Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 May 1937, p. 10

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PAGÉ TEFN Softball Soason OPons in, Whitby With Two Gaines Coronation Day The softbail Sasl nis Witby soltballt field an"' arec satd to emn- irill open. xt tht 5TOsis Pari, 0o bracct Eomst of thtbtst, pItyr of ceonttottf Day, Wcdnesday. URtY past scasons nder otherbttmers. iîtti. wltis a, double headrr betwees 'Tht seconld game bttwetii Pirla- tur tcWns 1eagllr teas ti, is still crilit and Myrlt viii be played Die the first opportunîttl the fats immediatriy eSter the trist ont. k tcilI have thîs seeson ofS lotkisg Thest teslms arte mae rip of Ztod over thc aoftball materiel userm- players ansd xvi11 stand watthil5t, e- bled by league tramns and tht gameS rording ta iftrmtiontii rrttlttd ivlI -no doulit bt witntsaed b a eire. large crowd tin view tf thetacet that i5esen irmlntS will be the riile for thtre are not other attractionsî In tutth game. Tihe teams tutti chaoae tovri for.Wedtsesdxy afternoon, tiieir otun refereea. At ý2 oîlr the fint tome te- Tht officiai apth:isf cf tht sott- twecn Cieil Servîte tnd St. An- hall seesuin tuill not take plate for dew' wilI be tejled. Both these a few weelus ytt ai the Tovis league teems are n ew entrita ln the local set yet compitte. r SvonToams Already Entorsd in the Whitby Town_ Softball League Witiu even tramns already enter- E. Itelpîs Adyr, whou lies long baten ed, and othera eiprted. Whitby an irstercet in amateur sport tn Tavri SaItball Lexge wiii furisiî towut. Tht meting heard tise ruSes tht fans titis meny good games governint tht cruîpetitlofl for the Suie aeeto. startitig. it Is expetteit. cnp read, aiid appravedl 0f them, abantLtht 24th o! May. Tise trams Tise winner will be chostis by thte etlrd eo fer are: Civil Servants. oftlters and eueiiie, ht In St nra t ndre, picçer- rîrides tht manager af ecth trem. Iîîg, Myrile, Anglicans and East Il wux decided ta peomoto a.don- Endtrt. ble htedcr et tht towts park on At the meeting of those lotereat- Coronetlon Dey. partirnitre of thear e« ln tht formationi of e teagle games eppearilut elsrwherrt In thts field làs thtCoui)ntil Chamber on Issue. WcdnoadaY evening, tht seven en- Gardais Haves, who vas offitîxl tries eterWealed, and Il vas de- storer for the Leegsit leut ytar, wa tided that the dead lise for aend- rt-,appolited. ni$ Woie lest year lng, entrita wouid lie Carfotiatitls won murh fevoreble cotitittda- Day, May 12. Thti Liant Club are titis eXpected to. enter a tem, and tise Meny matters of untcýtat to the question- of ans Oshawa entry bis Leagite wre dlscuse. anld lb wau yetto lie dred. dcldtd that tht, eserutlve voul The *Bawmes. atRtwe Cp ilmeet on Monday esrnlng. next ai egain lit Up for comprtitltfl, and a tht home oS tht president. Mr new troplsy for. tht bstt eportsmans- tracT, to tIe Up t ntniere slip bae bren donaed by tht 51ev.,otîer maSters. f \ ,, It wae Seereri thet meny more hac "lindonb ur perished. bu mm prons jtnnpr frotrom the slip whiSt other wttE a c puled from tht wretirtgt aSter i Cras 41 Sh IIIflS had tome to, tarth, glvling hop thet possibiy ntt mort then fiftt p.~ * ~ litre sere lost. Frty . L V QiS ie Hiindenburg vms tohaeu. - attigera, to tht continenit in tIim St la eatitoated fotty petiots sere for themti 1 rearh, Londona for th, kiiled wsea elieter SiatitefI the.I Coronatlon on Wednesay. cpopfetItt of the firet Itorth At-j lanU* erssting oi 1h. seaeti5 tcfthe'attd gifflp FrL&Aiairthip, thse itlndei-. D)ortor-TNOr hratde 13n burs. a ab urst loto flames and *ait ti'Ay. Mes. acaloney? 16 sI craeed ais Lakelsrt, Ntew jersey, stltcig to, the al*nple dilt j pre early Tisfiraday night, 'clid Acoplding t pieage detale glytta Murs. MaloSe-S afoar la radio reporta, fI le undrtood eyglant o..I tht tic ýhUge zeppelin was best»sayt bell not lit aSter atarvîn'l hie plhleit by & grotfG crea, Istô tht atîf to deaith just for tht sakei U.1 aa ai stalti aI Laicehurst, livinge t fese yeere longer. N., whie thse vueaeg burxýt m OIIC tlasex. Ibet xhlp Atàtlittl to tht eis fl e ground. macs of flaotltig falict and Fîrat Ineentor-ira going to Ir teleted glowlng girdeex a escer vent an ento braîWethat, will brin meade frantit, effrts to rearh sur- a cer golir 40 milesa an hour to vivota. dead stop seithita 20 fret. Reporta atate tlsat sorme 1to pet- Seconid Invettitt-?Itt. Then Il mu ameret on board vison disatter istent a gadget -to ktep tht drive strufie, and approxialttly halS oS from going througlh the seiss blet number vert saved. At firas shleld sen it dbts.. AMAZIN:G o PORTrUNUTY Te tulue a8Sm of Wcr J%. Rgers A-I Ou»yf 5lxi il. b~OueLfd. OLD DUT CHM oI es o aide 2 ai ItE 5N~ _____nu." so ix-m 7 TMM OVSI M a*TIRN . aius,"S HOW Io OBTAIN THIS SILVERWAXI serrd 50Cenad the- windsill meotiosed in x iis odvctise- ment. Yen Itat odeoex, or cm mwry os you lite. You con obtais a romplete 9set a on amats 1Iw ou t.s offer, gLop cn 1-oaât. expir' es Oeber 31, 1937. ...... uS l . .. 10 MI AYLU -o sm r= - d. bxsi0. imm Od DdIi.xh. xi.. S ProI@ng Surface LUfefime end Save M@ney with 0W ýDUTCH Ma-" ýC OeDxteelesxoetetOe A smo eistnacsrxit ,cf fis.ctisgxsq ad plihum oteolfeeb sa ni toti gi. ld Outahis sxo quiris acting tWisai cuts yoevr eocîsg tame i hl. 4 is ais thse mos ecopxcricxi droass eu on a bu 1vbecoxte oaIife gxes calong mxY. UtetiforWbatieols 1dAand ltrie, flo ttasnd poircsed wpodeart, poansdpots, mîndows antimetals, instrcil tirocs the haus, xcicriset d oistq'stl anxx3ixwtom O .Outi s5xx aitx r5si f2 Bxxre 1a 301 Sftto 3Tx$ctx L 5QeserFc5x f. 3 5 sprxasmx 1 r Ort.nd. i tSrxo toux and iFxrk rtrSt Iisfe d ilue.ur serr THE A~AUIINUwIrt THRIFISPECIALSD UIIIvu IIJ, MEFS TO HOSPITALI HMPONTHONOIS('RIS. , r»4mFNY, BUT IE Medical EvibsceStatesPupisof Miss 0Olive French,: PcernTwp.Mt_ _ _ A.T.C.M., Present De. T1EY SEEM Y0 HAVE mentallyIII111Â OES ightfudMusicalConcert %< \DIS5APPEAIUD/ fin Whltby dstrit police court No. 1 Tiornton's Corners, Aprl 15h- rTutadas' atrmoon. EdwaroIevoer, Pl ise]tlthme Bnd.tralord by charge"d tlts eantitIg hts selle ai rene .. cr j V 55 aus bh" rou a W ltby y'ho..enitg b inteda y &hatlunder Me bougt t Whlby yPôv-the ausipceof lie Ladies' Ai-. InnialuContale Thomiitchell. R Y The apprecatiet audience* ierti Etidnrt as îventsy. DrR Ttht followpg . programme: "0 MatLaren of Witby. ,that tio xc- ~c Lif # Cassada" the baond,.thténliairmai, cssd-i10 intally iflot resP sna 9 sitoilaressce Scottimade a frit lble for bis actions anid tnt sale te . ppropriato rerlarlcet"Soiditra h. et large.. This is the. weok Mari" Six Etesisoxàj'tee lls Oni the reiluet of Crovis Attor- ofaiSt. Mhary's,' tihe landi; vocal solo, nrw C. a.Collarnt. the mais wau for Pieapj08. Sartef fD. Moyer andtIno!re; tommitird te thtea.ntario. Hopanoalolo, PatcyTuci;.dance, et Whiby fortbWty., daysduring Seie ur Dislay PSottSle Msrphya ntIencore; voatieHYi O T R T P A whith timfe liss coditionl viii bi ln' 'this week. clo Etîten Cutix; Song, Te beat bigd r.Commnte wthss ithe__ _childresi; piainooMargaret Al- ria e YQUR way 1 better 'Health public trustéet OfrOntarioanasd ex- Everythusg, aitishe one exaidr; ".Mbiuet in G," "uBig p tldtat Immédate arrange- . Store. Merels. the band-, dance and en- pects ud aet Oeetecore, BStae usb rplsy; vioUinsoloCootyurlclrnedelrrgri famne nd limdH0oover ate te MEATS, GR0CERIEý, Silix Warnr; readisg, Evelyt osl orlclrnedae ead Saiis vird y oovf ai a Pt~ FRUITS OAND Young; votal aolo, IHarvey D., 'Ioy- .îgttes eoaudrwsc o a srte bis assets. -s h aytrsune hc o a George S. 'Calder oe, Toronto, VEOErIWLES, ttý platoe tItitLucy 'ando Frantes brongît In by'Prov#,scîal triffic.of- OE Gililes; pano eccordlxti xeletion become the o'woer of an electric range. fîrer A. lturislais tirSaturday W HNS adetr rIitnCrI;vai Join the many cîher Whitby citizens seho tfater ating arasgtiy an the King- 79 or' 132 eolo, Buiievarnr piaosolot,Jack aeprhitPero;tebn, Alrag ne hscn steis higlssees, tas aséo erit te the e I idexSo; Gdsav eflmt ln Ontario Ilitpital et Whltby S o 30as the Kii ets .ig""o . th iF" th teband ae- einpl. 1days e.ervatieri, sheis DrIsMa- i'ii BDKU companying. aLattis testlfitd that he vas incap- Alter tihe concrt thse chldren .Fulli informsation cen alto be hacl irons Sable of takitg tare of hîmeeli te serte treateut ivitis cocos, garni- * as uperfectly harmIeMs but ightt * iiclie andI cooliese. xux x e 0 x x ïdo Emrebint foets, tise dctor . .. Tht attendaelxit a Sunday Sîlsool W ib u lcU dt o iiso asaltI. Thc mati. aer18,ta.scbtrouglt leads Directors pased tht ont hsndred markcflast W ib u lcU iiyC m if teb Wlitby by some urkisovis persn: .~ Susday. Thse programme coomittet W IB asnd lrf in. a lotal Oliteàe restaur- lac providedasntextra numiier tacli PHONE 80 W IB ant. lt vas Wetit dretitd end led ida.Mises May White geve a apparentl ten weil taken tare of. = y-e isgandu lat Stioday an orchex- lGoternoorHLutas,:etfttheCouisby t ra played xiveral séletions.R CO tnG WlT Afl <Z>t RRl Jtil, said bht vas ver5r akative asdtMis Autey foU on a h e YycRlt oKit _G_____Rn_____Rn_ rireught thept be se sîln li Friday lut and i ltcated iser SiLà alte ier'rigit elusoseHet ars ill inhthoa ____________t. ait andi alsng fat thttttthtt. Charles Russell and Stanley Iton- 8th isbrthiday here by apading their relio! peuefhrau actsye M.GueLfefthoeof Tweed, aid, daugîter, Edibli rs. lMbert girdeas. t ts t îmake us lt NEWPt K I ses, homne for iPt ast ttlendth iseMrcoclr, tistet grandchldttn, tiiete Barn on a fates hn Alincatsty. John. gott o hi Ptet5r'~tant Mm irobhaerxJohnSHughte, Toronto, rotar Moonya MilIs, in 1852, tht John eils o! ea¶rig U NFYI PeterN oftose, $r. to hre Ishe xsvGeorge twinasisoved sttis bler parentt. trom SiPpei UOt - fese ayaao Mra . Gilespie, Toronto, andi Fort Petryin l 1818, seherethey cy red iy a collisionsWtt t JJJIAUMr. G. If. moiinnvas in To- Mr,. H.Rfr Its, Sabeaygedn. hvcreided eve ic.O uc-trul hc h ae )f ono n onday and visited e h uea ilb edo r-Iihoiite twills are ble ansel ng. bhrtatenling tbis ramp BEEN RiBACIIEI) ~Mr. nd Mrs. Sedrv4iciIand fSamifl. ) hearty and full of funs. br S Eprmltl I o have moyed isto part of1te Sulhy Chae Ellitot. 20 Surir Street. frmtersiec fhr oMtBoho eh irc atu o iseleilalaln aisr tconap litititt. ~ Tise 1ev.,J. V. McNl-y, oS Kisg rid !dRiin PicsM. A. Fiise! aisoeIsas a tAiStreet Uilatd hurris, anti tht 11evrivere ax etsginttt for 35 years, re a distinct aId in thris, t~ ré imgPriceyPliving in .~hibotte. Wr A M Irwin efWhitliy, selîl of-tirit ln 1925, viSe George han pattantesatSferig (toisa a ant Roie iGeneralseestomé Oursc ew reraidetste tosur fu.i trei ell i ies hrt tise marhbsety of titotle sinssaîis; crute b Upturt 'eld sdetPaseze tl UIo <tatryUsput Up a 20-gallon bar- tondiltos. TortstoMeyt-A tttry mde I*MS> f,, pd r Deeth ressived anotiier of TIsant- -1i. h al o oatot tixavs - ton'a Cornerrsoldet résntidentes isco 6. y'te Bnk.di ov Setiarevalshohanbomnun!ýà nMrm.Johns EllotIt iecuton 'Tuesd.ey bt4atirit tise months oS Marais .î tSemr&*- oiffg Aptl2lsIelta A VSIL NArah m aMaotrx. e 0tht cumulative Index Clot ixines s in en M*l cm' m M t, çm y tnla 't Ifl irn n < £5I Q li aaaurdr. furth.r notable Ig cspex4Hughexseae hors otr er thi, On- iFTCB t5lOUSP JS advastr. SIt hirfeasi isyh O ud orlmer! Cdn oT hontWsCarns- LTCSONTl UDYOHO L ance-hait average tsosthl1r changez ià ehateti by W.S., q> ii ti frty-niao years ap a ~, . ever tise irvet o!f. ebilrsaiTreacela'brde.- ______>___________________________ goFrmn ér léhnbe otPryT isRe«ch Dy' DUR isvN )BU shUIsv's sa o a nae recoteiypeek o! 8911 per isean PotPeryTIss . ' <htZttfiOIP 'aýlr ct. oto!thte5ID-1029 a£tttdct 20 'Ammbe ofth rt o 'setv=d , itUsdy 1W.H ats os .th. aa o tetfor uF1aý9 mansi la ~wir *Ml.4 as Ainh the pretttilnwtlght lpislth. CrnrLdes l Scet nd w o , 1 lai ipeclt, 1 rleing pricta pscyed tht motlImpor OO D ,<tt 90 as. 1aceýoSthé lais ible' adHesaty l7-32, thie Goitio'Andt ltant roSa ln tht genttai iipturtt. vu C5#.>aJ3.heOStt fam*ie 5:6,mathsupiationsitoi n' Whléeale prises atdicd 1fraoso be ,çtte igStreet Port PeryMa .-heser t of J91Lo 5ir, u vsg isppth uhSaatiOtavnq A oS 82.1 1 lot io rs 0mais R H Ldes dScit. AlwayA a goodîlog lite la peisiFof ÉauerkrclOt ant in h o r v*105.,, irt eractd h wenot5ap iesî r -il-e tUS onait uranti freti, Mrs. Elliott indifférencetet4birthd93Isr accotuling la - , aUitiOg wo n"d seere hcrphyIsiglsr ohil tilox o! sIr . asity Jltied. Ote eRayesxIint, (GeogetandTh fle Apostle JameagaaaneLalIskpi wood pratnt anti Canautlis larso 1 la be urs 8 # ia r tossaTa ie htes bse Lar' Sa, uS lte il produte horeaàtti nlhise ' , Abraham 'seen be aaya, "Abrahams aLautter'.',fert le e hs ri erjsor there vasan abrupt Asiatilileei e It l as imputeci of *alse.And lst n tIesq a tacts. ai prot tPsamieraKianti oabraet Ntopbno h55 for rlgiteosess:xand lbe aine or lis lilrtIL uewe$t' auto nt rolibrlalstadmof aig- rjwonca glirtithe Piend of Clod, xiiifsrlrtt of bis 0fferins 4 cottn ad ýruber.Themos 99 intrs nd 1%1,01cliu Yè. nterttis BMeeveoiy Vùdteai! sacriice, Isaac ec ierlea gcr tiiicri ahn bycoptht l i nctal tors Hdliore4 ,Wiut tltemore natureli in, tisanhist11c1our Lord. groai -tisais CodIeholti ttiowi'lp vLs AbtaatU5t aettedil ant ishat. Wheetand catie led thebi"fin"b iti hlAd Jéucae lg ii - dve tille tefera produite peutLiodon, MayO.Ttlite the thlxteord apIf vishlsg isim ln-this exa eilbut frindelo aiin uber ilsayeti thc ig part tmplre t' ige wt et plains ht of Maappeandti uibtlns tise xvete lowtt iid, fo Un tise up: n of vooti product. Ins ett---another&ex~pe 1ls ret at 0f Mlnte 4at Iest ho tsa an luotistb 8Jhoa ei bhe lrmnanti teel categoiT. tIshé S molL1U515dstl at orh h Ieta n Ab;tcI"8 Jtoasn prions o!-pli anti crap iron anti of gith.red tieaeCanatia Clubtit lneti, anti, lse etmenstebod ,ty vwitIs segerd te tise Inte 1 oln Ilpout iiwdpo hst IPremier King, q»ei1O lushi: anti wiseselle xav tiseni. fix aruttion of telIa viol nouottti Increanes. The oeny imper- auliass talsnet nisers sil 4DO Ca-rMte me10 otehm 5sssnxthtetnt fSotios. viete raIirps tant récessions otturred issquta- nattes viators te the noMatlon. oranbwe hisgftwAdLtdi.Tisom! tienis for ff.f» r, ase W OO; ast i Wtl scouisl OreessetOOtaena- te ouor , and liose Myi hlmeei divarLt ipvPel. titis re taai. ite o! Ontario, n th chuairetise ttgiuhratixi.>yLri is gprpose teltai Thougli the. 2average level o1 gabisrint istattiMr.n A o. Mist&Epsiou nteiti. a1oro tsy sln bmillsogrte ieeci visital pIet ayli aessealErottLapohote antiHum i Vhsest sgi, es01 vlIpa isam'cn cepthio of ivlthie wiglier 1 prIesthan bIn MeisMs Cewhlst trouit jl e Itly servant."Atifilali e- heacoetbi !ts prîtes fo rîc tbaal aniSrss dmat ra aaatit - é lnspotiis te taix tbtopistiOY 09 O- fiait rebellit ttise sou goversforibae mttas and ar' emire.teaiiitsere itisehoxpltoiîty OS1(loti hoalti dtdrotfd hie protiuie have lateiF bren falhhog. Malpolm MacDonualdoinionsietant: "Let a 1110e seter, 1 pray vibisthe vlgked' bSa Thun the spriée "idex of tht nn- s- arteigiT, antLord oeeo ss ô I pat, bceetaied. anti *jÏslsyaarthe cty "ahtosdt trae ertaus nmetal grossis published by Speke. Tht empire, Mr. MacDionaldtietl. .-.-ant I 1iii fetch a motte] tees$sitiith i aetY - M tise Dominion Bureau of Statiettrl si, vas tshow b the Cal li f reeti.anti coinfônt e your earet in ies prayar on ton tht e e andeti Apri 2rd vas rmpreetation. t lic "net ea ad-. hè r ater thet yasali Paix On: o! 50seculls, ch iusblY al jil: pet tent., belaws e eecent veekiy grabbisg -enterpiebta active<forthtra55tt are erme1joraty ettatihepi peck viIe tisat tf Cetaian a Sat elowship oS mess anti ycespserant. Andt el neiti.Sa do, es blialeo! 45. tisan 49.30, i rourehlddeceaudtiby abouit 5 Lord Crntoot uilie aati in5 bou busaautii."Anti every Urne thoal 10 ln every one petrcent. At the t S te, ho*- et the Uniîversity 0 on to ittis apty. "Camet, Lord Jesua, tec(Sort àantet isltapetit#e tver. th indiceas ot wod end t ePetmier Kinsg shererthesatter lad Thxouiour (Oaust" wv creoffet05!Abreha eit casetipfelnu, produtiatteandtI ra and ti IeSlpro- teken xii prizs es cept 'lus untiay hsomeesesenctaarts Sot hie dhvln iux it ot ceant giVing, fori! dorte lavae oti totig ie, ichoi ' Thefuture peevon tOIt, >pttence with us, and,. acteptIng tht tigsteoun fre thie Revenue carlôdtihote anti lrdust- ItctMitd. ur Il aptaity bissanctifies eseythoagis onlyurenst eraS ra producttiontacisC, ahovetiappre- M.'in sldCaada. . h o! our tiorestie lie, they exceedilrigly loxprli cîaale gaina, (rosis FebrtaiT te achrodfltthe miryelstc.ileiThse 1Ueuing of iMaepitaidty ,as Lot. hie vite antideas Marth; in euhismche cindex lho-i steetitidaityindeistndence and inuttht case o ah am.el b, ie bon- daneA. 'ITun otialways freo.M.Lapustte adefisttiIat creaseti ly More tism ais r ecent i leuceeCanada floe nlg ptaltty te his eaentiy vWntCrs anti"aetb do eg On tht ethat lbent, the inde'x tf prhocls tho'ie qfat otrines of tought thte ntistt lihauint Ara- culiaetty aeli aail dis& général Ildsttt hetuPiayiitit 'e- tehledboys OS h wrd ilnever Pamets :U.x.Tiesuppicionra rlde et.manavailetls exatle hsleetnt coahtt trace, tise gif t ofor, Imns. ecoording te t] Siennilit 0nostcin ti-rheti ligitif as arMitult egsaat- grt any footng on Canadien etit.", ia w4riWt." a lson ant inhsir; "Serais tiy wifetn ist vonketi s i.- ghog antimerchanisingantideaplitej e notable Inettaseihothe vorkhng force cssp1oyed the trmnuactUr- i The Inbo.tt i rataolursovenr A b r aam a Man of Praiyer I U STRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ln 4.I81 o! ianie deptitsadancied cmusant- 'erably n Match, More tian regain- ing tise groundti sehwu lenu bt ins Febritart. Thetaetuur set a bantaIla ttete 10 heth transfets is tise mailsfnnte t rommadlty market creasci arisnéther cties In the Maritime' 1Provinces anti mnOtiro. Ove SaOd.Mal5.-aroetDr

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