Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Oct 1937, p. 6

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j 1 THURSDAY, 0<. R7, 1937 lne News-Chroflicle. t.aking an I>Ubllc athorticsaren almost en- 4ve-whemlng Ã"rarna CANADA vOTh oppoelte viw, declared: "No ln- trl acll n prcaie t - warmlng romance of CA A A W T H L Sstrunwert cm n o qulckly brinsgan. e ssit ofinloemIg upraý1'à iflglty acreen nias- ir m ott Colectvelyuse bymen nd ents,, t.;local popular-priced engae- IN F R E S O Mcmofl. Cod civeiY use Y enand ene.nent at the Capitol Theatre to- c tan sog t heMrder ________gag thtnw U oMillion . .Lle worid over ON. SIN O-J AP. CON FLIC T Pt q c hina and s àcRITICS ACULAIM n,vbet epof - eio n h BCd~e-EXPERT URGES GOVERNMENTIS '[DST HORIZ Nwhelrig roashow engag0eents Senator Dandurand Telis ý TportaTnt peerioflg eautndthne eoch Boaue dyO bliJa1geu go<d ><i res.imrn>Or' t tawa~s<1 ), O Q<t 6. ýoverruneflflt2 20 top; TheSe 3.000.000 persons "Hold Up Adheermce"iquaiýty c,3nce-s, ntola hich BBC; hould advertise more. , D cl Pctu>1Now a vePe td tl getpcu- for Lack of Adequate In- Empire lneaY* imusnht abePbliseen'1. planto p eheneuinýds "h heSram niesiy.bld iC 1 rflPtol Greatest I Nt-W la there auch' an a-- Tht cbere ctny dbeat Syacua UnoerStY. .omanheandi structionS extension of CBC frma ' 12- Service A&werblv of the Utiite<1 Saieen History fnt tenaclrdmn hour çcliedu-. t, .fL tht Sta-tes and Canada on Monday. hcet Geneva. Oct. 6.- The dra.ftirlg Commn.,sson ý«.a K' pDor f, O O. Tere 15 a deart.h of int.erpret-, "Greatea-t in screeii history- la Whit-BeCause one descenided committe of t.he league advlsory the extra t:rnr T*,-' BBC nlt ing to the public what the GkO- Lie verdict of the worlds3 critics froni Ha-m a-nd the other rroen group on the SIno-JapanfMs con- aeiDe;:..CorpIU ernaient la doing.**Mosher sali and the 3.000,00 persans enthralled egga.e flilt agreed yesterday th-it igna- by an% Car.:id:RrAt'aort.wave re- ceivf.r for the fa.; two bour- but tories of the nine-pOWer treat5 CBC dcK. o' guarslitee more ,!ir earliest possible moment to examine gram warrants IL. the ?L Patr st~ ituation. qiu( _IoJ~eE WU ODA'~rRD KO..' fL OALr'EMI! The sub-c0rfflittee decIded t.o w goVt W& UL M -ED zý 1£V6TA r E OE byn torgnldraft of! recorn- MOTIffR eu-r DO.-r YW MNO - PR£cTry 380M WEtCM4 LEFT- ffT LOT5A FOLKS W T6 A M4fliE CRA T44 MU' liEN WELL GET « GOT I.iomoNEY ATALL-.E A i-E 4 4 I mendation.s by suggeztlg that the league stit.es conbider how t.rIt- may individusJly air China Or'g - inally the drafters had ftre%-çed that the league should do nothing te weaken China's restancet These ub-commflittee off:c-a' re- port.cd Japan had vioated treattes and invaded China. and the dat ing committ-ee agreed thal -sigra8- tories o!* the nlne.2Ower tet - houId be învit.ed att.eerbt possible moment to examine the ai tuatioln, It vu- declared that Japan'à mmdi- tary operatlonzla n China belle ber contention se want-% !riendly ce- operation beta-cen the two nations% 711iw report als ays that decla-ra- t ions of Japanese atatesmeli tiât China must Cive way Uitheerg- ency measures taken ln Tokio aný. thse departure of Japane.aýe natioia' frani Chin.a led thse governmen't and people of Chinato the condtlior Japan là 'determnined to break their reàistance by force of aru Senator Raoul Dandurand a! Cari- ada-, in expla-ining bis abstention declared be wai oblIged 'to hold Up mny adhierence" for la.ck of adequa te instructionis. Thse f ull advlaory COMM.t t"~ adoptcd the aub-comrnIttee's report Ploiand, 8wit.serl.and and Canada abstained f rom vot=n PAl ON MILEAM[ IIRL AT BORDER Believe Atteînpt Wil ho Made to Pa"- Customns With Ch~Id Detroit Otr,,n»'~ nf»-r o1 sever-year-o.A Ma!-r'" wrti F'rie.dertck arc;le' , st'ra'!rm Sari Diego o c ar.n rr h.tMs Berice Parr .s pe:'t2dft, the Vt:t< cf Arre-.aâ Home rr camp Margarrtstawobrtlr Niargaret b-a3 beer. cclaInrcd ere since bel.ing sopp4t{t at ttl qrCana-l 1~nb dr3 (davs ago re en rou.te t Sha'aa !rrmSa-n Diego She was r#fs-aý,drn.-Slt.oCan- ada be-cause she cid not know Un' ,tanlf- of OQawa t--Mir to athosn suie las a% Yt2 stébrçast-'- fi 'ýa5 trnvr:.ng a.r1nC MisParlsorn %beCiCvm *.ne gr mother %li make a furt-her attempt to take hrr daught-er thirough Ca- adian L.-ntrgratiof bar-tiers ac- cosnpaird bN thse other ta-o chi- dren- mother and brothers- Margaret &aId. What dom-% excie rme ta Uic ride au Lthe train I m gvig t-o get BASIS ADVO~ATED PROVINGE BUIS Rural Mail Carriersof Five -Cosnties Addressd by POWER PLANT 0UF ÛI ILIE Dominion Yresident jLjUIIIILVI sa-miton. oct. 8. - Delivery of rural ma-u on a buàisof nm»ea-ge Hydro C h aî rather than on contract vu a avo- cate4 Saburda ngt ina n a-d&dreaa comg ta lis csàrd Of'Linoin. Wcllaad. A Uaa by P. V. Loand Rodmny.MOU"ie bmntP.eV.la". RlIncameiet of thse Dominion Ma-I Carr' As- Toono Oti aoçIauon, n thse to-wn hall at lHag- cha-Iman ci ti erirille. Comssaion. bu n »gnsa gthse support a! those en- tro contactsaige jaa e tise handlilngof rural mail for theS purch-s cd ia tbm . ections, Mr. Lowrty out- tormerty owned by limeil lb. benelté ftatheipropoa.d Trent vailey pom schoui.and annoumoed tsa-t caries the0w. r « th throughout thesenatliecoutry7 um hoeu.pwr per Y, appesllng tiste postalauthoriles bMM and to tisir respective inmnters a01 -We , u- parliament te have the change "ue Quinte Pia-s made. Onganiztion for ibis Mpurpoee4fo 8 wu' vell underva-y in OnItario, aad aaibebeluen appîca-tion for the e acu payrmt P ba-als ould be ma-de early neat year. fw thse officia-l announcd. rt m Declaring thse present «syto W W 11. Oiever be a disgraoe 80 ta-r aua numeration S a-I1f1 or-One wua conoerned. Mr. Lowry referTed l viDot & mo=t l I te the amounta paid on âeson.ut«. Uw &MtUaiIt and praduoeil figures ahovlmthls e W uai Capila- huge aurnisof mem-harsdiae bandici velopwa Urusas ti a yeW.a-revenuS o iveil pro- hod-a! 8100 a b, vded profita for Uhe departnient. Il Utis bia- a v ha-i vwu arguSi. GOs courser traveffl d Tbse ioidualoe 22 mil«s a day for 313 da-yi pv er alOiliste Quifte* and receiveil SM, le aaId. In Quoe-Compa-ny remSov bec -conditionà -ue@ even -mr. ra*sem 'Fb. orffltzatlon t l u estinq a M allouane. a!i8su Pev mote par na-r t-wanos for latpé of aiMx "" pet I2law«ai gva vouldpro-vda 1 cen" aMun. fo rau ouls ratn on. d10 ela a 1W or P reasonable coenalertn tis mdtli_ of mmnseo! the back rosisvtiih 15w1 t 00 must be traveli. "Iis ratew oubd 00w Pnnle 1 almo give à cens par mil. for Ma- Ment o! labos-. aorUn<. tops. ete U n n oà aiDOYWTIie SEENAM irmaui Au. -T. Sartu Lyona. tie OntarWoKyRo Zteeald dotaina « med "a-tMMa. cm of thea pmvrp>at. w thse Quinte a-nd Vr osnpa-y. m 0purchase01 ra-r ftlm Cau-p t. Wh"i lm enT =2MW, vu imake n SAM0 aiid- .4.M0 Mr!. flwe viiDe pendihmtuv a OMM 10 law . - =e*Ut. bu l iim w mur-l. 1 urâo ii un e the nm10Or- to-psS'ef, and on -don. quit. VaiS.. p Sbd Trent Vtau" 404 a'bailsa0m iUts ana-. %bu lZbm e a-rtfe »w«#ms MM U uiser bua lmo, coesth**Use » CTOFWA LAI LJIIJIUN J111 D~~ ~im'su'amuittus sP««- n a"ai 5EKVILIlULA-Ne, «,Sa Two.HourShetWave Lorsien. Ocu. a -Motu « us Bodatily Starta Laàw wv reaf 04 ooe t pmeowd ea ufl*w one tendon. Oct. 4 -TI,& *misOi mgh si poaa- r mer SnnadeaAauug Covpobes mo.1tl'lui Ill canaiJasara-desatte *MU0W,- - t j * lion buas auod um unarm- .lamsoier mst vbrya- paC diuee«s ~-; ~~ wave s b b oCanada ulli1»e lar*- TW' TU a- mutted for tva homs d&117y. tn I 1 pia- t. ap-rn-OUT 43 pim %0 4 pimU.) ilOa-a i a «.~ 0f QIk oec Weaijb~os, -I ~ of nermcasu OU&ev ain"aUml t - tbroo a esan ours aletuos099» *do bo b. bot Im-tentai- w«mef5 cilotepo M a4Piat. < ma. "aactuisi lbidaegotlOu ber= %Ad o qum Ille0M simili tg otter vsebave missils e Wvevtout diap W tru or Opaa4Ietn' OUi A OT DCG %WITM tOUT 0F EVIL 1$ IN BROKEN HOMES [1OMMISSIUN TOLUi Family Courts Suggested as Cure by Magistrate in Ottawa tivroughout Canada o! -f amlly Court.sl alîli probation supervision sucli a,, Li malntained in Ottawa, woulc strike deeply a-t the roots of crime. Juvenile Court Judge J. F. McKU:Ï- court was to take over the budgets ley tod the royal commission on of famnilles threatveled by financial penitentiares. trouble. It had landled as higfl as Failuirca'o! those on parole were $70000 a year'. and Individual sal- onliv 1 1-2 per cent in the Ottawa aries Up to $5000 a year. In is be- famiy court area, Judge McKinley lie! 80 per cent of famity atiscord sald. w 11, 11 lgue for Cand arose from money trouble. a6as 10 per cent. Policy of the -A Main of fa.miiy couits froin Otutaia court was to furnish friencl- halifax to Vancouver wouidt do ly ad%":e. f ix troubles tlreatentrg imre than anything else to recluce clomestic liappine.ss. and tn settie crime," raid Jucige MicKiley. At fanydifferences bcfore necessity 1pcast î5 per cent of crime cornes arose far cot.%t action. Paroied f rom brokeri homes." prîsoners ca'Hcd ffrequently for ad- vice ar.d encouragement. The Bigger Hait c.~rfan 80-o'ýrc !arm for tne tnrcasre of underprlvilegedl bý-. n'.nnt.icdby one o! bis per- Ano.o', rii!nure o! the fanilly how do you like your new, gover- peggv -I blal! iike lier and hlai c.on't Ilike her. but 1 think I haîf don't 'ke lier the niOst." By BRANDON WALSH ~IiI -r m - êom ,î '-'=1u ta au-. 'bOrl I. f LI>.O ANNUUNIVL ÇYTIIRNIflm i

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