Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 May 1937, p. 9

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Mayfair Needîe-art Design No. 3358 "Wîae"What could be msore appropriate to dec- arate thse towels on y'ottr "glleàsa' ~racks Eveyone who enters ypur bathroam wnul ho axnused by. these clever littIe imotifs and yau wnul ho oxceedlngly prauci of yo 'ur handiwork. There la colar and céali istéroat in. thogay gardene, the ever-pOplilar t3ottilo andl the saucy birds. Thse endsaf thse tawelâ are fin iated 'wtt hand hem stitcliing,_ Tri -e.,tîtchea u9efia are ail very e4ay ta work If you prefer, yoWa oac fringo tise ends of the tawels ina;tead-otheiattfehilg'Ë.Tisepatterci con- taing transferra a.ftise thréee laigiaiîlIustrated, color suggestionsa, detai chart, comàplote instructionls for embioîdering and fhnlshiiig. " ifll~l Sc6s cei, cacfely Iulddeis un- dfhEQ eer apue «c coleccrareegi>rh ,E8;TI-URSDAY, MAY 6, 1937. PAGE NINIi REIAREFAT TO MOTORIBTS , Royal Couple Louclly Ac-.1 0V rW HITDY claimed on Visit te Chlarch: LoidiMLO-Ti AKnga DISTEI TZ Queen mase à surprise vistt ta .wetmii&4r Abliey, liiafternoofl andloo 101part ln Ea relieucal of Part of tihe cornation cerCé555y. Croacia outtdc tise AbliY en 4t up a great-ciseer asathse Ioyal party strclerd. Tbe K hiirtadbsbat and thet Quecn nowed ln acknuW- Val liant. Motot Sal.es lesigemoOt of oc te ovation. Silo Ma- lests woce a iactt cot and a boW- ler bat. Tac QuCei toadressedin wish ta0 announcé that they have dîaposed of their Oshawa business, Dn tws-piece suit, of pale beige and a liat of the saine color timMxed ltIs and will 11W clevote ail tine ta the development of the business et iall ilowers arosnd thse brisi. Their Majesties wcre met oy-tise Whitby, with Mr. E. R Vallant personally in charge, and associated Duite of Nôrfoît., tho as Eurl mtar- sis al la In charge of tise Coronation with him a capable staff. arrangements, *The processioni froIn tise Abhey annex to thie Chiancel csf rlcanteri itte orqtla zt-Doge and EeSota cars, and Dodge Trucks will be sold and ser- land, Vibesoit Haifax.,4arl Stan- îee1dthpln ilb on eda l imsogv heu ot hope. the Marqueo. of ILondonderry, vcd n h ln ilb on ed iallmst ieteumî lis- Duiçe of Sutherand and Vis- in service ta the moboring public. Guaranteecd Used Cars. coot Sýwitn ýais participatsng. A large blackc baox earInge i n- scription 5er Maajety the Queen" waa carreS 3ilio tise A1bey sisortlY We will specialize in aIl kinds af repaira in our well equipped befoie Qucen'S2iabetts arriveS. ____________ epWar department. and a full line of modemn motor acceasories will Ii,~t.PL NNIIlbe n an d 11111PRQIRA~tWe take ibis opportunity ta thank thase wha have given us oI~QIfUL1T heir patranage since we came ta Whithy. and we trust tlîat by ex- PnLiIIJL~I S1~S pert and courteous service we can retain that patranage, and bring -io our sainmore patrons. $40,OOO,OOO Espamiion, Announc96l by W. S. Dletroit, May S&-Excpansion aiang n aiSle front ln thte autosmoilîe ini- V L I N O A E SwoIli a, iS. ex.n Prim1ent orDININSTTO dL OcatI :motoraocorporationi, an- E)IDA TTO re* tfi $440,000 Inprovernelit =u wa -ndeansionenciieimae e PHONE 28 DUNDAS & CENTRE STS. Y: hm1 finai preas conrrea 0e'ie nwu clected pcos1d9I51 of thé wortiio lamoet mtor car rgaOlution on a. M.o96u7 a . board inesttllg lit 1 Ne, York,, follatoaS a ýëattamat by à , Éelry Ford that ha 'woiid put rni- ) 109 lita siewmachuiety andS llgi- ,:'gos 80woossd lea teppe4 up by nearly 1,000 end of tis yoar, or tniUunie for thsesit of experinients, isa dea la tisat kt1 Tn goina ta iVe thei9lii liPÇ'cura a disy. bringing tise sutpUtt1t 938 siels. audden epidemics or asddei cikanhes ~ ttJon likete. 111coutity iuaMe n t we e sixdsanndoiso fturnedis De li: Me chaructef cf dhses or dts- aua," Ford sald'recenty giaiwe ls Wtrait today alter lita leetil tao>. easagraaedu 0pwcu f ~eal6 tie 5557155ê 0 et$.000 t ". exc,' liem idt. torflM.'o nresidency, predicted tisat sew Oe cf 01radiii on tise .ordtflry it0-tcrlogenerator foc lita Riveroo ,0,00no caas tila yea. .Crprieeu woldiiccease. i tise vrity 0o, germa. RecentIy 'adia- W Wislb ulmi tomilsda 10tawrls erw 8'erlsupa to muy manufacture 180- next, fe mOosttia. Ne attrilinted tisettngutsised RUaIanpsacaD. OW00moneatisihaityuc i r ise rtan10ncreaed labor and niatertal T. Vernuîaky, iproposed a norlS- ,a c h of s eis0f esruI Sotora' expa- lisilît 1,861.41 cars' n lsa. ide aurvey of amounta of radium .t asoo. Urisda mrveaiecl, wii centre 4nlonit Focd9.V -expansion plans la lit tIse soit of differecit couritrles. If i. i the Cieval6t Dtvi àlOnsi, tls theiCtise qtruictint..agtn 1,s.TisaI radioactive spots on tise radium ras iare proved cesponatlsle Mt prodllce0tthecorporatIons ,prinscil actorY On uta 840,00-acre O6uc gTartiýs srface muy toc contera for for asddesi gefecnuges, ansdlise ae prodoctesntise 1oprtce,range tlis dorauta.round lceady lias Ieen theso pread of nen iacase1gtis: propoaed aurvey succeeded. scenice A tolithol ird apecilitac .. brokeit for tise proieet ansd ord liseoryo f Dr. B. R. Spene mc isemgit have an enttrély sien nay Of Productti0fo ieroe alatd, expecta itI ta lie litopecton by lise 0. Pulieto ealtis Service. As a ce- controlling dtaseaae PROVINCE 0F, ONTA:ýRIO POWIR 5YSTiMS IN NRHR NAU (O1Prtd by the Hyclro-EI.ctric Pow. Commission 0FOtro OPERATING A.ND INCOME ACCOUNTS FOR THEÈ EARS- ENDED THE 3lst OCTOBER 1935 AND 1936 Abilbi spunla atniia e. esepi 155.5 194 n. iisog Sudbury TataS Opoe te ..su.la...... 4,1.7 9... 9,504.09 District Dar ict 81411107j2 4I4,16M16 t8704 193.5l ..... 129.01 9.9 8...... 139.00 848186S719121 36,596 030 95.51 .... 7 691ýn - . .. 911.065.93 #:10-77 S1W,827.50 s 100.827.50 St 81,858.7 str8ic8t7 ..56..529 .2.6 .7.6 2,768.44 493.13 8 3,22.22 66,515.35 - 0.*9* «.94..9 go1 $ 14179 S24,249143 S42.76.92 4.14 29,3;8.01 $14,71379 $2,236,579.77 $1679,356-01 5,63881 3,040.05 1;,242,238.64 81,684,376.06 15,925.59 12,08.83 496,823.47 419,546.0 234,405.34 2ISS997 i17Ïi,2i,601:4.5 2677,iÏ240,504.32 0,199.64 27,19.50 11,441.36 10,136-89 3 8,641.W0 837,336.3 $ 19,968.10 8 709,476.35 35,149.57 29,317.4,4. 13,411.15 5,196174 8 22z767.56 726T 1, 445,038.08 93,642.72 349,678-12 774.39 4,15 141 2.926.67 45,466.0 $1,101,273.77 34347641 369a8".41 762.9,q 1.143.19 S990,432.44 6,31142 78,114.41 46,508,48 6Ã"2,07.33 507,306 S202 11.44 5.00.23 2.926.67 42,476.21 PSNabi à ive Mr Ipl 11%we. Poinolp"dAppJmogprW1,67.- 89217 26,70,2 135.&S 23,637.65 33,M46.74 317,670-61 655.204.8. 42,4035.79 Iaauwt- 8eu-eea'Balucous. 170.5 1,148.93 9,743»65 1«.52 182 8.8 15153 3,183.2 Teeal popoici............ 8 13,332,73 829$7LI0 8279S2445 1 46-37 826,5%3.36 836,335.42 8SM955.93 $ 335,264.l8 5391.10 fl tsR4 (orG ilpi<D A MRTIkIS: 8 61067 150 UtiI ,2006 1821 4 t> 47.091.6 tS 31.054.7 S 3092 ROMTN-9927-2 tINIdGUN D " 1, ]ýAam

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