Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1936, p. 5

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-. - .. ~ .Y----Y :LYT ----~~2~m4:.s;::ry 1~~ Set Our Complett SSilverware, Cakce Plates,'Butter Di S~ WH] Chu rches of Wh mlverssry cf the 1f e hot Unlted Cisurcis oi4aorly lthe Meised'- WMI ho observed on Rev. Russell OMrien wû specisi anniver- sud tise Woedville wlll slng ai bots if Stewards la askingý w*ocftering of $1,200. fha 110th Azusvmy on tise subJeci, «"T Objeci, N'ecesslty.as choir wiUlslng tlie LIII Up Tistes- Bye tains," hi delh prayer, aiý7 p-m., preacis on,*,Ue subj o!tr i<ppelatiio.0 School wll meet C tise Yugmen's tu iaitishe Recteon A vas-v, li-.«'4,i Ic ~ rggais, bard4cod behating, spiendid Clcstaira. larie L erilculars apply UP FOR RENT-PR six',recuis, ail eu nas, hardwoed fi4 ;e Stock of at ýmce-pply Mrs ishea, Etc. IFOR RÉ?NT-HOUSE FOR RET, gal cenveielices-. Appiy Wle ~ ~ JBuna, 114 St. Peter St. Telephone AWA 1 haiEs te ment, party ieaving own for. a tune.,*Rent cheap. Apply Glaz. ette Office,,Whitby. APARTMENT FOR RENT-.OIJD titbyAmes IHouse, ]Dundas woest, corner 1(U Piancis Çsf- t.Cenvenlences, net heated. - 11Médîate.P0MSsien. Rent $10.06 per 'i1onth.. Land for garden ,hankqdging; j itIf desired. Appiy Geo. Dunbar, phone ad- Rewsa'&', The iDSrlS,5 Whltby, or Elgin 7667,. To- antbeM,"" M rente. whn At ei BRICKCHOUSE. DUMA4S ST. E. 0h13. ~ ~ A A 3 Alconveniences, 6 acres cf land, thle >NtO'WIU &ai-,house on Erock St. South, al soct, "Ttz àpit1iconvenlences, '% acre cf land.-,Ap. T1 S,3dYpiyM& eie Brock St. S.; TERR , ZEATED BSDROM g.',competliton la, gentlemen pzeferred, ne meula. Ap. n the boys suad piy Box 80, Gazette and Chrenicle Stmday Sohool. office. Fot, Saie FOR SALE-STAMDN(> WOOD for sale, Ash#anci Ehn-,Loi 1, Brok- d n Front, Pickering Township~ For pBrtleulArs write John Bruechle,, 207 Collège sireet, Toronto. - COW& FOR SAlLE. - CLOSE sPrlngue ansd -frosh cwpure bred and ýrgded, . teMid' and blood tested., 'Proe delivery. Murco> A. Lindsay, Ont. Telephene ._4 >'IWO Boys,'NAVY OVERCOATS. Uaed throughout, perfect condition:, ~~ fit ages, 7 *& 9-ý41.6 each, or $2.15 for tw. Apply azette Office,. >y, ai 8 Pm., on C STOVE 1K GOOD r, atl - 1 Condition, oaly $1500. Apply Gaz- Uiettee Office. M&-Wé,qur-YOUNG F106 FOR -SALE. AF- t septces. ply f. Soett, Audey Roai, Whiy.A 7 fTo- XKITOREN cABimU4'AM DoTHER, ,a4articles, hea . Tlephone. 328. vlk FO4BOAD O RSH COWS distrlit --ech car accompdWied-.by aoJiion (lt. liemitis - hari. Pjdesýtes=a1e Pt.'G. Cîï 0'rçý4,rhmOnt. Teeone- i dem wths U -4W=MrE!OVERQO4T AND Ini thêe, Ing lue V*Ildbreaker. spiendidcs~l m given te San- tien. * $l e)beo 30M. Brycu thse chtirth, reonqt ù- THÉm WHTB Az.E'1E & CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, ,NOVEMBER 26., 19% - Bownsan wes'e ouite "FrIday ight D 1R -S N-CeR'wr test"- for their Tencierfoot badge..:+..: -o.. CuVFEwrs Margaret pa:ssed,« wit ying co-iT V ~FE A v R ISIOours andi]Ruth -I.everything ex- " HI I UNITI Ààt Rent lMATTRESES AND cpWork cpat f ompsiio o à K HOS, 4éo, 1 .ýTo- gain -the Tenderfoot badge- Rev. Russel OB] floors, hot water MA~'T!oeSSES REBUILt O'- AT- each recruit inusi know, the Guide,. celiar, front and ltitely new. Feather bedsum laslue rate:cmo1ýo lawn Fo saitaz ý oidng attfsse. *Rà&S- E 'S'%rae- the 'Union Jack,, woocl craft sigi to Gaette and ers washed, stripped and nsadéýùt admie W kios bo'4.- down coniferters. Eiderdowns Iboor- FLOWERt SHOP < Iicmiukes nive i O n es, ur- ered . R easo n ai b e p rices. R ep res e na . T o m o ' RAME HOuSEý tive here now. Phono 534. 20d 121 ,.Brock-St. N. Cors. cors. Poszession 4 hbyOnt.;-A NVE StR s. E. Bradley, 512. Ntcet THORNTON'S CORLNÉFL., Nov, phonie M8 - oiet reditor ~Sunday, Nove 11 A.M.-The 1M4uustei Service. , 7P.M.-AlI organizati 'iL sented and m Thens. *Woodville Male Quai tC Cere Outa IN TE ESTATE: 0F GEORGE ALEXANDER ROSS. Al persons having ciainis'agalusi the. Esté-cf George Alexander RmPlate, ef thse Town of Whltby, Retiredt Dry Geods Morchant, De- ceased, who died on .-or about thée 131h- day of June, 1936, are4 isereby notified to- send lun to thée under- signedý on or belore the- l3th day of Deceniber, 1936, full particulârs cOf iheir cdaims. Immediately afier the said ot inentioned *date thse asses Of, thse raâid Estate wil .o .dlstrlbuted amâongst, the parties entitIo ieroo havûsg, regard only te o c ë ial.é which -the undersigned shah 'b« have--notice.' DATED ai Witiiy Ibis 121h, 4a3 cof November, 193 6, Marjory Jean Camp and Elizabeth Josephine Rosa, Executrices, by thonr Soicieor,- DUNCAN B. McINTyÊti W9hibY, QuÙtarlo. * 20e Notice ta Creditora LX TIRE ESTATE 0F B'iI. E . LUCKING Al Pçrsos baving clius againsi thse Estate of Thomnas E. . Luckl .ng, laie cf thse Tôwn'ef 'Whilby, in the CeunlY of Ontario, whoe died on or a bout, th. 27th -day -of Oclober, 1936, are re4U=ed te senci sanie tetise underslýed,,souiciIons on or before thse 2lst day of December, 1936. Aller tisai date tise assis og tise-,estate_ will. ho dIStributeçlisaving regard' Only te daims tisen filed.. ]Dated ai 'Torno, this 251h day of1 Neveiisber, AMD., 1936. -Adn ltratrix wiih wil nnnexed. IBy bër acicitera NOJMN SONMMVILLE &C~ 67 Ybngq Street, Tronto, 2. 22e N'oftce to. Creditors. ÃŽrITUE ESTATE 0F WILIA BISHOP, DECEÀSED AiU persens having clains againsi the est 'e of- the'abevo inentioned, Who diefiai Uste City -of Toronto lu the County of .Yenks on the l7ih day of- Sepicinhor, 1936,' are required *te file proof of stine wilis lie under- slgned on or-before tise 191h day qf December, - 1M. Aller tisai date the Public Trus- tee w111 proceed to-disiribute the* esate. isaving regard offly te the dlaims of wisich ho shall thon have isad notice. Dated ai Toronto ibis 19t1h day of Neveinhor, 1936. A.N. MDLETON, GIRL GUIDES (Contributed) Some cf our eider Guidés failed, te turn out last night owing to the basirebail gaine ý between W.R.S. and the Port Ferry ýteain»_ How- ever, the new recruits 'werc there, oeehunadred per 'cent.,, brlnging, aiong1 Noma Cgmpbpli for flér.f irat glipse cf Gtide 1ýre. Patrol Corners, followed by gaines and then .wo)rk on Toyrnakera' Badge 'was the pOrder. of the.,even- iig. Helen De vereIli brought in a1 coinpieted knltteci block towards' the ýcrlb caver for the Christmnas- wQorlc and many ofdbt girls -arej working towarids this end-. Margaret Stanlickc and- Ruth . TH ýE. 22.-The Sunidiy Schoolnimain- ialnlng is Very high' attendance of aPPrcximately -eue. hundred; «Last Sunday Mr. and. Mrs. Bownian de- lighied ýail by singngg a' beautiful duel, acteinmpaniied by Miss Marlon Mr. and Mnâ. Clarence Rider on- terlained ,about_.sixty frlonds and. ie nbers'of -th o T ior nto n or eS'] Home an ScioolAssociation on Friday, the thirleentis, ai a euchre party. A mst enjoyable, eenling was spenl andi the prize wirsers& wee:Iadyà - fir st prise. Mrs. Geo, Reeson; ilady'-consolation * prize,' Mrs. -Wlfred .Pasco)e; .Man 's f irst prise, Mrs. Peter, Lofihouse,.J. who usosi capably playod as a, man; mns' consolation, Mr. Billy' DreW. Thse se on f refeimenits by the ladies' closed a voiý:-p1easant even- ing. Ail thse guests expressed their agppreciallon.cf Mr.- aud Mrs. Rider's hospilality. Thse Musicia.n. (ai Wiso's musical) U -The -piano la veryiucis ut of . oul tune, sir. ., Mr. Wise-Play. somehng f rorntlut Wagner and theý wen't notice it.. u tic mi FO:RlýD V8 F0 0uacl ût eieea day o! iWhthse wh le of tise _Z d lu Casada, for e!Oftise resteration of deMts o! thse cisurcis Te-woeamount tIbe replacig of thse d ,eertaiainount ~ObJects of tise ap- 'been ralsed lu cash. ts ervice. whlch s= wiethe convegatien its" 1l gW~e thsduls for ; o the Aunual Paiahi ;t completed, sud ibis 1 alsO mark tise beginnlug aiS yean cftise minliri' 1 of tise présent "rector, ph Adye. Tisons wIU ho n of thseHoly Qomniun- 8 a.ns, and ai mornlng l tise recder will prescis ir à day, ~ ~ tPI tiemm gtpeOugist ta ar- resi attention. -Tise theme ilho "IfW 'w iad ne Cisurcis?" Noe t ta it la -a question holng asked. -The Word "Wisat"' la taken -for granted. Whai wouid'ibis town h like if -wo hadne churcisi It? WI-ai social,. moral and reslraining forces would there ho? And if ihere were -a ny, wisAt sisculd ho is orîgin? .And what.- urge, c r 1what ptoinplings wbuldho tihere?, 'untise evenlug, "Tise- Elenai Physicianà," will ho dlicuasd. "Wiso forgivotis aUl iiy InIqulties, wiso hsaetis ail tisci dis- saa, wh rodeemetis. tsi' life- frein destruction,. Wiso crewueth tisce with levlug kindues, wiso saliasfietis thy iîfewith gocd tisngs. Tisyfaitis Sas- macle tiseswhole, sud go sud'sin- ho more." Tise above willI be aseethng le tisini about aitise Bapllst'Chunch" nexi Sunday snornlng and evenlng. The Sundai' Scisool meois 'ai 10 a-m, Iuonits and eligibie fer registration. Prices reasenabl. 'ô. Harrison JVIrie-Station, 2, CABINET. ,CIRCULATION heaiers $10.00.aud -$29.50, regulat $50.00; -vacuun cisaner,' $5.00;. table radio, $4.50; console radio, e9.95; cil steve, 3 hurner'.*9.5Ã". Don -Christian Electrie, 123 -Bro ck St. S. Phono 134. W4T-YJZiG LADY, ABOT 18 years: e! age, ta taise orders for Christmas carda. Geod comission. Stan ai -once. -Apply'>i writing to Box "4A" Gazette sud Chronicle Office. OÇNE LARGE ROOM. UNFUR-ý lsished, hoated, Apply Gazette Of- fice. EXPERIENCED *BOOKKEEPER wisises whele or part-lime 1 position., Good references,,saami reasohable. Apily Box il, Gazette and Chienï- Icle. E EIEOED SERVICE'ý STA- tien attendant. Give full particu- lars te Box 25, Gazette aud Chron-' Notice NOTICE- 0F SITTING OF ýCOllT 0F REVISIONv TOWN 0F WHITUY, Taise notice- that -ihe Court of ne. vision o! -tise Town o! Witby will isold a slttlng lu tise Council Chani- ber ai 10 o'clock, a.m., on Meudai', tise 301h day of- Novembpn, -.1936, le isear and doternijue iiem appeals againsi the AssessrniRelu o!tise Town of Wiiby fer tise -year 1937. And furtiser talcs notice tisai ail per- Yons, wso *-have appealsd aglns iheir eseusments, are iserebi' me- quesieq le attend,.. Datellat Wlsltby ibis 1615 day of" Noveniber, 1936. JOHN R. FMost, Cleril, Town cf TIbey had losi tiseir- way. ln their W sud expensive car. "There's a aigu, dean; are we on- Wiis fahigiIho re4d "To "Ye,"hoanwe4. ' "r ào ie rigisi moad but ýwe 4I",tikziow the tuil ag'e ef twenty-one years, and--W British subject by birth or naturalisation, and. not disqualified. umder. the Municipal Act, or by Iftw, frein vetnig, who has pa id in fuil an inceme taxcf nôt less than fifteen dollars, uncler thé, provjÈoons cf. the income Tax Act cf Onitarie, 16S36, withln the twelve mnths next pre- ceding the last day' fer iaking coin- plaint.:te the, Judge under thie Vot- ers' Liats Act, shail ho entitied te vote at a Municipial election ini said !t unicipality, by applying te the Cierk for a oertificate, and present- ing receipt. for taxes paid. H.W. McBRIÏEN; Clerkr, Whitby Twp.* ý21c Notice TREASURER'S SALE 0F][ LAND FOR TAXES Town of Whitby, Ontario. To. Wit,- By vIrtue,, cf a 'warrant- Issued by the. May-or cf the Towna.of Whit.by hearing. date the 19th day o!. Âugnsti' 1936, a sle cf lands In arrears for taxes In the Town of Whitby wiil be1 held in the Counci Chamber at the heur of 10.30 o'clock in the foren en.on, Wednesday, the 9th day of De-ý :cember, 1936, ýunlessi- the tares and costs are sooner paid. Notice la hereby. given that the list cf landà for sale.for arrears/of taxes Is being published. ii thq'Ontarfo Gazette on the 5th -diýof Septein- ber, 1936,- the Zrd day c,'f Octob er, 1936, and en the 7Us day- o! No- veinher, 1936, andthgt copies cf1ý said lst may ho had ai sny office. Treasurer' 'O. ce, ti Dh Iday cf Auùgust., tDSO JOHN R~. FRQST,' 11-ia ~ ,. Treasurer. SALE !~L& D FOe TAXES BY ,lnT'1'JB F- ÀWARRANT -Iaaued 1e-,.the Wardeno!tise CbountZy,çf Ontario,. "beanlng date tise FIfttenth dlay- of Âugusi, 1t9360ý-4e saleof, landâ-l.arreaa o! taxes ln ths. County of ontanto, WIk,5pe, held ai tisa Co'uru Hase, WI>t by, ai lise heur of two G'locok hi-4bie- aflemnooA on tihe SeVeàtis dajr o! .Decombî,r, 19 36;anIsa th taxes and 'costs are zoe6ser ->d Notie la-bre, .-- &ven that, thse.-lsta or lasd or-ale for arreare cf taxes 1 W-beiag pub-l. lil inlaThse Outarlo ÇW&ette,-on Begitensier 5, Octobéa, <8- and' Novëinber 7,.-anA tisat,,ëpem ô! tise sald list may b. obtaliaëd ai Imi omfce. î - Tre4suÏs (Iffile, tisi, ti tst 8ih day of -september. 1888. Tregsurer, Ceunty, fo! mnlo. Mit, ,T RE New Ford V-8 for 1937 ie tise most beautiful Fordcar.ever.* offered. h a it lu inoily oua ie,*ze' - wlth one standard of. room y cen-ý fort -and moderm appeanance. But you May have, eiîher',the improveci, 85-horsepower V-8 engin for maxi- mium performance- or tihe- new 60- horspower V-8 engiefor maiu epoy Ta iherema l enginsmaes car, wlth lowyem operating costs-and permit$a atil!more, PeoPlet no isesmooilinesq tesand reli. abilitY o! thse Y-type- ,cylinder -zý - spedomaeber.? More th'an three millon owners are nwenjoylng te superior perform- ance o! tise Ford î -8 englue on thée road. Whent you drive thée 1937 Ford you are master o! a power plant tisai needa. I SEE' VOUR NEAREST-, FORD BEÂLER FOR COMPLET Two EngieSuze - One Wheelbas A:N EW ,.LOW PRICE giv es. everythi you can posi bly demand uinpe ,and acce lertion. oday it is a betuer engine than ever -,with a better cooling -System and new smooth ness.. Yet imp roved car- buetion enabls it te eliveris thrilling perfermanco with unusually .New 60-horsepower V-81 engine Theo new 60-horsepower . Y-ype 8. cyidr ngiu a lot an exact replica o the '85- excepi for size, -%Y-eight and power. It delivers V-9 a8moothues and quletneiss,-even ai sPeedsup"te 70 miles an hour-with gasoline m ileagee high thatii * reates -an enirel new, sandard of çeconomy iu modern niotor car operation.* We .invite you to sce ihîs ncw Ford -car ai your Ford dealer's showroom, and arrange to drive one equipped ýAPPEAKANCE- lamps rccesse type hood'hil -pace. Spane &RAKIS -New Easy.A4 *the càable and conduit ci of bteel froni pedal te is car momentum is used t Tests show that about D sure is reqnired te stop IOOT-Not au oun e ni streugili. Franie struct with steel panels-.-top, welded ie a single sic, -COMFOftT AN'D 011111-. gine un4er Poio fBide- ef the long. Thé Néw-- FIORD DEVEIL PHIONE 10 is now on showrq Ford Sales 'aind Service - 301 DUNDAS ST. -j hi, the 1 X ý , - ý wagmun 1 RADIO

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