Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 May 1937, p. 2

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?AGE TWO rhe Whithy Gazette & Chroniclé Oatark, CanntY's Leadias W.ki 'y 'oblislled aver:' Thsr&day tmorine gby Time Pcb- jshing C oycf Oshawa lýinited; CILM Medy. rsjdnti .R.Alovy, ice-Ptc 'dent; Graydazi Nnywlere je Caada $150 a year ln advance: $200 year 50 subsribers, s inheULanted States oreter oresse cduntries. Thse date stbo s hecbsrp- lion is paid la inditîd an thse address label. IIl. o1RMsTuN, Edter &rd Business Manager Telephçgne: Bell. 23; Residence. 359 WHITaY, Tg5IJBDAY. MA'! IL 1937. "Stand Firm" - A Coronation Thought JuSt at tie close ofIhe majestiec9crolle- tion caramosliBl wbicb takes place in bon- don next Wednesday, the Archhaishop or Canterbury stands hfore the crowned king,, seated upon tho throna of hie fathlers, and, lu simple Word$, and few, ho adjures bila to ho evar mindful of hie royal,duty. "Stand firn," ha asys, '*sud bold fat." "Stand firm eand bold fest." Worde uf aîîciant tradition, words of Wise counsel for king and people, words which contaul the open secret of the greatness of Em- pire. As tbey ara pronouncad once again on May .121h liefore umillions of His Ma- jesîy'5s ubjacîs, and ' Iransmitted hy radio tu ail parts of the empira, their full mean- ing will once egein ha realized aînd King, Quean and Empire will respond as one. Whitby and the. Coronation A pro clamation issuad hy His Wollshlp the Mayoron behaif of the Council calta upon ail loyal citizens of Withy to unite in the propar celebrelion of the corontion of Their Mejesties the King and Queen oni Weduesdaynight, and to attend the apecial services prior to the coronation, in- the churches of the town. The proclamation, il gues without seying in à loyal town like >, Whithy, willlmeet wth wbole bearted and ,wldespreed, patriotlc response. The Conmilttea 4in chgrge o h eera- tioin-,lu Whitby bas lot t nu tone uturned to malte that important eveut asuscceas. ~The Courittee hem racelved the hast pos- ý5bë ooptl'o fthe popleof th r t, t e evot c lWf~~~tfI 1e e co4e no n a nuiofWtby's aize ni teDomhÈ4sL. Thse decorations li the business Section are being put up and theý store, Windows arc taking on a Coronation Day appear- auco. This la as It ahould haand thohope- inbIst every lest householder in the bown will dec-rýe.. Wble the clabretion on Wednesday will ha an avent in leeping with tIse importance of the great national avent lu ha marked in England and in al countries wthln lhe embrace of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the feet of the special services of thanksgiving and consecration in local churchea should nol ha ovarlooked on Sun- day and on the day of the Coronation. Thesa services, outlined elsewhere in a spacial announcement iu these columnsna are a fitting preluda to the greal national avent.' Whitby'a Asseasme nt AntalysZ.à A very înterestîng and enlightening an- alysie of Whitby's asseesmant, as furulis- ed te the Departmant of Municipal Affaira by the Town Clark, appeared in these col- umna lest week, and have heen the subject Of much comment locally. These figures, we haliave, disclose so-e tacts which are worthy Of apacil comment. In the first place, industriel essesaments, ara shown to ha $79,985, or practically $80,000. Wbtby bas soma vary substantiel . industries which furnish employment ail the yeer round, whila employmeut in others muet neceserily ha seasonal. In the in- -dustriel daprassion of the pat four or five ycars Ihase industrieg, ikaý many othars, have sharad, and it la, gratifying indeed ho note that they hava been able te weaeher the Stormi sud hava carried on go Wel to the edrentae of those emnployed hy them and tu the town in general. The citizens on the whole, we feel sure, would net et tis l ime wish to see any furîhar assesament or taxation Joad placed upon ite industries. Tn tha second place, the figuires o f the from'.the owners and tenants of business neyer succeed be, places, there would perhaps,,ho very littie *"common" thati Baa, but lit la a well 'knowni fact that mer- possess any and chants are. continsu oualy being esked to aster on the pat] open their,tilla .or their pocitets anld give to person of good Sc this cause or thât. There je no escape. T he jump at conclissi( ticket sellers and donaEîoni solicitors, are ed a t a miatterf i evrdlgîtadte business section lsaa oughly weighed happy hunting grounld for ail and sundry. la in a better po The business ;sectionIlike the industries and When you hiave private citizenis cen onl]y hope for relief a'more defined m when thore is a geneÜel scaling of the tax a will onè ean h& rate as to*fn finances ipoe The third: ect revealed hy the asseas9- Th od mont figures la thet the. ieseesent on- residential 'properties huilt on'i l à,6d,1377. Wietepo This, toçs a ageeont. It .la possile growltoccepionî that a new asassmelit might ýmake âome ln chang se fer as individuel'ownera. are witr h changesthank God that concerned, but we doubt very much if there ahrà toa fi would be any substantîil redluction in.ý the suern db aggregate. Lewver taxas, hera, as, athe ohrprs0 only cure, pat .week one ô Thera ia an asssmesît of $55,eO0 0on fellen Western 0 vacant 1ot5, A revival in building would telle, amountlng undoubtedly incerease this amount very sub.. feuls herelan stantially, inasmuch. as many of theése lotas t eiafth %vould ha hbult on. Thora is a sharp>,.de- tuned them li mend for bouses et the present-time and Istruction, worki: one cen onl1y hope that the dacrease in the London, Brantfc tex rata this year, with prospects.of a fur- and. Woodstock, ther raduction next year, will stinculete and vRiages ancd building in Whitby. side. Sevrerail'linf d4aiae ýwlll run Disordera at Public Gatherng# The timne basc ______controlling the e4 Lest weak a musical festival wa' held in Ing off tbe bush Whithy. which 1hrought to the Town lilu earneat. over 600 pupila andmany of their parents A recent artiq fromi Whitby and outaide places. editor of- the P On two of the nights disordars in the lished ilu the .GA hall, made no doubt by Irresponsihie people, îng with lree Pl were -ery annoying to the cheirman, the 'was areelation youthful perfornier and the large audience, River, whlch at end. et the least, muat have given the town river,- but intrlhý a had nauie. ditcb, polluted On ti. third 'and final night queness source of water reigied'supremne, due, largely to the f act tows'T'he peop that there wer ufce' oieo in sympathy that m * to eniforco order, and. because of the a p- ous action top ý poal ~ from the chair .thaot order might measures of fl(x ho miaintaluod. T44spracticeo f boolug, arilaywhlch bas baca ail too preva- A New Edt* tWo esys ruals e, have awllen le province and arrenta of de- n the cities ef d, St. Thomas îes other towns whole country- an lost, and the Ons. the Plroblena of stisoItles. Novr ' ' nr of lest. week b. NO WiII-No Way This slogan la troc frein a legal. aspect, ,and also trom a moral and conamon-sense point of view. SIl ls true from a légal aspect lu tisaI a Wll la your voice speakiug tram the tomb and, givini direction as'btIste disposition of your estata. If you have been negligent, indolent or iudiffereut li his important matter beside the bit of property you leave a peck o! trouble, If you have beau so car.- baôs net tb express your wishes how eau you expeet the ones tIsat comae afler you lu give expression 10 theus. Sanie people are mnd readers and can guens fairly weil your desires lu 1h. partition of wbat you leaveo behind you. Your Will gives you tIse privlege lu the choice. cf your Execulora ignd $our beneficiaries Whilsl you live, b.ut the power to art in Ibis particular casses when your eyalids close iu deatb. Sous. are superalitious enougli lu, beliave tisaI te make a Wil ahorteus your daya; but what dlffereuce doesail make wbether you ex- press your desires or whethar yeu do ual lu bbc length of your dayaT So if thora ln nu WiIl tisera is no satistactory Way, se tbe moral la: Malte Your Will. Il la true trous a moral point of view. If you have no will power and are nol stroug cnough to say "No" and nican what you say you are like a rizddanless ship on a sbrmny ses, you are going le be a wreck hefrre you reach your destiuation. Many a aplcftdid career bas mat disaler hecausç anothor ither hy ridicule or a atrouger influence was able tu swerve hlm from bhis' purpose. So ln Ibis casa Whare tisere la ne' will there isnu way, hecause bIse patb ou' which you discover yoursalf la not the way you would have chosen bad you bad tbm mural courage lu stick lu your uwu and true convictions. lb la true troffi a conimon sense pint of vie-w. A wiae man will admit when Ise lae ln error, a f ooI neyer. Tlle one wiso bas neyer made a mistake bas nover muade anything aise. A wlaa mn evary faw yeas remarks his will beceuselis circumstances change with bhc limes and the way biset s"ma nu higfit aud clear to>day may be euiveloped ln a bsck cloud tomiorrow. Some isto. The Digest I1as ~s articles oni varlousphal educational leaders, n educatlons is Canada ai cerunL peshool trustees' callonal organizatloss partmeuts of education. editedahd beautlfully lI ize, anld usauy cIl shouflci apll for it succ atare. W. wisb Mn. F dertating.' ai, attractive 4tureg ihs rIsI troustise ve11 li is un- Finding1 Emp loyment for Yothl W. henu suclu today from pulpits, sud bbrougb the public press, oethtIe need for action la obtala ouuplyment for the young nmen sud irouicu otCanada, tee many of irbointoday, ar tlusdlng tilusshaavy on their lbauds sud ookluug to the tutture wth pesimiwuri sd dismay. Il linery encôuti- agiug iudeed thet the ioderaI Guverument bad approprlalcd $1,000,000 for Ibm pur- pose ot alilagtIse Young mens and irouen et lbe Dominion la socurnsg proper train- iuig lu haleteii-place agsldklled umen sud women lanlise varlous tradescansd profes- sion. Hon. Norman Rogers, Minister or Labour, in convinced thal btheuseploy- ment of youug people la lIse mont impont- ent taak with whlch bis departusent bas la couteud. Uufortonaboly'uoit Young men, while tbey msy bave a good academie education, are riot filtod lu taie.tbeir place in industry or bIs,, brades. Conaequently thase Young people anc belng bufetcd about in lIse laduslrial 'or1d, ecrIsday hecoming mure and more dlacounaged with the maner la wicIs tisor country bas given Iluei a chance te malte gocd. Juat whab plan Mr. Rogers lutonds follow- ing bas not been snuaouncmd but la somie instances lb la expected tisat tIse C.C. Campa efthtIe United States uIll h. fcow- ou. This iras penluaps Use ment successful et ail Roosevelt N.R.A. plans' and is still lu operatielu predssciug theissauds ot skllled youug men wluo are ready to balsa their place lu lndutry and elsouliere. Tlse whss listen to tIse "We tic P~4 program n Sunday afternoon'a.wiliI buring troim Young mon sms'viusg lanlsemamsps uhe hsave reafly accomupib dcimhisg. lb la dlaims Were stakod ~i Ontaro in198( lus auy past yaar. lrctically all th, miug gold ssaiusng areas snufean 4lsc sbared fis thseactivit ,but Ë*t<cU bouion was givon lu the Kosiora di wherc au imuportant dlacovery was 151 the viciity of Lake Rewan, eat of of the Woods; aud toe aRed-JZa Sachigo River are.&&linls. Vabr$eL trict. 'Rzpleratoty açtlvlllp we cd bý the .rcmanlcable succeas attE developusenla luntthe larden Lake amr of KirkItssd Lake, sud to th. les$ ope, lar but eqsslly algulticasut resulbejc dcvelopiss*uithe saGoudreall snea etj Salt Ste. Masrie. Both o e luop bave been fiuîoesalvely prospcte4 aji plored for ycars, aud Ils. succos sa la dolng mueis lu stiuullaate in elher ol4 aamsa throughout thse lrovi Editorial Notes Mausy a mnurnus sour whass he hIe affaire la e pickle. And uow w're imsdy tb listés t alory ofthtIe bg one wbicls gol awsl Yeo, ir, th. song ofthUe lawu moi hleard once again nlatIse land, Thse ian wlso enjoya a hike is u bIse mnu who poesn't have tlu IsUcêt troin bis wirnt ach day. Another fine acharne te provent t] Insu trom brackiag mud over Ushek fleur in bu buy san electnric r«riger 41esun s back te a fourbase theKitheer ecod apys, Bui you mueat cousader th. long seasOs C wic icslb ad a veryshort day.. Il luas been aeggmited bisaIt th

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