PAGE TWO THE E TRE>WHITBYCAZE'rrE & HRONICLE. THURS DAY, NÃ"VEMBER- 26,- 1936 IDI TORJALOINT F VIE w Whitby 1Guette & Chrocie pubtiow hed <ur1s Iwday moratig, by TimeIs Pub.1ý Ilskw8 Coppany tof Oshawa, Lsmitedi, C. M.. Mwidy. Prtailent;'A. R. Alloway, Vice-Preident;, Graydon M. fCodH1ýlow, Director. Amnyýhere in C.anada $1M5 a ycar ii advance; 2O a year to 1 sibacribers ini the United States oçr other Loreigo çôqntries. The date ta ..h1cb the subà crp- tion is paid is indieated on the address label. . . L ORMISTON, E4ditor ard Business Manager Telephone. Bell, 23,-Retidence. 359. WBtTy, THtI1D4ýy, NOVEMBEIL20 1930 Time For -Action. On -' Relief Hoapitclizato Son. startling facts with' regard,' to abuses ti copnection witb the hospitalizA- tion of!-indigents in the Côunty of YôÃ"rk weegiven to Ontario CoUnty Couneil- oit Friday by men who- have made a careful, Inveotlgation ad came armned Wlth the~ fada. Theue faett, in our opinion; ahould <iYga Otario County Council at _t4 janu.ý ar>' session te appoint eîther a whole or part-time Iflspector or supérvisr, Whto wlll i âlItal hospitals Into whieb id!get in thle -cowity are snt, and get -al PU&- alile IWonoation concernlni them gas hait 'béeu Mue ip York, where, *the' Councit no ileu 'tlwi 15,QOO tte icoun-. ty or, $80,000 te the coÃœnty and inunie#ipai. tit wue saved In ten m<nthe. t han coat ,tihe tounty of Ontato Q*and î *-Minor -y1unicipaities eaally e25,000 i~ -yearfor indiîgent relief..Bi pse On, satbrd a 3a4totalýed ever $,00% an tlirs wçrê demandi for more but tbhe PuiU ,reepudiated .thern. [t m:ay be, 'of course,,, ihtthte conditions -$ound. to _exitt 'in, b%pftal&- where York County ýpatients wemreà dout 0 ot exist so far as Ontorio, çoWitypatle>its are conc.rped, but In the laue of the staggering coat te the taxpay- ers as revealed durlng the past fe* years an Investigation might serve a goed"pur- ' * supervlsG i'in York County, Dr. Céokee à man o! mny years' med!cAd prac- tic., toli Ontario County Couniil that i liInvestigations lie foun4 that two >"eut of ev.ry ten patients, or- thlrty pe ent. oâfin lstal "and cbarged- te the ýÇ6xnty. ul York sliould neyer have been ' aere i uztI ulo that In oeeinstance, there wis a delay of tive days lu perforin. Iag an operation on a patient whlch courd have, been1-prfoined the day on whMeh thi patient was admltted .oth,,,=aes pati. enta Wère kept fi hýsial ecue there wa~s no other place for theni te go, whiles In otheraralites 'who were theinselveson relief and struùg1lng te get ýalogw . net -tee anxIoùe te have. patients ýreturned from hospitals to add te thefr burdens. In, the* latter conction Dr.. Cooke, eniplas. lied that if home conditions o the indk- Sent isick were known sooer, niuch could -» dons te -givê help through sonie aotst- service agency and thus, ut dowin hoasui?ý F t extent wt q so! -the- rofeasion. In these days ýwhen the on doctors are se very great, It Wè wondeted at that'indigents n JU were sent te hospitals where d Set Wae whliçh they, could neyer pay ýori,,at home. A system -of o! doc-tffl and -nurses, for zuedi-' maisng eà rx, ln certain types of s advocated, 'and we !raMy. rbe- titIs qsteni could be g-n than tirose of any othei ~ hve i.e turtng tue paat.!ew *acute ln. -Ontario but ôther1 counties, and, In eur opinion, it should not be o#erlooked. Lookir.g at the- problem from still an. Ot.#her stan'dpoint,'The G. y ý1azette and ÇChron-. Icle belie>ves that'in0ntriê onya a een ouccessfully d'one ln Yorke~very et-. tort shouid be Inade to'recover hospitlià a tion costs from indigents as soon as they find- work -and get on -their feet a aini- ancially Such a MioveW1411 cave money but' mnost importantýof ail work will help people to ,regain their self respect. and -independ- *ence-.their mora-if u will. New ..Econornica- Fa iry Ta le Prgress is 'a Wily maid wvhom m en pur- sue infrO>quentl rand only-lu the haunts o cequYercf Lt çloes seemi strange that this enstwhile niaiden -Who hideà .andretudrth Portiçôs of -rèligion, scijence, and. art in th.-- mansion o! enlightenied -humnaity, 1 el- dom Sought for there, ti !act she would be mnistakeil fQr a -hstt mpsdyet ù the co~yr o! ýcommerce sehi thronee bulît by mn, built 'with theught ef perpetuti allurement. *Commerce or business ta niistaken te çxpect -progress te sit on their thrnu- n >udful o! the attractions under "the po.lô.-nfact, ?rog ress.has -athrone unorea Ortcoand holdâS court for ait wh oineet te pay homage. ft a tu, the- throne o!: economica tha t nlanY Pilgrimns o! late-bave corne, be aring .not gtfts o! g9old ,and. franikineuse, 'but- 'burdened down wtth nxyrh----the myrh of econpnuc maladjustmnent. .If. you would knowlb. onsituets'o! this bitter offer- ing, . unemapîcyment, erty at ignorance,, diseaseU, banlcruptey, . ncreased" tag*tlono. lowered inc' e andterbtn herbs. Yet- this bitterest o! bitterpoin l otlied lu - vessel o! prectous metal,- rihyaçorned antIsupérbly Bllaped. if you would knýow, the metanad air- tigtS that have. createdtiswndosveà r- sol, they« are, wealth for ail, balance o! .Pro-. duction and distribution,:, control o! lu- dustry te tue advautage- o! ail and net -the- few. -public health insu;raike, cqutrol o! fin- ýam n 4 citdrettby the, S#tte n t O- trol. ot the State 1by Finance -and Kr*edit and otherpreclous elemients whose secret- anlysisý are )cnown te a !ew. If en 'would hear rlddle o- yorn wtll béai Prplgrep 86Y.tO the ?rt ns.."empty eut. tue vessel of the bitter contents and f111 it' with the. substance whereo! it ltmade., that, alMay partake 1,' itabut, thi'evlce. o! Progresa echoing. In the. peuco o! Econoinica, bulyuw MYý it 14 le the !ancy, o! the _wr iter- O)q4ýusrO' la athro-ne ilu the courtyard - ~~tiiain~ogrssif ýyou, insist upoln yet pave science, à let us chu gara, a b on the al 'o! freedel ~-Frot capacl"ty, 11w-nul futility oi we ha te tempt, hardt vu If Lyo,Ç hbave you wll ceJe Cana"in other tlm Young Man -Chane Hii Mind ,,Were ope o! those pensons who' .dthe radio the other day te sooth' 3 and mental itch, and you acci- [aletI the Canadian Club- luncheoin ital iteh ýbecanie a bealtby attack provotative* atatenwnts-..-tbat 1la Ne of thought-as 1theset s sued >m the Iuouth o! thespae, ew wealth hait beeni accomplished, rtY, and . selfisbness prevail-If s 4aUdlÇaPPèd ti the old setting, ffla,,-.Deânocrac-y bas been lag-. wjtyeçonmic ycte fas put it nt"-Dur task- is the -preseration imtiug achange-o! economnie KM- natural -wealth ..we bave ,th*e boproduce more -thanwe produce 'Under the Issu o! of it- 1lissez-faire bas been proven-" Pe th&t. eunoush bas been quoted, You te ask If 'jini Bi ck o r Aber- s at the microphoe were eue that did'net chance te ar inu une lwith the radio, we, the air, b y 'ammounçlng -that, ôur-: Cl* luneheeu speaker waa noueý 0 thè'UMp Major W. D. Heriitlg,' inâite .,pienipotentiary te the, ;te$,n1*d Dviar and brother- tbenut luother: ent ecrinimic state of Canaida -in an im-, partial ligIht., OnceaccoPlished, this difficultmna feat changed'for -MajorHerig i h course of thinking-he emlptied out -th .e old wine, and..poured in new ivine. As was to be expected,"the bottie exploded-and ex- ploded la public. You mnay ,not agree With the quality and- quantity' o! the ie that MajrRr ridgecrished from the grapes of thought, but isý it not worthyý of- admiration -that Miajor -Herridge. attempted the -task---ad- vertiged the res uits inýd.the simple form- ula-"'By al menssing o! frebdombut do a littie work on ber part on the aidé.", Rolling Back to Prosperity - GCanada's annual motor. show bas cônîe and gono, but it'bas 1efthi tc wake, -as'en eutconteof the showing- of the 1937 mod-s well definêd visions o! a grae Ivit l thé e industry- than ever -before. The show prov ided a -convenient and colorful setting for the manufacturent to acquaint thè Pubi lie wvith the newest môdels and w on-derful improve-mentin lumechanical details, eas well as luxunieus trimmings, accesore o h comfor t -and convenieince o! those who de' sieand need this form of transportation. The industry bas been looked upon,: and .Iudeed the *manufacturent th'emselveaà say that it hait been the steadying' influence *Which haî; paVed the way te economhic re- covery. The enthusiasm showu and the numnber et c ales -made at the shýow may>. be taken as ? cdean indiqation o!'-the state f the public punse and the: willingness toi open the purse. The automobile- may be said te have long since. pastcd eout. o!the luxury class'and 18 an actual necessity., Wben, eue views. the lucra tive employ-, nient given to tbousands of Canadfians net only directly but -indirectly through allied industries,. it is' underctood themonre clearly just whet'sucb an tndus'tr à eas o0h nationais a-whol1eq.. Then t>ere> la the tour-, lât traf!ic, made 'possible \tbreugb 'better cars and Iow*er, pnices than ji former yearS, and'this one item alone mieans millions c ýf dollars iowing tntcq the, utr. Lt was truly a great shQw, bu t tl geat- est show. from the .indusc',rial point of. view,. and really froni a national peint o! view, ir, the spectacle o!fh thousaudit o!new cars that wilî soon be rolling 'âlong the highi- ways and byways of our fair country, tin-- dicating inonesmall.way that'Canada ila -reaily rolling back te an enviable eeonomlc:, position. Legislate Them Off the Highwvay-s T 1here 1sne age lîmiitt the cars which are perrmitted te take their place among the rolling thousà nds on the 1htgway. Under present conditions as long as the cylinders function, the wheels turn, thé,' gears mesh, and thebrakes abl 1e- to stop the- car the worst old ruin- that- longs for- a. place on the junk pile ta allowed te- rer main ou The highway se long as the neces-w ,ay license plate; la attached.- for the flodest soin o! $25 .and even as low as $10, these instruments whic h prove a nuisance and even, a bazard ou the roads tan be picked U at niany. used car lots .47 youngstera seeking a thrill-+most ,of theru-,beîng ,irresponsîble.Froin thenè e tbey m4ay go forth to.add te the'records, o!accidenà ts and eveu deaths oun'thé high- way. Wbtgood are -stream ni-es, loating- power, !onur-whleel brakes, lcnee action and' al'the ether gadgets and marve1çfsae - y aud'iconvenience 1with which t7e manu- facturera bave bewit ched the" public, tu the al tee, short -moment when the proud owner ef a, eleek. new automobile -tries vainly to avoid a,,.brakelesa relie, driven by an ail too -careidis youth or irregpousible person, wlich ibears, down upon hlm"? Whrt, chance« bas a'pedestrian in lice cruisacs Saety campaigna mean leus than, noth- ing,,when.brakes -are-.gone, -whenlihts are !atuty suid steering gear Unriellable. 'The littie plnk pillado! hujman: appel have had s»Me desird effeet on. tbee atliy niotor-, iat wlth an ayerage mmd,> butalag ds of -physic a.dministered from u n'ÙPrk A4#roUgh the chneio eltainWoud helpid he tanaôrtatien systauo mn ,,,- eslrable elenienta. There .would be teé Motoring - beadar.hes, less - farnily heait-ý breaks, lkeis accidesnt an& death recordif 91rele~I rt e museuni were r.- i.gaf4 to the.-limbo otf £rgotteïthIns in, aletter vdt the Peterborough Exai-, mer recently a Young -man gives indication that he -doubts whether it pays., to undergo along period -of discipline 'to attain-'lhigher educa:tioli, ln view of the .fact thiat the. reýý .-,Wards* today are negligi.ble 4fter that edu- In hic letterto -The Examfiner-the youîîig Muan says in part.- "I find thaa number of boysý with wbomI1, go to sehool and wlio droppec out a, went to workanu- ber o! years ago are ýma king ori ta Ican get today, although luin y train- ing 1 npent a gooçd six, years.more at coliegiat.e and higher school' thanthey did. ,I think .I1arn right ln saying I have, a better education than they, but they have j obs-'atwichtheymk more than I can cee lunsiglit lu any- thing I havetried so far."1 - heview o!th!$ young man is the view ýheld by thoucands lu bis 'position.. Lt has always been the casethat a man with. edu- cation bas:to waitsomewhat later: lu life until he can get properly- under way in the' Way o! reaping.returû*s-froni bis ,edu- cation. 1'his is more true today, than it ever was before. -Witb restricted emp!oymen! the' extent o!. the time in',which rewards are reaped* from thisý'educatioti us longer * than.ever. Lt la a situation thati Unfrt unate. Difficitt as, it i tt es to a e it lbas, nevertheless,-t-o be-faced Their Lot Is Not a Happy One Few people, we feel sure, realise tbe dif- ficulties, that contrent ýpolice officers to- day in .brîn'ging to justice those who are .guilty'o! crime.. The" motor car bas added to their, trouble' l4nosml1 part. While -the advantagelu urban centres lu favour o! the ciia hsbe eue by the introduction- o! short waveý radio, the motor car. bas -placed the thief *far lu advance of the cQpistâble.lun the rural area. A few weeks ago a large number ot journals from freight cars were stolen in Port Hope. A niatter b! a, weeék or so later the sanie the!t was perpetrated lu Cobourg.: No c'ues were left by tho se-responsible and there was little if any chance o! those re- posbebeing apprebenided- when the thefts were. discovered. The. tact' tbat -the thieves us$ed a motor truck aloôwed thein .The.adoption -of ýthe.-mot9r car .by cr:M. mpals as. a m feans of travel- permits them to carry on. in a manner that w as un- thought of a. few . years ago. Leaving a large city Iwhen darkness has fallen; the thief -iâ,able to: travel distances well 'over one hundred 'miles; ,rob. a store or a home and StUR be back at his home .ýwith the goods: well hidden before dawvn. Another -problemn facing officers of the 4a a rogt to the attention of the editor recently w hen -in conversation with a« provincial Constable. The officer 8stated, that-it was his xerience that sorne people would. not tepôbrt the loss of farm produce- or ý-oods because. they -were of the opinion that the 'police _would.. be,. of nio, assistance to- them. -In Sonw instances týhiS resulted' m, goods being. recovered by the- police that were never claimed as no one ýidenti- fied theni. The police,* he .said, had Po idea where ýthey had ..been taken from -even ethough they knew them to be. stolen. It. wod apartattegoyernment 01 tLhe Province would- be Well advised to-estab- lish' a iieries of short, wave police, ra dio stations atsttec points.- Through. these stations police officers .could carry on a. two-way convers ation .with. other centres' .and s*o assist materially in the> arrest of criminals and. the. reduction, of ýcrime. As it is at present police depar tmfentà have to circulariz7e other centres> wItb information rearin solngooda. -If radio: .weère used this information could be broadcast at once dat, the dispoWai.o! officers tliroughout the provinoe Within a matter of houri in- stead,,cf daysP EditoiaNoet The long ýmootedIscrip ioney for Orillia Vent into operation last week. Most of the scrip wais. t i IckIie.5,diîes snd 'Iquart- en,, moiôt :of the stoies accepted the "Ipaper -: iu !cur ency o! the irealm. -ozne ýA lderm an ý,says, " at a d î e " 0 course lhe ýrneant w.ho-ô- 8 it will be holding -the bag wheUn i ail. over. fÃŽRADE, C( REVEAL.C Favorable Tracte Balant *Greater Than in Pea *Year of l929-Upswul Has Been Graduai OttaWa, Nov. 24.-After: perusil the figures compiled by the offi ,.f the Department of Tracte ai Commet-rce, it doesn't require ai stretch or the Imagination to unOLý 4tndtat Canada is emierging fiù her econg9mîc clepression. Moii after month, increases ail along t! lie have been nioted and during tl past 12 mnonths Canada's total tra( Is almost double that. recôrcled f the 3'ear 1933. The. f avorable tra( balance fer the past year was $368 000,000, and the volume of trade greater than that f 1929. The. minerai production . of Li Domninion for the year wil be mnuc larger than iast year, when it nw apprxirnteîy$312,000,000, the igi est-on recoxid. High Gold Mark G oid, production alene xwill1 worih $133,00,000 tarother i mark> this year, as agalnst $115,63' '000, iast year andi. $102,500,000 t year before. Base mnetal production and expoîi in October were greatet' than in an othernontli in history. *Production of steel ingots to.uche a new higli for October siii,,e 192 andi the saine is true 0f ,pig iron. Newsprint production this yeui eý ceetis ail previous records. In Octc ber, 301,106 tons were produceci, th f lrst time the output-lhas exceeci 300,000 tons., nIports ofc crude petroleumn wer grater in October than in any otic morxth n history. Canactian il cor panies' imiporteti 158,75 .000 galions. Electrie power output was ereate in 'October than 'in any previou month. For the f irst ten- months of thi year te index of commnon - stoc prices was 28 per cent. highier thai last year; mlifing stock prices 23 pe cent. hlgher. Nickel exports are 21 per ceni hlgiser than iast year. .Inclustrial Improvement Manufgcturing production gener ,al sos a mrovnent of1 . awcotton imports are up 28 pe cent., new5prlnt production is Up1 per cent.;- exporta of planks ai BARGAIN Frein VWHITB' OtýrAWA MOr $4.3 5 ,$1 STE. ANNEI tickets gooci ieaing Toronto Il. Nov. 28 eý RETURNL Tickets flotgood on train. lea ieaving Ot TO THE MAU Ail Canadian Pacific Ail Stations on Donion- RETUI Leave Nova Scotia pel L . eai e NewBrunswickp Not good on train le ?'SAFE - Dl1 FOR TORONTO L A.M. P.M. PM. 9 .55 c 12.40 6.40 a7.30 1.40 d 7.40 8.40 a 2.40 9 .40 10.10 3.4o0 'd 9.40 11.4 0 a 4.40 ,< 10.40 d dI.4o b 11.30 a--dafly Sun. ç-Sat. oniy. Copie" of tihe new time tables COMBINATION HOCK * MAPLE LEA TICKETSa DJ-EW'b hi he JHenri 'When you tomne soial life and eni Hiotel your bow everything worth hotel advantage tality of this fw dËe King Edwas luxuroui corfor, .wigi Romanelli' - e.dlsoC ~tn~ of L