proves what nOw aSie to do iselped hler 1<, forget tshows wat Ca lier affliction- and -gave ber'a real Interest. .11 us trutisfuily tIn tUic absence oz thse preaident, of Miss 'tdîaikal' Mrs.W G Lavis, Uic chair was * taken by VIce-preslcent Mn. W. c. metheitslbjUn) Town, tise business .beng promptly me as you tinIk ,ýtaken care o0. 4n Inflt1on was re- ~1 what 1tI Ï. celveci anddgratefully accepted tohi htal4 ten 4 u meeting aI, tterrible......crs hileave thse PiOffice Il 2 son, for poor lDlck P-Ph. sharp. ,000 that ho caii As thse lneetlnu'cloacci tea wu j whole truth and serveci by Mu. Stirtevant and hlirJ ruth for twenty. comnhttee.j iis takers arc ouf A.hearty vote of tlianks wa s glv-l very ern1arrr.ssing en b MUr. ýTreeer for his adclress1 i o tisaI lic wM an uni'. Butson for lier demonstra. le one, è'vea one to,9idas isMcKee for lierc on page 7) gen rous iosptelty. OREST [JXBRIiE N Lo! tise County Refor- mnmlttee, presenleci 10 SCouni-on Saturday ewed thal '200,000new ante-ci Iis year in tise Mt In tise Township o! Some were planteci on 1 andi others tIci f111In 1w îrees wici lad ci' o! Itrecs planted 'n l,or 10 1936 was, 1,381,-. c during the past sum- rePOrtýed, haci suffereci leount o! dry. weather ifty per cent of. those he blowsand i ded andi lils amount dledin tise flY causeci considerable e pine trecs, although Ibis year as lait.1 Ice, on a visit hi the limer,fouid lise fine i gooci shape. During 5cer tise forest was i e andi It was necetsary esbrY DePartment t10 e Mien tb patl th e tedt It trous fire. A ,en, erecteci, slaty feel hli notheast o! Uic a mawa placed inh cOuld observe a tre ln b. forcit. o!. thse commIlttee wm Robert ?lckard, chair- i udopted. TUEJ WNIîsy Trioý Face.,Chargea hi Con- nection With Theft No.10 NormanYork, Of xrdgak ccl Ui ýccouri. tisaIlits eue bei remanclec UnIR - ud limne as he cold obtalln legal, advise. UMltrate Ebbs grated 'the "ac- cused i one wcek, aIturpe«day's WhiIby Police- court. York >was .disarged i wth 1Aiea Simpeon, Uxbridge, wlt'h- breaking, enterlng andi tisfeft.o! goeries !nom Uthe Dominion shire ut Ua,_ bridge dunlng tise evenlng of No- vemnber 10. 1 George ,York, Uabridge, rand a cousin o Of n',W9 cisargedi wlth'reclvlig stolen goocis. Tise trio were remandeci until JDecember lut,- by Uic maglstrate. Alex Shnpso n zd- George-York had tiseirowa counsels anc, counsel for Aiex Shmpion asked thattie Crown1 fia the amount o! banl requlno4t, whlch Crown ,- Attomtey conauti stâted would Se $s00O. George YPQrra was ailowecl out on -reniwa . I bail of $2,000. Chiiatmaa Sèooping c Editon Will t È%èiigked Dl»ci,8. Tise annual Ob1riatniais op$Mg' Mr. and bmn. Thomas- Hawes, Garden. Street, WhltbY, wh ,. on Monday o! next*.week- wl 1 have reacheci the 63rd milestone ln their matrimonial carer. The vener able coupîle are bath ln ,good -health, busy every a aromd bc omewhlh tey aveshured. together for over thlrty- years. -This pper oin wihmay cîtizens i exiending _congratulations andi good wlshes to Màr.. and Mrs. Hawes. 50 YEARS 1WED Happy Event.Marked .By Mr. and Mrs. W. A. r>urrounclciby tiseir, famiy andi many frienc1s, Mr. and UMrs.W. A Prougiston, higisly-estèeme d iI- sonsg.cf Whitby, clebrateci their gol- den -weddlng amslversary kIttise hom o 11cmdaugister, Mrs. Andi- relw Dand. , ~rest, Mlii VWlge, or -' MArric tu &uSariiaby tise lev Xi.ý Meer 'law8, 4ise lhappy couple, re- sIicci l h t aity, conjlng tb Whit- by hi 1911. Prior hi cr nmarriage, Xins Brougihon wus Mary Hutchi- son, daugister. of tise laIe Mr. -andi 1irs. Wilianl Hutchison -o! Sarnia.j OuesW t# aItUic happy celebraîjon Mame from Sania, WbltSy, Detroit, Alnhustburg nd iTôronto, and inh- iluded. fine grandchildrenl. l'. G. L. BQrougiston, brother,. andi bèst man at thse weddlig, was un- able hi attend andi a letter wa:s re- iCived. .Sy Mr'a nd Mrs. W. A. Brougiston, along wltis cabies froni ingland, messages from California, and parts orf Canada wlsblng tise Cuple contiued good hentS. Mr. andi Mrs. Brougiston have one laugîter, Mns. Andrew Dani two Bons, Dr. >,E. A. Brougihion,-Toronhi, and à&'.- C. E. Brougliton, WhitSy, ali living, Tise Gazette'anc Chronicie j oins Wli their many fnIendsisnlaOntarlo CountY in wishing Mr. -andi Mrs. W.ý L BIrouibton mnr more years o! happincas. OIJTY ITlE là UDEU John Stirtevant Was Old and fficient Employee Of olia -st ,levanI, one -o!f l oda laPoint o! years, anci bot. Ïknowa cmployees -',o! thc Ontario .Ho1SPItal aI Wiiby, dci ver suddenly Tuosday, Shàortly alter cranklng a tracton o Ui Hoaiba taI here le -was cm- ployed. Se collapsed. and d<ied In- sbatitlY. A mucitic. heart -allack, il Wau stateci at tise lospita4, Sar Ovrtaken lu. Tise 'deeaseci vas tise 'son- of the la Johin and Xmi.. *Stirtevant WIioç1eda fana o nam Oeàe orbetts Point,laas IVhIWy- Town8ip. Re lied Se=n oti 15e iosibastaff alice 1912, ormý alUMosbince ils làccpllpn, anti wu. heMd la theisigisest regard hi' 1,5e oahlm as a capable andi faibhha. -*ë»mRe lad aeen the nos-, gistw fromu a building tr IMo, umdurng war years as, Pnmlltary matlng ft -oràe o! thc largesl o! its kàd'flo the'continet. Ta religio 40ý wax a Mnmbeof.,the.. ~II unicPalities in Onarlo County Shared! in EPendiures_ OnRad uring Prosent Yearý Total of $91,506.84. Spent I[Rama Twp. >. 5,232.45 O Road Construction 1 h ansount expendeci on urban, and'mait«Uùçe fidý- adswas $4,660.93, as foilows: Town o! Whltby........ .$2,060.39 $10,719.81- in East, andh Town o! ,Uxbridge .... 5.4 Vinage o! Port Perry ..61.53 WetWMtby Town A1PSý Village of Beaverton,. 621. 85 _on 1ýSuburbe n m ..541.7 tom<1~ NOntis Ohawa Suurban Rro ad s~tn here was expencic i u Tihe- annual report of 'worlr donc 0f *10,719.81,ý of which amount $9,-, this e 83 was spent in East Whitby Town- thsycar On-tise co0unty rond sys- slip and $848.91 in West Whitby. 1cM -as -presenteciIci tise Coussty 0f tise total- expenditure on.*Ibis ,Council by David- J. Rean; super- syLem 69.375 per cent. was- receiv- Intendent, shows total capenditures cd from unemployment relief,. of $91,506.84, andi *10,719.81. General Suma oalepn Include In hi ie: stàtemcnt is a hItures Is showss as -follows: eummiy shtwig'wfiere tise money Roaci Construction'..29,318.55 ans spent, eacis township Seing Road Maintenance .37,055.58 iven' also tise expenditure on tle Urban Roads. ...........1-4,660.93, Osawa -Suburban Rond system. Superisstencience, - ncluding Mciney expendec i tise various County Car ............. 2,721.29 raunlcipnlltics itise county -wns ns Macblncry andi Tools 1,248 Ealst p',he anc Q ... ........8 7 EntWly....... $ 1,279.92 Office Expense, hiciudlng West Whitby.......... 1,99'2 Assistant's salary .1,82.4 ý1rckering...........4,287.15 O.G.R. Associatio1.0 Sac t ý wP.....1 ,28.54 Workmen's Comnpensation boI -wp...........4 .3 Insurance........22.6 Peach-Twp,......9,220.02 Insurance oon nds,- tor- icugog Twp......2,01104 age Building, TUck andi Brock Twp .........11,08035 Counîy Car......... .716.75 1isorah. Twp....... ....*4,122.51 Horse, Shoé' Canr Ws Hushod In Memory-ofthe laoeMark Ouf, gof Myrtie t .Weil-Known Canadian Ln-;spoce -Into n microphon e. Mi eolc porter of ClydesdaIes Ré- an o e c! iclod-speaker. Me sali: "Tise Clydesclale Morse Membered in Judging sal-abit at thse 1936 -Royal Whie Riug That Knew, Hixn Pair cices nlot scem complele. One o!lise largest exhibilors la not Sere. vyiI inc}er. to lthc late Mark -Du!!.MIùs An inipressive ceremony, nssci îste 1 uIxeydnt uisgts1as ui on~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i ispoganammoal merû,as takea cime wiso was acit cnly unusal eltngwas a eture- of a.large wl4nr at, Canadn's liport- Moda I i~Ryap ~ant. shows,. but cimewio asle la orinto Ilarkest importer ci! Clydèsciaies jla '7bs eentcaniet luIl ic s-NdWth Amenica. Mark Dii!! was ro- t v e n c 4 r I e -i t t t h e e s " s p e c t e c i S Y l o r s e m e a c v c r y w is r c , sènlial Spirit 0f thc slow,lise ne- and ti he Uccommnunity wlerc e h copguIoxs o!: the part Ultagnicul- lVcd l isifle sarc. wlthout nuai- bure and Uic agnlcultunil playn laSpi.- Tiose w:ho kné 'w hlm SesI es- Caa af faa, Il vas in isonor Icemec i hm Iost." of a ýhoimmate" Mark Ef , Andti ien there. was a isushin a of Myrie, whio mati mportant <con- .. a rna. Tise ,udgcs andi attend-! tritaics to tise iorse-breeding lu- ais stood -wýtis heacis- bowcd. A. d=-__ "of 151. country. __glant, ClydesWlae vwiaeci, Sudh Tielocale for te-erm=* v a, Uic Iribute 10 genli Mark bDii!!, the main isonse -show ring, where la: ot Myrtie, Ont., former Presideat o! ise -mn1ortnug, £uclgng was in ro- UicClydesdale Morse. Association:o! gresa. At. one catiwuas sturg ouI Canada aUne o! caIlle., tUdr attendants, pnd _ _ _ om'ccaIltle Judie.., In Uic centrje o!f PON ED T H tis rigvsaUneofo!homsesThèse A IM T wen massive Clycesaauespaaicci. COVNTY MOTHE RSP Pârnuers and cly foIk1ole'4ain- MLU-OWANCE BOARD at tbe fence arount ie encloswue. -In tihe irsof scats were, ntien r si. G.,M.Forsyth, o! Clarm groula0' people, oisatlg, - aully mont, anti Mr. W. Belany. of Wlilt- watehlng thse JUdging. 'lucre vas hi', wene appoInteci hietnibesfc thée usimit rumble - f noise Ibrougis Uc fotheii' Allowance Boarti o! the -ana, thse daller o! boots on thse Counli' 0f Ontario by Uic Coun- tise cmcul valk, thsee aU of!-pro- ty Councll on Situnday.,1 p=m ven= thse overtonesot talk- 'The.Oounly o!Ont ro ys a Wng -a*g .laugbter. lam ge portion o !f is.ns ut o Xar* utf Rlgembered momey reelveci Sy motisens o!- this" Wl1mt.A,. Dryeen, generai Mn-- Conly .frm Uc Mothirs' Allow- nean 01 theFairneoti iii rlg,, auci c l te hircvince.. their, çweekly luncheon 'had a no st enligbhteniing and interesting. ad- clress b.y.one of their own- members, Mr. . .. Kown, who dâeait with the subjct 0of Co-operation," witbý special referefice. b the systemnof Co-operatives wihich bhas been in c-eç' istence ini Engiand for nearly .a century, an 1d has. spread 't many other 'countries.- Mr. Keown had made a- close -situdy Of this subject and had a great deal of--authàrita-« tive -information which he passed on 10 the club in' Ns address. In openling 'his ritinarks, the speaker, poinfed- oùt, that'people: niay be diviçled generally' i tw classes, t1hosé who are trying, to- do sometYiing 'which lias neyer been done before, and those wio are sat- isfied -tocdo nothing but.-wbat bas been done previou ,sly by ôther peo-. pie. In> the ýpresent condition of, thIngs,'nianY t'oisare .being tried, as a soluti on for the.world->s ills and 1 those who, are,. will .ing to consider new ideas. are advaricing tbemn for-the consideration Of a SMYPathetic public. -The economic crises of tbe. pa st 1few years. bas starte.d PeoPle- thiinking along, new and d iffere nt lisses. :Many plansare -being suggested and the Important question about the.se is * not: the nainse by wbich tbey are K-nown, but.-the possibifltycof Ibeir working Out satisfactorily. Democracy . is the upper most subjecet 0f discussion li many people's minalis, ýbut the- speaker. reminded'I "We; have beenr talking &f Democracy when we. are nlot -SOcially. minded or democrati-- callY Inclineci." Referng ý9brIeflyto-,a iumber:-of. tid iany iffferent théories being o,,aiced, the speaker stated that So ilss M, Com m unism and Tec - ' nocracy were ot uficient. 'The 01ise pliticleiarties. diffèeess ln platform, are more. or -less alik-e. Thse movement for. a national gov- mrnent witnessed during.bbce ast Dominion electiori campaign' was onfly- a make-shif t Idea_ which prob- ably. would not be -heard of again until- the next -electioni campaign. Communism and other. classes or. grcgUP movements are not for the general good and, should be stamp-1 ed - ut. meensethod of, briisging abouta * ~ ~ ~ JLe spaeDaa ha .' nviuison,-repuled.Councior A. M.1 o!spe rsdh le believed ocie, Irwin,."but-if w 1e make exemptions c Of he sur stways Ici accom piss tisere wiii S oen ca o! compica- i ts'aim wNas by tise. adoption O! bbc lions.' We must abide by bise statu- î "Roiscalesysem i! o-oeraive"tory. regulations and not gel into tiseE (Conltinued, on pt.ýage 7) mnuc, but keep.,out o! il." i T.he' Council voted to have tise I IQI5 Q LChle! ci! Police pursue bie course c n E mofci collection a ccording o bie law. e tv f l 4 1 W L_ _ _ _ _ _ _t t AT[MPT Tu OBII [[[ IIRU 1~t: TWO Young Men',eofd Whit-I YUNq PEUPLE' b y T o w n s h i p , F c c i_ _ _c er*ous Ch.arges iCi Charg s cif assaulî and atempt to Yi~eî en .rob. Mike Brcia, Wiby Township, ing Gets Under t] .were dismnissed- agaînst Steve Piirka 'an d e le Podv isky , w o jW a y 5 youssg mess-A -lir îwenîics, -. neigisbors ci! lise comipîinaisî, C( W is'by is ric I :P l ce C ourt on E e t c on a tickèt t ia I advocat-w i] Tuesday-. d, the issuance cif script along-tisch Mie Brycis, witi tie assistance, Orillia)script scieme for te alevia- h O ! C o alal i nerp reter W illiam Igle,> H ot o! th ose on relie ! la W it by T J.P., stateci tIsaI on tise nigbî of!o Oclber23d, e sac *30eon isGordons McBride became the isayor pefson, but iad expecteci to rccive o! Wiitby hinbie Young People's a. large, suai Ibal day. Alleçr puttisg.SO*ciet-yeo!tie United Ciurcis mui- ls car into tie garage' on his ýcipaI' elections elci Mouday nigit. !arm lie was attacked by Iwci me ns.. ":W e feel tha h s s rp o l " J u s I a s I e g t l o u I o f i ! t h e - r u c kb a t i i s c p t c u i Uicy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b gr.eiiodo eac etS kept la circulation for sonse la, tiey gab6bd nme* by Iiscfeet, tlme,, instead oci!runuing Itiste ramnpled - on me. .One cioked,, ee'banlc b borrow aI 5gb interest," andi another Put his hand «In i ry staed lie Mayor-elect ln is Casm- pcot, tîca lisey.ran. and w.ent palignadicress. cive tis feace, tisaI s is e last 1 rdi mlysn saw, ci! 1cm," salid Brycisa. rvdEpamn -Brycîn ýstabed tbiaI his wl!e was Ila addition bo advocatlag script In Uic y ard . nI lie im e .tie a iege c t ie can didate ý pro m hised th a l bie assaut, btok 'place and tiaI ler tqown would advrtse for hi alracb upclc aIso came out.> industries s0 Ibat lise Young peo- SI On lise stand Mrs.,Brycisa. staled pie o! tise bwa would bave op- 19 sise wns about '50 feel awny, .1 porlussities for securing empIgynsenl ce dildn't- sec lise mcacome'up., 1 saw in tisein own hiwn. ~ s w ci m c ; o n e w a s b e a tin g , P r m o e' p o r s c i the ciler w s rnusning."1 Strongly endorsng sports, the Lr Aske b lcnI!y îe acus> candidate also suggested tînt n planM coule rs.Bryisastaecitîn cie béformnulated wereby Higis Scscol lb . «as gllr tanPet an th oterstudents e encouraged tIc study a,, "was luialer IhanPete ad e.iller Ibteir vocabional goals lanlise varfous siu wns. amalle Ihari Stee. I»don-Iindustries andi agences i lis.s know. wisc ilwns." n-'iby s Mike Yusa nls, uncIe. o! the _w le "A boy w iing to-bcome a baker inj sisoulci Se allowed bo wcirk la a local W of1 te ccinsulaianl staleti le cidbaise sisop for a fcw lours naivéek net~~ ~~ kwwiolwsle-di not so tisaI le can gain some kcsow- Ci s1muid.'i ledge," stated lise cadidate. si> 1Tere'- la cily -lhe unsuppcirleti Bill Etiwards, ,who losI out . by w ev dejace 'of Brychia, staleti- Crciwn Ilsace votes for tise lnaYoralty, stal- Io( -At rncy Conanl.:Tise évidence -Of!cd lisat lisey were prepared tIc carry 1 tie e vlc la not cony con radichoiry n he e l od party le I of! andi sci .b u t ebf l tin g . ' d o a g c c o b o v l t ln g . - vi "A hi tage i! tieproceedings CFôidon; McBride represcnteci tie pri E would dsm sc tie charges," sid "Recs," w bileBill Edwards was tise ci «I agîstrae :E Ss. ."Blues" no mnalon,' isI A D broug t h Cud TOI 'Reci r Iti iont abanc For Some Young Men Pay, Deputy Reeve OÜ tise inst day fo'r the payment o! _P04 and dog taxes thc Towis Council' Mondaýy nigist debated tise, Iwisdons of applying tise penalty il Ievery case, whlch :was decideci at tise* lasI meeting, to be sunsmoneci to -appear ln court. j Dcputy-reevc William Davidsoni cxprcsscd. the view tisat ma Lyo f c s axbewere, young mn awbo wereý supporbing familles, or con- r tributing to tiseir isonmes la suLcis a manner that le! t thern littie bo pay odit li poil tax. "Tise youssg mais who is eansestly rying 'to lhlp inr bise home -and is unable Ici pay thseS poil ax is worbhy of our considera-s tion,". voiced Mr. DaýidsoI, _I don'tr oth tatio ns th~ là C OnWa lUIIW ILNu Field Secetary anid Lady Demonstrator At The -WmnaInstitute you lia espec 1 o! p ;' but consol un. cicr ob whole lhme: est Illu lay11 sented ýday ni tise er -to f a Phi ton-,, ,nt ,: ---j 't .tei a ma k ~the sai NeVer : tink Il e gaule la ereci $10 Lts, the )ut Uic -I ,s, and lh ilmin hiei Ilsey car v. and t ntinueci q 6100D SHAPE Trees. Planted Irr hi i marbe t he shopping lic Tues"iy ,i an4d disftibut laIWlon am~ l'put M-M et il k 1 1 1

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