'r'~r-~ "ixe~ - - ______ -'i wn SIs1 'TH1E WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, NO#EMBER 26, 1936 ropety o Be.Used ondustrial, S1,00 for E Pierry CIaims nefitted From Against The Dthat CountY 1928 School i - brougbt 'in on >on, li County rmlittee 0on Edu- SOf $1,00Gb. pald !d of the village of >t "unýforseen and ss in connection was defeated Iscuhalon when a Eig crie 2 bvole 'e Vil- tion ln om the oIn aIc- by thie cotinty on &o- [cation o! county pupilsi o! years, but uncdlleat.* error lu' the village ducatiori, was recalled, e members taklnà the egrant reconxmendied te s'as 40 help meet thee litigationlflstead of aid Board in meeting its culional expenses which le,. under tue Hlg» on a two'-thlxds vote k7l the Ooiùscil, mendation o!the. Com- nucatiosi . whlch wss omi the report was as L0reas certain represen- been mnade by the 1 of tJis Village of Port Penn al ff ýy vote ci th ucîl, s by-lai t 40 the ll 42, grantlng t t 1,000, sudrle to include th levy for 1937.' OpenL 40t nake th est.d, th. doc b erry t40 ma cgaliy sble, t~o gîl ScbQols Act. At 4h e w0arden sald, th statemnent showin condlition o! th Letcher, reeveb !lgured most proxr liscusalon, aÉnd fin support tue rmotio reco=iendatlou !o e report rateer thau ýrs divlded oni14 an Lig Whch perhap s favor of, dld no rnatter would agal re the Council. à esCwam Ralnh Mowbrva O ePort .ducation Was by County Clouncil- be bad symipatby1 with'Nhe village In thatl t had lodtout a4dbad to pay consiclerable'lu la1v Lourts, the oundilout'o! the goodnessof its heart, for, alter ail that was what the grant, if paid, would constitute, could flot inake 'a gran.t to. port Pérry wlthout aiso..doing sometping for Plckerlng. Re contended-J'at trustees of the Plckerlng school sec- tions bad mnade personal represen- tatives to, the. Educational ébommit-' tee but nio'grant had been recorn- mended. Urged To Take Actioný eve W. M. *Letcher, of Port Ferry, told thýeCouncil that the Schoibl Board at the flit 0f the yeardid flot.make any provision for iaw suta, but found Itself li an un- fortunate position at the end of the year. .The Board, he oplned, .would not get away wthany, thousand dollars as a resuit -ot the court ac- tion. Reeve Letcher contended that many, members of the Councl urged Port Perry to go, on with the court action, beflevlng that It wouid, clear- up a -situation. wich bad existed for corne years wlth respect to 'the payment of sohool grants. IlWe went on wlth the action> and we lost,"$* Reeve Letcher, stated,. adding, that bad the Board been offered *1,000 corne months. ago,4thé action wouid. neyer.have gone to court.* The, reevtr o! Port Ferry told the Coundil that, by a slght error the village.Board.of:Education had, been depriveil of $1,3811forthe year 1928, owlng by the 'county for, the educa- tion of county puplinl Port Ferry, HIb 8cool. "We ralsed this amount from our ratepayers but'the County neyer .paid, It bacis to us, and If It bas flot been paid -out It sbould be. stiui lnithe treasury,e!.hç deciared, addlng that even lu the face. of this, the Board waa ask.lng for much less. than this -amount "hen. It found, it-' self lu flnancial dlffIculiles. Of Value la the 00mai47 es "The judgment o!- tbeCourt has e, been o! ,value 40 tue County o! ýOn- )h tarlo lu tbat, it has *cleared Up, a ie situation wbich-has been the boue 61 ,w contention for some, yesrs -and has th cleared -up matters for ail time to to corne,"Reere letcher -cliamed, add- l- ng that he feit thaï;t4h.eunyhà dý la benefitted at least to, the extent o! optwo thlrds o! tbe $1.000, Reeve. Reesor, 01 Pickering, stated aethat Port Pegxl went to courg-,wlth orIts action Againat tue county despite ete- advice obtained by the Councli ty frpm.- an erinent -legal authority iu Tororito thatit had no right o! ac- attioni agaluatt4h. County. BRe feit le sorry for Port Ferry, he stated, but tg Pe feIt that the Townshin o! pick- aseilngshoômld alscpiaýve tome cO"i'd- eratien If a grant was glven te Port h ery ve Reeve Letcher stated test ln fut- lure th. Ceunty o! Ontario weuld. cave hundreds o! dollars on account 19o! tee Supre me Court iudgmeut, le"We bave spent a. thousand dollars W~taklng about this question for tue SPast three years. You encouraged us 40 proceed -wte tee court ýaction,, ire a voe the gease but tee county basl '~beneltted,» the reere declareci. Tr'lh. rlght o! 4h. cgunVt 40 make ntee grant to Po0rt FPerry w as cought Ld by some members o! tee counicil, X mnd County Clerk and Solicitor Don- >t ad R. Ruddy read tee Act ýwhich: In Permits tee Counicill e- grant- by a- two-thirds vote aid t0 any. sohocolý board lu tee county, for te- maint- D! enance o!f Its educational zstem.. it "If you are granting' the. $1,QOO 40 * Port. Ferry for lair court, you are is ding a ,dangerous thing, but If, yeu ±t are glvlxig' it'for, furteer miniten- es auce youi are withln your legal xe rlghts," the solicitor stated. r ftve WlUtiam Parrot,.o! Reach n Township,. entered luto a lengthy re- f view o! tbhçstpsl1eadlng 14p 40 tee h court action entered byPort Pefry * against tee county, wben he was * called upon- by ,Reeve Fred-'Rowie, le <Cottinued on page 7) HomeofWhitb y-couple Marri cd Fo r 6 Yers ]a th. very amodest home ahown above, Mr. and Mre. Thomas -HIaies,. irbo'on Mo nday -next, oveme 30th, wil have been, marrietd for 64, years, have. liv ed for. over 30 years. The bouse is, on Garden Street, and* the aged couple find much to do. t o »employ théir.-t ime. Mr. Hawes tales au intereet ln his- garden which- interest is also shared by -Mre. Hawee. Y EU L a*ENUMthe Ministerlal Association took car e wfILUnte .. .h W ll. of al denommnations in teCut Home but Roman Ctois Warden John Low asked Governor flh.nrve-110 d E nv rs r . James Read .how 'many Roman lu th nnu ers ry Catholic inmnates were in the Hlouse and the reply was that, there were D~L tie, three of whomn were al e At- Bo hS r ie o u d y fgo out on Sunday and attend mass SO V C S i'irnthe, church.. h retoA came when be w'hýý.sent for, it waýD Big Family Service Planned meetings were- held by these pion- stated. eesof Methodism in the old sec1hoci Whiie some mem?èrs o! the Coun- foir Morning. While. Ail j fIseut. the Bay, in thie "Free cil feit that any. c ntribution made Organizationg -Wil AS- ýChurch" 'uptown which was- then lr in steriy fa srvices s.nhd od b 'used hI. turn iby other congrega- inewyet asrant, andet semible in Eveinrg and tions and- inter ut.the Mechanics' quarteriy paymeta ecrmne - .nstitute. ercino by the Committee, thie'recommrrencl- ation- was passed, and the Mfinister- BeS*.iy Seated Since the rcinô the Taber- ial Association is now on the Côunty Chârc 1bâ nteretingnacle, the foliowing* ministers have pyyolî. been -stationed here--W. H. Laird asayetWÃ"%. t2 yrs.>, John Shaw (2 yrs.) Sae Pame. i ..r Hitoy ng whose pastorate Whitby was re;è Interviewed by the Gazet and 'fe nlrrar srics aldced to tWo appointments, Whitby Crril to-night on-the stand' Whitb Unand Almond.s, wti 190 -members.-taken, by* Reere Johnston Can- WtbUlted Churcis wlll be held In 1881 n.HretSarrc ire igton, Rer. H. EMer Green, Pres". on Sunday next, both mornlng. and thé charge (2 yrs), and was foilow. ident o! the Whitby Ministorial Às- evening, when the mnister, Rer dbv.R .ouhy( r. sociation, declared that« hdtook the Russel-O'Brien, will preacli. .At-il p <by aN R.D..luhb (yrs. J. view that the minister e! the gospel la.m. there will be se a1 FamilyP.Gra, i'( yÉ5,J .wsiéue I h srpua e speci ~ Ockiey, .(2 :yrs.), Robt. Cade wsl-lde u h(3rptrl1e Sirvlce, and a't .7 pan. there Wil yrs) Thos. Manning, B.Aý,. (3 yrs. I claration that the labourer is worthy be a gatliering le! ail orgtnization .A ciri, .. 4ysVof hi liore anid 'that inasmuch a o-the Churcb, each -having a1 spec- HNEmAry (4 rs.), D. . Coe (4 miise lived. through the preach-, lai pew section. The Woclville Il..1 ng of thegslh aenieà t g e gosH.eM.h. was entitieds to Maie Quartette .willl» sing at bothys .M allg( r.,M tale whaterer money was, comlng te E. Sexsmith,' B.A.., LL.B., (4yr.,unfothwrk "If Mr. Johnston. 1While the hlstory o! MÈethodism ,H Fi 4 r.,W. J31 TucktE55 ý-be1,o 1Ãerving andpatriotic, ln Whitby. and district date sb ack BA ),(1 yr.) , F. H. Howard,, why does hie not, turn over to some for: nearly a c entury, accercling ~ST.L (4 yrs.). It was during the -charitable organization some of the historical records now in, the hands pastorate o! Rer. . H. Howardc money he earns while sitting as a o! officials, it.is.initerestinig to re- that the addition. was, made to. the member o! the Council,> Rer. Mr. cali that1 the fine buildingnwhc schooi room, and the church tast- Green stated. thie anniversary -services O! 1936ilrecrte truhot are* to be beid iras bult in 1876. The Conference' of theý 1924; a-i 'nTII The church was later enlarged gir- pointed Rer. A.Maei Irwin, lng more. acconmmodation for Sun-ý B.A., B.D., to Whitby; and lai 1925 rtu 4N 1 A u day Scbool and ether cuh'ac- Rer. Edward Turkington, froni St. Andrew's became -Associate A T N [R Frmany ycars prier to, the' Pastor, and continued until the end erecétion o! the present church ser- o! the -Conférence year, March 3Ist, vices were lield in thË Wesleyan 192& Tabernacle, Whlch was dedicatod in Rer. Mr. Irwin was succeeded W ib~B~a etan February, 1857, or approxlmately 78 by.ffe e Re. A. L. Richards, B.A., J yersag. hs ubtatiibuildingB4M., who leftinlx June e! 1934 -Le ýActivities of Truck In. sthll ~ ~ o stns ttecre !Mary become niinlster of. Earlscourt su Cnte tret, ndIsa monu- Church, Toronto. He was suc ceedeci -, Townmship ment to Its builders, but it Is now -by ReV. S. L. TOil, B.D., ýwho had 14sed, as- two residences, one being, associated wlth hlm his son, Rev. occupled- by Mrs. William Dowiinie Ellsworth Toîl. The present 4-iin-. A by-law. passed, in 1925, by and tbe other by the Rer. -John ister Rer.. Russell O'Brien, .camene .cuclof!Whitby, restraih- Llndsay. It *as a very fine church- here i July.-e te Whby Fr Dpat édifice, lu Its day. In teearliér Te .huchtda i h xcellent- enthferm gingtsire ,thepâtow dspore'1857, when there was shape, and looks hopefully t e o,î& usd the tw Zno prxaneut (place o!f.worship, 4uture. lmits on Sunqay t ut eut a lire i a ca- thp- Whitby- Mio1nistori To Bs ".Paid -by Thie report O! tee Cormlittee on Couuty Property.sud Guol Manage- ment.'sWas brought befere. Comnty Cudlon FrIday by the chairmnan, Steeve Fred T. Rowei o! Wbltby, sud adopted. The office o! Judge 1)D B. Col e- maxinl be furnlshed better than 14 bas been. for sane years. Old fur- nitrem lii b. dlscaïded sud new equlpment purchased sud Intalled: -Six chairs costing $32.01escis; ie telephone table, one tray, $3.00, sud a m ardroie, 6.0 These mere re- quested by the judge,'together wlth a Chesterfield suite sud a rug for tee floor,, but tise Cà uncii, a!ter- corne dlscuision, declded to defer 4h. purchase o!f4h.chesterfeml and rug for tee present, on accouxit of-4hée expense, lnvolved. The Cemmittee reported that a new desk had, ai- ready beefi purchaied, ,venetian blInda instaied, and 4he.room com- plutely redIecorated. Two typerilters wMlib. bought, oe :for th.* dephty-sheritt'% office, andi on. for'the office o! tee.Crown Attorney. Tota cost mli b. *289.00, wheu allomances à xe d.ducted for tee existig machimnesd the Un- derwood Company wmll a5150 repair- - uttout chalTge tee machine itee County stenegrapher's, office. 'T0 replace stove which basse mauy years o! service lu tee County Horne. for th. Azed, sud whlch is xiow.omplete1y morn out, a -new' stovewill be ught after tenders h4v*- -been recelved , !rom varlous stvýdae Tus. Oomttee reported test Iu MeuetIon, wlth 4he reports o! 4h. Mà Pect0r -of Prksnud Public CbazlmW andi of the Cirtd Jury, -Spof threcommendations Imade In a ar, ze Jpoperty Uo.r pn iv1 o! Oshaira. The firemen under chie!, SSOC tu WM. HIeard .stepped at. the eâsteriy, lai As ocaton -o re 1 herIôw snd watce e A - ~ ~lits tho!te u * Flrè ChIe! Hleard sald: "W. can't OUfltV m~~~flhIfliflothefire truckeete tw ie eut prison f -the. mayor or reere and- it iras up te Filiay -te l n InstitutionS telephons, te get thé. permission. The- ty car iras net badly destroyed, oniy thse towed away te Oshama. Oshawa hâs had already been carried eut and an outfît te go outslde *o!:th. clty,> ethers were being recommended.- the -Whitby chie! sald. "Once -b.!ore The Cm te recemmended me helped te put eut s truck fie that the County.,Treasurer puy te and we got the dicliens.", the- Whltby- Ministerial Assoecation -Fred Reme, reere o! . the toWri, ýol 1 h. sum . ft.*26.00 quartçrly for the the reporter chiat- "we have, caver> services they -render to the hImates. many a man's. barri and we- didn'c o! tee County Home sud . Jail. orven get thanks or any remuneratien. Action Critied for 14. The insurance on our fire- -Commlerclallzing religion wass hat 'trucks, doesn't ebtain outside of<te Reeve G. B. Johnston,- o! Canning- temu linilts. ton, -called 4 h. - reconunendation. Town Cierk Jack Pro st said that autberizlng theTreasurer te psy 40 the by;lammwas passed in1926after tee Whltby Minlsteniai Association thse fire departrient had hèlped put $26.00 quarterly ior -4h. services they eut. soie fltres outside o!* the tewni render 40 the imates e! th. Ceunty mad did net get*paid.for 14. Home. for 4h. Aged- and th. County Gael . Thé services had reference to religius services Sunday .and "v N o Relif Fo throughout the week.. Reeve -John oR le ô stn tae' ha, ethought that e, ~ th. miniters Itee name o! Christ- )X I Onh là nlty -spid o! humanfity should b. WMIlnglo minIster 40 those .aged, To't people" whom in e. County lociled oWflOle v ity after withot .seeking psymnent for ame, Palrticusrly *mWhçau>al -o! the demoninations 'mere uoltrepresented "We bave gene on tor clx 'montha lI teeAssociationi.-"The coul O! ýandi four meeks wlte practically- no humanlty, ]t seeis, must' b. xnull relief," stated Mayor' Albert Jack- .,ad vold uniess teere* Is s afé. for sou ut a specl meetiug >o! the. tee effort .40 aire tesat seul," Ree-ve coundil called Mondsy *niglet 4 con- Johnston sadded, suggestlng that tesider wluter relief.. ,"eaecmng Couci mlhtpsy the money over 40 a pitvery seeil hetew come terwsy.inasmnuch as 14 looký_ bave 40suplyouapeole'mi fuel, ed .frlom the sY <teeh emeu-or elsethey wlsfe fromis 4he atibu- mas, worded test te- ConcBl cold" Was.,,paybng ..teie.- nulisters -,.for After uoSldraldiscussion,' the serIe -Is. Ia> thst If Atecouncil - nstructed -e-Rle en broterhod !man does net ez- mlttee t40 purchasea carload'o! woodý tend 40 te-"e aged -people -mithout for relie!..dlstrlution., - 14maessug- a !nà nla 9osldraionthe tese ges.edbyCouncMirWilsmn that pfflple' who, advocate 14 are not Ulv- co6ke -h pùr.chased isteado&fWood, Ing Up to 1," Reeve J Aiso e- but, the. majorlty of. te. romcl ciared. - expressed, tee viem that mood '*as Reeve Roie, o! Whitby, Said that fMMreeconomical sud' cevncli, - ONT. -EXHIBITORS_ -WIN AT 'ROYAl Horses, Catie and Sheep .Among Best in th" Dominion Industry Now in Op In Outsido, Pla Sae Brought to W Sl'of 'Former' Richardson!'ings Ontario flounty exhibitors Who Otide m t11 <~ plenty irere successful i inlgaiards s a propel at teRoyal Winter Pair included cern Announced-Naxne1 and p the-foll*ipg'in'the varlus lve-Its Io the'fllwin i te arluslie- of Purchaser Not IQi8-1cerni stock classes: coe h ;5biorthorn,*Cattl-Two aias for sa progeny o! ohie dami-BeaUx Parihs, Aneunemet Oshawa, 3rd. 'Breeders' herd,, Beathsaedwat smde !th'edi sal à hatisknown as the Rîch -i keepi: Farms, 2nd.- Helfer, senior cuit, 1ardson property, on Dundas Street every Beath Farmns. 3rd, oncri rnge Belle, East, by, the Corporation et the f or -ai 2nad.. Heifer, Junior cal!, Beath Town o! Whitby. The deal it îs the ir Fars, tb onVeus nd 'rreleatned,-iras negotiated thîs ireci and i bulls *yearlings or younger, Beatn- throuÉh teCouncil. . the lik Parms, 6th. . The .property, it is ieà rnIed on, Itv Cotswold Sheep-Rm t« er rellable autbority, lias been solc i ildust or over--W-. laspell and.Soiî Osh- to an outside industrial conicerui, over awa, ,lst; 'F. B. Giaspel Son, which blas been in 5uccessi'u~l op- -.Most Hampton. 3rd. Ram, one, year am ni eration for many years, andciwlicà emplô under twe-,,4, 5. FI B. Glaspel will instal machïnery in the buiici- Fojl Sen 3,W. laseli Ra Lab- ng for manutacturing purpôses and lishni 4, Fi B. Glaspeli. & son;, 5, ..w li -later moveits plant, to Whitby. calt e Glasp .eU& Son. Y earling The Company ut present empl9ys latest W. Glaspel & Son;"3; F.- B. Glas: fmrom-40 t .50 people, and is mal pog peul -&. Son. Ewe -Lamb--3, .P B. establlshed.-,The site is an ideal one ordinî Giaspel & son. Four Lamba, onefor :an industry. the ti ram lamb, thre 1e ewe lamnbs-3, F. The nature* et the industpy and B. Glaspell & Son.-.Champion Dam. the name o! the purchasers cannot1 -W. Glaspeil & Son, Qshawa; re- b icoe ttepeetie serve, F. B..Glaspell & Son, Hamp- fils Worship Mayor -. Albert W. ton. Flock-2. F. B. Gikaspeli; '2 Jackson saici this mnorning as' ne W., Glas peil & S on. contirmed -the rumor that the I llorses-Clydesdles- Mare fouioc- 1property had been sold. The mnayor Lori ed i 93-8,R.Ra Mcauhlnand membks o! the Ceuncil, it was of!ri Oshara, n Knnery Vlce ip'learned, isited the plant nom op-,. hc Mars7 foaled in. 1933-2, R. Ray Mc- eratedby the p1urchasers and were ipe Laughlin, on -WindiawEna .(imp.>; surlirised mith' its extent and the 1el-min 3, . F BatyBrokii, o Ors-class et work beinig done in it. The head 1.cent' May. Canadian- bre fea, history et the plant lias been ene ing n ed fenale, ý yeut b. any age. W. F.- Batty , Brbokliu on of expansion. Later on, the Mayor 1i h Crescent May. - said, tùrther information regardingIarea j the sale miii. be available sud w il: h WellCoutere i be giren ,te the citizens. Theîî Joan went te a summer xsort and The preperty just sold mas ir met the yçu.ý ian wlth ihem she beught. in -by the tomn a teir yeais in had quarrelied the year, before, ugo for. taxes.. and mhile it hasio a "Sorry,*" sheý murmured .smeetly, been rented, ut'times it has beeii 1 wide "I dldn't quite getj your namne."' vacant fora long tie. The hos în "I know you:dldn't,", sald he cheer- 1,1o.n -it is oet solid brick,( with 14 fully. "But. you trled bard enexggh," _Vrýoôms1 and there are soný eutbuild- everli( i - J Annou n cing. T-HE APPOINTMENT 0F DONAL.D MOT iwith premises ini te Superti WHITBY as authornzed dealersi Ei~and -as well as CHEVOLETT RUC i General Motors Products of Canada, Limited, le pie announice that complete sales and service facilities for C aud OldemobDile puesenger cars as- weIl as Chevroiet Trua now be. made available te- metoriats in aud -around Wl ýDonalId Motor Sales. --This organization offýrs a complet. service that jes s economical, prompt sud courteous.- Before you buy for 1937, bc sure to sc the noeï.NyC à .T omplete Car-Conletely New"; -the Oldsmobl .'The Style' Leader fr 13r;sd if you aie 'a truck don't fail to inspect the new, more powerful, more ci Chevrolet Trucks. Ask Donald Motor Sale,ý for full details -on the Motors Instalment Plan with its monthly paymetits. arra suit -your:purse. GCENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS 0F LIMITED ..Ontario 'r' - Oshawaý lx -i- - .JL '. - -