Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1937, p. 3

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fl-E WI-lIBy cGAZE'fltANt CORRESONENE ONOMICAL, TrO OSHAWA P.Ni. P.M. 2.43 s8.45 3.43 8.45 4 43 elO.45 a .45 11.4.% 4.45 A.M. 1.43 24 IHINGTON ýTY PHONE 121 AXI, >RTATION CARS R WHEN R YOU WANT TREM ST WEST 0F ST- OFFICE NU. LWHITBY trd Island, Nova Scotia Urnwr, ciT .2g Li1 ti Fake 'Medicine? Sales Agent Has Beéen Operating Up Brookli, Way1 Called onl W0R2fl SoUmgf Almonds Hors. Medinc~~ laimning It Was Ordered by Mani AlMONDS, October 8-Mi MaSse! Mackey ici t on W4edy of the House - Young- for OUawa, where she vl set Peoples Union H e.1 d!à 'tT Opening Meeting - An-; Harris vere Stmday Iston w1th1 gliian Young People bmy ci Kinsale. glicn Y ung Peole ally Day vil!be observeti on Visit Port PerrySurstay at Aimands. ioi1aving tUic regular Suaday Schoal session whih bgin at1.13 p«m.and rnaly (G. M. Whlte, Correspondent) iservice beginnlns at 2.30 P.A BROOKLIN, Octaber 'Z -Mr. Paul: specual pragrw bhas been draftet. Christoen.son returneti lest weer Mr. and Mr&. GOuld. aof Tur-n ftrom his surnmer wark at FIle !acw ,vere recent vWators wth Mr.b 1111s, Sask., and la wlth friends In ;and i Me. W. Hall.d Brooklin until Thuraday vhen ha bit. aMn. James Gregory andi réturna ta the University to con- !Mr. McClean, af Oshawa, vistet tinue hi.s studios. On Montiay evr- a n Tuesdey last ut thse home of W. t Ing Paul spoke at the opening K .Balsdon. meeting of thse Young People's Mrs. Htddon Kime spent seversi l Union when e large a.nd £nast ap- days recently at the. home ai her precietive nuxnber waa pre.sent. He parrnts ln Bramptan- told of bis work as Super-vtsor of Mr. an-d Mns J Guy visited vils the boys In the File HUis schoolà thea latter s father. Mr. Roberts..ofaI of which there are ffty. his mis. Columbus, on Wetines4ay last. 0 elon church. 45 miles f rom the 1Mr'. and Min. John TordIt!, o! school -where he preached ea.ch Barre. andtirsMreiabel HarrUon. Sunday and of bis visita, in the Of Oshaua. ver-e Suriday vWsiors homne.s o! the Indians. In simple with Mr'. James Knxgist. et the e lnt!mate anid humorous way he told hbume ai W. H Baitan. of these people whom he bas learo- Thet Ladles re'elzeda 1t.1e oNWr cdl ta love and! the Indian work Vas svent) -five dollar-s fom thies re- e y,-.' T.I5?C le Lea,' Con te8t. bN ADIA'N LCIFIC SMART" LOOS' Mli them aGiantage be lime. _Tht eW s 4tramas acusi- borrot, aà whwusfit- vsinWu =4 ppeu- i bonit. A ifai 6 ta Ne. OLasat ISss )METRISTS ~LL Oshawa Iuchsn=. ,fareman bodiy Position heh. eid turlrsg rtrilons et Bgins. Dorbes, foremnubody dit Job et Regina. Meli- Wth Generai Motors. l. n foesnglass. bard- Il. bMty. Tventy-sevçn Gênerai Motors anti SRegfins three yeasa onCox, foreman chessla sd reJact. Witis Generai Inly-fou yeyars. le.ortmars abeet. ues- itenameli. Ten years r.M fn orman inla ahlppn. FMteen ytîrs MrI Motons. Woble, foigman pover Inlntenance-h.ia sa. kJob. etsince 08 IBanton, superviser of nti ytars Oýeenir jMatois ScSszeîî. ceident se- îWtalterner Who iahubo ra snce Regin&eplant -Hall Senda r atulations to Oirdon Conant 'se. HalWho la totiay .WUa aong thbe many ',essageofa ongratuig- rdons D. Caent on hii@ tbe ontroILaiSltue. la telagrara le Mr. Coi. Wsalocns, Gardon, y=u splenldid. - dld foet couiti do it.« 44Msyoi' Aies. Ri. liserê frons vbcu O C l'teve t ldea' *0r. j ith. eleeteti ln Wstevlcc A. Cemeron. BellevlII; n. Gerdon, Peterboro; ~t0r, M-P., Tor-onto; Mit ted In Haidlnmssd.l#r 14 J. xirby. tiect« i l ilutoM. J. PraukellYý wilocted lisn takk. &tôscore f othoti'pro. di pesoafriesida. *l tona 00S5 I :4 madie ver-y real ta aIl vho vert privlieged ta heur hlm. Paul bu bee-isnmost fortunete lu beiug able1 ta wor-k haif-timne un ana ai the mL'%sion churches in Toronto. viSer-e be viii hoard vlth the resident miniâter and take tva Suntisys ai month o! the preaching servies. cent anriver-sar) supper Tht Wonsen s AssociatIon viii meet Tues.dey next. A full attend- ance ia requesteti as their ta apecWa business. Group No. 1 viii have charte. PUN ANNIYESARY 0f BURNS'- WURGII ASHBURN9 DE1.31 Historic achcliieH Seca Swoem-oews Of Asbbunk il! (ame.Edgar Bulwe. Cin, .det A.8HEURJqOc 7.-Mer. andM me George West anti daughlee.>Ma mmseapent th. week-nd wvuhP'". ani Mr*. WilIam Ricot etie. Tht W-M. wviiibeldti ter an-î nual Tbaxik-offerirng netng in the baâe.ment of the e cueh en TUOS- iii'. Oct. IMt. Mir Gomdan Piser h» khidly conient.d to gis-e tht e ai0hi. trueÀk ta help oui- ormnmUuty la thelr ahane of loadlng tht e rWlIc a3 being Se.nt irans rockin fDbM reek to thse vest- Plan&amar under way foS the an. nu&] anniversary servie« 01 Hura' bhrich hic-h viflbe heiti 8wstay, )Cýt- 3wa. Sers-le.., ert sunday. >ct i0th. viii heaet 11>0 8UnD"y Srisool at 1030. The service hast Suntiay vua muais en)ed by thase vio attendeeti.«.v R. Simpson taking for bis tent 'islllpplana. 4tSr chapter. antithse S'h verge. Durlng th. serviee . ;'aiter Kerr andi M. Fred Stepheas aise a very pies.slnt duel Mrs I Grant, acvompgnW dby Mr, andi MrsRoitby. of Port Ferr.f injcyct a motor ttnp to 8teatio'd Srentiy. VialJtOrs et thse bome of Me. snd Ha bu many friand.. in thils co- n- Iity cilkeidtuiiig the afteooS Mr. anti Mr$ Reg. DOUlet andi am- munuty vha wlsh tor hlm & ai!t tO offer cougi-tul&atlan.11Y. ai Lýakeflelti; Me. aMes. mW. 13 bast In tht vork he bas chosen. iMr. anti Mi-. Ca.ul Spenr-ant»I er-an anti fa.miy. ai rookiIn.et Ouests vtth Mr. anti MrsA . I&M!Ly anti Mms.Undervooti ai To- Mr.anti Mi'.Robeem a O is Elllatt thlis veek vers lMr&. Wezley Toi5to. s&WMr. antiMrs. Bayes of ur Eliit.t Part Parr-y lMr.anti Mr'. (Osaavert among he ustaI. MLss Jars-la. cf 'ronto. spet thse Bick, Mn. andi Mr. Charles Elîlott A numbar f romn Brookiin attend- vaek-end vils Mir. andtà&&Mes. - and - Misa Evellýn Elliott at Baob- eti thtessions ai tiSe W C T . n Andesn. caygean. Convention.hlid this vtek ln Quite a number tram ber, aI- A M&4tlug af thse Llbrary Board Oshava. tentiedth ie poltlW mertiu linoui>. vilii h held an Wadnesd.ay even- Mn P. L. JUil. liM.George *,ovs on 'rUesey anti tire vU In#, Oct. 13, lu thse ibrary. Thais J3 JousM Niss iA Burton andi Msquit. a sUr seomdU» ntie la e o an .mportant meeting anti &UsimeNoumWhite attieudth e exacu.- Wednesday oving b tise ejeeteSa. urged t, atteti seme.tlng OC tht Woman'a Mas. Me. Jackson. C a iva ZOOMen. Mr. anti Mra. O'Brien anti Me. gSn8c«.bl nOhw "mW«M.Ar»MW .& anti Mn. Y.>kas of Tor-ceto wvm jThuesday, visen plisavers made Oshawa iHoeptsi, dCuilelon ceo withMr. ndMr&.J. Aema for tise anUal meettnt ta bu tutti Moday. te-M we antiend. J AIna or JanUW7y Men Margaretpuaer.i. bab the' week-end.-Me. BM sRaymmnd Viekejy tabea a posimtuontaWbtW. Miss Norma Chinu, of Neepawa. BMd &ne.,ore.. ver&»»ecent_ ai-home on Sunde. Manitoba, ta vils relatives ltehrm W t e s J lkr. Me niMSevi ~M . e few veeka. m uiGMWp, Gim Jtai tsmfl Ur.and àby MiWn aget5p. Mr'. antiMmMe. E. amer, Mes. ot Toroto, vuetvitbIs M. &B M eont UW-Ur. AU=e », M 14 Waikar anti Me, ant irMs. rormas JXi*lw svu ltie Mas <Me M lem U White motoridto ta Mk" e n les *agVU - i Tarent r.,a Haper t onosi ga Bunday anti "ssMargaret Ramer'tv gs116$WUL .pet.k visa baubeen et Bila for ttaupeat MWseUng%!es roSenueopj*oâa0-, ' 5Mm t m ue ta I three montha reftuenet hoe .1>WU i nulutel t .t ifm " àSav. ls Ah m "u*leue vofe»luIbmon.- w51. 10tltbar. beexu Udh $=Mu eW g an sleégetilàf si« ales age .t visauia- f P &M i -n»bupro. 11vêred tmetiteine for harm. eclalu- paUMe 1WUMut IqS ta tuse WWl OOW lng Il ta have baaiortiereti by lise ISMO a !adebêee 'u.lved tOi IsO dl mani of tise bouse. m=" ueyva pli bM otter te tulai roakilaor Port mML ut 514flM20b«W a aven for- tisaproduet vhieh a 1er-Pesry la MmIWi taiss me" Landau. ueg.. * -M h&zf. * w arts provedti 10e a complets1 lnu 18M Thebot ooepeay VottiUa & aUàd t tw Skie t Ia. ffte.Inoneintagsa lca dc-for the deata n hwb m uantella tbe ffl iq ts&W iMd lue tor's name vas udu guimte . l aa 1910IN o 1e ptm u S , %ynW aui A wernlng aanmasucis»sasenta iandtâanss>asmut appetsw- an- hm. P vu broadeait anti every ne«&ischoai>senvd th e s.Paterry"So. ta be on tise lock out for sucS. wy On secouet of rain andi 1< on sevice la et Thomap AuiSa Utica Tuasday avenîng ,no cars vers Ch viii bbuta cen wsmmdj ct. avallabia for tise liaiNU «, C > 0 et Il smbin» tte ca. M5. . <~C. Rally et Bounsnvllleanti on 5jUù .C.Olngs usc*rgd".~~ eccount Brooklil Circie va» nm A car oCfruiût anti vgeteule f« (>toè Nth bta represente t i e i Rally. MPKZ sakateisevar. viii le j,tkW Wgu ew wkmt te lon tiarookla. onWegsGyUfuiciza,1h 4U.M. Mr'. Girbutt andi Miss e B eti'le ia. OlatIOO" aud iseilt ca cb. W" e &Meu»V. & Garbutt vert In Nevinsekt e no ' »abmbs.Myti.el in Om. Ni ca Tuesdsy. um*t Ml*w. 07».aiMe ï Mrs. Sine laspenting a (*W day.suaGsetpas ii da.uib*M u le. OPWVeiMWaà& Me. etMtàasdu vîtis lier Sisten. Mrs. Norimin.lu Hata UHme ServicesvSiimSetae o e halmw*, t f Tanouto.! hei las Eroagiai Ung" Cti * e nandi vls1iise Tos * l. Mir. Chas..Spencer celebrated i& is ndy ui Ts escs Wte ie 5il&t a .a 801h blrthday thls veek vsn pwhM deoeet ur14OrC&O M IK* Pýhyt t meinbera a! the famiy vere vlsti thse cho«eViii ubg« eps o» tht ,S5U été= 3a"t e hilm andi many f riend.s l intis k vemuS.TtPoster. 5a". P. L .Ju. uit laipu" Tau& ilwbus m l ____ _ vii eedur lots v.es b»i* *,.Vii 1 iatis Ue aa"wtffl q lu «MvoIVfl 4M VU0 tle hsm& puem qi #aW>i'j Vowl Suppe, Ki m %mWy .la BROOKLIN ~~ a.ax uspm UNITED ,CHURCH a V W"ffl mod 4 e *Am Mu noa e &""msuiu 5 *t« e mr u bubM g M teM" u oct. thviseM *m. »QUOI of Uis v u A h5p ma**0etm i*m * 1% U» iffl #4 * l"N0»tom pa m1-et 5kM.« Nl Propmm . lu.Md as a@" 04t 1 SM a lu& a »$W 1 Travelogue - "Pasel. Md .-t ut»&h mUo~ mn Thet ld LsAd"-.R. 1 Uw CYomqts ee 0<P W h W. 6. N. SsUyth, Nl v m tm 0 Mt~cf<r.P. mNa-- "flue au SM lis. top goum 1J Wh"ry*,CU*= van m boa&____ Qartette; F'rsuk Rte Ths M0 e WX&mmobmet1Wbo Admission socma 2c w **«m no*m w *îe ow hi s W ha DOW g. lo*, 5 g. - un W# p fi"~ 0 el rI ru LE TI-IURSDAY. OCTOBER7, 93 M Ski YourCream We Atre Payaing Th! Wok WE PAY EXTRA FOR DELIVRY IN TDE RANK 0R CMTZENS DAIY SATISFIDCREAM SIPPER& Write oS MM»nUs.. -OM rwChufaect CItizen Da1 wu. Rmt W. L osy. Mms Vie Paakk, 0 1 ulia Me. WWisam Elaàdriabau wmd %0bîshame ta tWom 0« *"am ut -e v X& 5~4- wauffl la leutuoàwOwa W* uM dam vhs iwut O 4 manI Sma st e. MiwmtIS mm 14M ii aw r u UMM a vm.ma 01 onle 'mur t I- * gI~ 0<le am oma W »s omm - a-.. lui- ad i g., TUk.ti* mult - Unm - ~U tm RURALCENT MYRTIE STATION TO HE[P SENO A CAR TO THE WEST Wiil Send Vegetabies and fruit To Thoe-in The West tU. .Harrison, cwrTepmedentî MYRTLE STATION, Oct. à5-Tht Raglan annvernarylà to take Place nMt Suiiday. October lOtis, vitis sevices Kt 11:00 amn. andi 7:30 p.m. Eemua. afthLs, liere viiibe no e'hurch service bei-e thus enabllrsg ynu to attend, ait e va ee!sure Usat the Raglan goati people yUl be glati ta velcome snany 'vuistors. 8undaySchool wvIii e KtthUe usua. houe of L 4 pmLi TIs car for the Weut ta to -ha knoadtM tBrookLMnent week on 131h and lità. Those having Vegetebies or fruit to &end. mâay l«eave lBKt Mr. E. Caak's garage or eve word for thse truck to cail. M&. anti MMs.0. H. Lane accans- pe.nffl by Mr'.sand Nis. H. stacey 01 OShawa. motoredti t NewmRrkci. on Sunds4 visera they si3itet! wlb Col. C. D. N. MeCAlpine, aofTM- ronto, COL Percy Jobb. Mrm jobb andi NM sJean. af Oshava, andi Me. MaClelian. at Windsor. were week-end visitors af Mr. andi Mrs J. IL. ReCOCI. Me. Floyd Hcney raturneti to hi home bote f rom Saskatc.hewan Ibm lie hati charge of a Mission r«rbu a th Twnto nivrriy. i Ms. -.ln.sc - &u,*1 a . , hite M. wrad MmIL 5oTUDQ andYSKIIt a iMam tersataredti taBoisover Me. ati Me.. hl- E.C oss nt en- l est ne» hSmeet Tilbury. W. viah l ltdlshMPnh e th es od batis anti p osperty tur f t o h 0 er home hi Ohava ai- tu Um new ome.taIr pendln the put week vith M. liseur Ou new home. Miss Helen Croier. Me.M »d -bu mo e'l t lith hs Mr.Lloyd Mdcee lied hi. laI agetant bs mvei l vllilia. braken tIis eek wlien the hoS» !amlly. We are gladti 10 vis wicis le vas iedtng aiolise them t. Our oemunity. h1 ..-- strshme by a dog. lin= A» _________ Ur. MeXftevas knockl edt h@ A~UmOI TIDIOut round and trempleti on 1v his wenad. nt. Oc 6-va eI- A number frai heru atteudt e I&M deit laepoeted isai. - .White'&Ssale Of tarisstock and « t» &M.le anthdnfeheti sets f ipemots at A"bu en osTUesdy t«Q Un vIM as at1i llnp.toand Utse saeofthouseholti furnbals PwM Me oMm..et Dr. K.M.ILuedey. lbllIS ~ 1w liala flce, Mbeter OiuMlWtY 0Mub la wM a g«Mtibu; uueni loer eelebeattng ts tenth blrtbMdagon W, ila .14 su g i4 a m on 0 0c.t li ib . dm a fS r tie q ut m tu= "4 cuâmo 1Vb a ti»e. secor 7Wtkbtiii4sto be mn PAG TREE Orange Pekoe Blend Dobson, wha WBs rlding vîtis Me. Mvanchester Lambe. hati one foot cruahed. Roev. Me. Muton, of Kinaaie, oc- cupled the puipit bere on Sunclay (R. Crosier. correspondent) and dellvered -Bn insplrlng atidress MANCHESTER. Oct. 4. - Mid- i on 'Prectîcal Religion*'. Owing ta week visitons et the borne ai Mim s spelial annlversary services inI A. Rees verg is. Catons, Mes, t ather appointments there WUI 'be Harnwortb. Mr3. 'E Sklll andi Miss na chu-ch here next Sunday. Pearl SklIl. aiL ofi roto.Congratulationse are exteniedti t 1M.r. andi Mn. Qearman are mov- Mr. J. Medd. cf Manchester, on vin- ing to Wbitbv this %wk. The fatrm ning f irat priza anti Mr. Jas. Le, of of the lotte Tisas Bar-netti an whlch Greenbank, an wtnning fourth prize they vere 1hslli. has been saiti. We a t tht plaughlng match hait Bt Rre sorrvta loe themn fr-cr the 'Ratlsburn hast week. Thase two community. men. as usual. wii lia campetlng at Visîltors with Mr and Mrs. jack tihe varlaus piauglslng matches this Stewart vr-e Mise Annie Stewart, Feu. We hope they vili have suc- of Bowmanvime- Mr. Chas. David- ces's t eBeli and brins home thse s-on. of Wbîtbv-. and Mr. andi Mr. honoura as thay have la, other Siths. o! Oshawa yftr5. SMr-and.M0f Nichais and 5(m Mr. anti Mn-. W. F., Thompin Glvr&.o shawa; Misa E. Bray. andi Miss A- ThamPaon attenddt a!f Pckering, andi Mr, Groosam, of the Kln-Hoiburu Vetidintset Claremant, vialteti vitisMr. and Queoas-lt onl atuetiay. Mrn. Frank Jabnsaon an Sunday. MiW Aletha Barrat spet Mon- Mr. and Mrs. O. Jeffrey. nf Prt day with Mms.Hareti Archer in éPerry. esileti on ber sister, Mrs, S. Por erry Nichai. recntW.Mr'. anti Mr&. OCi FaPriow, Of Mi. Jean Wells and son.,oaiT'orFrgm, an d M. anti Mrs. Oliord ant. vsietivusli. ati is L.Fs.ra, of Port Buron, spent the Lamb. on Sunday. 1 ek-end vlth Me. anti Mr&. Grant "v Audley AUXLEY, Oct. 5i-Tie clubs meets st thse home cofMe. anti Me. Everett Beyant on Montiey eenlng Do flot forgt thse tuchre anti dance ln thé saool ous, cm PM- day evenng fr lth. Womnls ln- stituté. Ati*nul 2ia censans sd ladite provde. &or"hm aM.id; o mi- j /4 j i T j J p. t!4 7 1' I i I .1 I -. . , F '4 PAGE THRE.E. RURAL 17 E Dis

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