Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 May 1937, p. 1

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~M'Parade, Prosentation of Flags,- Coronation Bail on.,Program m e ., Present FIcsa Parade to Form at Il~a To SSehool Rooma High Sehèoo Grounds Coronation Day and,?roceed Wo Foùr A very speciai featuré. of Corners the Coronatioftcelebration in- Wib ni Wdesday will be te presentatiofl of flaeto OSHAWvA. PRINCIPAL representatlves of the, var ien T IE DR schoolrooins inthe town, T GIEAD S, In ail 22 Canadien enslgais *measurlt5g six feet 'long, ibrÇe feet wIde, and nund on Mayor jackson and Dr. eight-foot standards, *lit be nresented by fils Worohip Beaton, Chiairnian Boardi Mayao Albsert'W. Jackgon on 4 ehaif of the Citîzena' Corons- of Education ta Preïent *lon Coimitte. 'Tbseau Mes, lg it ia exWete ,d§> will bu pleced * on the walla of the l*ss rnoos- wth chpro fetaçffflil5OOlY Loval i Uzon.v of, whitby oil[ on as rminers f a1,er nnrt*wceddY night'baoalled luponlt tO te m t ae n t, b u t a as r s t e -i e n i e èbea L . on f t h ea seLpeetinspiration Le the popîlieof tiesa CoroInatno he iMjoiats ;ataWtbyaa.peg tm utrKing and Queun by iparttclpating a 0f WhlLby iitrisepogaInt ch bas been, MothyAui WIIB a~tisa else Ul buomitee Fre~n 22 ndertken-et Afer CMittu-L en aclsasan. eltsts I ~faw Ceamti on l(1eduy lgisrtf.'ltrclsna t atre-uit avnTO NtAuITi URga , t atsr t efatisastioto be naias et asd O B.Tresxan ndie7 o paira tt usenpo hsib eek praseba om tis ~tpl ay ,e,,,hak5 erthuve r 27 ittei artg of thed taoç Iucluîled T 1 Clarkce atlan A.M N1 Im to n h. Mine lest. Davia l Pat. Tise pre- aramon>' grain inlued a toast te "Otur d, heat Pallun Conradus." propeseti b> Ialege et Cntratio Hart>' .ais. Conrasie ýs Muna.i.on00Wilson lad Lu cemmanIt>' sing- - tie., andi colos 'sera given b>' lla Eosslce Stegtisolsi. Wlit>', anal M.E, Mltani, ef Otsasea, And ntlia P. Hardun, Whtbt', vite James Raitaite t tee plano. A TIf&Iitf atidress u agisen bY ani il, Ormisttn. esit of cfthueGaztta and C(hismlale, seisa eferreust atise part playeti b>' oman seiile tisir Itnl mais folk sure at thee 'sr, a Part vOif h w'st ing nebîtu perpetuatoal A afiu inlimes f peace. Tise bancelr vas onu cf tise hut ever iselti ln tisa hlatort' of tee local Lugion-i ýg f tise f r. R. Nf. Broolin Completes t Suth. racticatir Caromation ProgrMM! nigala!f ta note Boaklto, Ma>' O.-Tise coroination cio this celebratian prograsaha beun coas 'pt ira ple'nd bu tee commnittua conaposed is ln tiselof aiembtersof etiateonsip' coIn- a prlot ilehand tee Wemen's Intitttue o Brooklit. vii bupn )Or iegsa'r afsrn iesaér45t3 Ï~ Ccl1t7 0 atte GtIIiPls dusbng tc carmstacnb'0ana Lttv. ttiepesseeitivted OY g a tllisertof thte citlîesss Ants ti a rothee iud.he-re-8w- As the KintgsasJaO)Laed, caoLaii, erece i t ye no t flring thse Ormiton ecitor of te asenutta bMayor Jackson to attend witis th is Jit inaitîaly anusesbceci tOta 00( svetis Kca Aetè si at ftlaLysiontter.f c <L ysarbute beu ssaied and Clironicte, seratrreci te th itaevie tatiters. TcAese thaaddress aitchia pathertng seau tiasujt of the gi a vrot nc- i)FrtasInl Ithte poplatito n ucSuscf tisafestival ln tsat IL Get Atr xAras bu giyes liAt. IN41,Principal Lise oesa boutheoalKingsisu. tlnujtL ants tnigh a n Cora townshitp oaxedeci4.00. hisuc4d provas a stimulus ta thea tcauis Coutit.A, M, Irein tires attention of Osawa Coleglatu asa ;catio - Long live tisa King;l of c4aflt? »iptlo'for the >lest 19305 e fuppl~eitettuener tmiicL iaoiol ntitattirtour montisaof ttisn year as On tisa piatteran sitis tisaMayor Mfay> Huavusly ielp nssaui ahLm. wre hlbâlth fer pacasontuttl pflot eeto r turdfasu t la e tisa tct tisuttise., HraMoeorise.P.;, W.tute 0 bantis Êtrfe, eur Empire bies; juj oa~ewt orneamendscintà ia uCatrthtrse aanni eng gti met andeot ilt or th cllec ytie otresu re rueSinairte W.H. bir, É O.; W. E.on May laistgpeucu iod suy. toaise 2it h ~~oixAct wlical dandl applilua 0yte, townsipbragla tet r lgis . tn eiMcidt tistthe cteta ftxaTt' . lcar *. ... *Hi onOr Wtis 11 sur isuart and volcu wëwu re4j aute b e> ' pf tsa prto l huailtntthr.ersntisauits- at i unot-as gaites anduing: tiesaule JucigoD. IB. Coleman, i e ~~>ur ~ BausIOsO if xr in flt prt in hseeoo or 18rasie uie ottime foat et atexpraperlodeti atyear, Hauttie may- Judia R. tuddy, tise cbalrmun of sn enorf te lÀalsnsmlata re t epooslat t it 001distrit'nt41 ritm ciiltiran, and thut tco ecl ts ca ethene tathe Creai ruCmitiePreai- Our Rotry son t Âar aasfltbheseexceedmnts4,000.a>ublit>' of uManty. ittle folktotelns" èrawer titis question whsicis sald ent of t4tc Legton and athars. Tisa foce )dar hepouatbioion 0f toer ,000. tetrprut tVisongs clt a ptristie a- buut5decideti upiti$orne tint augo: piatform 'silI ho gali> decçarted. iteadi> for servmn e, al ttoýciser, as fulloset pf5(y)'arisr Dista ibautai t e utp-tu-e,'itr wltistisa sords ot naurry.It wsaderidedti tahotua pcl Tisa ardecf aerviceaut the tour' rThe je>' lntgiving a aipne tatttieha treas tise.of 1916 * arc Plila le buCargefi te munletpaliariyantaitismimntnyrmetn t isrdt veiaii onerawlu;" nraas.olo, er H Wiisa nalu ~ ha~gs e30f At 1. ~portioea tisresi flot l1 d14Illebuovariookad, Tisstact wus esu thi s w~ eet cor qnero v iiit uliasitODes; lit tise turoff Eust, neati su- tl oamî>' ypuplsis aldbw tise, a istls aseol or grade ÀA- or B aas aiesrtd a iaeeit' po lgTxCleain iie motpetet iLb truila skies.,as 7t'iradaIton OsIo te bctissetn achool dltriet la te bM gran.bu said. Cotugrtuilatnste Tisera la to e 9 u a nngpl lit Arlasaaainn land tigisenis. A tnistariui Asociation. IIYMÙ. 70 ha Aric'. umodeads estnt uciredort n"ne 1thbbclocal aitviso isdtinlitany ses>'contributh ie collectlin et ceg tti ger.AGac Gur Heip In Âges Poeu- And ln tur gpeut Domitnion .<~puilsruidtIn lta hisgh asuemamunt Of rtuabie prôDertiesldttieucsaftseuiiitl 0b reae tah dog irottto fde 0uiou Roetary' loiYo alltlawstandns, bgi tbaetn, tut aacordtag ta the "equat- see, added. Tndouttediy, tisae onurevisa bave not puic and it osnc oniMyor JacktsnDr. uessuaischool or grade ÀA orB conitnatoni Leti asommettttroll" ai auch iste- cisimun sasi, it wouid ta an an- e111 bu turntd over te tise poice du-enan, ciaruanet tiseHourd ofý ~ Uf¶'IIl%~ neiool osutitisir distriat, itlser at rprte- * asalevunt. partneunt forLusmutiate actiitn. Education andi represenattvua o L5LIAlaSfl etjIJreasilei'acensa Or te b- (vil itilte of tise rumate- llise naimberu au tise e actoals hssuasio h- Di50 pe lOt regent.iotthenuinaoft>' aaisooi 'e1011OS:drehetandems tancuL rsaness'uut- gb'elt ta isir owe 0 prcnt, t olc ts-suu a oiv: tM lT D IR riga gbof Ârtisuirn. de 1111 a~~chusl, are no longer "admt' pu-c- ation ci count>' pu vlam ollg i;te Iisancas Street Public Scisoci, d,'eso b'A.E Oetiprn pila" but ara I'msldunt popul"- ltittcpalitesor portions thuruofWistArthurent p lveracicO -. Is oharveri tsa con>' s sc (ontastuciestPOS 1> plupis- "Pageant of tise lviier" ipa of Osawa Coeiaiste andi Vors' unuier this rction oa i ss roretigu TRAL ol Iiatittite. Osisawa. _______________________________________ Hard anal Mis EtleSisepiserd, vitisA ï"h Mapie Leai P crever. BU IN Suth MM Wilma Richsardsoni at tishe "Tihe ling." BUSNES IIREWhitby Township Counioi akos piano. InNuCorflten Bail ltteTes Hall. P pi odyMuids, Goly rPuud>,l U ootin ailvein tishe iown a, OsaaBtieea Bé yRiy lchassriOon and tRuth Isaceintap Ciss brm gaanvwerti Orants te Agricultural Fairs Slsuy hty crigt himnLwec Daeta- Evelyn H uir andiRult Crown Claima Negligence 1 . Aga. Tisa ialseil ha abtas II WhitLy Only +--t-- Borc-ltule Wtiiu. itis egoro, and tisera viii bu fr-ee - lipro'ýe Roadto Permit of 1 is eize2<lWord. auatant c ty- ,Otandas .nSreet ecitusi, WhitlI- On Part 0f Former talloa, treamners. noise maitero uslnistes- Dspartstot cRHaih, lI Upper acisool pupîla. plat'. "Wisan I Whitb Merchatat ana lisate fer tise duncea MusLc LAnnthousicemnt lamte tsi$&luit BuMIIng. Houa.. In Con- j eNrence to rugllateattuon cf unam.- Drento CeaTruie,'*direction etf-piee orchestra, andi thesanace pro titei~Wit tiaçflqtlatr ais neiqWîr plediers' i etc a viiiliam bu tandMrsniatra whtyC wllo igs- hv icnIudtisek -OshsaimnliWUitt Jr>' sdHl Ktsa On sarctarge ai negligeestjlYtaus- gramme iii te ena eiscssu brunes, anti vIl bnautertis «tietu 3fr. B. W. V=toSesecretuy>'ot Thompalit ms a tire seisiris acrasînneallos ofpeai te asl. Tise charge ls it cnits al' thiur tlma to tisa buaineses eili Stluait -set M4aIRle ori u-nOts sme > rhstra, tandem dir- propertt'. forotis>'Muay Haneoci. of nom coupte, anal fer a amati &Mcunt tise>' tokovrluWiitby'. tishé PMnttla luttiaitavuiec rtion ai Grand LYnde. Osava. former proprieter of a extra reimelismenta vili tacisbtalo'. Inienasatioln, ian Dmka Sri ate of Psy sFoVr aulinlt haeas, N_ Jt. AidermsatndiWit. *Tapit Lina csa-socscau tr iib.ss n iosu'asefotls oCi8ieist WesrteandeCentrertieivd tisa acutait, anal aspeeiIncyhpiano solo.Miss utteraton li Wiitht'Police Court viso viii huve a tooth osa tte dane West anti E ,Vlntra retitlns vlIiim asa.m aohng isa aleosciatuateti bu- Mary McQuay. lun "Hangitg Gar- coMMnittesi for trial sithtie next loor. Any sturplus frent tise dance ugo. inr E.R.haillant VIII t dr .tmeun Lots 22-331 la the tis Concea- des! ,court ef competent juristtirtion. It 1vilii te tumnesi oter te tise general it - S itvli ta acapablte anal BroebliitMay' I-TsO Munclatmn bu reaimuti. <*8No. 4,Hast Plicerng-Two tirla arnet that tise cane mututoma celetmstion comauituee.o eoasteosa saff Mm VeiantvOl Cosnai etlise~555iO5lP i Wsit Ig"ur0,G.H. Losene>'and John Iciso;s eanal a tpeclat ultas'and butor, tise Cotn> ortsdGn lu due course meve lis faniy te b>' met oic Brooklit on Monda>', Drydein 'sera present al a deputs- plans duet sy Carman Barret 1 and cm enaSsions In June.Bailwas et et oK Wiitby. iMeuve L. . Kem p Win. 1on trointtatie.SoîLifOntarijo Pa OtanGie en wfrd. bu Muglointe Franka S, Etbs at $4.-'Sn c Knso 1Dotige and Dufotoc casanal Ttc minutes of thse lautmeting Ariulural Soit>', s k n EraugisamuPutlie Sciseol - Tw severu Cotnbeardevtiaiieno lTs 1Doalge trucsts ilbii a ied bu veru 'coud anid oittat. gruJt rm the1Townhip of W isoue aesersttismnc rmArl ii at Va Sat eO aies, anti motorisis The aua anriacut eMid Osaiet>' for te.>'ar 1'3. nuns er. ssrnc alatut'armonica, eti a i du J. C. Aetriatinof Foretle.M eln'ii.e se-01ifinal tihýtuplant l eru rusal' a ail 'sure preaunteal for lhe moutis of Mavutibu C. L. Muche>', aaconded nmehroi iItdaldr .C nesno elvle a .Jh ike tianea te gîte tise ver> utanost lin Aprl. bu WM. R. Agor tist a grant of Hil.Osawa, appearetifrM So 7.vnsua eKnaniat for ohus- ser'vice.Te oleving correspolsdenre $40.00 bu givun n te ie rookliu Pictering Putlie Scisool - Oler- caiianlCeviAOraMs a n- 7O. *s stIn t tpeait uai> ef .Ooaund duus asIiinhésa ua 1aEr . .gaisi'Pir Board. asuit that thse truasurer q tta. 'Little Real RIihueMoo,dl oi' nd e uCro v . .Wltaa'carges etltelalit 5luile tort teont la seak u ailtinte. aaaatsntaislf ulainaurei Molel-bu assi laises-bu atisornusi e Roe Collanto Prfnipalheetitaîl.seuil lneaadedtcharges 0otis tIrede-iAnoBpslltviHllyeecveurta eqaipPdputir eat nandi a 1î5., PtIgforth ao 0t f ap- i30I YW L XAgar-, usondud ; t>. briefit', tise accused hiseucf. Tise atteaces inciuuied tiseftVof ftlll hInu Of modern motor acgaunr- proPrastima o NW orSO toliuseut' jbu8B. 1Lockyeur, tisata = of$. Th arises ast0fairesesMis o tis e uo b ilesrita a store- asent .e 1- ii bc tarbed In stack isspovmienltusnuMai'township ft%' ý gi"vuthtis urur ofthtie Bouthiis W cAnvU 8AT'aieouofatr hhontennh hf fn asrewedb Sitcetakling oter tise bwsiset 1ear, i553. ' - (>t»bus*Agriultu-ire 0iet>'. 51COUNTThIIO!E aigit ot Pebnuravis tguttee tise Jantes ankier. undan uauttestptea te Vallat lMter saluaes ave CaPtuisi I.asaiTalir of tise Sai- 1thtAtise treasutres- b ansi la burebu Twst ratios sere bhorst uthte Busett bloc on Breel Street lbreak-n at tise Bettevite frailplant greatl.y ceXPedeet t. 'Wuareve>y'vatiata Ar, >'saklnag percelgion to uthoi5tI5ze st se a chequte for Ceuntt' Home lat, nt irsdat' tea aSouithin t Whsish acre tcatac stores 1Tunone oifVie rases, poine recaiteal pieued t ilatise receptiocu ve o dta a ~f ' ly in 3rok'i, ibis 5ttoisit-.CarITed. fine tDurhtamscrado cov. Tise ui" aperateal- y iss MIn aiot. HO>'1 inkie isuciadmilted tiseit ofa troacit reauteef inteWhitby.11 mid Mr.,_E. IL TOmto 10Westr s optli os'd- yS. XLckyer. Es0 Ontd mais. mles are ieatte>anti vert' avier anti Mm, N.tLisay, aise an 1from, tise Walkar Hardwtare Cas. anal Vailantte Tiesett n hos tahisl = tfon yWc Aa,.thsat tise rate 01 et pecimntfthec tsabreetIMan, apurtoseut owned b>'RRap Patter. Suld leIpouice tu a fhaith ie rua Iala and, bu adaled,. vu isape tpi Murals stis tc am doral thIs fo;1W to huln el 0on tovit- 1gerJames Read o et Cut iwsalgdfltteoilo t; ftecut albidn h give tise People of Whitusjanal disa- oesgs. jam lssker amo=t o01uiip roada be frt cesne~ lr yad lamatotal the Gazette ansi ChTOs tOire tera fMisRnoksh n bsc ý hdii triel servi"e of tise blgisat eder. cuct $38t 3n5 (Contiued aen Page 7) iche, tomtht veicla. I love i 4

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