Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1937, p. 5

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6' THf-E WH1TB'Y rs itu rday YS h one of Canadas a dis5play of the 'atu rday rEd 9th d seec these. if you nd remember Bell'a hind every garment V DRESSES ) SUITS y - at GQODS ET SOUTH Ilectors Roll for 1837 Taxes, entedl by the Cierk be mc- snd returned ta the Tax ir for collection, and titis was also carriled. RKIT orFOu . Activiiy at Polling ions - Heavy Vote Anticipated bar cUod.ltlou n <Varural ofa Ontario rlding, for elec- Y~, were not too favourable .orning. At cight o'ciock, 0.i polis opened, a , heavy of fog hung over the wisoie outs1de oi Whitby, and cas arly bad ln the Raglan antd districts. Motorlst.s !ound Wa.s Impossible to sec- more rty yards ahead, ansd they drive warily, partIculariy as dS were wet and sllppery as to! last night's heavv rm. pte' of the unfavourabi. colhdltlon5, however, thero ech activlty at the polling *At Port Perry town hall. itance, there were seven raling whess the poils were at, eight. o'iocli. and the workers expected a heavy tise town. ~yalter nine o'clock t.he Ii lil dense, but vas show- se sign of- lifting, and thse dorliers were hoplng for weather later ln the day ln imalet heýr tas k o!fgpttii'g vote somnewisat casier. DB >CERIES a a 32e b e d 35R lb od ..35e b s.28c b 1 6c b 20d'b 1 o 10b ion ioc lb Jars 32ec jar W. Repair Anything Bought ini a Jewellery Store. BASSETTS Oshsawa Ph.-1650 WHITBY Ph.-1 71 Ch urch Ne ws of Whitby 4LL SAINTS' CHURCH A t Ail Saints' Church. on Sunday ex t, the Twentieth after Trlnity, *eewiiI bc a celebration of the HYv:ý Communion at 8 am., and ;11(: ning prayer and sermon at i fil. when the rector u'lll continue -,csries of sermons on the .,irçlh with the subject. ZTh irchi and the Nation. The Sn- .1School will meet at 3 o'clock il at cvening prayer at 7 o'ciock r rtor wi:. preach on the Auis- of "Pray'rrr'. The members of ,,)è congregation are reque.sted to ,ý n ithr!r place,, well before the * !np lhti the services are due ta wKnA few minutr-s devotion and llnýciî; li on arc mosî hcIpful as a tr o e 0plibiic worship. Visitors uý.:be verv welcomne. "'ILL INSTAL OF\FICERS I-he A Y P A of Ail Saints' ar, iraklng plans for the Installation of li)e officers for 1937-08 on the eve- n.ng of Children's and Youthi Day. October l7th Arrangemnents are ai'o being inade by the Sunday School to specially mark thLs day aind to bring before the congrega- lion the work among the young. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. H.Elmer Green. 6lst AN NIVERSARY October i OtI REV. PROF. H. 14 MacNEILL, Ph.D. SpecWa Preacher for 8M0 P.M SACRED CANTATA BY THE CHOIR ThOse itsereted ln thmesesenta are aaked to vatchi for furiher an- nouncements FoU detai3a cliib. grranged ait the .YP.A. meetng on Monday evsntng. TO TAILE ON EfIlA ThUa evenlng, PrIday, OctoberL the Rev. C. R. IL Wllktino. U-& of Kangra, India. vii describe hlm work at Ail SaInts' Partas Hanl at 8.15 p.m. Mr. Wilklsm nvii fMus- trate hi&ta tak wdU moving picture of the. country and people as cel] as the specific work tlnvitich s hi eusgaged. Anyone tnterested la vel- Pcoine <o attend. -ST. ANDREWS8 CRUECH The services in St. Andrsw's Churcli on October 10 cil> b. In charge of the Re.r. J. B. Skene. B.A.-. Clerk of the Presbytery of Torotoi jDr. Carnslchae] la conductlnt anni- %%'ersary servicesin tlxbridge for thse Quaker HIlI congregation for the Rev' P.lhorrton Merek VITE» DCHIfJEC THANKSGIVING SE.RVICE At 7 p.n.- on Sunday te minister preaches on thse subjeet. "A Stralght Look at Fmsclsm and Where Tt Leads-Dç, You Oare?'- TisaYoung Men's Bible Clams studY FasAciM and ChrLqtianlty st tiseir Sundayl meeting and the miuter In the evening seez It through the Prescis. erS 's e.s. At the inornlng ser!ýJce the anrsusl Thanksglylng Servicei wUll be held. 'ise eiurcli cil>bt approprittely decoritted. 'The United Churrh anniversary and supper cil] be lseld on Friday. Oct. lSth and Sunday. Oct l7tls. W.M.S. THANK-OFFEING The autumn thank-oiierlng mneet- ing of iieb W MýS.of St. Andrew'& Churrh will b. heid Frlday after- noon at three oeclock An addre.s wr-ll b. given by Mrsý J McNteoll o! Toronto, Ouests are expeeted from West Hill. Pickering and 03is- a 1%a. 'YOLTNO PEOPL8SERmVICiE The annual A.YPA. service casà held at St. John's Anglican Churtis Port Whltby. on Sunday nlght hat ne .churchi vasbeaut:'Uliy Oscor- ated clstiste A.YP.A. prlncpi I 'Worship, Work, ]FeU*ochp. EcIMi- cation** and the A.YPÀA A MOMi ".Christ and tseChurch- dlsplaYed &round tse valis of tise cisurcis wutis bine and chita flocers. Uhe A.YP.A. coloura. The rector chose ashsteut lItJohn 2:14--l have vritLes unto you young men. cauma ye are strong sud teWord of God abidethin ta ou. and ye have overconse tseevil onse.** Rs potnted out hov titree o! Use memmWla wi ndovs ln the elsurci correspond- <d o the uitile chfldre. y0wsg mem and fatitenrs ePectively. t0 whom St. Joitn. patron saint of W. churcl avu riting i haL opistke. is message vuans appul <o thse young fpeoto mrelypracee tste priciple.s 01 ChrtiashIy A uasm days visesnotblng Ni <t» igm utni ciiMielthée ehuluaetS w'orld condftlusa et. iss's Churel. Fut Wlsiih. clulb. Mrning uMW Ivelng Frayer at Il &-m ansd 7I>= .- spectively. Thse main <hwfflb trougisout. the day ctllb. UhaL0« i VICTORIAN ORDER 0F NURSES TOWN CANVASS F ~ ~ 1 w VW ' W WW w 'WW W 'I Thursday, Octobor l4th A Gentou/Gift for a Woeth7 C4m. WhIty R.Iay ýI. Town Hi, -ya mx&V..L nUM GUEME tit Cburel. Wh" bby spedal Mr- vies mnsmubdy neut intS rk Ils dexy-fnm aurmnieMmy. Arudce on hiisBoet .1Churtb appearson pareeuoe 09 lias ~ National Thanksglvlng. lToc Beaver BOY&*Bible Clati VOf meet at 2 p.mi. and the Sunday Scisool ana otiser Bile Classes at 3 pmr. The promotions wcl b. announced Bt thse close of Sunday Scrhool. W taie effect the followffg Sundayw.ic ls Chlldren*s Day On FTtday at 4 P-m. a mleeting culb. held at tihe GIAZETT AND C CLASSIFIEV For Su1eor Rent jFOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE, rooms. bardwood luoms bot wstC? beating. splendid cellar. front aisd back stairs, large Iawn. garagué F.; partic.lIars. appiy <o Gazette and Chronicle Offi.e. box 40. FOR SALE--moDER . HUNG- low. centraly located. tIve roOlD and bathroom hardwood %IOfl. modern wiring. hp verendshi front a.nd back. fine lawn frOlit and back. wtth ga.rdMngaras. etc- Must be seen to b. appreciated W111 be sold reaaonab1. .WiteL -Adytrtse. Box 104. Gazette- For Rent FOR RENT - SIX ROONED hou-te . &U oonveniencss. Corner Walnut and Euclid street. APphy 231 Kent St. FOR RENT - APARTXMI partly f urnlahed; aU modern OS- venience. ncludixag domest* SM water; primae entrance, w"ry en- t.rsi.Rent 810 per! Uonth i$. Telephons 350 or apply Gazette OS- fice. FOR RENT-ROUSE ON MARY street. conrenlences. Apply M. Lona NichoU Dundas street VWht- Fy r G steo ffce FOR SALE - DOUE.LETUB rect.ory for prayer and evangelsuc antique bedromt dresser =dOs study. On Thursday. thse 4i tni rst.. sinali rocklng chili. Apply Osastie thse Executrs Comnilttee of Useoffice. Churcis e-lB meet at thse rtctory. Men*a Association of St,. John's ANXIVEBSARISERVICES ParUÀculaao!f te 614t annver- aa.ry ac-vtces of Whitby Baptiat iCisurcis, to be ohaerved on Sunday next. appear on page onse of tisa isse- A picture of the cisuch ap.. pear on page sev"M SAY$ UHRISTmiIANITI AND PACIFISH DOTH E3SENTIALi (Oosilnued trou page 1) W hoca u atreme pacUIL lu, I Torogto skie dechared Usai iL might rb. necesisrY for tLeb. Mlas Ecpire <o b. beaten out cd exmmte an ordsr go showca ancsspe W <the ruti «fthe voile. oc oouldvol - DeVIaJUtheUe EmpIre Sing vlped mo of latem la in ncof the gresi <ilrlitas prlscepl "s lad exemplfi.d ai <ho tr. mu <004 ab$e tai dm for çaumie. ~t <htb o ~kar a" haiePo mi a arePri vou itag i utuI*aSWood v<ue pçe sf4 ttmâr ao 31ev . ML Merypolnied ot tba" Om rie alisliai dlnzmed <01 miu pois taie vIa mu abi ver et.yihlng*vi " nl<ay - pa a leos voisunaptm#k& IiS. h"ba f alWd Io provide Isit cUls a iSe t' <oCamr out lua omuntarma. s1»eqwker&*bd it bvu % chue CAM lmv u m=Pr CdSf ru Ficmego M ntd p <e ami fae fl a u amwm n eez¶h r tac have a cad Wle aboMD eics& and btW eS- - »mamt ll.<.- doledaed laihat"os W.wr la tbn <b. m .1 Iuii. diemo9tueoflo a PA"d»MIsnn ,bu mttots eM u a nk*d meou Wr mm # MW caI aa. ne th44 ce M&asodasunea, Oumo am a mia #u"emeu *0b- cm a baveuiam go -m»» wvu &m sdum M.lw m «Mb m S IM *mie ~t9~ WOOD FOR SALE,-OOOD L1011T wood. 4 f t length. moetiy cieZa. Chesp for qulk saJe. Fd MowdSfl Cla.emont, RKR No. 1. or ChalIM' A.-mstrong. 128 ByronS t, N.. Whlt- by. FOR SALE - A QuANTTrY OP ha>-. &lms a Jersy cGC. lot 29. em. 2. WhUhby, Jo..Amy. Wltby. FOR SALE - WICKER EU carrsagr, f iri chc ondition. AP- ply Town à FuiltureStore.WhlUsy Wanted WAN71CD-A OI1LFOS DIN rosaQrk. ApptyOnaio 14dm DOARDERS WAIOTED-4t<FPM- ve.te home. coMfortable b.d $tt&ln room. vo mspfm~.tauad be cAsan and rempectable. Oood matit &SM0pe ee k teb. AppIY toi phtons 274W. FOR DRWUt4 And at Proefor Cars of Good Q"e. % tthat YOU Wl Want to Par. JWt Co»in an md L Tiù Uat Ovo 1 lm3 aMY. lu$ FOBD cours IL.TI-URSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1I957.- ADVERTI 31MB mm1 830Mut an d rutilae a "scSsne ,tadependent. profItable livng, no ri* tNDER OUYR CON. DMopNa! Outtadig profits fOr the wlulng wmrker. Choie ter- rlorles avallblel ACT NOW FOR RULTB! rfs Pêrucuhan, - FAgnax Co,. 70 ait, Cleent St, )4onuqea. SSMUA?4WANTKD WANTD-.UYA= MAN OR Rawieigh Route Mo Congsuma20 asIy a4014 ohol d nec'altea Sales W&y up thila Jear. We teaeh You ho,; supply saies& dvertiatng Ilteratwre-..j Myouneed Thotasndi «Mi 830 <o $100 weekly. RawlelghZ& Dept.. L-448-0-J. AUCTONSALES TUMDAY. OCTOBER STE-. Aualion sais ae ftastocà4 wime- ments a"d furulture. prry 01 WMi1lM Sadier, Lot 5, Con . 6,Pik- srlg ?wp. Sale aIi lo'clStk #harp n M m se. Sos bAlla.Wm. Mac, FO« TAXE& COUNTY OP ONTAI TO W1T: 37 Virtuosf a Warrant %MsuO by thie Warcen oi thse Comln ty0 Oiarlo bearIng date te M MaY of September. 1.93. mlscf tari" ln arrearsof taxes ithse COtr ef Onitario clIi bc held ai Use Court Rouas lnUtiseTown of Wblt. by. ai Lthe hou ci tvo o»cck In thse afternooe. on te Cil day 09 Janumry. 1938.unlesthe toaand omu au ar soer paI& notice la hereliy given tisat me1 liaof blaubdUrorml*sfor arisai «f tcaua i engpubllahed m th$e Ontario Omst.aen the f3nduda foet Ocbsr. on ith.eSU day of No- vember. ce <hie dMs&day SfDoumn- bar. and Usai cp tes th.e.iq lia umy h.bad ai my off%=e ~eaure' OfieWbiay. MOITOOUSALEiu-430-ud. iet andlaW1lr a M&i<Oi PAGE FIVE fashion Flashes For Fali in footwear They'r moot important for the misWho"$ now soins se k oof or college but business wommn <0e A > o0"r 20 attractive models to choose front 4t any Aginew-SunpassSF ot Store.- ICHA» CASSELS One al Whltby'î moigthlüy re- spected rssldeafs.ta is e perion of RLichard S. Cassela. paaaed away at i his home In Whltby on Tuesdayi a! ter only a brie! Ihlneas. ne news1 of hLsasudden paaaing came uas great ahsock <olis a fsmly andi The late Mr. Cassas lad corne <o reside in Wbjtby irons Torounto four vsears &&m but prnr te that tima had beau a frequent week-end visitoir in this tawn. The odeeeased cas a former mens ber of thse old estabîjshed fissancial bouse of Cassais, mon and Company, chicislied heets founded bs' bis fatiser. tse l1mW Richard C&Assis He cvs a former meniber cf thse Toronto Stock X Bciange sud ca Promnlent tI bankIng cirtls.Dur- ing tse World War. he cent over- moas with the AnsericalI Red Cross, Atis tise honours.ry rtank of Cap- tain. Situe him returus h. hart heen a usember oi the Canadian Lecion. A MeMberof iAll Saintst' Anglican Churris. Whitbr. thse lat. Mr L's sel Look an aetive inter-est in mli ehuri'h work, espeesalîî'h- 1y ung People. Re vcan a honored menu- ber of ths erd of Sld.smess. T11a funera vau hsld at AiU Saint& Anglican Cisurcis Tlursday aflernoon vils tise Bey E. R.Adys. recior. la charge, amialt.d y Re Y Dr. Càrmicital. The pall bearers -qe: 0. A. Bryas,. W J. H. Rkls- ardam .M. Baillis. A. R. Allin. A. Coltisard and A. L Moriphy Thse service in the clsurrh cas very Ispreaalvs and a large numnber et mrrovlng frlends of <hie decess- ed veau present. 'Wearn gaterd today ta do [S h ta o s ood man-the hussan expressi of a 111e thiat cas ful Sf aveemuesaand liglit tbelosed." aald Rer. Adye in hus ahort ad- dru& . 'Trough 57 vs pain.teve la Use yoy f knovitgtisat he vil 1 be happ i evne im vlom hs M. Adye deci vilitiste f, send elsaatir et thedeeeasd. Me hâd 1 bos p m lsesimty Chrlatian In boUs lhie boua dealingasud per- % hebailoftibehi a arecord of fainseaa. Istugly sud hotstytat bu uldun boss equalld.- ontin- Mdaiue. M. Adys. "n aay te pou bs fiSsia. vhai 1 bmvesaid <o myssiftu those iai io or thire day..tUsaiIf ho fhanieauwslng <o Mus. M" 1 tu "day <o tS»e ma mm tle O.d lanseVice an'd sc IIose Vu a bdef ure at its. grmude.a"i Rer. 1fr. Ad" sead Use bwisl asivios Sf <le Anglica chweio 114 1" Si Fu a ausDff un IMapevM b h a emda»a 7- 0M bdow. ft WvieMaM" 1 y W«W*y u M Mmy 06. Sçods Types PkedAI51W --ilo q l B3 ROCKST. S& târ a S m o-nomt< imm 1 w. il -~ ~Snt I - mPn It Mes" TIJEIDAT, OCT. 1211k -ALL EXHRfS TO DM IN PLAN SW-1MM a* ON THE DAT Cr 1lia FA& LIDERêLPRIES viiib. màw* »Ivoi" mta i9eli ,bens Primesbave *nmbu m oUm Oet Club M abusa 'y P-3.. Prims prossss iibsis a&W <man e egUtsau, m M ti ffl sutm the amawu tis 1 te -- - i ,, - I s i 0 BUCKO 0 CALFSKIN 0 PUBLIE GRAIN 0 BLAC 0 BROWN 0 COLORS I<I~ 0 7 M .1l .ibmm P Godes M o fala a -m<*MI* vm momm lam Ib au« ., fam lbOd.« n *uia, Ib $MW mswVmS»a vat m m itw omy te a taupM& 9e *» St *9e*0 sud 0» eud 9 miS I i 4 2 * I 3. ~r. Fr. PAGE FIVE a w dko 1 nVA Uturddy buttet < b okb buto -mel embuShmtý06 outte- (»Mél bu nu bod - tvu te.le »0. thur tabu t. maMdthe , 0.orme emuP uq Imm

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