a~~~~~~oE S ssaeaW 5 aaas pJ75 y 1te.the erciatais or t uMt5ilc. (J~oai~ ~ -NO action. vas takefi aet th 8&MaIWh010yO@UoOme niat ~- Petlo"-. Pi &Few 1 $nd& in-dà , MY 4nt olloe pi., n ýTisa Cet vawulfltrstfted te n0f. 1 e ty loiur5offic5e of the W, lu Mu, 3r.Roy SaIl, <O tise fetl ;T"~ict W", hWu. * ont. Ail ci théa usb= lare OaPrm- tisa Culvert on B.oaS N. 19, vi» se on t. PÀWae 0111«d leM4p~sda. MWi- fot be changeS aso tha waterS. f ol- E1UjV~~ tes ofpihéusa,;ersmeestingascoeelowng a liktiiYSl WtTcOI isfleistie wosêt~sll.iss C=Ul or ra fei;A By'-LaLw <oappoint an angnsor fie on t4e two rovincial pdgh..; oU radI - 11Wnr h' f2toheattd Water. L», nd Oug vW Imay vete . 0,Com, osp lg omes.Act vas giwen tirte.red. 01;end VW7 <eay . . W 4 . Mot, ' anl d ~psaet . . .1. Donevan. ir o. he "lmy fne "her bu D.nobrt*r4P. : = ýJ4 Ob*wý escelvad thé appolntot »ied. *d. ~ fui eoat oa11 o~utaThe.Clrk vas Inatructes] <, Ot WIi li.th ýrI;y of 111.u< A pettion s ,peomtd lf73.Ity W . ],I es, (lily Clerit, tisaI d110 Offleers ara expating a a bypgu S andtn w h« ttWbllbje 0i0=9U ould soort 1# îiei voluffe of Iilthlc tis s upa. ailng for infl -t itheis Counesattec fr00 19h8m lou cri u M bot loca and or*W, tha mginen&m pUkRO%4 Meutil 3 '013W tIý101h instant, in Mr. rm,ye puhtoc . n $o="ya, <h5- Nea«Um wu taPsA nM"fora= Coasut'Office, abI740 pan. snd- WUd iueviguh' -tisi hane < O theo bove peffl4mp, becauneat UO 1y luat piaF.t wvoa tsitMW tlshle premaup'time Ws. PRmBoouth A y-tav 1teappoint PoS]- 1=0eAre ar Makng a' ysy close 14 8 l fie r bp <Ils City, of0011- Keepea, l'.ieq Vie« ovafS 15 00p mct o all sIrs rto arold ucl. ama6 V.ltlrfor the Yeu 1937 wu givet ni, sud drivers cf til e tt"A paîetiioa upçot#d,ignal! iraI aand second ridlnbu. rty, sud tiser oflnd.ars, eb.. bie CaellWnIlgsm a la.n otiiera, Thns Tu Cicletor vos lnstrurted r ceked ioP esrefully suS slrictf rérqusatlag tisaIt Uane P4ai Vojicier to adjuot 1911TVx 25111 No. 4o, 1in Worgromaisi and smuti b. confInas]relevanlt<c ydrO Arrears Ph, tw < riea ob For sale For Suie or Rn AhoW attheBrok, h4tre May 8th 9t an 10h.NEW LQW OCI pR F E08-, FOR REfiT--OS AAItSOP QOOt Vl.vlol> potraW ri0 cflon cauesWhilte Léglorfls, May 1-l"-10-00 Pasture land, neyer lailloe struain. or. a5j3*5bjl2aQddeta té pic per I00; May 15-31-$9.00 per 100. Northi part of'lot 1, con. 8,Zeist. tsw1ah wAs .s=de ily (eneral Barred Rloks and 2New Esa> Whltby. >lso megofor male Apply w nd l l tc iolrbsbireÊ, Maye 1-1l"12,00 per 100; Wred Ormbston, Brooklln. 13t4ý entaI 110oily ndored b May 15-31-0p10. Ai Ve)icl» tr:-ntrlo inpéý J.Approyed stock - ierits Poultry TgXpayera artliareby notuled A. rnt oftheOntario iProvincial Farn .TeLpao. 45. that tgX.131118 or 1the yeau' 1§37lhave PotÉ-adothrgyrnnant of- pop< -5885) = pOT bIO, en delI'rÈed. A12y taitpayer Who filéiAfeeatenin te ho- )Tý,GFbu.s fot rclvdb130or who re- 149 iSAt est aienBddngtw, o . 1O caroad -of PrInce EFdRard Iaiitd, qUIes afrutomua corn tont 14 Bikel rearkd. à crtIIedseoil."4180 4 Quanttty Of niuilote vitlxte. 111 e IEid. 11 Ontarlose. 4ppy f»erb. Wilson & ~ >E~8OAI0 &5QW014_ prove P_ geat ons, W htby. Telepnione -w- .Tax Collotor. AOOIIWi'pOel11 r nln 13 VoPW4. 0001) CONiDITION Al.9O ronÇ a-Waa vd. __DY_____________ 0.D pe a Jf c8v al4Qr; pliePon1sAL-i2 YouG ios F1 OItSEVERSL LÃ"ADO WELL-ItOTTED Inve=; mffc- otiefl;Aut- sale. AppIy C. Danlais, R. h o. , i co anure. C&U1 S. Tresp Whitby. and 5ermnt the pr ss. 'l amWAMD-VOIING Mm - FOR SiRa 4W-, , . >ilt ýa.L-A QU4lT1'lTÃŽ QOV 123*1ok fora 0 four or .rive cou 1 ug t spnn li chVevet IgrIey, re.clemnad seed, *1.25 Ons. tl&APPJ10 808' 3 otaita or- a S- a I4 tn-per bus. /lao pgtafoos for eeu, tire- erl 1"ýrofte ntri B*ey 1.25rs $»per bsg. 223101dm,WAI -,MAlPOl(1- Ueaue, 3la enlIrel y 0outof themarkt price. Apply ]Harold,50031" oral housork. SAIepFOuf. App o Station, Rof. No. P 200 Coliorne -et., Wliltby. Simullar apitintIola nd ufwit0le- o .t WANTDA BTT beattedenthiust wer exreu)e For Sale «Rn A TD AJO O20 iby et conat~iLle Draper; J. L, 15wns. Telephone 127 WhltbY. iStewart. sactarr-mgnsgefporuthe POR. RNT - LARGE 213RICK Cqedign Aitoinobila Chaiber et house, ail convefllences; hou, vater WANTED-A GOAL CIL STomE OComerce; W. G.EIto-Oqrtmon, zen' heatiflIl suitable for boardig 110100 Muet 1be In tond working couditlon, ral 'iéaiser of tse <)tec3 Mtor or touriste. Appiy Gazette Office. Appiy Box 5, Gazette and Chrouli teagu.: (Md WarrenIfastingoel- Office. tor 0f Canadiain M*rWa. FOR REfiT - GARAGE SPACE Thé thausa Ibrougbout ePipbgulotforone car; ,Euclid .Streetflear WANWD)-BEOOME OR W in52 ftpatn way boy carotul lllghvay. .0. M. Goodfellow, Phone o 10. QUXOK SALES -BIG PRO- dilvlli cliie liëratin ý f t*ffi Ili.FITS-Repeat orders on lino of 200 lvls.ngcoua rvat ninimf<ise uarAnteed necesaltles. Profitable ridante Ob citY alr*te sud 11gb- FOR 5ALE-0BRlCK IIGUSE, 8 Offor. MOnthly B-rga1u aales. Ne Wrays. The dr'er la sbhown beiind rqoiuo, 5îrdwosd fluor$. bot %rater rlit. NO exptrlence oeedad. Exclu. the Iial cftlm car. Danger lo609s, beticg. splendid cellar. front and ire terrltory. Men wth auto ire- Cars ahead and cars comlng. aOis Iack stairs. large lawe. garage. Fosefsr"ed te fravel meadliy ovr coun- airk hat tillan sd cunng leer on paiticulars. appiy lu Gazette and trie. Write lflunedlately: PAAMLEiI hi as eklsma Rudoipit teal- Q.ronirie Oi,,e, box 4L PRZODUCTS. 570 St. Clensent St, tblSY allesia up 10 tihae ar 0f thiMontras]l, Que. driver. The lber brodons as ha o RUoTOAGE SAL-43100-WVELL- pullshi bis .vY nioteche. "PA ubilit bouee, garage antd 4¾. aorte Radio Service tlIcol"' ha wblmper. "Youil b. laite oi land ln Whltby, on paves] rôad, ____________ for théa parte." 1 5'Tedriver 'a foot*adoining Metcalte Foode propeulo. !:<ISxo-MýnO SERVICE. Pull> PrunesMontha S0,fOslaraNs. Thson Appiy DrC.G. -McGllilvry, MWht* equipped for rollabis work, guar- tip junapu te APPultlots cfS"-on.ee aIfatr.Reval aibla Bap, au auxiovo >00k on bis_________ ___ aned slsctr. Ranbl frasaik countusiauce. ,"Walt' . ho PFmE OOME» FUltNuIitEt>charges. TUbes sud batteries or Plevads. "Botter gst tisera laie thi cottage, on th1e Laie front, 5 miles hsiid. Tubes testeai fret.,l'ai sot at &li" Tho driver beuds tihae port Perry-181251 for fila'Wilson, B&1"0-ui Phoa Claie 518 warnlng. "Ourss," muttera Ru- saà son. Appuie Bo« 5, Gazette and] 4olpi, fading alay. (Ilironloe OffIce. Fouild, AnS m o tise iattia 'Sm on aà ___________ msccçadlog situatIons artse. lheu SoIX-ROOMED BOUSE. ALZ. CON- ?OUND-A WIBE-HAIRED VE-2 atutaln how, aliocng otispr Uthi ujnga ese. oit Grteenlet. S.. 9.185o ôrer. about 5 inontha old, blackt and tae folly cf over-drlving ona' room.itose, ail csnvenlences, onvwhite vils bramai lac*. Ownof' mal leadlgte at nlgitt; tiha outrlfugal iBroo St. S. Appuie Mrs. L. LAvine, have amrn by proving propertie and forte whielh lima O ha overeooe 2rOCk et, S.payirsg for tisa advertigmnent. AV- shen taklng ourvea; procautionat<O tekre whon drlving on 111118: the FSR SA.LE OR RENT-B3LACIC- ply Gazette Office, WIitby. nasceaalty c01isving »gbhts <iratedamit'ltbsop. Possession i t5nedlit- dowssvsrd in a log. tha W&y to ly. Applie J. J. OConnor, 2U8 Brocit Charria drive on alipperie rosa d in clty fit., S,, Wlitby, or P.O. Box 241. traffîr; thte asud for igood braites: ,- -HAVE TOUR MPlDAITOIO GARE and tihe Importance of 111#bvay APARTUMN'IS PF0 B R E N T-. ment problem alenveS 137 (lin, trafhic Ignal. Phone 300 Whttby, or Gazette 0f- professlonnl adylser. Ciii Mrs. Biat. Th ipcurs contesto a drmat i-ic, WhltbY. terPhione 2594W. <lintayc) M ttsselllf n s hgvlsg <is capu SERVICE TO HOME; ROY FOWLER WHJTBY AGENT PHONE 191 739-743 Broadview Ave. At The Viaduct Toronto Cueant..d, Satisfactory DyoiRmg And Cleaning Or Your Money Refunded tdcr anotbor fit =cWword; 48 DELII