Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1937, p. 10

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- -a PAGE TEN THE WHI~T-.- - -- AN THE WHJTBY GAZETTE AND q CHI LE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7.,1937 SPORTS PA G E PONTS, PRAYERS AND PASSES îAOIYOE (By D. S.) 2MOO IN RIDINI The Purpr anuiOJ ru' .t hr ti: 1*(,qs t l'ait.. as ,-à iimgliîk" 10-0 lta- it.i.'t Bo N ii:t LIIH:' rtci ,,(4 Nirisi '0! 1)1( (-).J t,,r 193-. d 'ît t.: ba il liaSig ti prt'sriit %rte .\A,( . l(i k B' \.: . W IrýAit i>a. Bell Some f'rt and samc hta-. trouserxa ali t .,, meond mia2 v ut. nid **dentlior Whitby MigRaS' The 193î e ' a good Scra; I the 01cR Bùt' werfl, and diap.s.- t'1 a ning attack tlia*'t. . ' far belore th1e ms--t. lin. Isa sbit hi therels plenti ' ':. Raim beloreOtrî. The regtulars v'.u p r,' msisent, but It mu-t bc ftt . cd that evrry gçetot: ýi>,- fiaï te go throarg.'atit H.. . gaine that rrp.tr - 'te: i(.' C of a aporu ..tà -âý !ý:.t i brain-work AI ter thie a b<s-m ir rt. i Ï a 81C. a-e were treacU 't) oa %:ir ,.ý exhIbition of rugt.tî . ' C7 ate teamh. Osallsaas .' t': <.2 mede Wflule it t't t t much Interest for us a-, the t engagement. It wamas n tetil. Lions Club ta Sponsor Hockeyp,- For Juveniles WiU Get Behind League With 'Tem From Five Town W"rd for Boys 16 andi Under-Will Donate Silver Cup Wbltbi- L.ons Club w'l!liais Y aponr aàJuveuaîle Iîo-kev'leag Of boys i6,anciunder, attitari frein the five sardâael fltTu, Tht LA"eagw -R recels-e thle Clu tînancial baekIng als certaina ers-allons. sd a K14v1er eup a-lti pros'ded for Lse cha=t.nirate lnilvidual t.ups foi- raclaii memnber o] tilta-înîîg ira-. lai also beci proniîs«s nieue . Club decido o1 n ttii»acticon ,a: neeting oM Txseaay eventnga ainpoitH V) raeîaî~-,tatt fi meetigt'O be held tira !t r i cil Chamber cri FrittA% e-reaung till a-eek. Thse bd" 01cit eJus mile tS egIM.. 10 nmatage bc) 6i a-ho M0 qmaIfy for >uilot r.i cOemSl'ed by Fise ld 1a know8l &part*, eîn 1. a" m- ed a Meeting la%% Ptriz; e"Irnkng diknm ~ plans»'I'hite,, aa aiai thtul&sm *amsg hlct~ i IvhiUiiClub a-sJraiVseî 1 meinthg tay S-j-»r s Vý4e.'e tilt Mltng %,t - ' - ln$g and anflittsi 'St' ýe inigit lhase-c tOc,,xo.- p-'r and bteknt TIsat thse" t Irn s ua amesg the bit>-s 0! t>vo VTý Vardagora"a-tlout ass î.g tp ý idea et litLeagae tttsU p, fS ai uuisr-r tea,- .r-at t Wa» joi. ihtaRd mc ir i public appro-valiTt %A;1,e',ia W#hltRl 11%thle fotttr t t I-rati hem he Jut,-: nersa.O hm- bwglImw ibua 0* .I ut) b retr1 ri t» lit Mt ls 51YEN IONANT 'Canîinlied Imm pge1) Ent hieia-rtic celebratticm azked the annouremnent of )&.r Connt- victon. Speaking befole hundte&.s of drn gatbered to lacar tb!e re- sUt.', i hnked al those'Who bad 'upprted him and declared hla n- tfzat.tn of being a truc repretenta- t-Ive of ail ciaases Rn the ridln. Re t an:c.'I 10 >0111 a monster parade :n h...,;ortor whIcfl toilred ev-r' osîf o]Caoridlîng. at.oppln.aa. b-r An no nn ft 4kng tais a-jPp)Orer& Hereeîdn nh- 1.ast;c rec'plion ia Wt:b l Tri .-':a" ~ tr ~:par- a.et- ',FI D7t 4 a' G . ~ta' ~ F-rrtt t47 't-' t tirrr p. hi't.t as rîpc'- b." t:ae r rs;. ,t¾~ -r'-. Park Stt'a:r .iat ar-t-e-etIl t424 a% ý-: -~:rrv Ci rC F or -a r, V te r rail r ia- ta the;t:' :ai.s ;:'t-rua. r,-, t :, C 0 S PF A pas -ot'r.- Hunrdrede o! citittrugâjt11ere-i&a t,:"a' t " co-ar tOr Traes t-tam 1.Te lm h a. t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~!-- tle -&cz .î . --ci W'ta*' fneti o Rea-ou50rtoras F --~t ~;t e aa c o!f111e rni>ns and teo boar short - - e x urnop fo- Cils ýde- addre&lbes C! taiks rtr he ic ~n. - t ft 4 In-' Can ad1dat.e a-nd lis csppcsrn.ent& -~ ~ L-td-s,ýpeaki.ngequipmenî I1rouglh- oui Tlie T'tnae a btns ngzd al- :rnua t.taiIraine a tsainirg rounci-- ~ Ucrm$rgosbUo. t.tt- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bo. Wt nrbejroLde.t> de ~ a.ndjin- iflf- z e euzagon J'riday "en- a-j , Mh itu , t in.g &ives approial of the Idea. atepa the ufl m arn&MpattU lto v wil:: be taken ta ftom theUsa *âJe hoe &igId m» las th ew Juxpt." and 10 approac.h theua.itaiae'bmt fl .CxamuI ot hrcUwff ofl. tihe riak aàla ptaying Urne aid ti gatbed lsa$ie nt & ad u$de Uit datim ., m;*rpof SIli 0-1«ouha"e une &We ork for boys astan urt c is tdIr* walu h. e mulsu th &Pdrtmc. t hvu tt ult UthekIlitureby à S witqlir w»p. ponaciring o! tis sleague would te porl.Ing the toi'eiismnt 1ta powe. ~ gret beoflI. torerment 01thUe am, Mit- CheliP. It.pbw'.a." -Th newmer.er of tbte ls. imiineMald i vumieGi h.Mo pleuin oernPalgnho had ereo Ls.kon panS in, ne hadti bd titinrp. 1 î A E ~ T prter mi h. s tras leir»> tIa. ho o»44i.und the n* Action for Non.Payment of 114 be" "ertO 0 tOthe' i mi WWu iaUe osa tht as LftS d <f cS tariytt* h mu -we r4"", s " ata.yti.ig- An i.nter~Ursg cs* e-ma laegetd <n. us? < el 1*andi usa l are Magujuate In la.ar1bkss u t e , Izý W . uitli - ~ rt--~ic ~ t m he mu udy Sltiwsas&tati t'y ilh1mlOOW1ii<h ui -satiis el emi * l ue e. . tu i T t Li-gr!- acj.~~:d Wie tUt it~ aun4su a', - t(tc li~~5.i .r-. Jhia *4zrý4,pt. o! s~*a$~li: -ttta r a- t--'.= ee rd &n) 1#i -u p mi"sh hue*-Ri e 2 t ee 7 ~ -i- 'ajta ~ US1~fron Di Rrs eu el 11,4t Itir -NS-fa). Zi*i 4 ktat-Ut'?- u cuie s-set M O It t <nAlfti+i ~ < ta jitWsim -ri * 1 UO Uoa 'a' 1-a ru5;a asss2 44.4ts tO s ua~ t'~t *"im<n 4 tom et iaetlai a~u.c -sago~ w a~~q ~5 ~ 2 -V th llof -8 U'5 DR. G. L. ri-l> FLET M.DAFOE Conservative Candiate 7.C. Candidate AII.hough deteatedi Wednesdaya election I Ontario R141ng. Dr. G. L Sird and Finie! M. Daee ma...e à Spiendid !4howini andar" b-lng cent- plimrnted on tbe clos...energeiec .tnpaign the '#sged thrnnkhout the. ridlng. FÂRMINti SCIIEME MEN i-O10 ôra uee h '^:tu;irata!ctn FOR Si ili aIN sudenp" t;'î'ebttrers A(iNPLANNEIIý 0côz n IIa.s d t e.atssjC#u pl,~tai tel >zrg'a- :ecul to Ilitnc kt Ir!.ucîHv-.4they a-I: Ofls a:on tCV I !Or- OHaa Oct 6-To Imer-, tbf ea led U trr Urs .j t ~ .,- :t'tt:'id men.,h arr î. pt"; ,art! mment pan :- ho r: IatooperatIon agaln ,.i i. tth~Ife four Wsenpi; T r-,rl n vei vra bonutr r .nt aratrcs ienoe lor. n d f roa outn aullhorî.îe keen 0f urnjai'ul n fanu. on hc4pis t111eex-kiîng rarn ' ouIf .rondlons show duzaebit Intention or nset:g<Qlt Irnro.eî nRncertaln areas. oaer Clas l Anri t Osif a yrar âgo Utù. Rogers * r.atd. "111e a-Id PM<Id ought ha.s", aza tisebten delinitely raiLsçtd a de.ftnJte check to employ-t formulaled "î.'Lte duce a"id to- i ment oppc>tunities &M'i Ilareday. "As 50011as5 lliey a-re. titeyj r.-ion raklrn a difficulletaitua ona-l be detiniltely nneotnr-ed. at erta the tgleqrmkqe l It à U..Iertoodu ov. r t1laI "-To moot tis COfdfon SM iô llw0 ke -anu :0slagras in'- ltj, lim 111e~proiniaiMoveen i of trans4ent a.ndi ta a a maof!idustrIAl centres sucaas Pittaburg4. PMY4114 tÈte an a nett b- 1DUetroland ClaIcago. s a veu&S profdln3shete: nti u~u1 ar-Newa-York and htii, m, ofcil cupsuon under I 1».tely more c ride- -mr genialc=toea tJ han W14#,Bêltlnr! on l ef ln urb1n teUles. plan IaY '.it Roe'l -rlU be pâmad M opa 'at-W WeEdward a-arnt-a to 04x11r a-4Ua pro"-nm &sa Ciurnsum", lw4- lea4is prmt uvu o0itheUale~ rs.nt ~~ôW -' O ai.tluding. p.rhabps Pult Lut yeaz 1h. mlma$ m Pro. RomSSvan id VI- k104I "nult-. vinm t hèze expum o f ooStmut- claM AU mipa.zio& lieta " ortm- bc 810 amSt toahe t kg taika WtUiWin" a 0O9 e eu* uempkPd MM mpt-oftube ".10. iau johis1.& UW$ 4 ed hm*m* u t to .L.ê n.o mapIie ethe àoture.' *wleta &ddIM= 0,s* assaýtb IVM B t tWr ~hmd tUase $04*y $ #IV"ev«r *517 *M VIIO Ra uI ffl 1 c4 @t utet.r hOtl, Tbq ma&n piiauiCl 8fliu rnta fj«VCnhUsXW hCmemc Ua Uio u»emug mosihabave noucrr fl<40aSm Md W.2Iellimm&con- OMDW.t& *Agi- at U* w>. .wku 1%i,01dP"la I*m l w4 tutflmuwa cmIu*t#lo st.I«WÀeL»i~ lewq*q Ia& Iuq amdnzty hal m 8010tuai, *Wt" rontei <.t bm rd im Uarl WMW se '0 O b4 v iY t. 5m i stor dU-onrued i PfclI'SP*Soe ioaonWcqW duucs ilr et-"! b &.c rrxs duko aher t 1âsow Caolabory mde U» b Jý« Par ueluacr &disseth th he ddc* lut a Wb=a- t li miwahd tï41e1oeutmhaie. Seol= hawveh4 le e cam- mb>e tàei wat eed 10 let lie dutip$0 g-o terniam udthe MS s MwerVohio S Js. t.- Ths OUTAWA BOOSTS 1. ITS SUBSIDIES iTota, Not Counting Relief Grants, Set at $46,965,000 OttawA. Oct ..bqde ar grant.în.ad b îie province- wîV: t t 'leo Dom ina Ion Go% e rr. men t $46965000 Rn the present fiscal vear. ac'cordlng to an eetimate In Ithe mon.hav MatRstical summarv Mf the Bank of Canada ThLs is srf from ats-nadfor roUet -nie total Lq an Increaer orf ore, ha&n $8.600.000 from $38.333.000 in hfa ftcwa] year ended Mareh 31 la,,t and Lq nesrly tflree Rimre.- axgrernt &' $16.0000 in 1930 'fT-la otai compre.t $270O0 for o;d Age Penion,-;,$19 215.000 for ~usdls $150.000 contributed to th osto empleyment o rsand $100000for tecrhntciil duratlon. C'omparative figures- for c-.'Pa %-fu.r vwer'# 21 14700 fr oW1 aze ppnsionst $1696000 for xubý, *.*' S15000for m omrtc- .csand g$6.000 for tcrip d No detaile'd est..maîe of -ta \- penditure wa-,s madeo. bul, or $38 - 33300 a.t3-'ar 55*fl5 <1tidrld a', f:- .ow~ P.ta'eF.dwa-ri arc 000 N'i'a ~ $3,75,«M00 .i Brur.s'aic,.k $2 4f%5000. Qiirb'- 4 968.000. On a.rio $12 15000 M M -- îcta $3.657. kh'an SI 961 000 A.berm% $3 1960CM a r. jBr' PREMIER HEPURN coMiRAT1JL4TII Message Receiveci Cheers at Home At me o'clok Thursday moruangatls *e iie 1rcmir M. F. lleputil teleigioned GOWdoi D. zonant. K C, M-L.- -hv arelltt~rbv"- elect for Ontai-lo Riding. nt hisa". a -t"r r "t . home hez.and extentied i&s Mn- Te urt, Ssfi.tt :-i - cmt cOnpattlucu U>- r. Conant o anti '-'- "--u w the electorsaof Ule f e liu.rrh aw4îct.re bs rilitng for thse vidcion tb iss -i t fft v r.s ti(') lue :t atît ha ti g sen h i& v rn w n a d oi- i pl t B C"-., r-> n " b t '- km&ê Ite pren.ssi juing frosm tpe'uîa~Rur--:'tt Si bai tom r m se near S. Th<>mâàa y nn't o t ltt rs i c-at: oft ~ <bred by1h. ~:eto] Ii churcla 'ioric Veur atter vtz-ar t4t vtt« a ttÛ " WngV n ng!chutes building ias breon inupros'ed, toidslghboretoei -Ume,------. -U «i 147011V the premieraboutet. vuun, u"ià4 > e- IJ" tlincmi H O R SE At i u» eeouht <oio0iho au A « ig a m M7«0f Mr.Omaff Vs oSm vuue t a"ahm». Join- JO hi* q*b eel.beauoesandi 3TAIEIS ET IADMISS< or #hemto aru-r vpont& <h Il»wm'bmmt« "0 Paair Pea JO-; *od-444fl 1-4 bqO,te Qm(veq1p~et w h uieti - 88in'Ur *m f but iwa"#p~ BUSINESSI CARIDS LEGALf W. J. HARE, B.A. Barrister Solicitor. Nutary. (Successor *(o A. G. Prnvnlng, K.)i Office: 110 BROCK STREET N relphone: 392 - Wb;tby R. DONALD RUDDY Barrisu'r. lolitIlr oar 'bl Offi'e at the 'ourt House. foi,». rrlY OeCCPied hy A. E. ChrIstlAn lonry te bn. l ' h o n e > 1 b l h DUNCAN B. McINTYRL Mffie: flmr-k !--t. South MONUMENTS 0e-aler In Imporim iand t-ana ,ratîIftes %iora. ~rjj ni modert SIGNS HARRY LADE TRI CK & WVINDOW LETTFR SHO.C~R)s& .AOAl.TYPE VETERINARIAN DR. G. R. BOOTH Accredited Veterinary Large and 'Small Animnal Surgery. Persona] -Attzntion to AiU Cals. 2'03 King St. West, Ã"shawa. Telphone 917 Oshawa Dr. H. H. Hamilton Veterinary Lairge and Snall Animal Surgmr Brooklin, Ont. Telephone 3600 Si'-cor to Dr. McNeely) atn Central Taxi Service DON J.BRYANT nI, Phone 364 - Two Heated Sedans for Day andi Night Service L W. DUDLEY liepresentlng National Uife Insurance Cc. also Fire, Automobile, Accidenàt andi Slckneaa. Phone 60 ontîirioi GEO. HAMERS 4G T14NSMTM urnaces andi Air Condtinnngv j Gener-al Sheet Metai Wrk Plans mbnlnîeîDrtiwn MEDICAL DR. R. T. MacLAREN Physicimn andi Surgeon Rosidencé. and Office Cor. Mlary and Brock St.., Whitby_ OR. FREDERICK A. CUDOT Il'HIS 1 4CIA N Cor. Il.yron & Colbornc Sta. Telephone 50 The present pastor. Rev. H. Elmer Cii-pn. lhaý adcld to the 'hureli CIIINESE OF JAMNAICA AID COMADES AT HOME Kingstmi, amalca. Oct. 6.--Cbi- "-e resdents of Jaralca have rblcd $15,000 sassitance toqtleir r 4r -y R Rs kght aga iist Japm fl Rwas alnounotti on Mofday, a nt d, wa.rded shortly. ONV $1.00 1uommemn.sI IINCI, General AdvertisÃŽng Phone 2513 Brooklin, Ont. CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMI UNDERTAKINi W. C TOWN Vu ncraJ I)b1rrifi or a raii n Marlow & Strowger FUNFRAL SERVICE Ullu Ph... iBsi~ t ahA. A. ROBINSON W ih rune-ral Dtrr,'îctr araId lnntr Anhin -loaler p AmhutN . 'anre '-t-n o-e MI ETER Y ton IF vul% fuaW goi '-t~r snaa trre CÀ À v ou,- ':b. %I a t Itlaey Iarkpe'.1H .1 '!t: a" up I l igtlt tt-t't.t rss u'.m 1k '. R FU., and Cots- '.e.the bi g iurn a': uc ar'toia A lo, Va r-H a Ï4- ini Federal Governmnent to Op- erate Ernployment Plan in Western Canada .n-,' l ah cin - i-N a i i -f ixe 'f "%xRn. ina-1Ba:k If MRi ëtun uAix OKE Of WINDUO MARES PL4NS Flu A HONOUU VI ut#i With D<cb.. f« New Moeb* c Ni ~~hkte Ses *Ibo h.ll Z 30 f WU4.< ast Ri ~Yos < 4e t IÇ M 'éos'e~s * le-~Irgu4 r- 8 flNs

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